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Show German Influence) at CeB.taatlnople. Ona of the mo6t remarkable recent developments In European politics ia the extent to which German Influence Is displacing Russian at Constantinople. It Is believed to have been at the advice of Germany that Turkey undertook the invasion of Thessaly. German army officers held important commands in the Turkish army, and German guns and gunners accompanied Edhem Pasha. While the Turkish advance was checked by the direct Intervention of the tsar with the sultan, the subsequent peace negotiations have been repeatedly obstructed by the delays of Germany. Germany alone of the six great powers requires its ambassador at Constantinople to transmit to Berlin for consideration every memorandum agreed upon before action is taken. The negotiations have become a kind of contest between German and Russian influence, with the balance in favor of the Germans, Because it is more in accord with the natural inclination of the Turks. More Thau Ha Could Do. "Oh, 7 the way," observed- Archimedes, "did you ever try to square the circle?" "No," answered Socrates. "It was more than I could do to square Even as he spoke the shade of Xantippe could be hear4 demanding from mere force of habit and without reference to the exigencies of the occasion, why he hadn't brought up the coal. Detroit Journal. ' - my-elf- ." DR. G. W. SHORES, Oldcot Specialist tm the Weat. TO DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL YOU CURED DR. O. W. SHORES, aiwftrs MeklBff to help suffering; mankind, always trying to oonrtrxje people that he five value received far evarr dollar paid him, ku aeohiesi to give quackery, fraud tad Imposition Its deth blow, end proteot the uCDerineT elasees from the despicable method! of quacks and charlatan. Every ufferer from ACTI I I Moat Imperative of Victoria Crosses. Another V. C. of my '3uaint&nce he is anything but a doctor once Bay. ed a trooper whose horse had been killed. His argument ws rather original. The man was on foot and the enemy Zulus this time, and they are beautiful fighters was coming down at a run, and he said very decently that he did not see his way to periling his officer's life by double weighting the only horse there was. To this his officer answered: "j y0 t don't behind me, I'll gt off and I'll give you such a licking as you've never had in your life." The man was more afraid of fists than assegais and the good horse pulled them both out of the Bcjape. Now, by the regulations, an officer who Insults oi threatens with violence t subordinate of his service is liable to lose his and to be declared "incapable of serving the queen in any capacity," but for some reason or other the trooper never reported his superior. Kipling in Youth's Companion. the constant attractions to Jubilee visitors at Salt Lake City w as the handsome new building on West Temple street now being1 erected by the Oregon Short Line Railroad as a home for their general offices. The structure is conceded by all to be the model railroad building of the West. To conduct the business of a great road like the Oregon Short Line with its 1500 miles of tracks requires a host of departments each with its chief, his assistants and scores of clerks and accountants. None of these have been overlooked in this model building. The structure was erected from plans drawn by the engineering department of the road, and each clerk was counted and a place made for him in the proper place, that he might perform his duties with the least amount of necessary labor and surrounded by conveniences that would conduce to his greatest comfort. Forty large and airy office rooms are required to hause all these employees. The busiest and most visited of these departments is that of passenger traffic presided over by General Passenger Agent Burley, who in the four months since the segregation of the road from the Union Pacific, has made for himself a reputation that stamps him as one of the best passenger men in the country. The passenger department is making an enviable record as being unsurpassed by any western road in point of comfort and quick time. With its connections the Short Line has recently reduced the time between Denver and Portland and the Sound about twelve hours. In view of the heavy travel toward the Klondyke gold fields of Alaska, reached only from this section by the Short Line, this improvement has been doubly appreciated. The system is to be extended by a line to the rich Deep Creek country in Nevada, which will eventually reach the coast at Los Angeles. Plans have already been prepared and are now being reviewed by the eastern officers and directors of the company, and work will commence very soon. com-miseio- man. HOOD WASHING The Flight of the Sua. Astronomers know that the sun, accompanied by the earth and the other planets, la moving toward a point In the northern heavens with great speed. Just vi hat the velocity is, however, cannot yet be told with certainty. Prof. S'.mon Newcomb, in a recent lecture, said that It was probably between five miles and nine miles per second. The bright star Alpha Lyrae lies not far from the point toward which the sun is moving. Every moment we are getting nearer to the place where that star now is. "When shall we get there? Probably in less than a millioi years; perhaps In halt a million." I cago, 111.: Dear Sir: Your medicine has cured me of the Morphine Habit in 3 months. I have no desire for the drug. I had taken opiates for more than thirty (30) years. I am now most 81 years old, and feel very grateful for your kindness to me. GARDNER MATTESON, Care of Mrs. Ben Boom. . Not from Philanthropic Motives. An eccentric old member of the British Parliament has tried in vain for fifty years to get a bill passed preventing window cleaners from standing out- side the windows. "I introduced it," he said, "not for the sake of the window cleaners, but for the sake of the si, up-t- WRITE Man, fect condition. This Maoical Treatment may be taken at home under their directions, or they will pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who prefer to go there for treatment, If they tail to cure. They are perfectly reliable have no Free Prescriptions, Free Cure, Free Sample, or C. O. D. fake. They have 1350,000 capital, end guarantee to cure every case they treat or refund every dollar; or their charges may be deposited in a bank to be paid to them when a Mire is fleeted. Write them foHar CUKE YOURSELF! Tim Big 1 for unnatural Is I t. sa;S. discharges. Inflammations, Irritations or uic.rauoni membranes. of m n e a n mufin. Fainl.ss. sad not Mtrln- 6 iTHtEvtNS ChEWOIICO. Of polsoaeus. loul , VoiNCtNTt,o.r"l ft 4 by Drat-ttser sent In plain wrapper, by iiprNi, prepaid, for i on. or shot flee, p. It. Circular Mat en ntnuf I f p 1 Who 'fS it? will get Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it because it is ? fresh-roaste- What 1 There Is more catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the list few vears was supposed to be Incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,Cure, Toledo, O., Is the pnly constitutional cure on the market. It is taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer One Hundred Dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. CHPiNEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family I ills are the best. The "Snakes" of Delirium Tremens. Persons suffering from delirium tremens usually imagine that they are d. is the missing word ? Get Schilling's Best tea at your grocer's; take out the Yellow Ticket (there is one in every package); send it with your guess to address below before August 31st. One word allowed for every yellow ticket. If only one person finds the) word, he gets one thor-- " dollars. IJ several find it, the money will be divided equally among them. Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest, Those sending three or more In on will receive a envelope charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it. Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $150 each to th two persons who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between June 15 and the end of the contest August 31st. Cut this out. You won't see it again for two weeks. BJ SCHILLING'S BEST TEA SAN FRANCISCO. Address: Elias Morris ana Sons Company, two-third- eJwsi-ata- Tojny FINE ART. clothe women. From the classic robes of Aspasia to the rich dresses of Elizabeth, and theuce to the wedding gown of Puritan Priscella we see the attractiveness of dret,s." But at this time only hag it be come possible for all women to be becom tne supply or ingly attired at a small cost,fabrics how to beautiful inexpensive dress be bad, leaking it an easy matter. Yet there are women who insist that the expense of having summer gowns laundered is greater than the original cost, and that in the end light woolens or summer silks are more economical. This is a mistaken idea, as washing pretty belongings is a fine art, which is very easy to learn. Any girl no matter how delicately reared can wash her own summer gowns. A bright day, plenty of water, and a little pure soap are the necessary aids in the work. To do it, s fill a tab full of warm water, of a eake of Ivory Soap, dissolve (which will not fade the most delicate colors), add it to the water, wash the garments carefully through it, rinee first in clear water, then in blue water, wring, dip in thin starch, hang on the line in the shade. When dry, sprinkle, and iron on Efcza R. Parker. the wrong side. erg-aae- SI00 A "Ever since spinning wa8 a type of womanly industry from age to age, it has been expected that beautiful apparel should people below on whom they might fall. Seminal WeeJujeaa, Variooosla, Hydrocele, The idea, of the bill was suggested te yphtlla, Gonorrhoea, Stricture, email , or shrunken premature old aire ma by the fear that a window cleanei and all other private diseases, whether sni&rht fall on myaelf." caused by Ignorarae, excess or eonta no matter how aevera, you caa Prospectors' Map of Utah. a consult DR. G. W. BHOREfl, the who ha (riven his life to curing The Passenger Department of the Rio chronio disease, and be examined, o treated and cured without partner Grando railway has just issued an para one dollar until the cure Is freoted date map showing all mining districts of The doctor reserves the rlrht, however, to refuse any Incurable case it he can't record, together with an outline sketch of euro you he don't want your aVvonev. the older districts, and calling special at Buca an offer waa never before made by tention to several partially developed re a responsible phvsiotan, and Pr. Q. w. Is able to gions which recently have shown import because make It faoree only e positively cures these disease. Don't ant uncoverings of gold and copper, now Waste another cent an Questionable doctors, but consult the "Old Doctor" and attracting notice of prospectors, investors Moured. BUSINESS SACREDLY and others. of this valuable map address For Dr. G. W. SHORES, F. A. copies Wadleigh, G. P. A., Salt Lake City. Lock Box 1686, Salt Lake City, Utah. Knowledge Is Power. "Oh, dear!" gighed the poor girl aj the came down stairs in her cycling suit and stood at the window lookina at the pourinz rain. "Oh, dear! WILL PAY $tOO FOR ANY CASH don t see how the weather bureau can guess wrong so often." "You must reOf Weakness In Men They Treat and member, my child," said the wise old Fall to Cure. mother, "that they have the advantage An Omaha Company places for the firs time before the public a Maoioal Thiat of careful observation and scientific re hint for the cure of Lost Vitality, Nervous search." Detroit News. and Bexnal Weakness, and Restoration of The Jubilee Life Force in old and young men. No worn-cu- t French remedy: contains no Brought thousands of visitors into Salt Phosphorous or other harmful drugs. It it Lake City. The clerks In Zion's Savings Wonderful Treatment magioal in its affects positive in its cure. All readers, Bank, near the monnment erected at the who are suffering from a weakness that head of Main street, in honor of Brigham blights their .ie, causing that mental end Young and Pioneers, have been kept busy physical suffering peculiar to Lost Man- opening new accounts for the hundreds hood, should write to the STATE MEDICAL COMPANY, Omaha, Neb., and ttrey wiU who have visited the bank. The amount end yon absolutely FREE, a valuable now on deposit is 11,473,90.10. Have you paper on these diseases, and positive proofs a Savings account t If not, open one now. of their truly Maoicaltmatmbst. Thousands of men, who have lost all hope of a Five per cent per annum interest is paid ure, are being restored by them to a per- compounded four times a year. Write for rn. n Rud-yar- d CURED IN THKEE MONTHS. Knoxville, Tioga Co., Pa., Dr. J. C. Hoffman, Isabella Bldg., Chi- NOT ONE MEN A MoJi.l KaUroad Build lng. One of MONUMENTS and HEADS T0SB3 Marble and Granite, Mantles, lg eto. G-rate- s, Salt Lake Cits ?epEKb. WRITE GEO. M. JAS. SCOTT, President . PRICES AND DESK2N3. FOR a GLENDINNIXa, and Treaa nt S. RUMFIELD, Secretary Geo. M. Scott & Co (INCORPORATED.) Hardware Bar and Sheet Iron, Steel Importers etnei Dealers In' Buffalo Scale Company, Atlas Engine Works, Dodge Wooden Pulleys, California Powder Works, Celebrated Anchor Brand Cylinder and Engine Oil, Howe, Brown & Co., Drill & Pipe FOR AGENTS Detroit Stove Co., John Van & Home Steel Rankest Coles' Air Tight Heaters, Worthington Steam PumpSj Revere Rubber Co., Dodge Injectors, Tool Steel, Leviathan Belting. Miners' Tools, Stoves, Tinware, etc., . . . And a General Assortment of Mill Findings. surrounded by snakes. A possible exST. WAREHOUSE SOUTH SALI LAKE CUT. DTJIB 125 V planation of this hallucination is of- Vm : fered by the result of experiments recently made at the Bellevue hospital In New York. Sixteen alcoholic patients were examined with the ophthalmoscope, and in every caBe it was found that the minute blood vessels in Send for list of 4.000 vacancies we have several times as many vacancies as member. the retina of their eyes were congested. Must have more members. Several plans; two plana giro free reiflMralion; one plan GUAR AN. TEES positions. 10 cenis pays for book, containing plans and a JooO.OO love story of Colicga In this condition they appear black, davs. No charge to employers for recommending teaoners. tree. circulars and Hlanks and are projected into the field of SOUTHERN TEACHERS' BUREAU. ( REV, OR. 0. M. SUTTON, A. M ., J SUTTON TEACHERS' BUREAU, Pr.ildnt anil Mtunr. B.W.Cor.MalniS d m.,1.ouIy111.Kt. f lrarbnp tl , Cblaago, Tlslon, where their movements, resemHortkern racaneirt Chicago nfire. Smittirrn facancitt LouitviU Oflct. One t rfUtfrt in Bofft tfitu. ble the squirming and twisting of serpents. Send ds 10 cents Tb 81ck Man's JtecoTerj. He Wanted Company. 111 a i ffu ken i humble view," said the "In my and we will "He said he would go to the end of stamp "the only troubls with sage, mall to you, Free, the world for me." "Well?" . "Well, the siok man ct Europe vu that h a 40oent cony of our popular and beautiful soni) Old but he wsts to take me with him." entitled Fashioned 'the Mother Booiet seeded a little xercUe." Cincinnati Wore," with Instructions bow to obtain U IB 111 ) Cum-minsvll- le Artists Vorked months to obtain the finish Knauirr. Live Stock Commission. and perfection found in machinery we If yott would keep posted, shall exhibit daily on our float in Juwrite for information bilee Parade, and we take pride in reTrompt Replies, ferring to this machinery asthe being Quirk Returns. best from and best the amongst manufacturers in America, Great credFRED A. SEARS, it is due the W alter A. Wood Harvester McCornlck Block. 8 ALT LAKE CITY Company, Bain Wagon Company, & A. Champion Machine Company, Weber incorporated! T.M. Com Case I. J. HALT LAKE UTV. I'TATI Wagon Company, Booki and periodical! prepaid to destination at and many others for their conpany information desired. any prices. Special out of Uiwn ratoa on tributions of money, etc., to the jubi- publishers' stationery, ofllo. acbool, teachers and ventral WILFORD WOODRUF, President. Bend n your orders lee fund. We shall distribute from GEORGE M. CANNON, Cashier. B""1 our float (in procession daily:) working for as. tl? TO ?00 fartlM profiwrwi wb. rn A JnStcla.1 Decision, th.lf IU fKc" 25,000 fans for the ladies, whot tim. to tb. tnulnM. Spar. for tm-h- . mar he prodtabiy m. all books "Way d so few women seek admisWFFK PPT memorandum bor., 25,000 i vi II aal pinymj. flood opains for town and sion te the bar, judga?" "Because they classes, durtrirta. eltysror a w!l a country Mala Su., Kl.k.a, Va. lHa would rather lay down the law than 1,000 linen caps, HtVK TIKMK WHO practice It." Detroit Free Press. 1,000 whistles, atatnat the ... ..than ... OurernmMit ..til Bead the Advertisements. 1,000 Columbia buttons, 1 nickfnrd. Pension anil Patent Att'y, ! T useful advertising St., Wanhmeton, D.C.lhrT will reoe.lv a prompt reply. 150,000 You will enjoy this publication pieces etc. books, of matter fEW DISCOVERY: r' consisting story much better if you will get Into the & Machlvs Co., f irl f J quirk rellrf and currs wont Wagon habit of reading the advertisements; rws. Hend for bonk of t..tlmnnll and lOdars' Gko. T. Odkll, Gen. Mgr. treatment Free. Br. M.M.aM's. iu..ta, ... will afford a most they interesting A hale of Red Tag Binding Twin, AT H0"t tend stamp study and will put you in the way ol oontains from 3,000 to 6,000 feet more GANGER CUIUS book. DM. I. HARRIS ICS. (r Ublu. I Bulldliitf. UnclnuaU, lk. getting some excellent bargains. Oui than is found in bales of other branda. WHISKY HABITS. and MORPHINE will not advertisers are reliable, they send It Is even and strong sod Book KKH. DK. 4. U HOMKCUKE. OPIUM Horrlia, what they advertise. baMltSiat., ClUtabO, IU. kink. Try R. DERGE I CO., snp-plle- a. PIANO FREE printed a new upright pluno, or music bos or bicycle, from us free of cost. Ssnd your name, P.O. County and State plainly written, to ins While City Music Co., 418 26th SL, ChlcBQO. tlk UNIVERSITY op NOTRE DAME, Notre Dame, Indiana. rias.lcs, Letters, Hclence, Law, CItII, Mechanical and Klrrtrlcal Knf Inerrlns;. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses. Konllatlral students at spaclal rala. Junior or K.nlor Rooms Free, Twr, C.iloirUt Corns... M. K) ward's Hail, for boys sidw is. Th. 107th Term will op.n September 1th, sent Freo on application 1807. Catalng-oHot. A. MorrUs.y, O. 8. C, Fresldon. e C nDODCV J it Claims ) A 0 - Im i crrcr I f) J Special Announcement Cut this out and send with I1.2& to Halt Lak Htamp Co., 80 W. Heoond Houth at.. Hart Lake Cilyi and get rubber stamp of your signature,, with Ink, pad and wood cut, In box oompleto THIS WEBsl only regular price 12 W. nmu hit rats. taraoTiD nrTia "A 1 HWt.1" and Wooden steal lined) shipped on trial to rcllabl parties. Kully guaranteed. W rile for c alorva and prto... If. B. Lewis. Iaw., K.rldlan Ma mi ( calna Hhops, Box K, M.ridlan, kUss. W. N. U., Salt Lake No. 32,1897 Wfcea Answering Advertisements KladSj Mention Tale tap |