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Show llequicsoat iu Pace. THURSDAY, 1G. Enterprise, x D. II. Peery, Esq., is another fine dwelling house on Hon. F. D. building ,tuw Xupi)k'(n'fl remains were lot the south of his present residence to tha tomb, Richards returned from Salt Lake this VfAteivlny C(!i!pignel That's correct. Build up the city, ye morning, where he has been 8tajir.g a solemn pageantry. men of capital, do good for Among some time in your country constant uttsndance Return ash DurAPTuns. i ! lli, who .. attended the funeral ob- upon - ilH' were all bis former marshals. with him the misfortune.. w ho !h:ir-jni'the jvuipire. The devotion shown at the time that (,i the ),' eves arc closed, with the seal of uch h. h;is a deep significance, (:: McMahon, Fleurj. (.:.:inr.ihert and others have yet a po-- t nt i;il!ue!ice, and a strong following the classes who remember the j.civoaauvs aa !v..;iire, its glories and triumphs, 'j'iu'ir fealty to the family of the late Xapi leon, who rescued Italy from of a thousand years, ret'.K' the Cossock, sisted and overthrew Mjened.an avenue between the lied seas, and beauti-iic;in Meditereanian 1 d the gayest of Capitals, is still unswerving, and perhaps made more intense by the calamities which have attended the Imperial crown. Their z'alis undiminished iu the maintenance of a dynasty which contributed to the glory and wealth of France. aruud the Kocollections cluster and make good Investments tU thi same Ogden is growing, good houses and debility. Hi3 Honor will be in greater demand than ever, :nme tip on the Utah Central in company and the value of property will increase with Hon. Geo. Q. Cannon, who, after nil the time. breakfasting at the Judge's house, proceeded on his journey to the Ivist. Floral Guide, Seud for Tick's Judge Richards returns to Salt Lake Floral Guide for 1873. It is beautifully this evening, his presence by the bedcontains much valuable inillustrated, side of his iigd parent being considered We hope he will not formation, gives lists and prices of all indispensable. sailer materially from the loss of rest kinds of choice garden and flower seeds, will be published quarterly, and costs entailed by constant watching. s for the year. Vick's seeds only While JJoans. can be relied upon, and orders are alA lnrgc quantity wa;itJ ut Z. C. M. . Os'liri UraocU. 70.tf ways promptly filled. Sec advertiseGrand Affair. Last evening a select ment. Address, James Yicks, Rochester, ball was given in Child's Hall, by X. Y. .NUssrs. II. Tribe and S. S. and S. II. Information Wanted. Silas L. Jack Higginbotham, of Z. C. M. I. It was son, of Nephi City, Juab Co., wants to conducted with great spirit, and every- know the whereabouts of Thomas Warbody present enjoyed all the dancing wick, who came to this Territory about two years ago, and some time since vta they desired till about 1. SO a.m. The Address as living at North Ogden. Stevens' band played better than ever, above. and the party was one of the most enThe above is clipped from the Dtseret affairs of season. the was It joyable Evening News. Thomas Warwick is reAlso splendid. huge. Furthermore, siding in this city. He had better comAdditional adjectives can be municate with Mr. Jackson. obtained from the participants, who are In Town. Mr. S W. Itosenstock, of all delighted with the ball. the celebrated Boot and Shoe house of that name, San Francisco. This house On f for young men from the effects of Hsjipy Knuis mi J Aliases iu oailjr life. Mniilioud re- is one of the most extensive manufactures stored. Inineilimunu to marriage ruiuuvud. New on the Coast, constantly employing C50 method of iraitmvnt. Now niid leiuurkiildc Hunks mid circulars hands. They use the very best of leathfree, iu bcalt-envelope. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No 2 South er, and we are informed by gentlemen Ninth St., riiilm'.elp'.iiu, l'a nu Institution having in this city who have worn boots made a is aged father, who has been prostrated time. with sickness two-bit- first-clas- s. of Ilonapartc, which is arriiige. among the vineyards and once-- t ailing homesteads of France. Napoleon the Third is in his grave, but what events will result from his high repii!:itiun lor iiouorauie conduct and f kill. death, what a drama may be enacted which will conflicts ou account of the New Citv Hall. Marshal Fife has arise from the feuds now agitating fitted up the new City Nail in admirable France, are concealed in tin womb of style. The Council room is a model of futurity. There is but little hope of a neatness and comfort. The Mayor's name rc-ror- cd l rcm-edi- si-i- reconciliation among the parties that .dnuld in thu hour of dire necessity unite for the diseuthrallinent and of the nation that was a iew years ago in ITthc vanguard of civilization throughout Europe. History will render a just tribute to the memory of Louis Napoleon. President ii. A. Smith and 31 r. Thiers. tor Deseret "ews : Having found in V Evcntment, Victor Hugo's organ at Paris, a singular of the reception of President Geo. A. Smith and party by Mr. Thiers, I litit for the benefit of your translate erally numerous readers. Lout? A. BenTAvSD. "On the 10th of December, Mr. Thiers received Mr. (ieo. A. Smith, the President of the Legislature of Utah, in Kim oc-coi- America. "Mr. Smith, having presented himself at 1 o'clock at the Presidential mansion, ceuld not be received. Mr. Darthelemy Saint Ilihiire (President Thiers' private secretary; had previously granted to him and to the Mormons of his party a ticket of admittance to the National Assembly. 'This evening Mr. Smith returned with seven persons of his retinue, nil Mormons, and was received at about half past 0 o'clock. 'He is a tall man, about fifty years o'd, with a very respectable appearance; lie has, as well as his companions, rather a solemn and affected dignit which characterizes the chief of the Indian tribes, from which they use the expressive language ; but nothing discloses in these nun the fanaticism of their morals. "The President of the Legislature ( f conversed with the President of the French Republic by means of an interpreter; he gave him Bome curious particulars on the Mormons, consisting at this time of American, Englishmen, Germans, Spaniards, Italians andn, few frenchmen, and numbering aboutT20,-00- 0 souls. "They are going to Jorusalem to perform certain rites of their religion; for, m spite of their polygamy, the Mormons we Christians. i "Mr. Smith went about at half away rast ten o'clock After having explained to the President of the Republic that "0 could not pass over Europe without presenting his respects to so illustrious a roan, he intrusted the interpreter to tell him, "that he implored the Alraigh-'y- . with all his bouI, to load with His by this firm, that they last longer than any boots ever put on their feet. Mr. Rosenstock goes to Salt Lake this evening will return to morrow and start for the east, and call here on his way back Oneida Coi xtt. Mr. David P. Kim. Extensively Slurried. ball reached town from Malad City, Oneida County, Idaho, this morning at A family in Amity, Pennsylvania, 10 o'clock. Himself and Bishop George Lake, of Oxford went to Malad for the s rather extensively intermarried, purpose of attending Probate Court there fwo brothers, William and Samuel in their capacity as Couuty Commission ers. On their arrival they discovered Sheirer, each had ten children, and that they were to late for Court business tour of the children of one brother a law having been lately rushed through ire married to four of the children the Ida-hLegislature fixing the time if the other brothers. Two sons of for holding Probate Court to commenci William Sheirer are married to two on the Gth instead of on the loth of Jan uary as under the old law, and Messrs laughters of Samuel Sheirer and two Kimball & Lake had not been notified ot of William Sheirer, to two tho change. The visit of the gentlemen, daughters ons of Samuel Sheirer. William however, was not altogether in vain, a is one Sheirer the of dead brothers, they were duly qualified and commis sioned for the oflices to which they had all the other members of tho families been elected. are living, and very respectable peoMr. Kimball says that the county is ple. in a satisfactory condition financially, the debt upon it having been reduced, within the past few years, about $9,000. In Paris there is a law that the leaving a balance, yet to be liquidated man on whose premises lire breaks of something under $.",000. The roads north were the next thing out can rcceire no insurance, while to. being impassable. It took the stage his neighbor can, and it is said that on which Mr. Kimball traveled fourteen Paris is freer from fires than any hours to do the distance between Malad other if large city. Perhaps some of City and Corinne. so who our builders Mr. McClay and another gentleman, recklessly set up in which to consume boih of the Diamond R. FreightCoinpany, tinder-boxe- s f Montana, are on their way to this city poor girls and helpless beauts, were to confer with Mr. John W. Young. unable to collect a cent of insurance President of tho Utah Northern, with when the inevitable lire comes, they regard to shipping freight over that line would build more of railroad. The Diamond R. is the carefully and guard If our railroad men most extensive freighting company iu more securely. Montana. were held strictly responsible for every human life they take into their An agricultural editor has a two charge, instead of being let o!T with column aitiicle commencing with the the accustomed "censure," we should ho hear less frequently of telescoped miestioii, 'Should wasted?" Of course they fchould not; cars and broken bridges. So long as fur making grape vino grow, for show wholesale murder is as free from punering tnx collector's sereuaders. and a ishment as at present, there is ih dozen other uses they have no equal. spot where a mau can be safe. soarj-sud.- s . C JMl, I. GROCERIES, HARDWARE Pleasant journey. furnished elegantly and will be Mr. C. C. Tinkney, of tho firm of a place to which distinguished visitors Brintnall, Terry atd Belden, wholesale can be invited with pleasure The Rehardware merchants, Chicago. This TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS & STOVES; corder's office is fitted with every neces house in addition to its regular business, sary for the business to be transacted, has the sole agency for tho north-wesDRY GOODS, STAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS, and the Alderman's and Marshal's offi- of the celebrated "Rover" scythes, conces will when finished, be equally considered by competent judges t be the ( LOTUS. CARPETS, venient. The Marshal has shown ex- best in the market. Mr. ;OODS, Pinkney will cellent taste in his choice of furniture go to Salt Lake CIjOTJIIXU, HATS, and fittings, and the new City Hall is a ROOTS SHOES; to Oden. acquisition great Welcome Visit. Campbell and Pat terson, the enterprising news dealers of aarSce O. Whitehead'sy Salt Lake appeared in our office this Advertisement. Chemicals, morning, not in propria persona, but in John Convalescent. Bishop Sharp, the shape of "Harpers' Weekly," the Supt. of the U. C. and U. S. railroads, 'New York Clipper," "Chimney Corner," WINES, EIQIJORS, ALE on came up on a special train Chicago Religio Philosophical Jourbusiness connected with the estate of the Sewing nal," "Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours," late Bishop C. W. West, Bishop Sharp "Peterson's Ladies' National Magazine" is blest with a strong constitution and and "Nast's Illustrated Almanac" for Shoe iicnf; determined will, and notwithstanding 1873. We were to see them; Campglad Leather, Findings, Beltings, he was bo recently suffering with two bell and Patterson are always weloomc He and broken ribs, looks hale hearty. come in what form they may. They are EGGS, PRODUCE, C3RAEV, of admiration of in terms speaks strong full of life, and deserve all the patronSCHLTTLER WAGOXS, BOB SLEDS; the Ericsson show plow which lately perage they obtain, which has now become formed efficient service on the Utah IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, &C.,&C, very extensive. Call and see them when MACHINERY Southern temporary blockade. We are you go Salt Lake. much pleased to see the Bishop convalesced. Nice. Just take a look at the good Stoves! Stoves! things in the windows of the Pioneer TO Junt received, two car load of now coal stovei at mouth waters, call If Store. Drug your ltranch. Z.C.M.I., Ogden , inside and interview Wright, Perry & was U. P. last The Travil. night Will find the Largest. Aortmnt of Merchandise in the several Department of King. Z. C. M, I,, as above, that can be even in.the Wct, Rud all ut fair prices. on time, notwithstanding heavy Bnows A Sell Made Right. Hon. George on the route. No obstruction to travel si 3m H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. Cannon arrived in town this morning Q. and the cars run smoothly, and all the a to was on his way It Washington. the comforts of a well conducted road was that by some perpetrated joke, poor We unare provided to the passengers. to tried palm off derstand that the storm between Chey- wags who, yes'erday, another individual as the delegate elect enne and Evanston was very severe. for Utah. We saw the Honorable genAs usual of late the C. P. arrived on OF in his mortal flesh, The travelers speak tleman this morning schedule time. and as to see is to believe, we say, posithighly of the arrangements made for that the representative of our Terconvenience, anl the trip from San ively, in the next Congress, came Francisco to this point was in the high- ritory (UlOESnECK'S 1JL0CK, SECOND SOUTH STREET, and hile hearty, on4 started for the est degree pleasant. Nothing of impor East. Our Salt Lake contemporaries tance West. The fall of snow was light. were "sold" as well as ourselves. U. C. never misses time. A numoffice is to 'Frisco. & CROCKERY; t, OH. UPHOLSTERY and Wall Paper, Rordcring, Decorations; Patent Jlcdiclncs; Drugs, and PORTER; --l- to-da- y Machines,' in Variety; Singers'. I5es)okc Root and Depart &c; RUTTER, Ac; - Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors SALT LAKH CITY 72-t- f . . -- . NEW HOUSE G. F. CULM E E & C O., T II E to-da- y, SALT LAKE CITY, . The ber of passengers came from Salt Lake M-A.li.33 of new. commenbreach A promise suit, City. Nothing ced in Maine fourteeu years ago, was A communication from Mr. C. Niblcy, N. settled the other day by the death of freight and ticket agent of the U. R. R., says that the reports of stoppage both the plaintiff and defendant. OP THE VERY CHOICEST QUALITIES, i Imported Direct, road at Mirage Lake, by ice CtlOice bIPSsinnr tlio 'Praci.-lnnh v Tuesday last &n much exaggerated. ff '00- V O " r reach Republic and the great people of The storm was very se?ere, and cakes of At Millvillc, Cache county, by Bishop which be is a leader." . THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF ''The Mormons will leave Taris for ice four inches thick were driven on the 0. 0. Titkin, Dee. 31t, 1872, Albert M. 1 mile estine in " track for a length, Pamage Humphreys, son of Joseph Humphreys, to the Deseret Telegraph for to done was A iu MUs Christiana It. Farley. drcsa novelty gentlemen's mile. The train bound north is about to be introduced. ' The nearly IN THE TERRITORY; . Hi wsom of tho shirt h to have a few wm detained about forty minutes, and Gloas, At Millville, Cache Co,, Deo. 31st, Yellow, oars 6f musio connection, with printed upon it, in some failed to make regular of wife Orange. Eiix Jane Mrs. Jeisup, deJ872, no South, with words. Gentlemen wear. the C, P. train. From the and Thomas Jessup, of ft tea. arng these will stand behind Orders from the Country promptly filled, tnd QUm tt any Site piano s to tention wg caused, and the train ififi-lwithout extra j well, H sung and played from, eharge, pinld doing Shape, rived l good ordr, Trak t ft I V " JS. SPECIALTY OP CHINA and J A PA N TEAS . on-tha- t Married. V . WIM B OW . Jh's rlli. jw Stained Mthr glr.; Sa M, SS Purple an5 Green, Hnby, Illue, CO- Ci tnt) |