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Show from ward to ward helping the Bishops to organize as indicated. From that time onward the Society continued to grow although there was no linking together into one great whole, until some years In these earlier temporary socie ties she who stands at the head now was diligent and faithful. It is nortne purpose-o- t this article to tell the story, only to give a few pertinent facts in relation to a sodiety, that has taken a very Joremost place, not only as , later. an auxiliary in the Church of Latter-da- y Saints.but it is known in the world outside, among those not of our faith, a?, one of the most flourishing organizations of women banded together for the higher advancement and permanent growth of all that tends to the betterment and uplifting of women; and of life itself in its development religiously," socially, mentally, morally, and physically. The Relief Society is not alone a charitable institution, but stands for all that will tend to bless and elevate home life, the commiinitv and the great common-- , wealth; in short, the universal brother hood and sisterhood of the world. The of work the soul of spirit permeates the those actively engaged in the performance of its duties and responsibilities. But it is not the object of the writer to elaborate, but to chronicle events in their order as relating to the grand achievements so far as it has progressed until the present period of its status. As towns and settlements grew under the direction of President Brigham Young, and those associated with hini in settling and colonizing Utah, and the Surrounding territory, there was in every ward one of these societies of sisters, each with its perfect equipment of officers and teachers, such helps as were necessary to take care of all those who needed assistance of whatever name or nature, and the local society and the Bishop of the ward and brethren associated with him worked in unison and harmony in building up the wardanddookingafter-th- e public inter ests. Meetings were held by the sisters accordregularly.weekly or ing to the conditions of the people and the surroundings in the respective society. Finally there came a time when President Young thought best to solidify the wards into stakes consisting of a num ber of ecclesiastical wards convenient to group together, and appointed a president and two counselors to preside over each semi-month- ly ' stake. . , This same theory was afterwards put in practice with the organizations known in each ward as the Relief Socety, President Brigham "Young himself leading out in this direction. On the ioth of July, 1877, Sister Jane a. Richards, of rOgden City, who had been for some time presiding over the wards within the city, and had been successful in promoting several kinds of employment for women and girls, invited President RnVham Ynnnpf tn cnmet un and attend a meeting in Ogden City, and x tn t. it wun- n m.inose 'v Kri ...:i.tlie wisiieu iu ac company him; meantime Sister Richards nad. invited the sisters and brethren of the COlint v frnV m f a r o n A npa r t rtW:r"a t f p n rf " J me mppfinor 1ittl ontinnahn? what would transpire; President Young, his Counselor, President D. H. Wells, and some of the Apostles, Sister ;v Eliza R. , -- -- 1 V St - ... A V .... M Snow and the writer of this article also being of the number, went up on the morning train, and "were present when President Brigham Young called and Jane S, Richards to preover all side the womens organizations in Weber Stake of Zion. This was the commencement, of hc consolidating of the various branches of the Relief Society into a stake organization. After some months President Jane S. Richards chose her counselors, Mrs. Hat-ti- e C. Brown and Mrs. Sarah A.Herrick,.. and Mrs. Amelia M. Frodsham, secretary. This constituted the Presidency of the Relief Society of the Weber Stake. The second organization of a Relief Society in a stake capacity was Salt Lake, December 22. 1877. Notice having been duly given President John Taylor' and some of the Apostles were invited to the meeting, but were detained by business. Presiding Bishop Edward Hunter and -- Elder A. Milton Musser attended. Miss Eliza R, Snow was elected chairman of the meeting, and Airs. E. B. Wells, secretary. Miss Amy Adams assistant secretary! The chairman explained the object of the meeting and stated that President Brigham Young had inaugurated a movement previous to his death which she considered it proper to carry out. The meeting was conducted strictly in accordance with parliamentary usage. Mrs. Mary Isabella Home was elected President of the Relief Society of the Salt Lake Stake of Zion. Mrs. Elmina S- - Taylor and Mrs. Sarepta M. Heywood, counselors, and Mrs. Elizabeth Howard, secretary Mrs. Maria W. Wilcox cor. secy. ; at a subsequent meeting Mrs. Bathsheba Y. Smith was elected treasurer. Very soon after.at a meeting purposely called at Farmington. Thursday, April 3, 1878, the branches of the Relief Society of Davis County were grouped together in a stake organization, Mrs. Sarah I. Holmes was elected prcs dent, Mrs. Mary S. and Mrs. Nancy A. Clark counselors, andJ4iss-MinervaRichards-stxretaryr- T7 On April 21, 1878, at the Nephi meeting house (Sunday), President George Teasdile officiating, Apostle Erastus Snow and Jacob G. Bigler being present, the Juab Stake Relief Societv was organized. The officers were Mrs. Amelia Goldsborough president, Mrs. Elizabeth Kendall and Mrs. Jane Picton counselors, Mrs. Mary Pitchforth secretary, and Mrs. Amy L- - Bigler cor., sec'y. Box Elder Stake Relief Society was organized at Biigham City, May 14. 1878 (Sunday). Bishop John Welch of that place presented the names of the officers who had been previously selected, they were unanimously sustained: Mrs. Harriet A,v Snow president, Mrs. Susannah P. Booth and Mrs. Mary S tark counselors, Mrs. Mary E. Snow secretary, and Mrs. Emilia D. Madsen cor. sec y. The Relief Society of Kanab Stake Was organized June 9, 1878 (Friday), by. Pres- ident Lr JohnXNuttall. Qfficers 1 -- Ho -- -- was elected president of the meeting and Albert Jones secretary. President Smoot stated the object of the meeting and assisted in the selection of the officers. Mrs Margaret T. Smoot- president, Mrs. Mary John and Mrs. Margaret A. Cluff counselors, Mrs. Caroline Daniels secretary, Mrs, Lucy W. Kimball asst. sec'y. The Relief Society of St. George Stake organized at St. George September 1 3, 1878 (Fridav), by Apostle Erastus Snow. Officers, Mrs. Minerva W. Snow president, Mrs. Anna S. Iyins and Mrs. Han nah H. Romney counselors, Mrs. Eliza S. Calkins secretary and Mrs. Elizabeth P. Bentley asst. sec'y. Summit Stake Relief Society organisation was effected October 25. 1878 (Saturday), Apostle Franklin D. Richards and President W. W. Cluff officiating The officers sustained were Mrs. Sarah S. Richards president, Mrs. Ann Cluff and Mrs. Mary W. Reynolds counselors, Mrs. Jane S. Bovdon secretary. Millard Stake Relief Society was organ ized January 28, 1879, by President Ira N. Hinckley,at a mass meeting held at Fillmore (Tuesday). The officers sustained were Mrs. Belinda M. Pratt president, Delilah K. Olsen and Sarah L. Partridge counselors, D. K. Olson secretary. Bear Lake Stake Relief Society was organized April 17, 1879 (Friday), at Pans, Idaho, bv Apostle Charles C. Rich. i'no. j una i . iiiiusciy vras cicvicu pi evident, Mrs. Elizabeth Collings and Mrs, Maria Rich counselors, Mrs. Alice M. e Rich secretary arid Mrs. Elizabeth - Pug-mir- A'sn't secretary. The Relief Society of Sanpete Stake 1 was organized atManti May 10. 1870 (Tuesday), by President Canute Peter- Cnn f h fffiDrp Iti if in faAiV nrAtri Aiinlif appointed at a stake conference. Mrs. Mary Ann P. Hyde president Mrs. Elizabeth Allred and Mrs. Annie U. Larsen counselors, secy.'"- -- Mrs. Fanny Kofford : cor. . The Relief Society of Sevier Stake was organized at Richfield June 16, 1879 (Tuesday), by President R- - K. Thurber, Miss Eliza R. Snow and Mrs. Isabella M. Home. Mrs. Elizibeth Bean president. Mrs. Jane S pen cer a n d M rs. Thirza M . Thuiber counselors, Mrs. Catherine Hunt . secretary. Stake Relief Society was or- ganized at Heber City September 3, 1879 ( Wednesday), by President Abram Hatch, Miss Eliza R. SnoW and Mrs. Emmeline B, Wells. The meeting was held in the Heber City meeting house. Mrs. Emma Brown was elected president, Mrs. Sarah Alexander and Mrs. Mary Daybell counselors. Mrs. M ifv Bron son secretary. Parowan Stake Relief Society was Mrs Elizabeth Nuttall president, Mrs.' H arriet D. Bunting and Lucy R. Johnson counselors. Mrs.Mary E. Little secretary, Mrs L. A. Johnson asst: secy., Mrs. E H. D. --"'".T-f Solomon treasurer. " "The Relief Society of Morgan btaFe was organized Tuly 20. 1878 (Sunday), President Willard G. Smith officiating, Officers elected were Lydia Rich presi- Ann Fry and Martha Tonks coun- - selors, H. Cordelia Smith secretary and Sarah A. Rawle cor. sec'y. Tooele Stake Relief Society was organized September 20. 878(Friday), by President Francis M. Lyman. Mrs. Mary Ann Hunter president, Mrs. Elizabeth Clegs and Mrs, Agnes Rich counselors, Mrs. us e - seer et ary - an d - M rsrAn n Mary A-Tate cor. sec'y. Utah Stake Relief Society was organized September 27, 1878 ( Friday by President A. O. Smoot in Provo at the or-erani- September 28, ( e . -- zed (Sunda), at conference President Henry Lunt; and Bishop Arthur officiating. Offic-den- t, ers were ; Ellen W. Lunt ' president, i.the-stakI 1870 . - |