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Show 1L1L" BY TELEGRAPH. raises except to use his moral influence Gov. Davis, of Texas, telegraphed the that he is entitled, un President, der the constitution, to hold office until the 28th of April, that he is making preparations to protect the State s of ficers, and asking military assistance. There is not a probability that government will interfere. In the Senate the consideration of the inflation of currency coming up, Sher man spoke at length on the subject. He argued that it had been practicable during tbo rait iour years to advance to specie value. One tenth of the amount of epecie, which had been used to pay the public debt, not due, would have restored specie payment. The demands of the intlalionists could not be met. They would never have currency enough. The present was the time to stop, and bring the currency to a gold standard. He spoke of the legal tender reserve, and said he thought the special act of Congress was against it; reviewed the plans proposed for the resumption of specie payment, and thought the surest way was by retiring the notes; but feared the contraction would be too severe upon the people. The people were now in debt less than ever before, lie referred to the national banking system, which he thought was a good one; but he would prefer to see but one kind of money in circulation in the country, and that issued by government, convert-abl- e at the will of the holder, in gold. Sherman said that specie wanna (nly tiue standard of value. No other could Bills of exchange, etc., be established. were used for the convenience in heavy settlements. Kngland and France recognize the importance of maintaining their paper at a specie value, and did so. The United States recogniied this duty, but refused to perform it. National banks would be forced to redeem their notes in coin if the United States did theirs. Congress is bound by public faith and good policy to bring our currency to a specie standard. Congress had promised by the act of '09, from which he read, to do this at the earliest practicable moment, but he was sorry to say had not done a single act tending to redeem their pledge. In the National Woman's Suffrage a committee was apconvfntion pointed to act iu conjunction with the local association of the District of Columbia in making Congress give suffrage to the women of the District. Miss Anthony read a petition to Congress to be relieved from the sentence of the conrt, which was endorsed by tho convention, for voting for Grant and Wilsou at the late presidential election. A resolution was unanimously adopted calling for the impeachment of Judge Hunt, who Vice President sentenced Anthony. Wilsou being in the hall, was called on for a speech, hut declined by his physician's orders; but said he had long siuce came to the conclusion that his wife, mother and sisters were as much en titled to vote as he, and he had not changed his mind. Austin, Texas. 1G. Great excitement here this evening over the arrest of the mayor by some of Gov. Davis colored guard. One hundred citizens rallied to the sail for assistant by tho feheriif, who .came to the rescue of the mayor, and for Borne time tronble eeemed imminent, but Gov. Davis informed the sheriff that the arrest was a mistake, and had the mayor released. Subsequently all troops on both sides disbanded, causing great rejoicing. to-d- ay Congressional. Cusliingfs War Record. Texas in a Blaze of Women's Suffrage Con- vention. Washington, 15. Morton delivered a speech in reply to that of Schuri, yesterday, and argued against the contraction ot the currency and the abolition of the National Banking system, declaring there was not currency enough iu the country, and it was less in proportion to the wealth and business of the country than it was live years ago. He cited Austria, Russia, Italy and Germany as the countries of early Europe which bad made the greatest progress in the last ten years, in all nf which the currency ranged from 5 to 23 per cent, below par. lie denied that the currency syntein had anything to do with the pauic, and insisted agaiust any patent plan for specie payment. Howe introduced a billon the subject, which he explained provided for a gradual resumption of specie pay without increasing or decreasing the volume of currency. Various Dames continue to be mentioned in connection with the Chief Justiceship. From certain indications the nomination may come from New York in the person of Judge Woodruff. At L'ast, intimations to that effect have been Sevmade in Congressional quarters eral days may elapse before a nomination will be sent to the Senate. At a late hour the cpiniou prevails among a large number of Con gressmen that Senator Conkling may ac- -' cept the thief Justiceship. He has leit Washington for New York. The Patent Rights' convention met Two hundred delegates .here were 'present, representing eighteen States. J. M. Thatcher was elected to-da- president. SCIENTIFIC AND ROMANTIC Judge J.o? Grovcr, to-da- Philadelphia 15. A meeting of the creditors of Jay Cooke was held At' least one thousand persons were present and the best feeling prevailed. Statements were made by the receiver and by several members of the firm, and, the register read various documents and reports, after which a ' resolution to place the settlement of the estate in the hands of a trustee and of some of the creditors, under the 43d .section of the Bankrupt Act, was adopted, E. M. Lewis, the present receiver, was elected trustee The election of a committee was post to-da- y. poned till Austin, Texas 15. The chairman of tho committee ap pointed by tho House of Representatives went to Governor Davis and resolutions of the Housa, re questing tho Governor to order the Sec retary of. State to deliver to the com mittee the returns of the late election. the Secretary having refused to deliver them to tho committee. The Governor informed the committee that he did not consider they had a right to the returns, but if the chairman would go to the Secretary of State's office and take them lie would not be resisted. He according ly went to the otnee, the Secretary told hyn where the returns were, and ho took them away, the Secretary filing a written protest against the act. It is now supposed the inauguration of the new State officers will take plnce this evening, if canvassing the vote does not take too long. It is thought Governor Davis will yield all without tronble. Baltimore, 15 The National Board of Trade has endorsed the memorial of tke New York chambers of commerce to CoDgress, for nn international commission of maritime powers to deviso laws for additional safety to ocean travel. The report of the committee on national finance declares against any further issue of paper money; that legal tenders to the amount of those issued from the $11,000,000 reserve should be at once retnrned and cancelled; that the strictest economy and closest retrenchment should b observed in every department of the publio service, and asking Congress to amend the National banking law so as to compel banks to keep Hie coin interest received on their bcnla deposited as security for circulation until it equals at least SO per cent, of their circulation. Washington, 1G. The Attorney General bus received a dispatch from the U. S. Marshal at Austin, Texas, staling tho fact of Gov. Cook's inauguration yesterday, and faying that armed men were guarding the executive officers; aud other armed men were holdicg posossion of the legislative lialla; that a conflict seemed inevitable, and a messnga from the Attorney General might avert trouble. The Attorney General replied that he could only apto the parties to peacefully adjust pal their difficulties, if possible; that he had no power to interpose force, nor had the Marsh U a'iy duty to perforin in the pre. to-da- y, Pittsburg, 16. MUSIC STORE, FOR THE FOLLOWING POPULAR, aud reliable books, toiiciu, pub- lic patronage: A magnificent pictorial Polyglot Family Bible the bent for the price. F. Chamberlain' Commercial Law and Form Book, adapted to the want wt'all. Dr. George II. Naphej'i Laws of Lift and Health, for males and females. Lio Lewis on digestion, a Scientific wrrrk. Pilgrim' Progress, illuntraed bj John Bunyon. The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Term Liberal. Eook at Sample. Main Street, Ogden. THE CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME ! In tho Market, always on hand. All KINDS lllCAt 01? INSTRUMENTS ! From a Jewsharp to a Church Organ, as Cheap, or THE WEED Cheaper than nny where else ia Utah. MACHINE! Violin Strings and other Fittings. Xone better ever made. SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. IMPROVE-- f LL TUB LATEST ACTUAL MEJiTS, noiseless, light running, shuttle ,4 action. One door South of Ogden House. s27-l- .j MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAKEN. PERSONAL J. M. B. GIVEN. INSTRUCTION W. HESS, Agent, AT WOODMANSKES Main Main St., Ogden, STORE OCDKN. HAIIOIB, and St., Logan, Cache Co. sCO-l- AGENT FOR THE PARPE F INK WATCHES, 5? chuttler Wagon BOESSEL. JEWELRY AND FANCT GOODS. Repairing done in Good Style. JUSTLY CELEBRATED THIS WAGON IS MADE OF THE DEST MATERIAL FUIX SUI'I'LY ALWAYS OX IIASI. A Also Dealer in si ly. TZireshinir IJght Spring Wagons, JulSweepstakes' m ar.ua uwmvv Aiui-iiKiBi-- PAINTER. GRAIN ER, GLAZIER, AND PAPER IIAXGER, Etc., ALL KINDS OF FARM MACHINERY. Logiin, Cache County. i a speeimea A Complete Assortment cf of his work be refers t I., LOGAN. Z. C. M. WAGOS The painting of which wrs done tinder direction. MATERIAL, HARDWOOD, GO AND STEEL, ETC, STAYNER'S TO HAPPY RELIEF the effects of Errors ami Abuses in early life. Muuhood Restored. Impediments to Marriage New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. I'oeks and Circulars heiit free, in sealed, envelopes. Addrew, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Niutk St, Phiadel-phiPa, an Institution having a high reputation for honorable couduct and professional skill. FOR YOLNG MEN IM his TO MARRIAGE. OBSTACLES vers Jiteapers, Sulky Rakes, Corn Shelters, Feed Cutters, Emery Grinders, Stubble Fanning Jlills Shovel Flows, Flows, Cultivators, JOHN BENCH, A ! throughout and is warranted. MAIN STREET, EVANSTON, Wyoming Territory, A'D 3IAIN STREET, OGDEX, UTAH to-da- y, The National Woman's Suffrage Convention met here Susan fi. Anthony presiding. Letters from General Butler and Gerritt Smith, expressing sympathy, were read, and the usual speeches ware made and resolutions adopted. AND TJlntah, Utah. SEWING MLLJ J. m. THOMAS, Coa! & Lime Office KELIGIOTJS, AOKXT jjjjlilllll FROM FOR YOUR a, slOl-C- AND OTHER 0 YES!! 0 YES!! MUSICAL mSTETTRIENTS ROCK SPRING COIPSBBITOB COAL! ID IT IR, 1 1ST 0-- COALVILLE By the breaking of a wheel on a coal - $ 9.50. Rock Spring, train on the Castle & Shannon railroad, 10.00 Delivered, while crossing a high trestle, the 7.50. Coalville, train broke in two and all of the ears 8.00. Delivered, were precipitated over one hundred feet Keep Warw hj Getting Good Clean Coah to the bottom of the gorge. A brake-ma- n and a boy were crushed to death. YARD AT U. P. FREIGHT DEPOT. New York,16. The following is the letter of Caleb fCrders loft at Douglass' Meat Market will be promptly filled. Cushing, to Governor Andrews: el04-3m- . JOHN FI5C0CK. NEAR SAVAGE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLEUT, MAIN STRFET, New Buryport, April 25, '61. Sir: I beg leave to tender myself to you in any capacity, however humble, TJV in which it may be possible for me to contribute to the public weal in the present critical emergency. I have no desire tosurvivolhe overthrow of the Six doors west of Meeting Hall. MRS. N. BALCOM, government of the United States. I am for eacrifico arrest to such a any ready WATCHES, Trance Medium and Clairroyant, catastrophe, and I nsk only to be perCLOCKS, AND mitted to lay down my life in the service AND JEWELRY, of the Commonwealth and the Union. BJanufactnrcd and Repaired. IX THE WORLD; FERFECTE3 S. I am, very respectfully, LOGAN, THE BEST the. Inventor of the Sewing Machine. to-da- y, Save Twenty Cents on the Dollar. S3tlt CARDON BROS., LOGAN, JLbclIzlo Cusiiixg. Albums, P. A. Picture Frames and Magnetic Fhotograpus,' or Ambrotypes accurate- FOREIGN. Havana, 15. ly taken. Pictures Spati h accouuts stale that Col. Espen- Copied. da, with 650 men, had an engagement with insurgents near Melonez. Fighting lasted six or suven hours, and at the 3IIX12RS' MEETING I close Col. Espcnda retreated before suoffi a loss of with four HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE perior numbers, NOTICE IS a meeting of tfie Miners of the Oirden cers and fifteen privates killed, and four Mining listiict, in the City Hall, inOg-deteen ofiioers aud f.f y privates wounded. Junctiou on the 19lli iiift. at 7 p. m., for the City, is loss not ascertained. of electing a Recorder, nn Inspector of Clnime Insurgent's A punctual and u Standing Committee of Three. Madrid, 15. At a meeting of tho deputies constitut- attondauce U requested. C. F. 5IIDDLETUN, ing the majority in the late Cortes, a d3sl.. Recorder, vote of conGdence in Casiellur was adopted, and he was requested to prepare a manifesto to the nation. The Insurgent chiefs Ontrea?, Form nnd Galvez, nave b?en' sant to the capiHAVE IN MY POSSESSION THE FOLLOWtal of Algeria, aud the other Cartage ING described animals, which. If not claimed ni'an refugees have been entered iu the Kiii taken away, will be sold to the bisheet rebidder at tho Iiistrut Stray, Pound at forts and barracks of Oian and Mers El sponsible Ogden City, Weber Co., Tuesday, Jan". 21, ISU, at Ked Kedir. 2 p.m. One white 3 yreir old heifer, roauish sides, rod The French Government will deliver visible. to Spain those of the Cartageui.in refu- ears, no mar Its of brandsWin. N. HKK, now in of District l'oundkeeper. gees Algeria, who are r.ccusod : l Ogdcn City, Tan. Oth, 1874. piracy and other civil crimes. Estray I ! W3-- 1 -- and Lecturer, ROOMS FOR A SHORT TIME, of Sxrutel Glasgow, oppoiite Wliere they wiU receive culle ttie TakM'iiHcle. from tliose seeking HEALTH, or deniring to tost tlie facta ef SPlltlT Ojjice COMMUMON. and rem 9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 0 p.m, Hours, from $1.00. StJupliciti 0FSy?EHS0Rin: and TciecHon of Mechanism, Durabilitywill last a a I'arallel. 1.00. 1.00. Ease of Operation and Management. Self Adjusting Take-uAdjustable Head. Tension. p. apart Call and Examine enr Styl nnd Prices at T. W. JONES', Tailor, Thinl door from Z. C. M. I., Oscten. SAMUEL FILLER, OF. MEDIA. ADMITTANCE FEE 25 0 POINTS Perfection of StiMi and Evexiinjys Wednesday will he set for Pnblic Seances DEVELOPMENT An IIOXESTMACniWE and not subject to FITS. Lifetime,. For Medical Examination, Magnetic Treatment, Private sittings during office hours for Rending the History or Ckarachr of Individuals, and describing friends in Spirit Life, AfiD ELIAS HOWE, Juu. Range of Work without TERMS: pi.r-1- jSToti.ce. Iletiler TAKK5 HATE the lioum n , 1?. HOWE SEWING JACHINE. E. C. Oity, Cull on us. Consultation Not. 14th, 1S73. et. Free. d43-lr- , iUU., Agent. Also, ht the Sales EoOM9, a few doors west of Z. C. M. I., Salt Lake City. ,28-l- y |