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Show ' i LYDIA. MAY LYMAN JONES. Resolutions of respect to the memory of Lydia May Lyman Jones unanimously adopted at a meeting of theReIief Society jof Blull Ward, held r Jdnti 7, 1906.7has iWbereas.it pleased God to summon from her earthly abode to another and more exalted sphere our dearly beloved sister, Lydia May Lvnian Jones, and Whereas, her life and labors in the ward and Society have been such as to endear her to all her friends and associates; therefore of usefulness, " m WOMAN'S "EXPONENT: -- ..?-..-- -- T: 7. V "" ". ; . - " rzLfZfcSa&P' i - President L. W. Shurtliff was Pleased to be present atthis conference; was pleased to listen to the minutes of-tlast conference. - and to notice the good spirit there: present and the .good instructions' which were given; "We should seek the Lord, to know what was best to do and then do it to the best of our ability; we often hear people sav that, thev are he andjht JheirworkJsdoneTlL that he and Brother Middleton ii ' - t ii to nilII positions" ot trusty and mis eartn that this people would be known' as a people who could be trusted in all things. Sister Rees, of Pleasant View, had been connected with this work ever since' she was seven years of age, and had a testimony of the truth of the Gospel, and was very grateful for this blessing; felt that we should teach our A 0 1 . - . al-ways'- had Kel- t- cmturen-iiove tntriruin ana me pnnci- Kcs6lvedrTbarwe"hefiseTsorthe Relief Sohad grown pies of the Gospel, in order to become old in the work, but he considered that good men and ciety of the Bluff Ward, hereby expressour apwomen in the Church. and her their work had preciation of her example, the only begun, Sister Mary Taylor said she had been example faithfulness to every trust reposed in her, which and of the sisters enspirit seen and enjoyed during the years of asin the Church all her days; ""was" thankful"" we have gave great sociation together. couragement to the brethren;felt that the for the experience of goingthrough the Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the Cord would not desert this cause or his persecutions and trials that she had enbereaved family, and that we hereby place on people; had no fear of this congregation; dured, because it gave her an experience record our testimony of her exemplary life and there are some who speak lightly of the which she could not get in any other way; labors as a devoted wife and loving mother; that Lord's anointed, but the daily labors of had listened to the voice of the Prophet we condole with the whole community, and with the hosts of friends and relatives in other settlethe members of this organization and the Joseph, and loved to go to mqeting and ments; that while we lament the death' of our asexamples which they have set, have been hear him speak; said she could remember sociate and we bow in humble' submisof greater benefit than anything else they the organization of the Relief Society, who doeth all things well.' sion to have done; although we may not be perResolved further. That a copy of these resolu and that she would like to spend the retions be put upon the record of this society; that a the Church fect, yet organizations are, mainder of her life indoingTemple work, copy be sent to the bereaved family, and that a because lead to the redemption of if circumstances permitted, because she, they up copy be sent to the Woman's Exponent for publimankind; was thankful that the Lord had felt that the Temple was as near heaven cation. spared his life until this time;"rejoiced to as we could get in this world. A noble one from us has gone. know that his mother was with.the first Sister Richards'made a few closing reA work on earth Is done. of the Relief a and organization Society marks, and the conference adjourned unThe battle has been bravely fought member of it, and asked the Lord to til 1:30 o'clock p. m. Singing, "Our God.v The victory is won. bless Sister Rfchards and all the officers we raise to. Thee." Benediction by Elder We mourn that now thy loving face and members of these organizations. L. D. Rudd. No more on earth we see; Sister Charlotte E. Driver was glad to By faithful work with heaven's grace meet with the sisters again, as she had At 1:30 o'clock p- - m. the conference We'll meet again with thee. been on a visit to the coast for some time reconvened, President lane S. Richards sister Dear all thy toil is past, past, rejoiced to meet her dear friends presiding Singing, "I know that my Eternal rest is thine. it again; had been very hard to leave all Redeemer lives." Prayer by Bishop And though we mourn death's bitter frost, that was so dear to her; desired the Lord Allen Bingham. Singing, "Think We bow to will divine. to direct her, so that she would do the not when you gather to Zion." Rudd felt that the Saints Brother L. right thing, and was always proud to let Sleep sweet till resurrection dawn; No sorrow stir thy breast, it be known that she was a member of should be thankful for the testimonies To well earned comfort thou art gone-R- est! this Church; spoke of theSanJFrancisto they have of tHe truth of the Gospel, and noble o her-labor- . co-labor- er, ' . Al-be- rn I. , sister, rest! disaster, and referred to the care taken the Saints there by the president of that byisk-ing'th- e branch ;and closed blessing of the Lord upon all. RELIEF SOCIETY REPORTS. President Middleton was pleased to have another opportunity of In ee ting with WEBER STAKE. the sisters in conference capacity; spoke Minutes of the Quarterly Conference of of- his long association jvithresiden the Relief Society of the Weber Stake Of Shurtliff and Brother Flygare, and of the Zion. held at Relief Society Hall in union which had always existed between Ogden City, Utah, on Thursday,- June 14, thenvthey had also associated with the 1900. Conference convened at ten many Bishops of the stake in times past, o'clock a. m., president Jane S. Richards and with the various Church organizations presiding. Singing "Arise, O glorious of the stake, and felt that such association Zion." Prayer by Bishop Robert had been a great blessing to him ; loved Singing. "Redeemer of Israel.' to mingle with "all. because .it helped to Minutes of the March conference were strengthen him in his daily labors, felt read and approved. thaLwe should:develop, andnotdevote -- retoo much time in the pursuit of wealth, rresiaent Kicnards made opening marks; was pleased to meet again with spoke of having called upon Sister Harthe sisters, and thankful that there were riet Brown, and that he had found her so many present at such a busy time; felt through all her afflictions to be the same that those who were here were desirous cheerful sister he had always known her, of being here, . and that they-were living to be, was pleased to have Sister Driver so as to deserye and secure the blessings with us again , and felt proud to know of theBord. that we have such representatives out in Counselor Emily M. Shurtliff was in the world. V thankful to be present; spoke of the Bishop Robert McQuarrie enjoyed the. many times we have, met throughout the conference this morning;-"Ware mak Church in this capacity, and of the many ing our own history, and we should not . brethren grown grey in this cause,andwho live for temporal things alone; spoke of. had been faithful through it all; it gave her the divorce evil of the day, that the usual and great joy to mingle with the Saints in, complaint was that of this capacity, and she felt' that they were said that the Women of the earlier days in all choice spirits, and considered it a great Uf ah had more cause for divorce than the blessing to have this privilege to live women of today who ask for a divorce, and associate with them; her desire was for there were many times that the- - early to have the loving confidence of her settlers did not know how to support their R. S. Bluff. her-rema- rks - Mc-quarr- ie. e non-suppo- families;- - hrethren-and-sistersrand-Sister-Shurtliff ore her testimony to the truth bospel - of the felt-that-we-sho- uld rt, put-our-trust- -in knew the Lord, and He will that the Lord had placed choice spirits on that they are blessed above all other peoples of the earth; rejoiced that he was a Latter-- d ay Sai ht, and bore his testimony to the truth of the Gospel. Sister Frances B. Dance exhorted all to live so that we would be prepared for the coming of the Savior and reported the West Weber ward as a good and faithful ward. Sister Sarah Hunter, Taylor Ward, felt that by attending to bur duties it strengthens us to withstand all temptations, and reported the Taylor Ward in good condition. Sister Lucretia B. Farr said that she had been a member of the Relief Society all her life; was pleased to be associated with such a band of sisters, reported the Third Ward in good condition.!-Sister Rachel Gale, of Uintah, the Spirit of the Lord to direct her in what she said," bore a7 faithful testimony reported the Uintah Ward in good condition. Sister Johanna Agren, of Har- risville, had a desire to lay up treasures in heaven, so that she could reap a reward therefor; reported the Harriyille Ward as being in good condition. Sister Margaret Jonesof Kanesville, was thankful to be present and partake of the spirit ' nf th T .rrH rpnnrfpH thft Kanesvil le Ward in a good condition, bister baran J.'Shupe, of Eden, was thankful to have r been born and raised in the Church," reported the Eden : Ward as. doing well. Sister Mary M. Dye, of Riverdale, desired to live in the manner and way of the Lord, and reported the Riverdale Ward as a faithful ward, lister Anes Herrick. Second Ward, Ogden, said there was a hpanfifnl cnirif nrf?fnr rhif? morniner: Said there was a good "deal expected of us, and that it was a delightful work; when . de--sir- ed . |