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Show BY TELEGRAPH. the Atlantic to theOowrrJosoTinx Ivy TelesnpH Company.,". Mid lNwiA i Congressional Proceedings! Cliurcli Burned in Chicago! Bailie Robbery in Phila- delphia! The Carlists at vork in Spain! Territorial Matters in the Senate! to-da- AMKIUCAN. ' Washington, 1C. On niutiou of Nye, the Tn the Senate. l.ill i issi'd fixing the compensation and Joii'Mii of sessions of Territorial legislatures, ami committing the cure of penitentiaries to territorial authorities, Souua, from tbe foreign relations the House bill for the at rvi'icentittion of the United States amendwith an the Vienna ment increasing the appropriation from Chandler oppos100,0 (JO to SiiOO.OOO. because experied any appropriation, ence demonstrated that Americans, participating in such expositions, had their inventions appropriated by foreigners. 8 auNbury moved to make the amount $ .HMhK) instead of $000,000. This was adopted. Carpenter said ha had voted to increase the amount because, if an appropriation was to be made at all that w.i little enough, but as lung as (lie Washington monument was still unfinished and in a dilapidate I condition, a shame aud reproach to every American in tiie eyes of every foreigner visiting the land, he would never. vo'c any sum lie ofto be sunk in show in Europe. amendment an fered appropriating o00,(i'0 for the completion of the Washington monument. Trumbull predicted that before the Vienua exhibition IufU n?ss emled it would COfst the United States one million. hcrni.m reported from the committee m finance the following substitute for Be it enacted the lliickingham bill: of that on the first day January, 1874, the secretary of the treasury be authorised and required to pay on demand at he olhce of the assistant treasurer at New York to any holder of United States notes to the am unt of $1,000 or any multiple thereof, in exchange for such note, an equal amount of gold coin of the United states, or. in lieu of coin, he may, at his option, issue in exchange lor s&id notes an equal amount of coupon or registered bouds, in such form as he may prescribe, of tbe denomination of fiity dollars, or some multiple of that fum, redeemable in coin of the present standard va ue, at the pleasure of the United States, after ten years from the date of their issue, and bearing interest payable quarterly in such coin at the rate of five per cent, per annum, ond tbe secretary of tbe treasury may reissue the United States notes so received, or. if cancelled, he may issue United States notes to the Mine amount to redeem the public debt or to meet the payments for public services, and said kouds and intvrest thereon shall be exempt from all taxes or duties of the United States, as well as from taxation of any form by or under State, municipal, or local authority. The said bonds rhull hare set forth aud expressed upon their face the above specified conditions and shall with their coupons, be made payable at the treasury of the United cotu-mitie- exjiu-iiioi- e, i, 1 i States. At the In the House, after some important business a debate opened on the bill for the admission of Colorado as a State. Roberts opposed the measure. After the expiratiou of the morning hour the bill went over without action. The House went into committee of the whole on the consular bill, aud without making much progress the committee rose aud tho House proceeded to the consideration ot the Okla Lama Territory bill. The Alabama bill was laid on the table, and the Senate bill amending the agricultural college bill passed. The report of the Committee on Territories against the adiuitsion of Colorado was taken up again, and after a long debate, was accepted. The Wilson Credit Mobilier committee examined Durant at length in regard to the history, objects and results of the Credit Mobilier, out developed no new facts. The Poland committee examined who gave a full account of his purchase of stock, which he simply made as a good investment in a regular business way. Senator Patterson testified that he never owned any Credit Mobilier stock, though he would have done so at one time if he had had money, llebought of Ames stock and bonds of the Union Pacific company and afterwards soil them sit a fair profit, lie never received or purchased any property which direct-rectl- y or indiieetly was connected with his vote. Senator Wil-otestified to his investment in the Crelit Mobilier His sla'eiuent through Cakes Ames. was identical with that already published during the campaign. John Alingham testified to his purchases of stocks of various kinds by advice of Ames an i said he made them because he had full faith in Ames' business sagacity, lie never made any transactions but such as he believed he had a perfect right to do without impropriety. He left Congress now after sixteen years service with no more property then when he entered it. The committee adjourned to Saturday morning. San Francisco, 10. The amount of freight sent east by rail last year was 35.2t5,000 pounds, au million pounds over increase of nearly the shipments of the year before. A fire this afternoon at the corner of Mason and Filbert streets damaged a dwelling house and grocery to the extent of about two thousand dollars Elizabeth Cuttle, colored, eloped from Benicia with a while man named George Williams. Captain Cuttle, her father, pursued the couple to this city, and with the aid of the police got the girl back and returned with her to Lemcia Williams was not found. Chicags, 16. The First Congregational Church, of which P. Goodwin was pastor, situated on the corner of Washington and Ann streets, one of the finest structures in the city, was burned night at half-pas- t seven o'clock. The building and organ cost about one hundred and seventy thousand dollars. Insurance one hun dred thousand dollars, lea thousand of which is on the building in the Fireman's Fund and Union of San Francisco, five thousand and seven hundred each on organ in the same coaipany. Dr. Good win's residence adjoining the church was saved, as' was also his library of two hundred volumes, which was in his study in the basement of the church. The fire was caused by a defective flue. New York, 1G. In the Tweed case this afternoon Mr- Lyues testified as to his duty cf filling iu warrants. When a voucher was given him he merely looked at the endorse ment on the back of the voucher and not at the papers. The Rev. Joshua Leavitt, senior edi tor ef the Independent, was yesterday He remains iu struck with paraly-is- . an unconscious state. The provision of Thomas Miller for utilizing salt water for extinguishing fires and cleaning the streets, at a cost of $250,000, has been referred to committee of the board of Aldermen The steamer Tyhce," arrived and brings full confirmation of the lease of Samaua bay to an American Co and its ratification by the Dominican expiration of the morning hour, Adjourmd. the reasons therefor. "'"' 4 Jj 37 MAIN STREET, pKsrECTFULLY It Person rua take thcoe Bitaccording to directions, una remain Ion' unwell, provided their hones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Xo Ijs;H'Wiiu or Indigestion, Head- ache, I'ain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tiulit-nes- s of the Chest, LM.zuifss, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Had Taste in the Mouth, bilious Attacks, Palpitation ot tbe Keurt, inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful syinptoniK, are the oUVprings of Dyspepsi i. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of i$ merits than a lengthy advertisement. l'Viiialc Com jlui nis. in young or old, married or single, at. the dawn of womanhood, or the Tut u of life, these Tonic Hitters display so decided au iiuluetice that a marked improvement is noon perceptible. Coiuwtiniis, Olui'Ioiiotsi, 3JLiiMi rX,fiiiiloiii,iiie?, "5't. mid ory l'(iiiiieor Illif'tiniHttMii aud (iont, Pvspepsia Indigestion, I'.iliou:;, Kemitteiit uud Intermittent Fevers. Diseases of the Wood, Live, Kidneys and Madder, these Hitters have been most sucrestiil. St. H Diseases arc caused by Vitiated Mood, which is produced by derangement 01' the Digestive Organs. For DiwiiM?, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt iil'.einit, lilotehes, Spois, Pimples, Pustules, lioils. Carbuncles, Scald-iieaSore Eyes, Erysipelas, itch, Scurfs, Discoloralious of the Skin, Humors aud Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, ore literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters, one bouie in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their King-worm- curative Over TWO THOUSAND Pl.TES of SHEET MUSIC to eclcc! bracing the most Popular tfons ami Piano Pieces. fc SOLD JJY ALL DKUGC1STS & 150 DIFFERENT KINDS OF MUSIC D00KS, Vocal and Listrioaaital, Sacred ond Sccubir, Till: j CKIiKBUATKD SHUTTLE VvMLSON . DEALERS. ?"0 TO eilO EACH. 00 6. WHITEHEAD, SUNDAY ogdex,Z. Four Doors from PRIZES, ETC., OO- BLANK BOOKS, ENVELOPES, rAPER, rexs, ixk, pencils, etc. IX 1JOOTS & SHOES, BOOKS, STATIONERY, DEALER GENERAL 1IEWA11I) -- I.t C. M, SCHOOL CARDS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY. FOURTH STREET, sOCtf CiAHiX):e:r, & LEATHER ami careless. SHOE FINDINGS, At the Lowest Prices. 1'reduce Taken. CHARLES W. STAYNER, Arc nt for Kali for the CASH PAID for IIipES. SUPERB ESTEY ORGAN, REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. y Which has New Y rs Notice H. WALLACE, II STOCK COMPLETE MOST OF CADDIES Ever offered to the Tuhlic of Utah. of all Kind?; Candy Toys Plain and Fancy Candies, to-d- Irizc Candy, Balls, lop Corn Prize Corn Sacks, Chewing Pii'C, Chewing Gum, e(c. etc. Government. fire in the dry goods store or Owen Jones, 167 Eighth Avenue, damaged the 6tock and building $ld,000. A fnu in vour Ordcriat once, aud get your fur tho llulidnyt. fpueiul by Dcieret Telegraph. 1C. ORGAN, PARLOR ORGAN. IItOI)lJCIX THE FITTEST ORClEESTltAI EFFECT, SALT LAKE CITY, THE CHURCH AND FOK THE CONFECTIONER, AS BEST just laken the First Trcmium at the State Fair of Kansas, helJ ia Topeka, and the First Premium at St. Louis, Mo., for BEST To the Country Trade. 1 r. ly Standard Author, --OO- FKOM y. Pioche, em- ALSO ABOUT CO., Druggists & den. Agts., San Francisco. Cal., 4 cor. Washington and Charlton Sts., X.Y. from, A Splendid Chance to HaJ.c up Volumes for Christmas Presents. effects. It. If. JIcDOXAf.D 1?oo1chi 1 111 1)1 N, for For Iittliiuiinuf LARGE AND Sl'LENDlU Pianofortes, Cabinet Qryans, Violins, Guitars, Accordcons, Violin titrinrs; ter d, S. L. CITY, 1XV1TU ATTENTION TO TllKIil STOCK OF 11 to-da- fhf LATE CALDEll & SEA11S. n , cc 11 PCP) P I Pi! y Sco-fiel- the bill went ove. Sherman called up the Buckingham bill providing for a return to specie payments, and addressed the Senate upon it. He urged that a resumption of specie pnynient was demanded by public faith, public policy, and the spiritof our laws. Individual hardship was not sufficient reason for a violation of public fail h and a disregard of tho general interest, or the policy of the whole country.' The ciJetit of specie payments is greatly exaggerated as to the peiBonsit will injure. Experience has shown that depreciated money is most injurious to laboring men. It produces a false standard of value, the effect of which is not noticed by a laboring man or by a trader, or nier caant, even upon current debts ami credit. The effect of a specie standard will surely be appreciated lor a nominal loss will be discounted in advance, and be divided during the gradual appreci ation of paper money. Tbe greater burden will fall upon debts running a long period of time as upon corporation bonds and mortgages. As to those in existence before the legal tender act took effect, it is but right they should be paid in specie while those contracted since have been issued in expectancy of specie payments before this time. On motion of Cusserly, the Secretary of the Treasury, was requested to in form the Senate whether the Union Pacific and Central I'aeinc It ait roads have complied with act of July Cth, 18G2, re quiring that after the completion of their roads 5 per cent, of tbe net earn ings shall be applied to the payment of Itie interest and the redemption of the , principal of, their londsi and jr case of . Christmas1 Presents OIK-A- X Keep on hand a full line of MuhIcaI Instruments and Merchnn lipc, hells all kinds of Piaaoe. Organs, Melodeons, etc., at Factory prioes. It won't id 37- - to touy olsowlicro, CHARLES W. STAYNER, No. 5, Main Street, Salt Lake City. goos JOMIAT BOlflaE GO., II. WALLACE, tho In the case of the Kontucky Salt Lake City. d55tf the Hermes mining company; application to set aside a restraining order and mndifv the IcmDorarv injunction was Dealer argued yesterday. Judge Fuller y S. refused to set as.de the temporary in file to the ordered but plaiutiff Main St., Hooper City 1'lat. junction, an additional bona or siu.uw.maung 10- Goods, bond SI 5.000. The boud was filed mid the hearins set for the 24th. Tli wry IxNtt brandii of An act to incorporate the town of and been rioche has prepared hrre, Liquors, Tobacco, and Cigars. with a petition pravinz for its CHAIRS, TABLES, nnnsao-- will be forwarded to Carson. EOUXCJES, WASH Yesterday afternoon Captain S. C. in was Spring Baker frightfully injured BUREAFS, BEDSTEADS, Mountain tuunel by the premature TOGITK NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS, IS rpiIIS 31aUra&fteg. I tlmtuntlie l!Hh day of N jvoiiiUt, In? 2, th ,i;ruirce of a blast. Both Its wer XK Htel lliir lix Msvcral promi- sur he cannot feared is it and tinleriL'n(l broken, ... ... ..1 ... ..n . BookeuxeN-JInil- e II l vive. the nutr are in th turn of il it fire order, Done. Cabinet Charles E. Blakely. a teamster, fell Am hundrMt dollars tacli. aud one ia tL um ol broke m tlHiuraiitl dillar. and frr.m his waeon seat Wood O All rrti$ ar borrliy cautioned agamit pnr . his right leg.' ,. rliuiii(f ay of the raid wIi,m thtj wr d . McKean, the miner, .injur jester ruXfl and WiTeriwl wilheut vonxiiloration, aad Tbe Highest Price Given for FLOUR FITE IldSDRED u ly U rrireutatioRl dav. is doinz well, considering his in wre ..hlniupilM fr.nn ' fraud. rt I iu mediately. a Wanted oilier SACKS aud iiii ies. His face is badly marked. UofttKICHARD MARTIK, , , ' r Titirined that he will not lose hi RORERT HARTIX. dPSm rkssc give us tt call before purchasing elsewhere. .' DrigUni City, Jan 16th, 1873. , .j. eyesight entirely. In to-da- T. WADSWORTII, Groceries, Dry il to-tl- ir Imported Furniture of all Kinds, MAI2ST STEEET, OGDEK. v-- ii STAXIS, NOTICE. 1 ! to-da- -- " Spring ami Hulr to Order. Cupboards and Work and Repairing Turning iu all it Draiiohcs. O v w - " , ... J 5P |