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Show ' ..L 1IS- - i Cra3, F. DUHAND A1 .,!!;! 1 i r "'a v :M..i-.- V r i'r;; is th ' :f Livii. ;:u A j Can ii'ul soc O I ' '.. li our G.vl .. r v r. i! . t, .. y , i urn. t ii w,,u l Arul you v.'UiiS Harttord or The Home of" Utah. If. 0. AT WOOD, l- ir rj. i i : i n 1 r- .! An.) i. a, i It y in Hi" j j -- -- i ;u ii s cur in-.'- . I Hi.',' to Mf ! t nc.;, Itive U:ei. t hi'T livi.s .rv.(i'lsil mkI twcot. in 'Vi. J . . 4o '.' So'.M Effort May . ', iiii.f----- - 4:- i. -i "ii" t. ,U-.- .,- .. . ,.'.-Xi.'- l'oa.m tn :.'.o i in 3 4o p. in. a1 pin in ll.-!- ii ro ni. lo.ooa in. 4.4n)). in. t) 4o p, in. lo.oo i in. V f" P- - u J LAGOCN m, "1 - in P- ba'.bi'iccius. S. w. IT, T'.iii ly t3 n; d-- GE. S. d iw viao. "KNVSR Wi El RlOGiiAHDE C'i'l CO CsCESIC JIHGOISM. Sleam Heat and Electric Liirhts. HOUS! Aki n to (at Win and veturii on Run-- il I.- - K K. .." ffntg-- t. biiureii a lt.fi.iU it iKiiuLslou tOKrouuUB. From fTJtA Cnr?,, MHF.UGEK. Gen. Mpr. 11 . I'a-s- ftp famfi 1'Ounlg. pienfo The iflpal ros'irt llounri trip ir.o. dint' ailiuission ;s ct P cieties, Sunday Sch:ol3, ?pci'i:il rates to Inclnd-ii''Uomi'l irip to RwU'8 Hot Sprinffft (Continued from first page.) doubt ''that their emissaries have been at work in Japan, but there will be no war. Japan lias every reason for wishing to keep on good C. WEST, Mgr terms with us, and none whatever for fighting and getting badly This is the handsomest and most complete opera house in the State, outside "f Ogden & Salt Lake and is second to none is point of convenience & comfort. ')!). ' ti(l VS. ' C'T; Lv, inntoti. 8.UOM. :i. ii', am. :'.:')) in.in- i:. ;;.4'i v. ri pin. li.i'opni, 7.,o p. t.i 8.2o p. in. vnr TEUTH - r Farm- - Arrive Viinu- - iir.:!oi. H.do a. m, 11. on a in. 1.1 p in. he n lies', Ic yr,uv liand in v: n r P llmr's i tl Kiiii". if y.u 'i.:.. :tg on p"; lii'hui. y Yo;ir son, uwy vliwr sum-iiii- ; WiiO-- f Inw; ciiur::!' is KI:il.iln rto iifi A'd well if quivi-so. Gixl will love yon t.iett AT WOOD. & GRANTEK A S. L. ".r.il a. in. The bumps are signs of a better quality of beef. See my eyes, nose iirnl ear, then blow my l.orn for Q Butcher Shop, j,) j. i'y Thnc Tablo Di hual; CORRESPONDENCE. . V., V.- '.""A,, i 1 " '...Li,. - r r. h': ri;C?,'a: yvuti 'in e ufhiiln'v I lU.u.uiy w;i.y. i.t o; mi i'Ui 'ill. I'.i'.VMVS SO hvii A i i Au'i lie .tf f - j ri!.-a'- -!i ) H' nr.!i i So L' I !.v i :i;: x ..,,i't. !!.-'- .;,; t In I iiia.il i; .t.s. im n Hj ;,. ov., Inns H",v vi ujJ hitpii h 't'.von at all If i.in (iia not u'u Uo liit'iu tiit if. 7 ft i : '!;' 'D.l' .t.'i: ilfitli;-i!, iii'tuj' a icu b Wi t ui: vin viin'd wear; i'f I i rx' ,!(; a:vn f . r -. e ,.o :i u.rt.tt.- is.il,. : 'Tlsu-t- : Look at my . O .1' - I, ri;: ' i iit!i.-iv,.- i Phoenix, iJ ' II "! . Duriiness '1C 'v i I :ifi - r I 'v.' . ": "!s;. l .. : . .''lii'.s rnr .'.ndoii:i.'i-ai!i3- . s iiil :uvu V.V:--ro.'!,,L'rt;, ii v.i li. in. ? ;no csv ..i::-iw.-- . r .! .".. Sit ". " . 'i "i.aicr ( f ea)' of ' :''V ' CulorhJ j MUlIn v4 :tr.:.n- - Tnkf i::ni iti..t riilc iiul Ji'-oFor lu!l iriu-ular-hi n'tairy , .!; ia.iiiv ;. (j. W. Ai:?. n C:ty A i'n.i 't. SnU a, (;. n A., lVnv..r, O.lcW'H.. Irvsu'.C V 1. ,!. v'.'i j L- '..'Si"' ." 1 i H'r--i i.'v Untouch Trs ? : v.i 1, in;!;; 0 C i.!i - t r j Mgr. LINE nr tin r 1.' T' titl v ' ' Ti Xotwithstanding the occasional v rs "f outbreaks Jingoism, the people of the United States as a whole have no ill fcelinz towards England. h'h3 0ul Li,,e R,unfli..nl,r0 EastTm!"8 mere is at present in wasmugion LEADViLLE, an intelligent Englishman Dr. J. ASI'EN, i l'FEHLO. Amy and Feed St able. 11. Roberts, of Hastings who thus COLORADO SPRINGS Pubre- And DEN VEIL Accomodatiou3 unsurpasseJ. bears witness low iv.igik-hmeU Go for Your Supplies where You Any article of Merchandise for sale C;4o a. m. Salt Leaves 2. No. and is no Train us: '"There Ogdon all hours, night lic Service at gard 5;50 a.m. in Murray, can be found in Great I.ako.TtSO a. tn. Arrive at 1'ueuio are sure to find Them in Stock among the English people against Colorado Spiings, 7;M a.m. Denver 9;30 a. m day. and where You Can Have a OKden 6.35 p. m, Salt Quantity, and of the Highest the people ;f tin United Staies,and Train7:4UNo 5; p. iu. I'uehlo Arrive ut the Take ui. p. and the to suit Trices People Grade Quality at our store. I do not believe that the mass of Colorado Springs, p. u,. Denver i;2.ip in arge Variety to Select From and Times. hth made nt Pueblo. Colorado the citizens of this country bear an Connections R. P. DAYTON, Manager. With Prices jual to Any. Ppr iif:8 ft.;d Denver with all lines Fast the Mlm au'i ears lmir conches. feeling against unfriendly day on all trains TaUc tlie I. 4 b. O. lien or Women motherland. We have tonietinios WANTED Several Faithful null h ve a coiufortat'ln trp and eny the to travel for n Htionsilile (istalilitlied ' 5 UUih. Pai..ry r.hu. payable tiiouht that c rtain of your jingo Cnert scenery on tiie continent. Coinrudo's 1oti80 a ex'ueuscs. I'osUi-'perivancnt. Kh'irtewt line t2 nrlpple ! h iiiiloe poiitieiaus loved to slap Britain in fi:t,i!iid gold ci.tat. Train No. 2. lenving Oeilen Mar uuildins. liictipo the face, but we do not believe that ut a.m. iinivcj at Clippie U'reei; TheNiuiotial. :.Vt in' I L the true sentiment B. K. nooper. A. S. Hu ithea. they represent tm A T. G. TrtGllcMuiajrer P, Eafc COS T the American nation." jr-fli Denver. Colnrado i n ill-wi- ll 15 C;-- I Ele-pa- s k-- Iv . 111 r". (1 Cn-f!-- . 9 t trr-ea- Y ', & Xo. 8124. n.M. NOTES. THE ANCIENT ORDER OF The number of recess appoint and FRIENDLY ments made by President JIcKin- ley before he left Washington was meets every Wednesday night in out of all proportion to the expecForesters llall,State Street. Murray tations of the waiting and hoping crowd. Utah. Chief Ranger. B.Y.Randall, The r.ew Bolivian minister to thy James Arnold, Financial Secretary. United State, who ttrrived in Washington thi week, is trying to head EARNEST EOGNOX. off some of the Alaskan-boun- d gold hunters towards his country, Law. Attorney-at- ile says Bolivia has more gold the than regioL, b.:t the Rooms 305-- 8 Atlas Bloch. '"Klondyke-or-bust-Klondyke " men ara not Utah. Salt Lake City, destination n0. to their change likely No B. F. CiiHliintr. Beiins. T. P. Airent. GnAneut Salt Lake City, Utah. FOIvESTEHS SOCIETr,a . The Singer Company's Space. .... X ' leave s-- for l-oi C 189: mciikay Sa t Lake city Salt Lake i ity. piiiI Inti rmeniute noints.. -For anpi'te. Sevier and all 9 Only line running Ihrontth Pnllnnni Palace Sieepitiir cars ,to Uenver ami Shd I ranclsco Aitaout chanj.-e- . atnl Pullaan family sleepAr.treM Denver. !. ers to fan Free fl.icinri. Nw Vor.i and lloston. with Pintsch chair cars. All curs limited Fran-'lseo- !'. ..' i 01. tt trf.-inf- f .(. -- :". Cin-.lU- Gen. Sunt. ... POSITIONS. GOVERNMENT A If V ou wish ore of the 1M.000 positions in the government serw uvii: yuu vice, tais rure;iu secure .' 1 it, and fit .w toorotcid to ..., for nasBinir the required Civil Mk'. '?,'f..'u . iimi-tuil. service cx.iunii"v"" ...,.,'. P.hif-W.Jcommon school Eaerpy, tact and athe itriTk c ducat ion are all requirements ftiSv T! "IV 'll'.ii needed. T K r Bf""rTri' .;;;. i s .' r :;v.' M. A. WlLLL"M?EN, . MieouiH. buIUiUj-p.), il C. 11. i;. :,".3. v:i:...'aL,'.i;:I lo cure by all ;; P. M. l.-it- voiidei'-woriver- B. 1 1 in 'im .'.'i m r'iT f'v'.f;viT0 lUs.UU !t'f !'H Ci:.-?Ci- fjfi p 2 l;:.luiil H.luiceo to si Or. Motci' .tit'-2 A",.t:J(0, liieun,rn.ii, ena'aiiti eit lunii- b Lit ' iK'.m Hal'it I rv. AM- - lini I'iilv Mir.L lv p..r il or Iw mail. A'.nn Wkt-i- i 'i,'."'s . L K. .V.A1-- UFTTL CO., f.tlcaao. UUiOia. - I E. "i r sk - - 1 i '"", J Fiji's 'y n i Kvr. g'irj&w t IV 11 n i SWwW I ti . V i ' t ieti. Weiiriitiif-- , H i Thi ee doors South tlnlnyn. a c v.w. AIM BY FOR t. ki 14 0.'11 - iO Attach-fticiiL- o, it the IN THE MARKET. SCHJNE nst represented. Jj Se'ing lilcchiae Co., CaMLAr.j, owsy. h.v?.taro esia'oftuo. fiAmrfifi!! !'- -. W ti3 Hr.eit Set of Steel Whste c,i it 'f lit 'III II. ' Jl' uU' in I'lCTKIHiiT Dcelcrs WanMd fAiere wo .re JCI.O WmW --3 rl DtSStX MOST U 2 t Irr'C Tit II I asT.irit.t.14 ccuplcJ with i V "e SALT E. HALL., LA K E 2 CITY. ifSchool Furniture Supplies' for i" q e.'IM"'!;' V til'': i ! pU U plCttluitlS O n n! e ., I.r,.l f';ivi;c'ii el i'. a.ito 1" 1'oul-ifcmll'.uit'ry Ci.r cut: Caialocue ano fwitcs tt.rci-- Pokok.'.v.s Tlic "' til. ill, , t Li-.- .,, '. jie.-.,;- C" i. ' Virrdit" Fi'Mlel A 1 !?.;!-- . 9 'A'.M'.ted f v'rjv.hcr. REDUCED" SMStATiON Av.. ij.yi yw Vnit X LUNCH STAND. Hot and Cold Luncbcs. Hot CoH'eewitli Cake loct. Lunches imt up fur tra vclr.rs. 0lUll, ,,0 wnm or the Puhli.' f ir ..-- atniiCS PATENTS, FATENTS. Honiemada .4 Washington, Jamss Gilbert's iJLJJsJAAjite VnOi in M SEF K?-'rfr-'?- 4j Y. RANDALL. Prop Buns, PI,Crko, Etc., Daily. t. !! li fitortirt o Y.i t." l"':v ls 7 (' ,'li :i- -', ', ri re fr.t'M "r:!t;on fo'C cr. v If C C. C f.'.;;, ilniL iMs a iau, n.iuicr i hum V - yrTTTYj22?325 CSHOfc!& P ::"! Tnlimro Snil and Ktiml.e Yaur Ltv Anay. To quit tf:.ci.e.oo easily aad forever, he ma? i:t t ie full Of life, nerve and vhror, Like, , tlint mtiUes ue;ili nam AU "r'v:ris;s, Wo or if I. Cure (nttiron-- t 1 r. .n;-- . .1 1!. ii;:. t ii:nl 'itnrlo free. Aildre.-- s CLk.i-.kor New York f.i 't;!;i!r Uen. cy A.it Wiffc nMiwt iiwiMrifciii mm L. .'.'i - t- luii-ati- : X 7 " , fa. U fw This Bureau has the best facili:ier.Me omrnts and copyrichts in hLas and --"foreign tins in't. .f countries. The chief CoromiSMoner of k,TCM(.-TT6'- mi TheWUITF. i ob-t.i- i rofr-bli;r.i- reputation that innranlcos yo;i long ead sfclfcfactcry strvice : F. A Wiidlelirh, Gen. l.&T. A A.E. Well.y, Dodcfi. Oeti. Mr. CUV n wilts . D.C-- ccmnr, but present cceniinci f-- to Scv h 12 43 p ni Intermediate points Prove, Carson, IJinki, 12 5 p in and all inUni:eiisK) puin's Chief Examiner, Murray, Utah, Aug. 1,1807 exoericnue asPaTcnV IStl" -t will i!"lt. 2 ' d Attorney, and 'L'1,?" F. J. ni Anderson, lv lv l ii ri ...'tiinu-ah i'i it t. ful in secunnjj nro:i pn'.i"i :: l!;a .v,. ILL. I'll. WAiCIl w!"C u,c of all patent (tile?, Mrs. Minn if 9LMmnmmtmmmmKMM'mtrmimatm SCHOOL OF LAW. Helm. Mr. Andrew iiiiip.rrioi KvcrvNidy F.xys So. This n..rM.i can fit vu for 8dtni$io me liar Johnson, N. J. Esq Ciii;lv Cal.'url, t!:c most won 'letters re-The ffllowinir list of ' uiei'.ici.I ihs overv of tins ;:n. pitas-a;TX'fy lo th$ lasic--. w trently tnou, trnftll, ,1 Cir in ihU nTioo ties. Our 'instructors are and ; s:t.i p. s;:ivi !y on kiilncys. liver ami howehi. IIe ' ' not taM'll uut ill MIII IV (lavs IIICV earc t.:u;ltl: vmvtrn, cir.iti'r ihe enriro systou. dispel coid, lii ihlauiio, lever, hal'iti;;il ontiatio!i will be sent to the dead letter oTice. ctiiv. bureau. ntiil hPioiiMiess. Picasei Imy nal tryn I.px ' P. C. ,i-.i- Fature Cceriort :2p 43 a ni - Careil In 3 Day WS.'l-- i:, - 18 LEAVE SALT LAKE C!TY, No. 2 For Grand Junction, Denver 7 50 a iu and all polls east, No. 4 -- For Gram! Jutii:l ion' Denver T 40 p m ami ".il InC rniediate point No. 1 For Ihrdc.uHtid all pts west..1? X'5 p tn 11 43 p in No. 3- " , DEAD LETTER LIST. ISam- '.. Time Card No. V-- For To t'uro Constlpatinn Forever. TrUo. C'i carets Candv Cathartifi. Via cr23c. cure. ;:r!ij.v.sU rvlar.U im.ixy. If l". C. C!. fa:l fiTTIlTJ1''TFr,U to cure anTritseof renstinntlon. CsneiirHs nrc f lie Meal UUfiUliftiLuJ lite.MWi'riii or erii:e.liui canefy natural rwultfc flnrun. .H..n?rM.. tan.. or..;wiork. nlpanil bonMftrrfP. Ail. riTKMNG VXMVX I IN EFFECT JAN.lTtb, No. f DRUGGISTS V 1 Orders have been issued by the Navy department to have the big battle ship, India. .a sent to Halifax, Nova Scotia, to be docked and cleaned, because it was considered dangerous to try to dock her at Port Royal, it. 0. Actions of this sort attract more attention from foreigners than from Americans. It looks odd to seo a country that as-- 1 ires to a leading' place among the naval powers of the world without proper docking facilities for the vessels it has. The New York dry dock is big enough to accom-mod-t- e the Indiana, but it is out of order, if ivdecu. it can fairly be a id to have ever been in orde, although it is comparatively new. ALL StoftSS fei0 2&so lEOfiTrWPTV ! T,;c c., qM to' 'lLNUR r H A..tf H - y . 3 ASSISTANT Bpf 5 H i t lj- -' S f! f 'fhi! b ri A S fcri fei K 153 c.;. u La n u 0 W4 ? . R t w Sit U la J M m ua a a w R lit-- . f ' 'i a'A ' i l? n t s7 Par- - .. F.ie. of l'ost Ofiicc . : , ",r,'v,"r. ton-Hi"''- U C.i"u'-s',i- i XT"-4 ' ir":f-- , 1' :ss;"- -J .fCr ":ou':y. ' ti |