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Show Site $&tn CHARLES W. STAYNEll, Iwutfon, Piiblifhod every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY by the Oodex rc'DUsiii.sa Compant. Utah A Hairs. The dictum of the President's message on Utah is to be obeyed. The Senate Judiciary Committee on yes terday virtually agreed to report the IVelinghuysen bill, which excludes , C 25. bigamists or Mormons from jury service, and practically from citizenship. Meantime a similar bill is pending before the house committee. - Wash. Telegram. If that bill shall become a law, and horious attempts shall be made to enforce it by the malignant and mercenary spirits that infest Utah, neither Jen. Grant, nor the army, nor all the powers on earth, can prevent fearful disasters to the peace and prosperity of Utah, to the Pacific Itail-xoaand to the whole country. AVe are neither a prophet, nor the son of one, but when Gentile Juries shall come to take the lives and property of the Mormons under such a law, there will be .terrible times in Utah. It is noticable as a part of the play in the Utah comedy, to which Mr. Gould assigns to himself and the tel- Agent for Utah for the Ml. J., SUPERB ESTEY ORGAN, LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY. Which has CHURCH held in ORGAN, DRY GOODS, G.ROCERIESs BEST PARLOR HARDWARE, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Hats and caps, Xotions, Stoves and Tinware, Drugs and Medicines, Etc., Etc. AND FOR TIIE OlWiAX PKOBFCIC TJIE FITTEST ORCHESTRAL EFFECT, CEOTIIISTCJ, ! Keel.-- on ORGAN, hand a full line of Musical Instruments and Mercbandise.'sells all of Pianos. Organs, Melodeons, etc., at Factory prices. kinds won't jDzxy to HoTty elsewliere. Xt The Best Brands of Imported CHARLES W. STAYNER, WJXBS and LIQUOBS. No. 5, Main Street, Salt Lake City. 35-t- f Carpets and Trimmings, Window Curtains and Blinds. egraph the leading part, that Brig-haYoung and the Mormons are organizing for another flight from the A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF NEW land which their labors and sacrifices redeemed from the desert. It is our TOYS. very candid opinion that when, if ever, the Mormon people are found fleeing in one direction, the telegraph man in Salt Lake, whose is so remarkable, will be found flying at much greater speed in the other. The Salt Lake telegrapher continu ues to prostitute the power of his po- Whleat, Barley, Oats, Pearl Barley, Flour, Bran, Shorts, Eggs and sition in talking to the country about Butter, SHIPPED TO ANY POINT ON SHOUT NOTICE. "the enforcement of the laws" in Utah, as though the people of that ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY PURCHASED TO Territory were in any manner engaged in resistiug the laws. "Will this ORDER. stupid or knavish telegraph scandal Orders addressed to M. THATCHER, Log. have the kindness to name the law, will receire prompt attention. Federal or Territorial," which the Mormon people are either resisting, sTOtf H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. or proposing to resist, except in accordance with laws enacted for their protection before the lawfully constituted tribunals 1 Will this telegraph name the law? Omaha Herself-wisdo-m S tate Fair of Kansas, just taken the First Premium at the St. at Premium the Louis, Mo., for First and Topeka, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN BEST d, m ' TEKHTJNE'S PATENT PENTAGONAL SHOW CASE! Metal Corners. Patented August 8,1871. Chicago Sclmttler Wagons. SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. ald. Enforcement of (he Laws of Utah. The N. Y. Tribune betrays its ignorance of the situation of affairs in Utah by the following : "It certainly ought to be possible for Congress to enforce and inaiutaiu the laws of tho United States in all ts Territories. The President asks that this be done in Utah." The aid of Congress is not required to "enforce and maintain the laws of the United States in all the Territo rice," Utah included. No attempt lias ever been made to enforce the laws of Congress in that Territory. This is exactly what these Colfax. Newman, and Harlan moral mountebanks refuse to ds. Omaha llcralJ. EXTANT. IT. TEBHVNE, Sole Manufacturer, 40, StiltC Street, Z IMPROVE!) CABINET ORGANS AND formerly 40, CHICAGO, ILL 41-9- SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S M G' COMMISSION 'ARTMENT, IN CHARGE OF H. W. Will purchase any kind of Merchandise not usually kept in stock, including Engines, Saw Mills, Circular Saws, RoUiiig Cloili, EelSel - MSI I -r-H- ; Zi; fi it Water Wheels, CIiee.se Factory or Hairy Goods, Threshing Machines, Machine Extras, Force or other Pumps, Relting, orghnm Mills, Evaporators, 5 A'C, Arc. &c, -- A political essayist once published r.n esoay entitled. ''Dues Protection ELEGANT AND DURABLE SHOW CASE RiOST anti-polyga- Polygamy in Utah is the main cause" of uneasiness in that Territory. V. Y. Tribune. The Tribune is mistaken. Pobyg amy is only the pretext. It is in no pense the cause. The main cause is that the "superanuatcd cripples" and 'political convicts," as Mr. Taffo Very properly called them, seek to possess .themselves of the political power and property of the Mormons. Omaha Herald. XIIK Or any article from any State, that may be needed in an Agricultural or """ . Grand ' : 5l's-n(-rSisaK- : Combination Mechanical population. Send in your orders and we will do the best to fill them at Manufacturers prices with freight added, or on a slight percentage. i',fcj" o Organs, Wo are expecting an immediate shipment of the FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED justly-celebrate- TO THAT OF ISEST The Factory having just got fairly running since the in- CHICAGO FIRE! FIFE TIIE EQIJAE Protect?' Cincinnati Enquire)-- treatSAME OHUAXS OF CAPACITY. TIIE ing of the detectives of Cincinnati, aks. "Does Detection Detect?" And Our celebrated "Vox Celeste," "Louis Patent," "Vox Humana." "Wilcox Patent," "Octave Coupler," the charming "Cello" or "Clarionet" Stops, and now the Louisville Courier-JournElect?" Election "Does All the Lato Improvements Can be Obtained Only in these inquires, ) d ''SCHUTTLEK WAGON," SCKIBNEirS PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, An invention having a most important, bearing on the future reputation of Heed by m?uns of wkich the quantity or Vttlumc of tone is very largely creased, and quality of tone rendered and well-know- n U. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent . 88-6r-a al The literary critic of the Boston (Hobs says he has ''sometimes thought that, to a few clergymen) the desire to get into the newspapers during life almost isas strong as the cesixe to get into heaven after death." A diabolical and disloyal punster proposes to rechristen the capital of our glorious couutryWhitewashtng- - Thirtu-fiv- c STOCK OF FDRXITDBE different Styles, IN UTAH, The liext Material and Workmanship, tone Volume and of Unequalled. Quality For the Farlor and the Church, P It I C E S , FACTORY AND WAREROOMS, GOt GOO Dollars. COKCth & CONGRESS STS., DETROIT, MICHIGAN. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. a93-l- y . ., Established in 1850, At JOELSON'S, Groesbeck's NEW 2nd Address, Simmons t TIIE BEST Organs. & ClougU Organ Co., Petroit, Michigan. Oetf BUILDING, south street, SALT LAKE CITY. ARTISTS, ATTENTION! milE BOAlin OC BIItKCTORS OF J. RET AliKICL'LTL'UAL AND TIIE MAM fit I 1MII.I.AICS to tU Artistn of Ctah Ternh'O , for the best design for a Diplomi. Tbe Brd Directorn to be the Awarding Committee, ,'e'? rT" ins the right to withhold the nvrurd if in i?iritoriou "f KiitBcicntly jndiruient no dosi presented for competition. DesiRtio will.i until April 1st. Award to be aummW" TL K1XU SWIKTIT ofiwr arromiura April 15th. lly order of thr HoHrd. KOBT, s3-2- of L. CAMPBELL. Swretarr. |