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Show urn ii. EE BLAliE. i 'I i" subscription rates: ' 52. .00 Per year. . .. . ' (Payable in advance), keep-sakes- Publisher. ALF. ORHE long years that would ebb arid; flow be fore the day of .meeting, nor of the straae scenes and events that ' would transpire before ' the consumption of his ambition. Milton Crosby packed some clothing, ,. and a few among the latter bis wifa and darof being photographs with the photographs he ling babes; Shi's wife's, fetter. After carefully put went to his) be preparations-completing the office of thje company with whom he was employjed and resigned his position and drew the balance of 'his sal"'!!' r V'p'V ary. Marian had peen a frugal and careful housekeeper and, there had been saved and deposited in the bank nearly $2000. Dr iwihg a check for the full amount, Milton Crosby encloses it in aletter to his w fe. The letter contained no reproac ies. lie acKnowiQugeu the justice of her sentence, asked her to guard their little ones, 'and he did not soon returb, to teach them to iove and reipect their father and to tell e causes tnac uaa iea to he might shun the decision tliat her downward path; and concluded with a eonnuended promise to return,a and! Providence. them to the care of kind Milton Croslby fully intended to stop on the downward road and that his promise would be speedily fulfilled. VV"ith such thdughts he took the afternoon train for the west. He hud no deflrdte objective point in view, that could be determined later on. The change of saeres, with tne rush aud roar of the spepdiog train wa9 acceptable inasmuch as it soothed the connecting emotion's which were, surging through his brjain. , !' Application has been mads at the Nephi post-- ; Sice for transmission through the mails as s mail matter. Scand-cpafi- SATURDAY MORN., FEB. la, 1890. BliADS AGENTS :l Below is a list of our agents, who will receive1! subscriptions and receipt for Xaymeqts;- i i Wmj Chastaln, Ibapah, Tooele Co. MILLARD COUNTY. Joseph A. Lyman, Oak City, Christian Anderson, Fillmore.! Thos. ilemmott, Scipio. Chrip. pverson, Leamington, Geoi Crane, Kanosb. Jamesillatton, Petersburg. Virgil fielly, Burbank. Hvrnni Adams. Meadow. JamesiS. Blake, Hinckley. This! is the. only government in the worid where the fcjackassess who run : V , lives with inexpre3sablei sorrow. Mrs. Crosby also spoke to' ber son and daughter of her conviction that their father was dead. The chastening handjof sorrow had made of the once wayward girl one of the most gentle of mothers, and her children grew up in of s weakness-esfor of and the love, charity of their fellow beings. At the age of eighteen years, young State Crosby entered the Vermont The thousand dollars University. and accund interest lamounted to nearly two thousand dollars, and was to be ripen j on the education of the f son and daughter. few last the JDuring years before enthe University young Milton tering had taken a great interest in civil engineering and he determined to graduate in that branch of learning,andto its accomplishment he bent the energy of a strong and gifted mind. He bad in herited his father's robust form and Mry, elastic organization and a portion of his restless nature. Notwithstanding his father's long silence wjs inexplicable to young Cros by in connection with the theory of his being alive, he could not believe him deaa. He was as strong in his own conviction that he was yet alive as his mother was in her belief that he was not. So sure was he that his father still lived that he signed his own name Milton Crosby Jr. In the University there was a young student from Denver, Colorado, and or Mona- E. W. Peterson Ex. Justice Le - .... mt0 . who also was studying civil engineering. His father was a native of Ver- Dr.G.S.iiosmer Thomas Ler will RoadSuper vis- van in his judgement, and trust in his Whatever strong young manhood. e his of the be venture, might Mrs. Crosby fait that Milton would be true to every principal of honor, and to those whom hft was leaving behind. As the train rounded a curve and was lost to view; Mrs. Crosby recollected that it wras almost nineteen years be fore, when Milton Crosby had departed toward the west and over that same road. The memory of that event and the incidents connected with it, increased her anguish over her son's departure. Yet, for the first time during more than a half score of years, Mrs. Crosby was giving almost tangible form to a hope that her husband was yet alive and perhaps no, she would not give way to such thoughts only to have them blasted. Yet, if she had confessed the whole truth to herself, the. thought that it might be so and that their eon might And him, had tempered the pain of the present parting. Had Marian Crosby's knowledge of this western empire been of a practical kind; had she fully realized its extent and the widely separated localities where men can dwell, the almost intangible hope could have found no place in her mind. Mrs. Crosby and her daughter Mary the son and had accompanied to see him off. to Pieasanton brother With a heavy heart the fond mother returned to Linton and resumed the fife and duties monotony of every-da- y While she awaited intelligence from her son, and the day of his return which he had promised should be within a year. out-com- 81.75 i j fr -- ;;;:;v j 13.20 Ja'mes II. Mynders man Nephi Henry Adams Ex-Ju- : 73.20 i Nephi, 16.00 ice ; 8.55 ty E. S Malmgreen Constable Le- Joseph Jensen Ex. Justice Le- 77.05 .15.20 ( r 48.10 59.85 ' van 17.20 i J. Clayton StatisticianNephi A. M. Chrisliansen Statistician B. - Co-o- c;tn. n . I 1285.01 ' Levan 33.00 At Residence j Second door East HOURS: 2 to 4 p. m. ; AtHenry Adams torney Nephi Martin lgoe-- Justice of the Peace Eureka Oliver Christiansen Justice of Peace Levan van OFFICE:- Ex-Sele- ct st Ex-Coun- 90.00 In- spector Moua E. II. Sparkes Constable Nephi A. L.Jackman SelectmanLevan surgeon. 63.50 G. J. Field County Physician II, Burton Fruit Tree Inspec- tor Nephi. T. IL Lerwill Fruit Tree Iilsiciait and ' " i None But Ayer's V Utah. at the world's v Fair Sarsaparilla enjoys the exHr ... orninarv distinction or hnv nr only blood purifier allowed an eThihhol the World's fair. Chicago. M .l ! ers of other sarsaparillas sought by everJ means' to obtain a showing of their jroort out tney were an turned away under t hi 01 the rule forbidding the enappjieation try of patent medicines and nostrum. Thedicisiono the World's Mr author! ties in iavor 01 AVer's baranariiu ... in effect as follows: 'Ayer's Sarsaoaril la is not a patent medicine. It does nr belong to the list of nostrums. , it is her tf f on itsmerits. 1165.00 81.00 THURMAN & WEDGWOOD, 51.00 - ; John Morley StatisticianEureka Mrs. Mary Sutton Special Jani- at hiw. Attorneys tor Nephi 15.00 S. G. Wilkey Road Supervisor Room and 3, ' First National Bank Balldinc 181.25 Nephi f.f ..,'. E. W. Peterson Road SupervisIf ':y 182.85 or Levan Charles Foote Selectman Nephi 118.10 59.95 James Eustice Coroner Ephraim Ellertson Statistician 1 mont aud when the time came to send PROVO, ,'.' UTAFi to son an selechis eastern school had all furnish to the Under obligations ted the university of his; native state. test of 'the 'world in gold, even if w e CHAPTER III. Between Gilbert Heywood, for that wa3 have to sell bonds, to buy it. Arkan The strong will that bad sustained therehis name, anda Milton Crosby Jr. CAPITAL. grew up stroug friendship, Baw Kicker. Mrs. Crosby during the ordeal of the Mona 60.00 YERR5-0N- . was well Heywood i'oung as acquainted she felt nrevious niirhti forsook her W. S. Read Statistician Fish vvitn uie vjreat west, with its resour swiftljy revolving wheels wer: ces, its When you hear a mm running down that theher cus men and oO.OO the husband. prominent from her Sprjngs erring the lez tirnate institutions of the bearing To be continued. next week. A full realization of the importance of toms and incidents of western life. 7.50 Mrs. Groves Special Janitor IktVS'l N VE5TM EMTCo i witn. listened ouug in conseurosoy a tne talke look him. deep Ten and had she at the taken, towa, goad step Andrew Hendrickson Tree Into the descriptions given by his V quences of her sudden resolve were, terest to one hd, will have, a chin as long as from 45.0c friend Levan with and Denver, spector eager for first time, vividly before .her. ness rail, an eve as restless as a ijorsethief Hadthe FINANCIAL STATEMENT not been too hasty in thus was as he explained how great a held she and he will hitch around in! his chair turning her back upon Milton G rosby? presented in the far west for the $8971.21 So &3 though he had a- touch of St. She thought of the general nobility of profession both were studying. ; jr daDce." Talk with him awhile his nature; of lis natural kindness of profoundly was young Crosby impress TREASURY. ed west afforded the with the to She her. opening and his devotion Of Juab County, Utah, for tha FasUnd you wiU discover that he has made heart on that seemingly for him that the desire to see it be to lean had learned RECEIPTS. a failure o eyerything he lever tried strong man whose heart was as tender came an absorbing thought and the Year ending December cial Balance in Treasury ' Jan. 1 object to be achieved. The (except being disagreeable,) (and nine as that of a woman. She had hastily first trreat to his zest and 1895. 31st. added weakidea stud one energy 189 $10717.59 times out of ten he is depending on the cast him aside because of class his ies so that he not if had ness. she askexl She herself find of will him 750.C0 for Reimbursements public' RECEIPTS. support; you would it not have mates in his loved profession. In his acted prematutely? a meddlesome, miserly, jealous, hate- been better and more wife-lik- e 4.74 Herds to have great desire togo west, Milton Crosby Balance Jan. 1st 1895 $1093.11 Transitory he a could motive and not burdual man Jr.had who a 6527.42 ful and unreliable nature; borne with Christain fortitude the 4.74 County Taxes Herds is always complaining, an(jl although den of his weakness, and worked and determine which of them was the Transitory S. Taxes John paid by 6721.99 County reformation? With the strouger. The last known incident in Taxes Assessed he has but little, if anything of his prayed forofhis for Cowan the year 1894 594.10 boardae-actiowas that he had his father's life he: heart there came 122.50 Geueral License own one cvould imagine to hear him softening and scalding tears coursed ed a west-boun- d General he believed 122.50 and License train, 121.20 Fines iu out he was somewhere that myster deed on down her cheekVwhile her form quiv . 1950.00 talk, that he had a quit-clai1950.00 Liquor License License so from Liquor where was ious men, many eibotion she ered the with country a heavon trying 121.20 the earth and first mortgage 16.05 Fines to suppress. Ijler thoughts then re- a varietv of causes, were living under Rent business lie knows 46.05 Reut en, every body's verted to the subject of Miiton's appar assumed names. However, on that Redemption Property Sold. . 19.40 and why shouldn't he? He has none ently greater passion for . strong drink subject he spoke to no one, nor did he 50.00 By H. Adams Contingent west to to his destination mention Such his lDve to go and for his time. wifa and babes; than of hisjojvh LOCAL TIME CARD. take up 19.40 13081.99 Redemption of Property Sale not would He distress his mother. achieved resentment former the Bills Payable In effect,Nov. 17, 1894. 2500.00 people lik mosquitos, were not created again Mrs. Crosby felt that her by even a hint of his intention. the and EXPENDITURES. Train and depart at various station arrive mastery, one in vain perhaps, but faijjt remains her coutse was vindicated and He would tell her later on, or when daily as follows: ' present 44.50 $ $23403.00 South'bound. Publication. : Stations. tetaple, they do not add, materially to she felt strong, even defiant, when the his studies were completed. Leave Leave Arr. Arr. I would 103.35 the pleasures of conducting legitimate train stopped at! Linton. Iuterest During the vacations Milton 8.00 pm 2.15 am Ogxlen DISBURSEMENTS. on and Mrs bervice was greatly shocked at visit his old home at Linton, 3.15 am Ar Salt ( Lv 7.00 pm business.-j-Sali- na 52.50 Press. Public Nuisance 7.45 am Lv j Lake Ar 5.50 pm her daughter's recital of Milton Cros thos3 occasions his friend Heywood 18.25 County Warrants paid and 8.11am him. After Elections Sandy... . 5.0 pm by's conditionand ' although feeling crenerallv accompanied to the 9.43 .. .. 3.40 pm County 159.20 am presented it visit Fairfield Jail tlrst required that her daughter's rcolve, had been young Haywood's MILTON CROSBtf . 11.35am-.- .. Eureka... 2.00pm 1895 make induce Court Jan. no 12th to him to $7820.49 she too hastily formed and executed, 69.50 persuasion Compensation Janitor.'. home . Mrs. his 8.45 4.45 no was am. in .Lehi of Junct. what hint during Inquests. Crosby's farm, pm ON HAND. gave passing 108.80 8.55 am Amer'n Fork 4.35 pm summer comvacations. and as the mind her made but holiday everything ) $13788.93 Warrants 9.02 am Pleas't Grove 4.28 pm A true Story of tii8 East and West 8.00 county of his first visit. Maiy Repairs .... 3.05 pm 9.25 am .... Provo fortable as possi ole for the new addi On the occaison 1793.58 Cash f $15582.51 2.00 9.44 am Spanish Fork 3.49 pm Crosby was a lovely girl of sixteen. Lawn tion to uer laujiiy. 10.02 am ... Pay son... 3.32 pm The time between her arrival Her quiet life on the farm, and meet- District Court Suit 904.21 11.05 am 2.40 pm Nephi in$23403.00 CA AFTER IL andin . the the ing but few people other than the 11.45 am Arj 2.00 pm Lv morning 44.00 and Plats Maps f JuaD of 12.30 1.30 pm the little which, of habitants the villiage Lvl from fAr train pm coming evening ALMOST NINETEEN YEARS." 5.00 2.05 pm Leamington 11.55 am TREASURER'S STATEMENT. an age. In her in in point of population, seemed to be at Insane ... Pleasanton.seemed 4.05 pm 10.25 am Oasis 126.19 It was nearly 9 o'clock when Milton most soul Marian Crosby hoped her a standstill naa inaae ner sny County Buildings.... 4.50 pm Clear Lake 9.37 am Financial of statement the County e.uu am Ati am- - i lv djo pm Crosby awoke from his stupor and husband would follow on the next of strangers. But the frank and Insurance. 99.00 8.50 am Lv ford f Ar 6.15 pm of Juab County, Utah, for found the ibright sun of that June train to Lintonj that he would ask hearty westeTrn manners of the young Office Fur. and Fix Treasurer, 260.03 5.00 am 1U.4U pm Frisco. on him in reserve overcame soon her Coloradoan beaming to morning through her forgiveness, promise the fiscal year ending December 31st reform, and Leave Arrive 5.50 the partly drawn, window curtains. she would trust hici judt once more. and she listened with unfeigned de- Contingent. Trains sbuh of Juab run daily except Suhr 189,5. His mind was somewhat dazed, but the Instead of her husband, his letter con light to his recitals of western adven- Salaries $4567.00 ? DATS fact of his liaving been intoxicated the taining the check arrived. That check tures, and of the grandeur of the Less Reimbursements 750.00 3817.00 RECEIPTS. Two through trains daily from Salt to all points East. Lake J 286.68 previous n ht dawned upon his startled her and she greedily devoured mountain scenery and the greatness Paupers Cash in $ 1895, 2,89710 Treasury Throufeh Pullman Palace Sleepers fram balJan.l, was brain he The fact that gish the contents of the letter. Its tender of Denver, his home city. 1003.85 Criminal Expense to Chicago without change Lake License 00 Jbim of to 1,950 his the Liquor dressed, proved After the first holiday vacation depth and penitent tone," its frankness and t. improved Tourist Sleepers. 148.85 General Licence and Fuel Light classhis Free Reclining- Chair cars. 122.50 with went 4 Marfor babes potations. He bathed his swollen face solicitude Heywood young stung thip 855.71 Fines and descended to the sitting room. . In ian Crosby to the quick. His silence mate to Linton instead of going to Court Services day coaches. Elegant 121.20 ; The only line operating- dining car service. the shjort interval Milton Crosby had as to his future course gave her great Denver, and made his visits as useful Compensation Statistician... 407.00 The shortest aEd fastest line to all point?" County Taxes 1S94, paid by experienced a sense of ' deep humilia- uneasiness. The human mind is so as possible by assisting his classmate Road and Bridges east. 570.00 Cowan. tion and xejmorbe, and had fully deter- constituted that uncertainty on com inputting up the hay and in such E. D. WICKINS, Aent, Nephi. 594,10 476.36 D. mined to approach his wife in a spirit paratively smal matters frequently other work on the farm as was neces- Books aud Stationary E. 1895 i Taxes Burley, Gen'l Agt. Passgr. Dept.,-CitCounty paid by . 172.00 Ticket Office, 201 Main st., Salt Lake. of penitence. .and pledge .his; best" efforts giyes us more anxiety than certainty sary. Gilbert Hay wood's father was Inspection of Trees Cazier 6,527.42 E. L. Lomai, Gen'l Passgr. and Ticket Agt. to overcome h is appetite if or in . ; .... i ... . and holding a practical Exchange.. ; 3.40 Bills us sorrow even where the results E. Dickinson, Gen'l Mngr., Omaha" gives 2r500.00 Payable. S. H.H.Clark, .. are of vital importance, It was c;uel view of life had , taught his sons and . '!.55.00 Congress. Oliver W. Mink, As he entered1 the sitting- room the of him:, thought Mrs. Crosby, not to daughters that industry viras an 46.05 Rent. E. Ellery Anderson, 25.00 Congress... Irrigation Vilence of th place at onde startled out-lin- e factor to success, of Tax sales .... 19.40 his futui-- course. But in jus Redemption John W. Doane, 49.65 and oppressed him. A feeling of un' tice to Milton Crosby, no definite fu Frederick R. Coudert, the conclusion of his studies Uhcoilec table Taxes . ... . . . i . At Ad"H. Contingent Expense RecfeiverS. tietined dread took possession 'of his ture had been determined. a introof letter secured 10.80 Sales Tax young Crosby 50.00 ams." entire! being, but the thought came duction to Heywood senior from his Balance in favor Juab County 2194.61 dHAPTER IV. that Marian was. in- the rear part of 4.74 friend and returned to Linton. So Transitory Herds to some of her the house attending westnot face to his to was is turn he dwell at It necessary eager length (paid by $13081.99 Reimbursements, household duties, v y A; hurried search on the succeeding years that draged ward that he lost no time in breaking ., 750.00 Cazier) convinced pirn the house contained np slowly and heavily for Marian Crosby. the subject to Mrs. Crosby. She was RESOURCES. becupant'but himself. . Milton Crosby No word from her husband had ever terribly startled, and by every argu-t- o remembered the 'scen.ee of the previous been received. The only, information ment in her power tried disuade In Treasury $15,582.51 $15382.51 morning. .Marian's threat, to which Mrs. Crosby coul 3 obtain was, that he him. She reminded him that he was John S. Cowan 59.89 DISBURSEMENTS. he had paid, but little attention,flashed was known td have boarded the her only son and upon his efforts and T. y 92.50 Sullivan mind his John a and rosejiike specd success in life depended her 'future through train from Warrants paid ... $13,788.33 tre before; him. The terrible conse- and the country - toward Pleasanton, 142.02 County the setting happiness and support. H$r protesta- D. W, Cazier in Balance Dec. was his of weakness 31, quence Treasury beginning sun had completely swallowed every tions were met in a spirit of filial ten- Henrv Adams 37.50 todaiwn on his mind as he 'returned to trace of Milton Crosby. 1895 with unswerving determi- Edward Pike but derness 1,793.58 75.00 - the combined As the: years foassed wearily away. nation to test the goddess , fortune sitting room aod parlor. .A letter oh the centre table attracted Mrs. Crosby began to fear that her that seemingly with $15582.51 his attention and "with almost nerve-lep- s husband was dead and the thought at arms was bcKoning Miton Crosby $15989.42 Financial statement of Juab County hands') and reeling brain Milton length became a terrible conviction. Jr. toward the mysterious and facina-tin- g LIABILITIES. He' exCrosby read his sentence in the school funds for the fiscal District West; of the great heart-brokeHowever, the conviction .was so slow region n written lines: n a res'g-natioalmost in definite his form that assursing plained to $13794.81 year ending December 31st 1895. County Warrants My oncebe!loved husband: There is nowas East sorrow how her the mother but it tempered to 2194.61 thing own gained by farther! reproaches. alleviate the intense pain with professional men, and how every Juab County RECEIPTS. aeart ought to tell jyou my mo- could not came Your to with the memory of avenue of existence , and path prostive for the! course I am taking; Yoa that often ras occupied; la, glowing j $15989.42 Cash in Treasury Jan. 1st 1895 $ 37.89 have chosen ram and evil companions that unhappy quarrel. perity me Mrs. our before and babes. I cannot unTerritorial Appropriation Crosby was a deyoted mother words he painted the great 6)0.00 ' tlertake to ear rny darlings jwithin such and upon her children she concentratof the STATEMENT OF A3IOTJNT PAID EACH County Taxes "1894, rich with its mines; TIME TABLE NO. 16. region paid by an influence, 1 am going home to moth- ed the wealth of ier strong and endur- rapid development of its resources; the COUNTY OFFICER FOR THE YEAR Cowan collector." er. Whenever ya can prove to me that 176.14 Effective Sunday, November 17th, 1895. love. Eveiy jtrait ot their young rail roads to oe budded and great engi31ST DECEJMREK ENDING 1895. you love me and pat innocent little ones ing County Taxes "1895, paid by more thanistron drink thkt yoa have and tender natures was watched and neering feats in scaling the rugged North of with lines and steel or mountain carefully, over 4338.27 South. John guided 2.85 e iJaz'er collector. $ heights yourseif-comKirgan encouraged Nephi gained the) mastery tome. I will wait. Until then, adieu. discouraged according! as to whether rails; and pointed out that be could Chas. Foote 8.00 Dist. No. 2 Judge Uod keep and help you as I will always or not those traits of character were accomDlish more in one" year in the No. t Dist. from from Stations. Dailfr $10942.30 ' 65.15 MARIAN, Daily Manti pray.. be could in five years in the-4- William Stout Justice Nephi praiseworthy. West than Nephi Milton Crosby krJevr what those Out bf the sum! which her husband East. As a last G.90 he spoke of T. L. Foote Justice Nephi ll.ta 11.45a 43.0 Lv. Nehpi Ar. DISBURSEMENTS. 10.4fia 5.0 words meant. He knew that Marian's had sent her, 81,000 were deposited in his strong belief argument, his Salt Springs 12.10p 38.0 father Yates Justice Mona 29.35 John regarding 10.27a 10.0 33.0 I2.40p former wayward disposition; had devel the bank, and ifegarded as ai sacred whom he felt certain was alive and John S. Cowan Holloway 10.10a County Supt. Warrants paid. .$10531.99 19. 14.0 57r 29.0 and Fountain Green 19.5 9.45a oped into a wiH as strong and inflexi- fund for the higher education of her this conviction impelled him to make 23.2 Balance 1895 in Dec.31 410.31 1.15p Treasury Draper . 9.25 Collector ., 352.80 23.5 ble as were; her devotioi to those she children Mrs. Crosby was as iudus-triou- an effort to discover his whereabouts Moroni 1.32p 19.5 9.10a 27.0 as ever and by the practice of 'Seeing that nothing could swerve her W. C. Ockey County Treasurer Chester 1.42p 16.0 loved, and b conscientious discharge of 240.00 8.42 35.0 8.0 $10942.30 .2.22p Ephraim her wifely and maternal duties. the most rigid' teconomy maintained son from his folly, as Mrs. Crosby re- D. W. Cazier Assessor 8.15a 43.0 Lv. 1 Ar. Manti 2,45p herself and little jfatnily in respectable garded his determination, she made 1:700 on I Collector and . State op Utah ss. useless to attempt to break her sen circumstances, situation and did all in LessReimbursements the best of , Trains leave Manti for Sterling.Funk'a Lake f Juab. V of county teuce of separation until h;e had for- ; When young Milton had arrived at her power tothe dreadhim out for the fit Morrison at 3:00 p.m., Monday's, Wednes Utah 750.00 and 750.00 Territory! J I William Burton. clerk .of the ever purged himself of every taint of the proper age, Mrs. Crosby answered ed journey. In addition to the little by a J 865.00 County Court of the county and State day's and Friday's. Returning arrive weakness, unaer mat impression, ne the questioning of her son relative to comforts which no one but a mother William Burton uounty Clerk at 6:00 p. m. bould not remain where he Was known the whereabouts jf his father and why Would have 900.00 aforesaid, hereby certify that the fore Manti Of, Mrs. Crosby Edward Pike County Attorney Direct thought connections at Nephi with Uniof and endure; the humiiiationthat would he did not live with tbenv by telling provided her son with a tine set of in- John T.Sullivan CountySherifl 753.25 going statements are true and correct, Padlfle Railway from and to Salt Lake City tome to hirii by residing 'among those him the story of his father's weakness, struments for surveying and engineeri- F. W. Chappell Probate Judge 215.50" to the best of my knowledge and Butte,' Provo, Milford and intermediatf that knew his wife had deserted him. of the quarrel, and separation Her ng1 work. and all points East and West. points, 363.75 We will make no attempt to describe Henry Adams Deputy Sheriff .Notwithstanding his besetting weak- narrative did not spare herself in the on , Stop signal., j" ness, Miltrjn Crosby was proud and hasty decision she bad formed to leave the parting between mother and, son Hugo Deprezin Selectman 414 40 In witness whereof I have hereunto The Company to vary reserves the right high spirited. He would go out into him. She spoke pf his. nobleness Of on that lovely day in the latter part of C. W. Hickman set my hand and affixed the seal of the rom this Time Table at pleasure the world where he was unknown and character, of his gentleness and love, May, 1889, when the west-boun- d train Sheriff 49.00 said Court at my office in Nephi "City, Theodore battle with himself untitvhe knew he and strove to impress on the youth carried from Mrs. Crosby's presence the-11tJanitor this Sullivan Pres. &Bruback, had conquered his thirst for Hquor.and the Ellen Eureka of A. 47,00 D. was who of form day January, Qenl Manasrer. of him of sin the idol of the thg inebriety enormitycounter-balancethen return and claim his wife and which Salt Lake City. 1896.' all those her heart and upon whom she had Charles Manglesoh Ex. Road had WlLTjAM Boiiton. Uli'lrfn ; kittle did he dream, of the noble traits and had clouded all their learned H. S. Kerr, to lean with perfect relianee5.0C Supt. liovarr 'County Clerk Sapt. & Q; p; & p. Agfent; MAdT the financial end of it think they are j - - . S .... V T- - . RcuASLt-iKreRMmoBf-- IPPU-CREC- K i i An-ithony- - 's mimmm out-stripp- ed ' n, j m North-boun- d ) - - ) 1 V . - - - ; toxi-cant- , si well-to-d- o, - j t Trans-Mississip- pi all-importa- e - . -- west-boun- : out-stretch- SAN PETE ed - follow-ing'hurriecl- VALLEY RAILWAY ly : over-suppli- ed inter-mounta- in .'r i Ex-Justic- e, ' Ex-Proba- te J " - ' I j I . - . i 1 i -- Ex-Assess- or ; s. . ? -- i . s Og-den- - . : : -- Ex-Depu- ty ; h d , |