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Show 4 Ttitiv-JUL, UZ by giving Mr. White reeiath-- ' . x . tru. r business. - a:- ' IBARR l::.g Wary. The "W. tnad.les. Murray Pii:.r E. Fem-VePrui... ol Murray Lave There are Mark Hannah Fopn-is I u in Ohio, in fact there auy!cauL the gold f. v r and mw Ohio. many them ur,. t liking cf thing fur "thi price'' in . -- T.... ... ibgil.i wild waves aud the iee- . 1 ; -- ) ;l ' i r. nary aers in i. uuw, ,boum: :r(ii;fuf g relatives in who has been W.II- Atwood is always i a the Murray, returned home today. field ith a full '.ine of builder's Hanson arrented 13a gby of lumber, supplS ,ir Pros Wednesday foriunning their bailor's liardware, paints, cils, a license. - butchcrhop without etc. 31 -- -- vj.-itin- - .!)Vi:iiTlSIXO ilAlTrfi. nt'i" I! v TV ln tiV i HIM ' t'.V ' Mil -- c' per rCoti. 5o t . J.K-b- i ronfct ye line r "no VT mouth. lo P cU t varuiiiies, Mbl"- 3o e. pi,-5- c-i.t t 1 w Writ '' fill.', Sunday i j I'ri-'V- .ls ... cou'-istii.- i W. II. Bishop came down from Sao Allcock has leased a piece of last Monday morning cent Lrighton on the Marriott corner and grouii Vnt Clu much imuroved in health and looks. will erect a 15 (itis ut r line per n"Bib. lot or building there for bis uu iurje bpaoe lir,.r.U rdueu,iii tlUJtl, John C. F.eatty will start for greengrocery Btore. Mr. Allcock's . . .i. j,(1lit h in not- Omaha in a week and will proba- busii;jss is steadily growing. tor ilmu Wfrtiicxlay ntuinouu to Ilsuibly not return to Murray until ui-There will b) a song service in Ismc, Insertion fpr'ng. the Chapel on Murray Street inSILVEli. LKAD. Good livery rigs saddle horses, stead of the regular sermon tomar-roSilver 'i.fjHl -- 5! Z evening. An interesting time singlo or double buggies or surries is and all are invited. expected at 0 ranter x AttvooUs Jivery ElJlTOK, M. A. Wn.U'MSKV, Stable. Senator Bacon's arbitration resmj. wrimi"!. " The platform of the Ohio Repub- olution is very nice and covers the ClUJUCll DIRKCTORY. licans skated all round tho lynch-ino- ; ground, but John Bull was out for hm& Ward i:wV)d Cott isuo without even cracking a whole ham and will not be satisat 8 p in Sunday School at fied with a small slice of breakfast Wardm.!'ti(! the ice. . It) a , ' ktLfrt'a'i-- . j Ih-rl'- periu-l- cunspetUu -ri rated on the streets of Salt Lake the other day; o.titse, heart disease. The oui:; lady, wim is! one of Sandy 'is fairest a?.d best daughters, Lad a sfvere spell of sickiu-s.la a I f.dl in m which she: bajciv leeovered with Lir life. ILr in S.::ulv ai,d eh e- iiianv v.lieiv will anxiously await i.ews of her rLtoration to health. pro.--t , Bacon. nidiuavlan And now some oftli9 enterprisMMK H"iH. V. M. M. v ol)jBSi Bii,li0p "They don't make much fuss citizens of Murray are circulat('!... pel Sumi.iy N'liool 2pm ing about it." We are speaking of a petition to have tho "White Minister ing Little Early Lasers, the House" moved. fatuous little pills for constipation, MUIUIAY POST OFFICE. to will it billiousness. and all stomach aud pay you Murrayites, 0:00 to ni. p. OOitice lmiir from 8:00 a. in. read local our the 0.(H) a. m. liver to never gripe. trouble. 0.0U hrno, from patronize They .Smiilsy aud sou who the Mur-raMail cliitc every liny at f:K p. in. advertiseinentij Pharmacy, W. E. ami hour for register jIcmv Order9 hourm. I" are. of them best 4 a. from Prop. busim-Arrivnl hikI Di'i'mrtiiro of mails. We will announce later on conThe people of Murray, or some Mail arrive a.iti., aprt 0,?o.. Airivi- -i fj.1.1 p. in., ih parU S.yo. ditions under which the Eagle of them at least are paying heavy will conduct a beauty contest for a lire insurance, and in a little while ,)ch prlntlnK of eVMV l,scrlpt'Oil handsome will ay all their property is worth. present. and promptly cxicutod.. gently, How many of these people' would Murray could spare a few hund-r- ; vote for the incorporation of Murd thousand dogs for the gold jd U w ny ray, and thus secure a protection diggings and then have pleat v ielt against fire. ' to start with again. liiinili'K. 'hi;now M'lli'jflluif f'"UI It heals every tmng except a MMinmi'n a (rrnrswidi.w The Milliug Co. broken 'c papa wont lorol I" heart, may be sab: of keep in stock a, supply of all grades Hazel Salve. Piles 'Witch To Kl on dyke. of i!our, bran.shorts, etc. See their and rectal diseases, cuts, burns, ad in another column. Send us your job jirintin.;'. bruises, tetter, eczema and all skin The Murray Sunday School ex troubles may be cured by it quickly Kca.l uur advortiHcmcnts. cursion to Garfield Leach next Fri aud permanemly. Murray Phar-nmeW. E. Ferre'oee, Prop. Who's going to Hie gold diggings? day bids fair to be a very enjoyable and pleasant affair. J. P. McOmie will sell you a bag Kemeinlior the excursion on next of M. dour, "the staff of life," or it you President A. Cannon, and his Friday. C. W. Penrose and J. prefer it, a beautiful casket after Ttie 'peach season" is now on in councilors, The gentleman can yon are dead. E. Taylor, w.nc at the EUh-r'full 1 '.a' . anything in the line of un- meeting Monday night. .'roods. aker'ss for of them lots! Lots Lots, lots, Lon't you know that disease nalfi cheap. lurks in that mass of rank grow ing The salary paid to Minister New hay, delivered cheap. Call weeds that some p. opie allow tu Hartshorn could make no one wan envy as in me nt his office. Miw around their home-- ? ist rear it only amounted to 825!) A line new Licyole for Kale cheap Iocs:; rop. f.r.NT. 5 room muse besides the few pennies thrown into offico. with all modern improvements for Ifue contribution box at this vent. Call ou Mrs E. L. Davis on Mrs. Vallin has been refused a Andrew ( ahoou's Avenue. Burning, itching, skin diseases liquor license. instantly relieved by Do Witt's F v ii. July 20th, on State and Witch Hazel Salve, unequalled for WinderV saloon waa tse.l by 0th South Streets a lady's uurns. xi ncais eats, uruires, I) t J hn .111. f'l MM'' i.v .v. tan cloth jacket. Can be without leaving a Murray Dr. W. E. Ferrcbee. A sewing machine for had by culling at this of.lee. sale cheap. This office. The funeral of Jack Nyhmd was Prop. The liananer .'::iuc!ter has closol h"ld at the M. E Cliapaf instead of A most disagreeable oder comes the Scandinavian Meeting Hou.-- from a number of pig pens in this down a mouth for repairs. as announced in our last issue. neighborhood to which the atteu- Mrs. L.inker has engaged to of tho health oliicer should be Ition he Stianish are l:ceneiir'f en teach school in Salt Lake. " is another bad fea- Ic.lli" This .... .ii.,-.........r , i,..v, ...v l!. .... v.....l t'wv u.i: ,..n . ....) tniCK.JV-seiiie,i ,,i i uuidcoia a. neo to the able to line out a Gomez d "th iturooc It wru'd hp comfort u. noraieu iov. spt inkier lay the dust once. UtW. that will last over 21 hours. i J(d:n Griilin of Zanesville, O., "T a never lived for thirtv day says; ytars, without suf.'ering agonv, un til a box of PeWitt's Witch Hazel via Salve, cured my piles." For piles HIE" and retal diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, eczema, and all skin troubles Do Witt's Witch Absolutely Pure. Hazel Salve is unequalled Murray Celobraed for its great leavening Mil hoalthfulDees. Assures the Pharmacy, Dr. W. E. Ferrcbee, strength food against alum and all forms of adulrron. teration common to the cheap brando. mm i; De-Wit- ROYAI. BAKING POWUES CO., NEW YORK. T UTAH COALS. Yard. Castle Gate Lump, Castle Gate Nut, $4.00 $3.75 $3.75 3,75 Wint'rQ'art'rsLump WinterQuarters Nut J. P. Cauoon A. . T- t's IX& Don't nauseate your stcmach T)eld with teas and bitter herbs, but reg$4.50 ulate your liver and sick headach 84.25 by using those famous little pills $4.25 known as De Witt's Little Early SL25 Risers, Murray Pharmacy, W. E. & Leo. Ferrebee, Trop. OF A DAY Fer-rebe- e, y 1'- - a. i w ii Boating, Bathing, Music, Dancing! Au Excellent PROGRAM T?yn-:i-l'l- Ik- I Inter-Mounhii- GT?iS3 u De-Wit- TIT 83 t!. r-- t's Ul 1 yr 1 . W!- -. Auit I .1 (p.J. S33f?i WILL s ... c$ GIVE AN GT1 iTeen-eve- 1 1 GARFIELD BEACH 1 double-breaste- ! - To Utah's Famous u THIS DAY fAug. Murray Sunday School, The 19th Quorum The West Side Mutual Improvement Association Will be Out For A Day of d I hhar-mao- liii-t-cla- Tbo SCHOOL IViTEB All Friends & Neighbors from e this and Surrounding Wards. 1 . 1 ! 9:15 a. m Frankly n (Jiurray) 9:18 a. m. Trains Leave Beach 8:30 p. m.; Salt Lake, 9:30 p. m. atad the leave Trains Lcturniug at Murray 9:15 p. m. arrive Vim, vigor and victory: these , A right line,. tip top delivery with horse and liarncss, dirt ars the characteristics of DeWilt's Lisers.the famous litcheap. Call at this office nr at kittle Early for tle constipation, biliouspills 170 South. AVctt Temple St., S::!t stomach and liver all and ness Lake Citv. troubles. Murray Pharmacy W. James Sar.ders and Rasmus VJ E. Ferrebee, Prop IvKsinu.en have been eleeted ci.iin (a "I wonder if Mr. ciders of !'.:.' Pk'i t Viorum of L'l. jj' 1 hiJut lJ will from Taylorsvillc; and Ararrea II. Lyon clerk tf voting man '..) out to Garfield on the 10 h" the quorum. said a voting lady of the West Side, V, William Lean:::'., an Italian, is to a companion tho other day. the first to leave Murray fur Ala- -- Leigh ho, I don't know," replied ska. He left last week for San Fran- her companion, "but T hope some T 1 cisco from which place he will sail of the boys go, else it'll bo awful .o?'i. for Kloudyko. dry bathing out there, sure." Yt u old m oss- don t There is a time for everything; 'I . l r Know ycu are .or.y years lutiud and tho time to attend to a cold is A the tim-- s. Yen tell your nrjVhhor when it starts. Don't wait 'till to go ahead and iucwrpouite, br.t you have consumption but prevent , Warm days but very pleasant nights, is Utah's weather record. A llti Forcing machine left at this ollice, can bo had very cheaply. (io to Durand's and play the ''Donkey" (head or tail) for a good cigar. Mrs. llayiies and family will soon join her Inn hand in Portland. Oregon. We make a specialty of i Tinting and de igning wedding and reception cards. Two line homes for sale in the Call or write heart of Murray. this ofiice. Lilly McOlery bad a very siek Eacle ollieo the other day. wa-on- Fare: Round Trip, 50c. & 25c, oc 7 ce s, fs tors and tt Builders ra- it by using One Minute Gough Cure the great remedy for coughs, colds, ..... utii-i-is.vrf-- rv t,ilO croup, bronchitis and all throat i"pn!.!;ea:-,- will imt tolerate and lur.g troubles. Murray Phares. , vruaps Hot. lait t'.a'V I?ar macy. W- - K Prop. to stand one boss it bout a vast am I'.'.nt of kicking. "h'a v'o me (ait." i i Cilbert's is cue of the general mercantile houses in t'je county. vrm. 11. Vir.ci'ut. Sandy '.s popular caterer, w ill llayno'.s Murrarite are a liuh. UrtiQa ,s.t!ovi. it is paid. of the preat Khuii)ke p,hi The St a'oibuavi vn .reetiiig House a si.i.dl d, up-t- date 'aHsdc'Pv u u;Mh'rgo'H a thorough in null (.i uur own ur.e, tlie kA week. time, and where is the ,.m When are we going to have an- - i.io city low.' echo ih'T in our band- - "WheK'.'" e lio-- 1 1 ro-epe- o ;- ,. is "I t'e Murray and Pandy harness inik.i', has a ' bis sous. The ci)i p- - uf r.ss'.-!ri!li irrc us'T of ibis section have this fact and show their lir.-'l-cla-s ls j but One Mimit. crav-tii- r.fl ' and ti;; a .umate . I.e. c: . !! m touk : ,;. (In. ... ', r ti si h iij ti y . -- n bouse-c'ciai":- A. Wltite, u ..ii - hci'50 iu front of the L-mo- 13) The of Elders, and tt-i- i y TTT vv f w nrtrmr" inn- - TTT 1 1 Fen-ebee- Bewai o of t lie Building and Loan Association Agents who pictures to ::g lanoring man a the, U.U.p t e -- Mansion on t!;e Ihu. simply theti rtid loans our money takes y 12 interat vou to jserccnt. it ark ' . saitr est. Jt wouiu oe ueuej' f Mui i:'V to h:l 'u jfor tlui JM sn as: oci.lt ion f the kind ef their ui own to invest m. I 1 . I f; Scroll saiuinrt. Turiiin j j j ..!! j mt Mm kji iu li M ta Id v;' Stair Building sash, DOORS, :i MOULDINGS, ET . ' trtv, and I'""C;ed-- j Afjss Chiistin:'. Ilartvikseii. cu witn 1'ts eraiirv. Or.e cif Cmll Hai tviksen. ' f.ir- .t.,,,,,1, .4 ! UiIUh." tor' " Cough cur. is itiu iiuaued i.Jr j;:ru,.t j ,5.(.l."Ciiiic.r of the Independent, was t bti,V'k;Vi' Jit.st We . I of Depot |