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Show Star Bust HEALTH WHAT to EAT and WHY "At Good-Wi- ll "A" ")Ar MTXEDNUTS T " clean, delicloui(1 pecans aftes. !,, Ve'rkin.: -8 N"'- .U.l.t.. ' Jalopy Cosfiy Separation Picturing Lincoln Progress made in new aids for Ily Virginia Vale By Dr. "Josephine, the Jalopy," happen to come your way on her return from Hollywood to Winter Oil Change journey Hartford, Conn.? If she didn't, you ought to kM weather credit overcome hear her story. It is really lubrication. To wear, the motor oil the story of two voune men. essential char- - "Frank and Jack hritess three ... iUW Pinney of i tul" toil "ofc. u; who $13.95 for Hartford, abilpaid uick easy starts (2 E' f 7. n durability to stand up fSsonable mileage. Curiously these icviu"-""-'"- Kfadictory in that to easj very ,:tor it is -- assure one safe rule to follow in buy tne good-wi- ll Is isy helped. experience of car man-cturer-s, engineers, and most Don't ever say that Samuel Gold-wy- n a: owners proves that the use of isn't kind hearted. By sending i quality motor oil is genuine Jon Hall off to Engesis It conservatively OTomy. land to do "Ths fcaied by authorities that cU to Thief of Bagdad" he tent of all repairs to an tore the bridegroom tamobile are caused faulty by from his bride, incorrect lubrication. Frances Langford. wise man once said: "It takes But he's coins to months and sometimes longer 1 pay 'or a flve" 'J correct a mistake on a farm." K- - v minute transatlantic five minutes running with !y jtso. ft: nKnnA n:A fn Viom .' wrong oil in the engine of your each week that they l" the first cold morning this are separated! You i can cause more wear and will recall when Jon -age than all the miles you and Frances eloped -Frances ve uus past bummer. to Trescott, Ariz., in-Flay safe with your motor Langford last June, Jon's Ask your dealer to pre- mind was a bit hazy as to his birthtre vour car fnr Winter with place, he giving it as New York Quaker State Winter city, instead of Fresno, Calif., on of the proper grade for your the license application, necessitating isumty. aqv. a remarriage later to ease their minds as to the legality of their fr : A - 1 Stupid Man marriage. man must be excessively K as well as uncharitable, sti A Evidently the next cycle In the who pves there is no virtue but on movies will be based on the life Mown side. and times of Abraham Lincoln. The Addison. success of the play, "Abe Lincoln In Illnois," in New York started it. Now three producers have anStill nounced that they will do Lincoln Ro pictures. Goldwyn will star Gary mini h tore tried for vour Cooper as the Great Emancipator, coramoa P will cast Twentieth Century-Fo- x Fa,CneSt COld. fir hmnrhlol Ef:,&u mI R "lief now with Henry Fonda in the role, in ' LawirSf00- - rlous trouble may yer in the West." u cannot afford W,?g,.&nd fc7i.&ance 'lth Rny remedy There's something about the radio which r""1 rght to the scat of the trouble serial, "Pepper Young's Family." 10 Uie and heal Z7 luck to those who have that brings mucous membranes gained 10 UYKjm nnr4 to do with it. anything it was called "Red DaOriginally ?. f other remedies hmr fntv-rIn second year a young its and vis," i fllscournKed. try CreomuU actor who wasn't getting along too well was engaged to play the rule J?.0. not "you areDenc"Red." His name was Burgess tne ft 5w is one of "vreommaon Meredith. Broadway producers and kitTt, t Plainly, see that the Hollywood executives heard of the 13 Creomulsion, oKtle program, listened to it and first SSlPicf genuine product you want. (Adv.) thing he knew, he was a success on the stage. Then he began to do a Rf.i ir t picture occasionally; remember him in "Winterset," his first b;g fear and never cry.-B- eiv . one? - - ' V, Later. Martha Scott was engaged to play bits in the serial And Martha landed in a stage piny, "Our Town," which was one of the year's biggest hits of List season, and is still playing. Coughing? Gr p f K Kti k P - v. k NERVOUS? lhfU" i1'" rlmhln ''irn""nl"1F h Mm n.iur. build . IC''Wi. f""'n nd Ihu h.tpa U your favorite orconductor you can be sure chestra of hearing concerts with him leading the orchestra weekly through7 Si from January December February 25 he will alter- w,,,',, ofUB C iinra k.ln VrtTT 1hc h: H1 i.! I? ' l'iZr."')r"' and you M tonic, try n"l Mjt y'm on wnm.n V.. J SZr r?Xl.m.u l C It 1 l"i'f,ul . fit Iron, tMnkh.m't ' 40-- 33 If ToM-anin- l through nate with guest conductors. When Bill Janney (who r'n Adtitle role in "Howie Wing-t- hc ventures of a Young Aviator,") beHowie he gan portraying the daring a made what knew hardly bun; But got flying Die air. stay in e 17c has been spending his spare I;:; from Ralph lefsons taking Hying rd AnSmith, a pilot on the last Bj tarctic expedition. i!:e f.'S Uv ol "Johnmf HIM (I nf JW pfndurinf mi movi from iearn.M lh lic ro.i rniiincrrn uhn th" ..Mn lov Wrltr With "Con month, in h'hnnt. J'ffirnM, rJ' H , lhat Xeu . . trnr " 1 ' rnenerd nr"t l""t I"' " ';' '" hi ; 6rin, onf mm hnt nturnrd lo in the reiatr; he'd tnlhrr uait thrrr, h ' 1 Mmnt idncy or r it . tfinttmi Thp 1. hivt trwttmmt I hd . tnor WHS V. ' a.f Wmlrrn Hrwrvft ...mo. Largest Steam Locomotives The largest steam locomotives in the world ere in operation in United States. If all tubes nd ot!.rr obstructions were removed from boiler barrel cf one of these locomoStandard automobile could tives, to be driven through with room spare. pyor suggested rhea may be associated directly with a vitamin C deficiency. Certainly, there is enough con vincing evidence, as a result of work with both children and adults, to indicate the importance of an adequate supply of vitamin C in maintaining healthy teeth. That accounts for the rule that it is usually to in desirable clude in the daily some raw diet foods, such as cabor citrus bage The rule fruits. may be waived, however, when tomato juice or cranberry sauce are inin the cluded menu. For careful experiments have determined that, because of their high acid content, these two foods retain their vitamin C to a remarkable degree, when commercially canned or when cooked quickly in the lenses, one for reading and one for cooking. distance, were produced, and final ly contact lenses, which are fitted beneath the eyelids and do away with well-know- n the need of frames. It would seem that there is the same process of development of progress giving aid to those who are hard of hearing. We all re- member the large horn that the hard of hearing carried not so many years ago, which was held toward anyone trying to speak to them. Just as the first glasses magnified, or increased the ability to see an object, so the horn increased or gathered the sound so that it could be more readily heard. Then followed various types of hearing aids, electrical and mechanical, some of which helped certain cases but were unsatisfactory In others. And Just as glasses for the eyes were made to correct more than poor or weak vision, so the new aids for hearing are now manufactured to correct different "types" of hard of hearing. New Electric Device. An editorial in Laryngoscope states: "Great improvements in electric hearing aids are being made with surprising rapidity. Among recent advances in this field the most important is the development of 'selective' amplification (increase in the hearing) by which the units of a portable carbon microphone hearing device of variable amplifying power at different pitches are assembled in such combination as will best meet the special requirements of the individual as shown by his audiogram." The audiogram is the chart on which the audiometer (the hearing test machine) has marked the hearing ability of the individual at different ranges of sound. The day has now arrived when ear specialists are able to advise the patient as to his needs and these needs can, to a great extent, be met by these new hearing devices. Dr. Barton 'Imbalance' of Muscles Causes Eyestrain Sources of This Body Regulator Vitamin C is produced by plants during their growth. It is found in juicy stems, bulbs, roots, tu bers and fruits. Outstanding among the fruits are the citrus family, including oranges, lemons and grapefruit; toRaw matoes and cranberries. cabbage is a cood source as is watercress. So important is vitamin C that one or more generous portions of food should be a vitamin consumed daily, preferably at ev ery meal. home. Functions of Vitamin C The full importance of including an adequate supply of vitamin foods in the diet can only be fully appreciated when the amazing functions of this antiscorbutic vitamin are fully un- ' derstood. Long years before the first vita min had been discovered, and when the science of nutrition was still in its infancy, English physicians observed that the use of orange juice would help to cure chil dren of a serious disease charac terized by a sallow, pale complexion, flabby muscles, and a painful inflammation of the membrane surrounding the bones of the legs. And as early as 17SI5 it was also discovered that British sailors could be prevented from developing the painful and serious disease of scurvy if they were given a regular ration of lemon juice. which had been evaporated to a syrup. It was because lemon, then called lime, juice was invariably prescribed for the navy that British sailors came to be known as ' limies," a term which is still in use today. Scurvy a Controllable Disease Scurvy was thus prevented or cured in both children and adults, jlung before scientists learned lhat precious vitamin C is the controlling factor in this disease. And shortly after the turn of the cen-lur- y n a systematic study was in both scientists by I'urope be-tu- Eye specialists (oculists) tell us that what is commonly called eyestrain may be due to other conditions than overuse of the eyes or reading in a poor light. Thus Dr. John V. V. Nicholls. Montreal, states in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that eyestrain proper means manifestations In the eyeball Itself, in the ability to see, and in the body as a whole. Disturbances due to reading too much cr reading in a poor light are relieved by removing these irritating conditions, whereas symptoms affecting the eyeball, seeing ability, and the general health give rise tu much more disturbance. The ocular or eyeball symptoms are dull heaviness over the eyes, itchy and burning sensations In the margins f f the lids, and sometimes redness of the eyeball Ti e visual or "seeing" symptoms arc more or less prolonged attacks There may be vt b'urrcd vision. of vision double Is i (seeing two p. i ;. c!s instead of one.) A nil g tie systemic symptoms, , a disturbance which Inter-(,.. s tov. nil the eyes working togeth-,- r t Krly. are faintness and di?.i! ODDS AM) livlr James W. Barton VIVHEN glasses were first used the main thought By C. HOUSTON GOUDISS was to magnify or ALL the vitamins that should be included in the diet enlarge OF every day, none, perhaps, is more important, nor more print or other objects so that they could be more readily frequently provided inadequately, than vitamin C. There are, I believe, two reasons for this. First, unlike seen. Gradually glasses were some of the other vitamins, vitamin C is not stored by the improved so that shortsightedness or loncrsiphlprlnosQ body, so that it is impossible to build up a reserve supply. was corrected, then astigma- In order to maintain top health, the ancient car (born in 1928) and tism (where of light do it therefore must be furnished while in a scorbutic animal, they set out for Hollywood. They tooli not focus to rays a single point in the diet every day. Second, contain practically none. along some white paint, and star- due to Pyorrhea and Vitamin C a defect in the curva- the C vitamin is more easily tled the movie center by requesting investigators have discovMany movie stars and celebrities to grasp ture of the lens of the eye), destroyed than some of the ered that a deficiency of vitamin a paint brush and autograph Josethen weakness of any of the others, for it is oxidized upon C causes profound changes, not phine. muscles controlling the eye- exposure to the air, and is only in the gums, but also in the enamel and dentine of the teeth. They were a sensation. Josephine ball; finally double vision usually partially destroyed in It has been was soon covered with that and names, for Winter if the owners refused an offer of $2,000 veiy for her, it's said. And the Motion Quaker State. Pictures' Greatest Year representaVu. finprs of Quaker State tives were delighted with them; motor ere pioneers in developing in four they've become unofficial for Winter use. Today most ambassadors for the industry. the refineries eat modern They ran into one difficulty; peonment and methods Dorm the finest Pennsylvania ple whose autographs didn't mean much were all too obliging about Vsde crude into motor oiis wtucii scrawling their names on Josephine. trucks and The automobiles, Plnneys let them do it, and, ktors run better, last longer, since Josephine's space was limited k year 'round. and had to go In for big names they fce low cold test of Quaker only, wipe off the undesirathey'd smooth Oil assures ale Winter bles with a bit of turpentine and starts. Its purity frees you then tackle somebody who meant worry about siuage, carDon ana to them. Of course, they jrrosion. Its ability to stand up something thus have obliterated signanmonualled . . . you go farther may tures of people, now unknown, who pre you need to add a quart. will be stars before the car Is a 10 commonsense is merely year older, but that couldn't be And the ractice economy. LUg your car Houston Goudiss Describes the Body's Vital Need for Vitamin C; Names Most Significant Sources of This Substance C. I DID y-- per-fecti- ng : Treatment Takes Time. !r. ,"i:hol!s states that all these itiiC synipuimi uic ouo u su balance" i f the muscles which C' trol or moe the eyeball and can e ciTrcrtod if treatment of this t ic imbalance is properly car-- I cut. This treatment may re-r- e r. time and per-- s c itiMderablo on Die part work much home 1. ratier.t. but the results are t:, and America to discover all the foods that possessed the almost magical power to prevent and cure this former scourge of mankind. In the course of many painstakinvestigations and brilliant discoveries, we have gradually increased our knowledge of scurvy until today we know that the substance which prevents the disease is vitamin C. May Retard Growth in Children It has also been noted that many cases of latent scurvy can be found among children and adults in all walks of life. It has teen determined, for example, that many children who are irritable, or retarded in growth are in reality suffering from a deficiency of vitamin C. When deprived of this vitamin, animals develop experimental swollen, tender joints, sore jaws ; nd spongy, bleeding gums, while ti e teeth become loosened and assume irregular positions. Hemorrhages may occur almost anywhere in the body, due to capillary weakness, and are particularly common in the kidneys, intestines, bone marrow, under the :kin. in the muscles nntl adrenal glands. Inderd, one of the most interesting of all the discoveries concerning vitamin C was made with suinca piqs. It wai observed that in a hralthy animal, the adrenal Rlamls are rich in vitamin (', ing rcst-if.s- close io i TI , aj'fUit CORDING Piu0v7" Wording BACKING'''TOCT, foot CRCASE DOUBLE FRILL WITH WARM ROM . mum i I "U v F WNU C. Houston Goudiss 1938 all uncertainties both for the beginner and the experienced sewer. Every page is packed with new ideas all illustrated. Book 1 SEWING, for the Home Decorator. Book 2 Gifts, Novelties and Embroidery. Books are 25 cents each. Order both books and get fascinating quilt leaflet free. Address Mrs. Spears, 210 S. St., Chicago, 111. Des-ptain- es PILIOW NEWEST SALT LAKE'S By KUTII WYLTH SPKAKS It now seems that there is a need for more color in the newly decorated living room. The curtains are very gay but the new slipcovers rather neutral. Why not repeat some of the curtain colors with bright cushions? A clever girl I know saves the good parts of old silk dresses and blouses and buys remnants of bright silks and ribbons for this purpose. Her pillows are always most profesIf contrasting sional locking. pieces are joined, she uses cov ered cords in the seams and con trasting cordings and neat little frills around the edges to repeat the strongest tones in the room In this way many different kinds of material may be brought into harmony. NOTE: You also may have smart slipcovers, curtains and dozens of things you have been wanting. Mrs. Spears' books have helped thousands of women. She tells you quickly with pictures the things it would take years to learn by methods Her sewing sketches clear away HOSTELRY O Our lobby Is delightfully air cooled during the tumnier months Radio tor Evory Room 4 200 Roomi200 BMht HOTEL Temple Square Rata $l.SO to $3.00 Trtl Th llnlrl highly drslrahlf. !( Nluuro ti frtr-mll- tlmii Immaculate, atinrrmrly Mmdir lahlr,I anil I horouahf f aarwahl. t mi ran hrra for untlrratand why hla hnlrl lat HIGHLY HK OMMIMKII You ran alao approrlalr bji Iff mark ot dittinetion to ttop t thil booutitul hottolry lhrr.You ERNEST will IimI II C ROSSITrR, Afgr. d READ THE ADS Westerns like a Hot Breakfast s, WHY SHOULDN'T THEY? wheat cereal has been the world's preferred and dependable breakfast for centuries! It's still the best! That's the secret A cooked of the popularity of CREAM OF THE WEST the world's best cooked cereal! brit it's carefully milled en I blended mraty, nourishing and tail y portion of RoMn whrst Brain. Tiy a steaming hot bowlful f'r l.rrakfait with crrnm and tugar, rr melted but'er, or even whole milk. It's rictirinu. e MONTANA CEREAL CO. Billings, Montana j'jmi mum Further, ju;-- as the oculist adv i' mini.-i. iiu VI es u.r riuicdfc r y frrLm resent teeth, tonsils, lest-- r .:, : j. before having the eyes glasses, so it is suggested r.l f lm tii". as "ten porary" muscle in-- ,, are not uncommon after Pcpsodcnt ALONE of oil tooth powders ,,r other depressing ail-- a contains marvelous Irium reasonable time should be f r ti e condition to correct t'nrtu" VxiurftniM Bttnifh tV.e dull t.ilh pi'der cnniaintr.g Iriuml S! R how ttforc beginning any treat- - surfaca stains that may hav hidden the tepidly I'epftodent Hushes away iloudy turfat'-fttains- . h"W ft polishes VOUR tiua natural spatkta .f your teetli! merit. How ran you rrmovt these tiniithtly a dueling haluiat t iiUiBti' e! Conon the abovt based t) .itiici.t, "I"!, lams? LiV n million other tains no CR1T, NO I'LtACIl Try carried out with patience i diJ...UM! IVpnodent.-tli- a one and OM V ii i " lp?oletit I'owdel ! i uuim id persistence, tei; tnt i' ot Pvn64 Alhyl SmT.'a Prprrtrnt t titr t . V- i fun-ha'-e- i.,.j ' lKlTJiful. ( pr.l Syr.a!t'.-A'N- U Sfrvlca. ffiwaawMIw-B-- 1 ' 37. COVER .iti:,f.tct.-ry- try v rSJrK"i Orange and tomato juice have been used interchangeably fori quite some time as a convenient! and easily available source of vi tamin C. In recent years, some experiments performed at a load ing university have given a high ranking to cranberries on this score, so that they, too, may be ranked as a significant source of vitamin C. These brilliant little red berries come into market in the fall the very time when it is important to eat generously of fruits to fortify the body against fall and winter ills. Their tart flavor helps to stimulate appetite and their fruit acids promote intestinal tone. Neither the maturity nor variety of the fruit appears to have any influence on the vitamin content, and even when cooked, as whole fruit sauce, they retain from 75 to 80 per cent of the original vitamin C content of the fruit. Cranberries are also a fair source of vitamin A which is not impaired by cooking, and they contain iodine, iron, copper and manganese. Because they are such a versatile fruit, cranberries can be utilized throughout the menu and at any meal. Thus orange and tomato juice may be varied at breakfast by serving a cranberry conserve, jelly or sauce, or a cranberry juice cocktail. For lunch or dinner, this same fruit may be served as an appetizer; with the meat course; or used to make a variety of attractive desserts. foods If vitamin are included generously in the daily diet, the homemaker may well feel that she has provided her family with an Important form of health insurance. - i 'UK |