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Show WO IT AN AND HOME. A Very Desirable Calendar Calendars of all kinds and sizes herald the coming year. Many are to be had for the asking many without UP - TO - DATE READING asking but to them aa to other things WOMEN AN GIRLS. the rule might be .applied that what costs nothing is; worth about what it costs. The calendar we always welcome Dome Current Note of the Bio d eg has just reached us. We refer to the ly Recipes for,, the Cookery one published by N. & Son, r. f Newspaper - Advertising-Agents- Phlla-"delphl- a. This issue seems If possible even better than itrpredecessors. Handsome enough for the library, and yet use. It for every-da- y - carefully adapted Is naturally a great favorite. The firm's motto; "Keeping Everlast- At It appears Klngly Brings Success "this year In a new and very attractive 'form. "The dally presence of this Inspiring motto is worth far more than the price of any calendar. The date figures are so large and clear that they can easily be seen across the room. The reading matter on the flaps will also possess interest to. the progressive. Those who have used this calendar in other years will not be surprisedcon-to'learn that the demand for it is introduced it atantly increasing. Once Its price friend. welcome a becomes 25 cents), Includes delivery, In perfect condition, postage paid, to any address. Can't Beat the English Sparrow. After several years of tireless war-1iand the payment of many thousands of dollars in bounties, the farmers of Berien county, Michigan, have Xiven up fighting the English sparrow Sest. ' FOR i 1 dic-tum- Time- Wear- Fad Fashion ing Bloomeri la Only Notes. HE GIRL who can neither afford a sealskin coat nor a chinchilla cape because of their tremendous cost con- soles herself very well Indeed with one of the lovely velvet coats, of which there are such a variety. A very; girlish jacket of black velvet is cut In the Norfolk style and falls below the waist to a depth of several inches. It fits the graceful form easily, without being at all snug, and has broad plaits down both back and front. The front of the coat is cut away to display a smoothly fitted vest of heavy white satin, fastened under the left sli-- with Invisible hooks and eyes. A bioad sailor collar of white satin, overlaid with costly point de Venise lace, flniihes the shoulders prettily. A belt of tlffened velvet encircles the waist, f drawing the slight fullness in graceful- Dollars reward Ij'tojthe form. The cost of a velvet that cannot be coat ip more than one would Imagine at Cure. -- . , i j x, -- s low's Th' We offer One Hundred tfor any case of Catarrh aured by Hall's Catarrh F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all tUJlnss transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made $2y their firm. WALDINO. KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and anucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. :SoId by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills. 25c The Hoaae Ant. The strength of the common house .4 -- The fashionable woman fairly revels luxury this! season, for all the modes are decidedly luxurious, and very poorly suited to slim purses. Velvets and furs, furs anbt velvets seem to be the s, beginning and end of fashion's and, oh, such costly furs! Ermine never was cheap, possibly because it is the fur of jroyalty, possibly because of its own worth but it was always beautiful, and; is so now,- a fact most women realize and utilize to the best of their ability, says a Chicago paper. An altogether, charming cape, witn long stole ends, is among the fur wraps of one of Chicago's beauties, and a regal appearance she makes in its snowy beautyj The body of the cape is of rich olive green velvet, extremely full, and edged broadly with a rich embroidery placed flatly on it. Over this flutters a deep butterfly cape of ermine,, with a jaunty collar standing up about the face. One end of the cape is drawn over the bust, surplice fashion, or, rattier, in the style of the favorite fichus, and from the waist fall two long tails of the fur, finished with a row of tail?. A dainty ermine muff completes the set. Richly brocaded satin, with a peachy pink groundwork, lines the garment shade of throughout, while the same head-dreof pink Is seen in the smart a on Dy roses, topped smgie Diacjs So affairs are many fetching plume. made for theater wear, in which ermine is combined. One very pretty one, and one easily copied, has for a foundation an ermine collarette with a small head and tail Full jabots of webby lace Iri . W;-.Aye- Robed Like a Queen of Old. : ss -- nt is something phenomenal. Sir John Lubbock has estimated that one of these can sustain a weight 3,000 times greater than its own. This is equivalent to a .man holding 210 tons by his teeth. -- Parker' Olrijrer Tonic. we proud of the record that has made jo many hearts grateful. -- Mistress Tell the milkman to bring us a of cream. Maid No use,- mum; he has lnt -cream. "Did he say so?" "No'm: t't any milk ut his doesn't raise cream. I've tried - - . t often." -- High, Low Jack. Fine Ice means very cold weather, then a high old time in skating rinks, and ikating ponds, on slides and rides, and we go iome tired and overheated. It's the same old itory of cooling off; off with wraps and on - ith all sorts of aches and pains, rheumatic, sciatic, lumbegic, including frost .leuralgic, even toothache. They who .ites, bach-ach".lance must pay the piper. We cut up Jack 'and are brought low by our own folly. What . f It, the dance will go on, all the same. It a generally known that SL Jacob's Oil will - .sure all such aches and pains separately or -X)llectlTeIy, and the cry la on with the dance. - i - ai-tistlc- t and are extremely short, with cute little ripples at the back,, made so stiff that flattening is Impossible. There is a broad collar of the sable and a narrow facing of the same all down the front, giving It the effect of being fur lined. A coat of this sort cannot be had for less than $40, but they are well worth the price, because they do look bo very easy and so very becoming.--Chicag- o Chronicle. ' j If there has been consumption in the family, each member should take special care to prepare the system against it Live out doors ; keep the body well nourished ; and treat the first indication of failing health . OmuiGioru Oil, with : Hypophosphites, is a fat- X producing food and nerve- X tonic Its use is followed I by improved nutrition, richer blood, stronger J of Cod-liv- er . I : l i : I : But They Go to Waste The Africans Slisrht Have Soap Without " Cost or Trouble, but They Have No .Heine for PHILOSO- have con OCIAL. phers tended that savages in the dwelling "luxuriance of the tropics are the most fortunately situat ed of mortals. The Africans are no ex ception to this rule, the slave trade not withstanding. They have no work to do, and they live in a climate which makes idleness a pleasure. They do not worry about the morrow, which may develop nerves and a more healthy action of all the organs It strengthens the power of the body to resist dfs- ease. If you have in- hcrited a tendency to weak lungs, shake it off. JUST AS GOOD IS HOT SCOTT'S EIIULSIOH. slave- - raiders, European explorers, or norne eccentricity on the part of their rulers. If there were one thing lacking "to their happiness, a civilized observer would possibly have said soap. This, doubtless, is not the native view. There is no saying, however, that they might not like it, if they could get it without expense or trouble. It is now announced that a large num ber of the inhabitants of Northern Af rica are In this fortunate position with out knowing it. They have soap grow ing all around, waiting to be plucked. When Bishop Heber sang of the lands where "every prospect pleases and only man is vile," he had in mind, no doubt, to some extent, the personal? habits of the inhabitants. In future this verse may be added to his grand hymn: Waft, waft, ye winds, the story That tells the heathen wight, How, without cost or worry, He may be clean and bright; O bear across the briny This news unto that zone, Till Afric mugs are shiny With soap of nature's own. This great discovery of natural soap has been made by a learned professor. He sends from Algiers a report con cerning a very large growth of trees of the sap Indus or order. They are amazingly prolific and their fruit contains about 38 per cent of tree yields from saponin. A 100 to 200 pounds of berries, capable of producing soapsuds by the gallon. If a native of the region wants to wash or shave himself he merely has to send his wife out into the woods to pick a few berries and then proceed to improve his appearance. Unfortunately he never wants to do any of these things. For grease, paint and jewelry he has ardent desires, but not for soap. The berries now go to waste, but it is believed that in the near future they l' ; . t !i U&i SSii ?1- - : 8s it well-inform- ed t r corves a y(DJ Sarsaparilla S. SEEDS. 3Yo ng paying crops. Perfect seeda 'Ins: is ever left to chance In t6w. 'are not grown by chance. NothJ Files on Jphn. tnff Ferrr's Seeds. Dealers Vll Yet another point has been made by tnem everywhere. Write for the heathen Chinee against his Cau FERRY'S casian antagonist. The law ordering full-groSEED ANNUAL the Chinese to register, on penalty of for 1896. Brimful of valuable. some of is used them deportation, by Information about best and new-- j to secure for themselves free passage est seeds. Free by matt. D. M. FERRY & CO.. home. A Chinaman who has been in Detroit, Mich. America thirty years was arraigned in Seattle a few days ago for being ille gally in the country, not possessing a registration certificate. He spoke Eng lish well and seemed well-to-dThe Coughs and Severe Coldi court ordered that he be deported to Crip, Bronchitis, 4uiciiiv aim riieciuany uy tne useoi Powder & Cigarettes China. The marshal pondered over the Kutnow' s Higrnly recommended and prescribed by promineat odd circumstance and came to the P ysiVa B8, w"te for valuable literature, FRtfi. iAcn package has our andSignatun conclusion that the Chinaman, desirwill be made use of. to to to return live his native land ing tree Is not new to on The soap-berr- y his fortune had neghere, acquired science, but, so far as is known, no one lected deliberately to register in order has ever made use of its to secure free home. capabilities. The center of each berry, The Ohinaman transportation remarked, when told or fruit, contains a hard, black nut. of his fate: like go, you bet." "Heap refuses to get them for yon applj It you i These nuts, mounted in silver, were direct to druggist KUTNOW BROTHERS, many years ago used in Europe for & 54 Lafayette Place, New York City, The Bible 52 Won. waistcoat buttons. They were valued Sample packages of Povdar or Cigarette! 2Se. n& The credit of actually winning an Iarge packages f 1.00, postpaid. MAIL 0fiSi for this purpose on account of their dur- election claimed for a party emblem is one were at ability and beauty, and the little town of Benton; Ky., where time very popular. It is sad to reflect In a local option election was held a few that to the minds of our ancestors The campaigners for license ago. days waistcoat buttons were a more manifest MACHINIST Bepairs of MINING, PKINTINO a jug as their "emblem. The III need than soap. Thep have left it for adopted Machinery, etc Pipe threading and cuttinga mi to utilize the fruit prohibitionists later adopted a picture Freight elevators. Nock A Garslde, the energy of an Words of with the open Bible, "Holy AMERICAII HOUSE rather than the nut to make soap in Bible" in across letters the top "Denver's Old Reliable big from of the ber waistcoat buttons place of as the emblem the of the open page y ries of the soap-berrtree, E. E. BUR LIN GAME'S forces. The people of Ben The professor speaks of the wild, un ton but be are may thirsty, they pious, tamed growth of the Sapindus sapon- related is. the it when that open andj And Chemical Laboratory. aria. This is certainly on account of Bible and of were the jug pic whisky (Established 1866.) its neglect by the natives, who are ig JEWELERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS, torlally placed r before them, they send norant of Its real value. Unfortunately, couldn't gol4 and waste containingreturn? your sweepstreatment. vote even the Bible, against silver and for more Prompt than doubtful if the native it is for gold and eThe and highest cash price paid they favored license. African can ever be educated up to the though Address 1736 and 1738 Lalver bullion. immense advantages of plucking his choice between the two touched them wrence street, Denver, Colorado. in a vulnerable spot, and the election soap along the highway, as the free gift went THE COMPANY PAYS THE FREIGHT very dry. of Heaven. new steel horse Thtm. On their common-spnuto-d- The shooting of a foot;pad by a Chicago police Justice shows the difference between upholding justice and holding up justice. A WINTER BELLE. ... "How do you suppose people keep warm In beSiberia, where the mercury Is 80 degrees ' low xeroV first; thought until one goes on a hunt- were arranged softly at the front; in "Well. I should think they would get red ing expedition through the shops in the folds were nestled snugly bunches ."lot chasing the weather clerk." Eearch of ;one and finds the prices rang- of pale pink roses with foliage. The muff was a bewilderment of lace, chifing from j?50 to $75 for the cheapest. ,MtMM. coats are Some X fon, ermine and posies, but all so very fetching cloth being pui up for sale in a few of the arranged as to call forth small most exclusive shops, mostly of light, shrieks and exclamations of highest pale tan, In heavy melton, with trim- approval from feminine friends. The mings of Russian sable, silver fox; cr groundwork of white silk has soft folds beaver. They are In the reefer form of white chiffon, seemingly thrown on, to chili EARLlEs7T That's Salzer's Earliest, fit f T) How Nature Has Embalmed Some Rare 8 days. Salzer's new iatQ rt Us Plants and Animals. of the World, is VTr Champion In many museums may be seen in the ..the heaviest in the yielder , most perfect state of preservation in we to you challenge amber fossilized remains of plants and 10 acres to Salzer's produce Earliest rT animals. The science of Egypt In Its 4000 bushels, sold $a yield In highest development did not succeed so a bushel?4000. That pays ' A discovering a method of embalming orj to the wise, etc. as taking the simple process perfect . if you will cut thi. oxyt . place in nature. A tree exudes a It Now 10c postage you will with ?H a liquid 10 gummy, resinous, matter In packages grains and gratj state. An insect accidentally lights in k' Teoslnte, Lathyrus con eluding exudation The it and is caught. tinues and envelops it completely, pre- Vetch, Giant Spurry, Giant cio'v our mammoth seed serving the most minute details of its and catalog V structure. In the course of time the Newfoundland Coal Dl8COVe resin becomes a fossil and Is known as A larse!coal area, twelve miles 8 b? amber. The history of fossil insects is broad, has tteen discovered on th new to the of west railway largely Indebted to the fly in amber. .The geological surveyor esUmatSWH And to the preserving properties of am seam alone, which is four 11 000,000 tons of excellent ber we owe, likewise, our knowledge other seams have not been tr.? h of some of the more minute details of discovery hasw caused yet rejoffi' great enhances the value A,8, ancient plant structure. The coasts of iramensely and brightens the prospects ofofthe hi) the from been the Baltic are, and have In Olden Times days of the Phoenician traders, the commerce. of source of amber the great People overlooked the importaDCe f It occurs in rolled fragments, in strata .permanently beneficial effects and known to geologists as oligocene. These atiaed with transient action; are tertiary rocks of a date little more tha 4 is generally known that but Syr recent than those of the London basin, Figs will permanently cure habitual T and equivalent to the younger tertiary Itipatlon, people will Doth!" Dtber laxatives, which act for a timfcV series of the Isle of Wight. The frag 4 ments of fossil resin were washed down BnaU injure the system. by the rivers from the pine forests ."of You can generally tell 4 friend by thL a von. the district along with sediments and ears he rives found vegetable debris. In them are most perfectly preserved remains of the period, as well as of insect life. Frag ments of twigs.leaves, buds and flowers, Depend upon the blood for Bustemuv with sepals, petals, stamens and pistils Thereforelf the blood la impure theS still in place, occur. Pollen grains have improperly fed and nervous likewise been found. A recent genus, results. To make pure blood, proBtrttu take deutzia, has been recognized by its characteristic stamens;1 the valves' of the anthers of cinnamdmum are seen in others. In one specimen the pendent catkin of a species of dak Is seen as distinctly through the clear amber as if it were a fresh flower. And beside the insect and plant remains thus sealed up The One True Blood Purifier, fl ; 6 lof 6, in Samber stray relics of the higher fau jaffg na of the forest have also been v mt Hood's Pills with Fragments of hair and feathers have been caught In the sticky resin and preserved. Aniong others a woodpecker and squirrel have been recognized in the Baltic amber. Perfect seeds crow o. ASTHMA Anti-Asthma- tic Trade-mar- k ng Denver e, -- t THEIR BERRIES YIELD 38 PER CENT OF ESSENCE. soap-beari- doctors is that consumption itself is very rarely inherited. But tne belief is becoming stronger that the tendency to consumption is very generally transmitted from parent THIS WORLD S wn n. The general belief among THINGS FOUND IN AMBER. U soap-beari- Of the many good things to be found in American homes, we do not believe that held in higher esteem, or haveiny are Ginlone better service than Parkershouse-told a - J9T Tonic be to It has grown alIn serviceable is and necessity most every case where there Is weak-of- less and Infirmity. There are forms "!emale debility that make life a bur--leThe same is true of persistent colds, and distressing stom-ic- h joughs and and nervous ills. They have held high revel In many homes until banished by Parker's Ginger Tonic and we 4 AFRICA N SOA P TREES. Wearing .Bloomers. A bicycle club of girls are anxious to know if bloomers are to be worn next season, and if they are approved by the best authorities. Answer It is very evident, girls, that you are not regular readers, else you would have been rooted and grounded, as It were, la the latest Ideas, on bloomers. It is perfectly safe to say that the time is not far distant when women will find their cheeks getting red when they recall the spectacle they have made of themselves' by going out wheeling in bloomers, They are merely a craze, and one that Is without sense or reason. Thousands of women have never worn them,! and for this they will prob-ibl- y be very thankful. As to the authorities that approve of them, that Is a matter of opinion. Many very excellent women wear them, but that proves nothing. Tbe bloomer fad is dying out, and a not very lingering death either. Wear moderately short skirts and gaiters, girls, and let bloomers severely alone. One; of the best styles Is a skirt just to the instep In front and almost touching the ground at the back. When ynu mount,! see that the back seam of the skirt comes exactly over the middle of the saddle. This prevents showing the ankles at the back, and gives a much more graceful and stylish effect than a very short skirt. It is safe .aid comfortable and becoming, and his cannot be said of all costumes. j , Now YorK Iedger. 1415-1- 7 ay WpTtfS anti-licen- se B Failure of the Whale Crop. i Deer Are Foolish, Three deer Jumped on the railway track a few hundred yards or so ahead of a locomotive near Trout Lake, Mich., a few days ago and remained staring In surprise at the h'eadlight until they were struck by the pilot and tossed from the track. Instances of a single deer of lace bordered each side, and a huge being thus attracted by a locomotive 3ilver chain held the daintything about headlight and falling a victim to its are not uncommon in Michicuriosity the shoulders. ' Maine and other regions where gan, deer abound, but for a trio of the aniTimely Recipes. mals to be hypnotized in this way at Clara Cole Clean brass frames .with lone time Is a novelty. a slice of lemon; rub It over the spots, and when dry apply a little Spanish Contempt for Trade. whitening to. brighten the brass. of Wales has not that conPrince The Elizabeth A.- - Finger bowls are set tempt for trade that many a lesser soon plates with small doilies under, cial personage possesses. At the Marlthem ; they, may be white or colored borough club one evening an Intimate glass, and the doilies any style de- of the prince asked him how he liked sired. the idea of having relatives in business Drop Cakes Beat half a pound of an allusion to the two brothers of the butter and a pound of sugar together, Marquis of Lorne.one of whom Is a stock sift in a quart of flour with two While the other is in the tea broker, of baking powder, add six "If would have me," an beaten eggs and a cupful of milk, stir, trade. H. R. H., mentioning a shopswered and drop off the spoon on buttered paon a huge scale, "I would go per, and bake in a very hot oven. The keeper into partnership with him myself batter should be thick. : . ! , tea-spoonf- uls , very ASSAY OFFICE ; In spite of the reports from the North and held In place at the ends by bands ern Pacific of a failure of the whale crop of ermine and tufts of roses. A frill and consequent loss on investments In whaling ships, one firm of New BeCL- ford .men will be able to count up a good balance on the right side of the ledger for the season. J. & W. R. Wing this year sent out two vessels, which have so far secured 13,700 pounds of whale bone, which, it is predicted, will be worth $5 a pound when the firm gets ready to sell it. In addition to this they captured 2,240 barrels of sperm and 150 barrels of whale oil, and the owners are figuring on an income of $100,000 for the whole product, as they reckon that prices are bound to go up, in' consequence of the ill luck of the other ships. i Directory, Bismarck's Statue Bismarck's statue for the Rudelsbere. representing him in student costume, is now ready, while the sculptor was modeling the figure recently the iron chancellor said to him: "All artists have painted my portrait without the lower lip; that is wrong. My lower Hp is very pronounced: not too much. for that would Indicate obstinacy, and I was never obstinate when I found views that were better than my own. But a lower Up signifies When the model was finconstancy." ished he marked the letters v. B. on the r hoist 25 tons of rock 3UU feet eacn unit. i j and reliable na an engine It can be packed wsM V clutches to break. 90 per will Mo and wrought iron end steel 850 U before breaking.; Overwithotrt some running 6 fears dollar's expense, w 60, """; M 76 hoisce at priceN $25, MO ;!Hi!!R!l!!!!i!!i!;!iifi;i! mntt tfvn nn 1222 $50 N.tlonl well-develop- ed clay himself. Dumas Favored Woman's Rights. Alexandre Dumas was a strone cham, pion of equal rights for women. "Is it not absurd,'? he said, "that Joan ot Arc, if now among us, could not serve as a witness of the birth of a neighbor's child or vote for town councillor in any part of the fair France she saved? France was proud of De Sev- igne, DeStael and George Sand, but re fused them the civil and political rights exercised by their coachmen.? !HIs net argument was that as woman is man's illustrated circalar Curtis St Dearer. Oolo. HAnn frtr nil WHIM CO.. Patent l! PILES SURE CURE for REMEDY, ltotalng and Blind, Bteedinfor Protrudiatt DR. bOo. PILE BO-SAN-K- O'S tumor.. PrnggUu A or maiL ARKS "odt " --TwnoW 17 SHE-a- rnrnlBnlng. inrmiu, Notions, FurnisMr Against the WheeL A. D. Penfold, general auditor of the Good; HAYDENjROS,, hair s 1 .'iXp OR. BOSAMaO, Examination and Adrloe as to ventlon. Send for "Inventors' Guide, PATRICK O'FARRELL, WaghinjrtoJ Mnsie, Merchants' Dispatch company, New Yorjt, said recently In an address before the Y. M. C. A. of Troy: !"If the devil ever constructed a vehicle to carry his victims ta hell it is the bicycle. In New York I see so many on Sunday who would go to church if they remained in the city riding into the country on bicycles. They are no better than x M heathens." fnm Oiw""-- " pesitiv PATENTS.TRADE-- Honra . AVVEEKAGEKTl best made, simple, durable, lowp well and honestly M 1", drieeniehei tn two n'ade;S" m"1"1?'"". in" nngers or tt i .lop, scaldedone warranwu, every ehild can operate, ? 0 locality meaMa .ale to all the equal in most things and his superior In others, with equal (responsibilities, sne should be declared his equal politi- Money Saved cally.- to IP - - f i i r Hair to Never Best Cough Byrup. y.t rrM-In limn ! g Jewelry, IT OjMj Bsr. JV Di"t-?,k- lu 3 The New Scotland Tard.! The largest police station in the world YTTI l Is the new Scotland yard, London, in Whpn wrlfln? to advertisers, which 3,000 officers can be accommo that you saw tbe advertisement dated. C J Uj v-v- pi p |