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Show i6 sfre spent an afternoon in visiting rfer ward she felt well paid in doinc so; the Lord had heard and answered her prayers ; condireported herjtYard to be in a jjood tion. Sister Sarah A. Martin, .Wilson, each said we should love other, and have chanty toward all, and reported the Wilson Ward to be in good and-resp- ect jmniilQn Rkhnn Albern Allen l5inL'hamTcMiddleton Ward, said it was interesting to listen to the experiences of our mothers; Jtseemed harder Jor the younger generation to remain faithful on account of the temptations surrounding them; was thankful to have lived so that he could hold the priesthood, and he knew that was power in it. ' there Sister Mary J. May cock, of Pleasant View, hoped that we would put into practice the good instructions which we had'received, and that we should pay more attention to our spiritual than to our temporal, affairs; she felt that whenever we meet in this building we enjoy a good peaceful spirit; reported the Pleasant SisterBing-ham- , View Ward as doing well. Middleton Ward, said they have their meetings every Thursday, they have a glorious time, and reported the Middle-to- n Ward as doing a good work. Singing, ''Glorious things are sung of Richard5vitrrhercounselors;and-all-the- . -- good deal of adyicejnjegard to their du ties. members of the Relief Society. Brother Conference adjourned until 2 p, m, Middleton said that he had enjoyed the Singing and benediction. meeting very much, agreed with Sister Richards in asking that the sisters hold Afternoon session. President Sarah M.Colton presiding. --We continued our seweekly meetings.for three Conference then adjourned rvices with the usual exercises of singing deawake ye months. Singing, "Up, and prayer. Bartlett spoke at some fenders of Zion. " Benediction by Presi- Counselor . j A--- dent-Middleto- nr Ellen W. Hamer, Ass't Sec. teachers; she also spoke, of mothers qualifying themselves so, they would be jable to teachheir children the principles UINTAH STAKE. - 0 f the" gospel. Minutes" of the 39th Conference of Uintah Stake Relief Society, held at Maeser June 1, 1906. There were on the stand Sisters Emma Woodruff and Oarissa S. Williams of the General Board from Salt Lake City, all the stake officers of Uintah Stake and a good representation of ward officers, and several brethren. President Sarah M.Colton presiding. After the usual exercises of . singing and prayer, roll call and minutes. Sister Sarah M. Colton said she was well pleased to meet with the sisters, and to have the privilege of having with us some of the sisters from Salt Lake City of the general board; she could-no- t report the stake because circumstances had been such that the stake had not been visited the last Sister Mary J. Hards reported Glines Relief Society, Sister Mary J. Searle reported Mt. Dell Relief Society. Sister Lid-di- a Wall reported Jensen Relief Society. Song from Vernal Relief Society by Sister Jane Bennion. Sister Emma Woodruff, thought by the numbers present and the distance the sisters had to travel, it showed all were interested in their labors; she spoke on Relief Society work; we should be kind to the stranger and teach them the gospel. Sister Clarissa S. Williams thought we had heard enough from Sister Bartlett for food for thought without any more; she repeated a parable of a woman who had faith in the Lord; spoke of being kind to the stranger and the danger of drink, Zion." card playing and forming bad habits. Sister Richards extended an invitation quarter. Sister Sarah M. Colton made a few Vernal Odakirk Hannah Sister reported to those present to bear their testimonies, closing remarks; felt to thank all for their Phoebe Sister Relief Hislop attendance. Society, and testimonies were borne by Sisters Niel-soAnnie Sister and Relief Maeser Sister Society, Frances Wood, North Ogden, Conference adjourned for three months, Relief of Huntsville. Sister Helena Lee, Society. Casper, Naples to be held at Glines Ward. Singing and Tiir- Woct o Qicfpr frnm Plain P.ltv Recitation trom Glines Relief Society, benediction. Sister A, M. Bailey, Mound Fort, and by Arrila Haddock, entitled "The Price Phebe A. Merkley. Sec. of Drink." a of Stove Thomas Sister Lynne. Sister Emma Woodruff, one of the genPresident Richards instructed the sisters to hold their meetings once a week eral board, was pleased to meet with the Dr. Roberts' Private Class in Obstefrics. if possible, as that ,was one oL.thepur- - sisters once more ; the duty of the Relief poses of the organization; wished the sis- - Society was not only to look after the Dr. Margaret C. Roberts will commence UkKJVIll III lIJt.il poor but the souls of men, especially our IClO IU IClllCUJUCl Monprayers and in their meetings, and also sons and daughters; spoke of economy; her next private class in Obstetrics on Sister Herrick, who years ago was one of it is our duty each and every one to try day, October 8th, 1906. Studentsattending her counselors, but now resides in Logan; and takecareof what the husband brings this class will also be allowed to attend the prayed that we might always have the in to. the house; spoke of, patience, and of Relief Society Norse Class at the Latter-daour missionary work; gave the sisters Saints' University free of charge. Spirit of the Lord to be with us. The students successfully passing the exSister Emily M. Shurtliff said that we counsel in regard to gathering grain. aminations will not enly receive the Doctor Sister Clarissa S. AVilliams of the genhad heard so many good things that she felt she could not add anything further, eral board was pleased to meet with the Instructor's Certificate, but also one from the . " n, - y that she had visited Sister Brown, and sisters in this stake, and to see that Medical Board of Utah, which allows them to her health was about the same, but that they aie trying to work for the upbuilding practice Obstetrics the same as a physician. far-o- ff she was always the same sweet Woman, wished the sisters to remember her in their prayers and in their meetings;, prayed. the Lord to bless all, that we may remain loyal to the truth. ,Bishop Robert McQuanie felt that he had been greatly blessed- - in listening to trie sisters, spoke ot visiting a lster yvno of the kingdom of God; said we should try and love our neighbors as ourselves, and to make everybody happy around us, Lessons five days a week. Tuition fifty dollars. ' Books from six to eight dollars. our secrechildren; gave the especially For - further - information- - write - to Dr. taries and treasurers counsel in regard to their duties; asked the blessings of the Margaret C. Roberts, 79 C. Street, Salt Lake , City; Utah.' Lord upon us all. . ; Telephone 2002. Select reading from Naples Relief Sock ety by Sister Edna Powell entitled "Our of on him faithful Times." account to the pleasure Save Your Money! we she should to Sister Annie bore; testimony Young related some of her try help And when you get a dollar, deposit it those who have temptations - placed in experiences as a missionary on the with Zion's Savings Bank & '1 nisi their way, for there are those who need Islands. Company, the oldest and largest savings bank in Utah. , ; 'Sister Nancy A. Colton spoke of the lathisjeare; felt grateful to know that testibank Since the establishment of the monies were increasing amoncr us. that bors of the sisters at home, especially we have opened more than 41,191 sav the young often bear a st rong testimony ; those with large families, and of the tesings accounts. asked the Lord to bless this organization, timonies we;had heard, and what a The laws of Utah permit married grand and all like organizations, and Sister mission a mother has; gave the sisters women and also children who are minor, a to open savings accounts in their own: name, subject to their own order. Have -- . , : : Sa-mo- an ' ' . If not, opeD one NOW Ve pay FOUR PER CENT INr TEREST on any amount from odc said to five thousand, and compute you such an account? ( R. K. THOMAS DRY GOODS CO. 67, 69, 71 dol-Ja- Main St, Salt Lake City, Utah. x -- -- lllf WW" . . WRJTE-for No. interest 1 Semi-annuall- v. desired. Joseph F. Smith, Prest. any-informa- tion- George M. Cannon, Cashier. East Temple Street, |