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Show Wu Ojjictt'gttnrtiott, Published 1a O WEDNESDAY and 8AJTRDAT trtrj by tit CKSDEN G-- COMfASr. PUILIAHLNO 'Wife, that I have do you know pit the pucuinonia?" "New monia, indeed, fcueh extravagance! You're the spenuthriftiest man I ever did see, to go and lav wheu I tra.-- h, out money for need a new bon net so much. R R nrter LOGAX, CACHE COUNTY. NOT ONE HOUR iidv'irtiPiiint need roailiDR tliirt any one DRY GOODS, AND MERCHANDISE, GEOCERIES, 11 ami Examine. Call 3Iusiciaiis, Stoves and Tinware, 3Low! Selling Very Please Alt J V Alt E, Crockery, Boots ami Shoes, CLOTH I XC2 , Xotions, ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE SPLENDID Washers and Wringers! Price Only and 9. Drills and Medicines, Etc., Etc. TIip Onl.vl'ain Ueiiicel.v The Best Tli.it iii.tiintlv stop tlie must txcriictatin pai'is, IiittiiiiuiiHtiniM ami cures Congestion, JiUay whether of the Liiiifrs. Stoiniu-li- , ISowolx, or other plaud or organs, by ono njiiilication, in fiom one i twenty min iito, no matter how violent the fwu'ii, the Uheiiniiitic, Infirm, ( n'iicil, .NVrvrm, Neuralgic, or ire.tratej 'iili diMMsp mav fiilTor ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF AN WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IS M'FFKK WITIM'AIX. ItKADY RKLIKF IS A CUKE FOR KVKRY 1'AIV. It was the firt and in r.ADWAV'S HAS JU.5T RECEIVED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS R RADWAY'S READY "RELIEF! UOHST tiii; In from One to Twentyr.tlNJS Mliuitos. SI, I., . To prescrre posts from rot, steep tVe ends to be set in the ground in a solution of blue vitriol, one pound of vitriol to forty of water. This is said to render the pusts almost iudestruc- tilde by rot. MUSIC. BEAfflGH 21 TAT $G Brands of Imported I X E S and LIQUORS. Patent Mangles W & I'riec Ironing Machines ! 30. All for :Ue t nrtx-rnifi.itin- jj STAYNER'S fJ3USaC STORE, lied-ridde- RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Will Rtlonl IIIMllllt fAH Inflammation of t lie Kidneys. Inflammation of the Madder, Infliutiiiintinn'of the liowvls. of the Limp, gore Throat, lu'ffiriilt llreathinc 1'alpitarion of the Heart, rivstoris, Cr.ni, li.thei ia. Catarrh, InllucnA. Ilcaduehe, Toothache. fold Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Chill. Acne ChilU. The application of the READY REMKF to the or parts wh..r the pain cr dilhVulty exist I ui t will afford ine an J comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in few moment cure Crnnipn. Spasnn, Sour Stomach. Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea. Colic, Wind in the Rowels, and all Internal t'un-rlio- n V A LARGE AND TOYS. idimild always carrv a bottle of RAD-W- A S R EA D Y KKL1 KK with them. A few dm . !.Vi:iCAl PENTAGONAL SHOW CASE! Metal Comers, Health! Eeantv! L&ttK,WDS0F machinery purchased to i reae Orders adtlressed to M. THATCHER. iz will receive prompt attentioa Dr. RADWAY'S lEesolvent of nt t. lear Miin and llcautiful plexion secured to all. 4 ' ! w I V I lu 1 Com- - sTOtf cures, so quick, so me oorty un'lergocs, unitPr t uuinence 01 iiiid truly wonderful I .(. li KASK IX FLKSII KSl) WKir.UT IS XKK.N AND FKI.T. TIIE lt EAT I I K. Lvery drop of the SARS'Al'ARILUAN RKMJl KNf roniinunicates through the Rloml, Sweat, " "iner iiuius mid Juices ot the thu Tip;.r of life, for it repairs the wastes fcystem of the I. 1y with new rand sound material. Scrofula, Sy- v 111111 ouMiiupiioii, iianuuiar aijfaoe, I leers in the Throat, Muutli, Tumors, Nodes in the tilands an other part ot the system, Sore Eves, Strum-oil- s Utscliarts from the Ears, and the worst forms ."km Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald norm, ran juiouin, Krvsipelas, Acne noig ):l.i. k SiH.t. worms in the Fleh, Tumor, fan-cer- s in the Wornl., and all wcakeniiiR and painful Xiirht i ..n liio .if 111, wiiti mi the Die principle, are withiu the curative rwiiLc ol tliis vvon ler of M.Mli.rii el,,.,,,;.,,..- .,,1 .. tew days" will prove to any person usiiiy it tor . ..ii. ... ine.o loruis i m,eae its potent power to 'tire tJietn. If the patient, daily lecoming redivedl.y th mm it'io:iipiwiiiin line is continual! v pre siuvaitils in arieMing these wa,tef. and pairs the same with new material wade from if.i.iui 01. mil iiui 111.6 ttie AKA'AKLLIA" .n aioi loirs setlire. Not onlv dues rhe Sar M all known reuie!ial agents in the cure uftTiro- r.:c, trcrotulous, Conf.tutioiial and Skin diea-e- s. vl it is the oulv iisitiv rni- for kiuvl-- ...i 1 VI.ADDEil COMl'I.AIX'IS. rii,Uiv u,..'i "c.,...i. UIUU u reases, 0 ravel, Diabetes. Iropsy, Stnppago of ., w i rine, Jlnjiht llisease "oi turoiiiineuce Ail milium in. and in all rae where there are . or the water is thick, rloudv rt"ioits. with substances like rite white of u f jrir. rnvd ' r threads like white sill:"1 or il,,.,. .... iv 1.;. . iiurj t.iu. , lulir.us .irk, appearance, ami v klto heue-tlu"" '""1 'I'cn there is a prickiiij:, hurnui when water, and pain In the small ..1 me oacN aici along the loins. Price, sl.no UOR.Vtf. The only known and mho Roinedv f r Wm iris I'm, Tape, etc. ! Tumor Year Growth Cured H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. e .Medii-.ne.iha- MOST ELEGANT AND DURABLE SHOW CASE EXTANT. x.r.ni n.AM Itl.oon ,1. TERI1UNE, Sole Manufacturer, Itll ll iG, SUxte SlreoljfornjcrlT DiM-a-e- 41 SIMMONS & CLODGH ORGAN CO.'S -- CABINET OEGrAHS CHICAGO, ILL. conMm Swi-nts- wa-tcs- of lu-- e o- 1 M o . Will purchase any kind of Merchandise not usually stock, iucludiiiir . t. Ei j guaes, Saw - 1 KiH rt. Ridwat: I have had Ovariau Tumor in the ora'.tM and t.owels. All the doctors said "as no help for it." I tried everything that was recomnietided: hut nuthimr hel loMilveut and thought I would try it; kut had no n:i.i .11 11, iwiihh' i na.i sunerea tor twelve vears. I tiHiksix hottles of the Resolvent ml m.o )... Ra'.way's 1'. lis, and two hot tie of your Ready Ke--l ef; and there Is not i sijjtl of tumor to he seen c r nun i oetter. smarter, aud happier than 1 have 'I s . C 'I ' " f5 'i, I' ' J" I.cllel Water Wheels, Cheese Factory or Threshing 5Iachiises, Machine Extras, Force or other I'liiiijis, Belting, .1 1 tor twelve Vears. Tim unpuf fm.iA. . .. t.ic lelt Kida id ta bowels, over the rroin. I write . fi ..r ...1. Ihil ...... 1a V1.11 i... .... tl,Al. 1 en can in owiers. ii'll II II ,1 I'll uicnutiii ii...au I p. DCDCL'OT DIIDntTliir runrfcui runuHiiu put KXAl'l rvV! . . rlLLOi . u . ;.. r J'eriectlr tasteless, ' i'nr..j o.u PVIIHH fim, pnire, lcp'ilate. piiry,cleam.eaiid strength. u. itiMinai 1 1 ins. lor mo cure of all disorh-i t the Stomach. Liver. Rowel. k"i.ln..j H1...1.1 ele.-iuitl- v r -- rvous l!isea-e- s, Headache, Constipation, Korghum Grand roon. the fctomacJi. Nausea, i iiiincss or Heartburn, ..,. d fp' Tftrk- - Radway Co. Xo. ST Maiden Une lidomntiou Wfth tliutisiindrwill U 1 - KqUAI. TO THAT OF TIIE Ami 15 EST in CAPACITY, ' oJ ' !irinni Patent " Thirtu-tiv- c x Different Styles, or tnc I'nviov and the Church, The irVn7. liest Material find. himic1 ; and Volume of tone Unequtdled. Quality f t r.OO TWlnvc PRICES, FACTORY AND WAREROOMS,1 COR Grn & CONOR ESS ST8.. DETROIT . v i ivi -au i COUNTY. v aji AJiu m , Established in185Q.,-- ' t f S8ly ' '" fr '. ii ' 0 i" wio i- i'. " i- Apdrkss, SimmoSs & Jilii;i - . . Clougii Oroan well-know- and n .l f IN UTAH, ' Notice Grocsbeck's Witf B U I L I) I N G south street,; ... ', -- 8U.T- tirr rrrT Vii i i ! .Fi1 M"fl"AVK. WILMAM . At JOELSON'S, 2nd s CLAJVSOX, Superintendent. STOCK OF Fl'RXITL'RE K E W. " . . . THE BEST f Co., PsTRoiiy Miciiigax. il.il-.n- i k naving just got ianly running since the 7. i. 88-O- . i lue PIPE Humana." "Wilcox shipment ltiif.K &c 5re., "SCHUTTLESWAGOI-,iTt.r...; All tlie Late Improvements Can bo Obtained Only in these - terstiimpto Organs, it,,.,,, 1 i, above-name- AV- An invention havincr a most imnnvt'int v ua- uiiuii! re nnauon or iieou ...uS strument?, by means of wL.ch the ,tiantity or Volume of tone id very lately ainl int.ilitv of tnnp roiulovo l .ii..i,i etgtit m tlio Stomach, Sour Eructation;, Sinking or Fluttering at the Fit of the StomachSwimininc of the llwid ..... vi ioci iniucmi ureauiinp, t liiltcilnfr at the .... .1 Heart. L'hokinir or Surtncntin-- r !k J.Vllie Posture. niinnuM of Yi.in-- . t.... :. "els bciore the Sight. Fever and Dull Fain i Deficiency of Ferspiration, Ytllow..c. ef .n, una r.yes, fain in the Mite, Chest, Liiul. Hrid sudden Flushes Jif If n.'it ll- -r .u. r, ..." A few rtoses of Radway1! Tills wilf f,eo the frnm ail the (TUorden. Frtc in mm per eo.- - oM hy DrB??iUi. Ur any nrticl: from anv State, that mix- - !. M,'n.i iMechanical population. Send in your orders and we will do thm h. sr fill crs prices with freight added, or on a slight percentage.' o We arc expecting an immediate of the SCRIliNEirS PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, . 01 r 1 Combination m'TI.'Tl AVITtf riiiit e. Mead, Acidity of Hill, .Vc, mm mMm ri lnd:?estion. Dyspepsia, IJiliousness, Riliotuj iuiiHiii:iiaiion 01 tne owei, piles, and nil f., l WAjjiri ranjreincHts of the Internal Viscera. Warranted lorffect a positive cure. Furely Our celebrated "Vox Celeste," "Louis Patent," "Vox no mercury, minerals ir deleterious druirs ' 1. - . flUnrrn ..it. v.vLnv v.m uu, me cuiinaniff "i Clio or " ronultfna n.in'uiS iynipionis from Disorder of the Dipestive Orcnns-Const- ipa.rru-- i . Evaporators, T ept in Circular Saws. Bolting Cloth. -t of l ills. ss t Krswiveut. uy iiniiuii.v liKVLRl.T Mi.sa .Itilv 9 II. W. NAISBITT. 1 o BEPARTIMT IN CHARGE OF s- .n;. I 0. M. . AND 40, 9m IMPROVED 1 . rntentcd August S,1871. Fl&--h Narsapanllhin Ha mado the most . ib me ennnj-'- PATENT Wheat, Barley. Oats, Tearl Barlcv. Flour. JJuttor, SHIPPED TO ANY POINT OX SHOUT NO'ffcE. iii-t.- In iim.',i''.sirwgT; n 1 Str.nsr and 1'iire Rich r.lmxl "" SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. icktie.s or pains from arer. It 18 l i tter than French Biaudy imicniwii M.mnianr. l Ali TE cured for fiftr cents. The- a is tint a remedial aent in this world that mi i nn- - rexer nun U'l all other Malarious i ci low an. other Keveis jpuooi, n i.y k.i.Iwhv JMis) So quick as RADW Y'S READY RELIEF. Fifty cent i tier bottle. Sold innnae or .w, Cifr lt VARIED ASSORTMENT OF NEW Cliicago Selrattler Wasons. water nill prevcut - .s&tl-a- TERHUNE'3 raiii". Traveler nri xt Poor to Savage's Gallery, Main Street, Salt Lake Carpets and' Trimmings, mdow Curtains and Blinds. .Ai.l,V' TonKDWABD i,tJ.0i ALLh.N. KltUAKP will LEROY, MATKJiR at.J take not, that labor )i Wen done fur please vou, Record in;; tn mmtract, on the Citiou Star Mino, tttouwwI Kanvnu, K.trcldior District, Morpin cout.v, Ltak Terntor; antl vhb nle hereby notified to yonr shnr, ritli;n ninetT dv frmu dto of thw TIMOTHY ONEiL. Lr.V.c' i Lintuu, Wiilor co, Xot. 2tf ia7i setat jy . J.MBrro, .a. m1,t, ti fl2; latwr; Win. Iror.' t31: Ji.hn lUchdrd A Hen, iiu. |