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Show 1938 THE MURRAY EAGLE, THURDAY. NOVEMBER 17, Page 4 The MURRAY EAGLE Murray City, Utah Phone Mur. 35 155 Court Ave Editor B. C. Wallace Assistant Editor J. B. Wallace Issued every Thursday. Entered as second class matter February 8, 1927, at the Post OfTice at Salt Lake City, Utah, under Act of March 3, 1879. Terms of Subscription Salt Lake County $l.0i) Year in Advance 50 Six Month in Advance Elsewhere in United States $2.00 Year in Advance f Here and There Spirited Advertising Campaign In Progress New Olympus Theater In Holladay Pete Freeman is very optimistic regarding business conditions and expects good times any day now. n,M" ,0"" m J 'J'1 J 6T7--- . Luke Morris is still building houses and seems to enjoy it. Mr. Curtis Shaw is to be seen in a new automobile and this is a sight worth while, according to Don McDaniel. I intact ad- ld L N. -- AMASA D. BROWN Funeral services for Amasa D. Everybody in the "Sweethearts" Brown, who died Monday at his company trying theirhandatcarving home, were held Thursday afNineteen thousand Murray tur- ternoon in the George A. Jen- balsa wood. Nelson Eddy started the in keys are on the way to market kins mortunary chapel, with Bi fad . . . Frank Morgan vacationing and about one hundred thousand shop Alma Crane officiating. In San Diego . . . Florence Rice stepmore standing in the wings wait- terment was made in the Murray ping from the lead in one picture to be heroine in another, and all in ing to go on the stage. Pickled City Cemetery. one day . . . Director W. S. Van Brown was pig's feet have slight allure when born Mr. turkeys are ready for the holi3, 1858, in Michigan, a son Dyke getting out his mosquito netSeveral people gathered at the day table. of Dr. William D. and Harriet ting in preparation for a location scene of the automobile wreck by Hatch Brown, and came to Salt trip to Idaho . . . Allan Jones driving the Murray Laundry Sunday. You needn't bother to tell your Lake City with his parents two around to see his friends in a brand-neThe car was as completely de- friends anything, because they years later. station wagon . . . Robert Taylor molished as it is possible for a alreadv know everything, or they He was a retired farmer. make-u- p test wearing a not could it in to fact car be, Survivors include his widow, taking a give that impression. have been smashed more thorjacket, a ranger's green fringed Mrs. Kate Powell Brown, five been a has man a time a wristwatch, gray oughly had It kissed the front cap, Many daughters, Mrs. Lillian Liddell green of an oncoming express train. informed that his house was on of flannel trousers and cowboy boots. Mrs. Frankie Duchesne, Wight While they were gaping at it, a fire before the owner knew about of Murray. Mrs. Ida Nielsen of (Only the head and shoulders big car stopped, somebody rolled it, and that his wife was going Oakland, Cal., Mrs. Emma Sy-no- showed in the test.) . . . Jeanette down a window and said, "Look, to have a baby before he learned of Long Beach, Cal, and MacDonald rehearsing a difficult the good(?) news. somebody's had an accident." Miss Clara Brown of Berkeley, "wooden shoe" dance with Ray Cal.; two sons, David A. Brown Bolger . . . Director Josef Von Sternof Butlerville and Benjamin M. welcomed on the Brown of Salt Lake City; 29 berg being lot by friends . . . and six grandchildren Judy Garland and Freddie BarA. tholomew lunching together during The Lincoln School P.-work on their new picture, "Listen, held its regular meeting in the WILLIAM J. BUTTLE school auditorium Thursday eve, . . Father Flanagan diWilliam J. Buttle, 78, retired Darling."the ning. Guest speaker for the oc railroad activities of Omaha's recting engineer, employed 48 Boys casion was Mrs. J. Koy wnson, from his office on the Town, s. Railthe Pacific P.-Union by years A. who spoke on lot, where he road company, died Tuesday at A chorus was sung by the school children and community singing 4 p. m. at a local hospital of is acting as technical adviser on the was directed by Mr. Johnson, af- causes incident to age. He re- picture, "Boys Town." . . . Mickey Rooney busy between scenes comter which there was a dance by sided at 2497 East Forty-eight- h street. South a new song in collaboration posing Marilyn Wright. MrsLydia Moore, president of He was born June 27, I860, in with Sidney Miller . . . Maureen the organization, presided at the Salt Lake City, a son of William O'Sullivan adding a patch of potatoes to her backyard vegetable and Elizabeth Acomb Buttle. meeting. are his widow, Mrs. garden . . . Dennis O'Keefe mistaken Surviving South Cottonwood Ward servd in front of his Mary Ann Buttle; two sons, Wm. for a their annual dinner at the J. is ed of name the the "Speedy" beach home at Malibu . . . Ann ButO. Lester Jr. Buttle and new general man employed at ward Thursday evening to aptle; a daughter, Mrs. Olivette Rutherford planning a flying trip the McDaniel-Brook- s Motor com' proximately three hundred peo- - Putnam; seven grandchildren; to San Francisco to act as maid of ) a program one pany, in Murray. Speedy seems pie. After the dinner and a sis- honor at the wedding of her best to be a very talented young man. was enjoyed by an. ter, Mrs. William B. Martin, all friend . . . Wallace Berry telling of Salt Lake City. about the miniature aeroplane he Funeral services will be con- purchased for his young daughter, ducted Friday at 12 noon in the Carol Ann. Larkin Undertaking Parlors. Geo. IN H. Marchant of Mt. Olympus The play won the Edwin ForWard will officiate, and the en- rest play . . . prize and was played gineers will have a short service all over the country, being proat the graveside. Interment will duced in Salt Lake City in 1886. be made in the City Cemetery. but Forrest, a famous actor of the time, never allowed the play to be published. The manuscript Lost found was apparently a prompt ers copy, laboriously written in I longhand and left lying in the 2 Once played before the foot- theatre while authorities despair Murray Opposite City Hall lights of the glamorous old Salt ed of ever finding the historic I four-year-o- A LINE ON HOLLYWOOD Obituaries Germany is reported to be fining their Jewish population 400 million bucks. At this rate, the World War was expensive indeed. i J. 7T9 II ca"oons excessively heavy mg bodily shoved , i tor in vertising has just been released astride a & in Co., Jas. Ltd., Barclay horse, or by its new fall and early winter foot race. campaign. Realizing the growing trend toward lighter-bodie- d whiskeys, Barclay advertising LOAMC features the amazingly successful new TO BUY OR Barclay's REFinasce Leader, Barclay's Gold Label Bourbon and Barclay's Private Autorrobiles Stocke Rye. The Leader advertisements are CONVENIENT handled in a picturesque manner REPAYMENT illustrations with and striking headlines such as "Bathing Suits Were Bulky 30 Sch wan Years Ago! Modern Times Call For Lighter Whiskey." Humorous treatment is given ompanv to the advertisements for Barnan mag. Mum, clay's Gold Label. Based on the A unique type of whiskey Snow seems to be flirting with the idea of giving Murray a call. This is the time for snow storms to have a heart and leave us enjoy nice weather. Mr. Goldstein had his pants down that is he had them marked down for a sale, ? a sprite -- lt a (CAPITAL CHEVROLET 4777 CO. SOUTH STATE STREET, MURRAY, UTAH Used Car Lot (Formerly CANNON-AHSTO- CHEV. CO.) N 1930 Ford Yzton Pickup 1934 Ford Sedan 1936 Ford Tudor $159 325 m ld 445 936 Chevrolet Coupe 1934 Chevrolet Coupe 1936 Chev. Sport Sedan 1 Lincoln P.T.A. Group Holds Meeting 475 325 525 Many Other Makes and Models to Choose SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY T. S-P'E-C'I- from -A-L By-Law- T. er 1936 CHEVROLET SEDAN $52700 CAPITAL life-guar- CHEVROLET great-grandchil- d, vr ? Heinie r - Edgar - Roger i Play Y HEIDELBERG BEER PARLOR i Long Manuscript Found Y ? USE 1933 1935 1935 1934 1936 1937 (CAE PLYMOUTH Sedan. Kxtra Clean DODGE Sedan. Only STUDEBAKER Coupe OLDSMOBILE-6-Sedan- . Trunk DODGE Trunk Sedan TERRAPLANE Sedan. Special . . . .... .... $295 395 275 345 545 565 STATE and VINE MOTOR CO. DODGE MURRAY Lake Theatre, then for seven decades relegated to the dusty oblivion of a backstage cupboard, the old play, "Metamora or the Last of the Wampanoags," has been discovered, and though one of its five acts is missing, is jubilantly hailed as "one of the most important historical additions to American drama ever made." Announcement of the find was made by Dr. Wallace Goates of the University of Utah speech department, who spent a year confirming the history of the manuscript, one of a hundred old plays turned over to the University of Utah by George D. Pyper, manager of the Salt Lake Teatre from 1898 until 1:28 when the historical landmark was torn down. PLYMOUTH LET US Be Wine Wise! t I 89 our BUILDING LARGE SELECTION Murray mm Pert Anatlica Loaanbtrrrf 40 Brandy J Alcohol K 10 1L At Utah Liquor 1 r apct r.ni VJV4-r Strait n.u., nL't. All MJK i MmJ MmW -' urani uaaie: uid you ever hear the kettle sone? Dorothy Spencer: No, w hat is 117 Grant: Home, home on the Range. Thought for the dav: Mr. Thorpe: I want everything in this theme to be original ex cept me spelling. Tommy; What is your worst sin? Kay: My vanity. I spend hours before the mirror admiring my beauty. Tommy: That isn't vanity dear maia imagination: rfx2Sx?tor A We can also paper and paint your house inside and out the FIIA way. Small n....i M 1Q4 I llll l'U. fcPint No. M N 193 monthly payments. OF WALL PATER at 7c Ter Roll BERGEN'S WALL PAPER Jqi. Barclay A C., tld, r.oHa, D.rrolt, Niagara FoRi, Om.'l 0lo0. j So State St. AfS.&M THE HEWS Continuing Form is MODERN in every respect Wines: B1 570 Policy Good taste and gaiety are reflected in the pleasing quality and brilliant flavors of these choice Roma Tokay Phone Murray drama. our oma I o, f,6urc on and REMODELING. work guaranteed. Whil. Port 570 Murray-Ph- one Y Y Y Y Y AND COME MEET YOUR FRIENDS V 4777 South State Street, OPEN EVENINGS CO. Shtrry Mucall Blackbtrryf SauUrnf Gatttf Champagntf fcT Tolum. ttL Stori and Package Ag.acUf 0 make a saving of around 40',' because there is only one SALES COST! Ask for quotation on your car. Fanners Automobile '"'"Insurance Kx.i1!inp,. J. HEX HAMILTON M1 South Stat Slrfrt Thone Murray 165 or Midvale 93-- nnJ 5" answers the questions you friends ore asking with ils concise, vivid T1"-c- f the current scene. Events of national and national significance arc fully and impartially co ' Facts, new and old, that add clarity and meaning k . . ana 1 PATHFINDER, . 1 turn-- tu. - 11.. interesting news photographs freely il!l!s,r'' facts. More than a million readers. S',,sl'r" to the most widely read news nwbrATHI-lNDEU- , SWiSKKES RATH flnlvS Write or call on Murray Eagle Murray 35 n0 fi-- (. " J t J J.'S |