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Show flume. But It was of no use:" When a The Crowning Sorrow. AND HUMOR. man; has. stood for thirty years with OUK A: V. VISIT TO over the sobbing sea the GEORG-Away his head, uncovered to let the woman Southern Cross gleamed gloriously In pass: by, he had a cold in his head, ORIGINAL AND SELECTED which renders his FUN the opalescent sky. d ,HE intell ect an inadequate Inside his palmwood palace the King FOR LEAN READERS. ' enchan? the wiles against, of of Winkywooloo tossed restlessly about the vCntiously emerged from a Sf2'Ldh,e moaned in spirit A perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing in aU in his sleep. when he A Tale of to an Its branches. Special attention called maof head open Ia.t Winter. triumphant corner at tle glances. j.... CoatWhy lies" "Uneasy ' feed Universal hU sewing j new., style. ste-r'- s Goat the into A IiUd Cllnchy'. be "lt down turn suoo. your me yiU Iover au worx Doughty His tones fell harshly on the onine does Mutton, Veal, Chipped Beef insiae 01 its leading next," he The Crowning Sorrow - Timely ear ofguttural whispered to me. "Sh will Two doors north of Union, Main St., NephL room in one of the big; tonight. and Bologna. Satire. ruse aw: "the crown. a easy wears head that Inoug?Ugh Tour patronage solicited. cey And yet he should have known such ctnrv! thusfor, if Imy "You are" going to have lots of wamP things that are a contingency would arise when, after pum brave,;- - she continued. feminine, she will at oiioe 'Oh. r lots, sad partaking freely from the royal punch indicating with her hands a curious sensation which We huge pile In this world, to bowl, he went to rest carelessly with up and looked way to more profound at the colonel braced F e theif masculine, d with a pretended achis DRUGGISTS, be had Insignia of office still he will ment-rL'- cession of interest. If you are going to his And brow. upon are In imperial many on is "Here Uke pappooses," she obsomething the same and be interested c-- served, "but urn big squaws, urn, boat "The Pace That KiUs.' ' CHICAGO, yumLanjdthey. like you, too," reassurCarefully compounded. No fact can be of ingly like too. twenty, Age see catyou, I 0$' ermmed half ft tle ail Mail qr express orders promptly ,ttened to. worse the siev around you, brave in cattle, Girls half-wa- y Large Stack at Salt Lake prices. up, lou must speculate, and go far f rm ge a dris the queen galore-Awine and Than, Wit through ntfirnr1s rrP n t- - home. What do you know about CITY, slim purse, SOUTHER!! TRADE SOLICITED. brave?" she on start-linthe and with You ner wear' asked, window; of thirty, hiow a, last suddenness. winter's top coat. i WNALLY & LUNT, Still quite flirty. "Why, nothing," he replied ojulckly. more. more and t believed in spiritualism Drinking You may need a new hat; OR ST. LODE surprised out of himself, and with a UTAH. was saying; "but NEPHI, lack of expression which suggested Or, worse still than that, Kill if I can help believing Nearly forty, Your pants, at the knee, start to bloat; !t woman tells me ail aoout my the existence of a vacuum somewhere JSe sore and ask for a ticket that rcaCa about his he;ad. Would be naughty It does not compare present and all about my How I wanted to go Into the hall If he had the vim; The First 'National Bank, With havinsr to wear I hug and with ijs. tenmyself Gone to in duel t the rapturous pieces, ! He knew seedy last winter's top coat. nothing' about Got paresis, WLgs'was never happy unless dernessGenerous admission. I had tried NEPHI, UTAH. Justs try all you please That's the end of him! doing the talking. "I will to convince him of that in fact sne continued. irls'" tt to youTo seem at vnnr tmtu a political discussion, and now,many oh As she know, for instance, if CAPITAL round the old garment you tote; Sure Death lived in, how poor brave, he groaned aloud. He SStfaees I had You cannot forget knew I would make a verbal report of Persons there were in our fan SURPLUS the affair with ITAU hnt! all the meet a of accuracy my fate in 'J that I was to skilled in supplying any All know it's last winter's top coat. ' man, stenographer, rn of a cf to deficient memory or due omission, clothes" suit lipht You call on a girl, stumbUng pen, from her own fertile ;;:GENERAL BANKING v;. To meet there a churl ofiln. and I could see the girls' brain. :j; Here. Mohawk switched off and Who, with his new ulster, will gloat widen with wonder as she rtold j n rovolnHnns innrlo Vir turned his attention to little JMlss B., At all that you feel No tiresome; layovers. In All Its Branches. j who seemed all at once to shrink into iiathSide medium. The queen had union in As connections to Close you depots,' conceal J. H. Erickson, Gbo. C. Whitmobb, herself. Hers was the usual fate, ac- From view try 'inter of expression above the aver-- I the And President. quickest route positively your last winter's top coat. of cording to the oracle; sudden loss of She told of deaths predicted, Wf W. Abmstrono, Cashier. t'Vsecrets unearthed, of past,riches by her family when she was So, say what you will," ' Blue eyes looked down but a child, several changes of resiNo bitterer pill j i'l brown eyes and beyond, into; the dence, and last, but far from the least, To swallow exists, you can quote; d she; was to marry a big, i'yionttWe depths of the unknown To the Great Rivers and Atlantic Unless awful thought! The air: grew brave, with blue eyes and light C. j the unknowable.Disembodied Ocean. Elegant and thoroughly M. spir-- i hair; here followed a minute descripBy poverty brought, ,i with mystery. modern Eauinment and tion of CoL Jinspin. Sheihad seen the You've pawned e'en last winter's top whispered to strained ears and matter Mr. wit What's t' Clinchy Manufacturer and Repairer of Sud-i"jdiamond ring and had drawn her own l!ts gtalked about at noonday. coat. dunno? I Billy, a rent was with terrible conclusions. But she was mistaken, the air uiimi uuii Mrs. Clinchy Sure it's a bad stum BOOTS and the rabbit, who had been and was shrewd enough! to note that lieciiiiiiig He Found Hia Ideal. mick he has, fer I seen him atein' that on. the window ledge, "preery-lth- e fact at once and proceed to make the In which thW seats are free to holder He of talked all the the troubles charm and which mys-f colonel suffer all the tortures a modnopspaper this afternoon wid dat pictur variety," ' of regular train tickets. icro-- I ern Prometheus could invent. She cut All kinds of shoes made to order. In families have arisen, and vowed of Johnny Bull. of silence, with a graceful, Workmanship second to none. off his legs and made all! the changes he would have none of sich unhappiness leap, fetood poised on the nearest Mr. Clinchy Och, thin, if he swaller- First door south of Tabernaole, hi on one "dainty foot, her skirts possible which would be consistent in his'n. He'd never, never take a wife, ed that he's a dead goat sure. one (rolsively clutched in stiffened with her former description. NEPHI. Gall on or address MAIN STREET, though she be swamped with gold, unWbil with the other she 'pointed My turn came at last, and I drew a til he was assured that strife would More Brilliancy Than He Knew. the stairs. In a metal veil over my mind and tried to Meally (toward ne'er fold. invade his The iwefe ambitious Young Suitor waa trim ankles the idling look as near like an imbecile as posqueen's H. B. KOOSER, His friends at ionteed jagainst the court window, his laughed long standing, hat in hand, in the hallway. sible, every piece of furniture the "Tell Mr. Swaggers that a gentleman GENERAL MERCHANDISE "I see you, squaw," she began, they loudly did deride it, and said he'd COMMERCIAL contained was graced with a liv- not know what 'twould be until he'd wishes to see him," he said to the butabove? everybody. That Is up "away AND woFREIGHT statue. The of your place, squaw, but something fairly tried it. ler, placing his hand on the doorknob was abroad irr the land and draws you down. PASSENGER AM) PRODUCE What is it? Is it He started forth resolved to find a in case of extreme emergency. The its and spirits were relegated to or is that your familiment, you got woman of the model which was Im- butler did as he was told. itj Room 21 Morlan Block, came no background. Mr. Mouse AT THE wampum?" on the mind he carried in his "Huh! It's you, is it?" said the blunt printed Tithe steps two at a time and flew "I guess it Is because jl nq got any noddle. - Utah lithe from his little body convulsed with old LakejCity, advancing atgentleman, I a feeble with wampum," replied, CASH STORE. rriment; A second later I sawj him "She must not list , to slander's brary, glancing sourly over his glasses. Mohawk. at OR tempt rfrom behind the leg of a desk and see nor she sir?" tongue, my Well, indiscretions; "You she lota had of wampum once," Goods at bottom prices Ccr hi him mutter : " w hat fools these The Young Suitor plucked up all continued, 'men sue glanced at my must not scold when I do wrong; must ber H. spot cash. TOWNSEND, to say, sir," he behold no 'Caudle' sessions." wish "I am his "But brave courage. your ring. wedding subsided and pe; excitement puiet and fill He hunted high, he hunted low, gan, timidly, "that I love your daugh gone. I seei his spirit come bed supreme in the stenographers' JliO. DEVSIIUP, MCR. j General Passenger & Tieket Agent : nowers. Li!Hi. i au roor i xi i i a Christian nation; saw ter, and desire to marry her. I have witn you squaw, many lap through 3, uroKeu save uy iuc uicii, jciicji alone." This in a sad, plaintive tone. ie typewriters, for the wicked girls who'd grace a beauty show, and talent in my profession, some money, Cast Main Street, - - DE3nHDT. an of St. Louis, Mo. assumed I stony expression a college which had noDoed into my a man am humble Nor of In maids station. good family, paused to look sad and for calm and tried had been at once communicated fair graduate and a member of four swag too was much of an under-takin- until he met success, he found hiscalled it but lorn, 3iiss B., worked itself into a jlttle Complete Line of Builders' Supplies. Mill Work a Specialty. ger clubs. I work hard, and it. is no most unbe ideal, and what his friends I exnloded in Me plan with little outward (sign, " He er coming giggle, quite incompatible with craziness they would now find his real. exaggeration to say that i the next Saturday afternoon He married her; she listened not when clutched the doorknob. the somber gown and bonnet and sad se mortals bespugnt state bereavement. of "That er well, sir?" The old man made advances; from out her slander iffiedium for a reading. Miss B. GRACE BROTHERS' on at was alert Mohawk Old a step threateningly. cruel advanced (the henever suspicion's eyes caught . arrayed in giddy attire and Jwore one rrom to glances. jShe never spoke an angry once. Keen eyes gianceq "That er" he stammered as he Hamoadrring on her engagement count to fell medium The other. the a CoLlJinspin was enveloped in word, but smiled when she would meet opened the do6r a little wider, "that Ulrof injured innocence, which the ing on her fingers again. sne re him, and oft by true affection spurred er I have before me a brilliant "But you no like you brave," .ge man masquerades, while J I marked tentatively. No answer. "Are with kisses would she greet him. In iisad;eyed widow in a black dress ?" she asked. Her short, she was the very kind of wife for "Yes," broke In the irate papa, as he pnnejt, and a wedding ring graced you sure he dead brow was wrinkled in a perpiexea such a chap, for she was deaf and dumb glanced at the brilliantly lighted street, ITeacrillgious finger. '"' frown. were ushered into a T,nd blind. "you have!" and then the cyclone room tiny "TSTrt." she finally concluded, "he no bat one window, whose shade a he struck the ambitious Young Suitoi snap? Now, hadn't iabad He ne brave, away. far 1-dpad. so ,!drawp that the room was filled hmt: von set amidships, so that when he landed at X another brave. I see two.j a dim, ghostly light.; The jnecft saw the bottom of the marble steps he blueWould Make Bad Blood. fseate herself in the darkest cor-- f braves, big, million stars before his dazzled new twenty arrivals today Imp Among the ths room, explaining that she eyed brave, with light hair, quarrel Manufacturers of and Dealers in . . . . . vision. yow-yoT was a man who was electrocuted. hear a ereat controlled by the of. Mb- oHrtTif enn spirit aa the d brave. poor fellow, "Yes," pondered Windows, Doors, Satan We must get rid of him in Mouldings, 3 it and began making mysterious but you marry the to for and himself he you a put in the air and up . began build will picked wigwam Mixed He big , tome Coal, way. Faints, Hardware, occasionally rubUer face with; her In four moons you will marry him the pieces together again, "I was sure CofSns, Her and Caskets, Pickets, Imp Why? hands.) r w a v n iwtz iiu, til a briliant future; but, by had I grer gray and wan and seemed ann that Combination Wire no like etc there's Fenee, son, passion Satan My o'clock lifeless for a few minutes, I went to bed that night at 8taKe I didn't know it was going to be Special attention given to mail orders and the Southern Trade. tne jealousy; if we let him stay here he Jove! would Sol old that in hope of fireworks a such display ddenly'satrect,vvyithja who lightning discontented By ordering from us you save the freight from Salt Lake City to thia man will make everybody it rested appearance, and, point- - hint and get UP a lime earuw all as that!" . way. vas executed in the point. the' nirt mornmff. tor 1to was colonel, called 0ut in a shrill, whisavenue went he the down And the niched voice: "Hello, brave!" anxious to'" relate my exploits fell to tling the sad, sweet strains of "Good-by- , A Donghty .Covercounting her fingers. VI " an nf onriioni was iiiLt;t5i.iiiK Sweetheart, fjou, brave,' 'she went on, "with with orwi t intersDersed my story ; two, six, eight! spirits over you, we ?sii, seven Si jl in the- earf jcondi-rmany a sympathetic In the Morning. see many dark shadows in "the wear DUC i Waa ixxjl oauDuux. re--saw at her I attitude of a night when the rPSt life, brave! but your troubles was hand s had proof at thronged, vStLbut f(mr moons, then aU am former, of one who h and and of beauty and grace; super. vision A traditions bright before you. You to sweep away 01 Lue to a Venus might well have form oecioua a Her which "Pu wannprpr? xrm have no stitutions roniffwri hAin to arsme for the I t see mounyou travel over j belonged, lu and valleV find nrnssine broad arrant nonsense while I argijnopfcfc her beautiful face! An I angel's ,'ss. I -?'' see you? cross the huntincr to It. isut no, fiuj f She moved with an ease that was pssss, Will' ' of my neonlp.' TTipti. asrain.! I eSy to believe her a fraud as an rare,. (?a Dealers in and Manufacturers of ah office,! wit one, five men and I know beyond a doubt smile and the her glance were divine, Her ?he duchess, notwithsnding rr you, brave, but you stay she And the fairest that night in that mrich. I gee of scorn on her facea as you building some-t- ! ' second takes rail-recital, is to throng of the fair, ; Zned my Jbat it, brave? Is it a wearmeets 5ook see you measure I longed, yea, I prayed to call mine. aTevery big man she SADDLES ,and look, BRIDLES, HARNESS, the carefully, !up and down and H l night y I saw her next day, while my blood waa of amazement fsamused took the place aske mVif.I still warm, smile which had glim-- , d home by the her In "om beyond the colonel's itj NOSE SACKS, ETC. --x HOPPLES, shore; ClllStachA a Ytcr- - 1(HfnloiiS nt- nngaw of wampum. lots from of Venus had gone But the beauty ?.to .itate the Indian tongue.; her ae-form, We also carry a full line of was She vi Seer, as she well As So the wore; padding occupation exactly. .' coincidence was this that a And the picture she made as before her conviction; began to force its I came the ox crust unbelief, my Was that of a vixenish fright ,J;ha bit uncomfortable about I do not belleVe In like looks Jimmy's For I heard her ;with glee to her husMaud Them band exclaim,; to make1 legs!; n, but I Just woma people think you is Them Alnhonse legs. Jimmy's "By jove, there's my mash of last n3 brave; ibut you are not. foller said do? he'd He m to was I no wiiftt ; -night!" reiigibnum In you. You nieht an day- afore he'd fontstena ww v KetMng better than religion- TOn am o fran1 rt O TYlJin. Ide.1 Kitcne. permit us to have. a clandesting meetin', Misunderstood. Modern The at so I tied his uanas nina nis DacK, j When he wants treated Is Kitchen" -Mrs. Gossip My husband won't eat U knows where to go. The Ideal a bottle o' ink. an with tract tfpt him James detail by In any fruits with seeds In 'em. He even n. ifi box on his stummick. f (With has his tomatoes strained. Thomson, and illustrated in Decembar, I have Maud, darling, Oh, feeling) deep Mrs. Newly Wed Why's that? ;VUst a touch of soothing, al- Ladles' Home Journal so much to tell yer! Mrs. Gossip rHe seems to have apLittery, i He was fast loaing ? a himself. Next follovred pendicitis on the brain. a of his1 disnositlonum. as present, thewalls shouiw of Tnn T.tttA. height Mrs. Newly Wed That's very odd. 3 bricK as he ;J Jt which lief t him In a pitia- - files or enameled took her she of said, of was a "Call disease again," "CUPIDEME"' it I always thought uscd hand at parting. ' . ; a- or0 mindl I felt reassured 6lx or seven y t stomach. the HAEIOOD r. t.hTrfsprin Vi u e tileg thornnfhlc cnlnv rmrself. he replied, "but "Thank you, I will," cure yon lor ail of a lamousFrencb pbrsiclan.will to the V'J ';'GGt that sHe was nothing Lost Manhood. facta the senerative or?au, Nervous Debility, A Distinction, at Least. J: iritin.inthoR'uk Seminal missions. reader.! and that sue naa or brick board must be not"You couldn't call again t 1 Drains. Varicocele before1 her. There Was a floor; uo Pimp es, Unfltnesa to'Mfrry, "He was under the Influence when he nfeht Prevents onlclE- ' r Biivv.N. ; sort cement, all hard sne an air of resigna used. etone fand! for the first time he had an did"Ofit." u then And kept m, an more than once I plain- mosaic, easily EfSrE and AFTER drink?" woodwork as idea that it was aner tweive. i f;n appealing glance at the and v of wife." his cuk Mra.mjuj u Doctors is DecauHw uimt an "No; f opciauon. ouw lesiunonv. -i uui obliged to are j'jj rea(j m myself. He clean, nave aJ1" i Do to tSxea It. TriCUPIDENB is the .only ttojn Sed lsS Hag does not eiTect a permanent euro. Pro-ti- n few jomtg (irt? out his most respectable , possible, and wu written ira done wife should will husband No make her boy has man do," be. Jook plain, it "What ?a.03.byrnaU. an aeronaut does his have, let CaL Fcyr Francisco. San x 2078, t labox.8ixr J"a rmQmBo & LUNT, DUGQIST3. POSsible-K'hy ITEPIII. ' feel that he ip on an Arctic expedition ; it was! holding on desper If he only has a chance. and crevices as to tn Adds MCADLY every time he starts home. Galveston clgan. Often he is compelled to of his particularly pet will at first object L3 fcbould days few a L0 shortened father's News. but pants. "Wear bis go entirely up the lug, WIT P : MEDIUM much-laude- I E HARDY, tter. Boot and Shoe 'mas-culin- e HAGUE, .Choice Fresh Meats. I t ...... j,..'. ..- s ma-licious- ly . V j , MoNALLY & LUNT, 1 1 -- fs- sharp-pointe- m- - ken? ' .anTl T, - j I 30 KAISAS f poli-ticsu- ; m, g 5 .JOU ! r.h-mo- f j poll-tic- s. - i $50,000 337,500 . broad-shouldere- RAILWAY. d , " T i : Vice-Preside- nt. Rrorr pres-futur- e. broad-shouldere- J. i JJt&.lc OSTLER, . f ir ! AND SHOES. f' '5c ee, i , ;le j !n arch-enem- ; AfiEHF. y ! t Salt j j OTftr, i DESEffl . Cl j i lit-id- m 11 w- ea ; ;.J sr i j j demure-looki- ng , I ' I ' a 5 broad-shouldere- d, in lint of. Mill w, blufe-eye- ?s f i a7 v t--r old-fashion- Vi : ed Brotb crs, ' - - Good-by!- r "Ofui"and - NEPHI CITY, ball-roo- m UTAH. - life - a: I 1 ' ?tt l ; i. :l ''j' Bi itott SniSnte " e OSTLER & ALLEN won-drous- ly Al i billow-washe- --- m , i ,t 3. -- . I - . Horse Furnishing Goods i WE GUARANTEE U - ; ! "Perfect -- ' ut i . .tiiiii.,i,i,.,..nini ; fwnjf brickra,m MJeU.Aer. sfvSe " . iiu n r-- i- r- MTQRED j to-nigh- - ,'f--w w UK3 I - www i ner-vS- m t," i u i M. to-mg- ni. : dlrt-reslsti- n. and Cowboys' Outfits X "-- c Men's Sheep : nwcu&-------- - g?SSSglP avy J : . |