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Show ' 0 Mrs. Kennedy to Observe One-Ye- ar WASHINGTON Legal Notices Mourning Period announced ,(UPI)-F- ore going public appearances, and wearing the traditional black of the widow, Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy will observe a one-yemourning period for her Thursday by NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Flora Drage Davis, her press secretary, Pamela Turn Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned co Earl S. Spafford, Attorney at Law, 2188 Highland Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah on or before the 23rd day of March, Pact Signed On Attrition For Firemen 1 Gents, Columbia, blue Ser. No. None 1 Boys. Firestone, red Ser. No. 1309116 West Germans Mourn Death of Theodor Heuss 1 -- s s. ar s. Deferring Of Rentals Denied Land Board rates. SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) A on ment was withdrawal by the request to defer of bituminous acres about 60,000 served BLE of wage demands in August. The BLE took an op- sandstone in Uintah County was Steel-workeAlso included in the agree- rentals Expert Service If You Give Expert Service, ERROR RULES Copy should be checked for errors by the advertiser on the first day of publication. Notices of error must be made immedi-atl- y to The Herald Classified Dept. Errors not the fault of the advertiser whic clearly lessen the value of the advertisement will be rectified by republication without extra charge. But The Herald will be responsible for only the first incorrect insertion. The Herald reserve the to reject advertisements rightrevise or reclassify some. and Herald Want Ads Bring Results in By NADINE SELTZER ALTERATIONS or 374-097- 0. CARPET PROFESSIONAL carpet ! 1 I 1 225-445- 7. -- th 798-681- 9, Spanish Fork Payson 465-37- vacuum ana duct tems. 373-35-lurnaceor 1. sys- 373-911- 225-308- 7. 29. Special Notices 85. North University. family Christmas Compton's Picture Encyclopedia programmed learning, demonstration or information, easy terms, no obligation, Ross Por ter, 558 East 8UU SQUtn. SANTA appointments and suit rentals call before 10 and after 5. Leonard Madsen, GUITAR and accordian lessons for Christmas. Instruments 3. furnished. Herger Music, ENTERTAINMENT and or music for your Holiday party. IDEAL zo-o- zo 373-458- 373-069- 3. 38 Wanted to Buy & H RADIO AND TV SERVICE RADIO, TV record players, recorders, 29 years service in utah-CounRalph's Radio and TV Dial 13 FR REMODELING HOME and commercial. Large or mall. Expert painting, Licensed contractor, 373-77- We do and sizes. Christmas grapefruit, fresh off from truck at wholesale prices. North of Miracle Bowl Bowling DRYERS $45 and up Large selection of automatics and wringer type washers, all Alley in Orem. guar-antee- d. 225-577- 8. 373-31- after 36 5. CHRISTMAS TREES Where the Best Costs Lessl 48 North 10th West Prove cents, No. 32 N. University PUPPY for sale. Call after 373-111- 3. PERFECT family Christmas gift, World Book - Childcraft. Easy SMALL chihuahuas for sale, male and female, good choice of terms. Demonstration or inforWinston colors, these are the smallest. mation no obligation. 373-40320 Yale Circle, South 3rd East, Mercer, 1498 N. 3rd W American Fork, COUNSELING for vocation and Licensed REGISTERED Llewellyn Setters, 6 problems. personal 3 months. $50. Sp. Fork. psychologist I WILL not be responsible for AQUARIUMS for Christmas $7.85 children and up. Junior set for over debts incurred bv anyone other than myself after December 13. complete only $9.98, fish 75 in varieties of tropical Michael J. Chappie. stock. We have a full line of Inter 7 Lost and Found aquariums and supplies. mountain Aquarium, 2 blocks East of State Street on 1200 FOUND: Siamese kitten, northeast North, Orem. Phone to Christprovo, Si6-vountil 9 weekdays case. LOST: Contact lens in glassi mas eve.pjn. downtown area, rewaro German Shepherd nefliT REGISTERED rQ,f r voir. t 858 West let South, puppies, 9912. 373 E. Reward N. 8th 7th Provo. call be HiVf7 r xct1 . DWlr T Kralnr arts PUPPIES for Christmas, 225-10fore 8 a.m., after 6 p.m. were to the name of Prince, lib eral rewaro. . f. n.. snwa REGISTERED Bassets for Christmas, only 3 left. 10. Help Wanted Male 6 after FREE puppies. Call 5 p.m. on weeKdays. MALE TRAINED dog, Christmas puppies, AKC registered Brittanaes. 310 N. 4th E., Spanish Fork, Refrigeration Mechanic JourneyLONG haired kittens, free, pay tor man. 5, ad, Upholsterer Journeyman. 51. Musical Instruments Plumber State license. Produce Manager Exp. SEE Lester R- Taylor Co. for a Home Furn. Manager Age quality piano at a price you can afford 109 North 4th west. Structural Steel Detailer Experienced. PIANO for sale. Excellent condi9. tion. Call Medical Records Librarian $600 mo. GIBSON electric guitar and ampliRecreational Therapist $428 mo. fier solid body melody maker model, $130; also harmony audiProduction Manager Age 16 756-486- 2. 796-612- 1. 373-069- 225-05- s. 32 373-628- 0. 225-264- 6. 489-004- 796-64- 97 - 0. am looking for a particular type of woman wont a woman who torium arch top, $35 HEAR the fabulous new Wurlit-ze- r organ, different from6. the rest Call Mrs. Jeffs, USED Spinet, best looking trade we have had. Wakefield's, Provo. WE buy piano. 3 489-508- 5. 225-007- FR GUITARS, amplifiers, ukes. banjos and accordions. Terms. Herger Music, 158 South 1st west. PIANO'S, organs. See. try. Rent to test before you buy Heindseiman Music Center pnone jtk ji GOOD used piano, 511 South 850 East, Orem. PIANO new, used guaranteed, low 'Ki.ref: selection, easv est nrir-t3-- s terms, buy or rent Wakefield's FR EXCELLENT piano, upright, cut 6. 63. I I 489-464- is down, $350 cash, UPRIGHT piano, $123, 225-697- 225-255- 1. phone ELECTRIC guitar, arched natural finished, $70. PIANOS, new and used, low down payments, easy terms 30 years sales and service. Williams Music Company, 308 East 3 South,. FINE used piano. 3. 2125-004- 1. 2 373-069- 57 4.. 9. prices. 244 S. 300 W. HAMMOND organs, new and used. FOUR Spalding golf woods, proAlso new Hammond pianos. Lynn line, excellent condition 373-37Huff, HU TWO new twin beds, complete, NEW 6.70x15 tire and tube mount6. 1955-19ed on Chev rim $1050 2. COLDSFOT refrigerator. $25, 373-3- 7 37. KAY Halbert TV, excellent conLADIES full size bicycj, like new, dition, $65. New Picture tube. $25. Call Payson, 551 East 12th South, SpringviUe ski 24 INCH wheel boys Columbia BOYS complete, 4. boots size 4,package, $20 bike, excellent condition, make offer, 1117 East 230 South. BICYCLES 2 boys 26", 1 girls 26 HOTPOINT automatic washer, 4 years old, excellent condition, STEREO, RCA phonograph, excelmake reasonable offer. 685 E. lent condition, 400 N., Orem. BOY'S bicycle. 25 inch NEW maple skis and binders, excellent condition. $20,Schwinn, 326 300 West cheap, South, 5 3 speed 26 inch boy's bikes, TOYS: microscope, thimble drome TWO . reasonable, airplane. Very good condition. CHRISTMAS trees, Merlin John-so-n. 420 E. 4th N. Spanish Fork. $300 DELUXE Stauffer table almost new, $150. Philco range, SIZE 175 skis, 72 boots, Miller $50. Lionel train set, make offer. binding and poles, also size7. IO V2 225-28men's cowboy boots, TRAIN, Lionel, like new exception- USED Lionel electric train, $20. Call ally large. Best offer. After 8 p. m. weekdays, weekends all day. 3 PLY stainless steel cook 1166 East Cedar Avenue, Provo. never been used, $200 setware, will COUCH and chair, make offer. 582 sell for $150, call North State, Orem. 30 GALLON aquarium with Gro-Lu- x FIREPLACE wood, Mike Mitchell, Exotic Tropical fishes call evenings, (Looseleaf edition). 487 North 3rd East, Provo after 6 p.m. KENMORE gas range, 36". like new, includes electric rottisserie MEN'S sweaters, sport coats, winter 1. Call coat, suit, 40 reg. $3 to $10 each. 487 North 3rd East, ProAPPLE fireplace wood, LDS proj-etvo after 6 pjn. evenings CRAFTSMAN drill press, horizonSPECIAL. Special, Special, you tal saw, grinder, bdrdsell welder, an of furextra have may piece gas welder with botcomplete niture not needed, guns, type25 hp Wizard tles, outboard writer, refrigerator musical or 6, motor. what have you to trade in on a new TV. living room set, kit- TWO piece living room set, good 6. chen set, carpets, new refrigercondition, ator washer, dryer or anything boughs with purchase of you want for your home, guar- FREE your choice of Christmas trees. anteed lowest prices, FDO FurChoice from our large selection niture, 65 North 1st West. of fresh cut, cultivated trees. RELAX-a-ciso- r, like new, $75. Many large trees, excellent for 8. schools, chiurchs, and etc. 1429 North Canyon Road. NEW Argus flash camera, portable stereo record player and records, 1963 Girl's Schwinn bike with 1. basket. Must sell, $40. ICE skates, new and used, save up REPOSSESSED 2 piece living room to 25 per cent, trade your old set, extra large, brown nylon, skates in. Open 8:30 am till 9 take over payments, $10 per month. Twin tub Dexter, regular every night. Modem Shoe, 350 West Center. $269.95, $119.95, l year guarantee. Sewing machine ziV t&W. KENMORE automatic washer, regularly $159.95, $69.93, payneeds repairs; Olds Cornet, ments as low as $5 per month, 4. FDO Furniture, 65 North 1st West. SEWING machine, like new, take over payments. $9.85 each, 3 PIECE bedroom suite, $69.99, 3. dresser with mirrors $19.95, chest of drawers, $13.95; complete beds SELECT Christmas trees, Ponder-os- a, $19.95; 2 piece sectional $24.95; Pinon, Balsam, and spruce, 2 piece Living room set, $49.95. free pine cones with each purFDO Furniture, 65 North 1st chase, Liston's Tree Farm, 934 West. S. 800 E., Orem. GIVE him a Forney arc welder for WRINGER washing machines. Christmas, call for damonstra-tio- n. i.vt; automatac wasners, GE, Maytag, Friidaire, as low as Wm. Laursen, SK $59.95 guaranteed. Twin tub 192 East 2nd South. American Dexter, $59.95; GE dryer $34.93; Fork. Bendix Westinghouse electric LADIES rink skates size 8, mens guaranteed, $59.95; gas dryer ht ski ooots, size in, Schafx end electric range, $34 95, FDO 1. piano, Furniture, 65 North 1st West. XMAS trees. Ponderosa, Spruce USED gas space heater $16. 2. and Balsam. Reasonable. 678 North 600 West. BETTER deals and better watches. USED Roberts tape recorder, like Provo Watch Center, corner of 2nd West and Center. new, wajceneiers, provo. 21 225-199- 374-184- 465-326- 5. 373-760- 225-035- 0. 373-732- 6. 373-190- 373-064- 1. 373-24- 89 225-575- 2. 93 373-894- 373-538- 6. 374-572- 5. 225-051- 8. 373-552- c, 785-385- 1, 785-330- 3. 374-552- 373-472- 6. 225-178- 225-660- 225-547- 8. 373-567- 225-092- 373-126- 04, up-rig- 374-089- 373-738- 9. between 2 3 and 4 p.m. Monday. Steve's Trading Post 975 South AND -- ET VOUR State. LOUTLEV, HOW MAW FEET OFF THE A MUPM BICYCLES, new, used, repairs, 3 TIMES HAVE I TOLD speed, 10 speed English bicycle, vou to up accessories, Schwinn Dealer, Roy s Bike Shop, 1070 West 1st , "fcUR CLOTHES?.'.' VTHlS IS A PIG 4. South USED coal, gas and oil furnaces. elec. water heaters. Call 3737863. COAL lump and slack the best in the west. AC COAL, lump and slack, Merrill Kit 0. chen, EARLY American dinette set, Chromecraft, excellent condition. Tesf rat Forelady Laundry. Exp. Recreational Therapist Licensed. Nurses Various. To $485 mo. Medical Records Librarian $600 mo. Administrative Secretary Age 35 225-044- 5, 374-089- 5. APPLES: Delicious. 373-836- 7. Bookkeepers mo. Experienced. Stenographers Out of area. Waitress Experienced. Housekeeper Live in. Apply at 04 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY OFFICE ROOFING 190 West 800 North, Provo PORTABLE HAY 489-48- 07 for sale, baled or ton, BRING meat animals your to Speckart'sprize for expert cutting and wrapping. In business in Provo since 1901. 69 N. 1st E. FINE Shetland ponies. Henry Jones. GOOD gentle kids or ladies horse, mare Shetland pony 3 year old, 374-042- 4. call LUMBER, $50 to $75 per 1000 ft. delivered, also custom livestock 373-784- 2. hauling, 465-33- Payson, 64 WALNUT TV, stereo, am-f- m radle. SK American Fork. PASTURE for rent, rent entire SO acres or by the head. Call 39. SU 91. BALED hay, 70 cents a bale, 373-5Q- 13. pens, good saddle. RABBITS, 373-648- 0. jf rH?W YEAR old Welch mare, roo4 children's horse. ONE Guernsey milk cow for sale, 3 374-064- 3. 225-008- 6. 67. Miscellaneous For Rent TV RENTALS, $12.95 per month. All payments may be applied to- ward purchase. Guaranteed performance. Triple E., Inc.. 1698 South State, Orem. PROVO Boat Clubhouse, kitchen. fireplace, restrooms. Interested or parties call FR FR 79. For Rent Furnished Apts. CUTE new 1 bedroom furnished apartment, LOVELY 2 bedroom, carpeted, available December 8. 1000 East Center. or FOR girls, 385 East 400 North. CaH ? 71 489-562- 3. 374-08- 373-859- 0. 12 374-07O- 2. 2 bedroom trailer, attached room ras heated Cabana, 5. fenced lot, REDUCED price from $60 to $50 with good references; also mall $45, 2 373-389- 7. home, $50. VERY nice clean 3 room batfe, ex cellent location, 92 West 4tfc 225-147- 6. North, $55. utilities ROOM, included, $68 9. 373-791- 3 225-355- NICELY furnished 4l2 room apart-men- t, 489-538- 7. FOR students, 716 East 2550 Nort 374-285- 7. 3 ROOM, close trance, 373-528- 3. to BYU. private etw. 80. For Rent Unfurnished Apts. NEW, 2 bedroom duplex, appliances, drapes, privacy, $70. 0. 225-058- DELUXE 1 bedroom, carpet, drape? and built ins B30 East Center 374-246- 7. 2 -- BEDROOM apartment, Grove. Stove and 235-218- 2, PUaaaat carat. Call NICE 2 bedroom with stove an4 near school an dsteraa. fridge, Call 325-51or AIM New 3 bedroom home. $45. EAST LAndon. dean 1 225-080- 0. 64 room duplex, drapes, fridge, stove, water, fenced yard, SU CLEAN, 08 1 bedroom, range, refrlfw erator. gartaige and utilities, $ 373-372- 5. 81. For Rent Homos 3 BEDROOM, 370 South unfurnished, e&oew 2nd East. NICELY furnished 2 bedroom cotf home. Reasonable. Business 374-05evenings. 45 FT. by 8 ft. trailer house la SprincviMe. $45 per month In. Morrell eluding parking space at489-47489-66374-345- 0, 94 or Motel, call SIX room home, partly furnished gas heat, 191 South 3rd Wert. 11 68 NOW I I I I HE'S GOT HIS OWN MORTGAGE HEY! WAIT' AMD Mrf LEAVE YOU CUB8ERS AND UMBRELLA QlSiSBgTW JHm- 225-074- Royal de-- 65. Farmers Column 225-351- 8. Therapist $471 Perl Rome. maines, free delivery. Clarence Soulier, APPLES, Greenings, Romes. Red Delicious, Irvin Johnsor. By FAGALY & SHORTEN oca-roo- m 373-897- APPLES, Rome Beauty and Greenings, Delicious. Jonathon, 1185 Columbia Lane. RED potatoes and' squash, 56 373-489- at end Vegetable 374-536- with just a job but one who will take srteel guitar and a personal interest and LEILANT electric $30.. amplifier, help build it, this woman 52. Miscellaneous For Sale must have prestige, ap mattresses, come slightly soil peararvce and enjoy meet- NEW ed. $7.95 up. Exchange, used ing and working with peosprings, $5 up, used beds, $5 up; also bunk beds, chests, bedroom If refill can ple. you my suites. Overman Mattress Com- THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! pany, 163 Norh University. quirements 6 to 8 thousand FR can be earned the first NEW 12 ft. refrigerator, oheap; When loutlev was living with his rxks rrencn provincial uog size year. For interview apwestern 5 set, living piece we acted like home was a flophouse- pointment call Mr. Drake room set all special prices, not satisfied heater. puddings, Oakhills WOLFRJVERS. Greenings, we liver also Pinon Relief Society, 66 firewood 0. can, 946 Cedar Ave. 373-432- 4:30 base gas 374-039- 7. 374-138- 373-030- BTU 373-531- 9, Large assortment, very nice trees, Balsam, Spruce, Pinon and Fir. Come early and get the best. XMAS trees, fresh cut, reasonable 1686 West 80 South CHRISTMAS 2nd Ward A- -l USED refrigerators, shape. 373-316- 2. 64. Fruits 72 unpainted, KENMORE wringer washer, good condition, make offer, 12, 373-340- 5. 1182 No, State, Orem Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. PINON fireplace wood, delivered, call 373-43after 3 p.m. CHOICE pinon fruit wood, fire- n.T-m-ia after GAIN FURNITURE FAIR 225-498- 1. WILL make ehllrfrpn'a fr ped table and chair set, painted or inquire 327 N. 1060 W. GAS refrigerator, make offer, nH $45, 60.000 OUT AND SAVE DRIVE p.m. -7 374-203- 2, Reconditioned and guaranteed. 94 225-611- 4. FR ty Provo, FR PROMPT dependable, reasonable service for all makes televisions. 5?J:ecSfcfr! Phonographs and USED kinds oranges, Wakefield's, Provo. 373-174- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER OFFITE. nvn-lru, uuuiiuuipi, 3739689erin paprs' etc Virginia, All TREES 489-538- 1. OF PROVO FEMALE Han gin. urdays 1- CHRISTMAS evening gowns, formal and short length, $8 arid up. Temple weddin gowns designed for you. 547 West just 200 N. Coed Shop. USED dryer, excellent condition, fully guaran- 373-868- PAPER HANGING and Paper CHRISTMAS Excellent condition, teed $35 and up. 489-571- 7. 489-517- 6-- 9 USED T. V. 373-446- 9. 373-660- PAINTING PAINTING Locations BEAUTIFULLY wrapped Christmas plants, we grow we deliver, gift, Blaine Poulsen Greenhouse, 373-060- 4, custom killing, cutting, wrapping, freezing of your beef, veal, pork and sheep. Picked up and deUvered back, l call does it adil, Vernon S. Cheever 0 or that we can't let him visit his poor sick friend, But I'll sea that Rover gets the flowers!" Lehi. THRILL your children with ao with Santa, homes, appointment churches or all types of parties, call after 5, 25 Open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m Monday through Saturday CLEANERS 3 Convenient 373-700- WILL tend children in my home hour, day or weejc, pnone by 768-26- 125 West 500 South, Pro o at 225-340- 3. 489-624- 6. I'm sorry or 82 UNIVERSITY of the Scera Theatre. Complete lines of Stereo components, portables, also custom consoles, tape recorders, stereo amplifier as low as $14.95. Open every night p.m., Sat- CARPETING CO. 374-067- 0. 10 MEAT CUTTING AND WRAPPING CALL Utah County Packing Company for all your meat needs, 9 190 NE, be U. VS. Tat Off. 47. & 225-054- 9. oe-fo- re CERAMIC TILE INSTALLATION FOR ceramic tile installation, call Bennle's Tile Company, Orem, AC Kxin &nop, 141 TJrf. wallpaper cleaning walls washed. FR SPADING shrub trimming, edging. tree digging. FR CARPENTER work, cabinets, room rates, remodeling, reasonable 5. 2 blocks Nortrj MATTRESS & FURNITURE Waterproofing for. all outside PAINTING, 514 South State St. Orem IDEAL 3 SANITONE SOFT & DRY clothing. Exclusively dining TV, 373-451- installa. ana can service, noon repair 8 pjn.. and after iiateu, 11111 225-456- 2. th 11. Help Wanted Female GARAGES MARTIN Overhead Doors, radio installed, itemoaeung. R W Lowry. Phone AC GIFT SHOP CHRISTMAS gifts, Christensen's Swj livery. Free pickup and de 50 798-272- 5. American Fork, Supply Company 373-106- THE ULTIMATE IN SOUND room, living room and bedroom sets complete. 785-25- 225-659- 1. 0 frigerator, Standard Builders HOLIDAY 27-3- 24 IhospitalI ERONINfi: 22-3- 756-255- REMEMBER 374-037- 8. 374-151- 373-022- 1, A GIFT TO 1480 North St., Provo, CENTER furnish your entire home with all new furniture including range, re- Will 373-958- 0. FURNACE CLEANING CALL Dyna Kleen to power Inter-mounta- 373-177- radial arm. PERCUSSION STEREO 373-448- SWFE HE PIE 24-ye- ar rer-vic- DOWN DOLL clothes for Christmas, 50 individual families. For com- e, and tax plete bookkeeping contact Accounting Management Service,4. 767 Columbia Lane, Phone Power tools, saws, sanders, drills, routers, table and Work Wanted -- ACCOUNTING ELECTRONIC bookkeeping is now available to small business and $30 52. MIsccIlanteuB For Sc! 7. NEED money? Consign your chil-to AFRICAN violets. Call 7, dren's outgrown clothing 2. Personals NEW crocheted suit, size 10 to 12. 239 South 3 West. Heidi's for resale. Must be in clean and good condition. Will NEW sets bedroom living room CASH handle strollers, etc. Heidi's, 490 sexs, Kucnen nets, and all kinds NEW wedding North University. ring set. Wholesale of new furniture Big discounts carat. Call 55100 price, $25 to $2000 Steve's Trading Post 975 South GERMAN Shepherd, not to exceed State. 1 year old, registered female for LARGE children's cupboards, finON YOUR SIGNATURE 225-44or 225-21ished real nice, $25. 3179 West watch dog. SHETLAND ponies, $50 and up. 600 South, 1. AND ARRANGED BY PHONE Will until Christmas. keep Pets 50. Plan OTOLDS cupboard, table and ohaic Plan Lionel train. You Get Mo. Pmt. CHOICE white poodles AKC 15 USED Pfaff and singer zig zags, You Get Mo. Pmt. Lehi. South. 3rd new. East like 78 North WESTTNGHOUSE 100 5.08 c o m b i n a tion $44.00 $1000 University, $ Provo. TV. radio, record player AKC miniature 52.67 REGISTERED 1200 15.24 300 silver poodle pups. Pure collar WAIT! Get your Xmas trees at 65.67 1500 30.48 600 682 North 800 West, the Weights 430 Canyon Road DOLL buggy, like new. also pogo line. 87.33 2000 45.72 900 SpringviUe, stick. Above payments include all charges. REGISTERED pedigree beagles, see GOOD teens children's and quality HANDMADE- - wool suits for Bar-bi- e at 120 N 1300 E., Sprirtgville, clothes. 1. outgrown here Shop doUs, DIAL 1 or first. Heidi's 490 North Univ. SNOW blade and hoist, fits jeep, COMPANY INDUSTRIAL FINANCE COCKER puppies, ready for Chirlst- - XMAS trees, all sizes, reasonable $100, utility trailer $50, mas. MEN'S women's tailoring Cuyler's Appts. 11 a.rry to 7 pjn AUTO GLASS BROKEN glass replaced, specialized efficient work Ahlander Manu 490 South facturirp Company. University, FR BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES FERGUSON'S Bike Shop, Schwinn dealer New, used trade in. Re 795 South State. Call pairs, Psychologist Clin. Ph.D. FR Provo Physical Therapist $471 mo. NEW and used bicycles and all Licensed. $145 wk. Pharmacist repair work.408Snow's Cycle and West Center. Key Shop, Apply at BLOCK LAYING EMPLOYMENT SECURITY OFFICE FENCES, patio and carport, walla 190 West 800 North, Provo a specialty, workmanship guar onone anteed, SALES agent; wholesale heating BUILDING, WRECKING and air conditioning, commission, must have heating experience BUILDING wrecked or removed; write Herald Box 309 lots cleared; trees, foundations, slabs and debris removed. Rea- RAILROAD apprenticeship . want sonable. Free estimate. Fast ed young men 17 Vs to 29 to train service. Phone for railroad communications. For BULLDOZING AND GRADING qualifying interview, wrote HerBox 400, give name, age ald BASEMENTS, trees, land leveling, exact address, phone. etc. o and small large jobs, call Elevator Shaft 17 -- Run Here Regularly for Him" 374-231- 374-037- 8. 52. Miscellaneous For Sate Headquarters 3-4- 225-208- 5. rejected Thursday by the State tion to receive the United Union wage provisions Land Board. The plea was made by John or to serve new pay demands H. Morgan Jr., Clarence I. Just after April 1. heim and J.H. Morgan Sr., Salt Lake City. They asked for the deferment after Skyline Oil Co., Salt Lake City, claimed that it holds rights to extracting oil from the sandstone. Skyline holds oil and gas leas es on the same property and declares that this includes ex A Box CHICAGO (UPI) oil from the sandstone man has tracting Elder County, Utah, been elected to the board of directors of the American Farm Bureau Federation. In A.V. Smoot, Corinne, president of the Utah State Farm Bureau Federation, was elected at the federation's national SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) A old Salt Lake man, in convention here. He is one of five members jured Thursday night when he representing the western region, fell three floors down an elevator shaft in a downtown departwhich includes the 11 ment Pacific Coast store, was listed in "fair'' and states and Hawaii. condition today at a local hosSmoot is a dairy farm e r pital. and is now serving his 9th David LaMar Butt, Bingham year as president of the Utah Canyon, suffered a fractured feFarm Bureau Federation. mur and multiple cuts and bruises. the Just other day we heard Officers found him pinned beof a fellow who visited the Ber- tween the elevator and the wall lin wall even though he wasn't on the first floor at ZCMI. a candidate for president. The elevator was lowered and Salt Lake Tribune. the injured man removed. S.L Man Injured Fall Down 14. Instruction GUITAR and accordion lessons In strument furnished for begin ners Herger Music FK EXPERIENCED instruction on aU instruments, new modern studios. Center, 36 W Cen Murry Music 8 ter. PIANO lessons, your home. Citi-mAc- Order Your Inexpensive Ad te rs Utahn Named National Farm Bureau Director Herald Want Ads Bring Results 373-73- Steel-owne- o, 52. Miscellaneous For Sale SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1963 Utah County, Utah Gents, Hawthorn, silver Ser. No. X 1772 1 Ladies, Hawthorn, blue Ser No. H 31586 1 Gents. Hawk, black Ser. No. None 1 Gents, Skyrider, red A. D. 1964. Ser. No. H 07394 DONNA ALSTERLIND 1 Gents, Columbia, red Administratrix of the Estate Ser. No. H 419104 of Flora Drage Davis, 1 Gents, Hercules, black Deceased Ser. No. 14060N2 Published in The Sunday Her- Miscellaneous Articles. ald Dec. 15, 22, 29, 1963 and JESSE W. EVANS Jan. 5, 1964. Chief of Police Published in The Sunday HerNOTICE TO CREDITORS ald Dec 8r 15, 1963. ure. Asked if there was a possi bility that Mrs. Kennedy would campaign for President John next year, Miss Turnure son dead husband Mrs. Kennedy's decision was said Mrs. Kennedy would re main in mourning and would not accept any public engage ments. The former first lady and her two children, Caroline, 6, and John, Jr., 3, plan to spend Christmas holiday m Florida. After the holidays, Mrs. Ken nedy will move into a new Estate of Alice Loveless home in the Georgetown section of Washington. Schaerrer, deceased. Creditors will present claims The CLEVELAND (UPI) vouchers to the undersigned with Brotherhood of Locomotive Enat Neil D. Schaerrer, Attorney, gineers (BLE) and the Union 1300 Walker Bank Building, Salt Railroad reached agreement Lake City, Utah on or before Thursday on full attrition for the 16th day of March A. D. firemen. 1964. Spokesmen for the union said PAUL SCHAERRER the attrition agreement was Administrator of said estate negotiated rapidly because of a STUTTGART, Germany Published in The Sunday Herdecision by a federal judge pre- (UPI) West Germans today venting a federal arbitration mourned the death of Theodor ald Dec. 15, 22, 29, 1963 and board from interfering with the Heuss, their first post - war Jan. 5, 1964. d railroad and president. He was honored as U.S. 600 BLE represented em- a modest and popular man who NOTICE OF SALE its helped bring democracy to his Notice is hereby given that ployes. The decision signed in Wash country. the undersigned will sell to the Aldied 79, Heuss, Thursday highest bidder on the 18th day ington Thursday by Judge exander Holtzoff was directed night at his home in Stuttgart of December, 1963, at the hour at the arbitration board ap- after a long illness and the am of 2:30 P. M. at the south side pointed to settle the railroad putation of his left leg. Doctors of the City Office Building, 21 work rules dispute on a nation- said death was caused by a South University Avenue, Pro-vblood circulation ailment. al level. Utah, the personal property The friendly professor with hereinafter described. The board refused to exclude the Union Railroad from the the shock oi white hair was Said personal property has national dispute, and Thurs- venerated by West Germans as been held by the Provo Police day's court decision was in the a "father." for more than 30 A journalist, a scholar, a pro Department first of a series of legal chaldays last past, and all reasonlenges by the BLE and other fessor and a politician, he able efforts have been made by operating brotherhoods directed shunned pomp and helped Provo Police Department to at testing the validity of the create an image that lifted discover the owner thereof. No award by the board late last Germany's status in the world claim has been made to any month. following two devastating wars said of property. personal Under the agreement reached Heuss served as president of part 1 black Gents, Cyclia, Thursday between the BLE and West Germany from vthe na 6186400 the Union Railroad, limited pro- tion's founding in 1949 until 1 Ser. No. Gents, Western, red visions were made for operat 1959. Elected twice to the coun-trv'Ser. No. 17826 highest office, he held lit 1 ing some locomotives without Gents, J. C. Higgins, red firemen-helperIt also provid tie real political power but used No. 1772673 Ser. moratorium on his ceremonial post to set ed a five-ye1 Gents, Columbia, black further rules changes involving a modest and humane example No. B 122405 Ser. firemen-helperlor his countrymen. 1 Gents, Schwinn, red Under the attrition agree Ser. No. H 085006 ment. firemen's jobs will be va 1 Boys, No Name, red cated only by death, retire Ser. No. 177737 ment, resignation or promotion. to work Engineers required without firemen will receive $3 CALL ON THESE FIRMS FOR per day above their basic daily By ar Sunday Herald 17A LEGAL NOTICE typewriter, shoes, call Terry 225-62$.100 REFRIGERATOR, 1807 S. 543 E. Orem after 6. MOVING, must sell upright player ana sou $4uu; wasjiers piano, stove $45; refrigerator $75. 2, 57 West 5th North, 373-193- 6. 93 374-144- Provo. LIVING room set, rose color, $20. 373-495- 6. every type of fix leaks in repair, Also roofing, of beef, the very best, govremodeling. CHRISTIAN woman needed, full SIDE 0. ernment inspected and graded, or part tame, lifetime security. 47 cents lb.; pork, 37 cents; mutTREE SERVICE Experience Sunday School, minton, 23 cents. Cut and wrapped. week$.100 Earn istry helpful. Speckart's Market, 69 N. 1st E. TREES topped, removed, licensed No Write and up. ly competition. and insured, free estimate 23 MadCo. West Rudiin John USED radio and TV from $5.00 up, 2. ison St. Chicago 2, mined. 91 South 3rd WestT 374-170- 225-349- V - 55 T |