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Show TheA 1 i,- d .1 ;v.'.ur r m ' All ' U nHiiiiii c;ii i 15 rents tUeir aihi:i lisrjiit-uj lit :j uir J must givo no'.ii'R to tli a t elicit, oUurwi-- e it will appear la II. MibHt'ijuciit Usui s of llio paper, and lio ebai icu j jr uccoi jinijiy. Pt I'luss .Matter. 0111I reel-po- ... ,. Last; o Gigers Inter-Mountai- State Steeit. - MUUKAY, UTAH you step insida the Ger- IHMK'jmMI mania Company's store and look around upon the great number of shelves and tables groaning under their heavy loads of choice carefully selected stock of merchandise, Dr. W. E. Ferrebes, Prop. you beeointt convinced that this is the country store, in tho State; and if you will step up the goods to the counters and f the gentlemanly clerks there m waiting, vou will also bo convinced that their prices too are all right. xiiolos, O. S. OLSEN, ProprictO!. Murray Pharmacy money enough, enough, people enough and available means enongh right in iMtirrny to have a banking institution of its own. filler's Tcilst , - . suc- smart. The President regarded that as an economical way of getting rid of him. all-llre- d Taylor svitle Holler IViilh. In EVER ARB UNDERSOLD. Grist work a Specialty. Highest Cash Priea Pr. id TELEPHONE 128. f4jJ : - V.'l4VytBu.. 37 .JCT? I 11 I W"" ' n - 7 if T' 11 y JNGLBS F!LY ASteI USE. A" ordinary family ironins can he done on tho "Il.ciSE' Mangle in twenty miiiiUes, without lieat or fuel. Prices within the means of every family. Ma.le In six styles and tL'u i2e:?. for t'aiijliies, Hotels, etc. ery Mangla Cuarantuoj!. 1 Censl TH& 2o sla.np (or ne.v illustrated Cutaiosua, with prleas. RACK-JN1AC1.S CO., Rao'.ne, Vfls. Saloon & Billiard Hal UA il l. HI, S L.Lt'.ei El) STCCK CF Careful Attention 4 i Given to Family Trade 7 Wines,r SQy Harness Shop the Tills and Elevator W, H. AtwoocU from Comoany. Puni-cuiiK- SoAi-s- ceeded in borrowing 'President is not so MUIillAlt. U'iVJ" Site. The Lincoln House (opposite tho Lake Theatre; is the most con rtalt 'A.M.r rrince CoTiHtantinea address to Chemicals, ToiLET"AiT-fK:t.Ksliouse town. in venient lodging , Com its, the Grecian forees is of a hop, fckip llio new office, parlor, bath rooms Bltl'SUES, Si'ONGES, Elf. and jump order. and barber shop are the neatest in The man who invented the odor- the city, and the rates are such less cheese is Hupprsrd to bo at work that the poorest man ean indulge in PHESCUIPTloXS CVREn.'U.Y CTrOUNDED Paul Hem. the Welsh rabbit. those luxuries. on anight-horseles- s proprietor, is the most congenial The greatest error made by legis- host in Salt Lake, and is steadily lators is the false idea that com- coming to the front as one of the promise it the acme of statesman- leading hotel men of tho city. ship. The Sultan realizes the importMr. Rowland has sustained the ance of a floating debt to a ruler loas of quite a number of sheep, by who proposes to keep right in the dogs, tho past two weeks. Last Coal, Lumber, Doors, Sash, Mouldswim. Saturday night a watch was set ings, Lath, Shingles, Builder's and at about 12 o'clock two large llaruVarfi.Puiiits, Oil,Varnish-es- , If Congressional oratory will ac and jumped into the nnpeard dogs complish anything the Civil Sit Brashes, Plaster Hair, Papen. One of the mauraders, vice Ja w.,.Y.'i.U ?eon be full of blow bluvk bruit was ahofc and hitr per, I'Ll, Combination Fence. miles. killed and the other, West's .New Utah had his legs almost PIurray Sit Lake Co.. A Ht. Louis youth who weighs foundland, !:n pounds married a girl who tin not oif, Ve the scales at the H40 notch. believe this is the warmest hot weather item in sight. "Murray Roller Roller ii(f EDITOWAL NOTE. That Teas politician who Oii;. 'ills, Wasatch Roller "Mills, Pioneer Patent Roller '&ldls and Salt Lalie 2iiU Drugs and Medicines, p.-ic- Salt! ak n Millinp" AVhen a II- - & liquors John Tokkekuen, bcit-t-tocke- i: ,;, i (Continued Iroin page one.) s ci iSTOne IUcek East from William's Corner, Mnrruy Meat and Live Stock Market. busi-re-- - And is rcii.; !.( I t; j't;riiir'j a lull lino 't i n "Waaes- ,- KD1TORAL MATTERS. miall Ptakfs may le innocent ninust'nicnt, but at Sio a chip it is Gambling is always gambling. jiccoinpanit'dM.y driukiug, drinking by drunkenness, this is dishonesty, then the road is open to bribery. t. a;i ; Quotes prices equal to my Folsemager Tira'K '3 drink i;ht ct;ti 10 HALT la1;!:. T! Jehlyrer, J?. a fy; C hi K NaC B before nietode, loveude enhver Coukurer-eud- e behandling. indve-tere- r priser. Undertegnede spesielt Bkandiuaver. d as Ec- - Office il on-Mi-n- t. , x:- 7.- -2 j navisk i J ir lo at: !.;'!!!.'" i' ;!( j w county ili.it li : i.a.-- u;; B F Mr.-,.- ! ' t.'JE .f som godt itsortei el prima kjod og poise varcr ei'ler Amerikansk, som bkandi- - af Eutercd nt the Murrar I ft ... 11 -- , 0 ' anbefales ii.v;r- - Milwi-nurn- ;,r;"v ; 1 ( iii.uiuii .Ni'.v.s J.j I'm, 5 l.;iknfur -'1 !'',' gi-n-- c. IG E NO I' I. ETT ecus rr line ," ... . ,ri willi bo;h. tl'l.i. the in Halt .. :.::'"; jiatj'.s i:n'- - I rti:fiii 'aA j 'inison. who has von the love of l.er circle of lady friends here, wiil TLr-- 1.C; Veru.il, s.ml we 1:1 t!,.n,:ui tn llicip iu Advuaie sirU-tl- Lm uis hi ln-'- H y, by wilts. 7 I,.- -- .a'--r:;ii'i- M)Vi:in first .V..111U. ill locate vv of, 1 tuwa on tin? auisitiuw oi tlie HTiON; .::. !i.nfis 1 !;i Mm !. . . ' Ov'ifU -J' lie ill K.'"li Tub. Co. A::: 'P.: i fir1,-;- - t) 1..h;tr f ; urn lifie, will regret r , i i. .z ... 1j C Jt" iquo s, i g a r s, Always on Hand. ; Is Still in K tinning Order, and "We are doing our best to cvidei-tl- Accommodate- Our Many Custwnose The political nondescript, omers. ftol' object is seeking tbe plaudits of the galleries, fails when occasion demands ptatemnnlike action. Uilias Couotai'tly oa Hand lei'lhitive deeds are suggestive of t e actions of our long cared fikmd to FRE.r:H the donkey. Hon. 'Mark JTanna may have his McmiesMnd some may think lv Of all kinds Sausage, Lard and turns the corners at too sharp a llacon, curve, but they cannot charge him At wood & G ranter have establof pet ty larceny, and grinding the oul3' will bo taken ished a Stage Lino between face of tin poor. Mark is a bi,? bo sold at ail meats will but Murray and Wasatch man. A r monopoly king is of another kind. WHOLESALE PIMCES. Fare For Round Trip $1.50 in cold recent discoveries The DAILY SERVICE: A. - White nd Cured Stgo MEATS ffl H 4w $Mr&$ Ahf a As WASATCH CASH -J- A 1 a sk 1 , a re t i n g a d "a 1 o f ex c i t crea Union. To thoe exited boys le the editor f thU journal My, wait and do out ruh iiiti almost crta'n derxtli, as you will if you e without p'cetv of iMoney. lvincr.T i? certain in any event. REVT PAVING. (Coutimi'ul from ogaire-- KTG- ?:ii"" ""Carries - lnisch'ef mak-rs- Co wi'l Mcrcietile '' n-- k the , Tl-e- tat-- an otV.T for j most their , r V . itiv;Ih i. 3 .' -- ' ,ili. 1 J l;(r g()!,tb of S.uiiofR Snw, Strtte Slice!. j M M i:-r- -- r? r r-- " ; V :' J y r t irrtiy At. I. V i t. Cim i e'. I' t 5 1 -- "11 4 Xi a I , 0lAti, i OHIO. '" a ihii IKii u.ii;..-- i: , I'uM CI 7 S3 W: HIM. JH, 1 of Fashionablo Dress, y? Makinjc and Plain Sewing '(i neatly and promptly done. Litjst Modes at our Parlors Johnson, Prop. IVftrA ft All Kinds ... Vie. - DUESS-MAKKU- Street, Murray. ! ! " i'K-- uliser'!- Miss WnxARy Jaujikli. M ks. Ann 10. Povce . the Aftrvay Smelling Cov- - j ronies slionld buil-.- a hospital for! their emnlovoei, ll m M Gl'NEUAL MEKC1IANDISE.1 Tl?t Tb" a Leaves Murray J.r'-- ttrt pag.) at 8:30 a. m. and arrives at destination 10:"0 a. m. full line of Leaves Wasatch 4:."0 p. m. and arrives at Murray at G:o0 p. m. Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goods. ebronie liars, gossjpers ami t Cahocn A. E. evrrv city and town in the in I.) b.urnv it rhbnr- - i ' "' '" i. .': .i ;s ' Or-rrvT- ' v us licST.- M"anv of f he Al i Ml a V peop! , Wl-.- nf an ;i,. have li'id the plea; oua'ntanco with Doeior i ornsoa uiiriQcV in ir si ;,,.,,-.u: ,ii" i I. ,.1 Itrn.n t iii- I' n''i:' '. n' oi .1 i . .1 v,..:, ,i .. i mi e, .j J'i.i,, . isi:i, Cuemtit.-ct.. . p u! - '''' , r i;. o,. l i '"h. v.cnniiurtcilior M OO t RATE rEf3. Carter J Ou'0r..ct isoi,"09i'C U.S. Parr nt ll' !'"' 5 ''iS tcin secure put' m ' . ri'n"'rft,m V '.'ili:t'iitr . or pnoi..., ... aetf ,,i,.i (iran-nit- v t o,',.- - iriii'Y ti,Y,i' liNSUHVS. n a, ...i ll. li, rntiMl. fn. r, f. um:ii ii.iiii ei.. i.u. . li .in., mn '. s t t. it ,, te.n.r.K 'sini.tN i ,. ill Ii.ni1!.. In n ii i f ' ' ' ad"'' , lf V ' .i.i-n- t ii. Mi:i...J. C,ll't, Otir frf1i. m.t p.M Hiw ti) drtllll ! .llrllts, wil.l r, iV t'.S. ami foreign ,j 5 , i f,; isuitlr. Ai itcs-- for Fifty Cent. acoo Uabtt cv,re, n..r. ,.v,,h iv n mal.rs ... wrnU aii.i- - ihSI. o. r. . n aimc. wtMtN6roM. w . j i . o. c. A ' C iiNv V- -A VVL-- J I''X TX':"' I ip A V.. ..'a X4 iV NCcl-.-., - ..'-V-'-'-' A 5 J l Pl-- i ; 'i yd Ar:-.ho--- . w'-- B n ' or! . io twcMO L u! w. t Lv 1... '.. '. N:.tt:ra: C.t.sor Mr.iir.f:..-tt.fr.nil STi'clilC rl.c-:- . bcth Kct j k-- ..iit.- '!- i'vw; Ii i .... - ! 1 '.1 - r.t c;!,..! s.'n.r'r. 1 fcr it d..a:c ..:,!.. Ices RACIitL IIAnVV'.Iii CO., (::.. : r.c! Ma.-i.!- C. IN - : : ;.. f-,- P.:?;::, "';?. "j |