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Show " PTT"RT.TcjTTTTi,-- OGDEX, UTAH, SATUKUAY, 3IASUH 1, 1873. Xo. IS. OCDEN DIRECTORY, BY TELEGRAPH. Osdon Post Ofiicc: OF MAILS. Special to the Oipen.U'Xction t.y the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company. ABK1VAL AND CLOPIXO AH1UVM.S. a.m. City, double daily, M.st.Thrrtii!h Mail daily !!; . i City, dmil.le iIt La TnirT-wmTmrT.- -v WEDNESDAY tnul SA T (Jill) A Y.) tar ikr ykar. n Ca.m. .V..O I). 111. The 4.(H p.m. 4.00 p.m. ti.oo a.m. MAILS. "Jy Mail iauy SKjiT AND l , Confession of a Murderer 5.30 p.m. 7.30 a.m. ... ..,ri mu...Loei. n Difficulty! Movement to Place Prince Alphonso on the Throne of Spain! CLOMlNti. fVlio Comitv, Tuesuayn, Anglo-Russia- YOL,. whom he might use were in town, but not preventative, except so far as the not present. Tburman asked if the wit- deprivation of office, etc. The report ness had come with money. Simpson criticizes the view enunciated by the said that Guerin Lad airiveJ, but that Poland committee, drawing an analogy he would send the money by express, between the proceeding of impeachment which required two days longer to make aud tiiat of expulsion; and asserts that tue tup, but that it had not been seen. no authority can be found for such a Tburman said the session of Congress doctrine. An expelled member muy be but au impeached officer can ending this week, the committee could not and ought not to make up us mind never be restored to office. But even the upon the case unljl all the testimony in power of expulsion for an act committed had been carefully considered. Hence, before the election of the member was no time could be lost. S inpsoti said he not within the constitutional power of IV it Cincinnati, 25. Capt. John Answall, commander of the sieamboat "Molly Davidge," plying between Pittsburg and St. Louis, was lost overboard, 05 miles below this city on Thursday night. The boat while at a making landing Pekinburg became unmanageable, on account of heavy winds at the time which forced her s close to the shore that trees swept the upper deck upon which the captain w standiug. Youngstown, 0. 25. Four prisoners broke from the jail on Friday night by climbing up the chimney and letting themselves down by the bed clothes tied together. One of them named McQuire, a horse thief, was cap- 1 he had six more witnesses whom he he House; less, still, could nn officer be Y. Simpson, memwished examined. impeached for something done by him Moneys and Iliursdayii exKausas the was of ber then before be was in office. The committee Senate, faturHuUUih, We.luw.lay and 7.30 a.m. amined. His testimony amounted to argue that both the lmpe. clung power trvil and disclosed no offer of bribery and power of expulsion are remedial lvunefVlain'city little, 3.30 p.nv p,,Mav.ui"d Thursday made him. 3.00 p.m. only, and not. preventive; and come to tured Wodi.fi.days an.) Saturdays e with an In interview New York, 25. the conclusion that so lar as securing yesterday ami v"a. I! pcrvilla 11.30 a.m. Tho explosion of the Associated Pre. Bingham, chairman of the and holding an interest in credit mobiiuu " I'llII OFFICE HOURS. to 6.39 p.m. judiciary committee, that gentleman lier stock u concerned, there is nothing Canard, concerning the London ageut f Ccueral Pelivery, tV.mi t 8 a.m. 0.30 p.m. stated that the house had no jurisdiction in the testimony submitted which would the American Press Association, is exSmiitav. p.ni. IiKPAKTMli.NT ColKKrtJSTIlY warrant the impeachment of the vice- tensively commented upon in journaliswhereby the case of 3 p.m. Own from 9 a.m-tbe that reached the could fax Senate In additiou to the by president. The committee, therefore, tic circles here. MONEY OFFICE IiEPAK'J'MEMT. 3 had no to over the 'J nsk it be to con statement from further from alleged '" in the A. and P. discharged jurisdiction published Open 8 "m- offence of its members not committed sideratiou on the subject. Potter, Wil- dispatches cf this morning, showing the Outside i'oor W'U ,v"" 0 nJ"-,JOSEPH HALL, Postmaster. during their connection with the Senate. son and (ioodrich coucur in the recom whole Ktory to be an attempt to deceivIt is his opinion that like re.isouiug is mendation of the committee to be dis- ing (lie press of the country, for which Salt for further notice, Dailv until applicable to the case of the members of charged, but do not sign the report. t ,.ve purpose the Associated Press was '('iiv iit.'i a.m. and 8 H.m.ud t.3o p.m. and the house. The Kciiiimj Mail adds the Potter a dissenting report presented For the a.m. 8 West, Lfiow. Fur the Et, at A report cf the judiciary committee, denyingihe correctness of the conclusion, following: n ill. 7 p.m. and 10.45. a. on the Poland report has been prepared that a man can't be impeached or Letters from Jas. McLcon to Johnson, Arrive from Fait Luke City, S.la p.in From the Kant, Butler. As to the case of General he was in will show that ihe forme t, mid 4.4'i p.m. and done for bv an act before anticipated From the Wt H.,Vi a.m. ;, :xi I'.iR. J udge Sherman which was cousidered office. He regards the question as un- the trick attempted by tie Associated Salt Lake City Time. by the committee, Peters, member of the settled and doubtful, but concludes that, Press Agent. committee, says there was not enough under existing circumstances, where imNo. 2 Telegraph Street. I. 'ions Services at 11 n.ni., and F.viTV MindaV, III tin' Talirrnai-leThe peachment could not be followed by evidence to justify any action. V. !.... It..... L'..,4.iii London, Jan. 20, 1873. " H.Huiiuui" vi ill.' ."C.'ii'i am committee will recommend that his case trial, the decision of the House on the Robert Johnson, N. Y., 0 'l'l'ird w ' !'" 11 a.m. ami 7 p.m. be referred to the next bouse for con (mention would onlv be a determination Kiiiscnpal I'lmri'li at Dear Sir: A concern entitled the Peters does not think a ma of it as an abstract question. He thought Metli.lit t'liiinlt at 11 a.m. ami 7 p.m.10.30 sideration. at a.m., Telegraph Dispatch and Intelligence Co., Spiritualist Le. tur.'(Cliild"4 Hall), ot the house will vote lor the ex- now the matter could only be left to pub7 has been sending (Hit circulars alleging and jority '2 p.m. (Lyceum), p.ia. pulsion of unv Credit Mobilier mem- - lic opinion. that I had handed them my books, which bers. After various attempts at adjournment, is perfectly untrue, and asking a remit Ogdcn At Cm. W. Turners. Olu every day, Sunday Butler will make a defense of Ames. tbc House went into a committee of the tance ot mency. Miould you receive vvptcd. has no time to take action for whole on legislative Congress appropriation. Sala any documents of the kind, consign AMERICAN. the impeachment of Colfax. The com ries were nxea as tollows: 1 resident, them to the waste paper basket, and take Quebec, 24. mittee's report will assail the Poland re- SfoO.OOOYice-Presidenof the Justices of is a movement it. no uotice There The nomination of candidtitett for port. Butler, in seeking to save Ames, Heads of Departments, among the lleuter parly to put me down Court, Supreme the provincial will give the Democrats a chance to atQuebec, caet division, in Speaker of the House, $10,000; each but they wil not succeed although they house of the assembly, took place toto save Brooks. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, do not stop any tricks to obtain their tempt FOURTH day, and a furious riot began between The Poland committee on Credit Mo- $10,500; Secretary of State, of Treasury, end. Therefore I caution my friends to of the conservatives and the adherents bilier will hold a ppecial meeting to- and Interior, $0,500 each; Senators, believe nothing except over my signanational of the the caudidates party. morrow, to determine what to recomFour Doors front Z. C. 3f. Representatives and Delegates, including ture. I remain, dear sir, Pistols, knives and clubs were freely mend to the house in reference to the 42d Yours Truly, Co?jgrei8,$;,500i and in lieu of in used. About 8,000 persons took part GENERAL time for debate ou. tLu expuUcn resolu- mileage, actual expenses to and from Jas. McLcon. a and one heur the riot which lasted IX tion. The committee is disposed to al- Washington each session, including 42d half. Two men were killed and many low all the time that can be given, but liOOTS tV SIIOKS, London, Jan. 23d, 1873. wounded, some of whom are expected to on account of pressure of bminess will Congress. N. Y., Robt. determhave committee The Johnson, LEATHER anil die. Hustings were torn down, and the probably recommend the matter be con- ined toJudiciary articles of Dear The Renter party and some Sir: impeachment present SHOE EIMHXGS, candidates of the national party were cluded. The Poland report relative to other of U. S. my opponents combined madJudge Delahay of Kansas, At the Lowest Vriccs. 1 reduce beiilen. Armed police are now patrol-in- the Sioux City Rtid Iowa Falls road un- against dened the successful opposition I conone examine whose to case by they begun the streets in force, and have dis- der the resolution of Stevenson, will be Taken. have is intoxtrol, The habitual rceently set afloat, more especcharge year ago. or to ication and frequent commission of gross ially on th- - Continent, false reports that persed the most of the rioters. submitted to the committee on the streets are frequent. morrow. It is very short and implicates indecencies while on the bench under 1 was afflicted with the Reuter, and inChicago, 24. no member of Congress. The report re- the influence of liquor. One of the wit- tended to desert my supporters, and they "Washington special? gay that at the commends that the Stevenson resolution nesses is Senator-elec- t Ingalls, who msy start similar stories in America. extra session of Senate called for the be laid on Ihe table. to Therefore, 1 merely drop you a line, U agreed pay Delahay's RErAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. 4th of March, the President will nomithat those reports are scandulous comhe would sober Mobilier the if Credit say $5,000 Morrill's keep Judge nate for reappointment every member of mittee have special and that the interests of your in untruths, to and court all the heard open enougn testimony long sign his cabinet, including Rout well, who are in my bandit, and you can association was reference to charees against senators some very important papers. Ihis proposes to retire in the middle of March and will proceed to prepare a report done, but Ingall's client, refused to pay safely ignore anything you hear to the WHOLESALE NOTIONS. if elecied Senator Iroru Massacuuset' s. this the money und he declined to hold him- contrary. I remain, dear sir, to be presented Fish has decided to remain immediately Your iruly, Secretary self liable, when suit was brought by And WooIchh. the next administration, ana week. Jas. McLkox. enthrough bill to New York. West Osborne, Delahay's of Lnrpest Stork The house agricultural college in the nomination. was force moved to Windoui refer Monroe aud Franklin Sts., CIHCA(iO will be included FORKIGN. appointed taken Delahay The Supreme Court of llltiois has just wiis the up. lands committee, with from pnynieut. Illinois in Jfe'tiG. y London, 24. it to public case a in decision a involving rendered y is about to submit to ihe Gortschakoff into to theexpedien-cinstructions a submitted The President inquire special the constitutionality of what is known LOGAN of disposing forever of one half t he message, in whicn ue uennes nis views government of Great. Britain a proposal as the railroad law of this State, a law lands. Morton moved to lay the with regard to the political war going on lor a special couiiniBin, to regulate passenger and freight tarins public for the purpose of tak- in Louisiana, and urging Congress to to settle the boundaries of Affgbaiiistan. tab'c the on bill of the State. IN LOf.AN, CACHE CO., on the various railroads the report of the committee on provide nccccsary legislation to put his The Russian government has advices t' HAYlMi LOCATED to attend to the practice of Modi- - The case was appealed from one of the ing up in the Caldwell case. Logan views into force. He adds, "If Congress warrant the announcement that Khiva elections me, Surgery anfi Ohotutrics. Circuit Courts, where a decision was wanted to postpone the Caldwell case adjourned without adopting any meas will shortly sue for pence. rendered against the Chicago and Alton until It snowed in the north of England yesMorrill, of Vermont, ures at all, he would recognize the pres Railroad Company in a suit to recover the till PUSVSPS! over had better it go ent executive government g the legally terday; in the south thought damages for noncompliance with the law. 4th of March. Morton Uechirca n u constituted uuthority in Louisiaua, and Lord commissioners of the treaty of 31. SriJAHT The Supreme Court decides that the law was the Senate should take would take such steps as would ensure Washington have officially assured the postponed KOK SALE THE BEST AND inasmucn as u p1"" KFfc? he would not. The its undisputed supremacy. He has long commissioner of customs that the treasand Lift Pumps for is unconstitutional, in fixing rules the responsibility, discrimination Is bib. kI.hIIow any wella. .'.'jmr Also, l'ateut I'oints for lost. was difficult motion of this solution a ques- ury department assumes the responsibilsought the I'r.ve Pumps, with suitable iron piping, of freight, but the court holds that furnish a ity for the Alabama claims, notwithnot docs and arc if extensive tion, most ''limps ixtt i and fitted upon reasonable terms, at Congress The preparations has an undoubted right to . Legislature Uoi liKltui. Titliinr Ollit-o- Oaden. he proposes to lake the matter standing Chief Justice Cockburu's imcontrol railroads in the matter by pro making for the Presidential maugura- remedy plied censure. his own hands." in Lnnereni military unu t on viding against any unjust discrimina- civic ceremonies. 24. Negotiations for the settlement of the a will form Indianapolis, parade organizations tion. claims in South Wales have failminers' noWm. H. Beck, a blind man and a S. onlv eoualled aithe time that oraut anu New York, 24. and the strike continues indefinitely. ed, confession made in Wash torious character, has were reviewed WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. dispatches give accounts of Sherman's army is a bitter one, for Special The y Henne-bdisappointment intwo the of murder of war. of the Ihe girls, Mary I'ffder m Watches., Clocks, .lewelry, Silver nud two horrible murders, one at Burnside, ington at the close thousands of families depeuded on the tuned Ware, MAIN STKEET. OtiDEN. and Catherine Hiuiler, aged respectVenn. auguration ball will be the grandest ever of Glloom work. lU'pHiiiuj; Jone aud all writ warranted. Conn , the other at Rethlehem, in resumption prevails in The President, ively eleven and four years, June, The victim at Burnside was Ira Bliss, an given in the country. the districts. mining White of banks senathe River, 1370, along who was at vice President, cabinet minister!, old man of eeventy-twIn tho House of Commons, this evenministers near this city. The murder created Ihe tacked while going home at night, oy tors, representatives, foreign from all most intense John Bright took his seat for the the ing, but excitement at time, n,l ilisiin!rnished civilians two youths, aged respectively 18 and 1J, first time since his prolonged illness, and imnn was surrounded be will attend in union by apparently F YOU WANT A TH0MS0XIAX D0CT0U 0U who beat him to death and robbed him parts of the was loudly cheered. clue no and possible penetrable mystery Tlioniinion Mo.liciws, Thev were ur- ance. ami Lis watch. nf An agreement has been made between could be gained to the guilty parly. The House met at twelve o'clock. CAUL ON DR. rested and made a full confession. The Duke de Montpensier and the adherents forenoon. this Beck was from arrested a message early Bethlehem victim was Monroe Snyder, a n The Speaker presented POST Ol'KICE, MAIN ST, of Isabella, to place Prince Alphonso oa the murder viuce blind He to has become urcrinir legislation Prpi.lfnt. OtjDEN. the throne of Spain, the Duke to be rewealthy resident, who was followed on the articles of the of the children. Coxsultatiox FfcK, $1.00. the train from New York to Bethlehem bring into operation in relation to the 2o. gent during the minority of Alphonso, Columbus, 0., he Treaty of Washingtoa and the latter to marry the youngest by a villain who followed him when here that reached has the Information matters other and just touching All left the train aud killed him with a sand fisheries, - A zenti wanted! the State Reform School for girls at daughter of the Duk. Isabella accepts" relations of the United States with th $20 of working people, baeand threw the body into the Mono ..1.1 ' White Sulphur Springs, was totally de- the programme, and the two important f filler malm .r. tm.nav rmiiiv nr North American possessions. "IK tlir Un- Ml thulr will act together in the present uacy creek. The assansin has so fur es British ....... vi.ii.v n.n.u...! w. ,.r ill n.a Hi committee the stroyed by fire last night. The Home parties judiciary The report of man at anything Partioulars free, Ad caped. crisis. the committee are contained 153, all of whom escaped with StuiMou & Co., Porthmd, Maine. fSU.ly A Herald dispatch says that on Satur on impeachment, says of impeach little injury. The building was 800 feet instance find to unable any dav n. m. 54.000 worth of bonds' cou Never rend by twilight, noF ALL KINDS OF the accusauon was not m in length. The loss is estimated to be pons were stolen from Vice President ment where nn act done or was commit lee to The be $50,000. legislative to alleged catin' in the morning. The little relation Colfax's house. iu office. visiting the institution at the time of the was offender the while done you gain in time will be doubly lost Washington, 24. EXECUTED WITH ACCUHACY believe the proceedings of fire and assisted in rescuing the girls, committee AND The coma lailiug ot the eyesight lows beAt the sittting of the Poineroy DISPATCH AT THE were intended, by the and remained to make provision for by mittee, this morning. Simp?on said his impeachment to be wholly remedial aud them until new quarters were procured. fore life's witness was not ready. Two of them Constitution, un. Tiiday Rirh CnMt.V, 4.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 2.o0 p.ui. Election Riot in Quebec! to-da- y. to be Made in Cabinet Officers! No Chang II .1 V repre-sontativ- U vice-Preside- nt - Congressional Proceedings! o Report of Judiciary Trains Committee on Impeachment! rn ". nianu-tacture- d. ed A Judge to be Impeached i in Kansas! The President on , Louisiania Affairs! School-liuUM-- h,m-.- The Burning of aReform School in Ohio! Ciy t, WHITEHEAD, fi. STREET, I., DEALER g c a s ii";p AID Con-liic- ts to-da- y for 1ITDES. son-in-la- 1 w V JN0.V.FARWELL&CO., DRY OQOXS son-in-la- -- 61-- 1 DRUG STORE. JR. DR. ORfrlSBY, (t'.l4-2i- Anglo-Russia- il PUi1PS! I. p M-- foi-e- ; !:-- J. tf LEWIS, ii-r- y o, fc-- - MURPHY, sl-3- Joto tt- i , . JOB PRINTING JtXCTIOX OFFICE, iefre . |