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Show v- - f i ' ... WOMAN'S EXPONENf Mitchell Mary Ann Lunt and Huldah D counselors. Sarah Chatt erley secretary and Jane Mackelprag corT secy. 7 orPanguitch Stake Relief Society was ganized Februarv 3. i886T Apostle Erar tus Snow and President James Henne were Mrs.. officiating. Officers elected ..- "BrrbarrMySsiiYesidcntrMrs-arahr- traveled many miles visiting the branches in the stake which at that time was a very large one' She was of a mild and" loving disposition; ber life works and her mauy virtues enwas full of go ... deared ber to all who knew her. frui-.of and the She was a noble .woman and Oneida her labors can be s;en throughout the Stake. Sister Fox was the mother of t o children, one son and one daughter, 17 grandchildren and 10 - great fcrandchi dnn. Crosby secretary. Beaver Stake Relief Society organized Mrs. by President John R. Murdock. S. The funeral services were held Wednesday, April 11 under the direction of Counselor aThomas Durant. The remains were conveyed in hearse from the residence of. her daughter, Mrs. L. L. followed by tfie Hatch, to the me. Relief Society, under family and members of the the direction of the president, Sister Annie C hall is. Services opened bv the choir singing, "O my Father;" prayer by 1. B. Nash singing. O grave, where'is thy victory?" Speakers were L. H. Hatch of Logan a'nd H. E. Hatch; tolo by I. B. Nash, "Shall ue meet beyond the river?" speakers were Lucinda Hand president, Mrs. Flora Sh'pp secretary. June 28, 1880, the Eastern Arizona Stake was erganized, with Mis. Willmirlh East president, Mrs. Emma S. Smith and Lois R. 'Hunt counselors, Ida E. Hunt. -- ting-hous- e, - secretary. C. Go sland, President Geo. C. Parkinson. S R. Parkinson and .Ihotnas Durrant, all addressed words of consolation to the bereaved family. Benediction by E. Buckley, The floral offerings .were numerous and beautiful. The grave was dedicated by L. IL Hatch. VISITS OF MISSIONARIES. Stakes visited by missionaries from the General Board of- - the Relief Society in July of this year: Pioneer, Friday, July S. L. City, Sis13, in Pioneer Stake Hall. ters Julia P. M- Farnsworth and Elizabeth Annie Challis, resolutions of respect. " - S. Wilcox. Ensign Stake, Friday. July 13. Eleventh Ward meeting house. S L- City, Sisters Alice M. Home and Rebecca E. Little, who is also counselor to the president of that Stake. Wayne Stake, Saturday, July 14. at Loa, Sisters Ellis- - R. Shipp. and Priscilla Smith. Alpine, July 20. Pleasant Grove, at new Bath-sheb- a meeting house. General President W. Smith and General Secretary Emmeline B. Wells. Nebo. Friday, July 20, at Payson, Counselor Annie Taylor Hyde, and Sister Julia P. M. Farnsworth. Blackfoot, Friday. July 20, at Basalt. Idaho, Counselor Ida Smoot Dusenberry and Sister Phebe Young Beatie; Teton, Thursday, July 26, at Driggs, IdahoJ Sister Priscilla Smith and Claire Little Clawson. Davis, Friday, July 27, at Farmington meeting house, General President Bath-sheb- a W. Smith, General Secretary Emand Sister Priscilla P. meline Jennings. Fremont, Monday, July 30, Rexburg, Idaho meeting house, Sisters Priscilla Smith and Claire Little Clawson. San Juan, Thurscay, July 31, at Man-caColorada, meeting house. Counselor Ida Smoot Dusenberry and Sister Annie Wells Cannon. - V B-Wel- ls s, IN MEMORIAM. send you a brief sketch of the life of Sister Elizabeth Bi 00k Fox, who passed away April 9, ..'J. fitter Fox was : born at Leeds,. Yorkshire, Eng. Folk-ma- n . Folk-ma- n s Brother-in-- B. . Folk-ma- n . following resolutions: Whereas, our much esteemed sister and coiabor er 'has by the hand of divine providence been removed fr m our midst, and has. we feel confidently assured gone to a better world, we her sister?, who know of her loving deeds and appreciate her many nob'e qualities, des:re to express our tender sympatbv for the bereaved family and to acknowledge her labors and ministrations of kindness as a member of the R. S., and also'as a friend and neighbor in the best sense of the word. Therev fore be it Resolved we do humbly testify that charitv and humility were leading traits of her character, and that she was a loving wife and mother; and be it, Resolved that we, the sisters of the society of which she was a member so long, mav follow her nob:e erample of diligence and faithfulness, Resolved, that these resolutions be recorded in our ward record, also to bepricted in ihe Woman's Exponent, and cop:es sent to the family. Hannah E. Loveland, President; Martha M. Lish. Sec; Bashua A. Chapman, Asst. Sec. In behalf of the Deweyville R. S. Resolutions of respect to Sister Rendina Olsen who departed this life June 4, 1906. Sister Olsen was born in New Hedemarken, Norway, September, 184S; embraced the Gosj)el in her childhood and came to Utah in 1866. Sister Olsen was an active member of the Relief Society, having acted as one of the counselors to the president of that association Tor , a, .great many years, and wr realize that we have lost a dear friend and efficient and while we mourn the loss of her society here, we also realize that our loss is her gain, and she has gone to meet her reward, far from the storms of mortal life. The funeral was held in the Santaquin Ward meetinghouse, which had been beautifully decorco-labor- er, -- ated. The services were conducted by Bishop J. M. Holladay. The speakers paid a beautiful tribute to her life and character in their remarks, and the choir sang appropriate hymns. The beautiful casket that held the mortal remains of Sister Olsen was loaded with floral gifts- A broken wheel was presented by the members of the society. Her remains were followed to the "cemetery by a large number of carriages. May SISTER ANNA M FOLK f Ay , .' she rest in to Sister Folkman nassed awav from tbi'VcnK Creator It has Whereas, pleased the Great anion. March 26, 1906. after six week s i line s. take unto Himself our beloved sister wTho has been She w&s 84 years old the jth of last Februarv- - She a faithful worker. in SocietwneverJir-- . died as she had lived a faithful, Litt er-- d ay' Saint ihg in well doing, a devoted friend to the poor and ueiuveu uy an wno knew ner, suirounded by her a kind and loving wife, and mother, therefore land, January's, 1825; was 'baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterrday Saints in j On. Aptil 23. 1861, she sailed for March, 1851. America in the ship Underwriter; she arrived at i Florence June 2nd. and at Salt Lake City bn September 1 2, 1 86 1 ; she theu moved to Lehi, where hnsband and family and kind and loving friends she married Elder Charles V. Fox, February, her last words beingBe united." Until her last 1862. In November she with her husband moved sickness she was able to do her own Work and take care- - of ber husband. toFianklin. 7: , 1 Fox was Sister set as une 2nd. 874, J Sister Anna Maria Peterson,' was the apart pres-idof the Franklin Relief Society and served of Tence C. and Anna C. Peterson wa: daughter in that capacity for ten years. 5 1852 in the city. ofRands,JydlundiDenmarkU When the Oneida Stake was organizsd she was her mother died when she 'wa fiuo vec m set apart as Stake President of the Relief Society; w hen .vhe was 12. her father died, she had one she labored faithfully in tbat office for 16 years, brOher younger than herself; they were then left when failing health compelled hei resignation. to themselves. She passed through - hard During the time she was president she and her tnals, and much severe sickness. Shemanywas marcounselors, Sisters Mary Hawks nnd Anne Hale. ried to J. G. Folkman, in the spring of April 26, , ; mt ,ia-185- Thatcher and Christopher Folkman, her of. Plain City, who gave a sketch of her law, low. our Resolved that we extend to the bereaved early life; they all bore testimony of heriexcellent sympathy, and pray God to comfort them, and qua'ilies and firm laith in the principles of the lead them to know what is their loss.is the gain of Gospel of Christ, said, her doors were ever open and her table spread for the Saints and Elders and those that were taken frcm them. Be it further resolved that a c py of these resothe v as ever on hand to assist the poor and her Socithe of records lutions be inscribed upon the motto was to "return good for evil." Spoke of the glorious resurrection that awaits the faithful, ety and also published in the Woman's ExpoStake President L S. Pond heartily endorsed all nent. Prksiiknt Annie Chali.is. that had bee b said, spoke of her many good Franklin. Idaho. qualities, said no one hacTfcver done Sister a favor without getting threefold in return. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPKCT. Spoke of what a glorious meeting it would be when In memory of Mary I. Loveland of Deweyville, her husband would be permitted to meet her in the Bishop J. T. Utah, h ho departed this life January I2tb, 1906. 'mansion prepared for the faithful. SingDeceased was botn March 27th, 1S61, she was the Pond m ide some very consoling remarks. ' all f'enedicU'on, honors." earthly daughter of Miles V. and Margaret M. Gardener, ing, Farewell, and wife of Orson C Loveland. The deceased Counselor Geo. D. Anderson. Com. was the mother of 10 children 9 girls and one bov. The officers of the Dewey ville R. S. offer the rendina olsen. " I 1906: Therefore it is resolved by the sisters of the Franklin Relief Society, That we mourn the loss of our honored president; bu that we appreciate the goodness of her jyfe and the worthy example sht has set us to fol- was converted to the. Gospel after having She with her husheard it preached three times. , "Decr-51851. band was baptized Emigrate came to. New Orleans in a sailing vessel,. then Louis She had cholera Up the Mississ:ppi to St. time by the power" of each healed was twiceand across the plains with ox Came the priesthood. ensire the way, arrived in Salt teams and wa'ked Lake City Oct. f, 1854. Brother and Sister first settled in Lehi, from there went to Thin aiiKti- - the Citjras Soda in and were Idaho, to'sett!e first Springs, in Gentile. to settle Saints Valley, among the first Idaho, in each of these places she held or.e or more offices in the R. S. She vas teacher and treasurer in the R: S. wien it was first organized in the latter place, which offre she held as long as she was able. Not having any children of her own she took a" great interest in helping to raise her husband's children; 1 This dear sister passed through much sickness," and all the horrors of the crusade, which was very trying on her, had small pox as late as 1900. by which she almost lost her Her faith was very great in the power eyesight of healing by the priesthood, and she was ever ready to acknowledge the hand of the Lord in all things. After much suffering she passed peace-full- y away. Her complaint for the last few years was chronic bronchitis, followed by dropsy. The funeral services of Sister Anna M. were held in the new Meeting house at .Thatcher Ward, Idaho, March 29, 1906, Bishop Singing , by the choir, J T. Pond presiding, elorious 'When first the light of truth, prayer by Brother Nelce. Graham. Singing, 'Sister, thoa w ast mild and lovely." The speakers were Counselors Geo. C. Peck. Patriarch. W. Sterrit, (ohn 1 84S, . K-r- , - peace,.: the-Reli- ef be: It diiri". Re-: Resolved, by the sisters of the Santaquin lief Society that we tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved ; family and relatives, and while" we mourn not as those who have no hope, yet we realize that we have lost a faithful counselor she had lived, in the hope of a glorious reV'.. 7; ,r surrection."".:,77" Resolved, That these resolutions be put upon the records of the society and be sent to the Exp' ' onent for publication. J f ; Alice Ellsworth, Sec'y. Santaquin, July 13, 1906, : ; . who-jjigsL- as - -- |