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Show 3lutely Independent On all question! whether Political, Social or la the Blade. . Religious, "The TrutU Without Fear or Favor." wr Motto: r at Terms; Country Peoplo Read 0 "X f2.00 per year, in advance, Six months, $1.00. VOLUME III. :NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY NUMBER 0, 1896. LOCAL INKLINGS Whit- - Friday the 2ad was pay day ori the S. P, y. R'y. Go to Chas. Foote's for your carpets. Gents Bicycle hose and sweater! at Location blanks for sale at The Blade Unas. Foote's. office. Vegetation has made great headway the past week. Wall paperand carpets extremely cheap at the Excelsior, Clothing, 'the best, the cheapest in town. Ord Bros. Lave your orders for Job work at The Go to T. B. Foote's for your bannanas. Blide office. oranges and lemons. Fresh radishes and lettuce at T. B. Have you seen the new Bteel ranges at Foote's, the grocer. Co ope, Pyper & Co'h. The farmers were delighted with the A dance was given in the 4,Little rain fall Friday forenoon. Grand'? Wednesday night. Luces stylish and chaap, only at HyCe & Whitmore's . A beautiful line of clothing. Every BIS Batchelor returned Friday from a thing new at lowest prices. Ord Bros. Ladies see those beautiful babies shoes. few days' ylsit to Eureka. ' A new line at 60 and 75 cts. at the Co-oFor beautiful summer goods in the lat est effects go to the Excelsior. It is reported that a number of. marriages will take place in the very near Henry Goldsbrough and family were lature. Manti visitors the past week. Remember all of our old stock is clearSave by buying your flavoring ed on t, all new things. Call and see extractsmoney from Sparks'. in bulk , , them. Ord Bros. The best assortment of silks and trimOld papers for sale at this office at 10c. mings in Pfephi at Chas. Foote's. a hundred. Good to put under carpets. line shelves, etc. If you need any kind of Job printing on us we can save yoa 10 per cent, call 1.000 for Reward found in f any shoddy our l.uuu sattin can shoe only fz.bU ' per If you have anything you want to get rid of, advertise it for sale in The Blade. pair. Urd liros. Selectman. A. L. Jackman of Levan stoves. Now. is the time for was in town the first of the week' attend- We have them, Cooper, gasoline & Co's. Pyper ing County Court. All Sheep Men can save money by call A nice lot of Ladle's and Misses' shoes ing at Hyde & Whitmore's for supplies. in the very latest styles at prices to suit Three cars of wool came down from the times. The Co-oon the S. P. V. R'y Thursday. Holloway Jos. Morgan returned from his sheeD Go to Ord Bros. Clothing Co. for all herd Sunday and reports the sheep as do latest straw jhats. Every thing nobby. the in well eastern Utah. ing Oid papers for putting under carnets We have a fine line of Jewelry last ar and qu shelves for sale attbe The Blade rived that we are selling at a very low : office. see us. Ord and Bros. Call figure. A few beautiful silk waist pieces, Tramps will from now on stear clear of Come Brigham City as a chain gang has been the quick and get something nice at organised for their especia benefit. Irons is the proud father to a Joseph All persons knowing themselves to be r, it is a gin, wno maae ner indebted to the late firm of Bird &Booth, once appearance are to Sunday. call at Dentists, requested . and settle. '.ov " Get your your passementry and gimps Also something new in The best spool cotton, 7 spools for 25cts at the ladle's belt buckles etc. at Unas, Foote's. A white buzzard was shot in Texas reYY. is. Lowry of Manti, wno is secre and round its neck wai found tied tary lor the Southern Utah Wool Co., in cently, "Kails county. Mo., marked this city, epeniSunday with nig famny in a little bell, ; 1860.' the Temple city. ; ' Butlerick Patterns,, are authority, and Mo matter It the air be mild, says a & Whitmore are the only people serene Hyde the and skies, witty exenange, them. Come and see the latthat carry olue; suck to your winter underclothing est styles. until they stick to you. Mrs. C. B. Blackett returned Tuesday The only place to gei, your neck wear is a pleasure outing at Provo, eveningsrom at Ord Brod. All the latest things. Her sister, Miss Kate Schroder accomCelia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John panied lier home. Ockey died Monday. 'Bught'a disease Come ?.w3 get measucd Gen V'ipn was tne cause. inejpareuts nave tne a Made Taiior for suit of clothes. We sympathy of the community. can save you 20 per cent and guarantee Some people T keep shoes. We don't. a "perfect Jit. Hyde fe Whitmore. We seli tnem because the prices are so Before starting out to make your purlow that all who come to our store buy chases don't fail to consult the advertisesboes. Excelsior Mercantile Co. ., a course ments in The Blade. Such ' Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer will save you money. iSj unquestionably, the best preservative Just received a new stock of Sabella ot the hair. It is also curative of danand Chiffon Crapes in black and Crepons druff, tetter, and all scalp affections. all colors the J?ery latest thing out in Gents get a pair of Ox breeches at the dress goods. Call and see them at Chas. Co-o- p. A full stock ox clothing always Foote's. on nana. Gus Henriod was seen boarding the ' This j bound is Decoration 30th train .yesterday after northern the Day. May is another good opportunity to, continue noon his whereabouts are not exactly the improvements on the cemetery and known but we think he was pointing The Blade is ot the opinion that it will towards the north pole. be embraced.Young men have you seen those lovely chains that would dazzle the eyes of ail Call and see how we can fix your boy on ladies' watch. Call aud puryour Ord Bros. tan shoes. op with prettychase her a handsome present arid she Selectman. Hugo Depres&in, Sheriff John will never quit you. None to equal them T. Sullivan and Prosecuting Attorney in Nephi. Co-o- p. Pike were over from .Eureka" the fore City Kecorder O. P. Goldsbrough is part of the week attending the session of now a proud man indeed. His wife pre the Uounty Uourt. sented him Wednesday morning with a C. C Brown went over to Nephi a week darling son. Mr. Goldsbrough has now ago to take charge Of the flouring mills as many kinds of children, though he in that place. He returuea yesterday, has but two,- as have the biggest families ia Utah, concluding not to accept "the positionManti Messenger. Ladies buy your shoes, slippers and Our New Silverware will be in next summer go'ods of us, we can saveyou week. Everybody says it is the beat money, and we guarantee our goods, as offer ever made in Nephi. Each piece is we buy no inferior articles to fool the worth, from $3.00 to $12.00. Hyde & people and eaten the trade. Hyde & v - p. B EST ARE THE. SHOES IN THE, WORLD i " - p. mm i Co-o- JUST ARRIVED: A Choice Selection in Spring and Summer Dress Goods ' .... c - Attso -.- . A sperfdict showing in Ladies' Shirt Waists wkbr Nobbyjties td match. Our Baby Hoods are the beat In town. " "Remember we sell only good articles And at the lowest living prices. . , Call and inspect and admire . -- . . . ' ' - . 2 MERCANTILE 1HSTITUTI0II, 4 --- -' i Grrand Closing Out- - '.'.-'-- Co-o- ! ' ' Tubs buckets, ete. vi , . Whitmore. : A. It. Starr of Mona, Utah,-- a cattle man of great possessions, was a Manti rumored that It isa mere visitor this week Will more Those than business has Mr. for Cost Cash, Starr Sold at be Entire Stock REMEMBER:-T- be ' Mbntif Manti Messenger, in interest ' ; . Vishing to secure a Harjraln should call early. We have now on exhibition a lovely assortment orf crockery which w6 afe giv-Inaway on the present coupon plan. Call and make a purchase and getCo-o-some: MAIN STREET, - - - NEMl, -thing usef ul and pretty Ironf the District Court opened at St. George Monday for the May term of court. There were no cases of ranch importances Dissolution of Partnership. at that point. ine juage to be firm hereto- work tried when he gets into Notice 13 hereby givetf that theBird will Estray Notice. corpulence of fs Booth, Millard and Juab counties. fore existing under the rame of In the the NephL,' I following In niv possession city Oentl'its. dohig business of Utah, is this day dissol State Jnab County, rihd animals Ladies ready made calico wrappers for old 4 Trs ved by mutual consent. One hrown penny Jbont S ot C. at Chas Foote's. 9Qcts H. Bird, ba left thigh resembltng gjjTQ J; A: Booth. The Piute Pio'neer,- a neat paper just Mafch 25h 18D6. tfephf commenced Marysvale, publication F.at Bran&ll , t rtrtCfj rtn en.iI an lnal be .not has ' by J. i Piute county, tne from Jwit'iiuten days PionaiNl tbe The reacned Blade hopes .. uj. will be wM to tbe highest bidr Bird will still be found at his eer of Pitfte tliy estray VjyfCm. county will not haveofas hard hi city ih'to pound; wfshes f.. , Utah. as did the pioneers row hoa , to omu a w or y uiu and date saie io be wilf ne that prepared his patrons form acts per' yd at Chas; L. Ii. :;hl, May 5th !S1V wor In his profession. Foote's.Sheeting only '"'.") jA3tE3 K. KEiD.'Po'und Keeper. to do all feinds of Dlt C. H. BIRD. of the Conference At the Onarterly Tabernacle last the in neld Stake nab NOTICE TC SUBSCRIBERS Fone Brit Ayef's at the world's Fair. and- Sunday, were crowded Saturday This i3 to give notice that Andrew L. ADostles F. M. .Iryman and enjoys the exttra hnnses.W. Tavlor. Ayer's Sareaparilla ana Elder McCallister inhn to receive,n ordinary :! o Kadi is aatho'rfied distinction of having been the at iManti the exhibit Wfie an nf principal speakers. Buoscriu-allowed receipt f "rf all derii(fuent only ulood purifier s was Mandfactur-efmanifesto 23th. presented Sunday to Nov. The fair BLADE Chicago;to The IbJ, the World's up vote. Unly by every morning and fefceired a large xh mast be paid without any further sought other of sarsaparillas n amber dfd a and to was heard of their one directed "No" a goods, is obtain showing 7. Soecial attention means to the not vote at all. all turned away under enMsst which The BLADS received from the of rule its forbidding the Application ol Htindard attbe date suspension. AconiDlaint was filed in the police iinDeritive that the old business btd try of Patent medicines andfairnostrums. court Wednesday against Earl Ostler authorito World's o of i(J the n as matter dicisiori justice Tbe larcency by Charles dp. was charged with petit The trial came K. present publisher o. ine ties in favor of Ay.er's Sarsaparilfa Blck. and cote J. Abbott l IDE. effect as follow,: "Ayer'fl ItSarsaparil-lVery respectfully Judge F. W. Chap-pe- ll night. Thursday up not does medicine. J. F. UIBB3, a patent not was the attorney for the defendant is here It nostrums. of of The BudU. list the to and City Attorney T. L. Foote representbelong , on itsmerits." ed tbe prosecution. Defendant demand ed through his lawyer, a jury trial and List ot Unclaimed Letters: John Andrew Nielsen, John Ingram, follorclno- i a list of letters rerriain-- : Til UR 31 AN & WE DG WO OU, Wilson were sworn in Chas Blaciettaad in th Past 6Uie at Nephi Utah as jurymen. The plaintiff alleged that - at - Law. Hit some three weeks ago the defendant stole Altornsys Frank Butirer Briant pillow from the resito three quilts and a and n II imilton Miss Frant Iluggins which belonged Pitt of John dence Si Jeaseu rece After 1. Niels id an iving the evisaid plaintiff. case was given the John Leonard. both side3, dence from after Itooni 1 and 3, The John h. Wiltin. being oat a jury to the jurv. Batrfk Builainga with National returned yerdiot of Fir.st 'for few mindtes ibove letters are not not guilty UTAB iM4 : . . JOHN S. PAIMTBR, cr pi h.--r t: - . ' . I -- . - 1 - . iny-.'aa- 1 i Ex-publish- . er " . - .'. - 1 H 1 v - ' "V. t AiHSH.SW P. ff.OYO, was 'I sore on troubled for years with if my knee, which fceveraj physicians, who treated me, called a suring mo that nothing tancer, bo could dne to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after taking a number of bottles, the soro ng i We have a large stock of ladies i shoes going at greatly reduced prices, because they are, not tbe tooth pick. In this cheap sale we include a very nice line of Stiopers. Ladies call and see them. Wo are determined to sell them and you are si sure of a bargain at tne Co-oAs the strength of a building depends upon the solidity of its foundation, mo health depends upon, the conditioo of the blood. To expel impurities and cause the vital fluid to become vigorous anu Ayer's Saraaparilla is the most powerful and effective medicine in p. life-givin- g, z '".;,y Quite a sensation was caused in Nephi this week when it was learned that Mrs. Edward Morris life had been, attempted by some malicious person through tht medium of arsenic administered in There are many rumors afloat as tohow it was done and, by whom bui as they are rumors with no proof The Blade: will not publish them but wait until the case is laid bare -- r - s jf Gold has been found in Utah county, west of Lake Shore and Benjamin, oh the south side of Utah lake. Aaron Qay oi Benjamin was the discoverer. He confided the secret to a few friends and the, done likewise and so well was the secret kept that a thousand men are on the scene locating gold mines. Mr. Gay had an essay made at the B.; Y. Academy, Provo, which went 75,000 to the ton. The county has gone completely wild oyer the discovery. '" began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted ia this' treatment, until the sore was cn-- r tirely healed. Since then, I use" Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally asr a tonic" and and, in1 deed, it seems" fi though could house without it.' Mrs. S. Ar but-ter-mil- k. blood-purifie- not-kee- j , ff: Fields la Bloomfield, p ; , A2F25S Th3 Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver" jj CREAM OP OUR EXCHANGES . d, State News, Culled and And General - . A - i ' : ii ( i - - h to-wi- O - ' Shaes have also a large Stoclc of Men's Ladies and (lhlden's, will be sold at Cost. These are nrl R.ihbe.rs.-whicworth twice good Babstaocial Shoes and the price we ask for them. &Son f, Ayer's ?s,saparill solved partnership. Mr.! McNally from the business. The firm name will henceforth be known as A. LiUni ... Cyme. Persistent Uso of ld re-titi- C : LIFE SAVED . two-year-o- risers . U4 -- AIJD.A- Matter In Which All Fruit Raisers are' Deeply Interested. Condensed .for Blade Readers. Many of our fruit raisers still believe'' Go to Sparks' for all kinds of flavoring They say that' , strongly in spraying. extracts, v ' after spraying thoroughly last year they The Rio Grande Western has reached a reaped better, larger and more fruit than" pointof this side of Fairview with the lay- they got from the same trees In the past'' ing steel rails. This work is progress- fifteen years.y This is a strong endorseut it does a man'! ing rapidly as well also the work of ex- ment for spraying, tension southward. Manti Messenger. little good to spray if hU next door fail to follow Emit, thus per h?re neighbors A printing plant went fhrot-the frait pests t6 thrive in their last week en route to Marysvale .r.here ii. mitting orchards. Years and years of,, adjoining will be used in publishing a paper, We convinced have promologists,'.' experience do not know the name of the new pa Dei of the state of California fruit (and,, great success. Southern Censor. otter but wish it states) or the incalculable value of Rob Roy oil red prints 4cts per yd atf spraying. Time will convince Utonians of this fact and fruit growers win, in that Chas. Foote's, think as much of permitting a sea day, Workmen commenced on the new son to pass over tbeir heads without drain tunnel at the Sterling Coal and spraying as they would think of neglect , Coke company's mines, on Monday. ing to gather in the fruit croo. A new engine is being put in place- -, to The late Legislature passed a stringent furnish power for the air compressor, b; law, which compels. all owners cf fruit'' to clean up their orchards and ,thor, which meanffthe drilling will toe done. It will take all summer to complete the oughiv spray all infested trees. it will be rigorously enforced. Brigham Bug tunnel. Manti Messenger ler. t5t. ueorge Union : The other day as a saw the Bishop and a youth to Chief of. youngster It has long been aneye-sor- e co mine from a reservoir", where the Bish Police Pratt to ivitnessthe number of op bad been performing the ceremony oi oeardles youths who havebeen constant' baptism, the youngster said, "Oh, mam- ly making a practice of frequenting sal- -' ma, won't the sins washed off from that oonsin this city and participating u our; garden ana kin iiamea of poo), as well as mixing upvyith young man injure n our things when we water?" wno are generally iuuou ine riu-rasuch places. Oftimes has at and around Cannon Hon. Geo. Q. returned home tried to stop to such practices, but' put an extended from Monday through test cases in athe trip courts have only gone( an interview with ajj Salt the east and in him until at length he became' Lake Herald reporter stated that in his againsi satisfied with allowing the prac- -' the cause of the free coinage of almost opinion never on unabated. to tice go been so far from the resilver has however, a surprise came to1, Yesterday, as of ol advocates the its alization hopes ot an ordinance in tbe him, unearthing new." Mr. Cannon did not state,1 this of 18", the existence " was of which was the' such impres ently unknown to the authorities.appar--It! authoritatively but sion he received. touches this class of cases exactly and" We have the best $2.00 shoe On earth. givea the police the very power they It prohibits boys underor 18 yeart Try a pair. Ord Bros. billiard trom any saloon, j frequenting On the 15th day of February, 1896, hall which to ett room a in is adjacent Charles Braithwn'ite, a jlad fifteen year saloon. A violation of the ordinance', Whitmore. of age, left his home j in this city, since shall keeper and boy, ' subject both saloon leadwhich time; he has not been" heard of. to punishment are recommended Pills by former Hhe not to exceed Ayer's and druggists as the Hei8 the son of Wllliani Braithwaite. flOO and imprisonment for a period of notv physicians ing can be assigned for the boy's most proirfpt and efficient remedy for No cause' than forty days,- or both, while' bilicusnessi nausea, costiveness, indiges- - leaving,- - as his home has always been & greator if found guilty of frequenting a", the latter tion sluggishness of the liver, jaundice, pleasant and comfortable que. The par- saloon, may. be fined exceed $25'4 of their and imprisoned ten not orto;both.and sick headache; also to' relieve colds, ents are sorely tried in the loss be It i given needless to say that days, boy,- and any notice that may now on the or-- , from fevers, and rheumatism. the press will be appreciated by them. dinance will be strictly enforced. Deseret-New- s, Best carpet warp only 15c per bunch at by iManti Messenger; ,.V,: V Chas'. Ifootft'R. of the Theodore Fresideut Bruback, A Very unpleasant affair happened 1 -- an".San Pete Valley road,- has A Cure for Muscular Rheumatism'. returned from thisx of to some Sunday nfght between two ladies went time be where east ago, Mrs. It. L. Lamson, ot Fairmonnt Tabernacle vestry. - The ag- the broad gcage rolliDg stock for Illinois city, in the purchase saysr "My sister used Cbamoer- -' asOf gressor Was arrested on a charge the road, the work of widening the guageg ain's Pain Balm for muscular 'beumar and and near-insault upon pleading dl which is noW in progress and :is battery a effected cure. J, tism and it dollars. The affair Mr. Bruback purchased Eeep it in the bouse atcomplete guiltytoewas fined five completion.; all and times as the to is tongue two Baldwin engine's and a complement always found it beneficial for aches bave'1 regretted wagging different and. of scandal is fairly flying with of cars which will be on band about the pains." It is the cure for quickest exstories of the encounter. middle Ot June, at which time it is pains and lamene8P Jf pected the road will be ready and the new have ever seen." For sale by McNally The place to get your goods, rs j the order of things will be institutedSalt & Lunt Druggists. Excelsior. Lake Herald. Mr. D. Pi Davis,- a prominent' liveryAx and handle complete only ft. 00 at man and merchant of Goshen, Va.,- has loney to 'Loan.' & Co's.m tbis to say on the subject of rheumatism: Cooper, Pyper amount from one hundred tc, In any "I take pleasure in recom'mending Cham' The talk of a lailroad Creek to On improved farm' dollars. ten thousand Deep as I berlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism1, at work on ended and has actual the water or Ptock. begun propertyT. C. 'jen'ow from personal experience that it the Saltair Y". Tid and grading conWinn, County Recorder. will do all that is claimed for it. A year tracts were made Monand last Saturday in ' ago this spring my brother was laid upand : day afternoon at p. m. the first shovelAwarded bed with inflammatory rheumatism rewas of thrown. dirt full Newspaper" suffered intensely. The first application have the honor of being the .first Highest Honors Worlds Fairv of Chamberlain's Pain Balm eased? the porters to the work.' This movement of begriri and the usa of one bottle completely f tbe Salt Lake pain and Pacific is very import $r Lunt sale For cured him. by McNally ant to Utah as with the completion oi Druggists. this 200 miles dl railroad to Nevada, jpens Best glove finished cambrics only 5cts a country rich in mineral resources and which will b3 operated on in thisntate. per yd at Chas'. Foote's". Next week yoU' will see at Ord Bros, a We co'ngratnlate our esteemed towns can man Adrian Grimand, and we have no new line in gents furnishings thatcome in Nephi. Gents doubt but What he also has good cause to not be equaledbefere inspect buying elsewhere. congratulate himself On the occasion. aid Adrian departed his life of celibacy last We can give you better bargains than Tuesday evening at Fillmore and was any other house in town inined in the bonds of matrimony to Col. G. H. Henry, and CvrusGibb? Miss Eveline" Doutre of Snake Valley. came In from Deseret about two weeks and agp and They came to Nephi from the south are now at Gold hill prospecting. arrived Tuesday morniher.' They are for Mr. Gibbs was formerly editor of the the nresent the rruests of Qua Henroid. Nephi BI.ADE; Bat is now in the hotel The BLADE1 wishes the new married business in Deeret. He owns several couple a pleasant and happy journey claims on Gold hill and is going to search reason, through life. Cigars. them thoroughly tbe ensneinf ne valuable if his acprove and attheCo-ohave properties you By dealing among residence MOST PERFECT MADE. his to take up cess to the largest line of Gents' furnish- expects Pioneer. us. Piute town. in A for children and outfitting3 a mispurs Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret"5 ings Note. The Pioneer has made If we cannot suit you it will be a pleas from Gibbs. Mr. it ' Ammonia, Alum or any other adsjilcrar.f take in the first name ofGibbs. ure to srive you access to the large stock slaould-havtiJ YEAH3 1 1 IE STAKD ARE!. read J. F. at OrdHres. Clothing-C-o. - , T The Southern Utah Woo! Growers Co., shipped a car of wool to eastern markets Thursday, You will not think of going any place but Jlyde & ,Wnitmora's for Shirt Waists if you see their stock. The county commissioners were in session Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning of this week. The latest tie can be seen at Ord Bros, next week. We are up to date in ties and fine and fancy dress sh irts. The baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Iiiche died .Thursday morning of scarlet fever. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the community. The firm of McNally & Lunt has dis- p; - ; - 1 haVe decided to close oat my Entire Stock of Goods Garden Tools CoosistiDK of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, ' i ; - I p. new-come- 1 v mr r - J MERCANTILE CO pi .. - EMJELS10K f . ; - 48. Ice cream freezers cheap at the hard ware store. Fruitsl Fruits! Sparks1, Embroideries cheap at ;Hyde & r more's. tm at tme W EAR RE515TEK5 or th e j B5Tn"J IftASSl J- - B LEWI5- - C- - The nJvcniFcr.ienta in the "' Country Papers, and 3 The BLADE has the L&rcest Circulation of any Paper in Central and Southern Utah, It offers the best possible medium for Advertisements. : . re-qui- re. , -- - - - -- , j I- ; - lar i - - ; , ' . . - 3 p ; e J- |