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Show II. D. D. HENDERSON. t BOASTED WILLIAM ASTONISHING A SALMON, MONfiOE 1'octjTi:,: One In of Leaders the the How an Impatient Fiiberman Lost Etla Republican LXVth Congress. Punished Every Gatarday at ; Keys.. b THE MAN WHQ IS BRAVING THE REMARKABLE TRIP OF A GIRL Congressman David Bremner Hen- ITS POLITICAL AND cm,.. is a good maxim to have patience It w rr KAISER'S FURY. - UTAH. AFRICA. CIAL SIGNIFICANCE. derson was born at Old Deer, Scotland, THROUGH with a weeded fish; indeed, this virMarch 14, 1840. lie is now serving his tue often stands the angler in good fifth term in the house, and during the The THE DIRECTORY Herr Social Demo Bebel, leader of the Has .Just Bwrnea worn um second i Bteaa, says tne JbHacKWOOd S Magazine, Building of last congress was the senior Republican crats in the German Reichstag, Has 1 once knew a friend of mine Give to to Will Hitherto Delegate to Conrrea..Fruik J. Can on. Unexplored Through put' journey on appropriaNo Use for Empire or Emperor-Threate- ned on i the committee serious inconvenience of it. want for; Porta Encountered the Business ot Many Hardships TEBETTOBIAL OFFICERS. Regions tions. When he was 6 years He Revolution. 8 lU had a hooked and Caleb W. West. Governor. . salmon, nets heavy rod of the Weit, and Dangers. of his to came this age, O. Richards, country family fish this lay down and sulked, as sal JL. lierritt. and settled in Illinois. Three years mon will do once in half a dozen sea Geo. Bartch. AU-- later ERDINAND SI Wm. n. King they removed to Iowa, where ISS Kingsley, the sons, though not nearly so often, if x t wnoseLouis r . S. W. 8mlth. .'jtteDei,Davidgust common attended schools, the who of The . the as some Englishwoman ...-.reception J. W. J add. properly handled,; Proeecutlnjr Attornej fierce attack in the thus obtained a people sup educa- RacA demonstrated tVofPresident's' M. Brighara. tJ. 8. Hmrshal. .,Nat, returned has rudimentary u. was a just and friend fisher pose. My good Ofaoe.-..-..- -. German parliament tion, which was Groo. lue llexlstrar Land Office-Ac.cr ..liryon supplea from subsequently ,. Frank Harrli. trip through allowed his fish to take no liberties; Receiver Land are a on the Monroe i upon Emperor Wil- mented by a course T. B. Lewi. Iowa people- Ttetweenunit the in Commissioner of Schools Upper the Cameroons re nevertheless this salmon lay down in tiaflnnn ug , liam II. on the oc- university. In 1861 he enlisted In the trine """""a aoctrir is a exin UTAH COMMISSION. Africa, black gions deep, pool. Every known casion of the debate Twelfth, regiment,' Iowa and principle no action can be uph infantry, leorre Tbatchr.M.MM...M.Losraa. in was sensation the to stones tried stir pedient him; curto the -- .can iduce kjizj. relating U. riorrei was elected first lieutenant of Company cept by force. Twenty centtirH now were thrown in the only result was Lake City. B .Letcber England just of ..Balt tailment the C. He Bait Lake City. with the command until civilization have failed to establish n flort Bbermnn... .... Kinssley's that the fish took leisurely turns and Miss assem he lost served of free W. TaUeck.........Balt Lke uity. right his ) trip, which is the returned to his stronghold. The an leg in battle, when he was golden rule as the basic princlpi. j caused has blage discharged Feb. 16, 1863. In May of the acts of nations. Thirty fiav JUAB COUNTY DEBECTOBY. second one she has gler got below him, above him, along- so much commo- the Probate J odge. .Fred W. Chappell same he was appointed com- English writers characterized made, was for the side of him and pulled on him to the tion in Germany, chares the leadership missioner year (OhaxTes Foote it 9 ,f of of of enrollment board the Beleccmen. . ... . . . lUftigo Det cus of limit of the his tackle "fetish" ucuuivus juuutue jLucirine strength purpose of studying the of the t party in that the third district In June, 1864, he reUlxi.Jac that has J. t. Sullivan oms of the natives and for collecting all to no purpose. A fine afternoon country with Herr Liebknecht. The entered an BJvertff...,, principle ? entity the army as colonel of the AwBaor sad CopectXMr. D. W. Gazler in the specimens of fish for the British mu was ebbing away and fish in the river latter Is considered the more academic, Forty-sixt- h Cfcrtc end. BoIer. ......... dividuality unwritten i law. regiment,! Iowa volunteers, keums. She went 250 miles up the were on the job. What was to be done? but Bebel in every sense a ........William Burton, T&omas Winn war. the of PiKe1 served close until ........ the and; Edward Attorney.,.. than the A bright thought occurred to the man- - undoubtedly has more force with He was SftA'vtJNCr A writer ii the December numL J. JT. a IIanitTd Ogowe river, much further collector of internal revenuo TreB&2sec. ....... Wllfiaxu Ocfcey French can guarantee protection. She sportsman.! He had a bunch of keys in the masses. He was born Feb. 22, 1840, the North American Review wnAMfl ..,.......... . .... ......... 41W314JJP John Fttw started in a canoe with eight natives his pocket the keys of all his most in Cologne, and received his early edu 8ojrt. Schools... know that the development and The canoe journey was a long one, and sacred repositories. They were on. a cation In a village school near that city. UILLAJEtD COUNTT DIKEOTORT. panslon of nationalities follow th that opened like a hinge. Fit Later on he attended grammar school Probata J4cM..MMJosbaa Greenwood pearly a dozen times the craft was up ring this lines of least resistence and are t around the butt of his rod, in Wetzlar, and in 1860 he removed to Andreas Peterson. set and its occupants were thrown into ting Uohn 8 trier. Selectmen.. . reerned by (nflexible natural laws. Equal the water. The current was strong and without having the patience to Leipsic, where he established his own James Gardner. move ran the over the he down it G. keys, O. Holbrook Miss Kingsley had several narrow es Sheriff.,. ly well known are the principles wuu and carv business, that of AjSBtrssor .Alma Greenwood. bunch and whole rat went the govern the redistribution of trade cea er, in 1864. Two years prior to that iapes, being saved more than once by point, Clerk and Recorder.. MM. Taos. 0. CaUlster, Clutching the rocks in the rapids and by tling down the line and lodged on the date he had ters resulting from the opening up o; joined in the workingmen's J no. ax. iianaon. nose. It had a splendid effect. movement in salmon's Arcoroey,. natives on to the until soon them be , Wlllard Roger fcunrtior. and new holding channnels of commerce." ThR Germany,: TreararrMM.M.M.M.MJom)la D. SmitI righted the canoe. Miss Kingsley had away went the fish like a dog with a came one of the most aggressive leaders writer says when the Nicaragua Canal at its tail; twenty, thirty In that cause. From 1865 to 1S90, when the most remarkable adventures in the tin kettle is opened Europe will be brought to tt( yards of line whizzed from the reel, he removed to Berlin, Bebel was presiFangwe country while traveling over and then there came disaster. The dent of the very doors of America, Now look out for war poems. land from the Ogowe river to the Remb Educational Workingmen's of flew rod the was The Monroe Doctrine assures the the fish point up; club in Leipsic and member of the per we. The Fangwes are cannibals of the came back back the flies, but Nicaragua Canal. The Nicaragua Canal Come people mistake contrariness most pronounced type, always at war gone; manent executive committee of the Gerdid not come the keys. Thirty seconds man will build upj or originality. Guii In with each other, and one of the few would have suffliced Workingmen's association. to remove the The total value of 1867 ports. ediown the he dead became In eat their who Africa identified the with tribes export the ring; fish and torial management of the Volkstaat, a of the United States of the! United Having got our back up England Miss Kingsley had with her three ele keys before using ed have but BoclailstIc paper in Leipsic. and contln- must back down. 18 vd.tfz.&5. The D. B. HENDERSON. phant men or hunters of the Fangwe the keys would have been safe. ued this connection until he became for the third district of Iowa troia sisslppi furnishes of that amount 1448 tribe and four Djuma men. As the lit one f the managers of the Vorwaerts, There are probably as good fish in thi tle band approached each Fangwe town, November, 1865, until June, 1869, when 643,727. This business will be fioaekv LOVERS' CANDLES. aa were the leading German socialistic daily, " rewgnea ana ever lied about. tea it was found to be in a state of de Degan ine practice oi uuii ports. published in Berlin. He was elected to law,; ana was appointed assistant fend- - and the leader of the band very Improvement Over the Average For tun unit Great Britain la still Riitfe.ii- New York patriotism is to be measthe North German parliament in 1867 . fteii fell into some trap which the inUUJl u Devices. UIO UWUIbV lUi aVWIUCJ Telling mw ueuewiuu ml cummerce irom xca ' to ured by the dollars and cents system. and 1871. the In German ern division of Iowa, which office he re- parliament habitants had laid outside the town for A quaint old superstition is to this Cape Route to the Suez Canal, cmJ the enemy. As the expedition had no day held in Poland to the effect thai In the election of June, 1893, he was signed in 1871. He was elected to the merce follows the line of least expense j Wall street has discovered that iti proper bandages, when one of the car two lighted candles set afloat on the even elected in two districts, choosing Forty-eightForty-nintFiftieth, These incontrovertible arguments not influence was disposed to overplay iti riers was injured, he had to have his river by two lovers will, by their the mandate from the Strasburg dis- Fifty-firs- t, Fifty-thir- d trict. of From Bebel's the h and beginning boundary line. Wounds bound up with leaves. When conduct, foretell if the course of true congresses as a Re- doubt decided the great banking house uncomcareer his :. dates : parliamentary of Alexander Brown & Sons to under-- : was Miss resumed the Journey Kings- love will run smooth or otherwise, publican.: monall attitude The boys will have that same old ley found the traps numerous and says the Princess. The "lovers' promising against take the work of developing the natural can swing whether the tune is "Yanke every kind of obstacle place In the dies are launched at a very pretty archical institutions., Bebel seems to be harbor of Aransas Pass, Texas. ABEHIND THE! THRONE. in the dark about the policy ef his own Doodle" or "Dixie." come not water did Miss sum fete takes that Kingsley paths. place every lready they have so nearly completed! across one burial place In the Fangwe mer on that part of the Vistula which party, for when he was asked in Febru- The Real Ruler of All the Russia la a the work that a festival of rejoicing on i ary, 1893, during a session of parliaPriest of the Greek Church. Sixty cents an oath is what the court country, but she found that in most of runs through Poland. It commences ment, of occasion the the Homeseekers' what sort of thing he thought the Constantino Pobedonostseff . obu-prmade Grover Reeves of Red Bank, N. the native mud huts pieces of human at sunset. The river is thronced with BOcialIstic state curer be he should remained of the most holy synod and the cursion, February 11th is being, pre- bodies were being kept, just as civilized a procession of little boats containing J., pay for swearing at a man. yuwer uemna ine inrone wnicn snapes pared.: The railroad fare for the round people keep fresh meat and other eata-- masked ladies and gentlemen. Each the destinies of the Russian empire, is trip from any point in the west is only A fisherman at An Sable, Mich., last bles in their larders. Owing to tribal person carries two wreatnes ana twe the son of a university professor and $2.00 more than the fare one way. a! week saw a sea serpent with hair on fighting, Miss Kingsley had to make a candles, the latter representing the per was born in 1827. His youth and early steamship ride through the harbor out it. The story has a full beard. detour and came on the as yet un son carrying them and the object oi manhood were spent in the atmosphere into the Gulf, a Green Turtle and ! WMmk J They are lightexplored Lake N'CovI. She crossed this his or her affections. irk. ot iogic ana causistry, ana nis Doyisn vass Back Duck Barbecue will be given! MW Wall street has undoubtedly dlscov lake and passed a night on one of the ed, fixed, firmly in the center of the diversion was a tireless search for the ered that the country declines to numerous islands in It. As far as Miss wreaths and laid side by side in the bond between premise and conclusion. to the excursionists. Everybody is sneeze every time it chooses to take Kingsley could jugge, Lake N'Covl was water. Should they float down the Later he received an education in law vited.Ho be present and look over the close together it is a sign thai auff. abot ten miles wide where she crossed, river and universal science, and on , gradu- new town of Aransas Pass (whose; and about fifteen miles In another direc their lives should be united. Should ation obtained a position in the departmotto is "Here Everybody Shall Make! n Senator Cameron should bear in mind tion. She also crossed the they drift away from each other it is a at ment of the senate nnri phcon ln Moscow, and he Monev"!f and t.h -rich the fact that there can be no emergency range of mountains called the Sierra del sign that the lovers will be parted, obtained to deliver lectures permission that port. which will call for a revision of his re Crystal. These varied from 6,000 feet and shculd they only drift asunder foi on civil law. These surrounding at the university come a on little to cent decision. way and further to about 8,000 feet in height, and at lectures were subsequently embodied i the foot of each group was a mud gether again it is a sign that the loved in "A Course of Civil Law," published AA there are' only four congressmen swamp, in which the explorers sank ones will only be parted for a time and tike next three years. The translain ILLUMINATE THEIR NEST from the state of Maine, the pine tre nearly up to their necks. Miss Kings- - all come right in the end. There is tion of Mr. Gladstone's "Bulgarian Birds' Method of Frotsotui bailiwick had to put up with only fom ley will return to west Africa in a much method and order about the ar Honors" of the and "The; Question Their Young: from the Bats. committee chairmanships. few months to make further explora rangement of this procession. The East' of "The Imitation of Christ," by From so in boats rows, along the New York Journal: Til many glide tions. Thomas and of Theerslt's is, head of Cape Comerin, at the abreast, and after the first row havt rocky A "Christian of Life," messenger boy in Sal Principles Family proved their wreaths they move away southern extremity of India, seenw his Francisco has just been divorced from labors. completed literary Through SPOKE WITHOUT LOOKING. a pro to forthe sides and the others come offices of the grand duchess, haner out over the water likecavil of the his wife. He believes in good the HERR BEBEL. How a Busy Grocer Lost a Desirable ward in succession. The river is well Helena Pavlovna, M. Pobedonostseff tecting roof, and underswallows going it while he's young. oulld concourse a ol illuminated and esculent large Customer. was appointed tutor to the then heir ap- this roof the (German Socialist.) llent despite repeated taunts. Bebel parent, Nicholas Alexandrovitch, and their nests. These neets of the She is Just one of the very prettiest people assembles to watch the proceedW. P. Ogden of Harrletta, Mich., whfl The scene is a charming one and is at present treasurer of the socialist to his eious little birds, who are somstimef czar. Alexformer the was drowned last August, hus turned women in the whole Southwest, and ings. brother, reminds one more of fairyland than oi party in Germany, to which office he ander formed a called "Japanese nuns" or African to to come she has on spend for Washington him strong alive thai liking at He insists Wis. up Eagle, are not safe from the deprwas elected in 1892. During the re-the winter. Her skin Is like the heart anything else. account of his system of finches." drowning is an easy death. iatlona of man even in this seclusioi,ii of a white rose. Her eyes well, her ganization of the party in 1890, Bebel Swallowed a Safety Fin advocated parliamentarianism as the though the mode of collecting them Hon. M. D. Harter has taken hlmseli eyes, are Just the color of Mrs. Joseph Little Marguerite Freeman, the 5 chief means of agitation, but in this he Utended with great danger. The nest out of the list of presidential possibili- Thompson's eyes down in Atlanta, the year-ol- d arft formed In the shape of watch daughter of Harry T. Freeman was opposed by the extremists of the of the high light in a glass of ties, thus giving the public the firsl color differ as to their authorities of 30 Taylor street, Newark, suffered party. but He as a served to the as as delegate is old and red a her hair sherry, Intimation that he was in it. U , Some claim they w tubstance. frosted oak leaf. She is sensitive about for five weeks with what was supposec International socialist congresses in formed of tiny sea plants; others of and this is a story to be membranous croup, and even noi Paris, 1889; Brussels, 1891; Zurich, 1893, that hair, glorious Philadelphia's traction company hai of something that happened to her a it is said that she really had the dis- and Breslau during the present year. lome moluscous animal; and still otherc recognized that the spirit of the age ii falay that they are made of inspissated ago. She had planned a din ease. She got occasional relief! from On the latter occasion he made his sofor arbitration and that the party refus- fortnight sea foam, or fishes' spawn, the nests to house- - the doctor's treatment, but there was ni mous speech, In which he said that ner to her celebrate going are cemented by a glutinous secretion ing it Is sure of serious trouble.' keening, and a canvas back duck was Permanent improvement. The last at- cialism would finally crush imperialconsist possessed by the swallow, and tacK was so severe tnat yesterday Dr ism, for which he has just been sentmDlicated In it. So she went If the vocal indignation of all th of two rooms; they form a much prizd tenced to six months' imprisonment. found her way into a shop Joseph Fewsmith recommended a resori Cn and keting, warrior writers could be utilized in thi or stall where game is sold. 1872 Bebel and Liebknecht together article of food in China, where theytf to tracheotomy. When the incision wai IndU of we bio on a could were of tried shape torpedoes Shipped in large quantities from easily charge attempted canvas backs?" she made in the throat the doctors found "Have you any and the neighboring Islands. They the British navy out of the ocean. treason the German empaid to the salesman. The man hesi- between the trachea and the vocal cordi high and the against of whltA and clean, and when boiled to , Each kingdom Saxony. was in a pire which held large safety a pin, for Just moment, Then from which David Jones, the "sleepless man," of tated Jelly have a glutinous taste place by Its spring. It was quickly was sentenced to two years' Imprisonof the the back 'the shop proprietor's rather insipid to one who has noi Elwocd, Ind., is at it again. He fre- voice bawled out: removed and the aperture was closed ment, which they served, and Bebel had Chinese palate. quently goes three months without clos-inLast night the child was reported to b to serve an additional nine months for a nice there's but "No; an eye. David would make a good At' night the hundreds of pendulous a Bebel of is lese the author majeste. an astonished clerk was doing well, and it is believed that shi And then ' the head of Cape Comorin nests under of books on socialism, chief detective. number recover will rapidly. left staring after an extremely indigM. POBEDONOSTSEFF. Sometuaej among them "Woman and Socialism," present a strange sight. four woman out who a nant in blaze er swept Soilluminated by While England Is notified that it will lct nest is 1893, six editions;' "Christianity and each (Russian Statesman.) dead-lev in Political and Australia. hair. Wash Bights temper not be permitted to capture territory 1883, nineteen editions, and religion and polity and because he had lights, which the wise birds procure cialism," An agitation in favor of increased "Our down in Venezuela to which It has nc ington Post Aims," 1884, six editions. He has a ready answer for every, question. The protect their young from the raids is on in Dolitical th progress rights yu several occasions come out unequiv crown prince died in 1865 and the grand the murderous bats. They consist& rightful claim the same remark appliei Ausiralian An fields. Western gold : DO YOU KNOW to Alaska. in favor of the Paris commune duke became heir to the throne. In bits of sticky clay, which the birdsassociation, termed the Gold Fields! ocally ten to the top of their neets, and1866 he Invited his Instructor to rebeen formed, and and the internationalists. has National down drain the That, league,; put potash The recent message of the presidenl two years longer about his per- place them on the clay. This arrang main, oo a will a facili bilL prevent plumber's platform adopted demanding was read In all the public schools. oj pipes had him appointed member of the ment does not contribute to the ws Home. Old Davis son, . That benzine rubbed on the edges of ties for political registration, parlia Buffalo.' Every boy and girl In thi Within a short time the old home of imperial council, land in 1880 placed fort of the fireflies, but the light of tW on a sure is ol of the basis moths. carpet mentary representation preventive the eyes ,,vat land should hear and study the imlefferson Davis in Richmond, Va., will him in his present position. they give forth dazzles a in That of reduction rate a; cooking population, spinach, railway grating ' be thrown open to the public as a Conthieving bats, and so preserves the portant state paper. and of customs duties, especially on federate nutmeg much improves the flavor. v museum.r "The white house of the young birds. To Colonize Guatemala. .That it is well to add a little vinegar the necessaries of life, improved rail- of the Confederacy," ' as it has been Joe Blackburn has secured a political to the water in which salt fish Js way communication and full consideraAlbert A. Whitman, the octoroon " of the The House Ant. been has " the seems called, a It property that politician soaked. manager. of interests for the the tion fleldi and is the poet gold of author evangelist,; for many years, and has recently, a scheme to colonize The strength of the commonStt Jw ought to be able to get Into retirement That to remove peach stains, soak in as against the seaboard and agricultur- city Guatemala with been used as a school house. A room in ant is something phenomenal.one without much assistance aside from milk for forty-eighours, or rub with al districts. and esto octoroons, and quadroons to house each of be will the oftwj Lubbock has estimated that assigned What the voters give him. an lemon, Juice and salt. tablish independent government. It 3,000 times P states a collection a the seceded can for that weight sustain That if a sprig of parsley dipped In ' has been the dream of Whitman's life M,a it Awn. This is equivalent w A Faithful Editor. ' is f from and first the relics, response A Bloomtngton (HI.) man haa been vinegar is eaten after an onion, no unto found a nation which shall be comIn a recent issue of the Hoxie, Kan., his teeth. fined $150 for threatening to shoot an pleasant odor from the breath can be Democrat, the editor said: "Last SatT Georgia, which sends the cape, gaunt- posed exclusively of the quadroons and man holding 210 tons by and sword of General Lee among octoroons of the United editor from whom he demanded a re- detected.:.'! at 10 o'clock was anothei lets night States, whom he urday other things. WISDOM BOILED DOWNThat ice cream snould be frozen in anniversary for us, as it made 1,095 traction. We are surprised that &c denominates the "new race." a warm place, for the more rapid the days since we stepped out of the back d1 foolish a man' lives In Illinois. feel dirtyUhree or four A Luxurious Home. People melting of the ice, the the ice door of our office and broke our beCare of House Plants. No other painter has a home of such ' quicker , 1. after a dust storm. loved whisky bottle, pledging never to wtistic luxuriousness Some preachers are asking us to ar- cream freezes. appew not them in sun. the does as love Keep Alma them After Tadema, all, Keep in pickling alum helps to make use the vile stuff again. To our ceras far from gas and furnace heat as woman's heart like cut glass. bitrate the matter with England. That theThat most its remarkable feature Perhaps while horseradish pickles crisp, and tain knowledge we have kept the faith." Is the John Bull to do. la Just what we asked is a nltv that eirls do not pr It wall, which is paneled with tall, possible. Keep them wet, warm and " seeds nasturtium the prevent he vinegar insist! He wouldn't do it Now if llm pictures, each of them by a differ- clean. Keep soap out of the water. paUence more, and the piano lesa frcro becoming muddy. How He Got Notoriety. ent painter. Leighton. Boughton, Sax- - Keej& a i brush or carpet rae to wash cn getting whipped is isn't Uncli is a sure preventive of That tansy There: lives a In man v Wayne, Me., gent, Calderon and a full score of the them. Keep the soil loose. Never pull doesn't become hopelessly tangle. Barn's fault, moths, and that if the leaves are who got notoriety In a simple, a wo inexpen- artist's friends have contributed to this off, a leaf ; the plant may bleed to death. If there ie any sham incompanyabout woolens and sive, though unique, way. Three freely eprinkled years remarkable embellishment. Another Clip, the withered tips of palms. comes out when she has William Waldorf Astor, it Is reported furs they will never be moth-eatehe ago to resolved an woman account ol feature is the oak and ivory piano, on keep inr In a morning paper, has given up alJ That stone Jars for bread and cake the clothespins he should be called violent in lid of upon the will find she has no SlAUKhtered for Their Ivory Tusks. which, inside, are inscribed lica of ever again making his home boxes should be scalded twice a week to buy. Since then he has purchased by their own hands the names of the one discovers tvxuv . tl tf 75.000 For America. Mr. Astor's dislike for hi in' summer weather, sunning, if possiat least their alone, ivory JJvery and dozen, his forty wife I neither takes moat celebrated singers and musicians elephants are annually slaughtered ia when he asks ror simpi native land 13 exceeded only by hli ble, ta keep mold from gathering. in washing nor uses them for kindling. 'a Europe, I Africa. to It. nine's , asking too much. EXPLORED THE WILDS THE BLADE. " ' - ; I f," I 1 ... r If'creUry. Globe-Demotrat,-- V. - - ! - St. , S- . w Qcic- ; - social-democrat- ic -- . self-ma- de l Bays-al- I . wood-turn- er : -- i j Trans-Mississip- pi M " trans-Mis- J a-- h, ' h, Fifty-secon- d, Fifty-fourt- x- - - Ex-- 1 o- ; 5 Can-- x- - in-- J little-know- AbkUUC tas-aclou- s ; mp 17-year-- old t& 16-year-- old - or cut-and-drl- ed . lit pock-it- s, - a-m- ar- I ITi : g red-head- ." j af . J , ' - I , . , . ' ;.- - i ht , j , 1 f . ; n. ePt . j |