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Show Lecture. LOCALJJE0' v Thurwoy om warm. gjy cieiiiiust o aul air balmy. sun routing r BrrB-Jo- slop- - Streets CnrincdaV. Horroc, baring liB to Main his building busiueS8 wiib a full Street, east - th becr stocky ABIllvA7ZIoraco Eldredge S. The Governor's Message crowded eut many items from our yesterday's issue. Among others, a notice of the lecture delivered on Tuesday , The evening, by Mr W. II. Naisb-ttwas and Hall the crowded, speaker's City eloquent aDd thoughtful remarks were received with great satisfaction bv the audience. The subject treated of was "Man considered physically, socially, intellectually and religiously." It was ably handled, and illustrated with all the force and brilliancy for which Mr. Naisbitt is celebrated. We hope the talented lecturer will soon visit us again. mm They armed last are in are the guests of,, From this morning's Herald: like the i the Governor's Message Yesterday morning, Col. Smith, guard Because ... ; th Anocalypse? 'y.beasts of the chain gang, who assaulted and four behind." 0f I's "before and full is beat one of the prisoners cn Tuesday, it was brought before Justice Clnton, and Episcopalian was discharged, as it was shown that Bkix. The sur- the beating was provoked in self de t...rh has been improved by wh.ch in a with belfry fence. Hin its roof Next Sunday Placed. A meeting of the miners employed at AneU u..Mn ... , ,1 tn t hoir oe fuimuuutu will the Mammoth Copperopols was held on he faithful of the bell. the tolling Tuesday last, and it was determined to Jcvotions by shutdown the mine and not work any ViA ... ....UOC. O' Ami I, n rv. ,w. nt,'1 uuc iuciu ncic ujui c uiilil iuu GOOD opnife L C0S.Br FOB CoKnKKSATIOSS, LlO.HMT- ..- THK Masques. A -- , r I p noo . j was hriplit little the a nicture-booth when she suddenly fij aze(j e.ACYY jnto her mother's there shone in her face an(j t wisdom beyond her a 0f the eyeg 1 vears. said Dlauicai n we naveu t ...... 1. 1' 11 I iorgouiju wmusuc eum.j Tie manner of advertising for a husband in Java is by placing an on the portico roof. empty flower-po- t "A Jan. Ulh. I iian Klin s tne one nunarea grand masquerade ball uay is anm- - 151RTHDAT.- -10 ana m sixiy-eigu- er ).o-h- I - T.' & M. Co. The annual of the stockholders of the Glad- meeting lator, Tunnel and Mining Co., was Gladiator, held Wednesday evening in Salt Lake. Among the Directors elected is A. II. Earll, Esq.. of Oeden. ld mt. we y printer-philosoph- five-vear-o- k of Benjamin yersary of the birth-daand the Franklin, of the Declaration of lndepend- extent f the preparations being made, signer ence. e one of 'be most brilliant festi- 'l ... Comfortable- The Tabernadle will vals eTer lven in Ogden. will shortly be given in this city, and if we are to of its success by the judge 1 be comfortable for the Conference to- morrow aud Sunday. The house has been cold fur a week or two. But Frost has been at tne stove pipes ana nues, , ,, and the result is me opposite oi win IIow about . . . . . . j ue nas irost ion and erocery bills ? might be expee'ed. P.ftYtfciTt f ti!njo annif onrl wormtll wu . U 11. UIHI IU1UE9 .ritiuj.u nn( . hut hp has (Iftnft. nr--i n it fprim rvODOUV need stay aw iy from the Tabernacle it j t anticipating cold. It is all snug now - . LJ .w 11 great the rrovi3. . i I Axothkr Patent. ES1- - 1'cery From Friday' t Daily of Inventive genius is as prolific as the men among railway the egg is of nuat. Some days since we noticed the invention of an instrument for coupling railroad cars. Another employee, Chas. Parcell, of the Union Pacific road, has received a patent for a new contrivance which promises to be highly useful. It is so arranged that it miy be attached to the side or top of a car, and the man who manipulates it, may stand on the side or top. This re lieves him of all danger of standing on the ground between the cars. It is also arranged to uncouple a car, that turns on its side. ! j R. James R. R. Den RELIEF 1 left RADWAY'S READY Gordon, an English merchant, Cl"tK.S WORST IAl.Vi THE ver on the 12th inst., and changed cars In from On to lluutw. Flashy Thieves Foilf.d. Mr. Twenty for the west at Cheyenne. His wife and NOT ONE HOUR after reading thl advertisement need any oue on and two daughters accompanied him, Suffer with pain. their trip they could not fail to observe RADWAY'S READY REMOTES A CCKE FOS It wa the first and is a party of persons, whoso with decorated fingers were profusely That Instantly ntop the nnwt excruciating paiu. ana cure Inflammation tjongeimoiis. glittering diainouds probably paste- - allava of the Lunirs, Stomach, Kowoln, or other hether and casting fur ive glances around them. plumb or organs, hy one application, in from one no matter how violent or exMr. Gordon and his family did not like to twenty minutes, cruciating the pain, the Rheumatic, tha appearance of the gentry, who made Infirm, Crippled, Nervonn.Nouralgic, or yrestratea several attempts to become more iamu RADWAY'S READY RELIEF allure! iuMant e:we. iar than, circumstances justified. He Inflammation Will of tho Kidneys. Inflammation sf which con removed his pocket-book- , the Bladder, Inflammation of the Bowel. of the Lungfi. Sore Throat, Difficult the from thousand dollars, Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysteris, The Ogdes Iros Works. Josiah tained several Croup, Diptheria. Catarrlt, Influenza. Headache; of his vest, and turned it Cold Toothache. Parks, Esq., President of the Ogden right pocket Neuralgia, Rheumatism. con- Chills. Ague Chills. Iron Manufacturingo Company, arrived over to one of his daughters, who The application of the READY RELIEF to tlw or wllt.r, ti,e painor difficulty exUu at the Osnlen House from the East yes- - cealed u about ber person. lie omitted, willt afford ease and comfort. Twenty drop8 in hM tnmWcr 0f water will ia terday evening,' and will remain here "wecr lu rcui'D was nlleU Witn a few moment cure tramps, bpofuim. Ninr atom-tpocket-boo- k which other of the pnnttrnetion Supcnntena lue ach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea. Dyseu- . bliorliy tery, Colic, W ind iu the Bowels, and all Internal works, which will be commenced in a imporwn-- papern uu leaving Laramie he noticed that la,elerl ihonM alwav.carrya bottle of RAD- short time hence. Mr. Meredith, the after . V L' 1 f.,) ilrnl.l t .1 iliiint V(I Ii L' furnace builder, and Mr. Zimmerman, nis ctoines naa oeen r.ppu Fu had bcea abstracted. As ihange of water. It is better than freucu Brandy interested in the enter- - his pocket-boowho is larfrelv o Bitters as a stimulant. were of no value to any one cr FEV.UANl the papers cured for fifty rents. prise, aro expected to reach this city no get mucu uia tue tnievcs but bimseir, be will next Sunday Preparations Typhoid, Yellow and other Fevers made to accommodate a number of oper- - benefit from them. Mr. Gordon tele Bilious, Scarlet, (aided hy Kadwav's Pills) so quick as KADWAY'S re in Laramie, READY RELIEF, fifty cent yer bottlo. Sold atives who have made arrangements to graphed to the officers - by Druggists. the fact soon' the perani describing as provision shall lating leave the East as . , .. . , who we understand nave been 90n8 f ? flashy-dresse- d Xlio Onl v rJtin Remedy Con-eeti- ;..M,i-nc- ana e now euj Thpv until v f v"ho JlTNCTlOX. of freedom i!i . A,. t.U,. "SwMt inDir fip 1 1 1 irn P n t bv llip "- wa tn!l(l ' The Palisade and Eureka Railroad is T. i r oeing pusaeu lorwuru wiiu euerg., 11 1 1 1 We hope tliey WUi ue uuitci . full HomDnnv r a power in insider the Joction . . II 1 a in li "'. rntinini nrilpr hv llmfirat. ff Last mgui March ad- A fire broke out in the cigar store of l'idv Quarreled with her visi .,.,rpr while on a in anger for home, g0t under much headway, the fire was bouc She departed J urning uowu soon mastrea. his escort. l p,.fusd .. C P.AnMin ,1 anrt tVn ft wc nocAiiH isioun im ' uitmuuun, it:sirujr - (street on the corner...tn i . ... T I . . fell on me son battery case, in wnicu Attorney her foot slipped and she a pool, and sprained and Justice Clinton were the offending Ce which covered Her devoted admirer had parties, came up lor trial, ineexamina kle l witnesses was aiversmea Dy followed ii CI uv a ilisiiince. determined tioa of lies. . i l.mrio Kafe.lv. and i nassaires at arms, more nprsnnal rvpral r- -to see thai sue rcum ' Mr. Tarks has conclu 'ed a contract to relieve ncr pomted than entertaining, ana Aiaer- came to the rescue in time with the Salt Lake, Pioche and Sevier luey maQ Felt witheld hu juagemeai unui frnm an unpleasant position. Valley R. R. Company, to supply it with e is 8ome other time. s but their difference, mfl.lp nn iron material manufactured by the business Flannel Th leading lamenes-t..mi Iron Company. of Salt Lake City Ogden ami restoratives will soon' effect her men and her wits held a meeting last evening for the pur recovery, and perhaps sharpen Another Stokt. The lecture of dobo of adoptinz measures to secure a for another quarrel Ann Eliza, composed by a Judge, representation in the City, Council at ResoJished and adorned by a Methodist Par- election. the Municipal coming PoliceDocbtfci. Cask Last night ao Iah itioisnn. and conducted bv an l.luuona were j tA , lvimr mn -b u vman cnna iouuu s etu.v Aor. Unt nm to create such a sensation oi uu ui u' . i t ii. ir.;. tnnt t rn nu ni i nomiuuuuu . -, u on the siuenatk, to elaimed. no :, According nnncji. eiDected and a me .: insensible. Another man, wuo ciuimeu the A. in Lvming Wallace, Chicago ors . i .1.. . in. tin ... i "" ii to be his menu, aiso parny n i .mirnni. this re.nasn oi oia froraiasinuunt. influence of liquor, had in his hand a .tflrP(l fables had so little charms for the St. . . A11n. Ant T a nAniilatSnn ff belong pockit-boocontaining money . tknl , another furnace, gn.ng empioy. up The ing to his prostrate companion to more men, end every train . .ii officer took them both into custody. a arrives increases the numoer oi men When the effects of the driuk partially military showman telegraphed to his seeking employment. wore off the first man complained of los. . frAA C o Lake chums a report of a clear . Salt measures lur A.latlichin(f nuumuiui his from belt v a iuw nf onfl ithntA Pinpnses. - . this is a person containing Nflf v. ing school at canaj suuod : ViA U nvfttt 11 found. fnis .1 $100 in coin. The belt was not snareuoiusrs and it was determined at a meet- - lernum taken The case came up this afternoon for about the $10,- inzhcldon the 13th, to resort to taxation i in Thomson AA adjudication before Alderman otii ., . ne us" i nf ft,ivprsitv." I 1 I ..j.. . tax-paye- rs Condensations. ...a.v ' I Dr. EADWAY'S " ine in Alta, were sold for $1,000 i. t L. KarriCK, Messrs. John Lddy and u. Of the ISaldWin expedition, left for French Guiana yesterday morning. Reports from Rush Valley are exceedand the district taking ingly flattering, . , . . . . , k. rapia sir.ue to luc a little race Yontprdav afternoon anu-iiorni- .It j ; r r.u. sunuc 1 a From yester4ay's KsUL-VEN- .;f r., k r In the case of the People vs Cartro, llcsolvent Sarsaparilhan indicted for assault with inteut t k 11, Has niade the most aetouishinir cures, so quick, so are the changes the body undergoes, under the Jury rendered a veruict of not guil rapid the influence of this truly wonderful Medlnue.tbat KVERY DAY AN INCREASE IN H.KSU AND ty, Wednesday night. V EIGHT IS SEEN AND FELT. From this morning's Jlirald: THE UKKAT III.OOU I'I KIFIF.K. Every drop of the SARSAI'AKILI.IAN R Four hundred feet in the 1'ittsburg communicates through the BIihmI, Sweat, , ,i. Urine and. other fluids and Juices of the system u repairs me wastes oi n new nj gollU(i iHterial. Scrofula, Hy- phi''8. Consumption, Glandular disease, Ulcers in xjlr0Ati MoUth) TumorHl Nodes iu the Glands and other paruol the system, sore Eves, strmu- - of gkin rjjases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, SoaW Ileau, King norm, ?au ivueuiu, r.rysipnias, Acne, lilack PlHits, worms ia the Flush, Tumors, Cancers in the Tfomb, aud all weakening ami painful discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes ot the Hie principle, are withiu the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, aud a few days' use will prove to any person using it for either of tVeso forms f disease its potent power to bctweeQ and Davis' mare, the former carrying HO pounds, the latter 108 pounds. "Snail-wo- n in a 800 yards' dash for cure them. ....W. , pruHt;yo Clinton and Loeber i up yesterday, this time the former being summoned to answer to the lalter's charge of assault and battery. was Dramatic Much interest has been The farther bsaring of the case the postponed till the 2th. e.preweJ by many of our citizens Thomas C. Butter wood, who was in nromised Dresentation of the peerless Trobale drama of "Pizarro," which will be pro- - dieted by the Grand Jury of the was for discharged perjury, duced night at the Ogden Court, The grand and impressive terday under a writ of habeat corpus, McKeRn rr.nl-an attrfto- - ivmipd by Judsre uPlTurm" . (r... .t,:,.!. 3 i. " ii.v" takes a benefit a Heme Mr. will be introduced in a manner that T.v ThPnire. and will nr,Dear --v we Deli eve- will cuiuiueuu noon. . .u. . iuv ei in "Charles as of O'Malley The choir the Mickey audience, of approval From this monirg s Trlbnne: the Tabernacle have been rehearsing Some of the stores under the Waateh the solemn musio peculiar to this play. with- mc wiU contribute much to the l Hotel will be ready for occupation. in two months. succcss!of . the entertainment, . There is more inquiry for mining than usual, and the prospects Good Looks. Mr. Mather, of Ste property for the coming season are bright. vens &Co., Salt Lake City, is in town. He The thermometer yesterday stood 63 is agent for Cassell's "Popular Educa in the shade at 12 ni. tor," one of the finest eduoatienal works The fine weather during the last few If our younz . men ever published has induced carpenters to comwouu obtain this work and study it, days, mence working, and several new buildi.ov wfln1fl advance themselves astoaish- are in course of erection. , He is also agenttfor Chambers' ings inrriy. Two of the Salt Lakers out of five, Encyclopedia, a work for reference that who went to French Guiaua, have died cannot be excelled. For particulars see of bilious fever. jir. Mather, or leave orders at this Messrs. Doyle and Demasters, pro0fjfice. when Ue will call at your resiprietors of the stage line at Eingham, dences have organized a new express company, The man who ,was ar to be known as the "Bingham Canyon , TvsrT-mTnn.-inn- maniinrf nf . 1 i - fV"- The Third District Court met yestcr.1 a m art f in man V J i J t.-- ' vcuv. L? .AftP, which it adjourned until on(jaYf the 19th inst, last evening for the purpose of electing Jintic Milling and Mining Com- mill officcrs for th ensuing year, and attend- a paDy contemplate building large to ing other business. The reports oi ja tjjC gprIDg theiSecretary and Treasurer were pre iromyestcraays sented, and showed a flourishing condi Soma people are airaui iuaw luo x. tion of the Society's finances, a balance ...j. ..,:u h rloetrnvprl bv the hoar beinsr left in its favor. A committee v:i. i,a Wn Hpnosited on the was appointed to select for the consider- tree3 duriDg the last few days K - . At ah ihn UlUU , .u- The case ot tne reopi e, n ..,,, In kill S.i Tanous nnifiPSL, with the followingo re- r. Qicieuj U I uscauiv : port B. Kempton, on the 8th of November President, W. R. R. Stowcll; Vice- - . t ;3 now ou tri&l before the Probate msident, Ldward Maw; Directors,. j John Chipp, Wm. K. Kingsfori. Alma Keays, John Barker and Geo. Poalter; JJIca. Secretary, O..II. Eggleston; Treasurer, r, I. A. Canfield. : ... In Ozden. on the 15th inst.. at o a m., Messrs. I. A. Canfield, John Chipp and Mary, wife of John Holland, of Mound Wm. CliarDle. Were a nointnd as a Com- - Pnrt Sim was born Feb... 26, 1844 mittte to prepare a list of premiums to Bradford, Yorkshire, England, was bbe offered for competition at the next tized. when eight years old, emigrated to Fair. ' The meeting adjourned, to weet Utah in 1855, was married to John II ol- land in 1800. She was an affectionate again on the 2pih inst. This society has shown commendable wife, a kind mother, and a faithful ' industry and energy, in advancing the Latter' Day1 Saint. She never faltered interests which it ia enced in nromo- - in her faith, and died in the glorious Dis- - theD.A.&M. Society of the First tnct Wsber County Branch, was held . re case was yes-Theatr- . 111 j I C . j.. I 1 1 v ..,. t. "I i- a 1 sn .- I - . I hnnftAfnnminffforthintheresurrection Discharged. IthastftkAnthRle,,din'.,rtherincr o praiseworthy oliiect in tbis r . .. 1. l J i tn niirsft from.. -Mr. J.oncs, " eunesuay- nigai, Th ...... Pnin n ki, nas ucm .i i. ..i.ii i uiuu vnviv vnf frion.Is nisi, ytitr unuer SOD3 DUj u luic .!.,! its auspices, was the moat successful vet mmirn her loss. was vesterday evening discharged from . i i i .. j.-- i; ... ... ... ir von 5. tn.mnrrnw i .t mis ni V fl.9 Mr. JODCS ueuilDBU iV -uruav ;u iaac t, uuu iu ia .v. me ueierminauon oi me wm runerai mat lie Society to surna.., the re6idence of her hus- - , cute. .The latter snu ma,ntains thW nr,vin, . . ,,ta mftr u.iij, fYnm , r r. a . and make the bihi.fnn 'Priori., of the family are invited, lost a belt containing targe amount "' " auructwa aud interest to all others. Eoia C01D' UUfc (Mill. Star copy.) 1 . ' I nt - - . 1 I i i i i --,, . , OM, 1 , n i- w 1 To-nig- ht -. tins. w e. , ! "-'- , . 1 ,1 ; " - fi-n- 1 1 goou.WS 1 ... . nAiminii coal oil into her kitchen Are, caused an explosion, which . . rr ihn strive,. una, inna vi, a oibw ,.t . , . , , ... irn t,a uv 4.yu mcreu upon EPTCrfl ..l. .:il a iujr ' """"""" - HI- - T or lite, lor .the. vigor SJ tUt tUV L Etronfiand Pure Rich Flood Increase of Flesh and Weight Clear Skin and lieuutifui Complexion secured to all. yewr. v .... I 1 Health! licauty! arrested suicu .... .ui 1 TkV A Al'E non-Morm- ' VtT k . fm o .1 1 1 I If the patient, daily becoming redused by the wastes aud decomposition that is continually progressing, succeeds iu arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material uiatie from hoalthy blood ana tuis tne SAu,5Ar.ttii.iiAi will and does secure. Not only does the Sarsaparillian Resolvent excel oil known remedial agents ia the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous. Constitutional and Skin diseaM, bat it is the only positive cure for kll'XEV and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, iiright's Disease, Albuminuria, and in all casus where there are brirkdust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the whits of au egg, or threads like w hite (ilk, or there is a morbid, dedark, bilious appearnuce, aud white bane-dus- t n posits, and when there is a pricking, burning when pasdug water, aud pain in the small ice, SUM of the bauk and along the IoIns. The only know u and sure Remedy WORMS. fnr Wurtus Pin. Tape, U. seu-satio- n Tumor ut ... Yearn' Orowth Cured iiesoivent. by Radnay's Revw.lt. Mass., July 18, 1S69. VI Dr. Radwat: I have had Ovarian Tumor iu the ovaries and bowels. All the doctors said "titer v as no help for it." I tried everything that was recom mended; but nothing helped tne. 1 saw your Kolvent and thought I would try it; Vat had b faith in it, because 1 had suffered for twolve years. I took six bottles of the Resolveut, and one box of Kadway'i Pills, and two bott les of your Roarly Relief; and there is not a sign of tumor to be seen or felt, and 1 feel better, smarter, and happier than I have for twelve years. The worst tumor was in the left side of the bowels, over the groiu. I wi js this to you for thebeuetit of others. Youcaniub-lisHANNAH P. KNAPP. it if you choose. h DR. RADWAY'S PURGATIVE PILLS PERFECT Poneetly tasteless, elegantly coated with swoe gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strength- -' en. Kadway's Pills, lor the cure of all disorders ofte Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Cotitiva-nesIndigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all DerangemeBta of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Turcly vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or deleterious drug. 4 Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the lilood ia tl Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, llearthnru, Stem--acDisgust of Food, Fullness or Weftht in the Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head,. Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or gulfocating Sensation whuniu a Lying Posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the SkiH and Eyes, Pain iu the Side, Chest, Litulia, and sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh. A few doos of Kadway's Pills will free the sysd disorders. Prii tem from all the 2i) centa per box. Sold by Drusgists. Send one letKFAD and ter stamp to Had way A Co., No. 87 M.iidan Laso, New York. Information worth thousands will t 86sent you. s. h, above-name- "Fale True." -l |