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Show U VI NG CHECKERS. ES3SSSE5BBKS(fSFSBWS8 terpart with the livlnz though, of course, no fair young lives were sacrificed. "pflETTY GIRU3 AS PLAYERS FOR The tournament will be in the SWEET CHARITY. near future, and all of therepeated ladies young of Frostburg have their hearts set upon Honte a Checkerboard Interest-(- jj being in the game, either as red or black They have no choice. idea Adapted from a Story of pieces. The Journal's was drawn rjf. In India A Hicltlnjj Contest from a diagram ofpicture the hall and photoj,tfen Re4 and Blacks. graphs of the young women who were the living checkers. HEKE ia a fetory of the days of Clive In LOST ARTICLES. India, of a young to a Pretty Stun In V English girl who They Amount .' Year was captured hy the The marmldona of the been following interesting items have gathered about the articles lost on rajah of somewhere railroad trains In, England: or other and carAt the ried off to hl3 pal- articles Euston railway station 30.000 are received every year. The ace In the foothills inquiries for articles that have hp.fm of India. Her lover. lost an army officer In a a but not found average over twenty ay. eli3h army, single and alone, the A first-clapassenger from Liver :is way to the potentate's court threw his false teeth out of the pool nan ded her of her captor. window some with The plum stones. Th rajah admiring the bravery of the was track searched and the neat it can made much of him, but refused the teeth were found and to restored duly boor, hr asked. Finally finding the Enowner. their glish:;, an wis an expert chess player he The Great Eastern Railway company Eaif a fiendish compact with him that sold the following articles year ihr hould play a game with living among the unclaimed lost last property: n, the rajah to furnish ch the One hundred and forty handbags, five pie?'??. enormous cases of books, 459 pairs of Thf terms of the game were simple. boots and shoes, 614 collars, cuffs and her side lost a move the 'As 252 caps, 506 deerstalker hats, fronts, pawn was to lose his life, the 2,000 single gloves. 230 hats (women's) ai rajah's executioner standing by to and 94 brushes and combs, 265 him instantly. Then if. at the pipes,bonnets, 110 purses, 100 tobacco pouches, end the Englishman won he was to 1,006 .walking sticks, 300 socks and tak the girl and both would be escorted stockings, 108 towels, 172 handkerback to the English possessions, safe chiefs, 2,301 umbrellas, 128 articles and and sound: if, however, he lost, he was seven big cases of wearing apparel. to lose his life and the girl must enter At BIng's Cross It takes six weeks the rajah's harem. The Englishman to sort out the articles for the annual was it the best he could do. sale. Umbrellas are sold In lots from 6 consented; The following day the courtyard of to 36, and bring from $10 a lot down. Last year's lost and unclaimed propthe palace was laid out in the form of a and at a given sig- erty in the Great Northern was sold for .gigantic chessboard, . i i cnessmen nai me nvmg tooK their $850. It included 1,000 walking sticks places. To the Englishman's horror he and 1,300 umbrellas, so the things must saw that the white queen, the piece of have gone for almost nothing. his adversary, the rajah, was his sweetGloves are sold very cheap; at one was heart! It devilish ingenuity sale 2,000 went for about 2 cents a pair. The purses found on the Southwestern worthy of an Oriental. However, the game went on. At one trains yield, on an average, $500 a year. ; - -- 1 ss -- - unfor-r.r.a-- be-be- i i . 1 1 CRAZY OVER GOLD. Story of a Great "Find" of Wealth Near lilalne. George Webber, a United States customs inspector, arrived In this city re cently from Blaine and tells of a great excitement among the people there and across the British Columbia line over ' a "gold-find- ," says the Seattle CONFIRMS A BIBLICAL ACCOUNT Prmit of the American Digging in the " Niffer Mound, London Times: During the last few years the work of archaeological explo- i ration in Babylonia has been almost entirely confined to the labors of the American expedition, who have been engaged for several years In the systematic exploration of the great mound of Niffer, in Mr. Webber's story sounds like a tale of fiction, and, whlln Central Babylonia, the site of the ancient of Nipur, and to the partially resumed there is nothing romantic about it, city work of M. de Sarzec at Tello, the ancient there are exciting suggestions of wealth Lagash. :: cl: .:v to be got from the earth. Mr. Webbej The discoveries made by these explorers says that a rancher named James Good, have been of great importance, but they fellow, whose acquaintance the inspect chiefly related to the earliest days of the tor made while on duty at Point Rob- -: Chaldean empire, as far back as 4,000 years before the Christian era. Importerts, came to Blaine and asked him tq' ant as these discoveries are, as furnishing return to Point Roberts with him and1 us with which to the material pass an opinion on what Goodfellow the dawn of civilizationbyin Chaldea, study there considered gold in the sand and dirt liij has always been a desire that we should the hills in the neighborhood of the can; obtain some Inscribed records, possible hisneries of the Alaska Packers' assocla- - torical inscriptions, of the period of the ), tion. Mr. Webber, who was at first j new Babylonian empire (B. C. r Nebuchadnez-zeof of the of :a especially number reigns skeptical, having had Nabonidus. II. and v years practical experience as a miner,' With the exception of the Babylonian at last consented, and, hiring a team., chronicle of the reign of the latter monaccompanied by Goodfellow, made th arch and a few historical notices In liis fourteen-mil- e drive to 'Point Roberts. cylinder Inscriptions, we have but little He procured a pan and went to th: indication of the existence of historical records. A discovery of the greatest imhills, directed by the expited rancher. Goodfellow pointed lout the plactf portance has just been made by Father SchelL who has for some time been exwhere he had first made his discoverin Babylonia. In the Muljelibeh ies, and Mr. Webber, scooping up a past ploring one of the principal heaps of ruins mound, of the dirt, went to aj creek near tb In the center of Babylon, he has discovplace and began washing it; The firt ered a long inscription of Nabonidus, the ), thing after the soil and; surface dirt had last of the Babylonian kings (B. C. which contains a mass of history been removed was a black sand lying fct and other data, which will be of the greatthe bottom of the pan,! After this ha been washed out Mr j Webber states est value to students of this Important peof Babylonian history. that he could hardly believe his eyes, riod The monument In question is a small for the bottom of the pan was covered stella of diorite, the upper part of which with shot gold. Having in mind sev- is broken, inscribed with eleven columns eral "salting" propositions, Mr. Webber of writing, and which appears to have again took up a pan of earth at a con- been erected early in the king's reign. It siderable distance from the place where resembles in some measure the celebrated Goodfellow claimed to have made his India house inscription of Nebuchadnezbut is much more full of historical discoveries. This second pan was even zar, matter. Its value may be estimated when more prolific of the yellow metal than it is stated that it contains a record of the the first, and upon convincing himself war of revenge conducted the Babythat Goodfellow had! told the truth he lonians and their Mandiah by allies against jumped Into his buggy and as fast as Assyria, for, the destruction of the city of possible made for Blaine, from which Sennacherib, in B. C. 698 J an ac'count of place he proceeded to Whatcom, where the election and coronation of Nabonidus, he recorded two mining claims, and In B C. 555, and the wonderful dream In which Nebuchadnezzar appeared to him; then returned to Point Roberts.' In the as well as an account of the restoration of the Temple of the Moon of God, at Khar-raaccompanied by a chronological record, which enables us to fix the date of the Scythian invasion. There is also a valuable reference to the murder of Sennacherib by his son In Tebet, B. C. 681. The account of the dream is incomplete, but it is most important as showing the Implicit belief which these Babylonian kings had in portents by dreams, and It ia also a remarkable confirmation of the statements of Daniel in regard to the dreams of Nebuchadneezar. There are In the In? referred other matters to, many which are of the great interest, scriptlon especially the portion relating to the apportionment of the temple revenues. Post-Intelligenc- er. ; ; 606-53S- " ; -- ; : , ; -- , 555-538- ; Th Mount St. Bernard Dog. Baron Jordls, the principal breeder of St, Bernard dogs In Austria, publishes a letter from the prior of the St. Bernard ihosplce on the subject of the present Tou ask me value of these dogs. whether In the present aay our hounds render the same service to travelers as are usually ascribed to them," writes the, prior. "Certainly they do. They in no way belie their past. In winter they are absolutely Indispensable to us, not only because they still find wanderers burled In the snow, but because they are the only guides who can lead us safely along the proper track in the wild mountain snowstorms. The only difference Is that they do not - now carry a basket or flask fastened to their necks; these are borne by one of the brothers of the hospice." Westminster Gazette. 'I PRETTY MAIDS AS LIVING CHECKERS IN A GAME FOR CHARITY. r r " -- flXtn -- meantime Goodfellow who Is not a citizen of the United States, had started his son to Whatcom to take out his naturalization papers in order to be able to file upon claims for himself. When passing through Blaine young Goodfellow told the story and in less than an hour half the population of that town was on its way to the new j , Eldorado. "Not only is Blaine represented in the mines," said Mr. Webber, "but the majority of the men from Ladner's Landing; across the British Columbia border, are pouring across and panning out the dirt of the Point Roberts hills. These are not the only discoveries of gold that have contributed to the contagion of fortune hunting in the northwest corner of the state. Another rancher, whose name I do not remember, while sinking a well at his place on Lulu island, afte- - reaching a depth of thirteen feet, brought to the surface dirt that panned out $1,600 to the ton. He Is still digging the well, but It is not for water, "Those who had already squatted and staked out claims in. connection tvith the Goodf ellows and myself held ; a meeting and named their find the Clld-tammining district, which name the new papers recognizing the filings fclll ; , en bear." - tw-nty-f- our P,"" "f;;" - s" "tat i ; MEN OF MARK. The sale of the saddle horses owned by the Durland riding company in New York city, which was conducted by the sheriff, demonstrated that saddle horses are cheaper than bicycles. Thirty dollars was the average price for the equines owned by this once popular and prosperous riding school. Saddles also brought low figures. The wheel is playing hob with the horse, even in fashionable quarters. Pittsburg Dispatch. When Traveling:, ISeet Sugar In. Russia. Russia has made considerable progress la the sugar-bee- t industry. The area under cultivation anNunts to 849,910 acres, & gala of 29,855 over 1894. From last year's area the quaaitity of sugar is estimated at 717,553 tons, an increase of 115,007. tons over 1894. The improvement of the international sugar market was caused principally by the rumor that the United States bought at Hamburg 100,000 sacks of raw sugar of last year's stock, and it is said that in case the insurgents should stop entirely the export of sugar from on the European markets its Cuba, would rise price because Cuba furconsiderably, one-third nishes of tue total quantity of cane sugar produced by the whole world, of all the sugar In general, and and is the principal source of supply of raw sugar for the United States, the largest sugar consumer in the world. Russia exported, from September 1. 1895, to November 24 last, 19.2G0 tons of sugar. Popular Science News. The Back, the Thumbscrew and the Boot Were instruments of torture, since abandoned; but there Is a torlong mentor who still, continues to agonize thej Joints, muscles and nerves of manytoof us. The rheumatism, that inveterate foe daily and nightly comfort, may be conquered by use Uostetter's of the timely and steady Stomach Bitters, which likewise eradicates bilious, malarial, bowel, stomach neuralgia, and nerve old-fashion- ed , complaints. - In his younger days Ambrose Thoiaas had some celebrity as an athlete, and in his old age he was extremely fond of physical exercise and of outdoor life.' The fact that he lived to be 85 shows the benefit he derived from it. Prince Ghika, who has been appointed Roumanian minister at Paris, belongs to one of the most famous families7 of his country. In the last ten years there have been three Ghikas occupying posts as ministers one at Berlin, one at London and the one now appointed at Paris. Ex-Congress- Harter, who com- mitted suicide, once described himself as "a Jeffersonlan whose influence politically is conservative, for safe measures and against radical, unsound, meddlesome legislation, a quiet man in manners, a plain man in dress and ft studious man by habit." He Nice dog! Have you taught him any new tricks since I was here last? She (sweetly) Oh yes; he will fetch your hat If yoo BON The Denver tent co. and awning t Pufstrrrn's nrrv-- t', r ' I' 1728 r- -r ti-- K fiT LAWRENCE m4 DEHYEB BLUB PRlKT Z&ttSlSXZZl F'!A.9Hl1f18T lii Machinery, of MINING, BPi" etc Pips thraadln Irelght elevators. Kock AMERICA!! A PKINTINO d pnr.Uoi iiarslda, liis-l- T lsf u HOUSEBSS'iWa? "Ienver's l)id HeUaUs HoteL'' nd Mood "Wprkiug Machinery M 1 1! I II P hand ) of all kin s btuI lillltlllU Machinery S. Co. K8UTf, ECONOMY FENCE lovcht W.rk 6A (second iold. M. Mnrkt 00 Cthtt g. 1G27 15th st. STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATIHC ft J. BKILLY, 1425 CUrt l 18 STUbtCT. PIANOS AND 0RCAI1S Cheapwtit an market. Htnd for &'Ssa' 0 .Catalogue free. Kni ghl Music Co., ArpRhoa OTATC flDC FumrUPf Albany O I A I U U H L Houl Llook, Mk.ClPre, Ienver. I'o ket elHxik, valuable to ore hlrper, mulled fro. ot PU CAD CADffi; Write for otirllKt eloped properti en for rale at rMlililO cost The Central Irust Co. 74Kqui table Il'p, Ixuvr PUTI CI ni'CDO ruiieralate.Perismu, Ipoora-UCorrpupondttiPa rLUlli.no Hons, solicited. H. li. Klin-- , FloriBt, 628 Cth BU Tel. IHii 15(i-1- b!?53 We lfrd. Other Follor. The Union Ptfclncrun the fastest trains to Chicago. Minneapolis, St. Paul, Council Bluffs, Kansas Cltf; St Donls, Salt Lake, San Francisco, Portland, Butte, Ogden, Helena and nearly all other principal points in the United States. See that your ucket reads via this popular route. No trouble to answer questions. Call at Ticket Office,'; 941 17th St., cor, Curtis, or telephone 457. , , MBEE S McGlNKlTT SSBrSfr? Barbed Wire, NaDa, Cor roirated Iron. 18 k Waeea, POULTRY CAME. BUTTER. EGGS. General Com mission, Eppel Marie! Roofs Tin PDAUCI DnnClIJP Materials, Painted and Itenalred. UnAlCL nUUrlHu Usury Miller Co., 1WJ9 Aiapahoa St. 1LM at lipkeit, 1645 i ,:rmm , soda SEACS, RUBBER STAMPSBHS& How have will Clerk you your Drug hot or. cold ?; Customer Guess I'll have it Work s fc Mfg. Co., 1518 Lawrence bt P. O. Box 81 .. .... hot; haven't time to wa't for it to get cold. TRUSSES. CRUTCHES EBSeSSSB St. James. 1508 Curtis ttreet. Establlnhed 1874 Stockmen's Saddles and Harness, Ma4factured by the old, responsible firm of DADCDRnYCC Envelopes etc Stoc Box a specialty. The Waste rMrCll anaDUACO HERMANN H. HEISEIt. vox nd Uo., cor. and 80 Blake Street, Denver, Colo. Art unsurpassed in quality. Parties in need of paddles and Harness goods, will find the above firm prompt and reliable In every respect, Prices are the lowest In the state, quality of goods considered. Send for their new Catalogue. . Ella Maud la going to the masque in the character of "Nlghtv. Stella It will be another case ofnaaklngnlgtldeous. All Fits stopped f Dr. Kline's Great FITSKestorer. No Fits after the Orrt day's use. Nerve Marvelous cures. Treatise anil 1 trial bottle free o 5 it cases, bend to Dr. Kline,831 Arch bU, FiOla,, Pa. Mr. Boodle You began life as a barefooted New Clerk Yes, sir. 1 boy, I understand?shoes.was born without 1528 re-b- envelope WnraiiOWa Arspahti dehver music co.&ssrsnasi Champa Street. SECOND HAND MACHINERY kinS CRAIN. PROVISIONS. minikS K WEBER & CLAYTON, 1659 CnrtU Street. Bankers and Brokers. Telephone 1023. Mall or telegraph orders receive prompt attention' ORSER. We are the oniv firm west of thi Missouri river lhat do a general oommtaion oineas, an 1 the oldest firm In the state. Our facilities for handling norees and mules are aecon l to none, a, (XX) Dead bandied last year. Auction sales Thursdays. It you want to buy or sell let us hear from you, John W. Buchanan, Gen'l Man., City Btock Yards. 11 remedy. Has. Soothing Stbup for Children Teething-well-trie- d . Teacher Tommy, what is meant by food?" Tommy Something to eat E. E. BURLINGAME'G that ain't got no taste to it There are Dictionaries and Dictionaries, ;oBs";RY, but the noblest Roman of them all seems to be Webster. It is still easily In the lead In Established in Colorado, I860. Samples by mall or the great race for popularity. express will receive prompt end carsful attention mere to are often aid be "Poster designs BULLION accidents." "Some of them must be regard- GOLD AND SILVER or and Melted ed as fatal accidents, too." Rsflnsd, Amyd Purchased. Plso'e Cure for Consumption Is our only Arrest. 17M and 1738 Lawrcnct U DENVER, COUK nu-trltl- assay office medicine for coughs and colds. Mrs. C. THE COMPANY PAYft THE FRKICHT Beltz, 439 8th Ave., Denver, Col., Nov. 895. w steel bores rbtm. WiU Oa tbir eommon-eena- e JRJO do you come on with that lean boist 26 tons of rock feet each shift. laiostassmle Louise as De paoaea anTwnere Emma I don't know yet and reliable an aasin. i can year proposal? Ke cob wheels of xtk recomIs of still letters my examining Harry clutches to break. 90 per cent If v will bend mendation, wrought iron and steel andftO la use. before break. ins. Over -- Iw ti J Persons cannot fall to be Dleased with the eleerant service now offered the nubile by the union .facinc. anrougn 1'aiace Sleepers or fast the latest designs; vestlbuled trains, free time, dining care (meals "a la carte'), recllnine chair cars, steam heat Plntsehlight, etc. Ticket Office ' cor. 17th and CurtlS StS. .: - ar I I some running o years without one dollars expense, we mice ror- noiata at prices, azo, ou, to jw u t t " - J Ut. nit .hi ' ... y"a ifffli I "! "The eame Is no." remarked the hnnerv nd on up. Bend for an Illustrated elrcnlar to TH E customer as he noted the advance in price WHIM CO.. 1222 OnrfcU Btlenyer. Ooio. ox oiras on me diu or rare. Jnst How It es I. Is Not the Question. It Is enough to know that HlndercornB takes out PATENTS,TRADE MARKS tne corns, ana a very pleasing reuer it is. ucat oruggists. Examination and Advice as to Patentability of Invention. Send for "Inventors' Guide, or How to Ott a) Patent. PATRICK O'FARRELL, Washimrton, P. a PAliKLirU HAIR BALSAM Clean i and lsoUftethel hall, Promotes a laxuriaat siweOv If ever yaJle to Sestore Ormj Hair to Its Toutarnl Color. Cures scalp $t)c,mnA hair Im fli't fn.rrf faLUnf, , MMT DiGiill' ST. JACOBS OIL to feel 1 conit you want centrate .it beating: in, ' a. cure. k cccooccccccccscooooocoocco aa oo aa p A, o o Try Walter Baker & Cos Cocoa and ao Chocolate and you will understand' why qo their business established in 1780 has flour- - O 1780. a o a ished ever since. Look out for imitations. Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. !TT L vl come here U J TertlAir KloN Secondary lrtnTpermanentlr cored In IS If Foleon can be treated at homo tor name car K4 th dare. Ta Drice under same guarantr. If yon prefer to rauroaa to ana contract fare pay hotel bills. we will fish wm papains! ILt CJUlWia- LY mouth, Sore T1itoi. on TTieerm any part of the body, flair outT i? isffpoti, that 6 enninfre S 3 hls ItLOOn fl Una vrowa roost ttie We solicit cure. CURED BY THE ras clisf 5s lbS.'Z the world for a ca or Ihe moat eminent t.OOj1OOO raj .U4 till phyefclana. sent on sealed Absolute btMad our unconditional guaranty. application proofs UI1L IlEEP VGU Address COOKL and Iodide .potasli, neons itII - Rtm ve chea VSTi ' a. km - , ENGINES, BOILERS, HOlBTKItS, STAMP MILLS, IIUNTINGTONS, PUMPS. ETO. THE DENVER MINING MACHINERY CO., 1723 WAZEE STREET, DENVER. If the Baby Is Cvttlag; Teeth, Be sure and use that old and im Mfg. Goods. Catalogue free. i - D , 200-!l01- l 3 Denver Directory. U at once Th't Record. fora-UnL- Hl Life. How a When a man has made his application and the passed the physical examination and seen civil service examination, and has duly a few people with pulls, and has got his aphis billy, pointment, and his uniform, and has had a and twisters, and revolver, and beat marked out for him, he feels at last he is really a policeman, but when he' OTAD PDflPCDV price - list mailed that 1 sees a dirty-face-d small boy stick his head 01 All UnUUCnl FIlK Larioiei KO CHAlOk FUB PACK1NO OK DRAYAUB around a corner at a safe distance and then shout, "Aw, go chase yourself 1" and run violently away, he is absolutely sure of BLITTJEVELRYCO."" It. Somerville Journal. IN GOLD PLAT J AT I4.5. 8PLCIAL BALE. - We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENET & CO., Toledo, O. i We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chepey for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all 'business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm, WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting- directly upon the blood vand mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price. 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills. 25c. i rtf-ere- nf Positive Proof. to bed? Lazbey Be definite, man; is Whether on pleasure' bent, or business, going take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of wnat gooa to eat t Trlert Parker's Gnger Tonic and "I Have Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and believe so will yon sax in it," says a mother, and effectually on the kidneys, liver, and, wnen lammar witn its revitalizing prope rties. bowels, preventing fevers, headaches, "Have those Deoole In the other flat been and other forms of "sickness. For sale married long?" T think not; he takes naps In 50 cent and $1 bottles by all leading on ner oest siik pniows." druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only. . ' Convenient for Him. Mrs. Wreakhard landlady) How is it that you are taking(the your medicine after dinner? I thought the doctor told you to take A its Misery 1 U U Li U it before meals. Mr. Oldboarder He said it didn't make Uao any difference as long as I took it on an empty stomach. Ayer's Sarsaparifl; The Remedy with one-seven- th Gazley Is It good to eat at night before K 5 ic The Most Fastidious Saddle Home a Drug:. : 52-5- j so-call- ed d. Anti-Asthmat- t n, a fha Tmrtnn and Southwestern line end sat the rajah, moving the white the year 103 mackintoshes and 340 hats pieces by messenger; at the other the last and caps were found among otner arti young English officer was directing cles. As ' the game progressed, pawns, sacrl-HceSaved by Glove Button. vfn-aknights, castles and bishopsonwere denend unon a glove mnnh rnftv the board iiyn As they were lost with fastening was illustrated at one of the their lives paid the forfeit. Then, in an adventure a fiendish, cunning the rajah made a Monson slate quarries the person concerned would not move that placed the white queen in which must care to repeat. He was a derrick man, peiiL The agonized Englishman or who stood on the brink of one of the her sacrifice and queen the capture chasms from which the slate rock lose the game and his own life. of the great is hoisted. His duty was to cau uum Fortunately, the gifted writer the cannot of the big hook depending from tale (whether true or false, wemoment, over the end of the bottom as it swung dreadful this in Inspired say) and attach it to tne craio w.:u made a brilliant coup and checkmated bank sent back Into the pit. Standing upon the cruel rajah at the same time, saving the very edge, he reached out to catch the white queen. hook which dangled near him. It This strange and exciting story fell the wore thick buckyoung was winter and hehook into the hands of some bright It was skin gloves. The out butslipped from and Md., in Frostburg, people caught into him as he leaned determined that It was Just the thing . .The swing his of glove. Unthe fastening to enact for charitable purposes. him off his feet took boom of the great favored, of the some while fortunately, an Instant and carried him out into in chess, understood on in Frostburg people not. giddy space with his life depending did townspeople of the whole His the majority So the glove's holding fast. button and on So they compromised on checkers. that was hung selected weight was town the best player in the clear 175 feeV of space bea was there to the out sent of rock below. and a challenge was best tween him and the floor their to cities produce neighboring moments that passed before the The checkers. with living oyer .the player for a game was boom could be swung back him but he The player selected for Frostburg at bank seemed like hours tosound.-Lew-lston Mr. Hugh Spier, the local champion there at last, safe and got ' checkers. Lonaconlng. Journal. Sloan R. D. rejoiced in Mr. Never Touched Him. undefeated at the game. On his behalf ' died took up .the the citizens of Lonaconmg The stomach of an ostrich that Cen-tr- al the In and last Thursday night a few days ago In the menagerie house Moat's opera Retook place in New York, was found to Park, frostburg. The floor of the opera house contain a wooden clothespin, two pieces a piece of huge of had been painted to resemble ayoung glass, a mouth harmonica, handle four Inches long, aa checkerboard, and umbrella In twelve door key, ladies, twelve In black and metal skate key. a brass to and comb, two horn a places cTik handkerchief, their respective red,. took a v, r came began. ... - ,. -. o a crowaea nouso coal, and three pebbles and of Satchel Yet 'the ostrich did not die Dally followed the brilliant indigestion, but tuberculosis. fine were r Mr. Sloan Spier and - nom lumped they re-- Lyre, it . lucky few v.rd. and therow Wanted to Go Ftahinc. were the Royal that reached the king is related of Millals, it when as that new president, crowned with gilt tiaras. .aatai. Academy's were closely The games ... in . all were stand on a chair to make b irom unin iv. ThrPA , Ingue had to t the audience. He blm6eiied ould.like to bare me nrst, ana air. u, . deqiding riSeclal faror. and answered. "PerThe third andexcitement the second. in the Serpen- mission flsnms to go, game, after a half hour of was and suspense, ended in a draw. It tine." tlost a interesting as ua Catarrh and Cold. Should not be trified with. The months of March and April, with their changeable weather, have great dangers In etore for delicate or Incautious people. It behooves everybody, at this time of year, to take extra precautions against catching cold, as it may seriously affect your lungs and bronchial tubes. Kutnow's Powder or Cigarettes are a sure cure for Colds and Catarrh, and prevent and heal Bronchial aSictlons. Easily applied and instantaneous relief obtained. If your druggist does not keep them, we will Bend a sample package of either for 25 cents, which will convince you of their Immense value. 4 KTJTNOW TtttOS.. Lafayette Place, New Yotk City. 207 ITIasonle CO?m CIICAGO, Temple. IX4I4. GBBri fiEGEDY G |