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Show WWWWMll..'il,l,8HJMaHM.1J n against it; Hawley of Conn., supported the report of the committee; Blair made a legal argument against tho report and Special to the Or.Dtx Jcnctio by the Atlantic and I'ucitic Telegraph Company. Conger assailed the committee fur having overstepped its power. False Reports of Rioting in When the clerk read the resolution Quebec! i'oland and liuflcr on Expulsion! I'.xciling Scene in Congress! Senator Poiaieroy Explains! I'tah 3Intors in WashingIn Animated lcba.e Ex pectcd. The FrelinghiijMon Kill to y be Taken up or To-da- To-morro- w. AMERICAN. Washington l!efore the Senate Election Committee veriierday, Senator I'omeroy submitted a statement denying that lie ever gave at any time authority or permission to nnv man to ue money, or any valuable thing to control or influence improperly the vole of nny member of the legislature. The debate in the House last tight, on an amendment of liutler to the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill, increasing salaries, was sharp, and was prolonged until 1:30 a. in., a vote wan reached. Various points f order were made against the amend, meat, ar4 parliamentary tactics were exhausted to prevent a vote, but all points of order were overruled, and the amendment to the amendment was reMotions that 'the comm ttec jected. snniilj rise were greeted with laughter and voted down. Butler's amendment was finally agreed to by a vote by tellers ot 81 to CO. In the Senate, l'omeroy submitted a Hatcment, denying that he ever gave at any ti.ne authority or permission to any man to use money or nny valuable thing to control or influence improperly the vote of any member of the legislature. The specific charges brought by York, the cnatr explaiued iu detail, ttating that he Lad agreed to furnish .). A. 1'age, of Indfpend. cce, Kansas, with sevm thousand dollars, to aid in the establish' went of a nation batik; that the night before the senatorial election he borrowed the amount from the second national bank, Leavenworth; that the nigl t before the senatorial York can e v tm atily to hid room in the hotel, and ico.tel to him' the proceedings in the caucus, then mentioned that Pomeroyhad promised assistance to his, York's, friend Page, and said the latter requested him to get the mon y Hii-nend it to Independence, that be. Yoik, wa going home oon after the olec'ion. PoiKcroj' gave him $2,000 then, and 5io,(K.K) next day, and nover knew hut what all was rigut until he heard of York's of facts in the joint convention. This explanation Pome-- i oy declared on his hon. r as a senator, ,'miJ on his rath, to be exactly correct and true. Page was examined relative to the establishment of the national bank and Pomeroy's promises of assistance, hi Hiateiuenfs agreeing substantially with Pomeroy's. Yoi k was recalled and denied emphatically ever having auy conversation with ov Pomeroy in relation to the bank. t'ao dosed and the committee, adjourned. In the House, Poland's address was an elaborate defense of the report of the committee, but wa- - mainly a repetition of tlu arguments contained in the report. He criticized, in the severest terms, the report of the judiciary oommittee of the house yesterday, particularly tho ground take;!, that a member cannot be expelled for conduct previous to his election. IV lati'i'sj time was twice extended, and he was several times interrupted by question. Upon conclusion of his npeeoh, Jk'i'Uerson, clerk of the house, proceeded to rea I the argument of Ames in his 2. bo-tor- e nnti-Pomero- y i nt P.-t$- behalf, li recitoi at length the history of the credit mobilier transactions, and contends that it is unreasonable and unjust to accuse of bribery where it is not shown that any one his been bribed. Ho cot tzoverts the law, as applied in his cae by Judge Poland's committee and shows the advantages to the Government of the credit mobilier: and, in conclusion, declares hat it seems to be the object to have bint made a single victim; but hopes this body shall order and leave to history his vindication, which is denied him here. His peroration was received with half murmurs of approbation. Farngwoi'th then delivered arguments against tho conclusions of the report; aud Merrick, member of the Poland committee, made a loug defense of the report, declaring it impossible with the eviden :e before them, for the committee to arrive at any other conclusions thnp those reached. At the conclusion of Merrick's remarks recess was taken till evening. At the evening session the debate was continued, (he understanding being, that Mefra-ry- , no vote would be had one of the members of the special committee, argued in support of the resolution, of expulsion; Comjngq spoke t. for the expulsion of Ames and Brooks, ofl'ercd the lUttler, of Massachusetts, substitute: following Whereas, the select committee of the house has, after investigation, reported to the house testimony which is by them suflicicnt to show criminal action iu one or more members of the house: And, whereas, the testimony shows that similar acts have been done by other persons not now members of tho inti-mti- NOT ONE HQuinyor scffer wrnr va RADWAY'S READY RELIEF A crv is 0R EVERY PAIN. - after And, whereas, it clearly appears that d whatever acls were done or offences by members of the house or by civil officers of the United States, now in office, or otherwise, were done and committed, more lhan five years ngo and within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia; And, whereas, the house has uo legal or constitutional right lo use its power for the expulsion of its members ns a for criinos or offences punishment against the laws which should, after a trial by jury, be left to the judgement of the court of complete jurisdiction; And, whereas, as it appears in the judgment of the house, that there is probable cause to believe from the report of the testimony submitted by the select committee of investigation of the matter of Credit Mobilier, that grave offences, puuishable by the statutes of the United S ates as well as by common law, such a. giving or receiving bribes, or false swearing, may have been committed, shown iu said testimony, within the District of Columbia; Therefore, resolved, that the clerk be, and is hereby ordered to cause a copy of the testimony so taken to be forward ed to the district attorney or . prosecu ting officer of the U. S., for said district, wi'li recommendation of this house that he shall cause the same, with other which he may deem material, to be presented tothc gran t jury sitting in and for said district, at the next session, thereof that they may tako suck action in the premises as to law and justice shall appertaiu. Poland declined to yield to have the substitute offered. Poland then opened the case for the prosecution iu a speech reciting facts justifying the report of the committee. The corridors, cloak rooms, and all spaces iu the rear of the members' seats were jammed with people. There was never before such a crowd of spectators in the Capitol. Ladies we re admitted within the body of the hill, an4 stood g 'ouped at the ends of the aisles, many achieved prominence by gaining possession of members' chairs, aud held to their places with an apparent unconciousness of being out of place, llaldemau moved (o clear the floor of all but members, but the speaker decided that as the doors had been opened by unanimous consent, it was now to late to object. The Utah bill was called up, but the Senate went into Kxecutive session before any action was taken. Washington, 20 Senator Frclingliujsen, of New Jersey, called up his bill regarding Utah Territory. He has prepared an argument, which will he delivered to day or in support of his views expressed by the Judiciary Committee in their report. Senator Blair, of Missouri, will propose an amendment to the bi 1, to refer the question to the people of Utah, providing however, that only citizens of tho United States be allowed to vote, and that women be excluded from the ballot. Pool of North Carolina will introduce a substitute for tho Fredngliuyseu act, ko that persons living in polygamy will not bo interfered wjtn, but preventing its continuance, and forbidding woman's suffrage. Senator Nye of Nevada proposes lo amend the clauses on the subject of the jurisdiction of Territorial courts in view of the defiauce shown to United States courts and authorities. Senator Casserly of California will answer Krelinghuysen, and take the that Congress has no right lo interfere with the Territories in regulating their own atTairs, although he is opposed to polygamy and to their religious su- r Will uflord niHtunt Inflammation of tho Kiclnev. Iiilliimmnt; the HlauMer, Inflammation of the I Kest ion of the t.,111. Sore Throat t l!re:ithinK. ion tUe of I'alj.itat Heart 'iw! "" Croup, Diptheria. Catarrh, Influenza' II,.;,;!.?' Toothac he. Neuralgia, llheun , , ' e, l , 11 r.erlin. '24. a,,.l ;..l...t .,...,u,.v negotiations lor expeititins: the evacua- lion of French territory had not even been commenced. hree nnd a half milliards IVy March war indemuity will have to be rcceiv- ed from France. By July the payment of the loufth niillianl will be coiniiletpd. t.. !ii llie insurgents burn railroait Stations and bridges. At the action at the heijihtsof Miravclles, between the forces nnd the Carlists, under Utto, the Carlists, who numbered 1,.'00, fought with great stut borncss. but, were .Many finally repulsed. Republicans who have volunteered lo assist in re- pelling the Carlists, have been supplied with arm.. Madrid, 'J.". The fedcraf sts threaten nn outbreak, and precautions are taken to prevent a conflict in the streets. All the public buildings nnd many private houses in the discontented quarter- - of the city are occupied by trtops. . General liurges is in command of tho militia, and has at perstition. hi3 disposal thc entire force of the guarfly Desrret Telegraph. dians of the peace. The army is firm in Lognn Cloudy and cold; six inohes its tup port of thc government. of snow fell last night. The measures to enforce order have Provo Therc is about a foot, of snow The city proved effective. The roads now, and it looks like more presents its usual aspect of tranquilare muddy. ity. Ncphi Very stormy. If snowed and blowed all last night, and is snowing and having uiuch confidence in blowing Col tax we never named any Beaver The snow is about six inch- Schuyler of our babies alter him. It is needes deep, and the wind is blowing like less to say we me glad we didn't, for fury. cool is nnd Pioche It here, we have a contempt bordering upou cloudy with eight inches of snow lying on the the infinite for any human being ground, wearing the semblance of breeches Quebec 2o. would sell himself out for a who The story circulated by the Associat1,200 check, then deny it, and final-I- v ed Press to the effect that a serious riot, thou-anhave it found in his bank account. in which several l persons, ami clubs with knives armed pistols, litij the cheek been for a million were engaged, and as occnritig in this or even a hundred thousand we No city yesterday, iu j ure falsification. should have been proud of Colfax's such occurrence having taken place. lint a paltry twelve The only foundation for canard was a aeciuaintaneo. congregation us usual of a noisy crowi', hundred not sufficient to pay dog to be K'en in any city, approaching Jack's board for u mouth, bah! election day who interrupted speakers (Jmuha IIcchU, n -- i S'vZ i';lls) iiltv " 1V" -- otu.r wn.t t tvr, so quick as ItADWAY'f ce. t per lioltle. Suli I raniil ure nnst astonishing li:in't- ttuvk;u-- j ,fE ' iurt iu quick, m ... lh 11.111111.11,.. tins tvv w(imit!rlul Mnliciiie.tUu Ilii- - .iiniiom-(o- j f 1 s s k kn " Ab an d v k i.t kkat kkooj puecifieb. Kvery droi.ot the SAUSAl'ARlLl.IAN i, ii,r..ii..i. vkxt - .muni, UKSOL-1- 1 i "'wi. the 'fr Tl J,fuf,1to?? "ClVfor nnd '"'Iv wiih new bound material. S.rofiihi, Co.,sum,,tioU) Glandular dise-.e- , Ucemi, the Throat, .Mouth. Tuiuurs. Nodes in the tilumU and other part- ol the nvnIoui, Soro Kvoh, Strmii-milliwhaipes from the Kan,andthe worst firm of Skin Diseaxvs, Krnptious, i'evt-- r Sores, SiuM llend, ltins Worm, Salt Khenni, Krysipelas, Acne, lilui-s Spots, vrorum in the I'leh, Tumor., in ihe Womli, und all weakening and tiaiiiful dischar-eX'cht Swvat, Lcmd of Sperm, and all wtl'9 ,h' lilt 'e withiii the cuiativo , sv-- s ((ons Cu-cer- H, Pri'l'l'. , Mo(U.ni ,.allSM ()) Jll.v-'- ' Wl)I1(ier ch-mi- .ti i'"" use wi" Pl"ov'' ""y either of the fortns wf diseuse its j i 'cure theiu. iiot-a- t y, and it ft.r twwer tu conceal it. especially when the partial lf.tl,u ?Vent di,ilv ,,rr.on,iK '"'""'""'T ana ueconiMnu.n mat w eotttinually i.nv " U1C sense e;ivc Dim acliance. icressuift, Hunked.-- in urietmz these waste, mid rt.luvn ot new materia! nuule from ... M ir ? dn!1US Wlt l. h"U. VC repmm the Kauie adwith this the SAKS A I'AKILUAN .low! will ami secure. U;iy. raised ins voice to a high pitch. Not only dc the ParsnparDlinn Kesnlvent do ex-o- f So?" shout me at eel all known remedial agents in the cure of Clno-- ; "Why you Scrofulous, CoHKtitution,l and Skiu claimed Lord Lytton. li(.)h. my uie, hut it in the only positive cure for KIDXKVhuJ lMr was thcanswer, '"I thought you H1.AOPKK Urinary and Womb Gravel, liiabetes, Dropy, StoppaRB uf denied rather more deat than usual." .liMHes, Water, Incontinence ot trine, liriht a 1iiii, exclaimed hi., Lordship -- I'm "Ijcaf!" like the white of an ueat, ti n you. 1 hate deal pec- - mixed with MiMam-like '" niorbui. "'' pie." Vtid for the rest of tha drivo "r ,1"ea,lK dark, lulioUK apiieiiraiue, and white l'eni-.l..' thovc W!VS a rrrant silence. Lnn.Jon vcou. and therein a prioki.it:, tlU, u,t,se. nlioti when posing wnter, and pain in the .mall Y. N. Tribune. Correspondcnce or the hack and nlotitt tht lmim. Price, il.oo wH-a- , . ! I l diswiM-ic- , COMI'l-AINI- j fin. J ' . I uit WoU.VS. for Worms j 12 Vonm Grow Hi Cured Itowol rout. by H)iIvva.y"s Mas ISC!). Rkvkei.t, July IS, 1 have had Ovarhin Tmnur in the ovaries and bowel. All the aid "tlioro DISTRAIST no help for it." I tried eTTythiii that Dr. i I ' ... fur , I j frr ,uf diedth dollars, tax and penaltv. and cotofaid l'htraint, and aaiui-- t the said W. D. Williams for 1,eciaI ,ux r"r 11 ; T. ) elSl-a-- J. BLACK, ivcomnienderi; but nothina: helped me. I mi your lle.Holvent and thou-- ht I would trv it: Vat had u faith in it, be. niie I had mi Me red lor twelve Years, 1 took and one box of hx bottle of the two bottlw of your Ready R- Radways lief; and there i not a tirii of tumor lo be wen vt fclt.nnd I te.-- l better. Mnartcr, aud happier tlian I have for twelve years. The worst tumor was in ,llP Icft sitIu "c '"'"''' ov,'r e groin. I writ- this to vou fcr thebeueht of otherv Von ran pule llsh it it" yon rhoosH. HANNAH P. KNAl'P. A B VHf A G I'.U-,hi- rec-ot- Continue to Rahw.vt-- dtx-tor- OV A WARRANT OF ,. ',ir"eteci l.y U. J. ll.llister, Collector fT the li.tric t i.f Utah, I ln,rlwl have tin clay levied the nam n(..n and distrained ""' fll"'uii; Real Klte, th ir. p. rty of W. 1) A,t N?- t4k in I.K.-- No. ?" lorjj (oJ( in I lal A, in the en of Oijdeii, its re- rorded in county M City Survey, in ",u,'r county, Utah Territory, and known as the mi lMt' l1"" w.n! lie 2'tb day orMarrh, lSid, ,ro'e5'.v at threo i.m. of tfciiil day. opposite the Oden House, on ,liin s"iet. to the highest bidder for cash to atl. - BYc. The only known and mire Remedy Ttipe, etc. if it, Tuiuor of NOTICE. j I ' FSra ' V' D PUSV PILLS. I R Ft C f P I'erleitlv tasteless, eleautlv routed with awet' urn, purge, regulate, purify, i leause aud Htrength- en. Railway 's Pills, for the cure of all disorder of tfce Stomach, Liver, Rowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervons Diseane, Headache, Constipation, Costlve-iiesIndigestion, Dyspepsia, ItiliousueM, Udiuii r, lutliinimatiou of the RoweU, Piles, and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals nr. leleterioua drugs. Obaervo the following symptonti rwultitti; from Disorders of the Digestive Organs Constipation, luward pile. Fullness of the Blood in tli Head, Acidity of tlh Stotnach, Nausea, Heartburu, or Weight in the StomDisgust of rxd, tulli-.estach, Sonr Knietaliou., Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomac h, Swimming of the , Hurried and Diftirnlt llrtathiug, Fluttering at tli Heart, Choking or Sntfocating Sousa.tioii when in a Lying Posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the of Perspiration, Yellowness of Head, the Skin and tCyes. Pain in the Side, Chest, Linit. and sudden F'liuhe. of Heat, llnrning in the Flesh. A few doses of Iladway's Pills will freo tuefys- d ,om ,rom u" ,,le J'ra ,,v DrugijiaU. i e,nit V'v l,oxRP.AD Send one hikI ,or 'P XIaideu Lanv. Radway & Co. No. ew lork. lulurniatiou worth niousauua win e aS5-- l :entyou. n. Deputy Collector. Ke-e- SAW-S5IITIII- G. i i OK EVERY UKSCRH'TION NOTICK. SAWS Set, Hammered and Repaired on terms mid short notice on MOXIlAYS and eay P ATI' RUA YS at NICHOLS' BLACKSMITH ihssoi.j m:b.shii jtiox of MOT f i SIIOP, M.iin tdreet, Oi;den. N.ll. Old Saws made new. Alte.-ing- , Retcioth-int(humming, Handling, etc. "l A. CARESWKLIi. ll.-ed- ;, PAKT- - IS IIKRKBY OIVKN TtltT TtIP firm of I'earce s uud F'owlr, marh uists of this city, win DISSOLVED, by nui-- i tiiiil cf iisent, on the ltith of Feb., 1ST3. Mr! Wm. I'earce will continue the business in all its branches, fxeepttHi, ami will collect debt' and jmy all le- -l indebtedness of the firm lS.lm WILLIAM I'KARCK. t i horse-shoer- "ralsp K3T11AY XOTIC1-- . T HAVK IN MY POSSESSION TIIK FOLLOW-dencribed Hiiimala, which if not claimed and taken away Thursday, March flfh. 1H"3. w ill be gold to the highest responsible bidd.r at the District St my Pound, at P.righam City, on Thursdny, March fi. 1ST3, at J p.m.: One Red and White, throe years old STKKR, hole in rijjht ear. One Black and White, three years old STF:KR, a.piare crop off left and slit in right ar.. One Red tluve years old STKFJU, under hellv, hitid legs and fore fe.-- t white, upjor and underbit in each car. One Brownish Black, three-vea- r old HKIFKR. little white uudcr belly, iimi).rbit in right uud hi it in left ear. One Red and White - spotted, three.yoar old 8TKKR. unclorl.it in right and Mir in loft ear. One old Red STKKR. wJit under belly, white star iu t'orohea l, spot ou shoulder unj . hip, cut in n A. MADSON, District Foundkeoper, City, is two-yea- Brigham FelsS:-- , ISTJ,-- IS: dinM-dera- . abTe-iiH!iie- - Xc-ve- r t. "r?. for fifty cent i k,i touching the early payment of the fifth milliard, on which . the further with- drawal of troops will depend. The im- pression is that the Germans, looking to Ihe possibility of Thiers' overthrow, will uot evacuate lielfort until thc entire in- demnity is paid. London 24. Dispatches from Berlin say the litis- sian government are forwarding large reinforcements to Turokistan and Khiva, Merchants are withdrawing from Oren- bursr for tear that a cntitinininpp r.f tho war W ill bring t Item into bad re- latiolis. The MOSCOW Gazette hints that the establishment of a neutral zone with Aftihantstan as an intermediary between Great Uritaill and Russia will accelerate a collision between those powers. , JlaUriil. 0( The government is reinforcine the troops operating against the C.rli '.aiiilj ri'.VEK AM) Ata n cured Ha? ntutU) tliv , .....tpmonf nn H Dr. RADArAY'S Sa rsa pari liiau K eso von t i A . - 4 a stimulant Rich Wood Increa of Ftt! uml Weight t:iear Skin and beautiful Cum. plexion secured to all. ,. I.orl p,""'" ',.,,." aii auj Strong and 1.-.- to-da- & ' Health! Beauty! rare y - iw (hi. led l.y Railway s KKADV KKLIKi'. -tr- ' - v" "nLl BiliU,"Var . tes-tinio- . itte,- i i UUWt.u jut-ve- i to-da- Sour ii:d in the . uJMi-ua- s, s exist Travelers nhnuM always carrv a Viottle or tl n WAV'S UEA OV KKL1 Kf with t"he,. A'ti-iZ, on -- rater will w pain fr,,,. ...... - .J I "i . uriLCl I OIL II In 1,1, II San Francisco. 25 wui-jiiwiuu iu 111c A special to the lUll lin from Yreka that is to heads their Were put say, yv sterday, stat s that Whittle and wile u.;ti. !lsiuw Th. t(. i..,ir(, V" las n.ghl returned Iron, their second . .. the bas, vi sit to the .Modoc camp. n.u'a baud, Jal is beat with sticks urun i . 4ii in Iiiimher met them one milo from causniLT the ashes to iienctrate into me lava bed, heavily armed. They all the eyus, mouths, nostrils and ears had needle guns, hut they do not 0f the prisoners. A refined sort of want to fight. They said to W hit.le, 1(astillado W0UUJ per- up thc wvrhh ,K , iiiiiii io, -iuui house is ,. .flli.111,1,1 .a, " i imioi i;iii ll.l.l, u uuiil; liicu, ncj jiau standing, so is Dory's, Van Ireniers's ' i 'iiiiuuv,c. j. I'airchil l's and Sinall's, because we are het'ii conspicuous tit the theatre on not mad " Cpt. Jack is wdiing to talk the above mentioned occasion, were with Steele, Fair-lalor Judge Uosbor-ongh- . then subjected to the torture of the Jullian Dove went bac Sunday uth-finder." The ''truth- morning a iih a luessago that Fairtluld liml er IS II SOU OI WOOU'Jtl lorccps. and otiit-rwould go over and arwh'eh the temples of the culprit for Counuissiot.-era The s by range mveting. ilmt no orders should are gave compressed. This wtis too much reporters iV When r tiie sunerrrs. iicconipany the messengers .itiil thfv J fiitttesspd the .quaws brst turned trom the lava all their wanted them tk;lt tormentors beds, Kalainatli s squaw said that all the ,s ' vt0 have llOWCVer, lue latter, o.Jocsrctt.lvta her kind'v and u e.e if caiiie. iiiu lliev wauietl no more coin, men ui;uu iiiicnitu, iiiiu iuiiiLi war. dipt. Jack and Scheninse wire ed 1'rotil their official positions, the principal speakers. The Indians sent no propositiotis, according to re ports, but the woman savs Cart. Jack DcufncA. I.j will insist on having his place on Lost Kiver, as one of the concessions of the T.il d jj)iton was a ai, in.l at titriP5 whites, which they must make in the very deaf, his malady varyinir in in- tvint of peace In ing concluded. teilsitV. rulifclGX. It Was lllS lolble tO Wish to I Colic, Vi inm. , T. to ilifli.-nlt- lv'ru,. si.-- . u''y remkf ZvcT"?" iw i;!! n i l I f'' ChilU, Ajiue Chill.s. tii ujudieation of tho rbady pin t or parts whern the paiii or will afford e:ise ;in.i . onoi.rt 1 . tlie lirst Only l'ain U d sand-sausag- 1 ii.-a- It w.h 01110,1 V That instantly stops the im.t excruchti,. allays Initammntions and or the LilnK, St.inm.-h- , H,Wci" KMtl". glands or organs, by one applUntion in ft',?""" to twenty m:nutps, no matter bw v'iol.,t 'V ernciating tho pain, the ltheUmtit. Crippled, Nervous, NwralaicJJ-- . with dixea.--e mav suffer RADWAY'S READY RELIEF - . reacting thin advertUmnenVml rriic- - te to-da- y. house; posi-tio- ntADYSriirn RADWAY'S ' from Oue to i The only civilized county in the OU World, in which torture is still in use, is Houniania. lleeently a lew men were arrested at Bucharest for an actress h Us in; at the opera-hous- e who was believed to be on too terms with Ostvonfios, the prefect of the Wallachian police. The unfortunate prisoners, to their hor ror, were not released on the day following their arrest, but subjected to worse than mediaeval tortures. They were whipped with the a bag filled with wet sand. This instrument of torture iullicts terrible pains, but leaves no marks whatever on the body of the culprit. , .The ,rprisoners wore tints tnrtiii-i-iin on it tn wivst troni them a confession whether or not the hiss- in": of the actress had been the con- . ...u ruur i ii . r a r. t II. is n 1.1 ili.r " a prceoucer t ' sequence ot . ":' v"1 conispir i 'Vy . i wi una mn ill iu; humj tt'j aO" was a great success in numbers, enlhu-- j lhcv denied it, aild were then Hiasm and unanin.ilv. coni-miite- ton. The Torture. of either party, comp-- ing the latter lo withdraw indifferently, in order to be heard by their respective speakers. No disturbance is anticipated on Monday, as reported by the Associated Press. St. Paul, 2C. of establishment The large hardware J. & V. liazzard, & Co., Ihe grocery of Thomas Wilson & Co., and property adjoining, weie totally destroyed by fire Loss, $lo,00U; partially insured. Baltimore, 25. The bonds stolen from Vice President Colfax on Sn'urday were recovered here vesterday morning Philadelphia, 2". An inventory taken of the late Kdwin Forrest's prionl estate, sliows property valued at $:520,C8u' New York. 25. Tweed gave bail for $10,000 on the four late indictments nuaiust him. He is understood to be required to give bail in twelve others. A mass meet ing of citizens took place at tiie Cooper Institute last night, to pro- TELE GilAPIL I Trm." estrayjiotice:. HAVE IN MY POSSESSION THE F0LL0W-in- g descrilied uuiiioils, wUirh if not claimed and taken away within ten day from present date, will be sold to thr highest resiusibla bidder v the District Strav Round, at OgdH City, W ednesday, March nt!i, W.i: One Roan I1KIKKR, two years edit brawled with an O and an A In the centra on right hip. One Rod I1E1FKR, tw years 4d, white red around eyes, slit in right eivr. -- tri One May IIOKSK. tilteea years old, whit In f.ce, left hind toot wlute. aad.Ue marks. fa' t W. N. FIFE, District l'0Juulkcpr- 16-- 3 - II. I5AII.J.Y A: SO hoot it siioi:makj;iis, Shop, Two I)ora South of the UUh Hotel, Main Street, Ogden. RKPAIUS NEATLY AND rftOMPTl.V iXUCUTED. tli-- |