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Show Unrrersity of Utah S-- v -- - if! I 1 , i ';--- ::: ! .21 r: c1'.S It v te? A ,l ' V irl V) ! i. J i ft :,,,,,, r VOL. II. MURRAY, SALT LAKE COUNTX ITAH. AUG. 7, 1S07 NO. 22. t EXTENDED WRITE - UPS For more, opposed it in the past. than 100 years it Has woou aim battled with the stormsof Ftito,but time has not bowed its strength nor y. p, REVIEWING MATTERS. 'Stone the Woman, Let tbe Man Go Free." The above quotation is a literal interpretation of the facts and comments contained in tlie following oxcerpts on a ca.se in Ogden. We condemn the favor shown to man in these cates, and would like to ee the evil convctftd. Women are in politics now, in Utah, with the aauie rights and priveleges of men, and here is an excellent opportunity for them to expend their long pent-uenergies iii the building up of a just oqimli'y be tween the sexes. Will they do it? Kloudyku Country. $40.no County no less than P20.000 per Annum interest on borrowed monev. "With this, and PSDiPO for the pauper fund (which sum tho latter business will re noli this yfnr) makes (tuite a little item with respect to ol'th? burthe make-uden. The county is not much hampered with its own paupers, hut this element literally n ils in 3 hands the of comthe upon missioners from other aud distant parts oftbe country, and of course, with pome sene of humanity they rannot. turn them awny to starve utterly. tax-pave- p col-uni- ITfft: and there, now and again, a 15ft1e gold dost may be seen sprinkled on onr pages in the nature of argument favorable to This is no pign or bugs .;t rll, but if simply in keeping with a promise we made some years ago, endent.'' in rll things, to be and freely present both sides on all hai questions of interest. been in thp ascendency as to talk for a long time, now gold is found north and south, and naturally ;;o!d i brooming ?o plentiful that men see it in visions and rothing bettor is desired or thought of. So tal;. a little gold, do, when you ran get it. menornrfali:-m- we are gold-- l . ug-- , may bo an .uneri-vawW played for and rame, on page four.) (Continued Pn.uv-rOKF.- n Klondykc-Kt- e., Ktc Contributions , Etc. CORRESPONDENCE. Special CorrefDondeuee. Washington, Au;. 3 In the batch of appointments made by President McKinley just before his departure from "Wash-into- u was the name of Moses P. Handy, of Illinois, to be Special Commissioner from the United States for the Paris International Exposition of 1900. This appointment ended a contest in which an unusual number ofprominent newsM. il. paper men were interested. De Young, the San Francisco editor. was Handy 's rival for this place, and it was nip and tuck as to which would get it until Handy brought bis persuasive tongue and bis whiskers t fit "Washington. Then llaudy's stock began to rise and Mr. DeYouug being in Paris was probably unaware of the turn in the game until Mr. Handy's whiskers had landed him a winner. Although tliis appointment is well-know- In reviewing the different srieech- es delivered on the tariff bill, the following extract from the speech j Four . L. Terry of Arkansas, of Hon. from tho standpoint of true Democracy is well worthy of the source from which it eminated, and in the language of one of the most distinguished statesmen of our day it may truely ba said that, "For Ktrengtn auu oeawy oi rtijfcjou it is ' worthy .of a. place among the classics of English literature." He said: "You will pass this bill, and you will do nothing to afford an increased vo!ura-- j of real money redemption money for the people, redieuled and abused the I j j Hurray, Aug 2, 1897. on re of Dayliciit. Plato-Cons- Demo- cratic party. It lias had its thwarted and its councils rent by the influence of men 17 below whom it had honored and trusted. degree below zero; January, zero; February, lo but the party still lives to oppose degrees (5 debelow zero, March, degrees your wicked class legislation and 20 above pur-nos- I K In the Klomlyke region in mid winter the sun rises from 0:30 to 10 a. vr and sets from 2 to 8 p. m. the total length of daylight being about four hours. Kaaembermg that the sun rises bate few degrees above the horizon, and- that it is wholly obscured on 8 great many days, the character ef jH;e winter months may easily be imagined. We are indebted ml-,c- r United and Gyetic Survey for a series of six nvhths observations on the YukoJ, not far from the sight of the present gold discoveries. The observations were, made with standard instruments, and arewliolly reliable. The mean temperature of the months from October, 1833, to April. 1890, was as follows: October, 33 degrees; November, 8 degrees; December, 1 1 but doirt you forget, there will come a day of reckoning! You have v J.P. "Rawlins, ihe T'iurray member of the County Commission, was r.n interesting caller at the Eahi.k office last Tuesday. He states that the Comity pays To Care of this ofnea. ' K Week Apsayi:p., es grees above. to demand just and equal laws for the benefit of all tbe people, and in tho end it will prove itself stronges than all tho strength of foes from without and traitors from within. Applause. Individual Democrats may be found hero and there who will bow the knee to liaal and burn incense upon the altar of protection, but the indomitable spirit of the American Democracy will oppose you everywhere. "You ma- - legislate in the interests of the great and the powerful, but Democracy was not born in the palaces of the rich, but out among the plain people, in the ranks and dwellings of those who toil for their daily living, under the grand old forest trees, upon the glorious hcther, beneath the grand canopy of th btars, upon tho hills of tho morning that rang with the songs of freedom at the birth of this Republic. Democracy was born. Ap- zero; April, degrees The daily mean tempera- ture fell and retrained below the freezing point C32) from November 4, 19. to April 21, 1890. thus giving ICS days as the length of of the closed season l8S9-'t)- 0, as- ions are suming the out controlled by temperature only. Tho lowest temperatures regis tered during the vniter wen degrees kkw zero in December. 09 hi January, 00 in in February, 40 in March, April. d(!oroM-ra- f k What. Mndani I!.i;r,.;r fv?. That everybody Eagle, That the. Kacll .should olliee take the does first-clas- In last week's ice see a reply (by Sanders) to mine of the week before in regard to the Triphitt property. I see he is still in the dark. The land in controversy is that on which tho buildings are situ ted no one disputes Annie Tripletl's title to a piece of ground adjoining on the north. Our friend, the "Ex Justice," not being au expert on Epitor Eaglk: issue-- That collect ions arc most devilish close and to hard mk. That the people of Murray have little energy or That Murray will get no jail and plause.. 0 nicer this JW. "It lias always been the party of special That an cnterpii'ing community tho people and has won its grand is lost without a local paper. est victories in tho chnm;ionship ; That people i h&iild destroy the of tin ir cause. It has been the de- their houses. fender of the principles and tra-- j weeds in front of That James Cilburt will buy a liuo?:,s ot free government as delivered to us by the father of the picco of land north of bin store. Republic. Out of the very twilight That people shculd stop singing and dawn of our national existence hard times and reverse the ttme. it came tho guardian angel of the That tho F.einicafing ilatiron i. Constitution they had formed, and all the rage, with tbo:.tf who use it. down the highway of tho century That ineandent lights in Murit Iuh come with fearlos step and only cost one ball' what they h ftybiow healing in its uplifted ray ."rrns the aikand covenant did last, year. Thf.tthc Josepkile. preacher; Mr. of the Constitution of Madison and h flcrse-ii"Wight, answered Jakeman's ques'Jiii'.c ar.d again ita enemies tions evasively.. have preached its funeral and and That tho pref.rhr.rs, e nunenee it rttui m, but It has lived totung n should crusade see others tbe d'uth of all the (Continued rn l :U;e four.) parties that j . bi-ho- ps st n Jnh,a. iyniperarv oue. authorized one piece for tho other, aud by that by a clause- TiT'Tft(rtrimrfTmT--blunder misled the boys to set up propriation bill passed at the rea claim to their grandmother's cent extra session of Congress, it is th?.t tho special property, that is all there is of it, tbe general belief oe ono 01 mo will commissioner now. If understand it the boys tbe bovs would have come to mo in five commissioners authorized by w the start I would have told them all about it, and saved them the expense of searching records, ejectment notices, surveying and other unnecessary trouble and expense fur themselves and others. seems to be the " The in left the dark. If one now only he will call at my office I will try to show him his blunder, ar.d the causo of all the trouble. He still insists that the last transfer of the property in controversy was made from Elizabeth Brown to her daughter. Ularv Huntsman of Ogden, for I made, it myself, and further, that it never was deeded to Annie Trn lelt at any time. How s that? It looks to me that the notice, of ejectment against Alfred Evans.and the whole proceedings, was a farce, played upon the boys for a litte fee, 1 move the case be dismissed and the costs Blessed against the Yours Truely AnoKLW C.uioon. a bill that has passed tho Senate and will be certain so pass tho House next winter, and they will draw salary for ii 't less than four years; hence the rivalry for tho appointment. TO KEMA1X LV "Ex-Justice- Ex-Justic- e. , Just jr.;.--- Ex-Ju- .i job piinfing. 4 xTJ5jF WASHINGTON LETTER, TRIPLETT'S '"'In our c.f DS.? 2STEWS 8;-ri- p news col urns will be found information that a young man was the cause of breaking up a harpy home, destroying the diameter and reputation of a wife. "While, the woman is divorced from her husband ur.d ostracised from society and she lias the word guilty recorded against her in our courts of justice, the man goes on his way unnoticed by the law. This is manifestly unfair. Surely the law frtiOuM ba able to yraaiolx ill ro.lH as well as the woman." Standard. In commenting on this tho Utonian, Trovo, says: "It is too often the case that under such circumstance the woman becomes an outcast and is spurned by society while the man in a very short time afterward is received into the highest society and his faults entirely overlooked. A man who is guilty of dishonoring a woman should himself be dishonored as much as the woman and in the majority of instances more so, Yt Communications, dimmed its vision. T beauty of truth is still upon its hmners and the freshness of tbe morning in its heart. Like all hum'aa organizations it has made its mistakes, and like all human organizations it may The. Different Sp?eches on the Xew perish and pass a way; bat when it Land Controversy Still Continues dies, if die it must.its grave will be Tariff Measure. To Be Agitated Between the grand mausolaum of the silent the of 'glories centuries in which the nation will lie entombed!" THE" HON. W. l. TERRY Loud applause SANDERS &, OAHOON. The above needs noe.orament, it speaks for itself, the writer is only Makes a Groat Democratic Speecn, Full of too pleased to send it to our read- The Lust Cnrii in the Game. Mr- - Cahoon o' Loirical Utterances Oratory. A ers, and will send a full copy of this Calls StHiJur's Hand and Goes Oue UcUi'r, and I'lowcry ACjci tivts Mixnl Into ot.c He Lends a Hisrli Trump 10 Finish the to those who wilt send their I.ias of Eloquent S;;nti:i)"cs How it is in speech Gum;' Vi'hut. Iinie Kuraor Says This to tho addresses Uold The Creat Of Items Interesting to Our deader s. EDITORIAL 223 SI. 50 A YEAR. Tsfiticil. The Official Cuide to tho Klon-dykcountry and the gold fields of Alaskr.. "When to go rnd In.w to go to the new Eldorado of the North. A. complete and authentic account of the marvelous mineral of Alaska, including interesting valuable facts regarding the Klondyko District. Advice to Gold Seekers. Cost of living, Placer mining, Trasporta-tioand food supplies, The pea route, Tho land route, Tho Yukon river, Alaskan industries, .Miner's experiences, Views of experts. What the enthusiastic Klondyker knows and what the prospector wovhl like to know of this wonderful region. Nearly 300 handsomely printed full pages, illustrated by thirty-twpage engravings and handsomely bound in paper with a specially dob'tied cover. j; tail prioo 20 cents, or we will send it free with a years Hibserip-tio- n to the Amlmcan Eagle. o m-ottrre- s u o President McKiuh'y made himself a place among the household of those government employees who are in the classiih'd service when he amended the rules so that none, of them can be dismissed except for cause, and then only after they have been given an opportunity to defend themselves. Ibis may not please everybody, but there is no discount about its nleasinj; the of fice holders and their families. Mr. McKinley also extended the, civil service rules to the employees of sixty live small Custom Houses which were left out when President Cleveland's blanket extension of the rules was made. Then he excepted several employees io each customs district and each internal revenue district from the operations of civil service rules, the ex-- 1 ..1 .1 ...1. ('options nemg inose ',nu noiu confidential relations with the collce-toiTho last will be more likely to pleases the praclic-politicians of his patty than the first, mi: t. s. Ann .iai aii. Nations do not go to war without the consent of their rub rs, auu the rulers of the. United Status have tho very best reasons for knowing that the rulers of Japan to go to war with will not const-lithe United states on account of the annexation Hawaii, jut to plear-nwh' tbink that befew cause Jfp.m licked China ho can It is because of lick all creation. this knowledge that European-madi- i reports of war like intcutionp on the part of Japan hae attracted so little attention hi Washington. The government of more than one European nation would ghidly hce a war between Japan and the United States, and there, is little Continued on filth page.) . 1 s. t a hot-hea- |