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Show She (DgiUn. function. Puhlislwl 0Try WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, I'i'ui.imcing Company. by the W. Penrose, Editor. i hnrle and Mnmu Manager. IT Air, OCJDEV, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1873. railnrc lo put 3Ioney in a Sliarp eyes are watching the mail' newts of the lobbyists whose unities for aid and couifurt have 1m come intolerable to the sentinels of the TiViisury on the opposition side i'lhe lower house in Congress. Karl im-in.- rt 'lintliam, after a long parliamentary experience, maintained the necessity ...t' two parties in a free country, bo that the vigilance of one would couu-trrathe influence of the other, and ;is a check to corruption. 3111- ii'.ns of dollars have been saved that v"uld have been filched from the vublie puire but for the close scru-i.i.-- y of the opponents of the present el . t Adiuiniftratiun. But parsimony may I c misinterpreted as economy. "We believe it to be right that the salary f the President should l? increased t'.! a mm commensurate with the dig-- i ;ty of his exalted position, and tho f.'qieuses that he must necessarily in-eur in keeping his household proper- ly, and in entertainments that the etiquette of society in the Capital rigidly demand from all in high official The people of the nation wiil not complain of any advance in the President's salary. He mrcly is lititled to the san e income which the Licutenat-CJovcrno- r of Canada, v 'uh a population of less than four landing - ' millions, receives. . ' "" While we admit these facts, yet there is something suspicious in tho i ndeavor made to tack on to the appropriation bill an amcudmeut offer t 1 by the attorney of the 'Central IV iSc road, Mr. Sargent, to incraasc the President's salary to $50,000. In the first place, it was out of order, as the existing law should be chan'j;-- e 1, it being against the rules of the huno to introduce special legislation iuto appropriation bills.' ,In the d place, the movement is too much with tho fragrancy of the Credit Mobilier. 3Ir. Dawes was in the chair at the time of the introduction of the amendment, and intrigued to sceuro its success through the peculiar parliamentary tactics in which soc-"ii- he is an adept. He1 was',' however, bullied and disappointed. The house jofused to entertain tho resolution providirg for an increase of the Pres- ident's salary. , , r r., At a more opportune moment there is no doubt, that provisions will be ma le for the benefit of the President, but at this time there ia no'incliua-- u u e n the part of the people's , . to aid, nbet or encourage tuy movement that owes its oritrin to t who are identified with close Vurporations. jlr. Sargent failed on .tecvuu.t of his complicity with tho Credit Mobilier. 3Ir. Dawes m$y 'u troduced, but there seems an inclinWhy is This Thus ? ation to procrastinate, so that the Why is it that important despatchnew Con cress will be allowed to as es are sent over the wires from the sume the responsibility of disposing East, and are published in San Franof the unfinished business which cisco and Sacramento papers without considera demands immediate justly being furnished to the press of Utah ? tion. This default oe'eurs with both compaA bill has teen presented in the nies The Atlantic and Pacific is House of Pcprescntatives fixing the equally to blame with the Western duration of Territorial Legislatures Uniou. We have proved this on to forty days, and increasing the salseveral occasions by comparing our ary of Territorial Governors to three despatches with those published in thousand and five hundred dollars, the Sacramento Record, received over their present compensation being less the same line. As an instance of than the half of that sum. We can this irregularity, the following telefind no objection to that measure, as gram, dated Washington 11th, apwe believe that the "servant is worpeared in the Record of the 13th, Opposition was but was not furnished to the Juncthy of his hire.' made to the proposed increase by an tion. honorable and distinguised gentle''The House will refuse to admit man, who ironically remarked, that Colorado as a State, but possibly will if the present incumbents were not admit Utah, with a prohibition of satisfied with their salary, a number polygamy, but probably not this sesof patriols could be found to take sion. The President is expected to send a special message recommending was A home-thrus- t their places. a law giving 'the United States court given in reply that plenty of men in Utah power to select jurors to try could be found willing to act as the polygamy cases." From the Herald we learn that substitutes of certain members of Congress for smaller compensation the Western Union served the Salt than they now receive. The bill was Lake papers in the same way. Why passed, notwithstanding the zealous was this despatch suppressed in Utah, The opposition of members who protested and published in California? against the increase of expenditures. omission by both lines simultaneously appears intentional. It is unfair to the press of Utah, and discreditaA Coincidence. ble to the Company or to the operaMrs. Elizabeth Patterson, we are" tors, we don't know which. Please, informed by a dispatch last night, is Messrs. A. and with us P., oblige her of death at the at point full press reports in future, or if you lying residence in IJaltiinorc. As a coin- cut down the despatches, cut down cidence in the history of tho Napo- the rates in the same ratio. of France is leons, the sleeping the sleep from which there WEDNESDAY, 15. is no awakening, while his aunt is Removed to tub New Hotel. momentarily expected to yield her Messrs. Erb and Nellis, proprietors of spirit to the Ituler of the Universe. A more romantic episode in tho his- the Union Depot Hotel, have moved to the new building, erected on the site of tory of a woman, has never been pre- the former house which was destroyed sented since the day that Josephene by fire last summer. All their arrangewas divorced from the first Fmperor, ments are not yet completed, for the octo this moment, when j Eugenia is cupancy of the nes hotel. In a 'few weeping over the bier of the son of days the house will be in full blast, and the best of accommodations will be proIlortcnse, who raised her to the Ex-Eniper- or thorouc. v , Mrs. Patterson was, in her youthful days, a lovely girl, as remarkable for her extraordinary beauty as for her .. . personal and intellectual ac:omplish-ment- s. Jerome Pouaparte, the youngest brother of Le grand .Empreur. met Miss Patterson in Baltimore in 1803, and was attracted by her beauty and refinement. They were married by Archbishop Carroll, a brother of one of signers of .the Declaration of American Independence. A very '.interesting. suit occurred in the Court of Cassation under the old regime of the Xapoleon who now slumbers at Chisel hurst, rcjrardin;' the legitimacy of tho marriage between Miss Patterson and the brother of the powerful ruler who wore the imperial ermine. The court decided against the application of Mrs. Patterson for recognition as tho wife of Jerome Bonaparte, although her lineage was superior to that of her husband. Political considerations influenced the actiou of the Court in rcn-deri- ug an unrighteoiis decision. sulfide and remain composed until Mrs. Patterson is now nearly nineanother opportunity is offered to him ty years old, and possesses immense to come to the relief of his colleague, Wealth. She is' recognized as the Oakei Ames. , leader of the leader of; aristocratic a ciety in Baltimore, and has endowThe Infants of Hie Xatioii ed many institutions of benevolence iSeforc Congress, not only in her native city, but Members of Congress feem to puf- throughout the Union Many a wid fer from the lethargy and roaction ow and orphan will remember her as induced by a surfeit of turkey and. a benefactress, and many a social cir .plum pudding during. the holidays, cle will fculfer .from its bereavement The proceedings of the two Ileuses of a nobhs woman', ' n: f , IWMHHI are monotonous in the extremo, and I'm on tho down grade, an J legislation for the promotion of publio 1 "BUI, can t roach the brake, ' were the interests is lagging. Once in a while last wordaof a California stage-drive- r subject of some importance, is iu-- ; t a sympathizing brother whip, ; s , : . Mr. Ed. Horrocks, o: Z. C. M. L, was walking along hurriedly in the store this morning, when a do belonging to some folks who were trad ing there, seized him by the calf of the intoth-fleshleg, thecanine's teeth penetrating and causing Mr. Horrocks to feel rather sick at the stomach. Stores are not a good place to take dogs into, especially biting curs. This was an untaxed animal, and the owner had better lie it up, if he values its safety. It is no pleasant thing to be munched by a cur. We hope Mr. Horrocks will no: suffer seriously from the b'te. Doo-bitte- n OGDEN CITY, , Personal. Hon. George Q. Cannon passed through Ogden this morning on his way to Washington. He was warmly received by a number of friends, and cheerfully reciprocated many kind wishes expressed for a happy journey. Hon. I. H. Schemerhorn, formerly a member of Congress from New York, stopped here yesterday en route to Los Angelos, Cala., where he has a large I0IESALB & RffFAl 500 Pieces Hew Prints Lawn, Percales, Chambraj-s- , Empress Cloth, Merinos, Scotch Ginghams, Alpacas, Arnmres, Wool De-Lain- es. interest. T. D. S. Allen, Esq , accompanied by his wife, of Cincinnati, took breakfast at the Union Depot Hotel, and started for Salt Lake C:ty. They have just come from San Francisco, and could not leave the west without seeing the queen of the Wasatch nruntaius. Mr. Allen is President of the Board of Under writers of Ohio, and a director of the Cincinnati and Columbus road. Travel. There truth in the report current this morning that seven is no feet of snow had drifted along the C. P. All the trains arrived on time and travel is increasing on both lines Eust and West. We repeat that there is no danger of obstruction to travel as yet, and it is be lieved that the precautions taken by the different companies will ensure safe passage from San Francisco to Omaha. The trains were tolerably well filled this morning, and many of the most sub stantial merchants of the Pacific slope stopped for their breakfast. They are going East to make purchases in anticipation of a heavy spring business. Gentlemen who returned from Chicago last evening represent that the city is almost entirely built up, and that it now presents a beautiful appearance. Business is lively and great activity ! prevails. Ice. Mr. J. II. Kelson, of the Gold vided for the guests of the most popular en Gate, is taking advantage of the cold hosts along the Pacific roads. snap, and piling tip the congealed li Croat ISednction in Price quid in solid chunks in Bishop West's Of all Summer Good at Z.C.M.I.OgdenUrauch. barn. Folks were trembling over the A Car on Fiue, A second-clas- s pasprospects of a hot summer to come with senger car, connected with the C. 1, no ice in it. If this cold snap continues was partially destroyed by fire this awhile all their fears may depart. seven o'clock The morning at half-paNaky Item. The weather is too cold fire originated from sparks which were , emitted from the liut little for locals. Scarcely any one from the Another car was country has come to town, and our citi damage was done. soon furnished for the benefit of the zens are so chilled with the sudden cold passengers who were not delayed on snap, that no excitement can be raised on 1 their western journey. any subject. We could manufaciure a little newB if necessary, but we deal in McLniii's for Children Cry CiutUied Castor Oil ami Cumlied Vermifuge Bonnothing but facts, or what we believe to bon. They are tlrliclous mcdirinei ami war- be facts, and will stick to them even at ranto! liarm'.rM. Price 2o cents. Tor alo lj the expense Df our local column. Z. l M. I, uuJ alt druggist.' i Messrs. Low & Son Goixa to Move Another School. The Third Dis will in a few days go into their old quartrict School was opened last Monday by ters in the ticket office, which is now be- a competent lady teacher; a large num ing fitted up, and is rapidly approaching ber of soholara attended. The new completion. We are glad to hear that school-hous- e is a very fine building, in a few days the veteran eulor and light, airy and spacious. Mr. J. Parry, chirping Albert will be established in President of the District, and Messrs. J quarters where their customers will not Dinsdalc, T. D. Dee and Winslow Farr, be expose i to the cold blasts while porate doserving of great credit, and the ing over their latest periodicals, and ad- thanks of the district for their energy miring their select assortment of goods. and persevcrauce in completing the tf GENTS' Straw, Panama and Silk Hats and Gaps. COTTON HOSIERY! -- o Ladies' Trimmed STRAW GOODS. 200 SUITS OF GENTS' HcadLy-Mad.- o Spring & Summer Clothing. A Large Stock of Gents', Ladies' anA Children's S HOES ; Of all kinds, st NEW BRANDS OF stove-pipe- a'JS-tiu- Dried leaclies. larga quantity of ilrifil peaches, pared or tin at Z. C. M. 1 ,Ogtmi lnrpd, wauled immediately, .72-t- r liiaucU. " 'j j , New R. R. Office. The ticket office which will be occupied by the C. V. ComA ; 9 ; pany is undergoing improvements. room the intended for that purLately pose, has been used as the dining room, over which Mr. Erb prosided, to the satisfaction of his numerous guests. More space and a raoro, comfortable room will be furnished for the benefit of travelers, ' now that the new hotel has extended additional' convenience to the .' . , ?ublic. - Twecds, Cottonadcs, Jeans, Domestics, Stripes, Tickings, Denims. JUST RECEIVED, A Car Load of COOKING AND FURNISHINGS. St. Lonis Iron. building. Improvement, Messrs. Wright, Perry, & Co. have made an addition to their popular establishment. The vaults which a few days sinoe it was announced were prepared for tha reception of the best liquors, ales and 'wines have been King James Russell superintends opened. over this part of the houso, and all who call upon him will find a pleasant gentleman and a strict business man. Locks, Harness Trimmings, Cutlery, Carpenter's Tools. A FULL STOCK OF GEOCERIES, Etc., Etc. Minter is never out "0 vaw of the goods whioh cheer the traveler All Orders addressed to P. II. TEERT, who coaics from the depot and asks for a Ogdon City, will haTe prempt Optical. Mr, C, Jenkin9, the well Tom and Jerry, qr anything else. He , attention. known blacksmith of this city, was ham- is always well supplied for the denizen who wants Bomcthing goad ond pure to mering a piece of red hot Iron whea a small flake flew up and struck warm him up in these cold days. Behim on the ball ot the eye, burning it sides, Si. in a good,loarip.l squj and alSuperintendent .' ' . severely, ways polite and kind., . Ml Silas. Silas A. .' to-da- y, JLB, CLAWSON, |