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Show Indepeident Absolutely Country People Read all questions whether Political, Social or Religion! , Is the Blade. uotte:-- "T Trm without F f or Faor." Ob ; . Trmi; $2.00 per year, I I: I 1 I I f I 1.1 ' If j in. SfEPHJ CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY HORNING, EER LOCAL ',.. t . : i : . NUMBER 8, 1896. '5 INKLINGS. . Valentine's j - Qaions for 50c per bushel. Inauire of A. Gadds Chas. Andrews went to Eureka Thurs day on business, Heury W. Lawrenqe of Salt Lake was in town yesterday. Go to Wtq. Paxman's for best home made molaases and vinegar. Gq to Excelsior Mer. Co. and inspect Mrs. James W. Paxmaa after spending their new line of gents gldveB. a few days in Salt Lake ;City returned Old papers for puttiqg under carpets !," Monday. and on shelves for sale at the The Blade: -A. L. Jackman of Levan' was in attend otUce. a nee at the county court Monday and One of Nenhi'-- oopular young ladies. Tuesday. Mis Julia. Linton, was given an agree Shoes. Dress.Goods, Blankets, Hoset Hate, Ponfo rt rl Haneltons Buchur and Dandelion for able sujrprise Tuesday night, 3 J ' .it i auuj uae a tauuureu the Kidney and Gravel $1.00 a bottle at John T. Miller ovQsr si unnga are going to make county Supti of schools McNally & Lunt's, of Juab Co. made an official iviRit to. the room for new goods, r to school of Juab and Levan, Wednesday Joseph Broadhead moved his family ' mak- - and Thursday. week Eureka he where last intends, must move. LQOK at tneir prices as yoiv qall, fhes? things ing his home for a time, Everybody coma and see our new dress Governor Wells last Monday appointed goods and large stock of shoes just in. J. A. Street, to succeed Andrew Howat as No trouble to show them to you. Hyde & Whitmores. Capt. Hugo Deprezin and Attorney y George Hardy of Milford who las.t sumPike were over from Eureka Monday and mer started a shoemakers shop in this n rr Tuesday attending the cojunty cpurt., having not found it profitable ciyf has quit the business and returned home. J. R. McPherson came in from the desert Thursday where he has been for .... the last three months with his sheep. poods, with Silks, Velvets and Ribbons to. be town must in get $o match; ust opened- - No trouble to going Everyoneonsnoes. a new pair iyae cc wnumores how Goods at Hyde lyhitmore's. have added over 600 pair to their stock. gales-Agent- s Wanted for Made to This week the weather has changed Measure and Ready Made- - Clotalna by snd the inhabitants ot c ty keep closer to Sampte. The very lowest prices for best the fire than they have been doing Jfor Clothing'. Liberal commissions are paid, and some time. soliciting agrenta can make from one energetic Judge E. V. liiggins! opened court in to three dollars yearly. Storekeepthis distript last Monday at St. George. ers cari thousand themselves without carrying supply W . L. Jook or tseaver was appointed as S'.ockApply, official Btehograpber, WANAMAKER 4 BROWN, Those in quest of dress goods and trim Philadelphia. will do well to await the arrival mings mammoth of stdok now being selectthe dance season a girl gets lots the Oaring ed by J. VV. Pax ma din the east. of jexercise. Jf you made a study of will you figure thatrs an average dancing, is Hall's Hair Renewer pronounced the waltz takes a over of girl made for the thickeniniz bet oreparation a mile of a the is dance square floor; good growth of thetohair and restoring that tor a balf-miland a polka equals a run its original colqr, which is gray of one mile. Twenty such dances is the Of A special meeting of the Wool Grower's average, you know; that is, if the young Association was held in this city Monday lady is nolt a wall flower. Of the twenty, some minor and twelve are waltzes, and you have nine afternoon, at which technical changes were made in the by mUes; three are polkas, and that makes twelve mles; five other dances of a half-mil- e laws of the association. give you a total of fifteen Wednesday morning a light fall of miles.each, is not This strolls, promsnow commenced which was soon joined enades and other counting So you see that bv a strong wind and altogether making if a; girl attends a trips. dance a she gets I it very disagreeable for the people on the plenty of exercise. Salinaweek, Press. streets, family received a vl KNOCK OUT PROBATE JUDGES. Thursday the Vickers Wales from telegram saying that Mrs. James Vicktrs who is staying there while her husband is on a mission was on the The Supreme Court Rules Against Them. point of death. Decision In MNaIIys Case. Price.and Alfred Gadd arrived Joseph ' .ProtV.e,. official heads of twenty-seve- n home hale and hearty , Tuesday . The bate as mission Judges fell in Utah yesterday, as the having enjoyed their report and only regret noti having been better result of an opinion delivered by Chief Justice Zane of the State Supreme court, prepared to nil it, Come i in the case of the State ex rel. A. C. Chas, Clinton of .this city who has been Bishop against Probate Judge J. C. ; working at the U. P. depot at Juab for of Sale Lake county, some time nas traaea places wnn me was The action brought against Judge operator here, for a few days so as to McNally to determine whether or hot the a make his iamny visit. terms of Probate Judges expired on the Monday in January, 1896, as proShirts at figures never so low before in second vided in the Constitution, or continued Go. Mer. Excelsior Nephi. the expiration of the terms under until Miss Lottie Rountree who some time their appointment by the President. The matter came before the court on a ago was suffering with bad health and went to Cedar city where her sister live general demurrer, which Chief Justice for the purpose of recreating, is again Zane overrules, holding that the term of T, H. G. PARKES, Superintendent. with us and enjoying the best of health. office of the respondent expired on the Becond Monday in January, 1836, in har James W. Brown, recently u rr wt rwho until ji wit mony with the provision pi section 9 of cs nrm a n. was member oi tne xuiii qi the Constitution. Thi3 view was concur Co., of this city, Was married last Mon- red in by Justices Miner and Bartch. Boddison. to Miss Sarah J. day at Alpine, mucn Tribune. We wish them nappiness tnrougn Wednesday's life. Methodist Chapel. With this issue of The Blade commen ces a continued story. It is written by a The pastor took for his text, last Blade reader and best of all. it is true. evening, "One faith, one baptism," Read it and see it jit does not surpass any "Eph , 4, 5, . He set forth that there is of the stories of fiction that have been only one faith in all churches, or denomination that accept Christ; as the redeempublished in The Blade. er of man let that denomination beMbr- Any 'tendeney jto premature baldness mon Methodist or what not. That faith of us may be promptly checked by the of in is Son the Righteousness. delay till the Vigor. JDon't Ayer'sis Hair Faith in Mormonism , faith in Methohair-root- s the and bare destroyscajp not save any soul. per se, will ed. "If you would realize the best results,- dism, one mere ih only baptism. There is once with this invaluable pre- no begin at ' to any church, baptism peculiar o person is baptised except it be ac paration A young man in Lowell, Mass., troub cording to the command 6f Christ when led for years with a constant succession he said "Go ye therefore, and teach all of boilson his neck, was completely cur nations, baptizing them in the name of ed by taking only three bottles of Ayer's the Father, and of the Son, and of the Another' result of" the HolyGhnst." Sarsaparilia. treatment was greatly improved digestion s Notwithstanding the storm, a good wno gave with increased avoirdupois. present, congregation was was to close what attention said. The quarterly conference XOof the Juab- On next Sunday evening, the pastor at o'clock SatStake of Zion convened that he will reply to some of urdav morning, and- - closed at? X o'clock announces, statements made by Apo3tie Taylor the to give the Apostles time to last Sunday afternoon It is Saturday visit the various orancaes. Apostles more than right that the people nothing are in Geo Teasdel arid John Taylor were the the right light concerning certain things. nrincioal speakers. They gave the saints Therefore, he extends a cordial in vita some very good doctrine and the spirit of tion to all to hear him. God Was present in great abundance. ' With malice toward none and charity Latest styles and patterns in dress ioraii." hirts at Excelsior Mer. Co. ; . , Notice ot Forfeiture- A serious accident happened Monday State ov Utah, ) last to D. M. Miller and he will always of it on his face. It County ox Juab f carry the marks To John S. Jacobs and Alfred Mikesell of seema that a mule belonging to the Mil Mining Co. You are ler family had somehow got a piece of the Drum Mountain I hare that off notified, expended $132.66, in broke itsr tine hereby The leg. pitchfork for the year 1894 and $250.00 for the year 1895, animal was. tied down and Mr. cMilier in $382.66, in labor and improvements upon was in act of cutting the tine out when theallKattler Group: of claims consisting of the in one succeeded of animal the Ireeing Rattler. Missincr Link, Copper- Chief, Alice, a its legs and landed sharp shod hoof; in Wonder of the Hill and Gold Bug. Situated in Utabr as will District; Juab-Co-. his face. He was conveyed lo the house Detroit Mining made which found appear by certificate filed 189i and 1895, in the examination an and office of the Recorder of the said district, in 2775. that one of the corks had been driven in order to hold said- premises under the provis-ionto bis nose and terribly braising his face Notice for Publication. j Section 2324, Revised Statute of the of i in other parts. United States, and if within 9t days after this Lake City. Utab IJ SECURE Land Offlce at Salt you fail or refuse ,. ... January 2nd 186. The surprise gotten up by Mrs. Lottie ' notice byvnnpublication, of the exnendifctires r nrnnortion vv . Adams and jvirs. interests in, said claims jti. jrettigrewi on as your jTliAlU It" of His intention Chas. Bird and wife Wednesday night will become the property of the subscribed" un,..iifl notice In support of his was an enjoyable affair. Every kind of der said Section 2324.- ttn.1 ?Tm.k Po 0 led in D. wa K. Brown, Drum, Feb.lst 1896...!- 3. A. McBCRXETi indulged fun by T. L. Foote and F. W. Chappell Who the important part in keeping explayed aaone see 28. crowd 7Zri?is SE in vru An 3 .Jren5se prolonged aryi. laugh. our CoHe we viU jrive k io. for : supper was, done justice to i'h course of instruc tion in Dou- "f to prove cellent Tj. those having the pleasure all. s 'Among the names Mute by ad Knlry lie "rnon and cultivation of were: Mr. and: Mrs. at .rUUtnctl, W. being there Mr. by mail, at and Mrs. Peter r H. Sutton, PettigreW, jLme Allen, Tbcnnas Sf Arl 2 Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Booth, Mr; and Mrs. Co. Utah. ffi ofip M"lra Fourth Ropular Price VV.. Chappell, Mi. and Mrs. D. K. agralnst desires to protest knows of F. Any perHoa who Mr. and Mrs. Chas Abbott, Mr. Good Sample Rooms for CommercialTrav-- '. Brown, the and Mrs Chas. Andrews, Mr, and tlje law and Airs. unb"T of prHns. This any elers. ior Department, why T. L. Footed Mr. and Mrs. Tnos. Vickers, win 40 lesions. in je regulations aUowed, wiU be given Mr. and Mrs. Meets all Trains, Free to Patroa and Hack Mr. (or ompk'tl Whittaker, "Ue above mentioned, time nch Mrs. Chaa. Haynea, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. to andJrom the station. Bird, Mrs, Cowan, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Mrs. W. Lover Mrs, Ellison, C, Forrest, i Mrs. M, H. Nefir Mra. H- - GOtiDSBKOUGH, fo claimant, ; Paiman, Mrs Lucy E.! Mc-- , A-- C Bryan Atfy Mrs, Mattie Sixth r. Mis3 Graca Cvaus Mr Bert and Lachlan, "Gropjietor, BLADE Sow by, '.:! atTh sale for blanks A3. Location; j c- r - j . I . I 1 want, some good goods at prices away below cpst you can get them at EXCELSIOR- MElR.- CO. jf you , - -- - - . s .. -- j I , j 1 . EXCELSIOR . KMNTILE ffl m , Leaders in Low P rices. are Making a General We - i three-quarte- e, Every line in our Store and are Not Considering Cost. "We are Determined to make some Great Sales. Now is the Time to get Some Good Bargains. . 0 Mc-Nal- ly The! r t m ... t i. , our new Call and1 . ",.;' , so-a- s . j: ; :Silo2is etc, i s . s - : - THIS EISE : . ""'V-r."...r- I . I I - ; 35-2- 3 NEPHI HOUSE Mem-trtT. artSreSunderthe tlfinte PiJ : ,' Lottie-Adams- , . Rt-t.e- -- j - . li -- Aim , : Dy r a. LIFE SAVED j , '"' tilo persistent Use of " ''"'?;' vers eai'sanan a it'Iivas '"rfP troubled for years with a isore ' on my knee, which severa physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that hpthing-fcoulbe done to save my life. a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's ISarsaparilla, and, after taking a number of bottles, the sore i d began! to disappear and my genera health improve. I persisted in thi treatment, nil the sore was en- -, tirely healel. Since then, J, usqv Ayer' Sarsaparilia occasionally as, a tonic and blpodpiirifjer,, and, in-- ', deed, it seems as though I could not; S. A keep hquse without it.' Ia. Fields, Bloomneld, -- t The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilia,, right-of-wa- AK ALKALI RAIN. A curious meteorological phenomenon aweDt over Deseret on Wednesday i aiter- - A great cloud was jseen to gather and rushed on over in tbe: north-weand the valler towards the south-east- , while the storm lasted, only about thirty Acquake. show minutes, it made! everything a waS siignt companying the wind er of What was at first supposed to be distilled adua Dura. But as it dried it was discovered to be alkali and; every window on north exposures has a coating of salaratus. as is alio everything else ia that was out of doors at the time. suoDosed the wind took up the almopt dust from the surface impalpable alkaliLake desert and that it of the great Salt became mixed with the moisture of the cloud and was precipitated in the form mentioned above. A similar phenome aofl was witnessed ia Davis county a short time since. Yours ior a siesta, noonfc f st Names of Pupils Neither Absent nor dy During the Past Month. Cbjstral I i Iqnot. 2797. Notice! for publication. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, ) SCHOOL ! , First Grammer Department O. A. Bates Teachers.. W.I. BuowNand Elva Bi?lpr MyrtiBigler'11 " Amy Bigler Josie Chapman liizzle ftlcFherson Maggie Miller Minnie Wright Katie Bailey Alonzo Ingram ITrank Kno wies Albert Sells Willie Sells Wiilard Sells Bosco Grover Jesse B. Grover Fred Chapman Roscoe Cole Second Grammar Department W, J. SHisiatiN Teach err Clara Cole Tbos. Carver Nellie Schofield Bmma Williams Oscar Sparks Jennie Scott Alvin Udall Ruby Cole Melyin Mangum Wilsey Sidwell. Birdie Wilson Bertha McPherson Flossie Cazier Jessie Black Neddie Ockey ; Primary Department Mary H. EVABT3 Toachefir Leala Bigler-Nettie Bryan Bertha Bailey Roy Biackeit Reah Cowan Lucile Cowan Alveretta Evans Leonard Bvans Larnce Maneuni Bertha Hilberg Willie McCune Nephi McLachlam Fern Okey Sidney Norton trances Paxman Neta Okey RayJPexton Georgetta Paxman Ella Shimmin Delia Pexton . , North school Int. Department Nephi Anderson Teacher Geo L. Goble Harrison L. Boswollt Harold Pyper John F. Wright Abner Bigler Oliver Goble t Fawks June Kendall Joseph Allen. Primary Department Mattie Nelson Taache? ; Rex Goldsbrough Erin Bigler Vera Tingey Leon Jackson Cecil Goldsbrough Lynne Sowoy Pearl Wright John Norton Roy Pay Ruby McPherson Earl ReidEddie Whiting . i ; - South school f Int. Department George Udall Teacher; j - Tar-- - j i T- Liver,! Nephi Public Schools Roll of Honor n . the Ayer's pifls Regulate j co-own- . - Book-lct-epin- .t . Recently ; Jas. H.; Marriott, Supt. Osceola Placer Mining Co. and Ernest C. Wood, Supt. Cumberland Gold Mining and Milling Co. of Qaceola, were passengers on the Milford Expre ss. Mr, Mar riott told the writer that mining inOsceola is very quiet, and the light snowfall in the snake range, and particularly in the vicinity of Jeff Davis Peak the region from which water is drawn lor his company's works, is anything but encouraging for next summers operations'; Mr. Wood, who is a civil engineer and assay er, reports the Cumberland and Osceola properties, as looking fine and capable of producing any quantity of ore. That they are not now operating H recaused by and that the extreme hardness of the qo method has been found to successfully crush it except stamps. Abou,t forty tons qf the ore was taken jover to the stamp mill on the east slope of the divide and was treated perfectly, sand conclusively proved that with a stamp mill the Cumberland company's property oan be made to produce handso,mely. An authentic report comes from Detroit that S. F. Mount who has a bond and lease on the Ibex, has made a magnificent strike in that property; The find was made ia the lowest workings of tht val uable mine and if it shall hold out as there is every reason o believe it will, Detroit will catch at least one end of the bcom that is so rapidly swinging! in toward Utah. Some srenius a short time ago hatched the idea that the same character of ore, as that found in Mercur is likely to be dis covered almost anywhere along the old Lake Bouneville shore line. Whether it was the upper or lower shore line, or both shore lines (tba Bouneville and Provolithe genius failed to state. If the conclusion was based ion scientific invest or had even a' scientific., hypothigation, esis for a basis, the discoverer ought' to state his reasons for such a remarkable belief and should in Justice to an expect ant publid and suffering humanity tell the world which shore line marks the auriferous zone, or if It indeed be both. If the former, and it be true, it will furnish more than a thousand miles of shore line to be prospected. It both shore lines indicate ore zones, more than 2,000 miles of prospective wealth awaits the sinking And if those same of pot holes, holes" demonstratelfche truth of the gold zon8 theory, whoop ia, the balance of the world won't be in it. " ueside oi tne reputation of the Utah genius the form of Galiileok Kepler, Newton and Colonel Fepper JN orris ot Salt lake will go into a total and everlasting eclipse. JKven the form ot the statesmenship of the present Utah legislature will tremble! on the wings of memory for a moment!; and be come buried in the infinitude of eternal forgetfulness. But, as if the fates were in favor of the metaliferous genius, gold is found on the west iside of Skull valley near one of the old shore lines: gold is one found in the Peepstone district-fne- ar of the old shore lines; gold is reported to the vicihave been found near Alplne-ishore line; gold, so itnity of the Provobeen is reported, has found west of Payson iu the region of the Provo shore line; gold has c been discovered, sol the Millard ;vvnat-is-isays, near jvanosn and which is in the yicinity of the Bonn eville shore line, and last but hot least, by a long shot, the famous Galena mine at Fish Spriugs has its apex exactly in the Bouneville ohore line and the waves f the great lake are entitled to the credit of having uncovered that ton in weight boulder of Galena now on exhibition in the Salt Lake Chamber of commerce. There are fine indications ot ore just above Fillmore the county seat stands that was once laved by right on a bench the restless waves f the great (Koun e- ville shore line) and the residents over there should get a hustle on themselves before the entire upper shore line is lo cated. All that prospectdr need do ia to take a water level ahd find soma unhealed scar of the old lake and go to with a pick and shovel. 'If at first they don't suclevel on the ceed,' he can Aim hismove over and next soft spot and keep this up until he is rewarded. No cash charge will be made for the foregoing instructions'. AH that. is askdd or expected is an interest in the bonanzas. This locality continues dead and seems determined to remain so. Were it not for the occasional stranger within our and who are generally lost and lay gates,one over night arid enquire the way out, We would forget that Utah is a state and in what corner of this mountain-wa'le- d common-wealt- h the United States are lo- It is reported thj Milford Express goes bv occasionally and that the foremen of the 'floatioe" section gangs say all that the company expects of them, is to keep a sufficient amount of the track in a con dition that will permit of the trains keep y and not annoy ing on the the farmers along the railroad by having to constantly repair their wire fences. tocon-fcriWit.- rt , ' J -- a J J 35. ; , ; , "-- j deseret:dots. Next Friday is St day. The county court was in session .Mon day and Tuesday, T. A. Foote went to Silt Lake for a short visit, Thursday! Homemade molasses and vinegar for sale by Wm. Paxman." James E. Clinton was down from Salt :e the tirst of the week. ' George C. ;Whitmore was a- north bound passenger, Thursday. 'New dress foods, just arrived, largest stock ever in Nephi at Hyde & Whit- UBRAH FOR - i I j , 1 , yQLUMU " The advertisements in the Country Papers, and as has ihel Lartjest Circulation of any Paper in Central and Southern It offers the bestUtah, possible medium for Advertisements. i The j BLADE in advance, Six months, ?1.0p. ha af Mamie Black Lacy Vickers Vermon Vickers Edith" Hodge Mearl Schofield John Latimer James Carter Eddie Pitt Elva Carter Helen Grace Jos. Worthington Ralph Brough' Warren Mangum. Primary Department David Havcock Julia Linton Cecil Price Eddie Carter James Howarth Artie Booth Vivie Pass Allie Pass Annie Latimer Mattie Howarth. Teacher.'- - James Ellison Allie Booth Hyrum Bioagh Roy Ostler Alvin Burton Mammie Pass Pearl Alien Alta Carter-.- , School of the forks January 23tL, Fannie Candland Teacher Notice is hereby given that the following-name- d Edward Okey settler 'has tiled notice ofhis intention James Okey to make final proof in support of his claim, .If 1(1 UU and that- said- proof will be made before the Hazel Try on Martha Try on Millard County, County Clerk at Fillmore, viz:- II. E. No 8895, At the regular weekly meeting of teach- Utah, on March 9th, 18M, STLJi of section 9 EV ers of Jens Jensen for the SEJ4 the Nephi Public schools Friday, SWi4 and SWii SWof SeC. 10; Tp. 15S.R.4W,. He names the following! witnesses to prove Jan. 31st tha following resolution was cultivahis continuous residence! upon and unanimously adopted: tion of, said land, viz: George LovelX juitl Co. That' the teachers of the Millardfctev-enRssolVed William Dotson, of Leamington. David Eof Nephi desire and here schools Utah. William llolmanCo.and public Utah. of Uolden, Millard request the schools to of the teachby nntniit prevent the or who kno- - of ers of the private the allowance of such pi'oof, of any pupil from one school to changing unuer anv BubstaiitlALreaBon, another, except at the completion of his rnlatlons of the Interior " tfme term. SUl' h proof shoulld not be allowed. i v . : 1 - - K V mf . i - i - s, ' W"'?1 meoned ;w.tneS3e3 anopp. rebut vir;,.:" t,.Pvidenc saia en the above . cum v .1"'". "i.v- - . ciaiiu.-iiii-, oy ciaimu.. submitted of tal that TUiKax-Cr-ooRegiate- in of Old papers for sale a hundred. at this office Good to put under line shelves, eto ut 10c. carppt. . . |