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Show Our. StQckraisersv Co'iimn. r - MERE BASE IMITATIONS. TM blade will cootlcu In each nnnW Host of the Antique. Furniture Sold jrabllsb. brand under i ( yearly oontraoujat nominal prioa. The advnntaaro to the stockratser of fatal) terlzlnff the publio with hi brand and olar are to well known to need attention, ItJ w tke B toe km an as rateable a an advertlem '1 to the mcrohant. En 1,4 FOOTBALL. END! AN America Is of Modern Manufacture. N How tbe Game li Played by Pfniairni furniture " Beware of alleged antique a.fifaifvdi .nm in for hia oniintrv sab " j i"1 a utiiI wavs nf nlav- If ermine ''! Thftrt . r wnvs - v J auici ivt. Cnnfi can generally command a ready; sale in lng football, and while the highest ! . - I j I I fYir-nlriir- j"" - - f , m . ; ns ! ! RANGE i I i j Lower Serler and Btnk of Beaver. rAddre Oaila, : er j Upper silt in right, tinder tilt 1 j 'f j pot-boile- rs : i ! j ; la left ear. ! Raajre:Crloket Slou.uu.los and Lower Sevier. Address, ii ..v- V'n'-jr-'txz-xm-- vwi , Deseret, Utah. ; ' Jos Dewsnn;? ' j ; Utah. Jno Dewsnnp 1 col-liv- es to-da- yf land-Devonsh- ire-tells : . the London markets, ana traveling j. type of football evolution, may be prefer to buy their own rel- - resented by the long haired, .thick les on the spot. A friend of mine who padded ear and nose protected in the "garden county" of Eng- - legiate gladiators of who me that in the Bmaga and cnigh the daylignts out midst of green meadows in the remote other in superhuman efforts lovely county there part of the aQ inflated pigskin Within the a firm of cabinet-makwhose jork are otn. games q foot. here ments in the art of faking can hardly ball played annually within the lim-b- e who even excelled its of! the United States that require by the artists into works of old In a modified way almost as much transform masters. These people confine their ef-- endurance, pluck and skill to lead to forts entirely to manufacturing antique vIc01T.; The PaPao Indians of Southwest-rurnitur-e for the American market and em Arizona and Northern Sonora, this is the way, for instance, an olde Mexico, have a game of football all oaken cheste" is fashioned: First of Gf their own conceiving, a game which all the chest is strongly' built of deal has been handed down generation af- boards practically a superior packing ter generation from times far more remote than the spanisn conquerors case tne nans are sunK ana tne cav f Mexico, and it may be possible that ities filled with some kind of cement. me soumwesi.erii reu&.&xii was mc Then the chest is stained and the re-- i promoter of the game which markable resemblance to old oak is at-- ! original causes thousands at present to yell tained. To secure the specific gravity themselves hoarse on Eastern gridrequired a very shallow false bottom is irons in the ecstacy of victory, or to go home covered with a gloom thickarranged, in which is placed a perfect-- j er than the padded, ly fitting sheet of lead. Of course, the of the defeated. anatomy best part of the fake is in the carving. The play the game with solOne member of the firm is particularly id ballsPapagos of wood four inches in diamee clever in this direction. His inspira- ter, made from the wood of the tion is derived from an old family tree. They are chipped and into approximate shape, and whittled are the which in illustrations Bible, to nearly perfect rounded finally of surrounded by borders quaint and irksome by rubbing upon flat curious 'design, with the grotesque spheres stones. The game consists in carrying heads such as one sees in gargoyles, these balls of wood, kicking and The complete result is calculated to de-- I throwing them away bywith the bare Champions ofl San Xavler Vlllaee. ceive any but an expert. It is said that foot, over a straightaway course to The victor and his people are- - happy a lively market for the stuff was once a turn and back to the starting point, in the knowledge that they are richer obtained in London, where it was sold the winner being the man who throws by far since morning in ponies and across the line first. In the persoal effects. by auction, also that a smart American the ball contests this course is from two big upset the game. He suspected a chest to three pailes long, or one to one and ENGLISH STAGE COACHES. which was being offered, and surrepti-- j miles to the turn, and it may tiously applied his penknife to such be laid over a thickly bestrewn cac- The First Were Considered Marvels purpose that he laid bare a patch of tus and chapparal desert, which deIn Speed and Comfort. white deal and broke up the sale. Now mands no end of expertness on the coaches were used in England the firm export their wares to the part of the players to dodge and es- atStage the end of the seventeenth century. , cape the obstacles. United States on commission. Go! are described in an old book by Away They But chests are not the only article Each player has his individual ball, They a traveler, who says: "By stage offered for sale by these "collectors of and a dozen representatives of differone may be transported to coaches antique furniture." They have even the ent villages may line up to struggle supremacy at the same time, the any place, sheltered from foul weathtemerity to attach a historical interest for balls being placed several feet apart er and foul ways, free from endangerto some of their products. Thus a carv-e- n with ing one's health of body by hard jogalong chair may be labeled as having be- the a line drawn in the sand, doubrespective players standing longed to Queen Elizabeth, or a cabi- led tip a few feet in the rear, waiting ging or motion; and this net elaborately wrought, but with rusty, for the word to go. When the word not only at a as about a uncouth hinges, as having been owned is given, each man takes two long shilling for every five miles, but with strides to his ball and inserts such velocity and speed as that the by Oliver Cromwell or Sir Walter swift toes his under it by punching them Raleigh. The rusty hinges, by the in the posts in some foreign countries make and then hurls it through not sand, way, are taken fom barn doors in the the airi with more than five miles a day, for the a powerful swinging conand into tutored neighborhood kick as far as a strong white man can stage coaches called flying coaches, make forty or fifty miles in a day, as venient shape. A capital effect is thjrow a base ball. He is off the London to Oxford or Cambridge, from After it leaves the foot, and and that gained by loading up a pistol or a gun in the space of twelve hours, with a heavy charge of sparrov? shot at fTU Pfl?eed, without even losing a not time for dining, setcounting and firing it at the furniture from a stride he jibes his foot under it again ting forth notthe too early nor coming in due distance. This represents the rav- and hurls it straight toward the turn- too late." ing 3take. This journey in 1666 occupied two ages of the insidious worm. It is marvellous how they keep the a coach called the "Flying ball travelling toward the far off goal, days; butwas The Czar's Mugs. afterwards put on, which Coach," the way in which they pick it out In the Kremlin at Moscow they are an thirteen horn's in the it performed of the holes and inequalities of the summer. As in as 1692, however, late crosses the that great copper regilding ground with the tops of their toes the time taken in winter was two surmount the cupolas of the Church of would put to blush a clever handler A in 1673, writer, days. suggested the Ascension, where the czars are of the diblock in the game of golf. one should coach that stage only No or interference of the to every shire town in England oncegoa tackling crowned, in preparation for the coming coronation. Four hundred thousand playersais allowed, and paddedlotfaes and that the speed should not at discount, for the runners sel- week, more be than thirty miles a day in mugs bearing the czars portrait are to are wear more than an attenuated summer and in winter. be distributed to the people who will dom twenty-fiv- e bleech clout and legs. the Nine later drink free beer from them. years journey from Certain mystical markings of yellow to London occupied four and red adobe mud decorate each Nottingham in winter. Two Chinese Girl Students. player's legs, an are supposed to make days A writer in the reign of William III., There are at present two Chinese him supple and strong and to enable describes England as excelling all girls at the University of Michigan. him to fly with the wings of Mer-- ' other nations in the matter of coaches, One of them, Miss Shie, has been elect- cury himself. which he particularly praises for their This football contest is an intervil-lag- e ed secretary of the senior class. The "Some of these coaches," one, and every year in the wide- expedition. ultimate object of these women is to "will he travel above fifty miles says, ly separated villages of this desolate in a summer day." The state the return to China as Christian medical and arid region there springs up in roads in 1703 may be gatheredoffrom missionaries. the hearts of all the male population the fact that it took the of Spain a spirit of contest so fierce, indeed, fourteen hours to go fromking Temperance in England. Portsmouth that they send curriers scourrying to Petworth, in Sussez. An attendant A temperance banquet was given to across the desert waste to challenge says that he did not get out of the the mayor of Southport, England, re- other villages and to herald the skill coaches "save only when they- were cently, at which the drinks were or- and prowess of their football runners overturned stuck fast in the mire," ange champagne, ginger champagne, and to tauntingly voice their ability and the lastornine miles took six hours to mop up the earth with every vil-- i to cover. lemonade, ginger ale, gingerette, and coffee. lage, singularly and collectively, that The fine roads kept which England dare com to compete with them. are due to the stage enjoys Challenges are accepted and dates coach, and the comparison between LAUGHING GAS. for a great intervillage contest are the roads over which first they trav- decided upon, and the pick of the vil- eled and those of is wide, Elder Berry "What; is your idea of lage brawn and skill go into training ' faith?': Joblots 'Putting a nickle In for the event an event which means the plate and expecting a crown of pure that the visiting villagers, who go en GUARDING THE TREASURE. masse to witness the sports, may regold." New York Herald. turn home Dilzon "Nice umbrella, that. What uproariously happy with did it cost you ?" Dalzey "Six dollars. all the chattle and personal effects of The Bank of England's Method of Protectln $23,000,000. their hostsi, or if they are loosers they What did yours cost?" Dilzon "Oh, go home qn foot, plodding over plain millions of pounds of treasure Of the Just- a little effort." Roxbury Gazette. Band, without even the solace of count-- , She "Why doesn't Mrv Pompous join ing ties. The Papagos are profound stored during the year in the banks of the church?. He seems to be quite a gamblers and will stake even their London, so careful and, thorough is the system of surveillance that rarely more ?ood man." He "I guess he feels as 41, :he church ought to join him." Detroit than a few thousands get into the Free Prese. hands of thieves and burglars. Customer "A loaf of bread, please." Few great banks in the world are so ; "Five-celoaf or Baker carefully guarded as the Bank of Engloaf?" Customer (precisely) "I will land. The "Old Lady of Threadneedle take one of the loaves that: you sell for street" keeps a good watch upon her five cents." Somerville Journal. treasures. One room alone the specie J Gus "How did you happen to ask room Is estimated to contain gold her to marry you the first time you ever coins of the value of $25,000,000. met her?" Cholly "Well, aw you The safety of the Bank of England see I had just been Introduced to her, Is further insured by a magnificent and I ah couldn't think of anything else to say." Harper's Bazar. system of electric wires, all of which "That was very kind of your uncle to r.-NIS- i communicate; with the quarters of the payyour debts." "Humph, I don't think bank guard and elsewhere. If a burgso. He might have given ma the money lar touched these wires he would set and let me pay 'em." "What difference into motion bells whose sound would alarm every j one within hearing diswould that have made?" "It would have tance, and the thief would fall an easy my credit." Harper'a prey. Many of the safes will stand Bazar. anything except dynamite. At a military examination Officer: Every bank and insurance company's "The opponents of our military system office in London has its own strong say that standing armies are disastrous room and; safes, in which may be t6 the country. Can you name anything stored valuables, etc. The newer banks a Ball for Kick. Picking? Up the; that is more disastrous?" Cadet "Yes, tiwhide possess the safer strong on the turn the probably sandals of a! runaway :v:: rooms, for 'in their construction the lice. ", ' army." Chronik der When the time for the great strug- latest improvements are incorporated. In nearly every case the big banks "Bliggins Is a fine fellow," remarked gle draws near the men, women and are near or of fhildren the chary of speaking of the manner the promiscuous eulogizer. "I believe village, earwhich in, seat off set the for of war, they keep their treasures. he would share his last dollar with a uten-dl- s One bank them with their permits only its manager friend." "Well," replied the chronio ningand sufficient food toculinary and an assistant to visit certain strong while subsist debtor, "maybe he would. I guess I rooms, while another, to guard against taking, also, most of their have never been so fortunate as to run .way, effects and horse stock, to back any tendency, shown by the watchman across him when he was down to his ihelr convictions of success. to fall asleep, presents its servants last dollar." Washington Star. It is a truly gala occasion, for there with chairs on which they can sit in a Lord Bleshugh "Afwaidi to'follow ire dances and fiestas, in which all certain position. take part; horse races and exhibitions If one falls asleep and moves in the the hounds? Why, I didn't think you of chair the piece of furniture closes up skill the daring equestrian given by Aerwicans were afwaid of anything!" Indian as throw's him upon the floor. The are and who vaquerros, Wool E. West "Well, I ain't much of f.exterous as the American quite result is that unless the watchman cowboy a horseman, and blamed if I'm going in riding ponies and casting the e can sleep while- standing or walking to! take the chahces of one of them lariet. the employes of the bank areTxmnd to rundetracts however, the and from Nothing, blooded horses taking the bit keep their eyes open. New York Meron ocand hief the event, of its cury, day ning clean off your little Island with, rep-America- ! currence a wild an excited congregation gather around the starting line coaching their favorites with cries of praise, and flinging taunts of weakness and general decrepitude at all competitors up to the moment they are off. ! What a race Now one man is ahead, and his clan yell in a frenzy" of joy, but he fumbles the ball with his foot and another lithe sprinter has thrown in front of him. They are making the turn. One or two are hopelessly in the rear. On they come, and the last mighty spurt for victory-imade, with jaws set and muscles quivering under the terrible strain. Two balls go into the air at once, kicked by powerful legs. One drops short of the line a few feet and the other rolls over a winner. The game is over and the players, limp and prostrate, are carried into the little grass houses to recuperate. ' "" 1 Under tilt iz right, under all in left ear. j mud-bedaubb- Range: Cziek Mountain Lower Sevier. j JoM Y SffiitE j Horse Grower and Deal RANGE; Hou Mountat an'i Lower Sevier I i ! j Oasis, Utah. Address, j one-ha- lf UTerson Bros Breeders aal dealers it Short born Darbams. Horses brand On left thigh. Cattle4 Upperear.slop Is each Rang Sevier rival 'iT imLi.i,uh-'i and inonntalnt Hatlou on the U. P. Ry nd Learo between lBton. Address, Leamington, iiillurd Co., Utah ; Btnt V ilil' -- "-i- -- Parley Alirti Lower J ; over-viole- Horses same brand on left thigh. Cattle cloee crop in left and slit La rigjt ear. Range, e, Dea- - ' ClZSSr'H- - mo-ciife- L on left thitfM same braad em lefl of cattle Ragg kip Willow Sprtxg. Adflresa, J. KeansL F. Utak OT ou left thlffh, double swall0w fork In left ear. Range, Lower Address fee-Ti-er. CMs. Tboopsa - Cfe- K Co, i Oasis, lllllard Utah. - mud-painte- , silt hi aad two silts figftt in i eft ear. Ssmm brand on left shoulder on horses P. N. Petersen, Address, Oasis Utah, Range, Lsrw er . Sevier. j Same left thifk on Horses. Upper slope and one under slit la left ear, and two under slits in right ear. BANGS :Oak Sims Walker Utah. j ' win-teri- ne i j SALT LAKE. Gkgii -- Dealer In- - to-da- y VEGETABLES, BUTTER, Poultry, Game, Veal Pork ani Beef, 8rnoked and Fresh Flsk, Flour, Hay and Ural a. ' ' It will pay you to ship year poods to xe. I charge 10 per sent, for handling and remit as soon as roods are sold. Can give oeuntcr references if desired. Ecr t UTJL2 4TROVO, n : flrst-ola- sr W. G . M STEWARD, : ornoi P. O. BOX Hand Samples . Iron Assay . .. Copper Af say Bottle Saraplei -i- -Q, ,..$1.00 .. ........ Will Kive Ho for Detroit, Fish Springs, Gold Hill &nd Ibapah! ' . ; 1.00 1.00 aCO 1 r . 1 For furlLer HINCKLEY. panuulh, MidjHH E. r, A . : 1 1 ruuii n n Tb Oasit and Flan Springs stage leavtf at 8 a. m., each Monday and Thursday, and arrives at terminal polnU within S3 hours, 4 3.00 5.00 'CAVtMIO,inrULIViAKKS 7.CC Tare for transportation out aad return on fares. Address, and one-ha- lf ! F, DAVIS, Proprietor, CAN s COPYRIGHTS. I OBTAIN A PATENT? For.'t fc OrtNN CO wJio baye bad nearlv fifty yeL'S experience tn the patent business. Commnn. tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of S! formation concerning Patents and bow to oh! tain tbem sent frefe. Also a catalogue Of inecha uiiv "patentsuviv,taken 11 V' y n o BCUli 1 1 W tnrongb Munn & Co. recrtm jmecial notice in the Scientific Aiiiericnnrand G. A. Gardner, " ira w'. hub fpxnaia Paper Issuea weekly, elesjantly illustrated, has by far tha world. .' a year. Pnmple corirs ret jrCe. 9 Buildi JX Edition, monthly. &0a : r. at,0 COD bean. . i .1.1 i i : nc of rou nouses, witn pans, enaonnff ouiieers to fhowth latest desifais and secure contracts. WATCHMAKER, NEPIII, UTAH. Watches and; jewelry promptly rH paired. Mail orders solicited. ; - j 3t' X 'oauw idd iery Harness and W. j ' tolls. . FRANK WHI1 O asia and Ibapah -Oasis to Detroit, -" Fish " Gold Springs, Hill and Ipabah. no Piaiin. Onrai Irftri.-.- . rea&onnoie vera.. : WILLIAMS, G-E- O. AND IMPORTER OF MANUFACTURER Harness, Saddlery, Buggy; Whips, Nose Bags, Pads, Hardware, Leather, etc. Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. Wholesale and Collar Retail. Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity, and tiri j given the best satisfaction. .Mail orders will receive prompt attention. TflBEE BAKU GROWN Leads AH the Rest- POWBEB. - AWARDS. Support Home State Fair j Gold 1894, Medal. Industries and Three Cream Baking Powder Gold Medals. eep I Superior Quality Flavoring THter OKa tncvit THREE jCRoww Extracts Gold Medai. THrza 'Jx Your Money at Best Quality and Display of Boda Water. Home. " to-da- y MANUFACTURED BY - I ten-ce- nt nt ::a ; ... HEWLETT $30S SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH - BOX 5S2 Spices Pure and Ground Daily. THE )es6ret House, i C3 W. 2nd, South, SALT LAKE G1TY liti I DESERET, UTAH, ; ! rofessor of t - FRUITS, s j - i FRANK WHITEHEAD1 Office, First National Bank SUg. i issi on MBrcnan " n - . O. S; MARTEN", ' SALT LAKE CITY,; UTAH,' b Collections Promptly Att nle3 -- , ! j Rooms 4 and 5 Eagle Block ! , Gtj, LAND and MINihq Attorney at - Law. - d i Mark, Addffess, Oak SAMUEL A. KING, -- j Creek. i nv i Flsk Sprtags, Juab County, I nt low-pric- Sevier. Address. tret, Utah. . mes-quit- Deseret, Utah Addre, ed G. W. .PARKS, : f (One mile from Oasis Station,) . . 01 at Hotel Is th.e Only F'irst-clas- s Between JSTeTplii and IMilfQ "TO h ov 6: t - ;:0i r ill RATES III HARMONY YITH THE TIMES. I J Prank (Lato fct Hobbs, gltter U. S. Land Office.) Land and Mining Attorney. Corresponucnce solicited. Twentj-tbryears' experience. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.. :blbd i Ge-genwa- , e rt. ; .:-:.- vil-age- s. per-ton-al & LOWE, lend Agents & Attorneys, - r ' ; - row-hid- We have a well of tbe famous Deseret Lithia Water on the premises; and which is a guaranteed cure for Brighfs and all diseases of the Kidnevs. Bladder and all! other urinal troubles. this In order to show our faith in ' water, we make the following Po tion If anyone afflicted 'i with any of the troubles above u v f "st j Jlr he- j to-w-it: ! ! i i . . r i . r, relieved montc cured in three month and no charge will be made for taru' Bear in mind the Deteret House is first-clas- s f ; in every parti . SALT LAKE CTY. UTAH. i me." Puck. , MRS J. F. GIBBS, Proprietor. ' tf |