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Show ..... ML' j Union Pacific road, and of the forma- nient that a was set that precedent Berne, 20. M tion of lite Credit Mobilier, which be r, v. . of the House had the right to Swiss government has formally The i became a necessary . u. n;nrv Jcsctios by tli Atlantic argus measure lo the death peal of liberty was recognized the republic of Spain. In insure the completion of the road. After struck. umpany. s to the Spanish government note their detailing some of the operations of the -At the conclusion of I'reek's remarks the federal council say they hope that fib . company in building the roud, he mya a motion was made to admit ladies to after strife nnd I will there be suffering the company had no reason to appre- the floor nud Voorhecs pro- peace and prosperity for the country. rejected. hend unfriendly or hostile legislation, ceeded lo the expulsion of for every department of Government Brooks. argue against manifested a friendly attitude. The Butler cf Massachusetts, We first leave childhood behind us, made a whole country was loud in demonstrain defense of A me and in oppo- then youth, then the years of speech ripened tions of approval of the energy and ac- sition to the report of the committee. manhood, then the better and more winch he had infused tivity into the en- He began with nn expression of the of old age. terprise. Heads of Departments and sense of responibility which he felt in pleasing part Government, officials of every grade Mankind has been learning for six part in the discussion, feeling that whose duties brought them in contact taking a precedent was beinjj di.cused which thousand years, und yet how few have with the affairs of the s are as company, were must settle for all time the right of the learned that their clamorous for increased speed of con House of themselves. as the United good Representativfs.of struct inn, and never lost an opuortuiiit States, lie stood here to say the House for expressing their approval of" Hie work had no More men grow old from having nothjurisdiction over hat it was and urging it forward. It had never now to do, than from overwork. The ing Xn I'ewon ran lake t!iro Bitthat it had no constitutional entered my head that the company would or doing, machine will keep for years ten according to rtireetiona, and remain running to member legal right for the idle expol any louir uuweJl. provided their txmea are ma machine will soon ak for or ever need additional legisla- crime out. rust alleged against, him five years ago. destroyed by mineral poison or other moan, tion, and as a matter ol history, no leg- Butler was listened to with the aud the vital organ wasted beyond, the closest an Itisdec'ared Imlinna editor, by islation at all affecting the pecuniary attention and of repair. point w ho "can't stand it any lucger," that the frequently interrupted with or ImUgrMion, I Npppsia interests of the company was asked for aud applause Pain in tho Shoulders, difference between the entrance to laughter (loujfli!, only three years and a half after the date of of the Client, DiezlneMi, Sour Eructaa barn and a lounger around newspaper Washington, 27. tions Kh(1 me alleged sales y me of Credit Mobil of the Taste in the stomach, 0. Page, banker of Independence, offices is. tha'. the first is a bain door Mouth, Pillion Attacks, Palpitation of ibe and then in 'r stock, settlethe only BrOOkS Kansas, has commenced suit in the Dis- and the latter a darn' bore. Heart, Inflammation of tho Lunjjs, Tain in nient of a purely judicial question, which trict Court to recover from York $7,000 the region of the Kidneys, und a hundred other painful symptoms, are the otrsprinp A New Hnmpsliiie clergyman, who suddenly and without warning sprang delivered him by Pomeroy duiing the of Dyspepsia. In ttiese complaints it has upon it in a critical period of its fortunes, Senatorial election. was asked his price by a young man no equal, and one bottle will prove a hetter and in relation to which no controversy The bill reported by the Senate Ju- whom he had just married, replied that guarantee of itd merius thau a lengthy adAMERICAN. had evr betore been made. Under thes vertisement. Com him the The m law t and he $2 Senat e, gave diciary ittee, youth promptpassed For It'iiiHlo Complaint, in young New York. 20. circumstances he is charged with selling was or old, married or sent to the House. ly handed him out fifty cents, remarkimmediately Mingle, at the dawn ot to members of Congress, shares of Credit The London Times, of the 13th, womanhood, or the turn of lift, these Tonic Colfax being absent on account ing: "Well, that will make up !?2.f0 for Bitters display v decided an Influence ihiu Mobilier stock for less than their full of a diplomatic correspondence bethe astonished man indisposition, the act was signed by you." and brfoi-a marked improvement is Moon perceptible. with Russian and the intent to influence value, governtheir Anthony, president pro tnn. Blair, could explaiu matters, he was off with tween the i:nglth For Inflammatory and C liiMii: and Gout, Dyspepsia or Illieiiimitism Thurman, Trumbull, Sprague, his bride on his honeymoon. ment, regarding affairs in CentralonAsia, votes and decisions. To sustain this Indigestion, iiiitous. Remittent and Interthe charge, Ames argues that it should be Poole, Tipton and Schurz voted in the which' closed with the conccsnion mittent Fevers, DiseuMcs of the Mood, Liver, immediate point in shown, first, that the shares were sold negative. Kidneys aud llladder, these Hitters have part of Russia of the laid down by the at prices so manifestly and palpably bebeen moot successfHl. Such Diseaaea are Mr. Merritt, in the House, asked that All the canary birds in an auction dilute, the boundary caused by Vitiated Mood, which to produced low their value to true as Utah accepted. the as conclusively bill, English being reported in the Senate, room full of them at Newark, X. J., by derainre-m?n- t of the Digestive Organ. Savannah, Ga., 2'j. presume the expectation of some other be taken up For Skin l)ieuiMK, Eruptions, Titdeath froze other the to night. ter, Rait Ulieum, lilotchea, tfpou, Pimple., The steamer Horace snagged and sunk pecuniary advantage in addition to the Mr. Wood objected, as more important Pustules, Moils, Carbuncles, four miles below this city, this morning. price paid; second, that the shares were matters were under consideration and , ii a 8ore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch. Bristol. sect There at religious of such a that their ownership required immediate attention. The re nature ix men were drowned. Scurfs, Discoloration of the Skin, Humors would and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name in the holder a corrupt port of the Poland Committee was su- Vt., who wash each other's feet. Lansing, Mich., 20. or are literally dug tip aud carried also a is sect at There art The Republican State convention here purpose to shape legislation in the interto airs that were not of interest Washington out nature, perior of the system iu a uliort time by the m the disnominated Isaac l. Cristiancy est of seller; third, that some who white-wasof these Bitters. One bottle in Ruch cae each other's reputto the American people. will convince the niotit Incredulous of their as Judge of the Supreme tinct and specific matter and thing be for Merritt and Clagett, at this moment, ations, hut it isn't a very religous curative effects. Court, and E. C. Walker and J. Cliiuis brought before Congress on which the arose to occupy the floor. Com. Ad. 11. II. ncDOXAI.D Si. CO., sect. 1. A. votes and decisions of members which for Reeents of the State University. Claggett declared that Utah affairs ft Gen. AgU., San Fruuciseo, Cal., Druggists 20. be to are influenced be should Raleigh, ft cor. Washington aud Charltwn Su., N.V. sought were of vast importance; that it was Inin woman A SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ft DEALERS. Yesterday, while the Kuklux Amnesty alleged and proved. None of these pro- second fo no subject brought to the atsued the owner of a vicious bill was being debated in the legislature, positions, he argues, have been proved, tention of Congress, aud the rights of dianapolis cow for $5,000 damage for an injury a Republican member caused a sensa while some of thein have been attempted American citizens were involved. bruthe of be details and to fresh for the declares that tion by relating proved, Mr. Cox called attention of the to her spine resulting from an attack John W. Stevens first lime in the history of any tribunal, chairman that thi the i al murder of Senator of the cow. The evidence brought was a day for coniu 187(1, obtained by him from the sworu the House has before it an alleged offen- Main St., Hooper City Vint. the report of the Committee in out in the case showed that, while sidering der without any offense, U'Stitnony of one of the murderers. to the expulsion of two members the woman was ostensibly canvassing Ames says the actual cost of the road regard Quebec, 20. AND UK.NKRAL MERCHANDISE of the House, and he objected to further for a work, she was in realiTwo men were killed and several was about evenly millions, and the actreligious discussion. The objection was susTli very bekt brand of ual profit of this expenditure, taking wounded in election riots there on Mon ty engaged in selling an abominable tained. the One of stock and received the at Telletier, securities candidates, Tobacco, and Cigars. par day. Mr. Brooks gave notice that his feeble instrument for procuring abortions. Liquors, narrowly escaped, a bullet having passed value, was less than ten millions, and a rather startling fact that, sellAnother candidate, adds, so far as he is concerned, it would health did not allow him to express his It la through his cap. Poinstruments for $10 each, these views the ing concerning report of the Knot, was rescued by friends from have been better for him pecuniarily if land His Committee. friends assembled made she had threatened violence. At night a lot n he had never 6een the Pacific road. $750 iu six mouths. him and him around their gave sympalimit's fighting men, who had not been Ames concluded as follows: Sumner is the oldest Senator iu con"These, then, are my offences, that I thy. The House was again crowded, paid for their work, would have wrecked and ladies tinuous waved handkertheir service, and Cameron the oldest many his Luuse but for the interference of have risked my reputation, my fortune, Simon Cameron will be &0 as chiefs in he House. entered the DoGeneral l'roduce incalcu-able years. policemen. The following day the everything, in an enterprise of years old if he doesn't expire before his minion artillery was to be stationed at benefit to the Government, from FOREIGN. term does. liootli's. which the capital of the world shrank; A snow drift cut off all It. R. commuthat I have sought to strengthen the St. Petersburg, 20. COMIISSM MEftCIIAXT ! nication west of Quebec. Some trains work thus ralily undertaken, by invokThe revolt in the Province of Ukraine have been bound in out of the way places. ing the charitable judgment of the pub- has assumed alarming proportions, and A lour days storm ceased lic upon its obstacles and embarrass- the atrocities committed bv an msubor ilie severest experienced in many years. ments; that I have had friends, some of dinate C. K. It. Filth Ntrctt, Mouth Nide peasantry are of the most revoltMany lives have Veeu lost in country them in official life, with w hom 1 had ing cruelty. The Insurgents have massed 3Iain Street, Ogden, been willing to share advantageous op- together in large numbers, and are ex parishes. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT Washington. 26. portunities of investment; that I have tending their depredations throughout The Senate mcf at twelve o'clock. evil and the district, nnd laying in waste some of AND WAGON WAREHOUSE. kept to the truth, through good Edmunds called up the bill to aid in report, denying nothing, concealing the principal towns. The most disasthe execution of the laws in Utah. nothinjr, reserving nothing. Who will trous excesses have been committed THE by ; Freliiighuysen-explainedand Thurman say that 1 alone am to be offered up as a lnurg"iits without provocation, attackmoved to recommit the bill to the judi-- j sacrifice to appease a public clamor or ing the inhabitants, burning their housNot until es, n ti i murdering the inmates, both iary, with instructions to provide for expiate the sin of others? the election by the legislature, or by the such nn ottering is made will I believe it male and female. The Wanted And for Sale, power of the govqualified electors of Utah, of three jury possible, but if this body shall order it ernment is defied, and the result is to commissioners, who shall net in conjuncI shall accept its mandate, appealing maintain supreme control over the dis Molasses, Mills, Corn Shelters, Feed tion with the judge, the marshal and the with unfaltering cofid"ncc to the impar trict. A posse of Kussmn troops from Chickens, Cutters, Fanning Mills, Emery Grinders, clerk, with equal power in selecting pervindicatial verdict of history for that the city of Khiva, which had been dis- A large quantify of sons from whom Flour, mo to is which are tion it constituted, deny proposed juries patched to suppress the "insurrection, and to provide for writs of error to the here." Grain, were met by the Insurgents, and the enand Fittings of every rind. Supreme Court of the United btates, in Voorhce9 was followed by Stevenson, gagement terminated in the disastrous Beefs, i r criminal cases where the punishment is sustaining the report of the committee. defeat of the government troops. The Turnips, capital, or imprisonment for six months, Niblack also spoke in favor of the re- inability of the government to maintain Onions, or a fine of one thousand dollars. Morport. AYhitthorne advocated the expul- order has created a general alarm ton said that while Tomatoes, members. every one, of course, sion of all implicated among the inhabitants, who in great disapproved of polygamy, it might be Voorhecs took the floor but yielded numbers are fleeiug from the country. Potatoes, well to enquire how far the United States for the reading of a substitute byllitch- Apples, 26. A HAPPY FAMILY, EVERY Vieuna. WANTS Government was itself who uIwrtm wanti a Full responsible for ie, for the pendin g resolution. The nub- A Socialist insurrection is reported WHO Plums, the institution in Utah. The net of the stitute declares that while there iJ no Kvery Stove DcaliT who ihphiik Hun, in the Russian the proamong peasants Peaches, or drnlre Child Woman who Man. every territorial Legislature, in effect sanc- evidence of criminality in the purchasvinces of Volhgnia and Podalia. The lieultli by good living, aliould huy one of Cabbage, tioning polygamy, had never been aning Credit Mobilier stock by Ames, insurgents arc said to he niurderingtheir nulled by Congress; it was n Brooks, Dawes, Bingham, Kelly question, nnd their burning properly. 'horefore, whether in effect this had not nud Garfield, yet circumstances coll for opponents ALL IN THEIR SEASON. The force of Russian troops sent to supbeen to as Thurman an emphatic condemnation, declaring legalize polygamy, press the insurrection was defeated. withdrew his motion to recommit, and the sense of this body, that he trrnsac-tio- n offered his Paris, 20. was corrupting in tendency, perni-ciou- s proposition as an amendment, a council Libertie La hich was amended so as to family reports in example, and grossly improper, provide for 'wo commissioners instead of three, and and that members concerned deserve the held by the Spanish Bourbons in Paris; Orders Solicited nnd Promptly Filled Isabella has summon-eHie and that Surveyor General of the Territory severest censure. On tli Lic of th C. P. Mid V. P. K. K. Prince Alphonso from Rome. The substituted for the judge as a niew-be- r Yoorhecs declined to yield to have the of Europe have of the He substitute offered and declined to yield leading governments jury commissioners. to protect. Portugal against agmodified his amendment so as to agreed ladies of admissioc the for motion provide to the 5or writs of gressions from Spain. error to the United States but finally yielded for the latter. I Madrid, 2G. Supreme Couit from the Territorial the Breck, of New York, condemned an i? The organizing ourts in criminal cases where the government army whole Credit Mobillier scheme, and to fight the Carlists. is capital or imprisonment for that members cogn zant of it of twenty battalions minister of finance has assured th. years, or a fine of $2,000. It was were grossly derelict, naming Hooper The of the new mortgage bank that officers en amended as but proposed by Freling-'afc8e- aud Bingham, who held that stock, the government will respect a'll financial C0UnilinS tlie appeal to capital were not inculpated with the prcceeding; made by the government of engagements also"naming Butler, of Mass , who was Auudcus. i I5y the Ton or Car Load, for Sale. At the offer-el the counsel who concerted the scheme. evening session, Edmunds 20. London, a resolution, which was agreed to, He could see no difference between the The stockholders of the London, Livinstructing the judiciary committee to culpability of those men and that of '"lure if the Union Pacific, or any Brooks. He dissented from thedocirine erpool an t Globe insurance company, the trouble company authorized to build a road. as to the power of expulsion for past of- held a stormy meeting, FOR THEM of the ASK YOUR TINNER of the out Orders and letters of inqufr will renuect with a road, or any assignee of fences; with such a doctrine Paul would growing the fires of If lie doM not Lava n annortmetit, wnd your ceive prompt attention. losses to by dividend, owing the foad, company will be entitled to never have been an apostle. The House order lo and Boston. "ids or bonds for any road which the was making history and should vote to- Chicago Excelsior Manufacturing Co., Sir Rowland Stevenson is acting as npanymay hereafter construct; and day as if there was no precedent and as 28-t- f 612 and 6H MAIN STKEET, O. Box 24. n'll said company shall report, the ex-- - if it was establishing a rule He quoted mediator between the masters and men, .St. 0mce" of government are 0 the catc of John Morrisey, who was a in South Wales. The Dowiars company OR TO u j issuo no l)cnJs. potents or gambler and a prize tighter, yet he took yesterday extinguished the firjs of their J. M. ALLEN ft CO., TAYLOK ft CUTLER, any of C. II. II A SETT ZION'S Z..O, M. 1. htorr-nnincttes that may be claimed for roads his seat and no man dared raise his furnaces. It is probable the coal miners Good C liiuiccof K. HAKRI30X, ft EHAKKKY 8 ESTATE, J. GKOVKIC, Juiln Inkton. Weber C.. i in if a will strike ""'tructed after this date. North durof the fortnight, lie remained voice against him. Aetit for tt;ih of Iho Pictormt Polyglot 1'miily Ames in defense is not conceded of increase an wages A and 0f was Iceut ll.t'U. work. as himself in the ing his term Lvok, Ul Uim taiga: . uu dlUO The no- - The mining districts are quiet. yesterday, gave a history of the as any member on the floor. f BY TELEGRAPH. two-thirex-pe- MM m rmm una l, m mm rr. Socialist Insurrection in Russia! Deaths by Rioting in Quebec! Bill The Frelinghuyscn Senate! the passed in Oakes Ames Defends fellow-being- Himself! Clagsctt is Furious! The Montana Delegate Subsides! Head-nch- TijrKi-n"s- s t Mr CnthusiaSti- i cally Received! Vice-Preside- pub-li-b- e- e Cus-serl- Ring-worm- s, Scald-lk-ud- ite fo-da- h y book-canvass- er tn T.S. WADS WORTH, i Dry Goods, Groceries, - IB. IP. M. D. HAMMOND, BROWIT, l UTAH. SCHUTTLER WAGON Sulky Horso Rakes, Buckeye Reapers and j i Mowers, 'Jluttor, WAGON TIMBER 47-- MM HOUSEKEEPER j lui-ihw- Sco-fiel- d. THE CELEBRATED n d Shipping a Specialty pun-ume- nt lo UINTAH COAL n' 3I. LOUIS re-t- . well-behave- d P. for a Ilihlc. ? Salt Lake City, Utah. rt-la- |