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Show FOREIGN. POSTPONEMENT. ' London, 28. The mass meeting at Blackheath, today, was not no large as was expected, on account of the heavy fog ind drizzling rnin. Gladstone, however, was FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE present, and delivered an nddrcss lo PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KY. about three thousand people. He admitted that Parliament had been dissolved because Government felt tbeir OVER A MILLION IN BANK! ! power ebbing. He sharply attacked Disraeli for Bceking to divert the attenA.JSKlirCl. tion of the people from domestic to foreign politics Gladstone proposed as a watchword A FULL DRAWING CERTAIN for the party of Liberals "Union." He On Tuesday, 81st March, Next. spoke an hour, and at die conclusion received a vote of confidence. In order to inert the general wish and expectaThe address of Bright to his constitu- tion cf the piihlir ami the lickcthh!ers. tor the ents is published. It is brief and with- IhI! payment of the magnificent pits, announced draml (jilt Concert of the Tub-liout special features, and fully concurs for the Fourth Library of Kentucky, the management hare with Gladstone's policy. determined to postpone the Concei t und Drawing In the Tichborne case, Hawk-in- s until concluded summing up for the proseTuesday, the 31st of March, 1874. cution, with a personal vindication of They have already realized Lady Radcliffe, who he declared had OVER A MILLION' DOLLARS, never been soiled by the filthy, blighting, unholy, touch of the defendant. Aud have a great mnny agent yet to hear from. Fcr.-te- r mid Child ers addressed a No doubt ia entertained of thn tale of Liberal meeting in this city last night. ticket b. foie the drawing, hut whether allevery are Childers dwelt on the financial successes sold or not the Concert and drawing null iwsitivc-land unequivocally take place on the day now of the Government iu reference to its fixed, aud it any remain unsold they will le cancelled aud the prize? will be rediiceU lu proportion foreign policy. to the unsold tickets. Joseph Arch has been invited to stand Only 60 00 tickets have beau issued and for Parliament in Birmingham. Gen. La Marmoura has published a letter, maintaining the truth of his statements in regard to the negotiations at one time for the cession of German territory to i raoce. iu which be says will he distributed amonc the Disuiaick participated. Thn tickt are in and of Congressional. 4th Grand Gift Concert! ColradEscited. Against TUreats AMrllUCAN. Washington, 29. r , petitions e prc;en from lute war, aiming ieJ io 100 acre, of l,nd i 7 he HPPoiutiuent of a special t " to the S to SoHhe .".ling ""v and work- - eul'ject"j odtlrcFsea the Senate on the Sn reT S the finance committee, ,he fartbe1, w.",,e.of Vinst against continuing urrcnev, und bu.ie- - w Jo declaring II J bonesiy a . h , . doni was . at JJe did 12,000 Cash Gifts, prop" '"lie'u $1,500,000 his Garfield expressed Wheeler said he would cept the amendment. ofh-ceri- cheerfully then endorsed Coburn A n ONKOKANDCASI! ac- the views of cur-referr- 1 gal re- issued aud were not teuJers. Denver, 29. excitem.nt bus prevailed Intense since throughout, the city aud Territory the receipt of the news of the removal of Got. Libert und the Secretary and the There . Surveyor-General- seems to be bitter opposition to the confirmation of A request tore-tai- n McCook as Governor. but. two of the all Elbert, signed by of members the Legislature, Kepublican was The an ouiside meet At to President impression prevails among (hat the Domination of party for Governor would forwarded Grnt. y with less opposition. Aurora, lad., Cincinnati, 29. it is reported that makes removal seueral changes, including the of New Jersey from the first to tie third district, the Southern States from the third to the fifth, and Michigan from the tecond to the seventh. The Comaiiuee on Asylum reported adversely to making ibe Cleveland Asylum a general instil ul ion; report adopted. A resolution was passed tuankinf Rev. Dr. fcanford, of Memphis, for his efficient rtil DINWOODEY'S Immense FURNITURE the Sanger's report on the Centennial literature, favored the establishment oUn official organ and the publication fti a history of the order of American .uud.sm. to be ready for the Philadelphia Lxposiiion; report adopted, with amendment tl,.,t the official oran should Zr Tihe aDy Pecun'ary risk io the convention adjourned at seven o lock to prepare f3r tt grand banquet II- ' . line Shrrmnn wluu miute Philadelphia, 28. JUOCe TUmn.n ,. s 1'" in h c arguing a case ourt baviug been u.lVm An English when lie minutes ful opening for or-e- , FROM THE NORTH tame symptoms which attracted the attention of the physician, and on examining it found it literally alive with trichina. At this time Mrs. Traynor and three children, Mrs. Bentoa aud two children are aot expected to live. Chicago, 28. In the B'nai B'rith convention this afternoon, the discussion was on the reports of the Committee on Territories until 4 p.m.. when a vote was had, and the majority report was adopted. It a J- . Ro-eq- Cloth for Wool d XEAR Is OGDEX for CITY, the Slauufacture of ue cm-ploy- baaittan for IN GREAT VARIETY. CELEBRATED SINGER SEWING MACHINES, Wood's Champion and Excelsior Mowers and Reapers, IJiiin, and Whitewater Wsigons, ALSO, Winchester and Democrat XJght Spring Wagons, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF N or.L- - as officers over Amazons. Farming Implements. Ctif gies to Order on Short 'ottce. California and Concord Harness and Harness Trimmings. mid Shoe Finclinffh. .' All Kinds of Produce Forwarded to Any Point on the Shortest Notice. All Orders Sad to M. Til A TC1IER, Logan, will Receive Prinupt Attention. W. II. HOOPER, Superintendent. z. C. M. I. -- oo- YITE HAVE OPENED IN LOGAN & OGDEN, BRANCHES OF OUR WAGON U and MACHINE DEPARTMENT, sp that tbe people of the Northern Counties can purchase without coming to Salt Lake City. WE GUARANTEE WAGONS & MACHINERY Supplied to these points as lieing the best, after much study and experience, and know that Purcbiiei r can rely on this Tecomineudution. o,30.cl "RAIN W iilTJLii W WAGONS, CIIAJiriOX, WOODS, EXCELSIOIl and WOllED 9IOWrEHS, Droppers or Self llakcrs. TIIRE51IIXG MACHINES and SULKY ISAKES. Ttie Celebrated THOMAS SMOOTH I XG IIAKKOW, warranted to make the best Seed ls the liest cultivator for grass, grain, corn or potatoes, yet invented. Our best Farnur4 can have a Harrow on trial. These Department" will also pfve information and receWe orders for TCRBINE WIIEELS, SMUT MACHINES, CRIST aud SAW MILLS, or bluer articles uot usually kept iu stock. Bed and to MOSES THATCHER, AGENT, L0GAX. I1ARXARI WHITE, AGENT, OGDEN. 30tf W. H. HOOPER Superintendent. di-t- paper suggests a usethe employment of Superior Cloth, ISIank- womau's right women. The bagets, Yarn, IJatting, Kew York. 28. . Tare, train in the British expedition gage ,he aga'n8t churcb and on Etc., Etc. cloo the Gold Coast is made up chief y SPeCittny agaiDSt &U of women, who are found to be more w I nS,llUt,0D8' have bn Mace,he Tompkins' useful than the men. and who claim e Woo! at Onee the right to whip those of the latter Bring on Your 1,119 been AND RECEIVE lj'er PT alrt,CU who refuse to fight. It is proposed that Kmie of our strong-minde- d Our Goods in Ificturii at women might be advantageously !"S 'JlnV?:!UJ,,.,.oeun,rt Kates. 'eom- ?So and Boy's Ready Made Clothing, lou.oou PEOPLE Henry Traynor had two bogs killed for A few days ago, eating the family use. Mrs. meat, Traynor aud one of her children were attacked witn what appeared to be typhoid fever. Mrs. Beotou, wife of a Geruiau mechanic, visited her, and with two children partook of the meat, and in a few days were attacked with the iu a urine (ilFT 8 stTen persons are lying at the poinc of death from having eaten tresu pork with trichina in it. Two weeks ago Mrs. Mr. and $2.Ki,non ONKlillAMICASIlOlKT 6o,i s si An accident of no vcrv serious ONE OKAND CASH (MKT 2.K0 occurred in the Yorkville ON K (iKANl) CAM! OUT lT.Ooo M Cah (lifts, $10 (H) each, loo.ooo tunnel of the Hurlcm Railroad. The So Cah (iifts, 5,0Keach, l.r0,0,K) Cash (iifts, 1,000 each, oO.ISKI Williauisbridc way train due in New 50 SO Cash flirts, 4(I,IHK' 6i York at 0:40 a.m., was stopped at loo Ca.h (lift, 4o,i m 4oOeach, V) Cafh (iifts, 300 I. 4;,0oo each, the northern entrance to the tunnel. Ckli (jilts, 50,(H(0 3Heach, A Hudson River train was standing :iJ5 Cash Gilts, S'l.VKI loo each, SO 000 SiU.OOO Ouh II, Gitts, each, in the tunnel. Alter waittng about two miuutes, the signal was given to Total, 12,0O0Gifli,alI Cash, amounting to $1,500,000 The chances for a gift ara as ouc to five. g.) on and, the Harlem traiu passed slowly into the tunnel. When about PRICE OF TICKETS: half way through, the engine passed Whole tickets, $50; Italws, 25; Tenth, or holo Tickets for $500; coupon, Sf5; Woven over a bigual torpedo, and the train each IZYt Tickets for $1,000; 113 Whole Tickets for was brought to a .standstill. The train Jo,iH), 2VS Whole Tk kts for SlO.OOO. No distouut less than fioo worth of Tickets. ttood there about a minute and theu onThe Fourth Gift Couceit will be conducted, iu the engineer received another signal all rcpects, like the three that bos already boon given, and full particulars may be learned tfotn from the mouth of the tunnel to pro- circulars which wi;l bo sent free from this office to ceed. After running about forty all wlio apply for thm. Orders lor tickets and applications for agencies feet, the passengers in the rear cars will le attended to in the order they are received, it ia hoped they will be tent iu promptly that were suddenly thrown from their aud there may be no disappointment or delay in filling seats. The Stamford special train all. Liberal terms givea to those who buy aud sell again. All agents are peremptorily required which was following had run into the to settle up their accounts and return all unsold rear car. The .wildest excitement ticked by the 2Utu day of March. TIIOS. E. BUAMLETTE, prevailed in the front cars. Every one rushed for the doors, which of Aftent Public Library Kentucky, and Manajrer course became blocked, aud all was Gilt Concert, 1'ublic Library Duildiug, Louisville, hentuckv. confusion. The engineer of the approaching train was shown a danger signal by the brakesman of the Harlem train. but did not see it in time to prevent the collision. Meanwhile most of the passengers had got out and were T1S1TINQ SALT LAKE CITT, rushing about in the tunnel, some on one side of the tra:n and some on the COULD NOT DO BETTER tither, terrified and bewildered, but TIUX TO without any conception ot the precise nature of the danger. The ladies CALL AND EXAMINE were taken out iu safety. exciteIn the Stamford train the ment of the passengers was little less intense. When the shock came endeavored to jump out through many Stock the windows, but were restrained by the few whose presence of mind did or not desert them. The rear car of the Harlem train was also slightly dam! aged, as both trains were going the same wav. lhe tunnel was soon cleared. Only two passengers were hurt.one For He is Determined to Sell ot whom, jlr. Robert Dan held, Cheap. clerk in tho Health Department, had sustained injurie on the leg by the 31 East Temple Street, seats being crushed together; the 75 First South Street. second was Mr. Robert Lawrence, and Elegance Combined. r son of the sculptor, R. E. Lawrence. Cheapness He was on the platform of the rear car when the accident occurred,-anhis foot was terribly crushed. He was taken on a stretcher to the German str et, Hospital in Seventy-eight- h where it was found that the foot EXCELSIOR MILLS, would have to be amputated. eat-h- It declares that the U. from the $44,000,000 Gents9 con-sequen- n serve were illegally LIST OF CUFTS. Crush in the Tunnel. ONE GRAND CASH GIFT Wheeler. . s remarks At the conclusion of Coburn offered a Cox and rose, committee the introduced bill by the 6ubstilute.ftr the concern-iand means, ou ways cotnni.ltee the over issue of United States S. notes issued Stoves and Tinware, Drugs A Medicines coupons, printed totalis, all fractional parts will be represented iu the drawing jUbt as whole tickets are. actual traveling eipen- excess of Glassware, Notions, Arc, &c. ticket-holde- !,,ihv the action of the House. Sck replied sharply to Garfield's of the House lie oriticUm of the action would offer an he that notice ave L. l, amendment to the Appropriation to be shall any pu. .hat bo milenge 1 ltd Shoes, Hals and Caps, Crockery, y that which navment Fnecie nf ,Hn ".Scbt poMibledaj, and that the would cheerfully MU-r- y sacrifice ; o do .hi,. any specific plan for "Ol VVl: Elaravarc, XSootN a to-da- the RETAIL AMD Dry &ootfs Groceries. e g com-0?k,n- I WHOLESALE Succckh Churches Elections in Britain. Branch, Logan these ed Hack Advantageous sC2 3m A. RANDALL, SON & CO. SALT LAKE CITY, GEOESBECK BLOCK, APvE SELLING OUT G E E I E S THEIR LARGE STOCK OF BEST SELECTED CHEAP FOR C ASH ! PREPARATORY TO A CHANGE IN BUSINESS. 00' Jobbing a Specialty. Window and Plate Gla LOWER TJIAX EVER |