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Show March Of ':A:A - : , 7A Sunday Herald SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1963 Utah County, Utah , Dimes Plans Go Forward i Phil M. Smith, Utah County Match of Dimes campaign director, Saturday announced the appointment of 24 chairmen to campaign leadership positions. The fund drive will be conducted throughout the county during the month of January. Named by Mr. Smith were: Mrs. Dell Ashworth, county Mother's March chairman; Gordon Ursenbach, county special events chairman; Niels Rasmussen, telerama pickup chairman; Monte Wheeler and Mrs. Dale price, Lehi campaign chairman and Mother's March chairman respectively; Marvin C. Cartwright and Mrs. Ted Barratt, American Fork; Kenneth Harris and Mrs. Dee Olpin, Pleasant Grove; Lloyd Christensen, David Stone, and Mrs. Emerson Hardy, Orem; Mrs. Vern Green, Provo; Mrs. Norman Clyde, Springville; Jack Leifson and Mrs. David Bowen, Spanish Fork; Don Muhlstein and Mrs. Albert Ash-bPayson; Mrs. Hilda Orton, Lindon; Mrs. Cleon Nielson, Benjamin; Mrs. Verla Beck, Goshen; Mrs. Carl Lee, Salem and Mrs. Kenneth Coombs, Santaquin. Many' of the civic clubs and organizations are asuming the responsibility for placing the collection canisters and posters in their respective communities in this year's March of Dimes drive. These include: Lion's Club, Lehi; Lion's Club, American Fork; Kiwanis Club, 0 Club, Springville; Orem; JC's, Spanish Fork and the Provo City Firemen who are doing this service on their own time. Mr. Smith said that the new appointees would direct the efforts of hundreds of volunteers who will seek support in their home communities for the March of Dimes fight against two of the nation's greatest birth defects and cripplers arthritis. "The March of Dimes is doing more than any other private organization has ever done to fight these two crippling diseases. "That's the reason myself and these "good citizens volunteered to work for the 1964 March of Dimes campaign in Utah County and that's the reason we believe it deserves the support of all our citizens," v ' ' - f Jt JK ffl. K J.iK 4 :: - " Jl'1 it V ' f ; " ::aiaX I "anwwat. r rlf PLAN MARCH OF DIMES CAMPAIG N Getting together to make plans for the January March of Dimes campaign are three chairmen who are part of the fund drive staff. They are, from lef t, Mrs. Dell Ashworth, county Mother's March chairman ; Neils Rasmussen, co mmander of the county Jeep Patrol and Telerama pickup chairman and Phil M. Smith, campaign director. !ri'fiii "r 2 i said Mr. Smith. "Anyone who doesn't believe these health problems are important should look at the figures," declared Mr. Smith. More than 250,000 of our babies are born each year with significant birth defects, many causing permanent disability. It is estimated that 210 babies will be born defective in Utah County this year. The March of Dimes is fighting birth defects, the biggest child health problem in America today. Some form of arthritis or disabling rheumatic disease affects more than 11 million Americans, many thousands of them being children who suffer from particularly severe con- ditions." have located two such treatment centers: A center for the treatment of birth defects is located at the Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City, and a similar center for the treatment of arthritis is located at the University of Utah Medical Center in Salt Lake City. The March of Dimes is also leading the battle against birth defects and arthritis on the research front. The same kind of S A i LIMITED CRAGHEAD 3 EASY OPEN TERMS EVENINGS 78 NO. UNIV. AAV PLUMBING HEATING 56 North 2nd West DIAL FR oir4o-u- m w, PROJECTOR lT Mil m,., m i Li I Wm Threads itself automatically. Runt your movies forward, reverse or as stills. Makes your movies more fun than ever. Full half-hocapacity. Built to last a lifetime. Very compact. W ur Here's an outfit you'll enjoy for years to come because there's just nothing like your own home movies to help you remember all the fun times in your life holidays, "J birthdays, outings, vacations and all the other special events. So, come in now . . . for your most memorable Christmas. HERE'S WHAT YOU GET Zoom Movie Camera S-- . . . Automatic Projector 30x40" Tripod Screen Camera Pistol Grip New Film Cartridge Light Gun mm Lower Prices at GAIN'S Filmo Titling Set Comedy Film To Show V Spray Lens Cleaner Extra 400-f- t. Reel A OTHER MOVIE o)(o)95 to OUTFITS from ! NEW, SLIM CAN0NET 8 ELEC MOVIE CAMERA BELL & 8MM HOWELLCANON ALL-ELECTR- IC ZOOM MOVIE l CAMERA " 5 WT 3 EVENING in 9 p.m. Model FDS-13T- .THE 13.24 cu. -1 ft A masterpiece of simplicity of operation, compactness and precision quality. Fully automatic for perfect movies anywhere. Zoom lens for special effects. Electric drive so you never have to wind it. Reflex. Fits in purse or pocket. Come in now and see and try this terrific camera. FAMILY REFRIGERATOR fm- . . . $riM r q95 iS So simple, to operate a child can use it . . . yet so manv oro- fessional features it's in a class by itself. Electric zoom, electric film drive and electric eye. Greater zoom ratio, faster lens (fl.7 focusing), speeds of .12, 16 and 24, reflex viewing, rangefinder, fully-automat- built-i- n Only $2 a Weekl IT. 16995 ... WASHERS-DRYER- S Pleas Pay Nothing Down 1 0 98 N. State OREM 225-36- 1 WIFE'S NAME 1 Z . . Only $3.25 Weekl MAIL COUPON NOW! send me the sale priced at only 1 1 or COME IN 25UP ic fade control, back wind and other extras. GOOD USED AUTOMATIC QUEEN - ZOOM LENS Pay Nothing Down J 63 ally set camera for perfect movie in any light. -- 7 OPEN EVERY AUTO. WASHERS FR complete 03 NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR COLOR SPEED PROVO AVE cartridg load camera with 1 .1 zoom Unt, focusing r &3 UNTIL WEEK MODEL 14F617 ! CM . ONIY V NOTHING DOWN ONLY $3 WEEKI NOT A TABLE MODEL ON A BASE OMIY ;.j All-n- Combination or See Than CAMERA S mm 2-Do- NOW ill Has built-i- n filter. Sensitive ! trie y automatic- - QUANTITY . . . Duo-Con- AUTOLOAD RJL1 WD I HARDWOOD You Get Higher Quality ul typ. HEATERS E H Super-powerf- With New, Automatic Equipment From Standard Optical PHILCO or MOTOROLA ' Provincial consolette (factory adjusted) f.nass's "New Vista" Tuner Two Keyed color controls make Extended-rang- e tuning easy 4" x " e speaker Dependable Space Age Sealed Circuitry WATER BIG 4 of French GAS SAWiS k glare-pro- All-wo- od THIS CHRISTMAS THRILL TO BELL & HOWELL Elected to serve as president of the Central Utah Association of Engineers is Joe Burnham of Provo. Dale Brimhall is vice president; Dean Wheadon, second vice president, and Lavern research program that devel- D. Green, secretary-treasure- r. oped the Salk and Sabin polio Outgoing president is Orvil vaccines is now supporting Conk. many of the world's leading Following the election the scientists to the extent of $4 million as they search for group discussed plans for the and special events coming possible means of prevention. scheduledyear for the coming months. CABINET square-fnc- h Engineers Pick Officers four-wee- n; 265 picture 4.-t- . Until recently, said Mr. L. Rowlings Smith, little was being done to Mickey excellent Enrolls In Course provide uniformly treatment for these victims of NORFOLK, Va. Mickey L. crippling disease. electronics techniNow, the March of Dimes Rawlings, cian second class, USN, son of has a nationwide network of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. 70 treatment centers nearly across the nation where such Rawlings of 420 N. 1st E., Pleastreatment is available and ant Grove, is enrolled in a where trained specialists in Leadership Course at the Naval these medical areas are de- Instructors School, Norfolk, Va. k The course is atveloping improved techniques which can benefit all disabled tended by senior Navy Petty Officers who have demonstrated persons. In Utah we are fortnate to their abilities as leaders. FULL-SIZ- The Most Wanted GIFT! Frank A. and Eleanor M. Reese have filed suit in Fourth District Court, against Pritch-et- t Construction Co. , seeking damages totaling $74,000 arisOccident ing out of a truck-ca- r 400 North March 6 at State, Provo. Mrs. Reese asked $50,000 general and $1500 special damages for a whiplash injury. Mr. Reese asked $25,000 general damages and $2500 special damages. Also asked were $43.26 damages to the Reese car. While Mrs. Reese had stopped for a red light, the truck Iroquois Indians believed the failed to stop and collided with bald eagle watched over them rear end of the Reese car, said and helped in time of trouble. the complaint. 1 1 rgaWoctor $74,000 Petty Larceny Charges Admitted in Damages Keith Y. Young, 32, box 317, Shiprock, N.M., pleaded guilty in Provo City Court to charges of petty larceny of a pair of gloves valued at $4.95, and was fined $25. Nellie Juditch Dalton, 21, 52 S. 3rd W., Springville, pleaded guilty to petty larceny of a sweater valued at $11.95, and Harry Joseph Hulce, 50, 251 E. 4th N., Springville pleaded guilty to petty larceny of a selzer valued at 65 cents and a 10 cent bar of candy, and both were placed on probation for six months. ' y, 20-3- er A ' - V Suit Asks $... -- ....... I will pay en easy terms. L ADDRES-SCITY & STATE EMPLOYED BY CREDIT REFERENCE ...... C . - v. ,,.' PHONE FR 161 WEST CENTER STREET OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. "'. 3-22- 54 ; |