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Show Soldiers Got Even. Some BY MUTUAL CONSENT. "And the house?" she hurried on; Blasts tli Trees. FORTS ON THE YUKON. "how does it look?" and gun cotton' are cutting down Electricity In American and European forests. A "Awfully everything gone to pieces; Ens land Preparing to Hold Disputed trees number of compressed cakes of gun cotton H$2 was seated on dust, cobwebs and mold Territory In the Pacific Northwest. 'thP hunger of some of are bound around the tree with copper wire, everywhere; A party of miners from .the head grass, with her the family portraits white with miland this wire is connected with an electric 3 ?he consequence was .that the the current is turned on all mnt.a of their re- battery. When k shoulders propped dew."; f !' waters of the Yukon have arrived on the of on. v n the cakes ,explode at ence, and eataup against a camp cuts the tree WSce striped of everything "Oh, Tony," she cried, "how dreadful! schooner Mary Buhne f rom Oonalaska, the explosion down, leaving the as on smooth as stump top though the tree orders were Issued by were You there stpol; to do something about and report! that the Canadian govern really ought had out been saw. a with 5ft through kind of this two or three garden them.":!'; ment is establishlng'well equipped for ainstand a strong pro-ffq- s ..!; benches foraging, Parrots are put to a practical use In Ger"I shall," he said. "I was fond of the tifications on commanding bluffs over- standing Some persons are alsent out to strip the many. They have been Introduced into rails she but said Forty-haon about, as a the and looking down the place here a lad, strategic points au-'me an ana trip the out way stations and trained to call oi 'VthPir boot v. General ways, taking iron. If site' preferred to sit Mile creek and elsewnere along the names of .trains. am awakened feeline. old all I the Smith's 77n rPDlenish . trent k.v. a 'on the grass it tired to death of society, the exertion supposed boundary line, says the San weak and easily exThe Gift of a Good Stomach made her feel more of dancing"- - smiling "and the bother Francisco Chronicle. A large company hausted ; pale and withone of the most beneficent donations even ,witn of being agreeable to people that one of Canadian military police are busily Is lla?; determinedtotoa get "country." to us vouchsafed How often It is out appetite; if the nervTo intensify this J feeling she had doesn't care a distant farm artv wont so I have half engaged in exploring the country for grossly abused! bynature. stomach is the whether about; rap 80 , Bo by naturally weak, or has been rendered Hostet-terous system is weak, and ,.:ui ni cueNewfoundland clothed her fresh young beauty in a made up my mind to marry and settle mountain passes both In Alaskan and imprudence s or in drinking, eating t and suca uilu it marvelous organdy, (so sheer that her down in the country; that is" slowly e Forty-MilStomach Is Canadian Bitters for best of the agent territory. A loop WZZZ that it was impossible to arms gleamed sleep difficult, what do Its restoration to vigor and activity. Both it like I can "if creek through to runs love into alabaster, I British the territory, persuade girl animal was when alive. and had digestion and appetite are renewed by this you take? Iron? But pinned on jher bright head a consent to bury herself for my, sake." also overcomes constipaand to reach the most valuable mines it fine tonic, which Tn snnrojichedthethe camp In the great tion, biliousness, malarial, kidney and rheiv iron cannot supply food Miss Gresham looked down; her face is necessary for American miners to matic provost guard sidV hat drooping with roses. By her ailments and nervousness. iwT they knew ' a leaned white with thema allowed a had lost little of its bright color, but pass through small portion of foreign to ; nor does the parasol edged tissues iJ intercept them and tfiiiu" . lace. The- meat, There is joy in heaven over the sinner that , sutv the was in no way unbecoming. territory. The river is very narrow, r apture-nit have any power- to Her companion, a young man in ten . "I pallor repents, even though he may have been a was was do to the and on erected have the best police towering thought thing member of church the for years. iVrL where it in due nls flannels, who wks stretched at her to come and talk over the matter with cliffs fortresses which completely guard the activity of fcodnnrters. change, i 15, tlie is on the general's table. feet, had commented If Toeta. Cutting sarcastically up you," he said, after a somewhat awk- the travel on the river. At several Be sure and use Baby unhealthy organs and that old and remedy, Mas. time on ner got abroad and .the next dis"rustic, attire," and avhot a fellow M , 1 ward built SooTHma HTinslow's Children for Teethinepause;, breastworks, points help Stktt substantially always a review bring them back to ir cussion had ensuedl a discussion, hap- so with your "you on of the have wid been advice." stone, erected, one at a end Professor .soldier Andree to start of Sweden of hopes oil Is health. Cod-liv- er th's brigade pily interrupted by fhe arrival of a sersummer. "I imagine," she replied, "that if a whole the actions of the police would by balloon for the north pole next inline called out 'Who ate the dog?" fixed. not his return date is The of definitely what you. need. The oil woman cared for a man she would go indicate that preparations are being the other end was: vant with a tray ofj iced lemonade. ' I believe said '"Ah," Miss Gresham, helping with him any where." my prompt, use of Piso's Cure made to accommodate large squads of and the whole line feeds the poorly-no- ur gneral Smith. Mrs. Lucy prevented quick consumption. to herself one oes of a tfhe "Bow loud bow wow, frosted into question-dboun out glasses, troops at various points along the "Exactly, buj that is the Wallace, Marquette, Kang., Dec. 12, 1895. ished tissues, and makes "if there is one person for whom I enwow. she care for me? You see" gaz- dary, and particularly in the vicinity of manner in. which tastes differ is shown The tertain an undying affection it is Betty. ing at her steadily "she is a society the placer mines. However, the po rich blood. Iodine, bro the fact that the sultan would rather 'be I know we are Indebted to her for this. girl, used to a good deal of gaiety and lice are very kind to the American min by Deafness Can Not Re Cured an object of contempt than an object of mine, and other ingredi local applications, as they cannot She is one of those rare people who al movement and excj dement, and it does ers, charity. assistance them every of ear. the rendering portion h the diseased ents, which form part of ways do the correct thing." not seem quite fair to, ask her to come possible and in many ways bestowing "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are is only one way to cure deafness. the voice. Public speakthe oil, have special Is constitutional remedies. "Betty," repeated Markland, lazily, down here, does it? It looks conceited small favors and endeavoring to allay ers. and for clearing llBl. that in by use over the them. world rnnancArt an hv Inflamed singers rvmSS i sipping his lemonade, "and who is and selfish, as if one thought a good suspicion or unpleasant inquiries as to to alter unhealthy power the mucous lining of the Eus-Ka- n Betty?" never A school his teacher is nice; says boy deal of know!" e the object of such war-likoneself, don't you prepara- if he likes her he says she isn't as mean as Tube. When the tube is action. "He has forgotten Betty!" cried the She looked at him gravely tions. Small detachments attired in the others. you have a rumbling sound or LnUfect hearing, and when it is girl, "and has no more shame than to "Do I know her?" she asked. "Is she citizens' clothes have visited all the imfree by Dr. Kline's Great FITS All Fits stopped closed Deafness is the result, and Ixerve Restorer. No Fits after tbe first day's use. confess it! was his who some a one time?" have known always Betty, you long can portant Marvelous cures. reconnoitering be camps, Treatise mining and S2 trial bottle free t inflammation taken the Sand this tube restored to its normal sworn companion land who has helped the surrounding country. What their Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline,931 Arch St., Phil., Pa.j "Oh, yes, since I was quite a boy." of Cod-liv- er Oil, with him out of I do iot know bow many "Is she pretty?" iltlon, hearing will be destroyed for-niwas some were do There Thomas state. not 4ast object happy year, things they cases out of ten are caused scrapes. This is the effect, I suppose. "Of course, you ought to know that." Buckman, a Yukon miner, who has been but on the whole it is fortunate that 1895 Hypophosphites, is the cannot hear about what it. hrCatarrh, which is nothing but an say they of college and trivel and society." "And clever?" on Forty-Mil- e most palatable way to creek for three or four condition of the mucous sur- Markland. never Parker's Olnr Tonic Is .popular "I suppose" slowly "she "Betty!" again repeated says years, speaking of the military posts oil. fThe take cod-liv- er its erood work. Suffering:, tired, sleepless, nerv"Ah!" a sudden 1 eht snrineine to his unkind things or sees through other erected by the Canadian police, said: for We will give One Hundred Dollars for ous women so find and nothing soothing reviving. Deafness of case (caused by old nurse, of course. Why, people as as some of your other "All their fortifications are built ol supply hypophosphites that cannjt bo cured by Hall's eyes "your The winter girl knows more than the sumcomI dear iemeinber her do." friends Send nerve certainly mer for catarrh Cure. circulars, free. action, heavy stone, through which are port-- mer girl, because she has had all the sumhealthy see to of my youth! But I did not recas But F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. experience. No. Unkind girl's panion holes and the things? commanding paths which controls all r the ' gold by druggists; 75c. To ing through people" breaking into a rivers. so common a her title. ognize a sense What by is to of A know it relief few men, properly gall's Family Pills, 25c. me she has always seemed a beneficent laugh "I am obliged to admit that she you have no more corns. Hindercorns, removes processes of life. a large that could withstand armed, 15c. at druggists.' is. them and it very comforting 50c. and $x.oo at all druggists. genius, a good angel, rather than an does. You see, she has been out a lot, force of Siace the open ins of the Tower bridge in The soldiers. police some as A ondon. London understand loan, bridge lias been relieved to popular people of out He his lifted mortal." a bit and is the rosy bondage glass ordinary and it. Is one that does not have to be paid back. themselves are kextentof 5.200 venu les a day; Eastcheap "To Betty," he r ifd; "may her shadow place; natural enough, don t you the commandantnoncommunicative, 2200, and Frenchurch of about 3,000 vehto are says the forts ' icles a day. ver grow less. ' think?" shelter the provincial police. Some of was asking me about you the "one the very richest so" "I 'Betty doubtfully suppose Frolic placer mines of the Yu and Itasinesa. Frost, wanted cannot go through life with one's eyes kon other "she the raid day," girl; are under the immediate The wind region ponds and lakes, over to know if you still rode and boated if has any brains, that is, anyone shut; of command these of plains and open country, Is forts, of which ten to. I swam told her and don't I used like or and somehow you yet. other, with been have erected this year." frost and fine particles arilj "charged you had given up dancing because of quite like the description. You are i froxen matter. It Is the most penetrating the exertion." She looked at him in- such a good fellow, Tony, for all your ay for chill to set In. , Sudden warmth, STARVING PARIS DOCTORS. aiden' chill, and severe colds. Girls and nocently. affection, that you ought to marry somebusl-sskating, driving for pleasure-o"Did she ask you anything about your body very much above the average." ' Free Hospitals Cut Into the Practice of and men at work afield know the own life?" said iMarkland, sitting up "And so I shall." in temperature. Many Physicians. Yet the youngsters of time resume in "a "You always said," she went on, your you hojw put and with jiite away mouth open laughing A double suicide, which shocked lie in a dose of sore throat. "that I might choose a wife for you Paris the other day, brought to the at Drivers and nrkmen throw aside wraps and all know Don't you remember just before you of the public the financial as next day from soreness and stiffness went to college that last ride we took?" tention straits in which, it is said, riat sudden chill means. Now the best "Assuredly. of the the majority physicians iinj to do when housed is to rub well at "How we agreed to ask each other's of that see with St. Jacobs Oil. If do, you you the says live, rill not have sore throat; or if you are stiffe advice about the people we should mar- New York city de Dr. re. It will cure by .warming the ad Arnaud World. I to throw out the chill. ry, and how we promised that neither Langlard, an old physician, who had of us would get engaged without the been decorated by the government for married woman's dinner table i newly other's consent? looks pretty, but it takes an older conduct brave during the cholera epi"Of course I remember. I am quite demic aisekeeper, with her best wedding china many years ago, committed sui sashed at any time, to get up a dinner the old contract abide to by willing tastes iit his wife because his practice cide good. I shall . never marry without your per had fwith to the vanishing point dwindled mission." The nnmher of horses killed last in was year and starvation staring them in the Hris for m "Oh, Tony, really?" consumption as food Is given at In face. e 3,186, upon the tragxclusive of forty-threcommenting mules and "Really." 3 donkeys. Horse flesh is sold at stalls asserted that no other kind of meat is allowed. She gazed at him with parted lips and edy several newspapers pere in Paris not more than one doctor out ON shining eyes than the "You are very trusting how do you of five is able to make more causes of know that I shall not take a base ad barest living. Among the is the poverty among physicians vantage of your implicit confidence and this of most gf their , patients. destitution You refuse my consent altogether? has made great strides, Medical science don't know how lonely it will be going A striking article in the February issue of of all sorts are more maladies that too, out next winter without you. I have so used to having you around that quickly cured, and such precautions got YOU. ALWAYS con LOVED I HAVE I don't believe I'll enjoy myself in the are taken to prevent the spread of betagious diseases that epidemics are during the winter season in town- least unless you are there." certo and coming practically unknown. The num her, might be interesting She pondered a moment. Over 700,000 Copies Sold on the other hand, has of ber doctors, will "I said. she profitable." compro tainly "Come," TEN CENTS A COPY. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR why "Anything I do is interesting to her," mise. I won't forbid the banns alto rapidly increased. Another reason to Is not practice enough go round she responded, coldly. gether, but you must not think of mar there FOR SALE EVERYWHERE of the in is been have "I that said, many hospitals people "'Do. you know," he until I am tired of society and rying marveling over you ever since I came. readv to take the fatal step myself. can be treated for nothing or at a very nominal figure. Many of these hospi I cannot quite realize that you have How will that suit you? after renewals and newsub-rlgeilto A WI are which have trained schools, tals too off been ten days in the country without dlltCU scribers. Profitable employment. "Perfectly, if you don't put it rudiments free, in which are taught being tored. How have you accom-of long." The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia These it? I thought that the day Both the "Oh. weil. that I don't know. I have of medicine and surgery. method and results when plished schools are largely attended and many COPYRIGHT 1695 BY THE CDRTJS PUBLISHING COrTOWTTmiracles was past." about decided to become a spinster of Figs is taker! ; it is EES?) Miss pleasant sick people are taken in hand at their "My good Tony," remarked fair. isn't that now, Suppose "Come, M refreshing to the! taste, and acts Gresham, patronizingly, "you must not some member of the we agreed to be married the same day? own homes by a ; is it T4cauy yet promptly on the Kidneys, who has profited by this in judge other people by yourself meets with your approval? Well, family erand Bowels, cleanses the sys- - very foolish and narrow-minde- d way That struction. keep that promise fresh in your mem Because you cannot exist to effectually, dispels colds, head-ae- s of doing, nrv' reaching over and taking her and fevers and cures habitual happilf without your clubs and theaters hand "wear this for my sake." FERSONAL. n '?V pfe.yjgug hw' . ., I can't." reason no is why constipation. off the is of her glove drew very He gently 35 ; Syrup Figs Package ";X .t 'ySLuigi Arditi, the famous Italian opera "I never knew you belonged to a and slipped a loop of diamonds on her N-'.lr "'. remedy of its (kind ever pro-auc'r-Earliest Vegetable his reminiscen written has T observed Markland, mildly. conductor, club," accpleasing to the taste and ces. "Have you developed into that won- finger. The blood flashed to her cheeks. eptable to the stomach, prompt in woman?" The United States consul general at new a der, action irA iL. .C 1 she cried, the full meaning "Tony!" was I You know Charles De Kay, has organized nonsense! Berlin, Have often seen seed come up poor and sickly, without "Oh, V ': action e.c his of "Tony, hreakingover.her, sufficient vitality to produce a crop, that was an object lesI mean I that most from the a in club that prepared only city. figuratively! fencing son that. rnrr swji nrnrinfp tjoor croDS. but when vou slant speaking I understand. I don't Wealthy and state Northern-Grow- n of an Mrs. to; Salzer'B inmate wedded any; Seeds for garden or farm, the scene changes as its Kingston, not particular am Orr, agreeable substances, he If draw Instead rousing crops, crops of do," answered, poor you by yields you at once get magio. yes, to "Oh, of industry, is now 110 years house excellent qualities commend it of things that I can adapt myself Ont., nil your purse, for Salzer'9 Seeds are fuU and will that heart your gladden arm about "but a 1 her, ine reassuring of life, full Of vigor, full of producing qualities. old. She has just been baptized. and have" made it the most circumstances and enjoy whatever $4-0make a mistake and ' IN GOLD PRIZES. ' fear for you might of !. miner a Popular comes." George Moore, working We pay this on Oats, Barley, and Com. 209 bushels of Silver Mine remedy known. another I will off and fellow, marry rize In 1895. You can How delightful! But, go (Nameless Beauty) Oats grown on one acre won the PNo Grand Ronde, Wash., has just celebrat-- , "Can- you? byrop of Figs is for sale in 50 more hard times if is the greatest Oat of the century. thatl beat It clearer. I make my meaning loveyou !t not rather been has: sow a plenty of Salzer's Barley, Oats, Potatoes, Grass and Clovers I ed his one hundred and second birthaside, you bottles by all jesting I have always loved you. I have day. Have yon tried Teosinte, Sacaline, Giant Spurry and Giant leading drug-- ; slow, for you here, without- any girls German Clover? Catalogue tells all about these Fodder Plants. Any reliable druggist who for you to see through and scorn and never dreamed of asking anyone else Governor Boutweil owns one- of the SPLENDID VECETABLE8. U7 0t have it on hnnrl will T)fo- me. so I would have told Seed to you and to marry thing cheap. Onion nor selections, many splendid sorts. Bvery Roses. lArge nien analyze in Middlesex amused farms and best by be largest Small and Plants 10 pkts. Flower Seed, 25c. 1,000,000 90c. at per lb.; are H a such dreadful before, hut you Fruits, hardy as OakJ Send 4c for Market Gardener s Wholesale List. county, Massachusetts, the "Chestnut promptly for any one who draw you out and get interested in?" was to I afraid test that flirt been little my have to there Ido you know; PLEASE CUT OUT THE FOLLOWING AND SEND IT Hills farm," in the town of Gr.oton. rjnes try it: Do not accept any I "How With 10c. in stamps to John A. Balzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., and get free fate. What say you, sweetheart? Shall Revl Eugene A. Hoffman, dean of the no men?," their great catalogue; and 10 pkgs. Grasses, Oats, Barley and Grains. w-. N. "I have your own word for it. I we marry and settle down at the old General Theological seminary, New ttUFQRIUA FIG SYRUP CO. " best place?" heard you refuse four of your down York, has given $20,000 to St.- Luke's was I the mur all she ."And it to time," visit you permission frlPnils hospital for a room for the treatment ' of Protestant clergymen. here and I inferred that the common mured, "and I thought you meant "Who?" asked Markland, curiously. herd' had been no better tfeated." Miss Balfour, sister of the leader of f were never see the House My mina right, "Oh, said, "you i she nastily "Yes" of Commons, reads all the oh,'Vy Cough and Severe , I have now what an absurd idea it was. So ot uninvaded. ani efletaUy by the use Colds, I ," ' i been has solitude principal newspapers, daily and weekly. ' SUHAstliniatlcPosder & Cigarettes thorever loved was since me, I and myself always you enjoying been resting and marks whatever she thinks will be Qtl prescribed by prominent Vic'4iiaw?en,ed was a child? suddenly it Well, the way" Tony, really, ch LacV a te for valuable of use to her brother, and his colleagues. literature, FREE. oughly.; By ee baa our and Signature. i'Who told you that you could come? only fair, for I never cared for anyone Lord Francis Hope, brother of the "No one, but I had to run down to as I cared for you. Come, let us go An Duke of Newcastle and heir presump business, and I thought it and tell Betty." CABLED FIELD AND HOB FENCE. STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE. tive to the dukedom, was granted a to not drop look unneighborly would GABUKB ATXM BABBIT WMXCM.to be M AIM .CiUtLKU POCLTBY, discharge in bankruptcy in the London L were tu1 im.rnt n every article w nr. how getting you out rpt a nnd c.v. court Thursday, subject to. sented. If i. Launching Big Ship. in and bankruptcy, we ean save you money. Catalogue iree. consider you quality costs to a launch That it, something on " his payment of 10 shilings in the 121 So 'you indeed! .. ..... Is i shown CIl!f!lo state the u.o battleship Very thoughtful, by vu of his liabilities, which amount big to High.Dg&LB, ILL. bki mem ioryou appiy pound at old home your the of getting the to remembered ment expense that or Lord about have $3,250,000. 657,942, !l4!.iUJNOW BROTHER8, New York City. last! How long has It been since you Victorious, the latest addition to Eng Hope is the husband of May Yohe, the ir .v?,ajfe.tto Place, DR. GUNN'S aoes nair tne world's 25o, jBsch. AEKMiriVK w.it has fcW'7iS$l'swln " Cigarettes land's 'fleet, afloat was about $10,000. actress. cost of windmill MALL OliOiSKS tbe because reduced IMPBOVEI business, "five years Shells a sister ship to the Magnificent '"FiveTears" pondering V. to 2 .'6 what it was. It. has many branch BfciavfcuiiD, Peter Mackenzie, who died late Wind power bouses, Rey. ana ts and repairs supplies.! goods and Majestic, and Is 390, feet longr 75 ly mi juonaon, was once stopped oy a i this June." at your door. It can and does furnish a V ... orart ?' in " VJO.o."t'-'" M'Tlir Li XS It mUCll . beam, and ziy2 feet draft. There nignwayman wuo aemanaea money. rUCC!fe.f. .11 '"J others. It makes Pumping and deal: the old willow by the feet, fMarnd. steel. Aalvanized-afte- r were used up on the ways over which The minister offered him a half crown, t rsiii 5 ipal Exlmtner U.K. Pension Bureau, mar 4finmnlflMnn Windmill storm, wr, 13ad,iudicatinsclaia.3, atty since. the August A Mild Physic. One Pill for a Dote. ua Saw V and Fixed Hteel Towerr,Stei she slid into the water 7,000 pounds of and that not being accepted doffed his pond is down; fell in of tne bowels each day is necessary fat A movement Feed and Cutters 4, Feed Steel These pills supply what the 160 me." fcFrames, bealth. , Russian4 tallow, Baston tells system lacks to gallons of train oil coat and gave him what the man now wi.a uauio On wni ii Grinders. application to make it used regular They core Headache, brighten tha B ALGAL! or these arUcles that it will furnish until am so sorry! We - HCleanseHAIRnd bemtifie I 700 pounds of soft soap. The gross describes as a "clashed good licking." clear and the "Ohj and Eyes, .i better Complexion than cosmetics. usual price. It also makes the hair. 1 hey neither gripe nor sicken, To convince January 1st at 13ofthe blushing. Protnotef lnacuriant growth. of Send for catalogue. the and she kinds. will mail sample The all ship, paused, i equipped weight' or became and ready fail Pumps ranks ewrl? free, highwayman subsequently am. Hestore Gray Hver toF31its to wher. DE. BOSANfco MED. GpfflaMphSuSkhe responded, so we Factory: 12ili, Rockwell and Fillmore Streets. Chicot is 15,725 tons. one "Yes," of Dr. sear converts. Youthful Mackenzie's Color. for Halp """ & blr f ailing. Curet clp di A.nd he' glanced at her laughingly. General Joe Johnston surt f.rPensboro, North Caroli- riat was bo slim that It ;;b!6l!ja$ .izsrX - t'ent : ; MVmm gun-cotto- , in-SSfi- nt j , I"!!, . . . " i , T . 1 . - 1 j 1 iry well-trie- d --1 , . - l-.b- ow un-equal- ed . in-iim- ed ne ln-jjm- ed. i Ca-tirr- b) ; rf 1 over-froze- n sow-fiel- r 'oys s, dif-'?en- ce A- - sur-Sc- al-n- ji 'eneral j TJhe UPfll arrison Presidential Office XJhe ctCacties Jfcome journal , U j - rc-- p j j yr 1 '! f I-i- v - K 1 T 1 WM i i YOU " ; ; -- " - Quick-Growi- ng 'ft' '' 's f : v ." . - : SlTHMA , Trale-ma,r- k I ! i De Kalb Fence Co., K ' ---ill . t- 1 i l 1 .. , y ei ! 4 , - , . , . X- |