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Show 1938 THE MURRAY EAGLE, THURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 8 Page SPEEDY" by N I I'M SO ME CO OUT I WAMTOME BOKEOj WITH (cikAc 'V.i-- r nDAkirvA' r UCKE: 1 SIU6C1SHNES5.' KWELU HOW SHOULD I KNOW YOU HUS8AH0S AMD $649 $499 $379 sed. fine shap( $299 at l!34 Hudson '8' r. 4-- - SERVICING PAINTING Prices Guaranteed CREASING OILING Everything for Your Automobile Alabama Miss "Likes Murray" . . MEANS OF AN ETERNAL REMEMBRANCE THE SUPREME An Appointment Will Convince You of Our Facilities and Prompt Attention. . PECK STUDIO (FORMERLY PETERS STUDIO) Ellsworth Peck, Mgr. 4905 South State Street Phone Murray 633 I 1 Five feet of typically pleasant Southern personality and charm visited Murray Wednesday in the person of Miss Helen Murphy of Alabama. The atractive "Southern Miss' distributed samples of Adams Peppermint Gum "with that old - fashioned peppermint flavor, wrapped in cellophane to keep it fresh." Miss Murphy, who is becoming a familiar sight in Murray in her red and white uniform, says that she is always glad to get back to Murray and Utah, because "everyone seems so friendly and everyone appears glad to be the recipient of something free. The "Adams' Gum girl" has been in the west for three years and travels through twelve states distributing samples. Some join the navy to see the world, but Miss Murphy joined the Adams Gum company, and seems to be "doing all right." - : Part Wool 72in. x 90in. Lined per cent Material. Pure j IIVl If llC IJY II II 1 1 Q'.s. 938 one thin dime buyi $uch mellow smoking enjoyment... SENSATION. And ill proving nwiion lo lhousnd of mokert complete K lined, slipon or strap wrist styles urapcr yuaiiiy Uiick Mash slide fastene:VZ98 AOwl WORK SHTRTc ""VllJsv I m 7(jju LOVELY TABLE CLOTHS. RopT Linen. Just the thing for the Thanksgiving Table Sizes 66x102 and dozen SIlQn 1JU 20x20 Napkins . 1 Hb. 21b. 51b. Delicious Thanksgiving Candy 25c 69c 98c New Tied and Dyed Scarfs, Plain and Fringed Edges Latest Colors and Patterns ....29c to $3 98 and Cottonwood stakes, will be presented at the Midvale Second ward Saturday at 8 p.m. From Cottonwood stake popA super road show, which con ular vote placed South Cottosists of three outstanding acts nwood, Holladay, and Winder from East Jordan, West Jordan, ward skits as most outstanding. Super Road Show Slated For Saturday IDAMC MURRAY FIRST WARD Gals. 945 Gals. Wednesday November 23rd 973 STEADMAN'S CallL Sherry Qts. 1033 by Volume ORCHESTRA FREE Gents 25c- - Come and Join the Crowd Cases p)fn)W rfi UU IHJZAA DAYS 5 STARTING SAT NOV LI iy Q ilIL1 -- t f 32 oz., MEN'S Fleece -- Ladies Alcohol 20 heard Wednesday by I HVvyy Go.,' Alt a Fred Lindbeck, justice of the peace, included: Reed Butler, 1404 South Second East street. Salt Lake City, pleaded guilty to drunken driving charges and was sentenced YOUR APPEARANCE to pay a $100 fine and serve 30 depends upon the CLOTHES YOU WEAR, tall On Is Regularly for Cleaning and Pressing. days in the county jail. The jail sentence and $50 were suspended on payment of the balance, for good behavior. He was arrested by L. B. Browning, state CLCANERSj highway patrolman, at 210 South State street, Monday. A complaint was filed against Al Harris and Frank Harris, doCall On Is We'll Call Thone Murray 31 ing business as Harris Jersey Farm, charging them with use of registered milk bottles without written permission from the For BEST results this Season, USE owners. The bottles carried the 1 m 1 l"i f name of Home Owned Dairies, tl X J Inc., and were registered by the Salt Lake Milk Producers' assoAND SEND YOUR EGGS TO DRAPER EGG PRO- - t ciation, according to the com7 plaint, which was filed by Eua HIirrDC ACcririnTinm gene G- Leonard. T0 WOoT" Plaid JACKETS Caoeskin - GLOVES CallL Muscatel Q'.s. 972 Justice of the Peace Lindbeck Hears Cases W'HEN MEN'S 100 MEN'S CallL White Port by-law- :-- leather sweat bands. HOSE 49c Parent-T- Mrs. J. Roy Wilson will talk s. on t ehorganization's A dance by Marilyn Wright, song by the school chorus and com SV tfff! Ladies Silk & Wool 8 p. m. . Aa Calif. Bed Port Gals. 934 Q!s. 933 the Lincoln association will be held at the school Thursdav at ' Good looking styles, popular new colors Durable wool felt, real E(g UUv Paper 100 CODE NUMBERS eacher will HATS BATTS Ti A. Of Lincoln School Meets Today munity singing the program. Look, MEN' M. I. A. P.-- T. A meeting of WnJ (5 n, r. REPAIRING Photographs. mi m Terraplane Brough., defrost,heat$649 sed. dual side Buick 4o' $775 mounts, Radio $75.50 1929 Oldsmobile Sedan Sed $175 1932 Studebaker 6, Rockne 1937 1937 town sed., radio, heater, PnrPIIIP perfect tires, guaranteed trunk sed. J I LUiMLJ 1936 Dodge sed. radio-he1935 Ford tour. 1937 Chevs Scattered throughout the coun20,000 are approximately public health nurses. Forty years ago these nurses did little more than render bedside care to the sick poor. Today the public health nurse not only gives service to the poor but to all classes of people, states Miss Mary supervisor of nurses of health district number four, with offices at Provo. Today the public health nurse interprets to the people the laws and regulations of the health department regarding quarantine of communicable diseases; teaches how to protect other members of the family when there is a communicable disease in the home and how to prevent the spread of disease to others. The laboratory technician, the research worker, physician, dentist, and scientist have done much to discover methods of preventing disease and prolonging life. These findings must be interpreted in a simple language to the cooperating public. Here we find the public health nurse carrying the messages into the homes of thousands of our people., We think of the public health nurse, not only as a good nurse, but a teacher. She teaches the i old and young, the sick and the poor alike. She teaches in the home, in the school, in the office, in the business establishment and many times on the street. Her siihiprts arp manv -Shp j I teaches the expectant mother how to carry out her doctor's orders and how to prepare for her confinement and the coming of her baby. She teaches the value of immunization and helps to protect the infant, preschool and school child against disease and assists in securing correction of physical defects. try BROOKSX: km r. AUTOMOBILES. NOT HAS THEM WITH PLENTY OP PEP AMD ALL. TH' "QT UP AND 60 YOU WANT. (TV r. 1 MS DANIEL- D I fk w: i PARDON ME, t'KV TMF THAT HAS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT. Work Of Public Health Nurses Praised Motor Co. 4955 State St. McDaniel-Brook- s - W E. CAIN & SON I I Phone Murray 53S-- W HEADLINE WHISKEY NEWS! t WANT ADS FOR RENT New Modern House. Garage, full basement with furnace. Will be finished December 1. Inquire Joe Ruby, 3839 South State street. Phone Murray 337. FOR SALE One basketball in good condition, $3. Phone Murray LOST A Brown and white setter. Slight limrj in rip m front leg, one year old. Reward mone Murray 309. 19-- ouT yquak cr fJOW 3 YEARS OLD A Full-Bodi- Whiskey of Ripe Maturity LEGAL NOTICES ed At two years of age OKI Quaker was one of the largest wiling straight whiskies in America. Now, at 3 full years it has reached its Golden Age, in ji,ivr, mature on every count ... mellowness and milJncts. For Old PRORATE NOTICE Tt.wti., Quaker employs special methods which include ageing in temperature controlled warehouses the year round and 51 separate checks of quality from grain to glass! Try this fine, sound whiskey. You'll find its flaror worthy of your most critical taste. cS HtOO STRAIGHT Bourbon WHISKEY Alt cor.i. Aemilofrl AND Gl'ARDIANSIIIF NOTICES Consult Clerk of District Court or the respective signers for further information. m Rt;, isd. r fVlA o fP ... ' Attr-r-ne- 1933. in Ry NOW 3 YEARS OLD t,,i, Tin: old yr.AKi r m, lawki nu TO CREDITORS Estates of Annie Peters, and Frederick Peters, also sometimes known as Fred Peters, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at 476 South State Street, Murray City, Utah, on or before the 20lh day of January, A. D. 1939 FREDERICK II. PETERS, of the EMatcs of Annie Peters and Frederick Peters, also sometimes known as Fred Peters, deceased. "W. DOUGLAS ALLEN. for Administrator. 4700 South State Street. Murray, Utah. Date of first publication, November 17. A. D. 193H. Last publication. IVeemher 8 Gerald Bacley: Why don't vnti shoo your flies? Dick rord: Well. It s so hot in here we Just let them go bare fwt. Iti II ?IroH,V 11 In Co I If ZZ&" 0,ond 'Kc'e MohrIa Lohmo' Vcrno" Murray (301 5 S A pTlftml' jT W NvA( W Gcnc DcVoux )dD Bobb"vcrr ill I MoryyHorri$on,Cn rLts -- r TADDED yUl Kivu, The Y Y PICTURES Gorgeous Girl, Beauty & The BcQSt, With Kinn ; Y& BIG B M I Rbcrt$ j w rV IB HMJSVi 10 (jorillc ; . a |