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Show THE BLADE. resentatiVes. He was late in placing the contract and as the season for gardening has arrived ;n many districts he'is daily beseiged by congressmen SUBSCRIPTION rates: clamoring for their, quotas. The dealPer year. ers were slow in sending out the seed, (Payable in advance), so the congressmen have ordered the so ALF. ORME Publisher. entire lot forwarded to Washington atthat they can give it their personal tention. As a result the Washington made at the been has NepM Application is submerged in' garden for transmission through the mails as postoffice seeds. The condition of the service s mail matter. choked with tons of seed caused the to ask Secretary postmaster-genera- l Morton for relief by some arrangement &ATURDAY MORN., MAY 9. 1896. whereby the seeds may be distributed directly from the dealers. k Notice for publication. Land Office at Salt Lake Citv, Utah, March 3Uth, ; e Second-clas- ' " BLASE AGENTS: Below Is a list of our agents, who will Receive stibperiptionB and receipt for (Payments; Wm. Chastain, Ibapah, Tooele Co. ' MILLARD COUNTY. Joseph A. Lyman, Oak City. Christian Anderson, Fillmore. Thos. Memmott, Scipio. Chris. Overson, Leamington. Geo. Crane, Kanosb. James Hatton, Petersburg. Virgil Kelly, Burbank. Hvrum Adams. Meadow: James S. Blake, fiinckley. Many of the toombs have tude:" The Salt Lake Herald belonged to sunken down, many caskets have deP. C. Chambers exclusively for one day cayed, many of our friends are yonder, last Week. The Herald has not been under the weeping: willows, dead, but on a paying basis for some time and their spirits still live. Mr. Chambers who was a heavy stockUtah Press Association. holder in the business has been furnToe TJtah Press association held its regishing the money to keep it alive. Saturday.' meeting at Logan last Last week the end came and the entire ular to difficulty of making quick Owing were only a plant was turned over to Mr. Chambers railroad connections there the from south. member few present to cancel the $93,000 owed him with was held in the parlor of The meeting other debts amounting to $37,Q3f ,i4:. the Hank's Hotel and after the reading of Shoraaker minutes. Historian Joel Later however, a new company was the on the an read history interesting paper ' formed. The capital stock was placed of th e association, V extended the visitat $100,000, divided into 1000 shares of The Logan Journal to a banquet at the ors an invitation $100 each. The officers and director Hotel Hanks at 6:30 p. m. which Was acare: R. C. Chambers, president; A. W. cepted with thanks. An adjournment was here taken until J. L. Rawlins, 6 o'clock McCune in order to enable the boys to Charles L. Rood, secretary and treaV visit Logan's celebrated institutions of urer. Mr. Chambers tanes 9S0 shares learning, the B. Y. Academy and tne College. of stock and the others five shares Agricultural A visit to the tabernacle chdir concert a banquet tendered by the .Republiapiece. Richard W. Young one of and can wound up t ie days pleasures. . the incorporators, taking five shares. On Saturday morning a short business ,; The new campany succeeds to the session was held. of business the behalf M. ia F. business, plant, etc., of the Herald men and Murray citizens of Ephraim, extended The only an invitation to the association to hold company. Publishing on and next in its Ephraim meeting change in! the management was" the was accepted and invitatioa the voluntary retirement of Mr. Young as SeDtember 26th was named as the date on held. business manager and the succeeding which the next meeting will abecommittee was moved and earned It to bis place by E. A. Daniel. of three be appointed with the president as chairman to arrange for the annual excursion. Joel Shomaker and M. F. Mur- t. A WISH FROM THE DEAD. ray were appointed to act with the On the sixth day of June The Blade will have been rilnuing one year in Ne-f)and there are a great many who nave been taking it ever since without paying any portion of the subScrtptron price, which is all well and good so long as we have not demanded it, but y we feel as though we have shown delin-$uei.t enough and ask that all subscribers pay up by the first of She coming month, so that all accounts may be balanced at the end of our year. Call and see us. hi len-fenc- EDITORIAL NOTES vice-presiden- t; i' . - 43-1- 8 Wm. A. C. Btuon Groo, Register. Bryan Attorney for Claiment. 2864. ; onay VifrH vVill be a father to the movement' - e : Land Office at Salt Lake Citv; Utah, 20th 1896. April -' - Ttie NEW v&EKty R06Ky .10UNTAIM NEWS, Denver, Colo., d r - prepared ' According to the decision of a Mis-sbu- n court a bieycle is not a vehicle, but a trunk. Heretofore bicyclists btave labored for,, good roads on the theory that: their wheels were road Now wheelmen ask the railwagons.-roads to carry their machines" as baggage. A bicyclist, may ride his wheel until he begins to tire or burstaone and have it brought back- - railroad company. by a good-nature- d The dailies contain the following. as ah associated press dlspateh: A young man named Jobnson, residing in Jefferson county, Ia,: a graduate of Columbia college, who has ' been with X- - ravs. thinks' h has made an important discovery. means of what he calls the s he j niuuiou vj. vunuVjO iu lUlBe IlOUfS time a cheap piece of mtal worth a fw cents to $154) worth of gold.' The raebai Lransiormea nas oeen testea and is nronou need nure crold. X-ray- . - - Senator Brown h:is presented" a bill ii the Senate providing for the establfshment in Salt Lake City of an assay otlico and a branch mitit. According to a special to the Tibune, the bill provides an appropristficiT cf $200,000 to' carry out 'its prbvrslotlcr.' .The ''officer t6 be appointed" by the President, 'as contemplated by the bill, will be one superintendent at $3,000, tnrelter i and - ; ; : rdflner at $2,500,' asayer at $2,500, clerks and subdrdinats workmen to be paid such" wages as are customary in . SrtSp, :f5 a. n. 9:30 a. n,. p. 7:00 p. ., xrii it, . , Brf KOOSER; . Commercial Freight & raps. Act. K.IH.cbTINSON, .Traveling Tass. Ajt. ' Salt Lake City, Utah,1 '. Or II. P. TOWNSEND, General Pass, and Ticket Agent, St, Louis, Mo. j ; r nn tfrevr oemtre it ch jKor 1 tmW m r rtrte It COURSE cm tsuui crcni nn&na address particulars SECURE THIS " -- t V ,T.n. Tlie News rrintins Coj Denvor, Colo To advertise our OolUgo we wllf rive a thorough toure of instruction in Double and Single Kntry aud Commercial Arithmetic, by mail, at . Book-keepin- g j DISEASES OF THE SKIN. One Fourth Regular Price ,The intense itching and smarting inciand other dent to eczema, tetter, "is diseases of the skin instantly allayed by to a limited number of personB. Tbts course win uc cjuipieteu in 41) lessons. No charge for diplomas. Address, applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been It is equally permanently cured by it, efficient foi itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples; chapped hands chilblains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes. For sale by druggists 'at 25 cents per box. . Try Dr. Cady'g Condition rowders, they are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. For sale by.McNallv & Lu'n tDrugfgist. rtOMMERCIAI jTIAPlTAl vyii Vt'LLEGE i - TOPJEKA, ! I j KANSAS. NEPHI HOUSE Important to sheep-ownerFor several years have been Good Sample Rooms' for CommercialTrav- made that adequate complaints facilities for shearing: elers. j sheep did net exist at the head of Salt Creek Canon. Hack Meets all Trains, Free toJ Patron This year huwever a decided improveto and from the station i ment has been made Larsen & Moreley have constructed a new shearing corral at Ilolloway on the Sanpete .Vallvy Railway at which there will be one hundred H. GOLDSBROUGII, shearers-J-a- n ample number to handle all business offered'at this one of the most If Proprietor. conveniently located'corrals in" the state. s. m : m sC - T WZ t LOCAL TIME CARD. In effect, April 5, 1896. Train arrive ami depart at various daily as follows : Stations. THOSE AFFEoTfitf WITH South-boun- Btationi North-boun- d d. Leave Leave Arr. . Am am 2.10pm 5.00pm Ogden am 3.10 pin Ar Salt J Lv 4.00 pm am t.00 pm Lv Lake Ar 9.45 am, am 6.26 pm Sandy .... 9. 15 am 9.25 am Fairfield .. 4.38 pm 2.30 3.30 7.40 8.06 ,, 8.00pm. 7.00 pnf'i 1 6 30 pm' 6.01 pm ' 10.45am... Eureka... 3.20pm 3.40am 7.00pm. .Lehi Junct.. 8.40 am 5.28pm' 8.50 am 7.10 pm Amer'n Fork 8.S9 am 5.18pu) c& u ui .1.1 jui aui . yiu. x lean v J i v m 8.00 I'ru Gc20 am 7.4Q om . . . Provo am 4.52 Dm 9.40 am 7.59 pm Spanish Fork 7.44 am 4.34 pfflY. 9.57 am .8.12 pm ... Payson... 7.29 am 4.21 pm n 11.00 am 9.15 pm 6.40 am 3.35 pni Nephi . ILvfi.OOam 11.00 pm Af I 10.25 pm Lv t JuaD j Ar 5.00 am 12.01 am,, Leamington 3.35 am 2.00 am ....Oasis. 2.00 am 2.50 am Clear Lake 1.05 am 6.25 am ArJ Mi!- - ( Lv 9.10)m 7.V5&H). Lvford.)Ar 8.45 ym 7.30 pm 8.45 am .... Frisco Leave Arrive ,'' Sleeper on No. 1 South, Tuesnlav, Thursdaj and Saturday. Sleeper on No.. 2 Nortn', Monday s. Tuei 1 1 . ed Of the Kidneys, - ! Enlargement" of tlie Prostrate Giandr . Stone in Tlie Bladder, sday's and Of any kinct'of Urihar troubles Can secure immediate, Atid'a pefmaiaent cure by using tha , e FrMays. Trains souh of Juab run daily except Srv DATS Two trains daily from Lake tothrough all points Cast. Salt , Throurh Pullman Palace Sleepers ir jw Lake to Chicaner without change ' Improved Tourist Sleepers. Free Reclining Qhair cars. Eleriint liar (fa,ihpa Salt " -- - . fi:S." - .f con-tract- . Call upon the nearest ticket agent or afl Jrcs to Treat a Wife, How The only line operatiug: dining car service. , The BhoHest asdi fastest line to all point' " " east. D. x "E. TJ . E. D. WIOKINS," Agent. 32. A Nephi. 0n'l irt P.isscrr. fnt..' Office, 203 Main st.. Salt Uike. Rurlev- - . picket.Genl Passerr. and L. Lo'mai. City Ticla-- t ' Apt uen wnsr., umaui xicKinson, S. H. II. Clark, i Oliver W. Mink, E. Ellery Anderson, John W. Doaue, Frederick R. Couderi, K ''! vrs. . - nr ' ; .. By Arrive Chicago.. :. - ' Ijeave Ogden ........... Leave Pueblo Arrive Kansas .City..., Arrive St. Loni.-- The greatest bona fide prize offer fver inafl In the West or. South, The News is the paper of the West it Is sliver's representative peochampion; It ias ;the In news. ple's advocate; It leads in thought, The Weekly has just been enlarged and improved; it contains the latest and rullest mining and mining stock news; it ba special departments devoted to the Farm, the Household. Women and Children; all the brightest cartoons and livest comment of the daily edition are to be found In tt : It presents In condensed form the doinrs of all the woiid It 1 ' a family paper without a peer. . And the Weekly News Is determined to have beyond all question the larpest circulation of any paper between the Mississippi river and the Pacific coast. Therefore It offers to the persons sending in the greatest number of $1 yearly subscriptions before Septembes 1st next these unequalled prizes. REGULAR AGENTS' COMMISSION A ALLOWED IN ADDITION. - ) Coaches. Quick Time and Sitperb Elegant ltoad-Vemake this line thePeople's Fav.i" orite Route. 111. (From Pacific Health Journal.) First, get a wife; second, be patient. You may have great trials and perplexities in your business, but do not therefore, carry co your home a cloody or brow. Your wife may have trials, which, though of less magnitude, may be hard for her to bear. A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders in chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. To this we would add always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Ilemedy in the bouse. It is the best and is sure to be there many little mounds erected over 'needed sooner or later. Your wife will know that you really care for her some beloved child, or one sadly miss then or sale and wish to protect her health. ed in the family circle, and many are i)y McNally & Lunt Druggists. they who ask each other: "I wonder who lies in this grave?-"- : Hot even the For every quarter in a man's pocket a dozen uses and ' to use each there names of the? once loved ones appear one'in are such a way as to derive the greatthere to mark-thplace where we bur- est benefit is a question everyone must for bimelf. We believe, however, ied them ;r our intentions have been solve no better use could be made of one of that good, no doubt, but the record does these quarters than to exchange it for a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic- Cholera not show it today-and Remedy; a medicine that Now that Decoration ,day is fast everyDiarrhoea family- - should be provided with. nearidg.det us who have been negli- For sale by McNally & Lunt Druggists. gent, proceed at once to show the say we still have for our Notrce; of Dissolution. " heretofore existing unJ the derThe name departed ones: by placing over a' and the McNdlly !fc Lunt, style graves their names at leasTf- - if not1 an doing business at Nepni. ofTJtah is this day dismutual consent, F. J. McNally inscription suitable to their memories. solved byThe business will hereafter be conThese remarks- are not intendedvto ducted byS. J. Lunt and Alfred Lunt under firm name of A. Lunt fc "Son; who will col cause any ill feeling-amothose who the lect outstanding: indebtedness and discharge are guilty of' this om miss ion; bu t it all'obligatidnaf the old firm.' F. "J. McNamt, ' S. J.'LtTNT." may.' surprise 6onre one to say here that 6tll 1S06.'' : Tlio Llissouri Pacific ; f - any lady 'sending her address (namer town and State)' plainly given. A copy in German or Scandinavian will be sent if desired. Postal card is as good as letter. Address Price Baking Powder Uo. , Chicago. hOOQ tc pre-paidr- Or any other , . see that ticket East your reads via point 4 i . - ONE PRIZE OF . o o o o salt-rheu- m, 2875. Notice for Publication; . n 'Table and Kitchen' is the title of a new cook book: published by the Price Baking Powder Company, Chicago. ' Just at this time it will be sent free if you write a postal mentioning The Blade. This book has been tried by ourselves and Beis one of tne very best of its kind. sides containing over 400 receipts for all kinds of pastry and home cookery there are many bHits for the table and kitchen, showing how to set a table, how to enter the dining room, etc.a hundred and one ti in is in every branch of the culinary art. Cookery of the very tin est and richest as well as of the most economical and homelike, is provided for. Remember 4Table and kitchen" will be sent, postage JPrize Separate .4. U - Notice is hereby given that the following-name- d settler has filed notice of his intention to make fi ual proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk" of Juab County, Utah, at Nephi, on June 3, 1896, viz: Zenos Whittaker, guardian of Maggie L.- - Nortonj Minnie A. Norton, presi-aeoWilliam O. Norton, John R. Norton, Tobitha L. Norton and Hasel- D. Norton, infant children of DrusilLa, Norton, deceased, who made of President The resignation Rognon for the Sec. 25 Tp. 12 S. was read and on motion was laid over It was Certainly a tep taken in the until the next meeting. He names the following witnesses to prove A pleasant trip was also made to the his continuous resfdence proper direction, when the" committees upon and cultivation of said land, viz; William Sperry, William D. of ladies and gentlemen appointed for Hercules Power plant in Logan canyon. Nortom Elisha Russell, William A; Bowles, all Ephraim Enterprise. of Nephi, Juab County, Utah. that purpose lately performed a generByron Register. ous and worthy action in beautifying S. W. Darke, Attorney forGroo, Claimant. A CooK-BooFree. Congressman are so full of fight that if they can't scare up a war with someand decorating the city of our dead, body theyifight each other. the resting place of those whom we love, whether here or over there. Those who have taken the pains of Congress will adjourn aboiit the 15th df the- present month. That will be visiting the cemetery since the imone gocd act of the present body, any- provements have been made there, are way. delighted with the success so far and feel anxious that the work thus begun not cease until completed. vThe Turks seem to have killed very-Bod- y will investment is one in which in Armenia and are now begin- . The person, young and dd are directning on Crete. Fifty persona were every ly interested, for it is a true and solkilled and wounded on the island late-l- y emn fact that those of us, Or of ours, in a two days' fight. who are not there now will someday ' V And their final repose therein-- . The latest in Utah journalism to It speaks well of--' the living to show reach The Blade office is the Morgan respect for their dead; our appreciaMirror, published at Morgan' city and tion o their, virtues and worth while cfounty. Long may it live and reflect with us here, ' surely .was not buried Credit upon the press. when the casket which held our dear ones was lowered and covered from our Salt Lake City is arranging for a yiew. None of us would'1 like such an grand festival on the scale of the Cal- accusation tbrought against .our charifornia flower parade on July 2, 3- and acter while we are living, and yet, A committee jof prominent citizens there is! a possibility that we may foi-- " already has the affair in charge and it get our respect, nay, our duty to the will be b eked by the chamber of com- dead. merced The programme has not yet IJe or she who visitsj among the tjeen announced .bat' is being- - actively tombs jis surprised to sea here and 55 . 5, Who Nenhi should have a' iniliHa. Chicago, Now York; ....GIVEN AWAY IN..... f - mo-tio- If you are going to Kansas City; St. Louis; ; CD Notice for Publication. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utalf ) April 6th, 1896.. is , Notice hereby given tbat the named settler has filed notice of his following-Intentio'n to make final commutative proof in of his claim, and that said proof will support be made before the County Clerk of Juab County, Utah. Clt " 23, ??aiH?u?eC:Nplll Burraston H.Utah, E. No 10388 for the SE S W M Lot 7 See. 6 Tp- - 12S K 1 E SeC- - J'NE &NE See. 12 Tp names He the following witnesses to prove his Continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz Andrew Johnson, James E. Kay, John T. Kay and Abraham Kay, of Mona. Juab Co., Utah Any person ;who desires to again Pt the allowance of puch proof,, orprotest who knows of any substancial reason, undeu the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, whv such proof should not be allowed, be given an opportunity at the above will mentioned time and place to the of said claiment, and to offer evidencewitness in reof buttal that submitted by claiment.BTKolf Oboo. Register. ttt44"4 ... A. C. Cry an Attorney for Claimant. j cross-examin- ! f e cross-examin- ' TO OUR PATRONS'. 18. fi FomifiG in Prizes Notice is hereby given that the following-name- d settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his in to remind them that sufficient time claim, and that said be made - of will the County Clerk-proof Juab Countv, and patience have been allowed in this before Utah, at Court House, Nephi City Utah, on 16, 1396, viz: William F. Memmott H. E. important and necessary obligation. . May No. 8427 for the W. ls N. E. and N. W. i S. and To those who have legislated E. H See. 34 Tp. 15 S. K. 2 W. names the following "witnesses to prove constructed the laws of our city, to hisHecontinuous residence upon and cultivation said land, viz: Moroni Monroe, James those who are now sitting as councils of. Adams James' Allen, and Thomas W. Memmen, to those who were elected by the mott, ofjr., Scipio, Millard County, Utah. ; person who desires to ' protest against people and paid for such purpose, and theAny allowance of such proof, or who" knows of reason, under the law and the to all those who are not included in any substantial of the Interior Department, why regulationsshould this category, the wish from the dead such not be allowed, will be givproof en an opportunity at the above mentioned time softly the from and living whispers and place to the witnesses of claimant, and to oiler evidence in rebutbut plainly, "Be not guilty of ingrati- said tal of that submitted by claimant. " post-offic- Tlia' Llissouri Pacific B'y 2859- - neglect this' duty are also' they-wh- guilty.of an in violating" Sec; 224 of Ordlhances "of Ne-p' Not cenCity. only: can ' i a sured one, but our sexton also ' must accept his shared of - the offense thus committed s neglect; because in case "any. pemou'f ails, neglects or rej fusi to ' erect- - a suitable : tombstone, headboard 'or- - other V suitable monument for a period ; of three months from the date Of said tjurial, the : sex tdh ahali- place stiitable: head-Wardin tbeir ivroper placesat the expense :ut the person owuing or ' burying in the said cemetery," thus 'says ' the" e on this subject.M This jaw shoUld ' be taken from "the book, or it should be' enforced." There are some who claim that they--ar- e un able to spare one dollar or two for a the-Revise- Nephi, May . . sale Fbr-- by. the cnTense d -- hi we-be- by-hi- Satlsf action Guaranteed. ' Work called for and delivered every week Ladies shirtwaists a specialty. Offic'e at Sparks' Candy & Cigar store. " II. Has been tested for ni6re than five year's in the cWes, dhd therelbas hot been Vcas'e of 'failur'(3rrecdrded ?agAinst"tBd waterr"' above-Darne- d t , ; WEBB. McCormick - LIows, and Binders, Cooper Wagons,- - IT caie j f; iff i '.!-'' t WGUREDiil . ' .r - ';'';' J ,': ; 6t Bfiht.'s Disea-i- a that had EVERY IliSTAIIiGEr Nortb No. l.f J.15p 1.32p a.42p 2.22p, 2.45p rist. Stations. 43.0 ' Lv. Neb pi 'aV. Salt Springs' 'Ilolloway Fountain Green 3K.t) 33.0 29.0 23.2 19.5 16.0 from Nepbi 50 10.0 14.0 119.5 Draper Moroni ,23.5 27.0 Chester ' 35.0 Ephrajm Ar. Manti Lv. 43.0 , -- : 8.0 t- , , No. 2; Daily h ii.teii 10.27a.-10.1. 9.45a. 9.35a.'. 9.10a. 8.43a 8.15a . . Sulky flows,' ; " It Doserc't, Millard County, Utab. ' Address all correspondence to ; str iiJ Trains leave Manti for itiit,v' Lah auu iuorriaou ni aiou ntm.. Mnndav's. Wednes .h d"ay'8 and. .Friday's. Returning arrive at Manti at 6:00 p, m. Direct cnnnwii . I l ",arKA:l t TTnirtt Ocrdeu, liqtte, Provo, Milford awl intermediate j ' ail polnte East and West. vuiu, ana on , U. , , .. . .J"vop signal. , aTbo Company reserves thev to far; right i . - , rom this Time Table I at pleasure l TiiEotoRB Brtjback, x cc uea'l Manaffer, Salt Lake Ciiy." ! : Dlor-wes- ; T -- s -- DES-EUE- is a home water. Free from Sulphur, Absolutely Soft, Pure and Tasteless, Free from even a trace of Lime and is a prod iict of ; NJ-2PIII- Soutbu 11.45a 12.10p 12.40p 12.57p. ' regular employment, DitriDg preguancy, and Chronic Constipation, the Ladies will find in the Lrrill A WATER au ihvaluable remedy.4; 1895. V'C ! r e .:.;.. bb'ea prouounced incurabfe by le'adiiig was three' In lees cured than months by the use of DES!ERTi)T physicians, is n6w persuing bri's " LITIIIA AVATER and the" patient" " - headboard and will not run in debt such cases. The memorial of" the foritvthey-would'prefeHarrows, the neglecting Chamber of Commerce of Salt Lake respect and ' memory of their dead, Rakes, CHy in favor of the establishment of than to owe onB'dolBar livjng'. to the the assay office accompanies the bin." However where one Barb Wife etc. person has poverty for an excuse scores of others can- VVc carry all Implements carried by The postoiHce departmrnt has called not enter that plea. the Consolidated Implement Co. upon the secretary of agriculture for It is hoped that next Decoration day assistance.' Under instructions frorrr will bring about better results in this Knowios & Webb, congn-sMr. Morton h;i3 purchased an direction and that those who have put t enormous quantity of seed for: gratu- - off doing their; of Ccrart IIoueo in this matter will Half duty Uv.,-di.strlbu tion by .senrttnrs and rep not pFOcesa-oHaw step UTAH : ' v;rit-until-th- TIME TABLE NO, 16.- Effective Sunday, November 17th, Agents for the - : RAILWAY ; , ordi-nane- r i i" Sparks Jr. Agent." & -- ESEM' IfEtfl't- W AT15R' - KN0WLES FETE .vuenerai gATgenisj SALT LAKE CITY, UTAIL . Dont-Forp- t The Old Ileliable" TRO Y-- S T E--A M L A U N D R Y; SMITH BlitfG CO., SAN , OotVl . Ageiita.for ",- -. . ' tripJDESER-E- T LITIIFA ' Rrllt. olrrt 'niftr - V TUCi.tV.CI J Villi, Wl.lJ , Vt.i' ATER OMlAK V.A ' Siupt. AG. P. & L. Ac-ent- , " &&at j |