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Show THE MURRAY EAGLE, THURDAY, NOVEMBER Granite Barn Dance klated For Nov. 18 annual "rural frolic," the Barn ,.:,ilv known as the gym- will be held in rvonite A S r 17, 1933 Granite's Student Court Officers asyg .a.. 'ttj Jrvwpw.'s .sy ,,,, immmMi . REGISTERED GUERNSEY SOLD TO FRANK BERRETT the American LINE ON Jeanette MacDonald taking dancing lessons from Ray Bolger for the "wooden shoe" number in "Sweethearts" . . . Joan Crawford's pet dachshund, Pupchen, disappearing on "The Shining Hour" set, only to show up, fast asleep, beneath one of the cafe tables . . . Melvyn Douglas referring to his brand new daughter as "Raggedy Ann" . . . Dennis O'Keefe moving from his Malibu Beach home to Beverly Hills . . . Wallace Beery the victim of a gag involving a trick horse, on the "Stablemates" set . . . Myrna Loy planning a trip to New York . . . Clark Gable renewing his acquaintance with some of the flyers he met during "Test Pilot" . . . Robert Young reporting for work in bathrobe and bedroom slippers. He wears them in a scene . . . Mary Astor refarm-i'Tnucuperating from a bad fall occurring when her horse reared . . . Lana Turner figuring out novel ideas for a Halloween party . . . Ann Rutherford shopping for a new fall wardrobe . . . Eleanor Powell adopting swimming as her official hobby he parry, frpshments Spencer Tracy telling about the exairman oi citing polo game won by his wife at decorations will be a recent meet . . . Cecilia Parker anu baking her very first lemon pie and led in a unique chairman --- r of hvs Blaine ouittwi good too . . . Una Merkel wearing the new "doll" hats with upswept hair-dret.e decorauiiB liuu. Russell packing - her . . . Rosalind People wno wm leave England for Holly, bagsto aui wood. llrrv party ana wno aieKnHv .,.Hont embers oi uic Guernsey ' ld -- !life ..!,n ss the nrice of admission PROGRESS HELD NOT 50 cents a couple. DEPENDENT ON SENSES r Granitians is ThP "Soul and Body" is the subject isn't n in all the " of the think cooperation suueu lesson-sermo- running your auiuuiuuuc ujiir.g off one wheel.' Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, November 20. Selections from the Bible include the following: "And it came to pass, that as he (Jesus) was come night unto Jericho, a certain blind man sat by. the way side begging: And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me. And Jesus stood, and commanded him to be brought unto him. . . . And Jesus said unto him, receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee. And immediately he received his sight, and followed him, glorifying God" (Luke, Chap. 18). Embodied as correlatives are the following from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: mere is more Christianity in seeing' and hearing spiritually than materially (p. 487). If the five corporeal senses were the medium through which to understand God, then palsy, blindness. and deafness would place man in terrible situation, where he would be like those 'having no hope, and without God in the world; but as a matter of fact, these calamities often drive mor tals to seek and to find a higher sense oi happiness and existence" (p. 48G). ry X our Telcpl bring us Will i i a nurryi in JUST CALL Murray 35 PRINTING . OF ALL KINDS 4-- Your Best . . Look "It Jenny Lind: "You don't seem realize on which side your bread Is buttered." Reed Linnell: "No matter. I eat both sides." discussed The same low rates that apply every night after 7 p.m. and all day Sunday A telephone call to one of your family, relative or friend who can't be with you on Thanksgiving, will make the day happier for you and for them. a the people of Utah. Tuberculosis preventable. Shall we contin ue to have over 100 deaths every year from this cause? If you wish to know more concerning this disease, information is available without charge thru your district health office in The Mountain Slates Tel. & Tel. Company Provo. Murray Business andDirectory Services in their SpeCall Business Houses Below for Goods cial Lines. Prompt Service and Big Values Are Given by These Alert Institutions. TAILOR CAR REPAIRING SERVICE PAPER HANGING PAINTING PLASTERING REPAIRING Try Me on Your Household Repairing Needs Prices Reasonable 4629 CHERRY STREET IS OUR MOTTO! Experienced - Reliable SHOE STORE MACHINISTS Something New! -- Shirts --Ties -- and Socks Mechanical HECKEL'S SHOE STORE Uctwccn Post Office and City Hall, Murray For Short Time ONLY We give you All Wool Suits with ex-tpair of Pants $OC50 Come in and select any of the season's latest Fabrics. MURRAY CLEANERS AND TAILORS 1 lonr so. of Iris theatre ar WATCH MAKER FOR MODERN Saw Filing OPTOMETRIC SERVICE S. A. ANDERSEN Up to the Minute In Style at mortality (deaths) from tuberculosis, but we know that for every Ray R. Adams Chosen death are ill Willi tuber9 National President culosis. Thus, in Utah at the present tune we have between Ray R. Adams, Executive Dir !HK) and luoO persons suffering ector for the State Industrial from tuberculosis (the white I Commission, was signally honor- tlacue). ed by the Interstate Conference This problem is a challenge to e on Unemployment Compensation last week when he was chosen national president of the confer ence for the ensuing twelve slates, months. All forty-eicHawaii, Alaska, and the District of Columbia were represented at the meeting which was held in Washington. D. C. Mr. Adams succeeded T. Morris Dunne of Oregon. Mr. Adams was given mm a mw im the honor after a spirited ton- test with a candidate put up o one of the southern states. It is considered a special honor for Mr. Adams to have the ration during this coming ytar which is recognized as a critical year for state unemployment MUCH LOWER PRICE! . . . . . . the best in motor and battery rebuilding, body and fender work, and ignition parts. Also washing, servicing, polishing and complete lubrication. MURRAY SERVICE GARAGE Phone Murray 620 SOREN R. NEILSON the only ALLVAY WAHK9MINC Traffic cop: "Hey! Pull over to the curb; you know you were going 60 miles an hour?" R. Miller: "Why, I haven't even been out an hour." d. We have telephone calk to is Distance Lonq SEE J. P. O'BRIEN PRECISE WORK Jeweler QUICK SERVICE Salt Lake Ily. 7014-- J 2305 So. Main City.Utah and Optometrist MURRAY, UTAH lUJ Pays to Look . ilii'i II More than two people die every week in Utah from tuberculosis, according to Dr. Lloyd M. Farner of the Utah State Board of Health. During the 10 24.1 per year period, 1927-3sons per 100,000 population died oi tuberculosis. Pneumonia is the only communicable disease in the state which causes a larger number of deaths than tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is not only preventable but also curable, providing there is strict application of the scientific knowledge which we now possess. Dr. 'J. L. Jones, Utah State Health Commissioner states, "The people of the United States have been awakened as never before to the horrors of war by the gigantic conflict of some 18 years ago. Today the mere thought of recurrence, even on a minor scale of anything similar , causes us to shudder. And yet we are constantly in the midst of war, many times more destructive of human life, and many times more cost ly in human suffering, economic waste and unnecessary disturbance of human relations than was the greatest war in the world's history. During the 18 months of this war, 219 Utah boys were killed on the battle field or died from wounds received in action. During this same period tuberculosis alone was responsible for the death in this state of 273 individuals. That is, this one disease claimed more victims than did the war. And the figures themselves do not tell the whole story. Those who "were killed or died of wounds in the service of country left nothing behind to jeopardize the health and happiness of their families and neighbors. But who shall say how many other lives have been and may be, still are menaced by those 273 victims of tuberculosis in Utah during the World War ier-mIn this connection it is to be remembered no case of tuberculosis can come except from an other case. And conversely, every case not properly segregated and treated is constantly spreading the germs of the disease to all those with whom it comes in contact." : "If vou Mill Tuberculosis Is Cause Of Many Deaths ' Mwssary", ' ' Court Officers, reading left to right: Mr. Thorpe, sponsor, Helen Greene, secretary; Robert Carlson, judge; Calvin Kuhre, prosecuting attorney. Sns invitations NIL Cattle Cattle Club, Peterborough. for your 'S have registered Guernsey bull has nimib mis at-'3.l- lel st A HOLLYWOOD auspices of the Ag nromises to be dunce ,b the affairs of outstanding hp :eu' n with Granitians be- e aJT "havseeds" for r"1"1,; bv donning aprons J overall ' To Reign fnSS intermission .the long queen and her gm be presented to (h, eelebration In reHn )" f it the remainder of Nola Koiter, Kath-- e Play-;"S- e er ley. and Ruby leading the race for .i: mnrninS. ueen w ive aU "r, opportunities to show in the practical arts 'r w lents nH rnnstef CrOW- course, .the u,rH amwme. contest .ts prime! Y u start producing your now. .Stic Van Dykes tinns Listed ventt anu kitphen Rarn ciuei T .its will be the menu for on....from Club, Peterborough, N. II. A registered Guernsey cow has recently been sold by John E. recently been sold by Arthur B. Bamberger to Frank M. Alpaugh Erekson to Frank II. Berrett of of Murray. This animal is WinMurray, Utah. This animal is Ar-till- o nie May's Choice 256340, accordCindy 560533, according to ing to the American Guernsey . 1'n.lpr the S7 7 Page Well-Groome- ht -- VOU WILL LIKE OUR SERVICE MILT ANDERSON FRANK NELSON : FRANK . BARBER SHOP MURRAY X Duvall Ralph W. Health Automobile "r SURETY Wd knk Accident Casualty BONDS Floor 'Continental Building- - Salt Lake PHONES SATCM 6745 HOLUOAY 344 HAY -G- RAIN r LOUR FEED COAL H Draper Quality g if t i t4T aa 11 r Town Kve Straight Hye Whiske ! n- felM Bi.1.lbn fr. nil J d U W&MY - 11 M 3n4 vt--- i Carbon & Co. i 422 PINT Code No. 1S2 QUART-CoJcNo.- UO ViriNT-CoJc- No .153 1 Mr. t.n, SdircciLa director 1936. PPoute City Hall lurray the chief matters to come up inthe next year will be the sin.rnfication of the uncmpion.v..i compensation laws in the many states, and Utah's experience,i f record, and proposed program amendments is one oi me developments in unem ployment compensation aun i. i tration. The problem of a uiui.t nmntnvirtpnt service and uneniDlovmcnt compensation system will probably come to a he..d niiim.iv ci urine wie. coming or year. The matter of complete is aj ploymcnt compensation ing ana me passu;"-- - Compet itroad Unemployment many new ion Act will oner 'i administration the to problems state unemployment con.i'' Uon laws. Dur.ng me eui. more than twenty states, notft paying bencms. the benefit paying field andc i principles of unemployment ; ixinsaiion win oe l" cry jurisdiction in the re Mr. Adams is recognised a? m ; unemp. j of the pioneers " ... lie "; insurance, " th first bill ever i an !! I'mh iciKbture, ; was one of the movingm spin n additional a w s o n u nr p " n insurance. When Utah passed Com Unemployment Vn' k TW Feeds none mmmw j City Hall Opposite Lfe m NELSON ggH 7MJ llf, y&ffil ljffrr& v.tivo Sinl oS.rrn.-Uo- n ,pcni.j with juii. the Unrn-.pi'; Div,n hciMc? the State Employment TEAR OUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT VOIR Ct lDE TO o lAKJDLIOi'OKSi No. 47 QUART Code No. 4J Vt PINT Code No. 48 GAL Code No. V PINT-C- ode PINT-C- ode No. 50 No. 49 No. J t No. 58 QUART -- Code V PINT-Co- de GAL Code and use it as a reminder to buy TOWN TAVERN, CRAB ORCHARD, WINDSOR |