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Show Protest Agniiiat the Memo United States. The entire freedom of religious and political opinion is rial of the Twenty-siasserted, and the intimidation of In the Itouse of Representatives, and the exercise of any kind of on the 17th inst., the Delegate from despotism, emphatically denied. The W. Hon. II. Utah, Hooper, present- moinoris,lists close by protesting ed a memorial to Congress from a against any legislation of a destructcitizens influential number of large ive tendency, and respectfully sugof this Territory lawyers, bankers, gest the appointment of a commission etcThe "memorial," for Utah to fully investigate all matmerchants, which is a protest against the mis- ters of complaint. representations anJ falshoods conThe protest is an able document, tained in the "memorial'' of twenty-m- and is a complete refutation of the members of the Salt Lake bar, allegations set forth in the memorial was to ordered previously presented, How much good of the twenty-six- . be printed in the Cougrtsioiiil it will effect; how much influence it (Hole, and referred to the Judiciary will have on a Congress handled by Committee. The document is too the Administration, and manipulated long to present to our readers in fall, by a Presidant who condescends to but we give the salient points, which the r and position of a will be of popular interest. in order to crowd hostile legThe "Memorial" commences by islation and push Utah to the wall, Mating that its signers, knowing the remains to be seen. Whether g document referred to be in many rebe accomplished by it or not, spects untruthful and unjust, beg houor is due to the signers of the leave to suggest why it is that Utah protest equal to the infamy that occupies an exceptional position, and awaits the framers of the memorial to trace the source of the evil. The against which it is directed. x. vo-fe- rg x wire-pulle- log-rolle- former memorial was not preseuted of Utah," many of the A. G. Tlmrmaii. Mgners having never read it, and a large portiou of the bar being ignoThe Senator from Ohio has proved rant of its existence. In answer to himself a worthy exponent of the the complaint of "unchecked abuse which he imbibed at the of the legislative power," they reply principles fountain of States Rights. While that the Governor exercises the absowonderment had been expressed at lute power of veto, a power unknown his signature to the bill reported by in the United States, except in New the Judiciary Committee in relation Mexico, since the time of George to our Territory, it is discovered that III. Every law must not only rehis object in attaching his name to ceive his sanction, but also the apby the wa8 Henry. Clay once accused J0U Randolph of being an aristocrat 1 a voice whose shrill, piereiug penetrated every ear in ilie Kandolph exclaimed: 'If it nia known by the company he keeps, th! who gentleman jus.t sat down i8 u,Wo of an aristocrat than I claim to he spends most of his nights father's garret yesterday, lie was the discovered by his little brother, who company of kings and queens anlj knaves. The went to look for Clarence. Since newspaper postage has been Coroner's jury have rendered a verdict that he came to his death by reduced to one cent for every two accident that is, that he placed the ounces or fractional part thereof, it j, his neck in sp:rt, said that ti great many papers which around rope 1 are placed in the office never and was accidentally hanged. reach find however, that the prevailing their destination. Persons wrap nn opinion is that he deliberately hanged two or three papers, frequently wei-himself on account of household ing four or six ounces, attach a cent duties, to which he was subjected. stamp and deposit the package in the He was required to do the washing of postoihee, and that is just as fur as it the family on Mondays, and the iron- ever gets. Uncle Sam agrees to carrj ing on Saturday; also, to wash and two ounces of newspaper nut four wipe dishes, sweep and make beds, for one cent. and perform other dutios which naA rough North Carolinian, goin,r turally devolve on the female mem- We?t with his dozen children anJ bers of the household. These duties two dozen got on board the were distasteful to him, and he steamerllighflyer at a KentuckylanJ. seemed to feel the oppression. ing, and his first question was: "How much will you charge, cap'n take us to St to Now that Amadeus is safely out of gret her departure. We trust sie may have as pleasant a journey as is possible at th is season of ihe year, and a joyful reunion with friends in the South. Miss West, who has been stationed for some time at Kaysville, and who is an efficient operator, returns to take the place vacated by Miss Peacock. We extend a cordinl welcome to Miss West. for the purpose of proval of Congress, which certainly it a fatal blow. Sternly and ecms to be a sufficient check on the giving gallantly he opposed the report of Legislature. The statement that the the committee, of which he is a memMatutes attempt to deprive the Fedber, and contested the right of Coneral Courts of their authority, is reto intervene in the domestic refuted by quotations showing that gress lations of the people living in this concurrent jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters is given to the Pro- Territory. bate and District courts, and that THURSDAY, 27. appeals from the former to the latter nre provided for, making the power Pkedigestatkcr. rrof. Carl rosco'i of the district courti over the inferior lllusionary and marvellous exhibitions courts almost'absolute. The right of offered for the entertainment of the peothis evening at the Oden Theatre, the Legislature and the Organic Act ple will startle all who are not familiar with to confer powers exercised by the the Mr. Bos-c- o mysteries of legerdemain. Probate Courts, and the intention of is making preparations to present confer to the self of phenomena that are apt to deceive the Congress powers government on the Territories, are most acute observer. An inexhaustible demonstrated by logical argumsnt, bottle of fluids, the wonderful Cabinet mystery, and o'her feats that are bequotations from the decision of the to the imagination, will be U. S. Supreme Court in the Engle-brec- wildering presented. Remember this evening and and with case, comparisons witness the performances of the magithe Organic Acts and legislative cian. ht be-fo- r . More Sales. Mr. Thomas Bingham, of Huntsville, purcha cd heifer ''Augusta," and Ihintsviile co operative herd heifer of Saxe and Snow this r, any-thin- the report Hang Himself cause He Had Dishes. who A U03 BePeacock, has acted as operator for the Descret to Waisli several for in line this city Telegraph months, learcs this evening for her home in Sanpete County. During her Easton, Pa., (Feb. 10). Correspondence of th New York Sun. stay in Ogden Miss Peacock has gained the respect and esteem of all who have The body of Clarence Cole, aged become acquainted with her, and we re- 15 years, was fuund hanging in his Miso Tklkqraphic. morning. We understand that the Saxes will remsiin in this city until next week and have forty head of thoroughbred stock s had betyet for sale. 0 ir ter hurry up while they have the chance and secure the bargains offered. , stock-raiser- Fined and Paid. Two cases were brought before Alderman Thomson, yes for violation of terday, and one of the city ordinance relating to the sale of liquors. The charges preferred the against parties concerned were settled by their entering a plea of guilty and the payment ef the fines imposed upon them by the magistrate. to-da- y, What a Fail Was Tiikre, Slc. j go on deck or in the queried the captain. The Carolinian hesitated a moment, and then, with sigh over his own Belt' sacrifice, replied: '"VYal CHpn, I've lived in cabin all 1 and s'pose the cabin '11 he my life, prood enough for me." cabin-'- A prominent egg merchant of this city had a little mishap yesterday in connection with his business. He was riding from the depot on a loaded wagon, and taking care of a box, containing some ten or twelve doien of eggs, when owing to bad roads or some untoward accident, at present unexplained, he found it imperative to reach terra firma in a hurry, heels uppermost, at the same time the box fell in the track of the wagon and one wheel passing over it demolished the contents and scattered broken "hen fruit" in every direction. We understand the merchant manifested considerable anxiety about the depth of the snow in that neighborhood, and started to measure it but has failed to give in a report. Tbavii. 'Will you Spain, be must feel pretty much as the preacher did who "took up a collection" one Sunday, and found when his hut was returned that there wasn't a cent in U. "I thank my God," said he, turning the hat upside down and tapping the 1 Lave crown of it with his hand, got my hat back from this congregation." Courier Juumnf. GROCERIES, HARDWARE & CROCKERY; STOVES; DRY GOODS, STAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS, CARPETS. OIL. CLOTHS. VPHOLSTERY CLOTH IX;OIS. Ci, HATS, ROOTS and SHOES; Wall Paper, Rordering, Decorations; Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines; WIXES, LIQUORS, ALE acid PORTER; O A severe storm trevnils east of the Missouri river. Ileavv drifts of snow obstruct the passage of trains along the ro.d The Union Pacific truin d due last nrsht is and is not here until this erening. expected The Central Tacific came in this morning a little after seven. The Utah Central was a few minutes tlac. Travel is light on all the roads. IMPLEMENTS TOOLS, I j oinsers' Dcspoke Root and fl cr a wins Jiiiciuiics, in 1 w-r , arieiy ' SllOC DepartllCllt; &C.j Leather, FMillgS, MtUlCS. O GRAIX, BITTER, EGGS, Ve.; snow-boun- PRODUCE, SCULTTLER MACHINERY IN BRANCHES, &C. ITS ALL BOB VAGOXS, SLEDS; &C. ; statutes of other Territories. The wisdom of the Utah Legislature in conferring common law and equity on the Probate Courts, is fcbowo by the extent of the Territory, the limited, duration of the sessions of the three Pistrict Courts, the of .v iV.;. j ""necessity for local courts f,r.the pro-- Theatre Last Night. Og-de- non-residen- ..u. ! -- " Hotel Arrivals. Notwith- standing Ihe deep snows that make our streets almost impassable, a fair audience assembled at the Theatre last night, n to witness the performance of the Great satisDramatic Company. faction was expressed at the icpresenta- tion, and the tableaux which added to the grandeur of the spectecular drama f wlich was in- vu uuu m , ium oie (r(KjuceJ for ,he time in tll;9 city yrvywrij in the widely, separated towns j Mr. II. C. Wardleigh was perfect in his nd cities of the Territory.' ' part, and was warmly applauded. Mrs. The Municipal corporations are Kowring, as the witch, and Miss Emma and Laura, at immortals, elicited the shown to be similar to those of east- greatest admiration. Mrs. G. J. Wright cruelties, and that they have been never liiils in ber impersonations, and. recognized by Congrcsioual logisla- - reived approbation, tiox The falsehood of the statement Miss Mary A. Taylor, as the dame, legislation had neglected to pro- - quitted hersslf with the greatest credit. vide for common schools, is proved Mr- - J- L- - De' represented the charac of a lover faultlessly. Mr. G. J. ' ot.?tcr by reference to . ' Wright, sustained the character of a . he assertion that Justices of Ibbs. worthily. Mr. C. W.West, magistrate, the Peace are given unlimited juris- - ,uJ all the olhe who participate i in diction in equity, is refuted. The the performance, did well, and a grati- Jurv Law i quoted, ill full, and tied audience gave token3 of their ap- ial v a eorV of Froval- - The after play of "Domestic krmwn to he 1 was happily rendered, Satthe jury law of many of the States. Economy," urday next the performance will be reThe unsettled condition cf judi-tipeated, wi'h additional tableaux. Let affairs is traced to the construe-tio- n us one and all eucourage ft meritorious placed on the statutes by the company in their eudoavors to entertain district and Supreme Courts of the the public. Territory, and their virtual estab-- 1 huient of a new law, field to he cr- - ' JST See Notice cf Dissolution of toueyus ly the Supreme Court of the J. J. Mauok J fit 1 j I j I j well-deserv- I TO LAKE CITT Proprietor. Feb. 28. M McArthur.Napa, Cal.; B 0 Price, Will find the Largest Assortment of Merchandise in the several Departments of Louis; G C Chicago, 111., J Adamson, M. C. Z. I., as above, that can be seen in the West, and all at fair prices. T II Robinson, Bowman, New Vork; Mrs Patterson. J M Pat'erson, Sacramento, Cal.; J X Heisterinan, L Cllodg-kinel Cm H . 0 . CLAYVSO N , Superintendent. s, -- Reno, NeT. I iu Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors OGDEN HOTEL. Ssow Slipc. heaty snow slide place Tuesday morning, about one above Tanner's, but uo lires were that our reporter could hear of. slide is the largest that has taken place this winter, and the road is completely blocked. Teams going up the kanyon returned to Granite. Of course everybody knows that Tanner's is in L. Herald. Little Cottonwood. A THE took mile lost The GROESBECK'S BLOCK, i i j , HOUSE fc CO., SECOND SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, j .i..ei,iT OF a. F.CULIEE ao-th- at - EW ST A lady residing in Providence. R I., received a letter a day or two since announcing the dt nth of her brother in Nevada, by the premature explosion of ft minni Must, ll.r f.rnr nlh.r hrmhor, also died of sudden disaster, two by arowniDg. one by a steamboat explosion, ana one oy a rauroaa accident. Micu a singular fatality in oue family is of rare fV TT 11 T 1 IN il TNT A I nrirl J PA JA. JT JX OF THE VERY CHOICEST QUALITIES, "NT AM rP S A T71 All XL M Imported Direct. 00- - oceurrenc. , al -- Part-cerkL- .p THE LARCEST ASSORTMENT OF Died. At Vpleadon. Gloucestershire, Dec, 20, 187, of inflamatiun of the lungs, James William, hon of James and Sarah Dee, aced 1 vcar, 7 months and 17 days. VBH L,, ! A Slti IN THE TERRITORY; iuiui.i oi.mm, orcen, . tr tJ? , ,i- iftiue, lciiow, a urpic UUJ, Oralis. oo At Northampton, of consumption, Jan. Orders from the Country promf tly filled, aad Glass Cat to any Sue and I,., 1S7S. Elder Stephen Sharp, aged 26 V.'iY. S:or. eurS. Shape, without extra eharge. 9-l- y |