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Show rrriT REUUL a few of the non-Morm- oa held a meeting of Salt Lake, at hch Wednesday evening, were passed in a Ural 'cry temperate and conciliatory consid-- king for what they C Ration, Lit, ,n the ered a proper represents Whereupon the daily City Council. h yclept the Tribv-xc- dirt slinger at the astonished, is "tone maintained; -that not a th re was J no made," thai the speakers were froth " nd that the proceedings These charentirely harmonious." little remarkable acteristics ore a act introduced that these 1841, and and passed in laws in primary iuitiatory are provisions and wholly for the solely for the relief of the debtor, and without regard to the wishes of the creditor. Amendments to the bill in the Senate will probably meet this objection, and even if it is not absolutely perfect, it is far preferable to the abrogation of the bankrupt act, or to one which would be abortive in its results. The overthrow of the bankrupt Fridny Jan., 10th, 1874. Mr. Jennings presented a bill for "An Act in relation to District Attorney," which was read and referred to the Committee on Judiciarj. The Act virtually abolishes the office of Territorial Attorney General, and provides for the election of a District Attorney for each judicial district. Mr. Caine, pursuant to notico, presented a bill for "An Act concerning conveyances," which va9 read and referred to the Committee on Judiciary. The bill providos the manner of making conveyances of real estate, and the system, as is really contemplated by and recording thereof. the IIousq, bill, would be fruitful in acknowledgement producing disastrous entanglements. of demeanor Not only would credit be destroyed considering the general the And were present. and business be embarrassed, but gome who. mind its made has,, up inasmuch as agreements and engageto threat ;no make," has ako that it ments of all kinds, aud to immense may "dominant party" the whereat amounts, have been entered into, in its little bedo rCst peacefully with the confident expectation that doul-tlcslain awake in dirt-slinge- The Utah Legislature. r' I. WHOLESALE Mr, llaliday presented a petition from David Evans and 6ixty-eigothers. citizens of Lchi, Utah County, asking that the incorporation of Lehi be included In the act to amend the charters of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Hoots and Shoes, and Caps, CroeEtery, IKatf Glassware, Xoiious, Ac., , A. Stoves and Tinware, fc Drugs ht te RETAIL AND HOUSE. certain incorporated cities; approved, Mr. J. Grover pre?cntcd a petition, citizens of Nephi, asking ninety-fou- r law would remain, its repeal that their town be incorporated as a ' would arouse a feeling of general city. Mr. Taylor presented a petition from distrust among the commercial and B. G. Raybould nnd two hundred and trading classes. fifty two others asking the passage of a Territorial School law. The Committee on Revenue reported A CHECK TO AGRARIAX-IS.H- . that they had examined the law re s ranch Logau Gents9 Medicine and Boy's Heady Made Clothing, IN GREAT VARIETY. CELBBEATED SINGER SEWING MACHINES, nichts.having time at the "froth," terror lor a long this brawler, threats and menaces of Wood's Champion and Excelsior Mowers and Reapers, the which claims to represent "Gentile" community in Utah. The Bain, and Whitewater Wagons, so is to alluded spirit of the meeting ALSO, of the different to the bitterness is evidently only the .'organ" that it Wagons, quiring County Clerks to make an anworthless and the of evil One another. begets Society nual financial report of the condition of representative AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF is composed of an agglomeration of their respective counties to the Legisrabid portion of the floating populaj of emigration contradictions. The most humandf lative Assembly during the first two tion, which the tide in their opin and diligent efforts have been made weeks of its session; and, has east upon our shores. full in force. was the law ion, If the absence of "froth" at the to improve its condition, and to desMr. Farr presented a petition from Unties to Order on Short Notice. the that evidence which barriers an the the was seperate troy meeting Erastus Ringham and forty-twothers, and determin- different classes, so as to produce citizens of Ogden, Weber County, pray resolute were Concord speakers the ed what kind of a thing must harmony and accord in all the re- ing for the nonh boundary line of Ogden else but little lations of life. Yet there is, appa- city to be changed, "onpin" be, seeing that Wm. Rowberry presented a bill for an JLiCatliei JTinding-H"froth" fills it3 columns? a rently, to day, a greater divergence the duties ef county react, defining We congratulate the gentlemen, of feeliug among opposite interests, corders and the manner of conveying All Kinds of Produce Forwarded to Any Point on the Shortest Notice. of the majority than has ever existed; not only in real estate; referred to the Cbmmitte on who ask respectfully All Orders Vent to M. TJIATCflER, Logan, will Receive minor- this the of to consider the position country, but in Europe. Tho Judiciary Prompt Attention. One of the provisions is to the effect, of Trades Unions, ity, upon the wise and temperate demonstrations manner in which they urge their the recent and existing strikes, the that either husband pi wife may convey W. mining property without their consort claims, believe they will obtain that murmurinirs and manifestations of deed. in the which is justly their due, and recog- discontent amoug the masses, and joining W. G. Smith presented a bill for Mr. nize the great principle upon which the distrust exhibited towards the an act authorizing county collectors to Taxation landed and their base of pro- collect all school taxes levied as by appeal: capital possessors they without representation is tyranny. prietors, develop a strengt i and Territorial law. ooWe hope to sec this principle fully mutinous spirit, wh:ch cannot be re1874. Jan. 17, Saturday, HAVE OPENED IN LOGAN & OGDEN, BRANCHES OF OUR WAGON recognized throughout the broad garded with idle contempt. Cocncil. WE and MACHINE DEPARTMENT, so that the people of the Northern domain of the United States, when Mr.. Jennings gave notice that on Counties can purchase without coming to Salt Lake City. As an inevitable consequence of Utah and her sister Territories will the organization of Trades Unions of Monday next he would introduce a bill & for "An Act defining the qualification of have the rights now unconstitutionworkingmen, which have grown so and the mode of selecting and summon Supplied to theoe poiuts as being the best, after mucli study and experience, and knew that Purchaser ally withliel d from them . ' powerful ail over the land, the em cau rely on tlus recommendation. and petit jurors." grand ing ployers have as a means of self proMr. Caine gav notice that on Monday to form measures tection, adopted INSOLVENCY AND REhe would introduce a bill for An Act of Trade concerning fraudulent conveyances and counter organizations LIEF. . Unions, To some extnnt, and for contracts. An objection urged against the House. WOULD such a combination 1VOODS, EXCELSIOR ' special purposes, whom was referred CMAMPIOX, to committee The based is Bankrupt generally has for some time been in existence, the bill for an act MOWERS, authorizing county as on the erroneous idea that it is framin South sessors and collectors to assess and col as when the ed solely for the benefit of the debtor 'THRESHING MACHINES and SULKY RAKES Wales united to resist the demands lect all school taxes levied under the class. The Act at present in exisof their employees last year. But a laws of the Territory, returned the bill tence, however, in its involuntary The Celebrated THOMAS SMOOTHING HARROW, warranted to make the belt Seed on movement has lately been and recommended that it lie the table Bed and to the beet cultivator for grass, grain, corn or iotatoes, yet Invented. Our bent Farmrs powerful features, and its provisions in regard till called for; report adopted. CaB the wealthiest manu Thw Departments wi'i "I"" P1ve information and receive orders for TUBEIXB WIIKELS, BMUT On motion of Mr. Partridge, the Com to paying a dividend of fifty per cent, organized by MUST and SAW MILLS, or other articles not usually kept iu Mock. , MACHINES, facturers in England, whose names mittee on Judiciary was instructed to be be with unfairness, may charged familiar to the world. consider the propriety of presenting a MOSIM THATCHER, AGENT, LOGAN. cause it places debtors too muck at are '; under definite and for taken bill providing shape compil It has arranging BARBARA WHITE, AGENT, OGDEN. the mercy of their crediton. ' The the name and style of the "National ing the laws of the Territory, and also 30tf W, H. HOOPER Superintendent. operation of the law is therefore unFederation of Associated Employers." such laws of Congress as are applicable satisfactory to both of these classes. its to the Territory, with index, margina But in the main it is, almost as per- This body unreservedly proclaims notes, etc. intention to resist the combinations The bill for an act providing for the fect as the requirements of our merinfluence to and pubof workingmen, election of probate judges, and county chants, manufacturers aud farmers make and to and lic politics, assessprs and collectors, was taken up opinion demand. What is desired, is simply its powor felt in Parliament, where it on its second reading. Amended and a modification of. the law, so that amis secured by a strong representa referred back to the committee, with in ple protection will be giveu to credetructions to reconstruct. tion. itors from fraudulent, and The conflict between labor and ruinous preferences on the part of GROESBECK BLOCK, SALT LAKE CITY, ' Ulah Xorlucrn. said now be the debtors, and to deliver them from capital iu England may while in this Beiguam Citt, the conflicts, incongruities aud ineffi- fairly inaugurated, Jan., 18th, 1874. is rapidly producing THEIR LARGE STOCK OF BEST SELECTED ciencies of state laws which interfere country it The Pricham City bovs, under the social and in our political direction of Judge T. Smith and Bishop with the proper workings of the in- changes havo events shown, iS Nichols, have been working ou the U. X. solvent Act. On the other hand it system, which R. R. line for the last four days, which j assaults of rev has resulted in the track being extended is desired that relief should be not impervious to the We two miles beyond Drigbam station. olutions. ! given to fair and honest, but' unforwill Boon 'connect with the track from to on line own our ride and tunate debtors, and a deliverance your war, BUSINESS. t Winchester and Democrat Light Spring Implements. Farming o California and , , Harness and Harness Trimmings. nnd Shoo H. IWGPEll, Superintendent. z. M I. -- MACHINERY WE GUARANTEE WAGONS ' WAGONS, and Droppers or Self Rakers. sj-ste- iron-maste- rs 1 . ) r im-ju- st ARE SELLING OUT 6 R O G E R . I'E . CHEAP FOR CASH A. C. Ogden. from crushing burdens. The lower House of Congress has There are seventy HAVE IX 5IY POSSESSION TIIE FOLLOW- T an in Congress. No unprejudiced Act men which passed nnimal, which, if not claimed virtually abolish- JL iwg described vrill cold to the highest rebe and taken away, mind can look down from the gal es the law. The bill now bidder at the District Stray Pound, at Esti'av Bankuptcy pending in tlie Senate, is retroactive in its operations, and therefore is liable to the objection which Col. Benton urged against the insolvent !N"ptice. sponsible flitv Siitnrdav. Jan. 24th. 1874, at 2 p.m. about 6 year old Ono Hcrbt. 'hrinHln linn-bactexan ox, right ear off, left cur square crop, branded resembling II M on left side, also a brand ou left kip, and I on left horn. Brighain City, Jan.lith, A. MADSOX, 1874. Poundkeeper dloo-l-s(i-- bald-heade- d leries upon that Lake Superior o: absent hair without a feeling of re gret that the absence is a thing with which the peculiar skui ot tne ooorig' inCS had nothing to do. PREPARATORY TO A CHANGE IN 00 Jobbing a Specialty. Window and' Plate Glass LOWER THAN EVER! , 1 83 if |