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Show THE MURRAY EAGLE, THURDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1938 Weds fleanor Anne Meyers November 10th gene Hilton Mrs. Hcber Leroy Mr' Cottonwood announce il)'eT$Jr of their daughter, ""'ema, and Mr. Gene 2ean of Mr. and Mrs. Social Items Se, Slmcr Hilton of Butler, took place at the bride's Tile parents on V" The hen SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S BEST - memoei present were two the bride, Mrs. P?dPASson Vincent of Los aiS William Meyers nd Bishop and Mrs. of Butler. med't Keren tS Ws ares s The bride cate moire w se f snaur " - furauo - aiiei- - 2 blue fastened with a band She carried a sheaf of Mitzie Uehleln. known as Southern ti;ii rnspu and tinv Dom California's most and 5 " .1nearls Johanna C Z i"" attendants were Janice Beryl .Meyers, fe pink net with American Sty accessories d and earned Carol Dean Miss net Bland, who wore peach and accessories lavender , th JS-l- groom's brother, Mr. Smith Hilton, acted as best Ushers at the reception "Se 7a Gil-J- hwas held in the r Butler immediately after the Blaine Mr. lemony, were y Mr. Don Shell Kers, and Mr. William Le-Cw- Adamson. Mr and isted In Mrs. Meyers were assreceiving by Mr. and Hilmer Hilton, parents H. the groom. The gift room was taken by Mrs. Lawrence Mrs. of o who led in serving Mrs. Edison fevers, and were Denney, Mrs. Lee Mrs. Henry Knebe- will reside Iejhe in care Hilton. Those young couple Cottonwood. Ilonorea Bride n...:n tlin nact tur WPPKS the vmius "'c r- honored at a bride has been and showers. if rmrtips nuuiuci v w " H. Gilmer Hilton d at a luncheon in recently at her home Mrs. Mrs. Leland entertaine- her honor Candland shower nuscellaneous heme in Murray. in Butler. gave a at. her Another recent party honoring VipIH at the it... Mnforc home of Mrs. Henry Kenebleau were of Murray. Those present c Mrs. Mary Meyers, Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Richard Vincent, Fowlks, Miss Alta Kenebleau and Luncheon Mrs. Hebcr Meyers. me aiiernuuu was served, ana was spent quilting for the honored guest. Miss Leah Toone assisted by Miss Elaine Labrum entertain- J 5l a chmrnr fnr MlSS MeY'CrS at Die home of Miss Toone last teek. The Gleaner girls of the South Cottonwood ward, and a number ot otner lnumaie gm friends were the guests. Games were played and a delightful luncheon was served. Mrs. Ernest Anderson and Mrs. Leon Eldredfie entertained at a bridal party for the bride Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. fcldrtdge in uottonwooa. Mrs. E. V. Woods, Meyers. Mrs. DO NT Ix-- e BE in your DISAPONTED TURKEY Order a TURPIN TURKEY LEKOY 1101 TURPIN West Glth South Murray photographed girl scenes of "It's In The two-remusical mark Miss Uehlein's lirst screen will studies hard her sister, Stars." This who between Holladay Ward Sets Date of Bazaar Holladay ward bazaar will be held in the ward Friday evening, November 18. Booths will be open from five o'clock on. The purpose of this bazaar is to aid the payment of the ward debt. Any article donated and sold will be credited on building fund account. The Relief Society has prepared a fine assortment of quilts and aprons for sale. At 8 o'clock a program will be given, this to be followed by a dance, beginning at 9. Admission tickets will be good for prizes to be given away at a drawing to take place during intermission. Every one is invited. Come and have fun with the rest of Holladay! Fit Temple. The bride wore a model of white satin and Irish lace, with a fingertip length veil of lace and tulle. She carried a bouquet of talisman roses and gardenias. The bride's mother wore wine crepe with a corsage of gardenias and roses, and Mrs. Ferre, the bridegroom's mother, rust and brown crepe, with a corsage of gardenias and roses. Mrs. Juan Christensen, matron of honor, was gowned in turquoise blue lace and carried bronze chrysanthemums. Miss Bernice Tame, maid of honor, wore bronze lace and carried yellow chrysanthemums. Other bridesmaids were Miss Velda Ferre, who wore turquoise blue lace and carried bronze chrysanthemums and Miss Helen Bramwell, who wort-bronzlace and carried yellow chrysanthemums. Assisting in receiving guests were Miss Blanche Ferre and Mrs. Roland Lockwood. The guest Lu log was in charge of Miss Grctia Ferre and Miss Mary Ann Caldwell, and the gift room was of Miss under the supervision L. Marie Tame and Mrs. K. Tame. room Supervising in the dining The was Miss Marjorie Tame. a serving table was covered with with yellow centered lace cloth, chrysanthemums and button white roses and enhanced by yellow Princess tapers in crystal candlelabra. reImmediately following the left the couple young ception Sun Valley. Idaho, for their e tKHX 1 HE WANT COAL.... KING COAL news is spread newly-prep- about itl Everyone agrees that it's the cleanest coal ever pro- duced in the West. Have you tried it yet? not, phone in your order. Join the thousands ol satisfied users. If RECOMMENDED AND SOLD BY: JORDAN PRODUCE COMPANY PIIONF MURRAY 4!).r MILLER GRAIN & FEED PIIONF MURRAY 173 & L PIIONF. MURRAY COMPANY R Wednesday. Holladay Flower Club Meets The Holladay Flower Club met Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Sheets on Ken- iirkv Awnup. Mrs. Walter C. Hurd gave - a most interesting talk on what other flower clubs throughout the country are do-in ing. She also suggested ways which the Associated Clubs could be of service to individual garden clubs. The following officers were elected: N. W. Reynolds, president; Mrs. L. Sheets, vice president; Mrs. W. D. Pack, recording Blacksecretary; Mrs. Joseph secretary; burn, corresponding Mrs. C. R. Walter, treasurer; Mrs. E N. Howard, historian; and Robert Casto and Harry Stevenson, board members. of the Joymakers Members Club were entertained Thursday of last week at the home of Mrs. Hazel Carlisle on Second West street. Prizes were won by Mrs. ReadiMary Farrer and Mrs. Olga ng- and Mrs. Eugene Eyre and son, Fay, of Lyman, Wyoming, are visiting at the home of Mr. Eyre's mother, Mrs. Edwin Eyre on Wasatch Avenue. Mr. Mrs. Eva Bishop entertained members of the N. H. Club at her home Wednesday evening at its regular monthly meeting. THE :. e, e, & ft, tn-sta- show. The second class in sewing and art work will be given Friclasses day by Mrs. Noall. These will be given in the basement oi from Holladay Ward each Friday continuand in the 30 morning 9 ing all morning ofand afternoon. charge and is The class is free Mrs. WPA. the sponsored by for ideas clever has many I ....11 rNfir. Christmas guts ana wm w to help all interested in her work. Pniill entertained . f. t,i.xK HIIS. noil'" v,nr Five Hundred club at her home Thursday af ternoon. No-a- ll . Miss Elaine Anderson. Miss Joy NYelnnan. state president of the BYPU., and Vernal Loot ham attended the Young People's held in Salt Lake Saturday V. - g home now. Jolly Contractors met Monday at the' home of Mrs. Dorothy Cut-Ic- r and spent a most pleasant SteaJman's orchestra will play afternoon. Prizes were won by the dance, sponsored iV Mrs. M" Men in Taylorsvillc ttard. Mrs. Mary Lambourne and Hickman. Lucille evening. Friday hw. fr Mt. Olympus Relief Society members met Wednesday afternoon; and Mrs. Afton Parkinson lesson. Hennion Ward Bazaar opened gave a very fine literary be held next will will No and meeting Thursday evening of Thanksthrough Friday and Satur Wednesday on account Mrs. day. the following l v The Hrlu f Society. Sunday giving of will have charge Mutual Hcnnchsen end si,ool. Primary ore sponsoring lwtlu the Social Service lesson on Nosale. A vember 30. with various articles for Thursday served was suptvr Holladay ward conference will venmg ff'er which a Scut be held Sunday. November 20, evening was given. Friday of with Mutual Sunday School at 1:30 a. m. the activity committee and Sat- and ward conference at 7 30 p. will sponsor a program Relief Society conference is m. dance a big urday evening wil be held Tuesday afternoon at scheduled. Ward Bazaar Attracts (. , m sft, "A ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Of VI ft, ft, ft, & & ft, ft, &7 ft, (97 V ft, 19 i. Of ! In keeping with the remark- able progress of our city, The Murray Eagle this year plans to issue its largest, most com- prehensive Christmas edi- s pR-sen- uui-In- 11 will issue its big ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, South Cottonwood. Winder and Holladay Wards will represent Cottonwood Stake in the road show to be held Satin the Midurday. November 19, East Jordan. Ward. Second vale West Jordan and Cottonwood Stakes are participating in this Mrs Gus Johnson entertained for last Thursday at a lucheon na Mrs. guests: the following Rev e Malstrom. Mrs. Florence The Johnson and Mrs. Gertrude in was playing spent afternoon cards. on December 15th ft ft: ft ft Word has been received from Baltimore, Maryland, of the death of Walter Steege on November 3. Mr. Steege was a former resident of Holladay. Mr and Mrs. Ted Johnson entertained at a dinner party at their home Saturday evening. Covers were laid for fourteen guests. enMrs F. H. Westover will for afternoon tertain Saturday of sixteen small guests, friends Deane Lorna Miss her daughter. her Westover, who will celebrate on feventh birthday anniversary that day. mum-officer- J LLH . ared . IUJ YOU YOU'LL LIKE MORRISON-MERRIL- ti-- 5U . . ing like wildfirel Everyone who tries the Utah KING COAL is enthusiastic Sunday. Saturday Millereek Attention Relief Society mfm-- r meeting was held in The itfiilariiv Ward: Next dinner Canvon. followed by 22. all Re,v,r'ting Sunday was bed in Tuesday. November of the ward t,"u.-..members lief Society lmir.anuel uapusi as a one at ocIock banquet. meet will j.r.d was followed by t with spe- will be MrS. AuTflia ;.,! ini:lnirlinn! " Mrs Manasseh Smith returned vial of the from week be of in the will charge the latter part to Whipple lesson to do given literary ,nt. hospital and is at her the meeting. u. convalescing drJI Ik "0USE CtEAN IF ui olcohol by volume ' Marriage Announced Mrs. Violet Scott announces the marriage of her daughter, Mildred, to Junior Jacobson of Murray. The young couple were married in Salt Lake City on Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vincent and Mr. Conrad Adamson, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Heber Meyers during the past month, have returned to their home In Los Angeles. pro-cra- If Relief Society members of Mt. Olympus ward are planning a cake sale at Keith O'Brien store in Salt Lake at one o'clock. Be sure and get your cake there. at that time. con-,inU- fifr H-x X""" CLEAN , 20 a A CONGRATULATE easier to keep Plan Cake Sale Re-tre- at WINE Jj5 y p. m. honored Mrs Lloyd Park was Brand California " 1 THE MAN WHO -- J(jHOUGHTOFTHEy A (Yfr'iW Tfind rr and the evening meeting at six by at' a . ..... birthday dinner vgiven at her ,,r h..r f.imi home Sunday afternoon. Ilacts .,. t.,r thirtv CUCStS. WINEHAVEN (CLEANEST , ) COAL .VJ Conference Announced Mt. Olympus Ward conference will be held on Sunday. Sunday school will meet at nine as usual Honors CALIFORNIA BRAND THE ( J7 Holladay Happenings Wedding Reception 0 jfSJ d, Invitations have been issued for a wedding reception honoring Miss Lorene Fox and Melvin A. Martin on Saturday evening, November 26, at the Murray City Hall. Miss Fox was complimented guest at a delightful miscellaneous shower given by a number Couple of WPA ladies Saturday afterA wedding reception honoring noon in the Utah Power and Miss Dorothy Tame, daughter of Light Building in Midvale. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Tame, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stauffer enand Jesse Austin Ferre, was given at Memorial House in Mem- tertained Monday evening at a ory Park, Saturday evening. The family dinner in honor of their young couple were married at daughter, Lois Stauffer, who celenoon Saturday in the Salt Lake brated her birthday anniversary r 68-- November 2nd to 16th Se-lin- jq ' Maternity Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deluca, Midvale, boy. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton P. Smith, 4926 Center St., boy. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Smith, 3218 South 7th East. girl. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Booth, 1"95 McClelland, girl. Mr. and Mrs. S. Dewey Canning, 2ti Lennox, Midvale, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clive Earl, 2467 East 48th South, boy. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore May-narSouth Jordan, boy. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Huggins, Mrs Bernice Jones entertained Kensington, boy. at a luncheon last week. Covers lo40 Mr. and Mrs. Orval Swasey, were laid for eight guests. Harriman, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howlett, Mr. and Mrs. Persyl Richardboy. Diaper, son entertained members of the Mr. and Mrs. Melvin I. Larson, Dinner - at - Eight Club at their 25 South Main, Midvale, boy. home last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Atevening. Places were laid for sixteen kinson, 2929 South 20th East, guests at a table festive with boy. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jenkins, Thanksgiving decorations. Prizes for the evening were won by Dr Sandy, boy. and Mrs. W. L. Wright, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Gibby, 3985 Mrs. Thomas Martin, and Mr. South Third East, boy. and Mrs. Elmer Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Leo R. Wright, H60 E. Lund, Murray, boy. On Saturday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell G. HanFranz Kenneth Westover cele- son, Sandy, R. D. 1, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Richardbrated his eleventh birthday anniversary by taking eight of his son, 123 East 61st South, boy. Mr. and Mrs. Artie S. Evans, young friends to a show and afterward returning to his home Sandy, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Huetter, for refreshments. A very pleasant afternoon was spent by all. 187 E. 56th South, boy. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. War-del- l. Midvale, boy. Mrs. Amanda Townsend enterMr .and Mrs. Frances M. Tut-tl- e, tained last week at her home for 171 West Plymouth, boy. members of her club. Those present included Mrs. Lois Neilson, Mrs. Eleanor Harr, Mrs. Alice Wright, Mrs, Eleanor Townsend, Mrs. Priscilla Collins, and Mrs. Bernice Jones. The prize for high score was carried off by Mrs. Bernice Jones. NlTrcremonv was performed 7 R- Stanley Johns at shop 1m- 5J i the presence of the ThB one o'clock; Mutual conference, and the Genealogical committee, Tuesday evening, November 22, Thursday evening, November 24. Births at Cottonwood Miss Lyona Anderson was complimented guest at a miscellaneous shower given Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Elmer Madsen. Co - hostesses for the event were Mrs. Lucille Gehring, Mrs. Jesse Rowsell and Mrs. a Burbidge. During the evening a bride's book and a book of household helps were prepared by the guests present and presented to Miss Anderson. Miss Anderson will be married November 23 to Julian Dansie of Salt Lake City. and H Page 5 7 197 197 tion. Of 7 ft. 7 :. & & & t. t. & & j. t. & t. & t. Watch For It.' 19 V 7 197 ' t. ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, .V ;. 19 ft, J Reserve extra copies on or before December 5th. Extra Copies of this number will be & & i. & i. i. a i. K9 t. , H9 i. Ct a i. , ,. 10c y |