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Show " mptal which they control, the riphtnr must make such sacrifices as are necessary to obtain that metal. were Snr,nnairifr tr v " now that the eroioites f to change their tastes and regard plat THE BLADE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! - Per year. . . . J . (Payable in ad ranee), ' 12.00 f thA 1 nnmas theonlv, metal containing the qualities necessary for a sirjgle stand ard, and they were powerful or cun ALF.ORMB Publisher. ning enough to have Jaws enacted in harmony with their wishes, is there so stupid as not to know that Application has been made at the Nephi post-- ) anv one ffilce for transmission through the mails us the demand for!platinum would rapidly tcond'class mall matter. anureciate while the restricted demand for gold would send its "intrinsic value" down at least one half? And i3 SATURDAY MORN., FEB. S, 18'JG. not that exactly what has been done with siiver? Why, the proposition 13 so simple as to come within the mental only child. Yet beneath that out ward waywardness beat a heart pure . . . . auu.1 sympatneuc ana capable or deep ana amaing love, ana devotion to the objects of her affections. As before stated. the Crosby and Service farms were adjoining, and Mil ton Crosby and Marian had grown up together. They had attended- school in the same red school house and had worshiped together in the white church. Hand in hand they had gone to the night spelling schools, and social parties where nuts and jokes were cracked, and games and pranks played without end, had been indulged in. While children, during the long winters, Marian had shared the hand-sle- d of Milton Crosby in the coasting sport down the hill near; the school house; aud in later years, Milton had tucked the warm robes about his girlish companion and together they had "sleigh TTTTvVV' . ' 1 FT : . . His baby mind graspd the fact that something was wrong, and in a moment was sobbing a protest on his mother's bosom. With an oath Milton Crosby left his home and breakfasted at a restaurant, Several times during the day he was go prompted to plead illness, and tobut a effect home and recoucilliation, the better promptings ;. of his 'heart were stifled in the memory of the angry voice and words of his wife. nHad she only been sorrowful for his weakness; had she' plead with him and wept over his folly, he would have made a great effort to overcome The more he words, the thought of the unkind, resolve his to' resent became stronger her threat by putting it to the test. The conflicting emotions that surged all that day in Marian's breast brought her no nearer to a .reconciliation with her husband. Rather was her determination strengthened not to travel with Milton Crosby even one step fur ther on the downward path. Yep she hoped that her ultimatum would have its effect and that he would return that even ingand ask her forgiveness and promise to reform;. As the, evening wore on and Mil ton railed to return she became convinced' that her hopes would be blasted. The mantel clock was striking twel ve when a sharp ring of the doorbell roused her from a painful reverie. She hastened to the door, threw back the bolt and in the dim light saw a po liceman holding her husband to keep him from falling. With a few words of explanation to the effect that he had found him dead drunk on the etreet, and being acquainted,- had brought him home rather than to "run him in," the guardian of the peace left Mrs. Crosby alone with her charge who was too intoxicated to talk cqhereintly and in a few moments Was breathing heav ; !'; .' J ily: The last glimmer of hope in Marian Crosby's heart went out in the blackness of unutterable despair.' The knowledge of her husband's condition had come to her so suddenly and the belief that there wa no possibility of a reformation vras to her mind so evident that she put her resolve into exe-- . cution. The train would leave lor Linton at 5 a. m. fbr its daily Irun up the valley. Hastily collecting a few necessary articles of clothing for her sen ana little ones, she paciKea tnem in he baby carriage where she also plac ed her babes and turned to go. In the open door she paused a moment and her woman's heart failed her Dr.C.S.i-iosraer- , Conducted. the faithful performance of his duty to his employers, and immediately on his being put on regular serirce, the ties of saloon life were temporarily severed and which was the cas1 at the time of his marriage to Marian. About the close of the first year of their wedded life, the hearts. of Mr. and Mrs. Crosby were drawn more closely together by the birth of a son whom the parents named after- bis father. The next two years were prosperous and uneventful except for the' birth of a daughter who added more of sun shine to the pleasant and vveh-ke' - Vqysiciaii and snyrjeoul K S '"'.' :'.;:;V;;;.;i-;';'- , v-'v- OFFICE At Residence' Second door Kast HOURS: 2 to 4 p. to?. , Co-o- Store: p NepM, Utah. none isux Ayer-- at tne world's s Fair. ' Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the exttrrf ordinary distinction of having been tbp: j j ' only olood purifier allowed an exhibit at the World's fair, Chicago, Manulactur. ers of other sarsaparillas sought by everv means to obtain a showing of their goods but they were all turned away under tha' ot the rule application the eni of patent medicinesforbidding and try nostrums Thedicision o the World's fair authori ties in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla wn'J in effect as follows, i 'Ayer'sT SflrRnT0l, la 10 rtrtfr o no f on mAlttinn not' Deiong to tne list ol nostrums, It is here1 on itsmerits." ELAD2 AGENTS: capacity of a child. The new method of proselyting for rided" over the hard icy roads of the home.was near Tielow 13 a list of our agents, who will of the third close the It valley and oftentimes to the town of r;ceive sunscriptioas and receipt, for gold converts by means of cartoons is Pleasanton weaaea ot tneir lire, tnat tne which to them was a great year daymen eminently consistent with the position city. master mechanic of the Pleasanton and Wm. Chastain, Ibapah, Tooele Co. Mountain P'y Co. died, and Miltaken by the advocates of the gold Impelled by a naturally warm heart Iron was taken from the road ton XILLAIin tOfSTV. standard, and, is a fair measure of Milton had made himself useful in and Crosby in placad charge of the company's A. Lyman, Oak City. chores around the Widow Sertheir estimate of the intelligence of the doing additional inconie and The Christian Anderson, Kill mure. vice's home several years before the shops. ThoH. 'mtnott, Seipio. masses, and as such is an insult to the that the husband and fact further Marion-drew magnet love for Christ. Oversoii, leamlnjrton Estray Notice ram and uie or. America s great army stronger f Jeo. him to the widow's fireside sever- father would now be at home every Kanosb. I have in m.y possession 'the fallowing- des.' James llattori, r.. al evenings out of. each weeK. It was evening seemed to be all they could exof toilers. cribed animal tovit: Virzii Kelly, Burbank. in and the hapway of prosperity One Black mare about 4 or 5 years ol.l1 Another thing that will strike the within such an atmosphere of simple pect Ilvrua A'lfim. an was cou On evil the trary it branded on rlsrht thiah reserablino- r iW rural life the young people had grown piness. Jamen is. llhike. Hinckley. average man, in the sending out of up, and in which rijrht ear split and both hind feet white. a tender yet strong hour when Milton (Jrosb surrendered If damag-e- afid costs on said animal Ik not' tons of those "sound money" pamph- affection for each other had developed the throttle, of his locomotive and within fifteen from the date of paid went back to the shops. There were is the pretended interest they and matured into a betrothal. notice it. will be solddays to the highest bidderthi lets, at. SOUND MUN'KV. Nephi City. estray pound. Milton Crosby was a superb speci- his old companions who . were over have in the wage earners. 1 dateof sale They men 'clock P- m. of return the and favorite at the 10thmi896nd lajoyed Febuary manhood, full of atfect to believe the remonetization of tent of Vermont his good luck in being promoted, it and. and while Neph.i energy 31th, 1896. City, restlessness, January :1 ' m:n ui saver would turtner reouoe the wage loading hay or some other common- was customary for incoming foremen James Reid, to Pound Keeper. the and "treat" superintendents on work of farm would the watch earners' wages.. Unselfishness personi- place In aserlioQ3 Nuvvithstandin men. was Milton drink the It first cars as the of trains speeding they Lhe gold bu-- press ami declarations of fied! Why dOjthey not take the cash rushed or down the valley and dis- Crosby had taken for nearly three up financial Tor those senseless xne old appetite was revived olfoai appeared in the faint blue haze that years. Interested politicians to the effect expended once. and he food at did not but and books, over ' yield CAPITAL. Slowly picture purchase the nearly always valley hung fhat the ilver eraza is dy;n out" clothiDg for the tens of thousands of during the summer months. Those but surely he drifted back to saloon si OYERRS-Oor whatever lhe cistern syndicate, former companions women and children who have been trains inspired him with a feeling of life and among his of his evenings share the were fiarue it in iv hive, that issues and disknew larger spent gorestlessness, R E tl ABl they Krevicriotf-W- i and their husbands and ing to distaud lie a was satis short Marian pauperized time For was to a which he cities of "sound money" tributes millions fathers forced out into the world to stranger, except for the knowledge he fled with the excuse on on the part of locUiUonts. is in no wise slackening for bre id by that crime of 1S73, had gained by reading, and a great her husband that a rush of work at Rs oiTvrt3 to disseminate the single tramp was the shops necessitated the working of longing to zo out into the erreat. throb over-timwhich of ut culmination the To be sure, Marian had standard 'heresy."' livery mail to other similar crimes that bing heart of the world took posses to been began startled by the smell mm ana sion ot lire on tne rarm grew frequently lhe west contains thousands, of those liateh in 1803 for the first time tame and irksome. But how to ac of liquor and something strange in her when, recio;is documents. At husband's demeanor, but the explanain our national life, willing politicians comphah it was the question., The character of the first ' "sound tion that he had taken just a little to resolved a to become locbino forged the chains with which the lengthyhe him through the dver-wor- k assist was sent tive that money power out, inoney'7 pamphlets engineer. since held the people pas Milton mentioned the subject to his quieted her fears. fif labored eifirts to brak the fore of in industrial servitude. Mllr HiV parents who were not unwilling.. The Thus it ran along for a few months the 16 to 1 arurhents, and to point out farm was small and the younger boys until the return of her husband late the disasters (similar to those that the were all tne help the :fathar needed. one night in an intoxicated condition CROSBY. MIIiTON Thus it came about that Milton Crosby revealed the terrible truth that she The s'nIe standard ha3 already brought h its peace memory of the pa?went to I'leasanton and began an an was vveded to a drunkard. Little in'on our Nation) which would surely and contentment inconse-quentarushed through her l, seemiugly jrenticeship in the machine shops of cidents, theretofore 'come were free coinage to become a A true A mind. were linked together in feeling almost of self-r- e of the East and West the Pleasanton and Iron Mountain Story in our at financial national she was about to do what reality system. and helped her to arrive at a proacb Railway Company. Every Saturday took I;; . of her. She asked her possession the character of the Gradually mgnt ne returned to tne little hamlet knowledge of the crushing misfortune if to self were it not her endure, duty and the hours between his arrival and that had overtaken them. In her n3ound monev" pamphlet has changed. OA AFTER I. and by love and patience try ahd win life home her asso and former on were among the Monday mornings early financiers have evThe fiold-buMilton Crosby from the dovfnward most pleasant of his life for absence ciations she bad been educated in the rcfad? THE DiSPTIIS. INT 0 Was the sun which had arisen was belief! in idently sold "short" on brains and in almost was intensifying his love for his former that, temperence." so on their lives tnreei ana a a lieu thereof have invoked the aid of a Dngntiv tier mortal It is no doubt true if a history of playmate but school and sin, nearly supreme half companion. to thus set in impene before years tne ena or two ana a nair years faith in Milton Crosby had served to host of fourth rate cartoonists. When this western region could be writteu i LOCAL TIME CARD. trable She returned to darkness? trie miijer lives or men be uu Milton graduated as a urst class ma quiet any misgivings regarding his for ever men bein to cartoon a subject ana In effect.Nov. 17, 1894. veiled, the narrative would fairly bris chinist, and after another six months mer "slight indulgence," an her hus- their room, but a glance at the form of Train arrive so fraught with vital importance to tie with rouiiince;4 of real life was still :her who husband breathing daily as follows:and depart at various stationr by the of experience with a switch engine, band had lightly termed it, Now she the masses as is this "silver question, side of which 'the notion that is now was given a locomotive and put on reg knew the truth, and as the memory of heavily brought back to her mind his Stations. so eagerly defour3d would become dull ular duty, lie could then clearly see his deception and false excuses flashed harsh and almost brutal words of the Leave Leave Arw Arr. Ft uny b j safely set down as a dead 2.15 P.(KJ pm am Yes, he hud ceased Oden One of aud came those bits into her previous there her morning. to his of commonplace. mind, the his consumation through way 3.15 am Ar Salt j Lv 7.00 pm S?rtainty that their stock of reasons is of real life sironcrlv tinned with ro fondest and the following heart a swift revulsion. She had been to love her; be had chosen between 7.45 am Lv f Lake 1 Ar 5.50 pm hopes, les3 assets at than one mance was bijougnt to the attention of Christmas there was a happy wedding deceived, betrayed by the the man' to her and her babies and liquor, and his 8.11 am 5 0 pm bankrupt with Sandy drink choice been for demon had was the Who ac writer the had whom she her wealth 9.42 a,m in the little white church in his native personally great percent. Fairfield . given pm of those who played villiage. As soon as the holidays were of love and confidence. 11.35 am . Kureka. . '.'.( 0 pm Her wa3'ward Yet, she would not thus leave him with The latest installment of "sound quainted with two had become the master of her out a word of good bye. Hurriedly 8.45 am. Lehi Junct. pats in the little life drama over Milton Crosby took hisa ' young nature 4. 15 pm raouey7 is a complete picture gallery promineut to be related. iNo enort will be made wife to Pleasanton, 8.55 am Amer'u Fork 4.;?5 )m better self and she was prepared to securing pen, ink and paper Mrs. Cros in and routed .8.02 am Fleas't Grove 4.2S i?m of cartoons without meaning and with to ape the style and finished diction of home they began housekeeping. With make any sacrifice rather than live by wrote a few brief lines and left the 3.05 pm Provo 9.2f) am out sense and is circulated to impiess the professional novelist; on the con the exception of a natural anxiety on the life that had so suddenly opened letter on a table near where her 9. 44 am Spanish Fork 3.4- pm was soundly sleeping. 10.02 am . . Payson. . trary the characters, scenes and inci the part of Marian lest some accident before her. While her husband slept nm only tho33 who cannot read, or if ablf dents 11.05 am Down the steps and out into the ear2.40 pm will be described in such simple befall her stalwart engineer, theirs the deep slumber of overindulgence, Nephi 11.45 am Ar J j Lv 2.00 pm ii read, wh are more susceptible to language and natural colors as the. was one)f the happiest homes in all of she kept a lonely vigil over her babes ly morning Mrs. Crosby wheeled the 12.30 pm Lv 1 J u'lb Ar :M pm over first than The of the truth demauds. The names of the iieasanton. logic. page and rtdiile she looked on their peaceful carriage and sped swiftly 2.0,5 pm pictures 11.55am 4.05 pm Leamington Oasts .... 0.25 am the pamphlet in question, is graceJ or actors and localities are the only parts Could mortals only forsee the fu and innocent faces her desperation be- pavement to the station only a short 4.50 pm Clear Lake JUTam are fiction. distance away. ture: could they but understand that came. more intense. 8.00 am Ar J Mil- - Lv 6.S5 ,n disgraced by a cut representing "a call that in one of the beauti consequences. inevitably follow causes, first of faint enscpnsed 8.50 am Lv ford f Ar fi.15 the streak At Snugly lengte To be continued next week. jm to arms" with theeilvar forces a mul ful little valleys for which the Green how 10.40 pm 5.00 am Frisco much of evil might be avoided dawn appeared, and Milton Crosby ar- Lea ve Arrive titude of sivages-d- ed by Cain, while Mountains oS Vermont are so famous, Could Milton Crosby and his wife Mar roused himself. Jbor the hrst time Trains souh of run Juab of is daily except Si n situated little the Pleasanton was he life met President Cleveland Is blowing a trum city ian have peered into the future and during their married . DAYS Loan to Money which, in 1870, contained a population beheld the inexpressable sorrow that with coldness on the part of his wife. Two .through trains daily from Salf pet' to- awaken the slumbering gold- - of In any amount from one hundred to Lake 2.000. The valley is ionn would fill a score of years with bitter In vehement voice and harsh language about to all 'points East. dollars. On improved farm nugs. It tncre ii any arguments and narrow and upon either side the ness and regret, the Pullman Palace Sleeuers frm Sail he was uporaided for his course and ten thousand Through haye on sequel might or water; stock. Lake to Cliicag-- without change hills rise to such been avoided and the foundation of base deception, but she Would give property T. C. Winn, igainst the remonetization of silver verdure aud pine-cla- d County Recorder. Improved Tourist Sleepers. Snibodie.i in the cut it is certainly. con- - altitudes as! to entitle them to be this life's romance never been laid. him just one chance, and one only.and Free Reclining Chair ears. is called Eleg-anmountains. here and It if all be occurred ever, would only went it be decree in But forth the day coaches. the ea!ed benout.h the capicious coat and again The assume only line operatiusr dininpr car service. , there the av features an tone tnem. men they between end rugged would and tnat whatsoever The shortest aEd fastest line to all point? near the region of the belt that encir- - of this western land. Their sides are ginning women sow that must they also reap. not live the hard Jot of a drunkard's THURMAU & ; east. 2les the generous abdomen of our gold-- rounded and smoothed down by ages WEDGWOOD, E. D, WICKINS, Agent, Nephi. Milton had gone from his native wife. Marian's vehemeuce and indig which has been hamlet to his apprenticeship with no nant words burned like coals of fire in D. K. Buvley, Gen'l Agrt. Passgr. Dept..-Citloving President.- Oa the nxt page is of gentle erosion, and - at - Law. the Ticket Oflice. 201 Main St.. Salt Lake. of brain by Milton the impeded as and to seared heavy growth Attorneys the world. in the Crosby a cut or uncle bam solemly contem greatly E. L. Lomax, Gen'l Passgr. and Ti' kjt Ajrt. v of trees, deuse underbrush and luxur- - experience sense of shame and his a or to men manhood were of number young shops Gen'l Mnp-.- OmaSa Dickinson. J. plating a silver dollar, while John Bull atit grass. From up the valley, and about his own age. When work was the extent that all former resolves to S. H. II. Clark, stands fat, sleek and complacent just winding in graceful curves from side nnisnea lor Oliver VV. Mink, before reform wound 01 gave way the anger, ap many theaay, 1 and 3, E. Ellery Anderson, Room and behind him, and underneath is the fol to side, flows a limpid stream digni prentices found ed stubbornness!. Little bil the their way into pride John W. DoaiK', name National First Bank of fied river. I'or miles liard nans ana spent the evenings in Milton opened his dark eyes in af Building. by the K. Coudert. Frederick lowing legend put into the mouth of up and down the little river small games tnat, or themselves, were inno frighted wonderment at the' unusual Kecei vers, Uncle Sam: "Whenever I carry that hamlets nestle among the trees and cent and harmless. UTAH. a short time tones in which the heated quarrel was PROVO, In suyer uouur us a wickv piece- 1 don't shrubery, and but for the tall white Milton was persuaded to accompany have no luck at all." In tryiog to il- - church steeples the presence of the them. In his inmost soul he fen it abodes of the villiagers was no place for him, and bis visits,for lustr.ite the bad grammer of Uncle pleasant would never pe surmised. a time, were not numerous. But time THOSE APPEoTED WITH Sam, the cartoonist unintentionally was in one of those hamletSj Lin dragged It and h's visits rbecame heavily uttered the only clear-cu- t truth within ton, some nine miles distant from more frequent. At hrst he would oc that Milton Crosby was cupy an arm, chair oh the long elevated iuu pumpuieo. x uriner - on in Pleasanton he to mauhood. and where born next to the walls and watch attempting to .illustrate .'.'what free Adjoining the Crosbygrew, farm was that of. platforna as they deftly rolled his PICT coinage woiild do" for the Wage ear the widow bervice whose husband had the companions over baize of balls the green ivory ib represents groceries going Up died seven year3 previous to the open ar, the tables. He soon learned the rules . , i ivu ppr cent, wnue wages remain at ing.or. our siory. james oervice naa of the, various games and became in army dur terested. As he noted "miss" shots 'the old figures. "It doesn't require very been a soldiei1 fn the Union the first years of that terrible that seemed easy to Jhim, he became ing exteustve figuring to prove that the de struggle and had risen to the rank of imbued with a desire try. The first monetisatiou of silver has placed it Lieutenant. In; the siege of yicks- - whisperings of warningtp had been still witn-.'- r the power of the rich rnaa to burg he was Severely wounded and af- ed by contact with the atmosphere Of the Kidneys, ter an experience of three months in that pre vaded the saloon, and he was purchase about twice as much with tha hospital had been to join them in a his gold dollar, as the poor man can sent back- to his loveddischarged and induced by his fiiejtidssteel-like and game of pool. His hamlet, nerves, wiiii n:s silver uonar, At least the after lingering along for a few true i. vision and accurate judgement IOor man will discover that td be the months had joined : the ranks of his soon made him an adept with a cue, Enlargement of tits Prostrate Gland,-Ston- e cas it ue atto trips to. exchange silver brave comrades, ion. the other side of aud as ha was nearly always a winner, the dark river his wife and on the expense cut no; figure. tor witu wnica to; pay his gold ly child, a girl leaving JTIME TABLE NO, 16. of sixteen years; to bat been .had' in The Temperence enjoined Bladder, obhgUHjns. And further, if every tle with the word. During the per- on .Milton rrom jnis EfectiVe;Sunday, November 17th, 1895. boyhood iod of her. husband's enlistment, and and hefelt strong in' his robust luraier m tuc united states will figure months that he 'was an invalid. manhood. would play onlv He for just a "moment, he will discover that the Norl il South. Mrs. Service managed" the small farml Or kind of Urinal no see and could harmin trouMes, any every bushel of wheat and every bale and r by industry; on the part of 'Mrs. "dry'' games, Dist. No. 2 PAst: on went un No. i Can secure immediate, id, timcxnus tnus"Kiuing. from Dai:j of cotton has shrunk in price just Service and economy on the part of all,-th- til the end of two Stations. yearsJwhen one even Nephi And a'perciapeht cure by using the little family lived fairly comfor ing he was earnestly aboil one half fcinee' the crime of 73, to take pressed 11.45a,. 43 0 . Lv. Nehpi Ar. 10.4rta tably, bhortly after the death of h'r just one drinlc .Not to be uncompan 5.0 A nil 12.10p 38 0 Salt Springs every laborer will discover husband, 10.27n tj eany Mrs.Service appied for and re ionable. Milton 10. 0 33.0 12.40pi llolloway Crosby stifled his 10.10a value per riierii of his bone ceived a pension which nablerl th 29.0 J2.57p Fountain Green 14.0 9 Ani social . , , and took; drink. onej 19.5 scruples 23.2 1.15p naDraper ind fearuiiK in tne same widow to obtain many comforts of The sensation was eihilirating aud his 23.5 19.5 1.32p Moropi which she and her daughter '.Marian 9.10a 27.0 1.42p 16.0 Chester was' more onlllant than ever.1 proportion. Then follow a a lot of ar had 8.42,-35.0 8.0 v playing been 2.22p to forced rien previously 8.15.-t seemed to him-tha'no shot, how tistic rot about "pig silver" and the themselves, Ar. Ephraim Mantl Lv. 43.0 ever was impossible. The Tne industrial ethics of New "F.mr. next difficult,' he took llshocesty of trying to bay debts with a of evening Trains leave Manti for Sterlinfr.Funk's Lak land agriculturists require, that ml drinks, and he had enteredcouple dollars.', cs also a lot of rubbish on the and Morrison at 3:0Q p. m., Monday's, Wedceu:ib out "supply and demand" governing shall labor,", jand Marian grew from downward path.i Once started; it is a4 i day's and. Friday's. Returning arrive childhood to womanhood imbued with to to' easy the unconsciously glide of i!v-Mantl at. 6:00 pi in. dollars. Of course a love of industry. The partly out ' from which not cine man in'one jDirect connections' at Nephi: with Unio-;e sounds plausible. door life shei pursued had developed depths has eiaaJ the firmness and Padific Railway from and to Salt Lake Cityf, and rounded her form and added sup hundred But not they expect people of ' to extricate himself. Oden, Butte, Provo, Milford and interoiediat pleness to her, body and limbs until, the linarv the habit During year ?;inse to enquire as to the there succeeding poInU, and a pointe East and West. could be nowhere in the Cau-.grew upon ;the young ? twit, have restricted, or con-I- , valley a more perfect type of fresh and of "tippling" Stop on signal. to the extent that ' almost every The Company reserves the rifflit to i?:r!ctvi the demand for silver? When buoyant womanhood. However, her - by. the except when at his father's rokn this Time Table at were somewhat evening, :t f,tvb 'I'd was spent in nlaviny hilliiird pleasure !.,'..::,. home, dais, having a mnncn- - physical attractions TttKODOREl BHUB ACK. c one kind of metal, and the pow-- o marred by a strong ana warm, aispo- and in the midst of scenes and oo gition partly inherited from her father had become congen- uea'i Alacager, that .. enforce its will, demand payment" and Agents,). "(General " of the petting - al. However, his drinking was not Salt Lake City. result thi partly 11 -TT H i acrouMts diiK tha f a vanui. (das in and freedom naturally bestowea oa anas' to-- , disqualify hirrr-forIlh SALT . Supt. & G, f & Jf. Agent pt : , t. .To-e- ph . ' 1 K ! . Y-i- PeU-cb- - ; - . " j e. - " s - . - K mm e- -i .IrV - Mar-ian'smi- nd aCf s r South-boun- North-boun- d' ( H.-i- . . . . bus-ban- d . . . 1 s 1 I ; t - , " - , ; ! ; ; rtwiiiajii 1 " 1 A. 9 SAN PETE ' ; Valley railway j - j , I . I :;-- : I ; - I j e I ; 11.0-J- a j ' . 1 1 1 9.2-r)- a t j - " - tin r a 'p:-oo.sitio- : , self-deni- : , al or-h'.n- -x . -j ma-chine- st . . ... .. For- sale- ambn-companion- IT SMITH" BRUGtCO.,,- - s Trir-PT?- 1 IAKE-CITYpUTA- : :'t |