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Show flopian Drranr. dis-:ru.t- piin.t us in foreign markets? I t come back to the old system if hard cicney, while our exportationare immeasurably inferior to ;ui we ' s s ; j j j : j cu-io- :n door-knocke- ' j ; ' : ; i ; j j di-ta- nt ' ; ; ! l.e ' em-re- r ; ' J !o.-ro,- , a j j j ro-ii- j ; . j - j i i - , 1 - , Behind Time. The U. 1. passenger 2 o'clock Dy reference to our telegraphic having bsen detained by heavy winds and snow cast of Green River. The t.ews, it will be seen that the bill inand conductors on this road troduced by Mr. .Nye, restricting the engineers having been instructed not to run besession of Territorial legislatures to yond schedule time, and as the C. 1 is the 3nl territorial not willing to delay its trains s as to forty day, giving conthe to territorial make connection with the U. P. when penitentiaries behind time, there was no need of hurtrol, has passed the Senate. rying. The passengers enjoyed a comWc liopa the House will also fortable rest on the Talace cars, and ! : train arrived this morning at 1 1 ' i6-la- jr r" ', 4 stith-cie- I rc-Cei- vo Tai-onc- after partaking of a good breakfast continued their journey to the Wesi. The track is clear all along route. Mark. George Whitehead has actually turned over a new leuf with the new year, and docs work according to nnaal sessions should bo allowed,! promise. Now this fur a shoemaker is and furthermore, that so much inter- something extraordinary, and we Las-teference in the domestic affairs of the to give George proper credit. We shall be very happy to do some good turn for Territories, is contrary to the genius the tailors, if they will only give us the c f lie publicanisin. But the penitenghost of a chance. Where do they all tiaries iu the Territories should most expect to die when they go to? A Goon - ter- 1'ebsonal. We were pleased to see, ritorial authorities. Particularly is this morning. Henry R. Miller, Commisthis the case in Utah, where the penof e ! Subsistence for several years hen Gen. Conner was io command. lie is en route to Bingham Kanyon, where he is to do business in the mercantile line. It is pleasant to have t ha "old "timers' return to Utah. Since Mr. Miller's retirement from the army, he has been engaged in business io San Francisco. We wish him welcome and success. Rev. James L. Stoncstreet, Tresidcnt of St. John's College, Maryland, went west this morning. sary at Camp Douglas, m ESTRAY NOTICE. In I (IrK-hOw- - Judge Grover, of Eas-tois agent for a magnificently Illustrated Family Bible. He is canvassing were compelled to pubmit in silence, for If he calls on you tind allow the property of the Terri- look subscribers. at his bible, it is very fine and tory to pass iuto the possession cf worth examination even if you dou'l purcnase. The Judge is safe. strangers, and so far as the n, , It-i-t ESTRAY NOTICE. Territory was cot c rned, into the control of First tdis Ycar. There was no from the East last night, but we remail irrespon iblc persons. - There is a ceived by the evening mail the Ogdn giod prospect now that this great Jocrios of yesterday, the first copy I we have received this year on the day of publication. Do it again. The above item from the Salt Lake An Herald shows that Ibis is a world of KehunVri. compensations. Blessings as well as trials come to us daily. The mail failed Colorado ha received a quietus in from the east, but the Jcsctios let us t'iie House, as to admission into the hope formed a balm more than equal to wrong will bo righted. Ambition Territory Union as a State. The Committee the consequent suffering. The Jckctiox has rendered nrr adverse report to its ha? been placed ca the U C train every demand for being incorporated as an evening for some time past, but did not reach our anxious subscribers at Sail Independent member of the ConfedLake on time. Last evening we puberation. Our latot information Is to lished early enough to got our papers the" effect vtliaf 'the fine been into "report (he mail sack and shall try to "d" ' 1 approved. As the population of the it again," aud all the time. ! i - ly XkwBjcls. 1 o his wuuderful versatility, we about dates. Readers should look at the await with C'hristiau fortitude heal of the local columns where the dates alays appear, ani the uificu'.ty Kb explanation. complained of will vanish. itentiary was almost entirely erected with the taxes of the Territory, and is really tin property of the people, and not of the general Government. The turning over of a prison built vith our own money, and which had been for years in the hands of our own officers, to persoD nnder no bonds or obligations to the Territory, crested censiderable dissatisfaction at the time of the transfer. But having no political power, and no voice in the affairs of the nation, wc uu-Hi- j tutelage, aud mast wait for aa increase of population, or some party necessicv.n assume the privity, before leges of a Stat, and enjoy the free ti and untrammelcd exercise of the Semi-Week- tcrtainly be in the hand of the ht cuun-whe- eon-stitu- the bill favorably. We do not care a great deal about the restriction placed upon the Legislature. The necessary business can no doubt be transacted in the allotted time. We do consider, however, that gen-broug- ; the importation which compel a iiverfion of American capital to iuil prerogatives belonging to f.reign creditors? a sovereign number of the Republic. 31 r. Sherman may, at suae future time, divulge the method he intends 1Y.IDAY, 17. t j ad- -t for un ravelling the labyrinth of difficulties in the way of Explanatory. of fpecie resumption payment. The local news in the Until wc hear from him, and he JcxctioS is taken from the Laiiy. Some never loses an opportunity of cxhib-i:ia- g misunderstanding arises occasionally Territorial Allairs. as j od How and kept ncrnpulonsly clean cleanline Oil CO. Yesterday two men on the Correspond being an admirable Dutch characifriMio Central Pacific train coming east were 1872. Dec. Looking glasses are so arranged upon miles 9th, west Becssels, Belgium, robbed, eorne three hundred the outside of the win. owa th'jt one q of Oden. The men robbed occupied the j Iniinu Ogpen J i nctios: same section in the sleeping car. One of! I am now in Belgium with President sit upon his or her cushioned clmir h,. them was complaining of sickness; when Smith and party, alter having made a side, and observe whatever is pfcs;u-- ju some cympathizing stranger kindly sup- - brief and int ereut ing tour t .rough the the street, without being seen Hol-wmight object to this P.ttclt invention a a plied him with a dose of brandy which principal cities of the kingdom of the little t,oo miieh one- - dd nmusctcent. tSorne observations upon doubflesi drugged, as it quiekly bind. n The cli.mea iu the towers uf !. remarkable the ."lumber features of that to enti sweet patient, he was kindly relieved cf $200 in try and its inhabitants, which I extract churches and oilier public baildiii", j" lieaie tUe quarli-rof the U ur Vr coin, Lis bi ll being cut from his waisir hum in v journal, 1 trust will not be j,xy. b s some niV of li was also relieved iog popular or comrade, interesting. asleep, I which is ii divided fre' The its Holland t of casn ana untii a va.uao.e in highly kingdom ti cioj goi watch. When the train arrived at Og- into nine provinces, embracing a popu- - queut n petition moderated tl.e nle. den the tick victim recvgniied his ten- Unon of three millions and a iia f. one ' urc. In some of the Djtcb cities a singular derhearted friend and had him and a third Roman CathoLcs and one hundred prevails, t.t thing bulletins to companion arrested. No developments tiitfusimd Jews. On an average, each! wbere persons ar had taken rlace when the U. C. train square mile is occupied by two buudred the. r The sLk, apprising their friends of iheir nd scveuty-seve- n left Oirden last night. inhabitants. in the h. allh, thus saving the troi.ble of knock-iuj- r 'total area of their The above is from tliis morning's Salt East and West Indies or singing The birth of a child ig amounts to six hr.u- Lake Herald, and contains a slight mis- drel and sixty thousaud square mi'es, a.inounced by a placard adorned with take. The particulars of the robbery with a population of eighteen millions. red silk and bice the frien Is of the lam-- . are all right, but no arrest was made. The merchant tieet of Holland numbers - iiy ou these inieiestin;' occasions, are treated to wine aud cinnamon caku. above seven thousand vessels, two thouThe parties accused were n.t properly sand five hundred of these Be rotliais are celebrated by an iniini'i.so on a carry idtu'ine'l. Suspicion points strongly in tratSc with of "bridal sugnr," or sweet world the of consumption parts thousand cakes and spiced wine, called LiiJ4l a certain direction, an J the ease is being Its army consists ot sixty-on- e looked after. Time, patience and watch- men, besides thirty thousand which aie teats," very appropriate and auiusiii" distributed throughout the colonies terms. fulness work wonder. In passing through Holland, we The Royal Navy consists of one hun-- i noticed beiiiiifa! villus an rovessels of war, of drel aud ninety-twEscape A5i f aptcce. Frank Terry, different mantic descriptions. cotiirry seats in the taulst of who bad be iu j .il sine months on a The executive power c insists of a parks and plc isure gruuuds occupied liy cii:irj.e of robbery Las not been s) closely State Council of twenty .members, twelve Dutch g. m ry and merchants. Many uf wat cued as o.htr prisoners on acconnt of whom are nominated by the king. ineir d .veliiutis bear iusci iptious indicaif his general appearance ns a harmless The legislative power comprizes two ting th.' sentiments of the occupant, such individual. Lie has several times been the first consists cf thirty-nin- e as Wtl Twcedeu, (Weil Content;; Migu chambers; allowed o sweep ot.t the halls iu the members elected by the provinces (itr.vegM). (My Satisfaction;) Vrietvls ,urt House, as no one supposed that he fur a term of nine years, the second, ot chap m Geielischap, (FueuJsIiip and had enough tou:iciu t an escape. seventy-foumembers elected Ly the Sociab'.li'y.) l'.ci'iteu Zmg. ('Ait'.n.iit leMcruay r.e compl.uneii ft Deitig un- (.lectors of the districts. care). Maay have much more lengiltj well, aud so was allowed to remain outmodes of travel by Meamboats, titles. Their side the j til. ife wa3 not entirely negHolland is full of windmill:-- some of railways and diligences, with rsj cct I, ....-.!- .a 1,..! t l...f to celerity, price and comfort, compare which are of gigiutic s:ze, tl.eir s.ii!s gone twenty tuinu'es he was missed, and with those of other countries, often spreading one bumlrtd ftet in af.er a seic!i around the premises with- - favorably in Holland are worthy of-- length. They are used for grinding The roads out finding him, Sheriff Travis was in- commendation. As storie does not Corn, cu'tiug tobacco, sawing tia.ber, farmed cf hi escape. Mr. Travis then j iu the count: y, small, well bar ' mani.faciuring pnperanl in tr.usferriBg abound mounted his horse and started in pur-- ! dened bricks, one aud a fourth inch surplus was-- r from lo.v grounds, i:iin suit, taking the highland Barney thick, are employed as a substitute, c:tua!b- running upon higher elevations, Murray, a Deputy Sheriff, took another an extremely Lard surface wh.cli discharge it imo ihe sea. direction, and af.cr goii:g in different terming A gr- a! portion of the which is supposed to niual, it' not to ex- Country has uirections and riding aboui fifty miles. eel in noint of ilotu't ilml nf our been reel. timed from livers. Kiora.-scspsp . overhauled the fellow in a kanyon about . . , . ... .. ........ .,... me lakes and seas; ibee "polders" rr rethree miles below the Condor Mill, uesi iii.iu.iuiiiu i t'ju. lue iiisi cusi iji claimed iaals are remarkably fettiie, is esDutch of construction these roads, where be was captured and brought bunlive two timated thousand at about owing to various causes, la many inback to jail. He made no resistance, j but dollars dled miles. are stances, during the winter season they per They His objci was to get iuto U'.ah Territo-- ! cover-- d with water, thereby receivare little traveled however, by light except ry and make good his escape, lie will additional vitality the surplus the done main traffic vehicles, ing being not probably get another chance to cs cmu be removed on ;he shortest water numerous inwhich their canals, upon eape. Pioche lieeord. tersect the country in every direc- notice, they afford an admirable eff(iood C lianco tor a Riblo. tion, enlivened with multitudes ui'barges, icient system of irrigation. There are Ju- - J. CROVEK, of .Vt. n. WUr Co, is often drawn by small screw steamers. some remarkable features iu the iinnner . f.,- . . tr li :i ,.f .... H ... " A B.i.le. 'Tat for him. Thc roij3 or reets flanking the canals in which they produce these "polders n,uguicent Urk. iu U are planted with trees, re.icving in part The first step in the process, cousists ; the monotonous characteris'ie tlatne s ot surrounding ihe mo r. si or portion of the , t. '"i,ut,SHEu rAr.TVt.' -u- auge loony lLe 1:Uld lake to be drained, with a dyke IO tbe country, a(J imparting V Ksq , ai ciein, i.sq , Lansohoff, iA RnJ pi to prevent the admission of water Lmu a que ap Mape an Alexander not only from without. Then the water is rebese canals i serve, pearance. Esq., went to Sail Lake this morning on as means of communication between moved by means of wttr whetl, conU. C train. their towns and cities, but also to carry structed for the purpose, driven by Horse Disc ask. The Epizootic which off from their arable lauds, surplus water, windmills or steam engines. In some to he has be'en attacking the equines at Salt and likewise answer in the place of instances these lakes or morasses, admit low too are to enclose to or fields and and reclaimed, walls, deep hedges Lake for a week or two, has at length gardens. The large canal-- , hich are the water being at once transferred to reached Ogden. Four animals belong- immediately connected with the sea, are the main canals, and conveyed otf. In uch caes a system of dykes, or eming to Mr. Wm. Clark, are attacked, aud closed at the point where they empty, one"?? iihin auoiher, each to massive the bankments, floodgates, preven if is probable many more will soon be by encroachment ot the sea when its level provided with a canal on its exterior, afflicted. A warm stable, rest from is lower than the water iu the canals. constituting an asendin series of level work, and gentle epenirg medicine are The principal canals are sixty feet in from the lower of which water is transand sixty feet io depth. The ferred to the higher, and finally into the required in this disease which is not width, Northern Great canal, connecting Am- main chanuel, whence it is canied int necessarily fatal. sterdam with the North Sea, is the breud-es- t the ocean. Holland, is celebrated for its numerous and deepest iu Europe. This, howCleak. The C. TVs whistle was heard will be surpassed by the one now private and public schools, anl excelever, in lime this morning as usual. Every in course of cotistruc'ion, connecting lent arrangements for the general diffuthing alone this line is quiet, and'although these two points by a shorter route, sev- - sion of knowledge among the lower considcrable snow has fallen, the track is enteen miles m length, and one hundred clashes. We saw some of their schools, but our and ninety to three huudred and twenty unobstructed. feet in breadth, ana twenty-ture- e feet time was too limited to investigate their educational system as would have been CzArnr.RT. John Ciachcrt, of the in depth. Holland desirable. is the lowest that I presume is hand on to j Chicago Hakcry, always low-cHolland is also proverbial for her nuat in the the world, attend to the wants of his customers. He country in which I haveleast, traveled ; the merous charitable institutions. oi any is a good host, and his numerous friends LoRlXZO Sxow. greater portion lying several feet below attest to thc excellence of his house. the sea level much therefore, of the seWith the good cheer he offers, John curity of the country Jepcnds upon or etnbaukmeni.. These dykes, Czachert, of the l'olonaiscap, is deserved- dykes, not only are required to prevent incursions of the sea, but rivers likewise, in ly popular. of gradual and constant Mors Rritntsr.. Mr. A. Kiesel at the consequence AVE tX MY POSSESSION TIIK FOLLOW", raising of their beds by alluvial deposl auinial, which if not claim and depot is building a large store and billiard its. Hence, one can. scarcely imag ne takf away w.thin i ten days t'ue ieM-n- t to ihe h;pV-- -t reHnil.lt- biMu saloon on the site of his old building, the enormous expense connected with date, will t c the Uiitriet Istray l'ouu i, OgdeiJ, Jau. ilia, these undertakings. The first principle at which is now removed to the rear. 1171, at i p.m. to be observed in constructing a dyke is liit One lay nire COLT, 2 years oU, little forrUra-1car un for fowl; uu brauJ We regret to to make a massive and permanent foun- in Sad Bereavement. visible. VV. K. FIFE, hear of the bereavement under which dation it must be stamped and comto Pistrit-- t tv.iialkeepr. give it the necessary solidity, pressed Mr. Elijah Freeman, of this City, is as Ogden City, WsLot Co., Jan. IS, 1STS. much of this banking material is of suffering by the death this morning of such soft, soapy, oozy nature, it requires his amiable wife. immense patience and labor to consolidate it sufficiently. A vast embankment was thrown up Died. MATE IX MY 1'OsSKSSdON 1MB FOLIiOW-inj- ; from the slimy beds in the vicinity of In this City, Jan. ICth. 18T2, of ty Amsterdam, which required forty years decritvd animals, which if not claimed aad taken within leu day from present dato, phoid fever, William Barnes, son of-- i to settle it to a state of firm solidity. In will be K.I.Iaway to (he highest reKnible bid.ler at 2 DeceasJanus Barnes, aged -'- years. the construction of these dykes, twigs of the Dinrtet Stray I'onn.t, at Morpaa City, a ra.: ed was a native of Sussex, England, and willows are used, interlaced one with Morirnn ro.. Utah, Ja. 2)th. at 11 o One 3 year old nmlwrhit ia M ai emigrated to Utah a little more than two another with elaborate skill; the interf"fwrlit in rif lit ear; nobntwia. re-- and wUtte STEKR, anderlit One S year years ago Millennial Star please copy. stices being filled with clay, in order to bind the whole in one solid mass; these in right ear; no bmuJj. F'tEIX KINOTOX. Thi morning, of erysipelas, Henri- are renewed, usually, every three years, Ilinlrict Pouudkeel-er1 etta Naomi, infant daughter of Edward being cultivated Morgan City, Jan. IS, li'i. very extensively in all and Mary Ellou Irwin, aged two months parts of the country for this purpose. and nine days. The estimated annual expense of keeping these dykes in repair throughout Hol"0, not la cruelty, not In wracb, Tli cam (hat tly. is aWit two aud a half millions of land, MT TOSSKsSIOX THK an angel viitml th coli earth Ta THAVK IX dollars. A ad tuk the fiuwer away." a.iimsls wLlch if not elai!J Much difficulty is often experienced and taken away within tfti days the U sold to the hihwt respomible biJiif t This morning at 10 a. tn., of puerperal in forming permanent foundations for data, wllDiMrii-t Manntaiu at the Sftrar fever, Mrs. Annie l'oulson Freeman, wife bnildiugs. 1 noticed in the cities many Co., ftah. Js'n SHh. at 10 o'clock i Oua black MI LK, IS yewra old, old brand on If" f Mr. Elijah N. Freeman, of this City, structuics of massive proportions, beauboulder not tolUr and, saJtll aged 27 years. She leaves an infant about tiful and magnificent, but sadly ont of tnarka on fhoiii.ler ami wo wcks old. " Funeral at 2 perpendicular, owing to imperfections rl Ons Ml'LH, 7 year oM. o'clock p. m. Friends invited... y vf their(substructures , The houses atrij aeroaa lit ahou!urs; o brand visibleI. B. l'.VItKt. 5. L. Herald, and Vtr, aud Scandiare lofty built of small, red biick t"out.iiii.ir-404 ?itrict window navian papers please copy. of imposing dimensions. the Mcnttain Green, Jan. lkUi, 1573. HoBftKRT. Territory is not sufficient under the new apportionment fur representation, Mr. Slierrnan is a Visionary in his to entitle it to the dignity of a Soverintrofi'iianeial tlieurks. He li eign State, aud no political exigency duced a bill .in the Senate with a requires an addition to the Radical view of returning to pceie payments, majority, which ii supreme iu both a consummation certainly to be debranches of the Government, the sired. The whole country is members of the popular chamber rewith the miserable Buinplusters fused to entertain the proposal. tn.-i-t hare no intrinic value, and are Six years ago a bill to admit ColoHiply a fictitious currency, which rado as a State, passed CoiJgres, jnd lias no ether b&si than the national would have become a law, but llr the iTtdit. Specious and plaasible as intervention of President Johnson, are t!e provisions of Sherman'? act. who refused to give his approval to thvro ii nothing therein by which the measure. The required majority the prudeucc of the niuvemcnt or the of two thirds was wanting to overexpediency of the measure can b come the veto of the President, aud demonstrated. How can we poibiy Colorado has since had to content return to specie payments to long as itself with remaining in its minority. air coin is exported for the purpose During another term f probation of keeping a balance of exchange our sister Territurv must continue in An rl d l . ESTRAYNOTICE. ipr re-e- ut iJreaa,-Morga- . ba.-k- . cram-clore- - grn-era'l- 1 . , - nt |