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Show FAKM AND GABDEN. MATTERS OF INTEREST AGRICULTURISTS. TO Up-to-Da- Hints te Horticulture Viticulture . and Flori- - WHY WIRES GO OVER (From: the Farmers' Review.) It Chas. C. Cornett, Jefferson County, Indiana. Beets grow well on any good garden soilj and the richer the better. The land should be plowed deeply,' and If It be .subsoiled, so much the better. This puts the soil in good condition for the drill. Drill in the seed in rows as early in the season as possible. Stable I ; About Cultivation of the Soli and Yield Thereof- - Soma bud Is to be placed, crossways, and also lengthways, Just a trifle above the crosscut and enough under., said cut, so as to be able to shove' said bud under, the, bark.' which has to be loosened from the wood carefully so as not to injure or tear It Then push the bud under the bark, and cover with wax so no air can get at the bark. For the wax, take three parts bees wax, two parts rosin and one part tal low. Put all in. a kettle and boll till all is melted. Then pour the wax Into a pail of cold water, where it will cur dle. Then rub' your hands with a little lard or oil, so as to keep the wax from sticking to your hands, and take it out of the water, and work It like dough or putty, so as to take the water .out. This wax will not crack in frost nor run In heat. The best time for budding trees Is from March 15 to May 1. according to HOOSAC. Is So Dimp In tli Tannel the snlation Wears Oat Quickly. In- - "It If strange how little pieces of misinformation will travel and how generally they will be believed," said a Jew eler the other day. "For instance, some newspapers started a little para graph to the effect that it was impossible to telegraph a message through the Hoosac tunnel, on the Fitchburg manure is our general fertilizer here, and we cultivate as we do almost any other farm crop that is drilled in. We are unable to give the name of the writer of the following: Beets should have a deep, rich, sandy loam, with clay subsoil. The land shpuld be plowed in the fall and harrowed in the spring. For winter beets, we sow the first of June, about nine pounds of seed to the acre. We fertilize with barnyard manure. We plant' In rows and occasionally cultivate between the rows. The rows are two and feet apart, and .the plants are thinned to six Inches apart in the rows. We harvest in October, digging with a spade and then cutting off the tops. The greatest obstacle in raising the crop is harvesting them, it being a good deal of work to dig them with the spade. We utilize the crop here by feeding it to cattle. Beets should be thinned when young and kept free from weeds. Soak hours in lukethe seed for twenty-fou- r k warm water before planting. In- OSTLER SAMUEL A. KING, Attorney - at - Law. iitt,i Collections Promptly Att YLoles.tU and Ikuil Butclrje rs IpHW Mliiii I ,) beep ... lFUQi Office, First HationaJ bank EUg., far MUTTON railroad, and this paragraph went the VEIL rounds of nearly every newspaper In PBOVO, port.) UTAH HE Round Up the countr. I had traveled on the "i ALSO ; the Farmers' Institute, and had gone through Fitchburg, the Michigan of tunnel. I knew It was lighted by elec tricity. Incandescent lamps being used, Ho series, opened at Sausage, Fioh and I couldn't understand why it was Grand Rapids, Feb. Impossible to make the telegraph work, 11, with a full atso I wrote to an official of the road, ask Gold Hill tendance, largely & OCEEY, were the if paragraphs newspaper ing composed of dele true, and If it were to give the reason gates from the va NEPHI CITY, UTAH for the failure. I received a reply sayrious county Insti weather. If an early spring start about The Oasis and Fish tfprlnfs itagre leave Free delivery to any part of the cit ing that there was no truth In the paratutes and other so March 15, and keep on. If a late spring, were Mis and Ibapah at 8 .a. m.t each Honda 0 W. E. wires strung allow. graph, but that the cieties, and contin the way theInweather willReview. and and arriTts at terminal point tun Thursday, of the over the mountains instead Farmers' ued until Friday night, February 14. Thiemann, 62 hours. within is nel ap a matter of economy. There The exercises of the main section 3.00 too so much dampness in the tunnel, that Oasis "to Detroit, Bellingflorae Cheaply. Trere divided between fruit, stock, -Fish 5.00 out ngs, wears of a week us Spr on last wires A gentleman told the the insulation " Gold Hill and I pa bah. 7.C0 tnd general farming, one day be line run to the 1,700 horse is It so draft pounds), that fast (weight large cheaper devoted to each. In addition ing Tare for transportation out aad return ont was sold for about $30. It was at over the mountain. there was held a women's section, upon which fares. Address, and disposed X, "I have noticed another paragraph to ach afternoon, and a mechanic's sec an auction and the animal was he COPYRIGHTS. Vi- F. -- AVIS, Proprietor, would diamond. one of that red under the is effect there the that impression A PATENT? I OBTAIN tion was open each evening, at which JCATS answer p. !r and an honest red to be sold for what he would are prompt Ac have there a many fact As matter of MuKN who "hVy had have CO., topics relating to mechanical engineer nearly diamonds. They are rare, especially in experience In the patent busipeBB. CommuntnL bring. The animal was said to be all ing were discussed. tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of W InThe of In and seen six age. are years C. B. Steward. Jasper County, only but right America, frequently ! tevtm and how to 0bT W. G. oooeprnlnjr f?rmion the the noon PARKS, intermissions During aent free. Also a seems Incredible, and we can diana. Beets should be planted on deep dia. Baldwin, the White Mahatma, has 0 mechanl leal and acienttfio books aentcatalogue exhibit room was thronged. Here, in report free. Patents tafcen throrifrh Wnnn believe that we have not heard all loam, with gravel subsoil, or on land a couple of red diamonds, a number of but & addition to a large assortment of spray of the story. It does not seem possible the Scientific Amei iron?! jpecialarenotlcein bromrtat widely beforetbe rubltcirttbi Is well drained. The land should pink ones and a green one. He has a cost to the Inventor out ing machinery, orchard and garden that a horse of this kind would be that This fWndtd napw be well manured in the fall and deeply white ruby, paradoxical as that may Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far tools and seeds, was a complete work unless circulation such of any scientific work la tit figure, parted with for any But a stone's name depends on plowed at that time, but not harrowed seem. world. 9f, a year. Sample Rooms 4 and 5 Eagle Block, pert lng dairy, where 1,000 pounds of milk there was some eood cause for it. This down. done be His Edition, should color. The harrowing monthly, aiw a year, wWla Building its composition and not its was each day separated and made Into Is Just the kind of horse of all others cents. '25 number Kvery copies, contain berni ul plates tn colors, and photrrcrhs in the spring. When the crop is to be diamond is not an emerald, because it til of m butter. Tbe dairy operations were un that is in demand now and probably used houses, with plans, enabling builders to sMxw th. SALT LAKE UTAH. should seed be .CITY, the fall diamond market for the a nor is is his latent desiens and secure contracts, green, ruby der the Immediate charge of G. H. always will be. .He is a kind with be MUNN & CO New .York, 3ti PhoIdw- u15th day of May, but cause It is white." Buffalo Times. In the about put True of the Agricultural college. which the market Is not elutted. When are to be used for feed The leading papers presented at the buyers from the great teaming com where the beets ONLY A SCORE LEFT. purposes, June first is early enough Institute were by gentlemen who had panies are traveling through the coun ing about seeds In the in drill planting, In- attended the countv institutes. About try paying $180 each for heavy horses three inches Annihilation of Snake ; B1t as the thin and apart, lf diani Beiran in 1888. of them were from the Agrlcul- - of pure blood a man should hesitate be- - Dlants erow. We use no fertilizer tural college, and the others included fore he lets gQ of a really good horse vhere the land Ig moderately rich. In Capt. Jim (not the Bannock captain), G-Etwo some of the most successful farmers for almost and Camas Jim accompanied by a use we nothing. garden horse cultivating, and fruit growers of the state. The nlow. and a small harrow at first. As to other Snake river Indians, paid a visit The Coming Apple Crop. discussions were led by local speakers of harvesting, that will depend to Gov. McConhell the other day for The apple crop of the past year has time largely. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF on the stock to which the the purpose of receiving information as The first topic upon the program of proved a valuable one for the apple somewhat a laws to and the game soliciting square beets are to be fed. If they are to go the third day of the Michigan Round growers, as well as for the merchants. to the sheep we do not harvest Boise Statesman. The the Buggy Whips, Nose Bags, Collar Saddlery, meal, says late till A. We are informed that the men that in the with Up was on "Water In the Soil," by fall, and then we plow them out governor gave them a document, forth C. Glldden. of Paw Paw. He has a the fall and last them stored bought apples Pads, Hardware, Leather, etc. trouble with growing beets a flaming ribbon attached, setting The ory that the water In the lower depths in cold storage at a cost of 30 cents is togreatest them started and then keep the law and stating that it applied with Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. Wholesale and Ketail. of the soli becomes vaporized and in per barrel have made from 50 cents to them get our equal force to white men and Indians. We raise weeds. from free at where that form rises to the surface, $1 per barrel. The question now arises, beets onlv for f eedinsr to stock. The jThe visitors are members of a remnant Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinitv. v. night It Is condensed by the soil, which what is to be the apple crop for the variety we raise Is the large dark red, of a small tribe of Indians that have inis generally several degrees colder than coming year? We wish as many of our and we consider it Mail satisfaction. best orders will receive prompt attention. habited .the, Snake river valley for no given the good. that of the lower depths. so was readers as are engaged in raising ap one knows how The tribe Wisconsin long. P. J. Barry. Polk County, This idea was disputed by R. M. Kel pies would examine their trees and see do well on a light, sandy loam, small that the government never placed, Beets logg, of Ionia, who ascribed the up if the fruit buds are strong and well well manured. Plow in "the spring them on a reservation. There are only ward movement of the water in the developed. This would show whether dress with good stable manure twenty of the tribe left The annihilsoil to capillary action and the ad cr not the growth after last July was early, and plow again. We sow the seed the ation of the band was commenced in hesion of the water to the surface of enough to ripen the fruit and develop first cultivate with a gar 1863, when four men who lived at the the particles, in this way passing from the buds for the coming crop. We hope den of May. WeWeare not troubled with Salmon falls ferry killed something plow. a moist particle to one that is drier. there will be a general response. like fifty of them. One of the men, a drouth so far as this crop is concerned Prof. F. S. Kedzie then talked upon fellow of We named Beach, had a shotgun and pull the crop by the first October, "Commercial Fertilizers: Is Their Use Will the Plum Return? We remem in windrows for eight to ten discussion .arose as to its efficiency as Profitable for the General Farmer?" ber with a feeling of sorrow mingled lay them and then put them in the root an Indian killeir. To test its merits a days, AWARDS. After explaining the nature of the three with pleasure the plum orchards of our house, come sand to was boxes with in induced very covered of Indians band Support elements nitrogen, potash and phos youth, before the black-knhad made dry. We have good crops here, but they into a narrow pass near the house of phoric acid that are likely to be need Its appearance. Every little hamlet In are not planted in large quantities. the men, when Beach opened fire and ed by plants, he showed the amounts the eastern and middle states had its T. W. Stanford, Kandiyohi County, the buckshot fairly mowed them down. Home and values of these elements in stable plum orchards. There were many va Minnesota, Beets do well here on a State Fair the was made an Later attack by manure, and the average commercial rieties and all seemed to thrive. It 1894, Qold loam, with clay subsoil. I have men on an Indian ca.mp and twenty fertilizer. The manure is rich in nitro was a delicious sight in the morning clay Medal. no in the six redskins were killed. tried other soil. I nlow deep gen and contains but comparatively lit- to see the great purple ones glistening fall and harrow in the spring, t Industries: planT Since then disease has played havoc tle phosphoric acid, while the reverse with dew. The little black ones on the the seed from the first to the 10th of with the tribe and Jmt twenty of the is true with commercial fertilizers. The big trees, and the green gages on their will work Indians remain. soil as or soon as the May, They live on the Three Cream value of one ton of stable manure, smaller trees were a constant delight. and no I well. have had sowing experience fish caught during the fall Baking and based upon Its analysis and the com- Will those days and those orchards more game than enough for family use. For and spring. mercial valuation of nitrogen, potash return? With the Powder Qold barn-yar- d d use I fertilizer one and phosphoric acid, is about dollar habits of the black-knMedals. and with the manure. In cultivating I use one horse and twenty-fiv- e Keep cents, while the value assistance of the spray pump, we hope on a cultivator that runs about one inch of the average commercial fertilizer, that our children will see what we and cultivate all of my garden mxx rarer nracc thco estimated in the same way, is about have seen in our youth the plum trees deep, v same time. There at the ,. S vegetables e dollars. While they might in all orchards laden with the most are no drouths here that twenty-fivYour fCRow flCJtcii Superior Quality tax beet the injure be profitable for the fruit grower and delicious of fruit. Flavoring DRUGGISTS, crop, but there is a small bug here that market gardener, the speaker was of Extracts Gold I Churn Often. Churn once in two or injures them when it is very dry. As the opinion that commercial fertilizers Medal beets in a small way, in har Money could not be profitably used upon the three days in summer and once in three only raise left hand I them with my in or four pull vesting Use winter. days any good general farm. To substantiate this Carefully oompouuded. and cut off the tops with a knife held view he showed by a chart the amount churn that Is easily washed. In winter in Mall or orders promptly atteoed to. express my right hand. Our greatest obsta Stack at Salt Lake prices. of fertilizers used In various counties warm the cream before churning to Large at of insects Beit degrees by setting the can cle here is the depredations in the state in 1883 and 1893 as given sixty-fiv- e of hot while the beet plants are quite small. SOUTHERII TRADE SOLICITED. Suality and in the census. Except in Kalamazoo of cream in a deep dish-pa- n to I what have of In beets, sell, my selling county, where they are largely used by water (not boiling), stirring the cream I Home, to and take Boda in sacks them them Water. put M'NALLY dt LUNT, the right tem celery growers, the amount of commer- with the paddle; secure limited. a is market, which, however, cial fertilizers used was from two to perature by holding a dairy thermom . N. Richardson, Morrison County, NtPHI, .UTAH. cream. 1883 as in 1893, eter in the Color the butter in four, times aa large In to be do should Beets best Minnesota. " which indicates that they have not winter if it- needs it, by putting carrot to be a been found profitable for ordinary farm Juice in the cream at time of churning. on a clayofsubsoil, the top soilThe sand and mixture land clay. Cotton eeed oil and aratto butter colorMANUFACTURED BY crops. will be good for beets if it has been first The First National Bank, H. more L customers of is but the Butterfleld, convenient, ing Secretary seeded to clover and timothy, and used State Board of Agriculture, spoke upon are liable to detect a flavor in butter for a pasture for two years at least. "The Present Standing of Ensilage as so colored that does not belong to pure NEPHI, UTAH. on run Then the in let pasture sheep of a Food for the Various Kinds Stock." butter,! which they will not do" when OALT LAKE CITY, UTAH . BOX 638. place of cattle. Turn over the sod and CAPITAL He spoke in general upon the advan- carrots are used. Ex. pulverize well before planting in the tages of the silo and the merits of the Spices Pure and Grand Daily. Plant the seed in the SURPLUS . Tuberculosis in Illinois. The ques spring. different forms. . The value of ensilage as soon as danger from frost for different kinds of stock was then tion whether or not there be tuber spring considered and the amount that could culosis in Illinois, seems to have arisen. is over. We do not use fertilizer on be fed to advantage. The paper was One party claims that the disease Is beijts here, but use old pasture. We put BANKING discussed by H. J. Martin, of Vermont-vlU- e. widespread, and the other party seems the seeds in rows eighteen Inches apart GENERAL to desire to prove that there is prac- and from four to six inches apart in the The first paper of the afternoon was tically no tuberculosis. Both sides pre rows. They are not affected by drouth In AH Its Branches. as if such in men soil, proper planted U. on to of re found I. the tend their Cowdrey, opinions Ithaca, upon by J. H. Erioksok. but on sandy land without Geo. C. Whitmorb, "Growing Potatoes." He preferred a ports of the state veterinarian. The tioned above, President w. W. Armstrong, Cashier. fact is, there Is a good deal of the dis- a clay subsoil drouth affects them badlight, sandy loam, although a Old land become has that exhausted ly. loam would answer. ease some After in; clay localities, where herds DESERET, UTAH, plowing deep and thoroughly pulver- have been slaughtered, a large per cent and is very weedy is totally unfit to izing he planted about the first of May. of them being found affected. On the grow beets on. We harvest about (One mile from Oasis Station,) . . Caution was given about leaving the other hand, taking the state as a whole, October first, and use the crop to feed seed uncovered after It Is dropped, for thero is "comparatively little, when to cattle. SALT LAKE, any length of time. Within a week he compared to areas of like size -in the Raise Some Celery. Every farmer !First-ola,s- s goes over the field with a smoothing east. .; that has the proper soil should raise a uses a weeder. l harrow, and after that Free Seeds. We hear a great deal small patch of celery for the use of his General Gomm The cultivation is kept up at frequent It would not be advisable for Intervals as long as possible without about free seeds from the department afamily. Dealer lm farmers to go into raising many great of we but have to agriculture, find uses He the a yet tops. disturbing farmer that has any interest in the it for market because it requires special FKUITS, VEGETABLES, BUTTER, digger and picks, into boxes that amatter. Most of the horticultural so- conditions to make it a commercial suc hold one busheL The Freeman is his RATES III HARMOHY WITH THE TIMES. Paultry, Game, Veal Pork ant condemn the expenditure as a cess, ii you are not accustomed to Es, favorite variety for home use, as It Is of cieties Smoked aad Fresh Fish, Beef, useless waste of the people's money. raise it, study the matter up. The fam excellent quality, but when some other The and Grain. Flour, Ilaj will the seeds ily this fully appreciate delicacy distributed being addo 200 not bushels acre will iiort produce per It will pay you to shin ronr roods to na. 1 We have a well of the famous the interests of agriculture in fall. It only yields 100 bushels. He advised vance 10 per eent for handlinsr aad remit u Deseret Lltbla eaarsre Water on the premises. the least, so far as anyone can see. Davls.-r-Th- e Variation beBen in full of as the soon at the Ben are sold. Cam glte moon, roods planting The and which is a guaranteed cure money could be far better spent, Davis apple varies in appearance and rexerenees iz desired. cause you can see to work longer at muuj if be must it in for Brignt's and all diseases of the spent, in sending skilled salabllity according to the locality night to "plant, but had no faith in horticulturists to foreign lands to in- in which it is grown. This fruit when "moon theories." Kidneys, Bladder and all other urinal troubles. vestigate both their productions and produced in Wisconsin and Iowa is not In order to show our faith In tbli the methods there employed. so desirable on the market as when .IJnddtxjjr Apple Tree. following propowwater, we make-thin southern Missouri. Illinois I notice in the issue of February 19, The Carnation. That the carnation grown tion and Indiana. It seems to require a If anyone afflicted en page 119, an inquiry as to budding Is a popular favorite can not be ques' season and more heat to grow it with any of the troubles above apple trees. Take a small branch of tioned. Societies exist with no other longer to some than other varieperfection enumerated are not relieved in 'aa apple tree and cut the bark object but the development and im- ties. 60 W. 2nd, Couth, SALT LAKE CITY month and cured In three months, a little above the bud, then cut provement of this beautiful flower. downward back of the bud about no charge will be made for board. The American Carnation society reGive the hens some oil meal cak O. P. DOX of an Inch and cut it off. Shape cently held Its annual convention in even whole flaxseed. It will help them it pointed like a writing pen. Care New York City. This shows the line to pass in safety the season Hand Sample a . ..C1.C0 tiauld be taken so the edges are of modern progress, a continual divid- green food is scarce. We beHv when Bear in mind the Deseret Bouse i Jir in every particular, Iron Assay iii ..1.00 cut a with crroothly sharp knife. Then ing up of the'great work of investiga- lives of a good many hens are caved Copper Assay 1.C0 enrt the bark cf the branch, where the tion. in mis way. Dottle Camplet &C3 (From Farmers Review Special Re- , . . Butter, Lard, for Detroit, OSTLER Springs, and Ibapahl one-ha- lf - - one-ha-lf LAND and MINING " lars-es- t fi-- f 1 Harness and Saddlery W. WILLIAMS, one-ha- I O. p aVreonsr, : '.'. Harness -- TfllE Leads All the Rest- ot . better-understo- od well-rotte- ot MoNALLY & .LUNT, J Pv K : PRESCRIPTIONS - " ' , $50,000 $37,500 4 THE - j well-drain- Beseret House, Vice-Preside- nt ed O. S. MARTIN, omen . Is tlie Only Between Hotel ISTepIii I and MiljogS; one-hor- se -- . S3 ; flrst-ola- ss W. Q.M STEWARD, . j ASSAYER, I cross-Tray- s, v : e to-wi- . ' : i t: , ' , , -- three-C-tarte- rs ! Qz it-cla- ss MRS. J. F. GIBBS, Proprietor. |