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Show drifting down the stream, an island of wreathing and climbing fiame,that vomited clouds of smoke from time to time; and glared more fiercely and sent the luminous tongues higher and lugher, after each emission. A hhriek at intervals told of a captive that had met his doom. The wreck lodged upon a sand bar, and when the Boreas turned the next point on her upward joarney, it was still burning with scarcely abated fury. When the boys came down into the main saloon of the Boreas they saw a pitiful eight, and and heard a world of pitiful sounds. Eleven poor creatures .ay dead, and forty more lay moaning, or pleading, or screaming, while a score of Good Samaritans moved among them, doing what they could to relieve their sufferings, bathing their skinless faces and bodies with linseed oil and lime water, and covering the places with bulging masses of raw cotton, that gave to very face and form a dreadful and inhuman aspect. A little wee French midshipman of fourteen lay fearfully injured, but never uttered a soued till a physician of Memphis was about to dress hurts. 'Can I get well ? You need not le afraid to tell me." "No, I I am afraid you cannot." "Then do net waste your time with me help those that can get i C?b 31 TSSS, . D1FLE3IENTS & X. .- Ogden ,- Wholesale Department. GROCERIES, HARDWARE & CROCKERY; TOOLS, IS. C. mim 2.000 PIECES p.BIRIS ! Empress Cloilis, Merinos, Alpaeas, Armwres, Wool Belaines, Ginghams, Ticking, Denims, Domestics, etc. CasssBneres, TwcccSs Coitonades, Jeans, Etc., Etc. STOYES; DRY GOODS, STAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS, CAKfETS, OJX CLOTHS, 0-oxt.t- UPIIOIJSTJGKY GOODS, CJLOTIIIXC, HATS, HOOTS and SHOES; ci.33.cl- s' 1 Hoys' - KM MAD CLOT lie at s and Caps, S AID SHOES! Of Wall Paper, Bordering, Decorations; EveryOP Variety, Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Mctlicines; EASTERN and CALIFORNIA MAjrUFACTURi-- WISES, LIQUORS, ALE and PORTER A General Assortment of Jiis well." Singers' Sewing Machines, in Variety , "Help those that can get well ! It is not for me to be a girl. I carry the blood of eleven generations of Boldiers in my veins 1" The physician himself a man who had seen service in the navy in his time touched his hat to the little kero and passed on. The head engineer of the Amaranth, a grand specimen of physical manhood, struggled to his feet a ghastly spectacle, and strode toward his brother, the second engineer, who was unhurt. He said : "You were on watch. You were boss. You would not listen to me when I begged you to reduoe your steam. Take that ! take it to my wife, and tell her it comes from mc by the hand of my murderer 1 Take it I and take my curse with it to blister your heart for a hundred years and may you live so long 1" And he tore a ring from his finger, stripping flesh and skin with it,threw it down, and fell dead ! But these things must not be dwelt upon. The Boreas landed her dreadful cargo at the next town, and delivered it over to a multitude of eager hands and warm Southern hearts a cargo amounting by thia time to thirtyuine wounded persons dead bodies. And and twenty-tw- o with theso she delivered :a list of ninety'six missing persons that had drowned or otherwise perished at the scene of the disaster. A jury of inquest was impanelled, and after due deliberation and enquiry, they returned the inevitable American verdict, which has been, so familiar to our ears all the days of our lives u .Nobody to blame. In a note the authors vouch for the entire authenticity of tho above PRODUCE, CKAIX, BUTTER, EG S, Vc; ? SGnUTTLER MACHINERY ITS ALL IN WAGOXS, BOB BRANCHES, SLEDS; Wholesale Purchasers HARNESS AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. and Visitors "Wm find the Largest Assortment pf Merchandise In the several Departments Z. C. M. I., as above, that can be seen in th West, and all at fait prices. W, sl.tf of II. HOOPER, Superintendent A SIMMONS & CLOUGH". ORGAN CO.'S lMl'IlOVEI) CABINET ORGANS Vepretablo, tnfl its operation 14 His Put-flt cn ami f 14 at once. It docs wjr with tha I ajhed Appearance Caused by Heat, Fatigue and Excitement. Heolsand removes all Blotches nri Pimples, dispelling dark and unsightly fiwota. Drivea sway Tan, Freckles and Sun-)ur- .i, and by its gentle but powerful iuflnnos C fciaotlee the laded cheek with WOUTHFCL IJLOOtf AM) BEAUTY. VlrtbvrV T"v"rp'n'a"4 Tsr.cy Stores. . . f AV. ; n, HOOPER, Superintendent JOB PRINTING . AND BONE AT THE MAIN STREET, OGDEN. M few o iptaW IfIf 5- THE SUN. 1 S3 Combination Organs, the future reputation of Itced of tone is very largely Volume or which of the means struments, by quantity : creased, and quality of tone rendered Inin- of tiee best pipe to that THE SAMti CAPACITY. OllGAXS'OF EQUAIj Patent," Our celebrated "Vox Celeste," "Louis Tatent," "Vox Humana," "Oetava Coupler," the cLsrming "Cello" or "Clarionet' Stops, aud All tlie Lato Improvements Can bo Obtained Only in these Organs. Different Styles, Foi4 the X FACTOR! 1'arlor and the Cltureh, The Best Material and Workmanship, Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. It I C E S AND WAREROOMS, MICHIGAN. Estab Addriss, Sim-mon- s CORCtH Dollars. 500 CONGRESS STS., DETROIT, & AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. in 1850. isHBD GOto & AND DAILY. WEEKLY, THE WEEKLY SUN is too widely known to require nny extencii rwommeDdalion; but tho ret"0U8 which have already given it fifty thouraml subscribers, and which will, we hope, give it many thousands more, ar briefly as i'olluwa: It is a firsl-iat- e iinwkpapvr. All the uews of the dy will be found in it. condensH wheu at full leliclh when of moment, and always presented in a clear, iuteiligibU, and interesting manner. full of entertaining It i8 and instructive reading of every kind, but containing nothing that can offend the most acrnpn-lou- s taste. It is first-rat- e story paper. The best tnlef and romauces of rtirrent literature are carefully selected and legibly priutvd in its pages. It is a trst-rat- e agricultural taper. Thi most fresh and Instructive articles on agricultural topics regularly appear in this department. It is an independent political paper, belonging to no party and wearing no collar. It light for principle, and for tho election of the bast inon to office. It especially devotes its energies to the exposure of tlie groat corruptions that now weaken and disgrace our country, and threaten to undermine republican institutions altogether. It has no fear of knaves,' and asks no favors from SEMI-WEEKL- An Invention having a most important bearing on e WILSON : mammal Thirty-fiv- Pure Blooming Complexion ..pS-t- OET YOUB. SCRIBNEirS PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, 2AKE Of All Descriptions. All orders addressed to D. JI. FEEll Y, Ogden City, U. T., wdl recive 2rompt attention, FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED A 1 EW ATPLICATIOJfS ETC., ETC. &C. SALT LAEB CITY Grand Magnolia Balm lows, Hoes, Bakes, Scythes, Forks TO & Site A LARGE STOCK OF A Full Line of ' HAGAN'S JfWfc-- Cntlery, Locks, Carpenters' and other Tools. Leather, Findings, Beltings, &c; "But" account. CLUDIXQ Bespoke Boot and Shoe Deparlnent; s03-l- y Clougb Organ Co., Detroit, Michigan.' their Fuvporteri It reports the fashions for the ladies and the markets for the men, especially the to which it pays paticu!ar attention. Filially, it is Hie cheapest paper published. One d.illhr a year will seenro it for any supscriber. It is not necessary to get up a club in order to have THE WEEKLY SUN at this rate Any one w ho senrisa single dollar will get the paper for a year. We have no traveling agents. cattle-market- TIIE WEEKLY SUN'. Eight pages, fifty-si- x No discounts coltiinns. Only $1.00 a year. from this rate. TIIE SUN. Same size as the Daily Sun. $2.00 a year. A discount of 20 per cent, to clubs of 10 or over. e THE DAILY SUN. A large newscolumns. Daily circulation, paper of twenty-eigh- t over 120.009 All the news tor 2 cents. Subscription price bo cents a month, or $6.00 a year. To clubs of 10 or over, a discount of 2 per cent. four-pag- Addrtfts "TIIE SITX." Acw York City. Sewing Machine THIS CELEBRATED MACIIINF, which is just as good and Twenty Dollars Cheaper than s Machine any other first-clas- in the market, HAS JUST TAKEN THE PRIZE! AT THE Vienna Exposition, AS THE3 BEST Family SewiDg Machise Iia. tlo "X7Voxlc3. Price, $50. With Cover, $5. BOYLE & O'HAENETT, AGENT, Main St, Ogdcn. KCuil and see it. d29ft-- f |