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Show SUNDVDS5' m-- Sunday Herald Around and About A UTAH COUNTY Elks Lodge Appeals For ' 8 By MILDRED B. HALL Fit or FR 3-85- 63 Friends of Bill Demos, former BYU graduate and prominent in drama work, will be glad to know that he is recovering from seiious heart surgery performed in New York recently- - Word of his condition was brought back by his mother, Mrs. Mary Demos who returned after spending a month in New York with him. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Carlton of Provo gave a family dinner for Mr. Carlton's daughMr. and ters and Mrs. Albert Jeffery and daughter, Jeannine of Salt Lake City and Mrs. Val Gene Williams and children of Orem. sons-in-la- w, Repairable Toys To Help Ch ristmas Aid Activities a 3-05- 46 two weeks in Japan with their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. where he is Jacque Meiling t l neiicopier piioi at Aisugi, japan, Frovo Elks Lodge is again in station (use the a U. S. Naval Air Station. the midst of its annual Christ- cy number or it might bring mas program to aid? needy of instead a pickup throughout Utah CoJames W. Anderson, seaman, will get them picked up. U. S. Navy, son of Mr. and untyits biggest single project truck) The Elks toy repair program Mrs. James S. Anderson of 54 of the year and easily the largif not connected with the HerS. 430 E., Orem, is serving est Yule aid plan in the area. This year,' under the general ald - Firemen Sub - For - Santa aboard the destroyer USS For chairmanship of Robert Weeks, project. Elks have the facilities rest Royal. and with virtually the entire to sort and distribute toys lnrffrp helninff him. the nrocrram the Provo pro Friends from Heber, Mr. and estimates it will give much- does not. Hence, those gram Mrs. Verl Rothlisberger, were needed Christmas aid to 150 helping the pro in Provo to participate in a families and 650 children gram in Frovo deal directly birthday dinner honoring Mrs. throughout the county. with the parents involved and Fonzo Mayne at her home. The This is in addition to The secure whatever aid is given on other guests included Mr. Daily Herald - Provo Firemen the sub s own initiative. (Edi and other simi- tor's Note: As of Saturday Mayne and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrer and lar projects throughout the morning, the' Herald-Fireme- n Mr. Mayne's father, Everett area. The Elks conduct their rolls still con of 50 Provo. in the over families with tained county Mayne jwn program and have always stood ready more than 200 children as yet Mrs. Howard Allen, Spring-vill- e also to aid the Herald-Fireme- n unassigned to Wedand Christmas only a week and of was guest honor program if necessary. a half away.) nesday at the home of her Appeal Made Workers Listed brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. The Elks conduct a Also Carl Curtis, Springville. program through the ProWorking with Mr. Weeks on at the social which marked her vo Fire Department, making the Elks program, are Pete birthday were Mr. and Mrs. use of repairable toys to fill Riso, executive assistant; Ted Kenneth Curtis, Orem; Mr. and out the Santr Claus list of the Kirwan, finance chairman; Mrs. Elmo Curtis, Mrs. Merle hundreds of children they aid Harold Ward, assembly chair Brown and Mrs. Velma Carlton, in the county. Saturday, they man; Lew VTillmore, widows all of Provo; and Mr. and Mrs. made an urgent appeal for toy chairman; Seth Billings, Sun set Manor chairman; Charles J. C. Nielson and Mr. Allen of donations to the firemen to need thai toys Thomas, public relations; Ken emphasizing Springville. bo in such condition that they Holmes, purchasing chairman; Cliff Jenkins, fire department Mr. and Mrs. still can be repaired. EUREKA once said "We appeal and Frank Rasagain," Curtis Butler entertained the repair the per, administrative chairman members of the Methodist Cou- firemen who must do not use Florance Kay is ladies purchas "that toys, people ples Club at their home recent- this as a dumping ground for ing chairman. ly. Dinner was served followed broken toys beyond repair Elks chairman by an evening of games. Ten which they just can't bear to forInvestigating is Karl Provo George. Other members attended the Christ- throw away themselves. chairmen are investigating mas party. However, firemen said, one Ted Soles, Orem; Keith Chris exception may be made to this Grove; Bob The Navy recruiting office in rule. If a toy, such as a bicycle tensen, Pleasant American Fork; Joe Provo announced Saturday that o wagon, has good parts re- Crookston, Maland Russell, Lehi; Manning, Bryan G. McKinnon, Fireman maining, principally wheels Rulon Thomas, Springville; Apprentice, USN has graduated firemen will be glad to get Spanish Fork; Wally Brown, from the Navy Training Center them to use as spare parts for Payson, and Glen Johnson, in San Diego, Calif., and is now other similar articles. Provo Canyon area. Actual Incident and his home family visiting But one fireman told of an ac L. O. NEW YORK (UPI) during the Christmas holidays. in which this incident tual of Mr. is son and the year, & Co. W. E. of Hutton Bryan Hooper Mrs. William McKinnon of Pay-so- someone had obviously swept notes that "people are combing up a garpge floor of broken over their portfolios for oppor and de- tunities to save taxes, and a and debris toys Central Utah Branch of Na- posited it in a basket outside high percentage of all trades tional Association of Social the fire station. Improbable as are for tax reasons." the fireman, Workers combined the Decem- it may seem, said leaves from the However, Hooper says that the and dirt ber business meeting with a floor were mixed in with a few "tax selling usually is not an Christmas party this week. market price influence. and the entire over-a- ll broken toys basket was merely sent on to This is because the person who s, Barbie doll clothes, furs, the city dump by the firemen. sells to take a loss almost alballerbrides, negligees, If donors can deliver to the ways buys something to replace ina, very reasonable. fire station, it will be appre- what he sells at approximately If not, a call to the fire the same time. ciated. (adv.) ' k A A ! A MONDAY THRU SATURDAY EVERY NIGHT 9 'TIL w V non-emerg- en fa-mal- ies fire-fighte- rs NOW Eight (8) IN STUNNING NEW COLORS OF WONDERFUL Sub-For-Sa- nta MELMAC TFE3CAS-WM- E J Sub-For-San- NEW PATTERNS BEAUTIFUL ta 5-IPDE- IFULIL SE&VDCE FOR E0lHI CE Sub-For-Sa- nta With memories of sights around the world still filling their minds, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. (Bessie) Meiling have settled down to regular duties upon their return from more than two months spent in travel in Europe, Holy Land, Hawaii and Hong Kong. Also they spent Lehi Lions Will Aid Santa Claus The Lehi Lions Club LEHI is sponsoring a project this year, according to Keith Bushman, chairman. Many toys are being renovated through the efforts of club" members and will be dis tributed at Christmas time. An aDDeal for any type of tov. eame. book, clothing and athletic equipment is being made. Those desiring to contribute new materials are also encourage 1 to do so. Collection boxes have been placed in business houses where items may be deposited. Assisting Mr. Bushman on "Sub-For-San-t- a" the committee general are George T. Stxasburg and Clell Jackson, with other club mem bers cooperating and giving of their time. Yule Lighting Contest Planned Sub-For-San- ta -- Subs-For-Sant- a, toy-repa- ir cmr . mmm4M M?isftf$e ikhvwv 7 - - - -- i ): TT" s jj ' , . Complete Service for 8 includes: 8 dinner plates, 8 cups, 8 saucers, 8 soup cereal bowls, 8 bread and butter plates, platter, serving bowl, creamer, sugar with lid. ce ) Every piece guaranteed against breaking, cracking, chipping, cod permanent staining for 2 full years. Safe in boiling water and automatic Now I SET dishwasher. n. for-mal- . 225-036- 0. The Lehi Chamber of Commerce, together with Lehi, is sponsoring a Christmas lighting contest. A cash prize will be awarded the three homes judged outstanding. LEHI Families are reminded that ' lighting need not be expensive and every resident is invited to light up their home in some way this yuletide season. y . Fire Results In Damage of $1200 Provo firemen received a call Friday afternoon at 1:57 p.m., at 190 E. 3rd S., Provo. The fire was believed to have started in the living room in a couch. It then burned the wall, rugs and some of the other furniture in the room. Damages were estimated at $1,200. The cause was listed as a child playing with matches. M. A DIPT ffir Ae OOO UFE it ' , - ;yS" fey Choose Your Gift Sweaters From Wt ' y Yyt r dk'K each time you go to Salt Lake to buy Furniture or other products, you raise the cost of your children's education! Why support Salt Lake City Schools with your Sales Tax? Duane Roy la nee Manager 'BADD.EY'! HOME FURNISHINGS 1580 S. PheiM f ) Sf ' Stat, Oram 223-36- 9 Located In Bailey' Moving & Storage Buitding tr fJtJ? 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