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Show .Lk"0i Kit l'BAR .-- . . !JljEggl," jISHED EDXESnA ' OGDEX, UTAH, WEDNESDAY $0. 7. SSSCraiTtsra ei.oo PEtt semi-wbekl- t, J&x&M&2!a&!i . kt stJ?' Y tin A- SA TURD A YA- II lt II wt 9&Mmx& QEl. JAXUA21Y 21. IS7S. HEunjMXWBEnNacBBraMBsoBESBua and trembled- the night watchman on They were holding the boat so close and surged, to the shore that the willows swept and slid over intok the guards almost from stem to s twain?". miu xiovv louueu: Oflioe: fallen los4 D. Warner. ''Two and Twain Charles inches MAILS. stem. sir." Mark OF 'Quarter her " by tho.bcad, By ARRIVAL AND CLOSING " 'Tain't enough." "Tan! tap! tap!" (to signify "Lay "Standby!" whispered George the' boat forged on 5.45 p.m. At mille daily, 70 a.m 7.4H a.m. in gait Tj.Uo Citv, shouted The his : the leads-"All ready" eaid Jim under now the deeril solitudes of the captain Tlirnvspn u.i cr 5.40 p.m. through ivst Xlirongl' Mail luily And away she went flying i p the "Call the mate, Tell him to call breath. river, hardly ever discovering a light all willow hands come!" and of her 'Let lot rtoiil.le (Uily 8.10 a.m. 6.3(1 p.m. to a that shore, with the whole tilver sugar 6.i p.m. testify to a human presence ; mile forward. Put get luto Mall .WI, ot sea inches her the the Mississippi stretching 8.40 .m. after mile and league aiter ten The bdat sprang away from the by league the abroad on head. now!" every hand. Lively bank like a deer, and darted in a Ion 7.00 a.m. vast bends were guarded by uubrukeu 5.1X1 p.m. No Amaranth in sight. "Aye, aye, sir!" walls of forest that had never been diagoual toward the other shore, ohe Wyoni-lt- r th 0.imiv, mail ro via Evanrton, ha boys, we took a couple of and A riot of "lla, footfall voice or the trampling closed in airain and thrashed her shouting disturbed by the the latter Place lor Kick Cofinty, ml 2 DJ11. said the captain. (liics.liiytf aim of a man, or felt the" edge of his sac- floated up from below presently, and fierce way along the willows as before tricks that time," ... ir.l..v T nirsiblVS that at ' - 5.00 p.m. And moniont a red the boat of soon the just uneasy steering Ihe Captain put down the glass. rilegious axe. in head of the the ;lave "down she showed was that appeared getting Au hour after supper the moon t!l?"!!;''!ani,SV ' 'Lord how she walks up on us. I 0p.n. Amaranth cauw and the chute, arn Saturand Clay aud Washington by the head." do hate to be beat." tluntsville, W.a'iiesJay. 7.30 a.m. came up, them. after The three mn in the riilot house ivmie" IMain City and Slatornville, (two boys) ascended to the hurri"Jim." said Georsre. lookin springing 3.30 p.m swear! "Well in I sententalk to Thursdays ami short, sharp Moii'Uvs deck to revel arain in their began 3.00 p.m. cane the slight Saturday. ahead, RiveVaale. Wednesday watching is the meahingr of straight what ex"John As low their and earnestly. UolorviIl an.l Vlma, V ednesduy. 11.S0 a.m. new realm of enchantment, .fhey ces, boat and of the est promptly that?" yawing down. ' went voices oWlCE HOURS. ran races up and down the deck, citement rose their meeting it with the wheel, "how'll "I'll tell you what's the meaning 6.45 p.m. climbed about' the bell, made friond As fast as one of them put down the it do to fleueral Mjvcry, Chute?" Murderer's try of it. ' That hail we had at Na OKI'AUTMIONT with the nassenrer dues chained spy glass another took it up; but KK(.ISfRY chances it's Well, it's taking poleon was "Wash Hastings, wanting Oven from 9 a.m- - to 3 p.m. life boat, tried to make always with a studied air ot calmness the under DKl'ARTMEMT. OtFICK How was the cottonwood stump on to come to Cairo, and we didn't stop. 5I0NKV : to 3 p.m. friends with a passenger bear fasten hach time the verdict was Open from 9 a.m. -- .M,.t 8 ,i, false point below Boardnian's 1T 6 the a.m. from Door ope .'She's a gaiuing!? ed to the verge staff, but were not JOSEPH HALL, Postmaster morninir?" Island turtles how this hunt mud to thos3 The captain spoke through the iug encouraged; "skinned the cat" on the ' roots." the water." "Water for easy : just touching Trains chains; m a word, exhausted the tube 7.40 a.m. - As the bouts ranged side by siie close work. That tit arc earn it's fl. p. train arrives carrvin'jr?" "What you ."Well, pretty 5 AO p.m. amusement possibilities of the deck. " ' " " C. P. " careened over toward each thev , forty-twosir! ot and scant hundred head "A in the 6.20 p.m. T inn hou rwttpfl wisttn v .nn :ir. gives six feet " tees C. Pofficers flew hither and thithother and hotter Murderer's Chute. We can just 8.50 a.m. " " " the pilot house, and finally, little by But she's eettinir hotter U. Pj 7.50 a.m. storming, tryingi to barely rub through if we hit it ex er,. cursing and a.. U. C. traiu arrives ventured up there, tollow- - all the time." .' Clay lttle, ail 5.45 both p.m. aud ii "That's it! I thought it wasn't actly right. But its worth trying. drive the people amidships Ihe ditHdentlv ed by uashington. a.m. 8.40 rail- over " leaves were the 'i mean leaning that was S7te tackle dare slouch don eiptains that t it running to "get his any tnrned G.30 preeeiitly )5.m. and pilot ii " Eve Bend. If ing the Amaranth. middle bar in Hos? ings shaking their lists at eaen 0 stern marks," saw the lads, and in he what Services In another, instant the. Boreas other, swearing and threatening vited them in. lhis cosey little it's Wash.' Hastings well, Religion and II a.m., at theTaheruaclc in black volumes ot smoke rouea up Everv Snudav, e h arluy u or glass, ana dou't knoXv abbot the . river ain't plunged iuto what seemed to be a built house, hi the Second WarA Schoolhous entirely and canopied the scene, delivering a at 5 p.m.. ! worth knowing --a regular gold-loaand Third Wad crooked creek, and the Amaranth s marvellous a prospect 7 amt commanding 11 a.m. p.m. at Ki.itto.pM Church diamond breast-pipilot approaching lights were shut out in rain of sparks upon the vessels two was a magician's in Methodist Church atll a.m. and p.m. everv direction, t 7.38 p.m. is. We won't n mnmnrif SpVntualiat Lecture. (Child' INK). nt ft wVlisnpr WAS 11'- - pistol shots rang out,' and both capthrone to thera aud their enjoyment Wash, ilastinrrs take any tricks off of him, old tcred now. but the three men stared tains dodged unhurt, and the packea was simply boundless. the of place' IJbrary City Ogrten mass of passeugers surged bact and i pen Depot. At J'frn 0. Chamber.' Ne-ahead into the shadows, and two of on a inisni man!" down sat them Thpv excepted. very if.y, Sunday, "I wish I'd a stopped for him, them snun the wheel back and forth, fell apart, while the shrieks oi wo bench .and looked miles ahead, and men and children soared above the that's all." with anxious watchtulness, while the saw the wooded capes fold back and ' Amaranth was within three steamer tore along. The chute scorn intolerable din. And ,. then there reveal the' "bends' beyond; and they . The A 1 ana ed to come to, an end every fifty was a booming roar, a. thundering nL-P.f-l miles to the rear and saw the hundred yards ot Ihe JJorcas, Amaranth . still gaining. The ;"old man" spoke yards, but always opened out in crash, and the riddled " silvery highway diminish its breadth . hold their loose from 4. mo iuuii JMow the head ot it was at dropped time. vuiouu, nsen ciose and FOURTH STREET, by degrees logeuier. "What is she carrying now?" hand. George tapped the big bell and drifted hopelessly away. in the distance. . lresently, the pilot OGDBJf, . e fir." Instantly the hre doors ot the "A hundrel and sixty-fivtwo or three times; two leadsmen . said: w;cre thrown open, and the .' '. . Boreas ; i "How s vour wood: to their posts, ana in a Four Dnors from Z. C'3f. sprang wBy George, yonder comes the men began dashing buckets of water "Pine all out cypress half gone their werid cries rose on the GENERAL DEALER Antaranth ! " in the furnaces, for it would have cotUmwood like pie! air. and were cawght up and nirht 3 A spark appeared, close to the eating up . destruction to stop "Break into that; rosin on the repeated by two men on tho upper besn death and I500TS A' SIIOKS, the down miles river. several water, the engines with such a had of it' in, the boat can deck. main deck The pilot took his glass and looked nn v fnv It'"' pile steam on. "No-bottom!" for a moment, and said, st As soon as possible the Boreas At flip TMHifist Vrices. Freduce at it eadily Soon the boat was plunging ana "l)e-efour!" p to himself: ch:efly dropped down to the floating wreck, Taken. and screaming m three!" "Half "It can t be the Blue. VV ing.- - Mie lv livering, and took oft the dead, the wounded than' ever. But the Ai couldn't pick us up in this way. It's and the unhurt, at least all that head was almost abreast the iorea s three!" "Mark under the Amaranth sure. cnuld be trot at. for the whole for stern. twain 1" He bent over a speaking tube and "Quarter of the boat was a shapeless ward half "How's your steam Harry"? . . i i i KEPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. Davis pulled a couple of ropes said : with tho great chimneys lying sir!" eighty-two- , ruin, and "Hundred there was a ungling ot small bells iar "Who's on watch down there? of it, and under "Break up the- casks of bac:n in below, the boat's speed slackened, across on the top rumbled voice unhumun A hollow, neath were a dozen victims im the forrard hold! Pile it in! Levy on and the neot S. LEWIS, steam began to in answer. tube a the up and wailing for help. through up that turpentine in the tantau urencu whistle, aod the gauge cocks scream, prisoned alive, WATCHMAKER AMD JEWELER. Ml feccond am. with axes worked with men While engineer. Poaler in Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Silver nud stick ot wood with it! mark twain! the free these peor 'Good!. You waut to stir your every to IMaled Ware, MAIN SXRKT. OGDEN". main and minht "By The boat was a moving earth twain?" ten Repairing neatly fluue aud all wdrk warranted. Amathe fellows, the Boreas boats went about stumps, now, Harry this time. by quake half!" a and the turned point ranth's iust "Eight picking up stragglers from the river. " nw is she now: :" feet!" a herself, she's and humping "Eight And now a new horror presented just REMOVED. and ,"A hundred and ninety-sitoo!" itself. The wreck took faro from still swelling water below the mid TF4T0U WANT A TUOMSOXIAN DOCTOR OR and bells little of Another a that iinirling of hold took Never did Tne rope . the dismantled furnaces c . pilot Thomsomun Mediciwe, J dle rua!?e "cock' every carrying ceased wheels it the turning altogether. men work with a heartier will than CALL ON DR. MUfJPHY, stretched out forward, jerked stand nigger roosting can she pound of the stream was did those stalwart braves with axes, the strokes of Tho MM-Ullice orrOSITB J'Oi UttltJJtS, whistling i ol., twice", and two mellow valve. on the 0GI)1. safety on something frightful now it almost but it was of no use. The fire ate bi" bell responded. A voice out Coxscltvtiox Fkr, $l.w. how's '.'Good, drowned all other noises. the. de.f.k shouted: its way steadily, despising the bucket time a rnggcr Everv "Bullv! her! meet to bv with "Stand that down b 'Stand there, brigade that fought it. Jt scorcneu heaves a" stick of wood into the fur down hard wheel UTAH the had l.iTihnarrl lead!" George the clothes, it singed the hair of the with out'the he naee chimney goes on the said aud was standing "No. I don't want the lead, spoke. axmen, it drove them back loot by SIX DGQRS WEST OF Z. C. M. I, tV,r. nilnt, "T want vou. lloust out it!" "All ready." foot, inch by inch; they wavered, Tlirt Aninrnnth drew steaailV UP seemed to hesitated .mat Tho Amaranth's him the toll old struck a final blow in the teeth of the man; till her jackstaff breasted the Boreas' hnld her breath, as did the captain teu call and Jim the enemy, and surrendered. And coming. And go wheel-housclimbed along inch by and pilots and then she began to as they fell back they heard prisoned inch till her chimneys breasted it; fail away to starboard, and every eye Toicos saying: "Aye, aye, sir!" till and aloncr further further, rrpnt lighted. "Don t leave us, dpn t desert us, The "old man" was the captain; he boats were wheel to wheel, and the her! meet her! of ttic Try best quality. meet then! and "Now. steamboats so on called is always Don't do it!" closed np with a heavy SWoh her!" then they other the was And one poor fellow said: pilot. Bi Measure or at 25 cts. per Drink ships. "Jim" and locked and iolt together tight so fast that flew to wheel Tho port these "I am Henry Worlcy, striker of Within two minutes both of Gist n the middle ot the big river, tho annkes blended into a Xfjars and Tobacco of the men were web spider the Amaranth! My mother lives in flying up the pilot house under the roar A flooding moonlight! subsided Finest Brands. boat the swing of the St. Louis. Tell her a he lor a poor stairway three steps at a jump. Jim and a hurrah went up from the herself his coat steadied with she devil's sake, please. Say I was "Butter, Eggs, Chickens and a was in his shirt sleeves, crnwdod decks of both steamers: all feet!" : said He 'Seven killed instautly, aud never knew 'kinds of Grain taken in exchange. and vest on his arm. to the guards to look, rushed hands half." "Sev-sia and x what hurt me though God knows "I wai just turning in. Where's nnH chmir, and gesticulate: the " Six f "Six feet! I've neither scratch nor bruise this NELSON, Trop'r. tho glass?" careened the vessels. weight "3.im moment! It's hard to burn up in a coop bottom! looked. She Ranf! the and hit George lie took it aud was groanboat The straining tube: be to like this, with the whole wide world "Don't appear shouted through the any night &3yS. M. Pettetigill & Co., 10 Stat in like monster a and Amaquivering ing boys we ve ail Whale it so near. Good-by"Srvroad her wide open! cireet, lioston, 37 Tark iiew, ew York, hawk on the jack staff; it's the L K now work were at Both it and 701 Chostnut Street. Phiiadelnhia. last at pilots anyway." pain. '0t to come to ranth, dead sure!" side of the wheel, with at her!" Hre OUT AfTpnta for nrAfiirinrf nrlvuvtiaa. each nn one and out oi dan look stood Boreas The a away tool; The captain long Ihe escape wow chow! ments in the Ogdek Junction for Boston low off. their bosoms vests and went. coats steamer ruined their the and .. , .. Til , , .il ger, u i niiaaeidiiiu, and autuorued to con only said : wide open, and the pers collars and "Damnation!" Conclu&d on Eighth Page. tract tor dxei;U8i,t!g at eur lowest rates r;mrmn flowing down their faces jiteaui aloft, the boat agrouud, on tho wateh, Davis, pilot GeorsjQ QQDZti DIRECTORY. Terrible Steamboat Race. shouted deck : to "M-a-r-- ) . , . rV,,, 111 ' 1 Pm-0ut- ( w 1 - - ' ' -- a -- '. , a 1111 SI 1 School-,ous- School-bus- f, kid-glov- n e, . . . 1 WHITEHEAD, 1 TT 1 . . .- - - '.. I; ' mo-iic- nt Q OASH""p:AI'B for wa-a-t- IIipES. cr - y . J. , ' a 1 1 - "Quar-tcr-Aer-- ii-i- cr y x' "Sev-en-an'-half- !" . - .l-3- your-draft?- m LOGAN. e, " I. e 1 ii.... 9 |