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Show ' y , - ' lutely Independent 0 all aueitlonB whether 6(S) it iV Country People Read The advertisements in the Country iPapers, and as has the Laraest Circulation of any Paper ia Central and Southern It offers the bestUtah, possible medium for Advertisements. Political, Social or Religions, V U the BLADB. . ,r The BLADE r or Favor." V Hotta: "The Trutk Wltkout . Termi; fx. 00 per year, in adranee, Six months, fl.OO. ; t t!l NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNING, FEB. LOCAL INKLINGS. , Thursday. ; j. George Hardy of Milford was in town " . this week. Apostle George Teasdel came down from Salt Lake Wednesday. A complete line of rubber (roods for the mud just in Hyde & Whitmore's. Wm. Warner came in from the desert Monday, he says sheep have done first- rate so zar. f Old papers for sale at this office at 10c. a hundred. Good to put under carpets, line shelves, etc. Don't fail to see those lovely Dress Goods at the Excelsior, selected by Mr. Paxman while in the east. Report says there is going: to be twenty-fiv- e more young men of this city receive letters from Box B. in the near future. The Blade is under obligation to Hon. C. E. Allen and Utah's delegation at Washingnon for the Congressional '; ..-.- want some good goods at prices away below cost you can get them at you . ' Shoes. Dress GoodSj Blankets, Hose, a HatE'Pants and hundred and one other things are goin; to niaka ' room for new goods faese things must move. lie-cor- : - ' i ,- d. , Look at their prices as you call, Buy your Dress goods where they have the largest assortment to select from. It & to is not that is necessary EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO ? j Hyde Bay Vhat lovely weather! Oaions for 50c per bushel. Inauire of A. Gadds. was in town of Thomas this week. Wright Fayson Read the financial statement of the county printed in this impression, Old papers for putting under carpets and oh shelves for sale atthe The Blade , '. ' office. ;. ' , Van. Wit beck cane down to Nephi Thursday from Salt Lake for a pleasure outing. An exchange says: 'There isn't a line in the Bible where God promised to make the loafer happ, ' Robt. Winn, Frank Sells and John H. Brough turned their faces toward their field of labor Tuesday. May good luck follow them, is our best wish. shoes beJust think of 1000 pair of new ' ing added to our stock, can you imagine the assortment. No trouble to show goods at Hyde & Whitmore's. If by accident soot should be on the parpet, cover thickly with dropped salt and both may be swept up clean and dry without soiling the carpet. JX. If the hair is falling out, or turning gray, requiring a stimulant with nourishing and coloring food, Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rene wer is just the ; On Monday last this entire locality was stirred to its profoundest dephs by a horserace, ' During nearly a month, the owners and backers of the respective thoroughbreds have been making an suitable and very fast" track for the event that was to shake this section up and make the welkin ring with the enthusiasm that has been slumbering for so many frosty months;. Over the new! trak the chargers and riders have daily pranced, and lived in anticipation, the glorious victory. Every, grease wood was removed by young men that could not be persuaded to wield a grubbing hoe in any less distinguished arena. Old and young, big and little, wise and foolish (the! foolish predominating) righteous and godless and everybody else were present in all kinds of'turnours, also footmen including resident and visiting reds! with squaws and papooses. It was a great day both underfoot audi over head, also all arou nd. A few mustan gs valued at one dollar and 35c each changed hands, The genial Alf. Mikesell now asks his J friends for the time o'day or squints at the snn and guesses, because another party Sports the gold watch that once adorned jAlf's vest pocket. The race track is now being used for a public highway and is the only decent bit of road in. this region. , The Meteorological: bear and gjround hog came out on the 2nd inst. They were just 30 minutes late and failed to see the sun that rose clear and in a few minutes went into a cloud and thereafter made no showows, hence bruin and the hedgehog will now Stay out and boss the weatber which will be fine for four"; more weeks, perhaps longer. Had bruin and the other fellow crowied out early in the day they would have seen their shadows and went back for six weeks while storm-cloulowered and old boreas sang a wild requium over the dead hopes of those who are getting short on firewood. As it is, the weather is delightful arid everybody is praising the bear and hedge- Leaders in Low Prices. j i . cubed by xrsraa Cherry Pectoral AYER'; A PREACHER'S EXPERIENCE. " Three months j I ago; took avio lent cold which resulted in an attacli of acute bronchitis. I put myself under medical treatment, and at thd end of two months was no better; I found it very difficult to preach &nd concluded to try Ayer's Cherry i Whitmore's. j' H. S. Kerr Superintendent of the Sanpete Valley Ry. came down irom Salt Lake Wednesday, and went on to Manti the same day. The Blade has sold a large number of location blanks this week, which denotes that the people of Nephi are still on the look-o- ut for gold. W. W. Jenkins, after spending a few specific. friends days in Nephi with his family and returned to Mercur Sunday, . where he Jas. W. Paxman of the Excelsior returned from his trip ISast has established a barber shop. Thursday; laying in a large Richard Mangum andjThos. McCune stock of goodsBesides for the Excelsior he has came in from Pine Valley Wednesday had a fine outing. where they have been jfor about two Simon S. Hartman, of Tunnelton, hog.: months looking after their sheep. There has been some anxiety among West Va., has been subject to attacks of sheep-men We over the lack of snow, but a Have' you noticed all the ladies coming colic about once a year, and would have out with stylish spring dresses, these to call a doctor and then suffer for about number of herders (including Albert are samples of Hyde & Whitmore's im- twelve hours as much as some do when Wood of Nephi) have beea interviewed, mense stock. Have you been in and they all report their floe lis as doing they die.ai He was taken recently just the and well. The bud sage has started and is priced them? as to other concluded sacpe times, and' in the way of green furnishing Much of life's misery is due to indiges- try Chamberlain's Colic, Gholera and feed and no moisture are herds suffering. Thus is He says: 'l took another of nature's compensations for who can be happy with a, pain Diarrhoea Remedy. tion; exemin bis stomach? As a corrective and one dose of it and it gave me relief in five plified. Yours more is than of the alimentary organs, minutes. That strengther Ignot. has ever done for me. ' Foranything sale by Ayer's Pills are in vaiuaDle, their use be- else & Lunt Druggists. McNally benefit. attended marked with ing always The little daughter of Mr. Fred Webber, Of Mr. Jfaxman ol tne nixcejsior nas re Holland Mass., had a very bad cold and CREAM OF OUR EXCHANGES turned from the Eastern markets with a cough Which he had not been able to cure very large line of Dress Goods and Trim- with anything. I gave him a 25 cemt and largest line ever bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, And General mingsto the nobbiest j State News, Culled and come Nephi. Those see wishing the latest says Wj. ?. Holdenj. merchant and postthem. call and Condensed for Blade Readers; things should master at West Brimfield, and the next The district schools will celebrate- time I saw him he said it worked like a The Bullion. Beck will pay its regular KWasbingtun's birthbay by having an ex- charm. This remedy is intended espec- $25,000 dividend today which will make ially far acute throat and lung diseases their total disbursements to ' sion is ten cents and the proceeds will go such as colds, croup and hooping cough f 2,050,000. is alcures. famous for and is its it There new to books their towards adding The Centennial Eureka paid a special no danger in giving it to children for it ready well established library. of $30,000 Saturday making the dividend contains For sale by injurious. "Bacteria do not occur in the blood or McNally nothing & Lunt Druggists. grand total to .date of f 1,560, 003. Eureka Democrat. in the tissues of a healthy living body, l a. either of man or the lower animals." Ground is being broken for a Mormon , NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Bo says the celebrated Dr. Koch. Other house on Maiu street, about hall meeting doctors say that the best medicine to This is to give notice that Andrew Neff way between and lower towns. theupper blood and render the perfectly pure to is one and The b will frame 25x receive, for, receipt aphorized building story ealthy is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ki q uin t -- su bscri p tions to The- - 50 , wi th 15 f2 t ce i li n all ur e ka Demo!cme crat. !': It was a merry crowd that surprised BLADE up to NOV. 15th. 1895. J. F. GIBBS, . Mr. and Mrs John S. Cowan, Wednesday was visited the first of Brigham City fire of The Blade. Mrs. Cowan, the genial hostess, night. fiend and which desweek the the by mads the evening pass so pleasantly that Mormon the house valued troyed meeting all were loath to leave when the time at $25,000. The building was not insured Geo.' Washington's Entertainment; came for parting and will in future years therefore a heavy loss to the people when looking back on their past have The pupils of the grammar department and n of section. that oftheCentral school expect to give a pleasant memories of the; occasion; next Tribune, Superintendent Tuesday's The ball given in the Opera house M y Geo. Wasnington8at entertainment H. S. Kerr of the Saupete Valley is in tbe Central school the evening Thursday men of the gohonor in yoang night When asked as to city for a few days building it is to consist of patriotic recenjoyed by all pre- itations, ing on a mission waswas on etc. of the road's the and tableaux work drills, songs, broadening sent. Th dancing ihtersperced with followed by refreshments. An ad- gauge, he said that teams would be put T. H. Gr. PARKES, Superintendent. sten dances from the old as well as the and for the on Monday to widen the grade. Busimission of 10c will be young. The missionaries enjoyed them- purpose of purchasing charged more books for ness on tbe road has been increasing, selves, although feeling sad at the the library. All are invited. owing to the traffic contracts with the l ; ... ,, that they were going from those thought Union Pacific. they loved into the cold world. Tribune Uncle John M,ofehouse reThrew Away His Canes. Our people are growing more and more Goshen Pass yesterday turned Black bringing from Mr. D. Wiley, in the habit of looking; to McNally & of a with him the Lunt Druggists, for the latest and best of Creek, N. Y-- , was so badly afflicted with strike that promises to layparticulars i the foundation sell rheumatism that he was only able to hob- for another gold camp. In support of I everything in the drug line. They ble around with canes, and even then it the reported richness of the ore he is exfamous Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Using hibiting a piece of white quartz carrying for its cures of bad colds, croup and caused him great pain. Afterwas so free gold in9 abundance. The pQint at of such a Chamberlain's Pain Balm he hooping cough.thisWhen in aneed medicine give remedy trial and you much improved that he threw away his which the discovery is made is on a will be more than pleased with the result canes, lie says this liniment did him line directly south of Sunshine, on the more good than all other medicines and Cedar Valley side of the mountain that The attendance at the Tabernacle Sun- treatment at 50 towers above Utah' on the west, and together. For sale The cents per put & Lunt not far distant fromlake good. day last was soexceptionally bottle McNally by Pelican Pointj, where that! benches xtra full V house being now being Druggists. is considerable prospecting Were brouerht in. The extra attendance. done. was probably caused by the return ofl A Levan Sociable. Elders Joseph Price and Alfred Gadd and of Frank OBITUARY by the leaving to fill missions One of the thost pleasant sociable Soils, Robert Winn and J. H. Brough. Died at Wales, Sanpete Co, Feb. lOth 1896. in the history of Levan was Elders Price and Gadd gave an interest- happening Mrs'. Rhoda Maria Davis Vfckefs, wife oi of selectresidence at tne handsome of their missioriary labors in given James W. Vickers of this city. ing account were followed by the man Ai L. Jackman Tuesday night Feb. Brittian'and Great Mrs. Vickers, the well beloved and ; who occupied very 11th. About eighty of his friends were highly respected leaving missionaries, young lady, and the , ; was spent in William of Maria little time, but showed that they were uresent. Mr. other ways daughter Co was born in singing and nfany of Davis Wales, going to England with the right spirit, dancing, Sanpete When the frost is on the counters and of enjoyment, and will ever be remem- thatto'wn; July 15th 1875 and was very I i r i J r ".; ...'.'. the cobwebs von the shelf and there's bered by those present.:'5 Morris"vof !:.!":" known in this city, having ' this favorably We are Indebted to Chas; ' ' several years, previous to store lived for besides here in the : scarcely anybody stock is for the foregoing; Mr. Mdrris is her marriage to Jas. W. shelf-wor- n city Vickers ' about a and your getting yourself, in the school of that little year ago. teaching music and the groceries are stale; and bills town, and was among those present at Mr. Vickers left for his mission in Indue td ztfake a banker enough are doming sociable. the !a kind diana about three weeks ago, the desire time feller's the pale; oh, then's of his wife; being that he should go and o' blue, and is puzzled what's the proper a one fill his mission this time, he having been auch In situation But t do. thing called upon once before to perform this sure Facta About UtalT.' remedy applies if you want to get which was some time before his the customers you've got to advertise. duty,wife . . X first departed this life, this being Ex. Remember, an a'd. in The Blade second Mr. Vickers felt 000 his each read draws trade. 6, people j The St. LDuis Republic of the 2nd inst. somewhat marriage. undecided going concerning issue. so of or a column 'interesting printsabout on his emission; iut, yielding to the 17 the which td' from new in and date tr thin facts tah,'? up Every he departed for wishes of his wife are culled:" Dress goods, Kibbons etc. at" our store of field the his labors, trusting to ProviThe tfrst cabin on the present site of dence for the results.' Hyde & Whitmores. The whole com1847. in Lake was built . native town, are at her and here An enjoyable surprise party was tend- Salt of (Utah in munity The total Indian population907 loss of the dethe very ered Mr. and Mrs; Chas. Haynes filt their 1890 deeply mourning, females. and maies 947 854V was 1', wii and mother. residence last Saturday evening. Danc100 young miles long, parted Great Salt Lake is The body was brought from Wales on music and games was indulged in, 50The 22 per cent, contains and ing, miles wide, W. F. out the led gentlemen, Tuesday fast, f Or interment in the cemejovialFoote. by 12 o'clock of pure Salt. At A telegraphic dispatch was T. and Ij. tery Territorial Chappell Legis wiredhere an act of the Utah Bv was served Mr. which Vickers;. at the sad an elegant supper in 1870, the right or suffrage was event, and the body anhoiTncinsr lature was ladies and word the noticed until were following kept 2775. to women. was received Thursday morning that he Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Chap- extended would that counties gentlemen. has Utah' single flotice fof Publication. T.' L. Foote, Mr. and i maze could not possibly get here. pell, Mr.H.and Mrs.Mr. tu dud i siiitea dido Mrs. and G. Utah W. Later: lit is not; known for sure thai. Lake C. Ctty. Bird, Mrs. Land Oflabe at Salt of Uaiaware. five Mr. orThe the size of Utah was organised in Mr. Vickers will 'not come and in the Foote, Mr. and Mrs. 2V Whitaker Territory Mrs.' Henry that he will the body will bei kept and Mrs.' John Kirgan,' three years after the Mormons hope 1850, Kotice is hereby glf.en just .MfsVE." O. A. until Mrs. Wm. Adams, Monday. Adams, there. tn'eir residence . S. J. Lbveless, of Payson, took up and Mrs. orwere 'each Morris, Mexicd New Utah XlrS! and that BaiJ propf wUl be, feUde fMiss Edna morris, .01133; ljirx. i;nappeu, ganized Methodist Chapel. aa'Territories on the same day xinowies. Mr. Wm. ITailey, isxr. xienry ... 1850. union The T. service of the Presbyterian September, Mr. Adams. Bale J. Mr. Clifford 1880 there were 346" schools in Utah, and Methodist congregations last. Sunday was Burton Herbert out employing 254 male and 235 female teachOur townsman a't the Methodist chapel was a give, College we will Doti-evening on a ac rabbit hunt week, . one day last at c'?urse of instruction fn ers and superintendents;' iThe house was fall ana the inand young gens Thfl first mention of Great Salt Lake success. ..;Vnri;p Entry by a very certain companied . was terest excellent. was The , fair this who of Arithmetic, by mail, at, , day gave H xs by Baron Hautan in 1689, city; William F. Memmow tleman next is The for ,1 JarrVI. was in excellent sdae vague notions oi its eiiaicuue. subject ' evening Tnomas . xviem- and the sharpi hooter of 'The reader Dear power example.'-a Tne mile a game, for the sport. having trim :fari!i Regular Price AAnVSe?son In I860 Utah did not have1880, single are Invited, and will be welcomed. of the murderous intentions against o603;a890, you protest kno presentment railway, in 1870, 257; If the Methodists, and Presby-terias of of the ounters and having heard about 1,45611831; Query. whQ 1893. 1,870, 1892, 1,857; 1,504; Mormons are all working to the.allowance and the of the past, had some very pderiepartment; why i hir skillexcuse This of Since its organization in 1858 Utah has make the world better, to elevate humanany wi on themselves to absent completed Dressing filteen Governors: Brigham Young, ity, to save souls, to secure for us happihad be will given lur diplomas. re?!!latlXhouldnoTbaliowed, Address, time tnat particuiai "y " R. J. Stepton, Alfred Cummings, S. S. ness In an never ending eternity; why tne aDo e mentioned Burton returned home all right Harding, an opportunity of Mr. wltne88es "FIT J. 8. Doty, Charles Durkee, friendliness, and sociability and place to T10IIMERCIAI loaded down with disappointment at 1. WJ Shaffer, V. H. Vaugn, G. L. not more evidence in rebut-saiIn 4hat dayfjit these on among claimant, the of bunnies rjrairies. Woods, S. B. Axtell, G. W. Emory, E. Will not be churches?; the scarcity OOLLEGE church did what 'To asked,: tal of that suDoiieu nBOO, Regrister. result was, that if he had kept the H. Murray, C. W. West, A. L. Thomas The have "What you done but, claimant. and not given nnA O. W, West, second term ending in you belong?" total of the slaughtered lvest Sixth Street. better? world W. A: C. BryanlAtt'y for the name make to in My his friends he would have lJ97.had the State' Constitutibtf hot1 been A." SaiiTit, Pastor. - BtADE any away to a's'be- j: brought" home" with adopted; had as many KANSAS. Location blanWforsaie at'The;' v .him , LOSS OF VOICE After Acute DronchitiG j . '.I a 30. DESERET DOTS Did you get a valentine?! W. I. Birchett came down from Provo URRAH FOR Tf NUMBER 15, 1896. " v i! III. VOLUME ''."ii: ": rK ds Mer-cantileiC- o. , ; are Making a General 5r7 Pectoral The first bottle pave mo1 great relief ; the second, which I anf now taking, has relieved me almost entirely iof all unpleasant symptoms and I feel sure that one or two hot- -' ties more will effect a permanent cure. Tq all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral' E. M. Brawley D.D., Dist. Secretary, Am.j Bapt Publication Society, Petersburg, Va." ;j , 1 . ! Every line in pur Store and are Considering dost We are Determined to make some Great Sales, KTow is the Time to get Some Good Bargains. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral GOLD MEDAL AYER'S LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPARILLAS; - Not stock-holde- rs -- j - . j Quick. Ex-publish- gE -- m j er The on-da- AT THE WORLD'S fAIB. 2797. Notice for publication. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, ). January 23d, 1896. j Notice is hereby priven that the followingr-- , named settler has filed notiee of his intention td make final proof in support of his claim,! arid that said proof will be made before the County,' Countyon Clerk at Fillmore, Millard March ath, WM, viz: H. E. No. 8895, Utah, 9, E14 Jens Jensen for the SE14 SEfi of section of Sec. 10, Tp. 15 S.R.4W. SWJi and IHenameathe following witnesses to prove his dontlntiious reside ace upon and cultivation bf,i said land, viz: George Lovell and! Co.. of Learning-ton- fxv Millard William Dotson, Utah. William IIlman and David E" Stevens, of Holden, Millard Co. Utah. person who desires to protest against tlieAny allowance of such proof," or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the Interior Department, whyregulations of the not be allowed, will be Rivsiich proof should en an opportunity at the above mentioned time-ahe the witnesses of. place to said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant.' Btron Groo, Register. . d cross-examin- 33-3- 8 . ' i , i t and See our new pi : . Notice of Forfeiture. State op Utah, County of Juab iTo John S. Jacobs aid Alfred Mikesell and., the Drum Mountain Mining Co. You are., that I have expended $132.66,' hereby notified, f6r the year 1894 and $250.00 far the year 1895,; in all $382.66, in labor and improvements upon the Rattler Group of claims consisting of tnei Link, Copper Chief, Alice,' Rattler, Missing Wonder of the Hill and Gold Bug. Situated in Detroit Mining District, Juab Co. Utah, as will .. by certificate filed 189 and 1835, in the appear office of the Recorder of the said district, in, order to hold said premises under the pi'ovis-- . ions of Section 2324, Revised Statute of the v United States, and if within 9 days after this .. notice by publication you fail or refuse to con- - u tribute your proportion of the expenditures, as your interests in said claimsr will become the property of the subscribed said Section 2324. J. A. McBURNET. r Drum, Feb.lst 1896. J" ; . , rs i 35-4- 3 EPHI HO Mi j The-even- ing . un-d- and-Mrs- . t ';- - . ' : ' I , .' ;i v.-- ' .:' - .", I f i; Qood Sample Rooms lor CommerclalTraif i elers. f . ( .;-- . '.,. i ; .:':. ' ' I Hack Meets all Trains, Free to Patrcjf i to and from the station H. GOLDS BROUGH, : Proprietor, ' . iol-lowi- Estray Notice. ng . j T a t a v ' ji- - if;, hybI &HiTloRE,:y I ' " TORE THIS ? . '"TJL COURSE , , , - ; have in my possession the following animals One gray mare 4 years old branded on right shoulder resembling ki , I: 1 1 V'f.i'-wie'otl- r . Book-keepin- . g . - wW 1 ns 1 cer ij.vj-ev- er d . 30-J- 6 - . ; , office- il ,AiSv i J A) ujie utxy aiuiiuc Ml ,1 V..., Oo s uui tK auuui jcai also branded on left tbigh resembling WC and both hind branded on left shoulder in forehead. feet white and white spot f L 1 . r If damages and costs on said animals be not of this paid within ten daysto from the date tbe highest cash bidder notice it will be sold 7 City; estray pound. atNephi i Time and date of sale 1 o'clock p. m. Febuary i 20th, 1896. Nephi City, February 10th, i 1896. I ! f ' . d. t: i '' - ds-cribe- to-wi- . . James Reid, ' Pound Keeper, '' ' . DISEASES OF THE SKIN. inci- - -and smarting Tbe intense itching and other dent to eczema, tetter, c salt-rhen- m, -- diseases of the skin ia instantly aliaved by and ; Skin t applying Chamberlain'sbad Eye cases been have Ointment. Many very it. It is cured equally by permanently efScient for itching piles and a favorite rem-- . hands, chil- edy for sore nipples;andchapped chronic sore eyes.' blains, frost bites, For sale by druggista at 25 cents per box. Try Dr. Cody's Condition PoTF&erg, the are just what a norse needs when in bad cond tion. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge,,'" For sale by McNally'&TLunt Dlruggfsr . -- m 1 ; j. , V |