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Show .. 1.. smd&iro Taxpayers Fai I To Get IP ven With Big Spenders T2A Sunday Herald Kenya Celebrates Its I ndependence I n Style NAIROBI, taxpayers had the wit to be outraged. The taxpayers are vot ers. It is their habit to return to office public servants whose By LYLE C. WILSON United Press International U.S.. taxpayer is a mealy ipijlie U6nW who permits his elected servants in state and federal office to spend him toward bankruptcy at worst and short rations at best. Big spenders in federal and state office! seems to be miraculously protected from the punishment outraged taxpayers would visit upon them if the most notable achievements are in the area spending the taxpayers' dollars. Tax Foundation, Inc., 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, is in with some figures suggesting what the big spending public officials have been doing to the citizens who voti; them into office and keep them there. For example: Inflation Lowers Income Taxes and the rotting of the U.S. dollar's purchasing power by currency inflation have com bined to give the average fam ily man a hard time. Consider your friend, Joe, who was your next door neighbor in 1940, 23 years ago. Joe was a family LONDON (UPI) Prime Mi- man. Two Kias, a jaiopy, a nister Sir Alec Douglas - Home's mortgage and a job. His income Conservatives won a narrow was $5,000 a year in 1940. victory today in a key Tax Foundation, Inc., calcu in Scotland. The defeat- lates that Joe's e pay ed Labor candidate called it a after taxes and currency inflavote of no confidence in the tion have had their bite would government. have to be $12,832 a year today The election in Dumfriesshire to keep Joe and his family even attracted national interest be- with their 1940 standard of livcause gneral elections are no ing. That would be a hike of more than 10 months away and 157 per cent in Joe s annual public opinion polls show that earnings. The man who earned $3,000 Labor is leading the Conservain 1940 would need to earn tives. 148 Conservative candidate David $7,451 to break even today, cent man The $7,500 up. Anderson, 47, a member of per would need $20,000 today nearly Douglas-Home- 's cabinet as so$10,000-a-yeof man and the licitor general for Scotland, 1940 would require $26,888, an won the race with Labor can169 per cent. didate Iain Jordan by 971 votes, up of These figures are in terms of returns showed early today. the dollar's purchasing power. It was a loss of nearly 6,500 That is, $7451 would buy today votes from the 7,430 vote mar- - no more than $3000 would buy vgin the last Conservative can- in 1940. This is a measure of didate won in Dumfriesshire the dollar rotting process under' four years ago. way in the United States. Curthe last of rency inflation is much more The the year, was expected responsible for this shrinking to weigh heavily in Conserva- purchasing power than are tive plans to set the date for taxes. It is a fact that the big the general election. spending public servants handle Labor party leader Harold the taxpayers' money as though will who Wilson, oppose dollars were going out of style. e in the campaign, But these big spenders seem to Douglas-Homis reported to have told his have little stomach for proposaides to expect an election in ing increases to pay the bills. On the contrary, it is proposed March. Political observers said, how- now that spending be increased ever, that the Conservatives and that taxes be reduced. Dollar's Valne Decreases might now decide to delay the The U.S. Bureau of Labor stavoting. tistics regularly computes the purchasing power of the dollar as of now compared with previous periods. Assuming that the dollar would buy 100 cents worth of groceries, rent and the dollar services in 1957-5U. would buy only 93.4 cents worth of groceries in September of UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. this year. Against a 100 cent Sino Soviet relations dollar on the basis of 1947-4- 9 (UPI) worsened today with Commu purchasing power, the Septemnist China's denial of a Soviet ber 1963 dollar would purchase statement that China demanded only 76.1 cents worth of goods. a U.N. seat as a pricefor ex- Using 1939 as the 100 cents panding two U.N. councils to base period, the September 1963 n dollar was worth only 45.2 cents meet demands. The United Nations had been in purchasing power. The U.S. informed of the alleged Commu- dollar has been on the skids. nist Chinese position by Soviet That is obvious. This skid in Ambassador Nikolai T. Fedo-renk- purchasing power has been accompanied over the years by a the drunken - sailor - on - Saturday Soviet Union Thursday to the question night tendency of the U. S. govsought of putting the Chinese Commu- ernment to live beyond its nists in the seat now held by means. Nationalist China. The move This spending binge has been was ruled out' of order in the going on almost without pause General Assembly's Credentials for 30 years, gradually squeezCommittee because the same ing the dollar's purchasing issue was decided earlier this power toward zero. Two-bi- g dolsession by the full assembly. we here come!!!!! lar, - - m j"r--' h' I Home Wins nil - J&M '- - - ' iJ ; : sJ k k by-electi- on take-hom- ar by-electi- China Refutes Russ Statement N. Seat On 9, Afro-Asia- o. re-ope- n SHIPYARD CLOSURE ? The San Francisco Naval Shipyard at Hunters Point shown in this photo, was included in an early report from the Defense Department as one which will be shut down in an economy cut.- - Depressed Area Aid BRUSSELS, Belgium (UPI) money youjh 17 era AIRS AFL CHAMPIONSHIP The NEW YORK (UPI) Football American League championship game on Sun day, Jan. 5, will be televised by the American Broadcasting Co. from either San Diego or Oakland, Calif., starting at 4:15 p.m. EST. GUARANTEED" cefunpe c'csxss prif of not tathfiad with Ihm your 17 (2) you? hmos end lireaw cro not tint quality 17 (3) ycvps& extra for "CrctZt". (I) you tations, pessimistic over the chances for heading off a showdown between France and Germany on farm price policies. French President Charles de Gaulle has hinted that he will pull France out of the market unless a common farm policy is agreed on by Dec. 31 West German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard has refused to accept the French deadline. The dispute could mean the end of the trading bloc and set back progress on European unity. "It will be a miracle if we can finish the discussions by Dec. 31," Dutch Agricultural Minister Barend Biesheuvel said Thursday. The farm ministers spent the past week trying to hammer out common price and subsidy six-nati- six-nati- 8n it fey it V Iff I if Ctawr MfeMl r Tfatotf r CM Ow Icryt l Umm Only Umm AMY HAM Stl4tin l and (5cntta5tt HGEaoec maUOINO SCIENTIFIC 4 IYI EXAMINATION r:.oc::n offices I 1 140 WEST SOUTH BUIICHNO JMI 2 2449 WASKHIGTOH 3 3 147 serve youi C CENTER ST. NEXT TO TRIBUNE to SSL'S PulCc tJ M ST. COINER OF 21" SOUTH at II EAST - v MUSMDS, ; f 'j i . ' i ' - 1 : k you really love your wife, wiill niwo U01-- nn I tnftitIfi ironer from Utah Appliance Co. If - :: aAQ $00 too KI00 U NIVIR mn Intaratf mt carrying WEEKLY JirB hfr v. I Iron rite '. ,,,wf We Guarantee That You'll Enjoy It . . . Because We Teach ' "v ! 1 - - i flOVE) Youll You How ' '' This Christmas s Sri,?, vi 62 If ee j A . - vm& each trme you go to Salt Lake to boy Furniture or other products, you raise the cost of your children's education! Why support Salt Lake City Schools with your Sales Tax? Duane Roylance Manager BAOILEY'! HOME FURNISHINGS 1580 S. Phen Stat, Orm 225-369- Located In Moving - U 3-92- BERLIN (UPI) American author John Steinbeck, after his first look at the Berlin Wall, said that the Communist sector of this divided city is a concentration camp. He told a news conference in West Berlin that he had planned to visit the Communist zone but changed his mind because the wall made him sick. The author said he was not criticizing those Americans who do visit East Berlin. "It is a personal matter," he said. "I am not criticizing those who go. It is like an auto accident. Some stay and watch." I 25 co-sign- ed Concentration Camp anti-refug- iCH SECATES Save up to Ironrtfe DO YOU KNOW . . . 11 o Gh&lit - Californian Electrocuted RENT Cabinet Model 55 women-m- any Modern Shoe Rebuilding Steinbeck Says Berlin Wall Is V:?:ss:: Sfofl-VitiM- on on - wutowrttt jjmo tusaniauKfc Task Force For Indian tribesmen and wearing lion and leopard Ocean Due skins, danced until dawn in the Utah-Idah- Common Market agricultural ministers returned to their cap Presi- itals Friday for weekend consul- WASHINGTON (UPI) dent Johnson plans to continue programs underway to rehabilitate the economy of eastern Kentucky and other depressed areas in the Appalachians, Unof Commerce dersecretary D. Roosevelt Jr. said Franklin Saturday. Johnson indicated to Kentucky officials, meeting Saturday, his concern with the problem and in having continuity with the programs, Roosevelt said. The No. 2 Commerce Department official and Kentucky Gov. Bert Combs discussed Kentucky problems with Johnson at the White House meeting. Roosevelt indicated that he was mainly interested in confirming that Johnson planned to continue the economic programs planned for Kentucky. He said that assurance was evident. The late President Kennedy had planned to tour eastern Kentucky in early December, Roosevelt said. Combs told re porters that he extended the invitation Saturday to President Johnson without suggesting any particular time. The eastern part of Kentucky is one of the most economically distressed sections of the coun try. Once a thriving coal mining region, it now has an unemployment rate far above the national rate. Many thousands of the residents are on relief. tctcUtcoiuM; y,i w countries watched the trooping of the Kenya Rifles, the lowering of the Union Jack and the raising of the red, black, green and white flag of the new nation. of 78 COMMON MARKET LEADERS Asks Bigger FEAR NEW CONTROVERSY Allotment 7 "SATISFACTION tV Elizabeth II formally making Kenya an indepnedent nation after 65 years of colonial rule. It was the second independence ceremony of a day that saw Premier Kenyatta lead the new nation in midnight flag raising ceremonies featuring a display of African dances by in Uhuru 1,500 performers Stadium. (freedom) Following the ceremonies hundreds of war painted, feather-garbe-d two-mon- th Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara has LBJ To Push j 7 stadium arena. WASHINGTON The Later Saturday ministers and United States is (UPI) planning to staheads of neighboring African tion a small naval task force countries and 75 other foreign on a part-tim- e basis in the Innations again assembled on the dian main area not the Ocean, animal-ski- n strewn platform to U.S. covered by global military witness the presentation of docJs&iJ jmil-v,-Hnrniiii iiwtSiMBfl deployments. jtgt& iiifiimiimiiMiiniiiiiinii uments in a ceremony that Information today indicated mixed Christian and pagan ritan aircraft carrier and that discounted the report. Last Thursday he announced uals. from the But the public viewing areas, other ships, detached the closing of 33 military installations with a rein the western Fleet Seventh duction of 16,300 personnel. Hinted as being part of which can accommodate 250,000 Pacific, are likely to start a the shutdown list were 11 naval shipyards including spectators, were only partly octour next spring. It with the gicompared cupied, this one. (Herald-UP- I Telephoto) is that such a force gantic turnout Saturday as willexpected in be Indian Ocean the Kenya became the 34th Afri- thereafter for two months out Utah-Idah- o can nation to claim statehood. of each six. A massive traffic jam that Operating near India and cleared up only around dawn Pakistan, the Navy unit is enapparently kept the crowds visioned as a stabilizing ailaway from the second cere- ment for the area an "Amerimony. can presence" to oerve as a rules on beef, rice and dairy WASHINGTON' (UPI) In Nairobi, the new nation's further brake on Red Chinese o produce. Each of the countries Sugar Co. requested Sat capital, tens of thousands of designs in South Asia and a denow has its own rules. urday a share in the national Africans thronged the streets terrent to Soviet ambitions in The agricultural talks will re- acreage reserve of the Sugar after the British flag came parts of Africa. sume Monday, but few observ- Act to support expansion of down. The ships are seen as a ready the would ers thought they firm's factory at Idaho More than 250,000 persons had means of being in position to make much headway before the Com- Falls. witnessed independence cere- assist India or Pakistan, if mon Market foreign ministers President Douglas W. Love monies at Uhuru Stadium. They needed, without arouting the those between meet Wednesday. This confer- presented the company's re- included Kenya's premier, Jo animosities ence had been planned to make quest at a hearing of the Dept. mo Kenyatta, U.S. Undersecre countries lhat other forms of final policy decisions on the of Agriculture here. He asked tary of State G. Mennen Wil American arms aid seem to that U&I be granted an alloca- liams, and the Duke of Edin stimulate. farm question. tion of 10,100 acres in the 1964 reserve to support expansion of the Idaho Falls plant by about LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS 33 per cent at a cost of about ALL SIZES (FIGURE) $2.4 million. Love also said that his company has under consideration an additional expansion at Idaho ELY, Nev. (UPI) A Falls in 1965. He requested the San Mateo, Calif., worker Agriculture Dept. grant an adwas electrocuted Thursday when ditional 9,500 acres, from the he apparently slipped from his 1965 reserve, for further expanTrade In Your Ofd Skates perch on a utility pole and grab- sion of the factory by about 25 bed onto a high voltage line. per cent. on New or Used The White Pine County SherIf the acreage reserve is not EXPERT SKATE SHARPENING WHILE-WAIT iff's Office said Lee Pemberton granted fate of the 1965 expan(New Hollow Ground Machine) Jr. was pronounced dead a sion is uncertain, Love said. short time after the accident. S. Albert Johnson of Tyhee, He was an employe of the Wa- Idaho, who is vice president of satch Line Construction Co., of the Idaho Beet Growers AssoFR 350 West Center Provo, Utah Salt Lake City, Utah, which was ciation, the acreage EVENINGS OPEN on a power line job near Lane reserve request on behalf of the City, four miles west of here. members of his organization. - Squeaker n 4 If I Election In ;i On burgh, consort of Queen Eliza- Kenya (UPI) a dais covered witn animal beth II. A display of African dances skins, Britain's Prince Philip Saturday presented former Mau by 1,500 performers highlighted Mau leader Jomo Kenyatta the ceremonies. Then Kenyan with documents from Queen officials and the representatives & 6 Baily'$j Storage Building carried wash out to dry . . stood for hours over an ironing board. Those times are gone forever thank . . . . for MY ironer enjoy theirf riends have time to relax. Time was when most women used a scrub board it and )00 JSJ Per Week do more shopping and Over one milion modern women use Iron-rit- e ironers. If You aren't using Ironrite join the smart set! You'll sit downt o iron, lift nothing but the garment "and you'll finish feeling in less than half the time. fress good- ness! Today's smart homemakers rely on labor-savin- g appliances. They have fuller lives -- AW DANCE A A (Loi YOU CAN DEPEND ON OUR SERVICE 120 NORTH UNIVERSITY 'AA'Euil; |