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Show WOMAN'S m m r w m . u m Woman s exponent. EM 31 KLINE li. WELLS, Editor and Publisher ANNIE WELLS CANNON, Assistant Editor. Published ity, Utah monthly, in Salt Lake Terms: one copy one year, $i.oo; one copy sjx month 50 ots. No reda:tion made (or clubs. City papers deliv ?rrd by mail, extra for postage oneyear. an cts. -- nonpanel AttvenlMnratesrEadrquare7!rnliijes Aofliberal dis- space one time I2.50; per month, J3.00. count to regular advertisers. EXPONENT office fcoom 509 empleton, South Temple Street; Business hours from iq a. m. to 5 p. m., every day, incept Sunday. Address all business communications tc l ' , " Mrs. R. B. WELLS, SALTlAKKCli Y, UTAH. EXPONENT women, in that early time shows they lighTfurshort talks, and a response front the brilliant Dr. Hughes, such as one sel- "builded better than they knew." Looking 10 contemplate, yet we dom- hearsfrom strangers sojourning DacK it is wonaenui know so much of the Prophet Joseph among us, even when partaking oL our who cannot but believe that he foresaw wHm hospitality and the freedom of our beauti- v the future of thTslmportant Society would ful city. Dr. Hughes had listened to President Joseph F. Smiih, be. Emma Smith's was the first ordination to this calling! of any woman, and who spoke from the platform in the Jorcef uj. wayof . took place manyYear$rbeforeiany-o- f the rong our mountain home, and its settlement churches extant had ordained women given in and his crossing the plains in his boyhood ministers. (Their names are all of that Only one days, and the Dr. must have been deeply the minutesnumber ismeeting,)living at the present the ingenuousness, of. soul of all that tquchedby and beloved President, reminis-censehonored time, our th'at characterized the pathetic How emApostle O. F. Whitney gave a Sister Bathsheba W.jSmith. little impromptu talk in' his most genial inently appropriate fliat she should occustyle on education in the early days,- and py the position of "Elect Lady" in this of the Society when it has ataltogether Dr. - Hughes must have been ripe hour such permanency; and celebrity Strongly; impressed with the earnestness tained and devotion of those with whom he throughout the world. : Identified with it The evening was as she has been from the very commencercarrie in contact. charming, the sunset on the water, its re- ment, and through the entire sixty-fou- r flection on the lake and mountains be years and more, promoting in .every posyond, the moonlight afterwards, and the sible way its best interests; she stands tolaunches and skiffs, with the men and day a living witness of its growth and dewomen, young and old, who mingled in velopment through all the various stages the pleasures, the well kept grounds af- of its onward progress, and has always forded, formed a delightful part of the been foremost in any great enterprise for the women of Zion. program of the day. Prnm'thp little Vinnrlfnl rf cictrc whn met on that ever memorable dayr March 17, 1842, in the next two years the increase A CHRONICLE OF THE RELIEF SOCIETY. in membership reached nearly 2,000, and the amount of charity work was someI. thing marvelous for those early times of for love of The spirit when womens' organizations were un fraternity, and Latter-day in the one another began known. Strange indeed that these young Saint Church in the' davs of Kirtland. sisters for they were air under forty about tne time the ProDhet ToseDh Smith years, except one should have asked for and his wife Emma came to that historic organization, and given the Society town in February, 1S31. This fact might a name, the Relief Society, that has rebe demonstrated by many little incidents mained with it, acceptable to all those that transpired in those early days among Who have come into the ranks since; even the sisters, and possibly will be when a with the newer ideas and modern adcomplete history of the Society which vancement among womankind; doubtless was afterwards organized is written. Howthe name will be held in honorable repute ever, for the present, after pointing out while there are works of charity to be the spirit of sisterly love and charity that done for suffering humanity, and while-ther- e existed prior to the establishment of this is need of kindly ministrationsand flourishing organization, it is grand ine- Keiiet bociety could not operate the only designof the wrhextogive a jew as an organized bodyof orkerswhen'thy facts chronologically people were scattered hither and thither, The Relief Society proper was organized at the time' of thft YoHnQ from Nnnvnn by the Prophet Joseph Smith at a meetbut the secretary, Sister Eliza R. Snow, ing held in the Lodge Room, in Nauvoo, brought away the records, which was an Illinois where the Saints settled after and served important part of the leaving Missouri. The Temple was con- a legitimate purpose Society, in the templated and the people were preparing work after the Saints had reopening here gathered to build. Some few sisters were very in these mountain vales. anxious to assist in this great undertakPresident Brigham Youner following in ing in some systematic way, and talked the footsteps of his predecessorcalled the matter over; finally the subject was upon the secretary, Sister Eliza R. Snow, presented to President Joseph Smith, in the year 1855, to go forth and assist who told them to meet together and he the Bishops of the various wards, (that would organize a society suitable for behad nevolent purposes. The spirit of the in ben organized under his direction) organizing a Relief Society in each work was in the hearts of these good, ward. He that she take as women, and those who knew her assistant suggested Sister Zina D. Young. of the project came together as desPrevious to this' there had been some ignated. There were nnlv piorV f oo-sisters present and they nominated their temporary organizations and charitable work had been done necessary to the conownmcersandelectedcEmma-Smit- h ditions of the people living where the naPresident, Sarah M. Cleveland and Eliza- tive Indians came freely among them, it beth Ann --; atten-tativel- af-tJfonJ- Lr! s.' - Entered at the Post tconJ-clamatter, Office in Salt Lake Ctty, ( tah. as - si Salt Lake City, Utah. July, 1906 , EDITORIAL NOTES. President Bathsheba W. Smith has appointed a committee some time since to examine lectures that have been given by the sisters in connection with the Mothers' work in order to have them published in the Woman's Exponfnt, or to be exchanged in the Society, wherever wanted. This idea is for helpfulness for each other in the This work, a sort nf reeiorocitv. -... j committee of ladies is competent in consid-eringtwill conscientious and be one, manuscripts entrusted to it, and. consists of Mrs. Carrie S. Thomas, Mrs. Rebecca E. Little, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Wilcox. Mrs. Carrie S Thomas is chairman, and those who have lectures to circulate or to have considered with a view to benefit others will please send the manuscript to Mrs. Carrie S. Thomas, No. I37 N. West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. -- . 1 , a-ve- ry he The Relief Society Nurses Class will begin this year September 17th, and continue eight months. It will be taught at the L. D. S: University by Dr. Margaret C. Roberts. There will also be a course of lectures on' practical cooking; mem attend the lectures given at the L- - D. S. University on theology, hygiene and domestic science, Charges for tuition, $10, always in advance. Anyone desiring to take the course and not wishing to sign the contract for seventy-fiv- e days charity do so on payment of $50 work may tuition fee- "For further information apply to Phebe Y. Beatie, 55 N. West Temple, or Dr. M. C. Roberts, 79 C. Street, Salt Lake City. Circulars with full information are already issued to all Presidents of the Relief Society. The reception given by the Directors of Ca lder's Park to the First Presidency of the Church on Friday, July 13th, and which included :DrJameS-T- T Hughes of Toronto, Canada, the famous educator, was indeed a. red letter day" for all those who were honored with an invita tion on that happy occasion: The guests felt themselves highly honored by the feast at table, as well as the fine exercises of music and song, and-th- e graceful and from the appropriate speeches platform in the dancing hall. The day was perfect, and when thetableslwerespread-unde- r the beautiful trees in the park the real feast began,-forri- rir addition to conversation" there were some of the, most de- - 4 - - 'God-fearin- g , Whitney, Counselors; Eliza R was positively necessary to provide some Phebe Ann Wheeler, for clothing them, as well as food Much Assistant Secretary ; and Elvira S. Coules, of this was done by the sisters in these Treasurer, The President was the wife associations. temporary To be sure there of the President Joseph'Smith, and she was much to be done for was designated 'The Elect neighbors and . LadyiLby revelation given someyears previous, and friends,- but little to handle in the way of means until a few years had elapsed ; was then ordained to expound the Scriptures.. Her nomination and election by then came the time when permanent soci- -. eties were 'provided as mentioned, and the sisters in that remarkable of meeting Sister Eliza .R. and Sister Zina D, went bnow, Secretary; " , |