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Show ARANSAS PASS' MOTTO THE BLADE. : ..Published Every Saturday at. 'HERE CRAWLED ON HIS BACK. Experience of a Man with a Broken JjS on a Treslte. James Starr, aged .65, took six houis to crawl with a broken leg from the trestle at the foot of 24th street to High, says the Louisville Courier-Journa- l. Starr is a carpenter who lives with his daughter, .Mrs. R. M. Sanders, at 2409 West Jefferson street. He leftj'home Saturday morning and did not return. beHe drinks soine and his lieves he was drunk Saturday night when he started to cross the canal on the trestle. The old man said it was about 10 o'clock Saturday night when he concluded to spend the night 'across the canal and not go home. When he got opposite 24th street he missed his footing in the dark and fell. Aa he shot through the trestle his head struck one of the; ties, and he landed on the ground unconscious. How long he laythere he does; not know. When he awoke it ;was with the consciousness of great pain in his leg. He tried to yell, but his voice was weak and he was unable to speak above a whisper. The pain in his leg made cold perspira tion cover his body. He waited for; what seemed an hour in the hope that some one would nass alone: and lend, him assistance. The place was as quiet as a grave, and he could not hear even the rap of a policeman. He started to work his way from under the trestlework, but every attempt to move forward jmade him scream with pain. Finally he turned on his back and began to crawl along with his head and hands, drag ging his injured leg with him. This was very slow and very painful, Once he remembers to have lost conscious ness, the pain was so great. He does not know how long he lay where h was, but the thought that he might die there before any assistance could reach! him. nerved him to press on. He began again to crawl on his back. He felt that he was about to faint again, so he stopped.! He struggled with himself to keep from losing consciousness, fearing that he might never awaken. When he j felt that he had gained enough strength to venture on he began his laborious and! painful task again. After he had strug gled along, between rests and partial unconsciousness for what seemed, to him a week he began to break down. He rested from his labors awhile, thinking someone would surely j pass along, but no one appeared. He spied some salt sheds near by and made his way toward them. When he reached the sheds the night watchman was making his last round. Just aa the watchman discovered Starr the latter fainted. The watchman saw the man was badly hurt and telephoned for the ambulance. By the time the ambulance reached the sheds Starr had regained consciousness. He was taken to the city hospital, where it was found he had suffered a compound fracture of the EVERYBODY SHALL MAKE MONEY." ; UTAH. The Great Banking: House of Alexander Brown & Sons of Baltimore, Md., Is Spending; Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars on the Harbor at Aransas Pass, Texas. THjgJPIRECTORY Delegate to Congress. . Frank J. Oaaaon. " TERRITORIAL. OFFICERS. W. West Gorernor... . . . , U.. . .. . Caleb .O. G. Richard. Secretary. A. Merrltt, Chief Justice.- -.8. t I Geo. Bartch. I Wm. H. King. Asaociata Justices MM M7. Smith. ; S. W. Judo. ..-- J. roecutlne Attorney U. 8. Marshal Nat. M. Brlgham. . . Bryon Groo. Registrar Land Offlco Frank Harris. Recelrer Land Office. T. B. Lewis. Commissioner of Schools UTAH COMMISSION. Thatcher. George :.v Lake City, -A. G? Norre- lSalt Lake City. E .Letcher Salt Lake 0 ty. lioyrpherman- -. Salt Lake City; Tatlock- -. U JUAB COUNTY DIRECTORY. , -,.- There is no more beautiful harbor scene in America than, Aransas Pass and Corpus Christ! Bay. Hundreds of visitors arrive there daily. The Green Turtle and Tarpon Fishing and the Canvas Back Duck Hunting, with the tropical climate make it the sportsman's winter paradise. Thousands of acres of rich cheapland contiguous are , ...... .. - ---,..8alt Probate Judge. ......... Selectmen., "nft&attff11 "ST. 3. T. r" CHAPTER XV. E had a daughter born to us, and for the first few days all went well, and Mrs. George Flow er, having apparently laid aside Sullivan Sheriff.. w. uazier Assessor jd Collector Clerk and vHiH. feViwi Thomas Win " .""".Tr:. ; Edward Plk " " ' .T. O. Hanfor l. a!"""-1- SVH Ifam OOK TreaBUTr . . . . fViTnr ...-JU- S .John Sopt. Schools..... ' MILLARD COUNTY DIRECTORY. Probate jcJl her unnatural, jealousy, congratulated 'jSSSfcSSSSSt ' Selectmen. , fcrdner. " . a A. C. us both on our new happiness, and was Hinckley Callister. a constant visitor at One the bedside, sultry afternoon, . Wlllard Rogeri . Joseph V. smit however, when my wife had fallen . Sidney Teepi oAr5tei:.V. .7. asleep, and the nurse, having deposited D. aiu Sifnt Schools the infant in its cradle, had followed her mistress's example, she waked to the terrible knowledge that the child Every time you speak evil of the was gone!" absent, you injure your own character "Gone!" cried Ruthven. more than you damage the reputation "Ah! Mr. Ruthven, forgive me. It of him you deride. happened years ago, and it was but a bruThe Sultan of Turkey may be a tiny infant, but I can not recall that tal monarch, but he seems to be over- mysterious loss to this day without come with an unspeakable zeal to popu- emotion. Yes, it was gone! stolen from the cradle! disappeared! No one knew late the celestial regions. Clerk and Recorde7rVThou 4.7:r or by whom. All was in The new woman should bear in mind wrapped mystery. Of course, we searched and inquired high and low, but this year that the defendant in a breach of promise case occupies a very unen without effect. The sad news could not long be kept from my poor wife, who viable and unprofitable position. had a terrible relapse in consequence. Before she was out of danger, my It cost Philadelphia a half million brother George burst into the room In a dollars to ascertain that street railway state of frenzy, to tell me that his wife strikes don't pay. This is a good stiff had gone mad!" price for second hand information. "How shocking! Really and truly mad?" If England really wants to preserve "Completely so. And she never repeace she can. Let her carefully avoid covered her senses again. She had she And Kansas Journal. Jars. City out been for an unusually long time, a never will get herself in pickle. and when at last she returned, her Selah. speech was perfectly incoherent. In Mr. Rockefeller's record as a giver-- j her ravings we discovered that it was away of millions is still exceeded by she who had stolen my poor infant that of Stephen Girard to the extent of during its nurse's sleep, and carried it 11,000,000 or so, but Mr. Rockefeller is away some distance, where she had dropped and left it. Her doctor, howyoung yet. ever, always believed that in her mania had killed the child, and so also I Lincoln says that the she come to believe. We made every had British maintain large fortifications at the mouth of the Orinoco. And they Inquiryofpossible, but nothing was ever it again. Lady Flower never Iwere built since James, Monroe spoke heard the shock. She died about a recovered his little piece, too. year afterward, and I have remained as This being leap year, and at the same I am since her death." "And your brother, Sir Frederic?" .time the year of general elections, the "He not long survive my Florpublic expects to! hear Belva Lockwood ence. did When he found his wife was Imaklng advances to the presidential hopelessly insane he placed her under 'nomination at a very early day. medical care, and went abroad with his In his last illness, however, he It is for England to say whether child. me to take charge of Carmen. sent for there shall be a war or not. Such a was He then by the idea that calamity can easily be averted by arbi- his wife wouldhaunted recover of her malady, tration, and her consent is all that is and wake as it were, to find him up, needed to bring the result to pass. He of exacted me, therefore; that gone. as he was dead I should remove soon as The Duke of Marlborough's greed for her from the asylum in which she was money seems to be Insatiable if we may then residing and bring her home to believe Hhe cabled story that he has Abbotsville., As I had no intention of permitted the duchess to have her life marrying again, and Carmen was injured in a large sum for his benefit. heiress to all the property, I considered That sort of thing: is a very George had a right to dictate in proceeding under any circumstances, poor and readily undertook to but it is especially frigid when it hap- the matter, but his wishes." pens before the honeymoon has begun carry "Hark!" exclaimed; Ruthven, sudto wane. denly,! "What is that?' Both men started to their feet as Cleopatra was stung by an asp seof distress became plainly audicries creted in a basket of figs. Evil often lurks amid the sweets of pleasure. The ble, together with the sound of flying busy bee finds1 honey for the hive in footsteps coming toward them down the the calyx of the! flower; the hermit board staircase. Ruthven rushed to the spider distills the nectar into poison door, and opened it just in time to rewith which to destroy its prey. Th ceive in his arms the form of Margaret, grateful heart gathers good from the who, with golden hair streaming down noxious weeds of sorrow ; the ingrate her back and a face pallid with terror, sips evil from the roses of delight. To clung to him with a grip of agony. the pure all things are innocent, to the He was about to demand the cause of vicious the holiest things 'are profane. her alarm, when an exclamation from Men always find what they seek. Sir Frederic caused him to look up, and encounter one of the strangest figures Many marvel how a worm gets at he had ever seen. Before him stopped . the core of an apple when the outside la there evidently whilst in the act of larva or egg, is de- pursuing his poor little ward was a The unpierced. in posited the blossom, and is developed woman, tall and powerfully built, with in the fruit. "Thus foolishness is k eyes, set in a white, senseless bound up in the heart of a child," and countenance, and black hair falling over the germ develops with - its growth. her brow and shoulders. She was clad How careful parents should be as to the in a long, white garment, like a dress influences alighting upon their chaldren which I was , in the bud of being. A young wolf is adorned with: bunches; of fantastically colored! ribas innocent as a kitten, only waiting to and her face was painted to corbo old enough to bite. The true nur bons, with streaks of blue and red, ture recognizes the vulpine Instinct, respond - ' and yellow. and seeks by admonition and discipline "Ruthven- - Ruthven, .save me!" cried to supplant it with the lamb-lik- e nature. Destiny swings with the cradle. Margaret, hysterically. "My darling, you are safe," replied The dew of the morning is parental to Ruthven, as his quick mind guessed at the rainbow of the evening. once the solution to the; mystery. "Where is Brown ?". exclaimed the It was stated In Philadelphia ship- baronet, angrily. "What is he about to ping "circles this week that the opera- let this woman leave her rooms?" tors 0)f the Siberian railroad, now In came to see me!" screamed "Florence course of construction fromr the Black "and I brought her back to cea across to Vladivostock, "had placed the maniac, See! there she is, with her golden you. a large order in Philadelphia for locowhere'3 but the child ? -- where's motives, and that the British whaleback hair, child? be far off, for you can't the It steamship Turret Bell had been char- wouldn't have come back without it tered to land the first cargo there in would she you?" continued, addressing February. The Siberian railroad, when Margaret, who shivered at the sound of completed, will be pne of the longest in voice.; "You thought Uo much of existence; its tracks will extend across her the childyon did, with your golden 7,500 miles of territory. The construction of this road will have the effect of hair; but 'mine got the moneyto mine dance began opening up that part of the country, got the money!" andtoshe disthe eminent the round library, and will render possible, at a comparawho never of the baronet, tively small expense, the shipment of comfiture material and products from the Pacific ceased to pull the be?. to the Black sea, districts. Soon appeared Mr Brown and Mrs. how-r-wh- en Ex-Minls- ter j j , cold-blood- ed j j . Bryant, with faces full of perplexity, and mouths full of apologies; but Sir Frederic cut their excuses short. "Take your, patient back to her apart, ments," he said; "and the next time she leaves them you lose your places." The attendants were doing their best to persuade, or force, the unfortunate attracting northern agriculturalists, creature to quit the room when Carmen and; the people of Aransas Pass are exand Hamilton Shore were added to the uberant with a long looked for prosper- company. ity. The engineers In charge of the "What on earth is this all about?" ex- harbor unqualifiedly predict thirty-fiv- e claimed the girl, in a voice of disgust. feet of water, with the completion of the When she saw what it was about, rapidly progressing harbor' work. ; On the occasion of the Home SeekRuthven expected she would look distressed or compassionate; but not at all. ers' excursion Feb. 11th, the first Green She colored, it is true, but only with Turtle Barbecue in the history of the annoyance," as she attempted to conceal world will be given to the excursionists. the presence of the mad woman from Turtles from 400 to 600 pounds' weight are caught there. A number of valuher companion. "Come, let us go into the drawing-room,- " able lots will be given to excursionists. she said to Hamilton Shore; and The program includes three days of r huntsmen's sports and jollification, All he obeyed her mechanically. In a few minutes the room was railroads are making a low rate, to cleared, and the voice of the poor pa- this excursion and Aransas Pass ineverybody to celebrate with her. tient, raised in expostulation, was al- vites If you want to see the richest, cheapready dying away in the distance. "I am sorry you should have been est, most beautiful lands, of if you wishto enjoy a few days of royal sport fishfrightened and annoyed, my dear," said Sir Frederic to Marearet. "but there ing and hunting take the excursion on 11th of You will see where really was no danger. That unfortunate will be February. one of built the great cities of lady, though insane, is harmless. She : A form of trolley is about to be introduced on the street railway lines of Brooklyn, New York, which is sure to be duplicated in many other cities. The innovation is a theater car, twenty-fiv- e feet long, finished in the interior with bard woods. The floors will be carpeted s with heavy body Brussels and the be with silk and plush will, hung and lajee"draping. There will be fifty rich, chairs of comfortable pattern in each car, and moveable tables will be supplied, which may be used by the passengers for g or for the serving of drinks or other refreshments. Each car will be equipped with a buffet, and supper can be served en route if desired. The cars will be chartered by theater parties, and they will run wherever on the system of the railroad requested company. Drawing-roocars, almost similar to these, have already been! adopted in many large cities. The fitting of the cars with a special view To the comforts and wants of theater-goeris likely to greatly increase the popularity of the service. wins-dow- plush-upholster- Chem'cal Decomposition. A fashionable audience in Paris . J. :V-- -;-; manded, quickly, "Heaven knows! . Any way Earth has not had the grace to tell us! I know uncie was a bear but I thought Mr. Ruthven might have had a, little more politeness." (TO BB COXTINUBD.) ? Fifteen Thousand Hogsheads of Mead. The officials intrusted with the arrangement of. the details of the czar's coronation in Moecow next spring have ordered 15,000 hogsheads of mead.whlch is to be made of pure honey. It is an old Russian custom to regale the people with mead for three days during the festivities at the ancient capital. , re- ; dered helpless she was less than twenty-fiv- e miles from Caribou Uland on the course down toward Saull Ste. Marie. She was somewhat off the w. ular course of vessels bound down froia the- head of Lake Superior, but if Sh had been able to make any headway toward the Sault, or care for herself si all on the course she was followlne. shs would have been picked up very soon after the accident by some passing vessel. But a southerly wind drifted her out of the course of even the few vessels, trading to Canadian ports at ths head of the lakes, and she was working over; toward the wildest part of the Canadian north shore territory when her crew was compelled to abandon her. A glance at the chart will show that Brule point, where the crew of the Mis-soula first made land, is scarcely more than seventy-fiv- e miles from Sault Ste. Marie, where 15,000,000 tons of freight passes through a canal in a single sea-- . son, and yet the men In one of the Mis-- j soula's yawl boats spent nearly two days working along the shore of the I lake before they found any more sign of f life than a deserted fisherman's shanty, in which they built a fire and dried their,-weclothing. The fishing season has closed, but even fishermen are scarce in this territory during the most j active periods. It. Is not strange, there- - I fore, that the men from the Missoula I were nearly a full week in finding means cf communicating with the owners of I the vessel after. they bad landed on the ! dreary north shore of. Lake Superior. 1 - i ; i 1 t 1 1 I OSTLER & 0CKEY, Wholesale and Retail AMERICAN ENERGY WINS. Minister White's Story of a Chance Meeting with a Former New Yorker. f. From the Troy Times: The American can always be trusted to make his way, no matter what may be his envi ronments. 1A story told by Andrew D. to Germany and White, Russia, illustrates this f act. Mr. White stated that once when he was 'at Ber lin, after all the diplomatic orps! had been duly presented to his wife, the Chinese minister, in pursuance to custom, brought round his principal secretaries and presented then! to his colleagues. Among these was a tall, fine- looking man, evidently a European, dressed in a superb court costume; and covered with gold lace. As his Chinese colleague introduced him to Mr. White in German, the conversation was con tinued in that language, when suddenly this splendidly dressed personage said in English: "Mr. White, I do not see why we should be talking in German. I come from Waterloo, in western New York, and was educated at Rochester university under your friend, Dr. Anderson." Mr. White said that had the gentleman dropped through the ceiling it would not have seemed more surpris ing, and that it was hard to belie ve that the pretty little village of Waterloo, oi even Rochester, with all the added pow er of this noble university, should-havbeen able to develop a creature so gorgeous. It turned out that the gentleman concerned, after graduating at the University of Rochester had gone to China with certain missionaries, jhad then been taken into the Chinese serv ice, and had proved to be a thoroughly intelligent, patriotic man;faithful to his duties to China, as well as to the United States. ,, e Butch) ers, BEEF PORE MEATS BUTTON ex-minis- ter, w-hi- a vessel's crew reaching land after bm wreck and yet being unheard of f or couple of weeks after starting 0n voyage. The shores of Michigan, Wis censin and Minnesota on the big iair b re traversed by railways and tele graph lines, and the towns and sman: settlements on the American side of lake, even to the islands, furnish read? means of communication with' th larger cities; but not so on that part of the Canadian shore fcorth of the lakes where a wilderness Inhabited bv a f. fishermen and Indians exists. Thin i. especially true of the Canadian Just above Sault Ste. Marie, and fn . long stretch of country to the narth ana mk. oi we point wnere tne, Canadian Pacific railway turns in to the shore of the lake and traverses it on toward P Arthur and Fort William. When tha Missoula broke her shaft and was ren left leg. cently listened to a lecture on chemistry by a celebrated chemist.' At the conclusion a lady and gentleman who were among the first to leave the' hall had reached the opeii air, when the lady caught her escort staring at her. What is the matter?' asked the mad-amin surprise. "Pardon me, but are quite blue!" The lady returnedyou to the hall and approached a mirror. She started back in horror. The rouge upon her cheeks had been converted into a beautiful blue by the chemical decomposition which had taken place under the influence of the gases had been generated during the lecture. The majority of the women in the audience had suffered in a similar manner. There were all sorts of colors blue, yellow, violet and black. Some whaw vanity had induced them to put ivory on tne sKin, coral on the lips, rouige on the -- VEAl ALSO- Butter, Lard, Sausage it j cheeks and black on the eyebrows had undergone a ludicrous transformation. New York Tribune. 500.00 for SI.OO. Unadllla, N. Y., (Special) One of our substantial men here, Fred J. Joyce, recently made a $2.50 investment, and considers the results worth $500 to him. For over fifteen years Mr. Joyce was an inveterate smoker, and the tobacco-hab- it a OSTLER & 0CKEY, NEPHI CITY, UTAH. Free delivery to any part of the city. 'a : gained such a hold on him that it affected his nervous system and made it impossible for him to quit: Upon realizing the loss of health and money which threatened him, he made many unsuccessful attempts to break himself of the habit, until on a chance he took the 300,-0over saved cure which has great tobacco victims. Two boxes completely cured .Mr. Joyce, and he has no desire for tobacco! now whatever When he attempts to smoke it makes him as dizzy as when he first acquired the habit. He now is in the very best physical condition, andou0 would not tempt him to use tobacco again. life-sappi- ng No-To-B- ac, 00 e i ) s, CHAPTER XVI. without together having had the civ- illty even to explain the reason of their desertion, and we are to have that old wretch Webb stuck up at the dinner table to play propriety for us and Ham,.c! rVl ilton.",: : A from started her sleep at Margaret of her friend's voice, though the sound only half comprehending the meaning of her words. "Is anything the matter?" she de- . m y, Carmen, in her "impetuous manner; "the two guardians have run off to town ed -- card-playin- said she dropped it in a wood. Suppose she, was correct and my infant never died, but was found by some passer-b" and "Margaret, you have been terribly frightened, and kre trembling all over. I think you had better go up to your awn room and lie down until you are more composed, and J will see you by and by," said Ruthven, as he conducted the girl to the door and there dismissed her. "I think it best that we should not discuss this subject before Margaret," he continued, returning to Sir Frederic's side, "because it may agitate and upset her without doing her any good. Now we are alone I will give you every particular I know of her history." And they sat together for hours, comparing notes, dates, and circumstances, whilst Margaret tired out; slept the time peacefully away. of fish!" cried j A Theater Car. Ruthven; "but the parentage of Margaret O'Reilly Is not known to me." "How? What do you mean?" exclaimed the baronet hurridly. "I mean that I adopted her years ago, and that I have no knowledge of her antecedents, excepting : that she was supposed to be the child of a woman called Nan O'Reilly." "He means, Sir Frederic, that he took me from a prison te make me what I am," interrupted Margaret, proudly; "and that I owe him more than life itself -- " But Ruthven closed her lips before she had had time to utter more. "You agitate me greatly, Mr. Ruthven. The resemblance is so remarkable; and who can tell whether my poor child was killed or not. The woman ERE'S a pretty.ket-tl- j la area pussiDliity Of w -- T, thing that occurred the vast - America. is Carmen's mother. Ah! you may well start; but your guardian shall tell you the whole story by and by. But I can not understand how the poor creature got loose. It must have been great carelessness on the part of the domestics." "Oh, no, sir! Indeed, it was my own fault. I had no right to enter the room; but Brown left the key in the lock, and I was curious to see who lived there." "How did It happen, Margaret?" demanded Ruthven, as he stroked her flowing hair. "Oh, Ruthven, don't ask me!" she cried, shuddering. "I had hardly entered before a figure jumped up from the sofa and called out 'Florence!' several times; then she rushed at me, and I ran away, and she followed me downstairs and you know the rest." "She called you 'Florence'?" said Sir Frederic, musingly, "and I can understand it. You are very like my Florence. I saw it the first time we met, and now, with all this golden hair about your shoulders, you might have sat for the picture I have of her upstairs." "Sir Frederic, I do not know if I have any right to tell you the truth," said From the Detroit Free PreS3. recent accident to the steamer Mis tends to show more clear v rw -- j Trea erous Body of Water , j coal-blac- ing-gow- n, son-in-la- . MANY. lAke Saperlor Is wan Exceedingly ; - . ITS PERILS ARE Glass Stoppers. Apply to the mouth of the decanter salad oil by means of a feather; the bottle should then be placed about one-ha- lf The Pet Dojg: Craze. yard from the fire. When warm the Among occasional objects of one'e stopper should be gently struck on all pet dogs which elder sides, and attempts should be made to pity are the little are who ladies, ly generally clad in rich move it. If it still remains fast, apcuddle ply more oil. A few sharp taps on the black silk, out of. in their arms,!j in doors, through the stopper, all the way round, with a key, doors and a certain Brighton At dayj livelong is aMo very effectual. no less than seven oi counted I 0 hotel ;, y .,,: curly-haireA Pennsylvania Farmer. d , these little; animals M. M. Luther, East Troy, Pa., grew clutched to seven capacious bosoms. last season over., 207 bushels Salzer's Some visitors, it is well known, object Silver Mine Oats from one measured to dogs in a hotel, and consequently acre! How is that for old Pennsyla prohibitive price is put upon their ad vania? Over 30,000 farmers are going, mittance. The charge is sometimes as to try and beat this in 1896and win' high, as one guinea per day James $200 in gold! Then think ofll6 bus. Budget. k "1 , . barley from one acre and 1,200 big1 full bushels of potatoes and 230 bushels vof r 4 A, White Moose. Golden Triumph Corn! . The big white moose recently shot What's teosinte, and sand vetch and ppurry and fifty other rare things? Well' in the Maine woods by a Mr. Sargent ol Salzer's catalogue will tellyou. Largest Grafton has greatly interested naturalj growers of clovers, grasses and farm ists, as well as sportsmen. It is the seeds in America.' Freights cheap. only white moose ever seen in Maine, and very few; have ever been heard of If yon will cnt this out and send The naturalists say it. lSj lit with 10c postage to the John A. Salzer elsewhere, y of course, not strange, that there sbcjuld Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., you will rean albino ;moose, resulting from d ceive their mammoth catalogue and ten be other packages grains and grasses, including freak of nature, as whitearedeer and uncomalbino not, Mtove oats, free. game animals w.n. moose are a great mon. white But iK'i- a Us;rr;Hv to. In J.t it is poof, X rarity. ro Civ ' sH iir Land and Irrigation Work a Specialty for Cpntrnl Land aD3 Irrijratloi .U"no-iTifi- r Co., Clear Oflice: Court House, Fillmore, :i ve C Iske Land at)d Irrigation Fillmore Laoci tr.d irrigation uo. ana Mountain Lauu and Irrigation Co. ST aiu 'on! Utafc. J at THE DESERET DAIRY CO, s HAS FOR SALE A-- FULL CREAM CBEKISK th e Deseret is noted lor the fine j i Branches. Engineering in all its e To Loosen '4. R. E. L. iCOLLIEK, C.E. quality 'ad TCnHpr and Cheese- - wi" U Uc M?llr o nr products is a trial. Ibi N. S. BISHOP, "an; SUPT. "St i I 5 a 3 . .; . f i DESERET HOUSE 4e Mjnarters .St. for MKIHG a 1 HS. Hi , j Stw Md iAnntv NAsanntMri from CfVUh. Ora anafmana frmn H P i.se fa I Detroit i vfcsre. Every thing RESPECT ABLE. : a i ; - , ijur mlverrishig. K THE PUREST WATER Ca ON tit Frembefc , Thii Water ANTKED CUBE for EABij CI Bladisr: n -a MRS. J. F. GIBBS, Prop. - ' ftQ YostimoaUla op Application. - 'Jt j Diseases of the Kidneys and DESERET, .S - |