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Show THE BLADE. THE HOOSIER POET. This is a trick dialect poetry in this divine Sicilian its noun by a line-enN A VAT, WA "RFA T?P I Vondehs of na SSAU. musician- of whom his own Goatherd of Poe's, whose Influence Mr. Riley has A rhoiphoreicent Lake That 1 Published Every Saturday at ljt, greatly profited by. (Poe, by the way, might have said: ous al Nfirht. SIDELIGHTS ON THE SONQSTER was the of this .'...:.,... INMANY OF OUR maga WARSHIPS fuu ei nne noney my oeautirui meuin was, zine at once UTAH. Having in remembrance v. ,i, NEPHT, OF OLD BOONE. time eheu ! how I rattle CAPABLE OF GOOD SERVICE. Thyrsis, created Sampson Full of the honeycomb: tz Aegilean, too, round in the large place he left!) In Stamp of Key West the dis coverer of thou nibble. the eea gardens at Nassau" mayest his dialect poetry Mr. Riley gets just Too Much Woodwork Th locust as on Sweet the b ev'n for than Ambrosia of the are; we Wmr a J, they Ltte took pilot and sailboat the follow' "pbUfv the effect of the jerky drawl of the THE DIRECTORY. more bravely thou slngest. U Has a Olos China Between and RUey Illustrated Japan ing morning and sailed some four talk' I have no room to argue the pros of Hoosier by using the end of a line as the Uselessnesi Wood Student 'of the English Poets ana list the up of Finish channel, says Forest and Stream dialect here, hut it always seems a knife, thus: U. S. Senators Frank j. Cannon. we embarked in a There on When Fire in Always Action, Improved Upon Them, "The wood's Towboat lArthur Brown. strange that those lazy critics who are a with Green sun feels glass made bottom, good's again, transinsert by to to Congress Delegate ......C. E. Allen. unwilling to take the trouble June!" therein Ing of thick plates T WILL BE HEN I Bet down to late the occasional hard words in a dia His masterly use of the caesura is which the bottom of thegia3 through eca should of a hero own this feaat in that of lect form tongue, their STATE OFFICERS. too. See its charming despot out before us like dry lana. a notable, spread a to soul ever the battles with the man Riley my be so inconsistent, as study ..Heber M. "Wells. Governor..... ism in "Grlggsby's Station. crept over me and h is James T. Hammond. ourls dialect the Chin- strange feeling Secretary of State too, ies' Japanese nachelly foreign language, Then, But is not I it his fancied technic makes that Treasurer James Chipman. imagination myself with Jules ese ships were on Verne on necessary to truth, to local color, to in him ambrosial, not the loving care ad up and purrs. Auditor Jr. ..Morgan A.Richards, the of voyage "Twenty ThouC. General fire almost continu Bishop. There are writers timacy with the character depicted. unguem that smooths the uncouthest Attorney sand Under the Leagues Park. Sea" wJ Supt, of Public Instruction.. .JohnS. R.Zane. ously from the ef that take Pegasus Besides, it is delicious. There is some dialect into lilting tunefulness without nwisu, minnows G. W. Barch. feet of bursting about on giddier flights thing mellow and Judges- of Supreme Court of it its verisimili g l&rgeT kinds M J. A. Miner. depriving colloquial men The shells. of fancy, and writ- a plebeian metathesis like "congerga- tude it is none of these Judicial District. .E. V. Hlgglns. two and feet Judge Fifth three me In length feet of things were called from ers that sit him tlon." What orthoepy could replace chanlcal Senator, Seventh DlBtrict. James P. Driscoll. white and black and of but the Member Lower House Adelbert Cazler. bltie, besLH' Inspiration, spirit the guns to extinmore grandly, and lines like these: IIUa Office i. Rryon Groo. Registrar Land Office the his man, his " ' J democracy, tenderness, 7 " F canary, elsh the flames, Receiver Land Frank Harris. writers that put him through daintier "Worter, shade and all to mixed, don't know the 7. Ans - thM dItnlTlifihillfr thfl and health of and 7ith his blue tail, swam by' b.rIght sympawealth; which you'd orter efficiency of i it. paces, and writers that burden him us. JUAB COUNTY DIRECTORY. Like the ripe wheat fielda peneatn m Kotf o.J dmnrnn - m Foote of the dead Say, th worter in the shadder shadder in uues. If he uses "memory" a little too that nearer (Charles with orTra RnmmoT. v. - BO. mere anguish as a often worter! the Husro Denrezin vehicle for his rural pictures, nHrm Selectmen- .wn . has fart This there and ronlW Horse, White A. Xi. Jaekman Rider of the the submarine currents wayed great One Mr. Riley's dialect the utter charm of the pictures is in the in BheriCC that will remembered be J.D. T.W.Sullivan are writers that make him a very buck that thing about It bunches of fan-leCazler may puzzle those not familiar with atonement enough. He has caught the battles with the coral, purple, Assessor and Collector Chinese one no the is there but Japanese of wit. broncho Clerk and Recorder. and white. The ing his is "water was clear j of the the Hooslers, real American. He is the laureate of ships were on fire almost continuously living speech William Burton, Thomas Winp that turns such an into as just Pegasus to as lf air, and, done Edward Pike by the bliss of laziness. His child poems from the effect of pointing some especially spelling, which is chiefly Attorney The shells. and C. Ilanford T. pastoral of bursting peace lazy nag 8urveyor the illiterate speaker himself. Thus are the next best thing to a child It men were called from the gilhs to ex- - ceauuiui specimens of rock and fans, William Ockey ambling Treasurer our little darky dove over, and, like f Eustiee content as James I had almost said "rostneer-time- " Coroner and "ornry" must be self; they have all the infectious es j l.l.liln the T. Miller Joshua Whitcomb Riley. If you want namesnus uie mguisn Superintendent Schools see him J. wimmlte QimiiuB fish, we could who sence of gayety, and all the naivete, and the Aeollc Greek to those barbarians . . and of the causing nH1 efficiency dn a panacea for the bitterness and the have never heard of "roasting-ears- " Qf battery of all the knife-lik- e . . appeal. It could not demoralization generally. This fact has with and pretensnobbishness and the fret tQ 'demanded be Ws MILLARD COUNTY DIRECTORY. that , wood prose Ied t0 TZS?V m0Tement to reduce the and the com- for against the coral, he gave a tug and (Andreas Peterson. sion and unsympathy "common, "vulgar." m a r .ww, the and to worK Selectmen.. John Styler. minimum, ambition and worry mercial away he came to the top, fan in hand. elided, "or(di)n(a)ry." Both but nothing more eerie has ever been is a matter of vital smoothly Jame Gardner. All the and gnaw importance. other cankers that gnaw . O. O. Holbrook. Indeed, God hath wrought marvelouB Sheriff of these words could be spelled with a done than the little story, "Where is overAlma Greenwood. soul, a of Assessor our in back need over the a thorough navy throw In this world of His, but nothing ships leg things just . . . A-- A. Hinckley Collector . . . . . . suggestive and helpful use of apostro Mary Alice Smith ?" with its strange hauling In this respect. Before war of for safe .Thos. O. Calllster Clerk and Recorder "perfectly Pegasus, Riley's greater bewitching than the use of rhyme at the end. and "or'n'ry." phes: "roasl'n-ear,- " M. Hanson. comes they should all be sent to the navy sea gardens of Nassau. fancyV Attorney reins the let hang driving," family . for "did Willard Of all dialect writers he has been Jumbles like "jewer" you Rogers. Surveyor Treasurer. . yards and the woodwork should be re When night came and before the Joseph D. Smith loose as you sag limply In your saddle ever?" and the like can hardly be the most versatile. Think of au Coroner the Sidney Teeples and wood while of A moved. eyes treating moon was up a drive of two miles back process gaze through drowsy D. C. Calllster otherwise than phonetically, thor of "The Raggedy Man," or "Or- spelled Superintendent Schools been has lanes down to make old it on New Providence island brought m fireproof the amiable beast jogs but a glossary should be appended as phant Annie" writing one of the finest chemically and in this tried country, to a most interesting work of nature. blissful with rural quietude, through in Lowell's successfully "Biglow Papers," for .the sonnets in the language! this one which this: wood will be used in ships now A While waiters In the United States farmyards full of picturesque rustics lake some l,00(r feet long and 300 feit not mu4worth even lexi .1 iuv;uOJlc,B as a no Die ending to a will fnr ire forbidden to wear mustaches, army and through the streets of quaint vil- poems are eminently tnni t, wide lay quiet and black as any other Another frequent fault officers in Dublin are required to wear to used be a not nlsh and and rest "ought peace utter Then sheet of water at night might do.'-- But splinters, lages. of dialect writers Is the spelling pho'Being his mother, when he goes away ex-them. The sword of tyranny cuts both akin are men where of the once to bliss will possess your soul, in a rowboat and shoved off from ship imparts I would not hold him overlong, and so of words pronounced every netically ways. bulkheads In all the such a shore what a mighty chance was oomeumes my yielding sight of him posed. places says writer in Godey's. were alike. Thus "enough" is spelled as in be grows o of should Iron, To make readers content with life, enuff," corrugated light wrought! Two small and "clamor," "clammer," So quick of tears. I Joy he did not stav The statement that gold will be much and and asbestos most the with covered of one hue of the surrounding darkness, the Texas, to the is live glad Dr. Johnson himself would nev- To catch the faintest rumor of them! Nay, though cheaper fifty years from now is a hint would .This prevent splinters accompanied our boat of fire, for such magnificent deeds in the power er have pronounced them otherwise. In always nis eyes clear and glad, al- - painted. to those of ns whose pockets bulge with as as well fire. mougn too little appre- these an it seemed. Like two human torches is of This artist. the yellow metal to unload while there Mine own, dear Lord, do fill to overflow,: misspellings, however, Mr. Riley of our theatriclsm the darkies swam by our side 'as in a In melodramatio Many the sky mahogany ciated pretty La time. excuses himself by impersonating an il Let his remembered features, as I pray. cano soothhatch brass cloud of phosphorescent fire, At the ornamental for omne our on ever of life. This genius me. AhJ what stress of love lights, as well as a literate now Thou me to is work that glvest slightest disturbance the whole suguard with Thee this- pies and pieces of bright ing the reader with a pathos that poet. But even then he Is Inconsistent, The British ministers are so conwise: to not is our add of the that a humor rrounding water lit up like molten sinot and beauty anguish Its fullest speech ever to be denied and "hollowing" becomes "hollerin," vinced that arbitration Is the right way v to of war. In Mr. must Each boy's toes and fingers were be sent lver. time ashore own being his mother? All thereof cynicism, this genius belongs an apostrophe to marh tho lost Mine with and the only right way to settle disno Thou knowest only, looking from the skies The preparations in, the engineer de as though the sun shone on them, and Riley in a degree I have found In "g" that abominable imporcea harsh as when not Christ alone was crucified." putes that they are ordering a fresh other all literature. in partment should be as thorough as on fish darted through the quiet water writer ness that ought to be generally exiled batch of enormous warships. more is Life the more the tolerable, a deck. Ships designed for great' speed like leaving a glittering Of course, Mr. Riley is essentially from our none too smooth language. full of learned and behind. The sympathy, to make this speed In trail is that of thereby must be light was so vivid The other day the stock in the Bluft lyric poet. But his spirit the univer- Mr. Riley has written a good essay in of Joy and value, for the very existence case It Is ready needed In battle, and the ma I could see the time by my watch, and Walt Whitman; he speaks defense of dialect, which enemies of of such a man. ' Jay mine In Colorado sold for 60 cents sal v the equality of man, this form of literature might read with chinery must not be exposed to shot or when a wave was sent upward with thed ft hare In the morning and for $27.50 the democracy, CHELIFER. shell or to the debris falling from above. oar the falling drops were like hatred of assumption and snob advantage. ftt night. Early Investors this regard The battle hatches in "the protective pearls. The movements of our bery, that our republic stands for, if It mine as a sure enough "bird." Why She Palled Dp the Carpet. But Mr. Riley has written a deal of and engines boat made enough light to plainly show stands for anything. Now downright most excellent verse that is not in diaThat there are people in the world deck over the boiler the bottom, for thl water is from the A fine deposit of marble has been didacticism in a poet is an abominalect. One whole volume is devoted to who haven't yet learned that there are should therefore be closed down, all ocean and as cleat as all that which put discovered in the bed of Treaty Creek, tion. But if a poet has no right to a fairy extravaganza called "The Fly- - safer places for depositing large sums fires should be started, the blowers deter-should in be and it of the i nature makes to flow about those lovely the operation, things, meanings one mile from Wabash, Ind. It is, in ponder of the Night," a good addl- - of money than old stockings and holes Islands ing Bahamas Enticed by the water's i eolor, both mottled and blue, and the feelings of man for man and the high- tibn to that quaint literature of lace to in. the wall was demonstrated recently mined whether the ventilation is such warmth and the hot night, my! friend er "criticism of life," then no one has. which while the roof of a Fall River, house that the men can live and perform the and 'I went In Midsummer "The quality is pronounced Night's by If to but only for Pope's "The proper study of man- Dream," Herrick's "Oberon's Epithal-amium- was ourmng. mi ne department was duties that would fall to them during an a few minutes. swimming, fiperts. Three heavy charges blew out swim comes From this or1 whatever XI ,1s called, called out and a squad of officers in engagement. large fragments weighing a ton or more. kind is man," you add "nature" and a to believe, but as jtrue as story hard It is safe to say that few ships in the and this will be worked up in monu- - "nature's God," you will fairly well Drake's "Culprit Fay," and (other bits command of Lieut. Hinckley was on the new navy" of the United States have f?Pefc That night, as was my custom outline the poet's field. menta. of most exquisite foolery ' belong. scene, suddenly a woman, who resided turning. In, I went to the bath-f- 1 d trial before which Mere art (Heaven save the "mere!") While a complete success, this in a neighboring tenement, rushed up ever been subjected to a I could easily darken, to. hardly room, There has been, since the first of ia not and has never been enough to diminutive drama contains some cu- the stairs and began to tear up the car under battle conditions. It would seem change some photo plates in my hold place a poet among the great spirits of riously delightful conceits like this pet in one of the rooms. She was in- -. that the"inspection report should In ers. When about to pull the slides I February, a marked decrease In the cirformed that there was no great danger clude such a test it is one of the most noticed the phosphorescence, which I medium of the country, the world. It has furnished a number "improvisation:" culating and in reply to a question said that importantr. of all practical requirements .mounting, according to a treasury of nimble mandolinlsts and exquisite "Her face her brow her hair unfurled! had brought from the lake, shining ' moods. But for dilettants great And O the oval chin below, her furniture was Insured for $700, but In a Comlazy statement, to over $60,000,000. frnm m v harfl fpt ntiii jHv.tip' nri much !a A more b In routine like be cameo. must Carved, cunning same she Incomplete work at squadron with something always poetry the last year the circulating and pared kept just white iight I had to cover them with a With one exquisite dimple, swirled most vital of all points if It does not towel before the a conmedium was $45,000,000 less. On the than sweetmeats; it must be food out of roll bills finally pulled I dared expose the plates With swimming shine and shade, and whirled for date mentioned, March 1, 1896. there temptingly cooked, winnlngly served, The daintiest went provide to she Then out $1,700. occasionally maneuvering vortex poets know taining to what a moment before had been Inwas outstanding $1,528,000,000. well spiced and well accompanied, but The sweetest whirlpool ever twirled the street to watch the progress of a under the conditions that would prob tense darkness. and so. Cupid's finger-ti- p blaze that occasioned a loss of $10. ably obtain in battle. It should be as yet food to strengthen the blood and By deadliest maelstrom in the world!" The certained whether or not the armored Boston Herald. The annual report of the New York the sinews of the soul. President Hayes and the Farmer. a Mr. is that It strange individuality towers are to to as so be I and Insist make bold the Therefore used, conning free Circulating library tell3 a striking President Hayes had for ODe of his numerous other has, suggesting Riley of Have the Will the a should be In even stations executive Protection. Ohio neighbors a testy old fellow who captain, lyrist there Itory of continued growth and useful-nes- s. that masters whose influence he acknowlMaggie Cline has entered suit for and the navigator should be definitely kept a small truck farm. During Mr. It has six branches now at 49 something more than the prosperity edges in special odes and yet all diBond street, 135 Second avenue, 251 or the dirge of personal amours; there damages against a New York woman decided upon. Hayes' four years In the white house, a assimilated and into marked gested ' world-joname been A on deal of who her com has a a d West on one o! his isits home, he passed this borrowing great street and 18 East should be sympathy with the arbitrariness, of his own. He has stud- a theatrical individuality and the One Hundred and Twenty-fift- h and zeal, are old man's farm and found him planting the posterr. "There are mil- menoaoie street. ts profoundly and lions of women imitating me, but they displayed intnorougnness of the comparatively potatoes. The president, being somIn the year ending Nov. 1, 1895, it It is this attitude toward lyric ied the English-poemany himself upon them, till one is mustn't use my name," says the Irish trivial matters in naval routine. It ewhat of a farmer himself, noticed some 654,451 volumes, an Increase of poetry that makes me think Mr. Riley Improved in his chiefly impressed, of song. "I'm not the clever- would be well if the same arbitrariness eccentricity in his neighbor's style of 18,318 over the previous year, and all a poet whose exquisite art is lavished queen with his verse, refinement, subtlety, est woman in the world. Melba's the same thoroughness and zeal were planting, and after a little 'Chat called as to and ease. He has a with only 81,785 volumes on its shelves.. on humanity so ' large vocabulary, Pat-ti imme. to and two better'n the acceptance of me, libraries in America the commend him Calvy's always shown in the vitally Important attention to it. The old man defended Only his is and at times felicity startling. can take a higher note than me, but matters that affect the efficiency of & his method and finally Mr. Hayes said public libraries of Boston and Chicago mortality among the highest lyrists. of he Thus water --can beat'thls speaks "chuckling," can they sing 'Throw 'Em Down Horace was an acute thinker and a which is as total circulation. ship for battle. And this rule applies as he started along: "Well. I don't as Horace's good ripples not on me? Not on like the problems of life. that frank speaker your life!" only to the material, but to the per- think you will get the best kind ofl masshore. Note the the "gnaw" sonnel of a to Its compo- - crop if you plant in that manner." Tn After so many years of discussion, it This didacticism seems not to have tery of such lines as The Gift of L,ove. Lf sition, organization and disposition for farmer rested his elbows on the fence, surprising to see now many people harmed his artistic welfare, for he has "And of the dust the road is like velvet." eloof The tongues, Including battle. It is in this latter respect more "They ain't neither one of us above gift till misunderstand the true Issue be- undoubtedly been the most popular bu "Nothin woods and clear green quence, literature and everything per than in all other nolnts combined that havin fault found with us," he saidi tween the makers,of , oleomargarine poet that ever wrote. Consider the magSkies and unwrlt poetry and the makersr of butter. We have nitude and the enthusiasm of his auditaining to human speech, without love I there is crying need for reform in the "but if you jest go on presidentln' By the acre!" is United States your way and I jro oaf only so. much noise, compared to "new navv.: seen men stand upy in large meetings ence! He has been the personal chum "Then God smiled and it was morning!" and So intruments brass A close inspection of the personnel plantin pertaters my way I guess we cymbals. and assert that oleomargarine was a of everyone mat ever read Latinlty. I won't be no wuss off in the end." Ex with DroDhecy. knowledee. faith all nf Life is "A poor pale yesterday of Death." nro U w a cheap - product, a But Horace, when, not exalted. with his mip khna n v nil ma wmb wTim I ' good product, with love eliminated, are worthless.-Retlons for battle, will uncover many mange. blessing to the poor of our great cities Inspired preachments on the art of life "And O I wanted so D. C. Garrett To be felt sorry for!" and, hence, should not be suppressed. and the arts of poetry and love, was a glaring and absurd defects. Individ The leaders of the meeting usually exuals will be found at important posts STRANGE AND CURIOUS. bitter cynic redeemed' by great "Always suddenly they are gone, AT WEST POINT. Is are who not for the plain that the contest and joviality. The son of The friends we trusted and held secure." totally unfit for the work, and Indestructible by fire, Is said Paper whose in failure action suppression of the manufacture of oleowould a slave, he was too fond of court life cripple course The of utter "At loaf." study that the cadets the battery. There are too few men at to have been invented , by a Parisian. margarine, but to take away from it the to talk democracy. West Point at go through during their many "Knee-deep A specimen of it was subjected to in June." tlement of fraud. The only reason for while at other important stations, Burns was a thorough child most is Bobby comprehensive. four.years' stay hours in a pomen are uselessly employed. severe test forty-eigcoloring It like butter is that it may of the people, and is more like Mr. connot go on quoting forever.; points But I civil It and comprises military, engincame out intact. be sold as butter. Oleo is naturally Mr. Riley Is a master of eering and the science of war, modern There are men and officers whose train- tter's furnace and it in than other every way poet, Technically, any Riley oleo The pneumatic tent is a tent without (oil); margarine Yet he, too, had a vicious cynicism, and surpassing finish. His meters are perand habitual in time of ing duty peace law, geography, languages, history, The only supports are canvas oil. Let it have (pearly) enflow as smooth- mental philosophy, drill regulations, render them quite unavailable for gen- poles. varied. fect and never he the art had that They polished encased air tubes, which, when Inits natural color, and then if any one riches some of Mr. eral duties in and who battle, own could as His be streams. Indiana his and ordnance ly Riley's gunnery. wants to buy it, let them do so. The flated, afford all the resistance that A by others whose replaced To are never tralnlne In as almost of each his and district Each imperfecta poetry, rhymes parts congressional fairy fancy, real issue then is, to place such required. The whole affair weighsofonly would contribute to own of has greatly his one he "The Islands the to have fighting is entitled its prove cadet, Night." understanding Flying on It that it will be impose territory a few pounds, and on account Conservatism a efficiency. and conone is scherzo in never written Burns had the of that technic singular extreme portability is likely to appeal who must be recommended by the versatility ilble for it to be sold except for wbar and inexplicable a Mr. tendency of who bad to enables is and that developed his district from, example sympathy Riley delightful rhymebad gressman to travelers. it is. write such unpastoral masterpieces as meter, and the other earmarks of the then appointed by the president. The during a period of naval impotency, to strongly The picturesque upper suspension the personal comfort of cer promote be"The Dead of "A "Ezra is and "Anselmo," the appointhas poor poet. House," beIt, Lover," privilege strained the of relations view president Falls will within the In at Niagara bridge Individuals tain in the who, nature of some of gins: ing, besides, ten cadets at large. next year be replaced by a new and tween this country and Spain it be- Scrawl," "The can contribute to efflittle When a cadet is admitted to the acad- things, ship more modern structure, for which comes of interest to consider the trade his sonnets, and the noble verses be- "Come listen, good people, while a story I an have resulted in iciency, do to tell receive he y astonishing plans are now practically completed. emy immediately begins relations of the United States with both ginning Of the sad fate of one I knew so passing men the and to methods It will be a steel arch bridge, 1,240 feet neglect regarding be is a and $540 this supposed The year trade Cuba. with the well!" Spain and "A monument for the soldiers! are that 0 to the to essential -. supabsolutely with Imeconomy, proper And what will ye build It of?" latter country Is of infinitely more long and 46 feet wide, and over The "do" and the "so" are the unfail- sufficient, our of It. fleets. to Is receive allowed not fighting He for strength him. port pounds of steel will be needed new portance than that with the mother Yet it must be" owned that Burns is ing Index of crudity. Then we have extra money from his parents, except now engaged in considIf Congress, we "Last from. A.French journal describes a; It year imported country. Mr. Riley's prototype. Mr. rhymes like "long" and "along" (it Is by special in the of general naval the from ering subject superinreorganiza13,826,960,' of and promising substitute for gold. Spain goods to' the value curious that modern English is the tendent. permission admits himself a charmit will his Riley in the tion, adopt policy regarding Is produced by alloying ninety-fou- r and we exported to that country goods finds this that verses "To tongue Robert only repetition Burns." account that takes West a ing Point besides being military personnel intelligent to the value of $10,596,474. This gives a parts of copper with six of antimony, "moon" and "tomb," "Sweet I objectionable); of lo'e that the Satthe conditions znaist resort a is when singer, and health afloat school, every existing Thft first melted and the the copper total of a little over $14,000,000. being O' ony, sin' wi' eager haste "deand "well" and "said" and "for "bell," urday night the cadets give a hop, our ships are "cleared action," the antimony afterward added: to this I amacket bairn lips ower the taste trade for the year 1894 was $3,000,000 are nied" whole and w the others, thing Is which will be for war. ended the atl all navy O' hinnied sang." girls pretty by properly prepared carbonate of In excess of this. From Cuba last year magnesium quantity The classic pastoral poets, Theokri-to- is an enchanting lesson In How Poetry and matrons in town. The mdMc But, if weighed in the balance, it will be7 added to increase its specific gravity. we imported a little over $51,000,000 Should Not be Written. ceases at 10 o'clock, so these dances are found that some of the measures now The Vergil, and the others, sang with alloy is capable of being drawn worth of goods and exported to thst Mr. of is fond words on Riley hot farm-folfuture of the health the dividing in have will k the out wrought, and soldered iust &sf wearing an exquisite art, indeed, yet their being urged Congress Island goods valued in excess of $9,400 at the ends of lines, but always in a soldiers reof the a to Dresden-chineffect inevitable country. diminish rather were shepas gold is, and is said to take and cost really C00. This gives a total trade of over comic rememThe to way, of the cadets though Horace, you than Increase the fighting efficiency of tain an Atia ft. nolish as cold. Its marching $51,000,000, or four times that with herds and shepherdesses speaking with ber, was not - church Is one of the sights of West our seriuse to it unwilling ships. The emergency is a serious is one shilling a pound. Spain. This was $32,000,000 1cb3 than affected simplicity or with impossible ously, as in his The Point interior of which the one. There is need of care and patriotchapel The decrease waa du? elegance. Theokritos, like Burns and the year 1S94. " u- - v simattend is beautiful in Its New Chum: And how am I to know they very ism in the The and considering in dialect wrote subject on to Xorius part the duties increased amnis." Riley, very largely partly and contains among other me- gun, and the man behind it, will always when I'm getting near the gold? OW Mr. Riley's animadversions on "Ad- -, plicity American good3 carried Into Cuba, and ly in the standard speech, and to those mentoes a number of captured battle win at sea. Here is the only true basis Diggerr Well, Just keep on digging tui also to the present disturbance in that who are never reconciled to anything dellney Bowersox" constitute a fascl- trer nV irno vflltpr Hkft MUStard, &Q Sags, two of them English. These flags of "naval reorganization.' there in. this effect. no He is also can inland,, the latter beirrj eviienUy tU that "authority," quote nating study are carefully preserved under plate can reckon yAVi are coming on you m rcr to an devoted rreicrsinaUns ciuxo. should ba ,sumclent justification dividing adjective from class set Jnto the walls. It is never too late to be mended. ayaney uuuetin. j : nfj d. - - i. , book-review- er ; Whtt-com- Ba RE-member- ed i , C soul-warni- ng . Z - v,; wue. vj v af ycl-lo- w ; X. m 1 fpp-TO- f.TUSlyn 1 t M rm men-ox-w- ar ....m.Jdo. ' I -- - HT M 1 con-thumbi- ng. r out-swimme- daz-zling- rs, ly ; j crude-speaki- ng men-of-w- ar sky-rocke- ts, blue-tinte- . first-cla- ss . .... ," . full-spee- man-of-wa- ' v y, Forty-Secon- world-kinshi- p. world-sufferin- g, cir-ralat- ed non-dialec- deep-soundi- tic " bet-ter- 'n ng Mc-Clusk- ey,' man-of-w- ar . ( m w W w WMk T Mr A 1 XA. A I - " " v. r r self-depreciat- w ion & ht 1 pearl-color- ed pearl-color- ed non-dialec- tic re-tricti- 1 ona . Home-going- ," ' ! 4,000,-00- " : , ; 3, j ". j . m mm m 'y V |